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All Episodes Talk: Small World, Big Lives

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2 minutes ago, Phoebe70 said:

I think things could get really ugly between Jeremy and Zach regarding the farm ownership.  And I think Auj is fueling the fire.

I agree. I can see tumult between Tori and Audrey in the future. Tori seems to have more fire where Zach is more laid back, and I don't think Tori would let Zach get steamrolled.

  • Love 8
29 minutes ago, Phoebe70 said:

I think things could get really ugly between Jeremy and Zach regarding the farm ownership.  And I think Auj is fueling the fire.

I think things could get ugly but I see Zach not really giving a shit. Like, if it's going to boil down to him or Jeremy having ownership of the farm he'd just let Jeremy have it so as not to cause drama. I think he and Tori have more real life job experience than Jeremy and Audrey do so they would bounce back and probably be in a lot better financial position if they just let Jeremy run it into the ground. I'm pretty sure Tori and Zach despise Audrey anyway so anything to distance themselves the better. 

  • Love 3
10 hours ago, artisto said:

If a man is waiting for the perfect woman..

One with no faults, human emotions or various moods 

He can count on being single for decades to come.


My thoughts are that Chris may be someone without a desire for a “partner”. There are people who have no desire to partner but enjoy companionship and partnered sex.....marriage or a marriage like relationship isn’t a goal for everyone. If Chris, is a healthy white male with a job* and has never married it’s probably because he doesn’t care to. 


*I say that to point out that he’s at the top of the econonic and social food chain. Not insinuating people of color or people with disabilities don’t have healthy partnerships/marriages, but only that there are prejudices that exist which may make it harder for them to do so. 

  • Love 5
7 hours ago, Mountainair said:

Like, if it's going to boil down to him or Jeremy having ownership of the farm he'd just let Jeremy have it so as not to cause drama.

Including spouses, there are EIGHT Roloffs.  I'd advise them to retain eight separate attorneys...just in case.   Caryn Not-Roloff probably hired one a copule of years ago.

  • Love 5

Dear. LORD Jeremy...

Did you actually say to your Dad "you think you're ever gonna get a straight answer from Mom?" (or something like that).

What a little POS.

Just because you don't hear what you want to hear (which, "sure Jeremy, YOU should get the house free and clear") doesn't mean Amy didn't give an answer.

And then in his TH he said something like he isn't ready to be handed the farm RIGHT NOW.  Ug.

He and his wife can barely even cover their distain for Amy during a beautiful Christmas celebration.

And...yeah...Auj just LOVES to cook...she seems like such a natural helping out in the kitchen- lol.

I really hope they grow the HELL up and stop acting like spoiled little brats. 

18 minutes ago, Threnners said:


Yeah, i was pretty suspicious that a "leaky dishwasher" caused such significant damage.  I suspected there was a bigger plumbing issue.  I wonder why Jeremy was so clueless?

  • Love 18

I really like Zach and Tori. They just seem very genuine whereas Jeremy and Audrey are complete ass wipes most of the time. I thought Jeremy did hire a contractor for the second kitchen remodel so how was it a surprise that the oven couldn't be hooked up that day? 

I'd love to see another Tori and Zach baby- I'm done having kids and like to live vicariously through them and Jackson. He's such a cutie. Ember is cute as well but her clothing choices always seem uncomfortable. 

We have the same Christmas tree tradition with our kids so it was fun to see them creating that same tradition with their kids. And as much as I hate to say anything too positive about Audrey, my mother in law has all of us kids over for Christmas Eve dinner and makes her famous Chicken Soup. We, like the Roloff's have a large family so we all go to my mother in laws for Christmas on Christmas Eve and then they make the rounds to each of our houses on Christmas Day (they have it great- they stop at my house for a late breakfast- which I make anyway so I'm not going through any trouble, then they go to my sister in laws house for lunch and my other sister in laws house for dinner). My parents come over for dinner. I know it's harder when your parents are divorced but I'm a strong supporter of staying home on Christmas. 

But, WOW! The difference in Christmas parties between Matt and Amy. I think they were both ok  (where were Molly and Jacob?) but Amy's was clearly the more sophisticated of the two while Matt's was totally about the Grandkids- which it should be. 

  • Love 2
7 minutes ago, Mountainair said:

I really like Zach and Tori. They just seem very genuine whereas Jeremy and Audrey are complete ass wipes most of the time. I thought Jeremy did hire a contractor for the second kitchen remodel so how was it a surprise that the oven couldn't be hooked up that day? 

I'd love to see another Tori and Zach baby- I'm done having kids and like to live vicariously through them and Jackson. He's such a cutie. Ember is cute as well but her clothing choices always seem uncomfortable. 

We have the same Christmas tree tradition with our kids so it was fun to see them creating that same tradition with their kids. And as much as I hate to say anything too positive about Audrey, my mother in law has all of us kids over for Christmas Eve dinner and makes her famous Chicken Soup. We, like the Roloff's have a large family so we all go to my mother in laws for Christmas on Christmas Eve and then they make the rounds to each of our houses on Christmas Day (they have it great- they stop at my house for a late breakfast- which I make anyway so I'm not going through any trouble, then they go to my sister in laws house for lunch and my other sister in laws house for dinner). My parents come over for dinner. I know it's harder when your parents are divorced but I'm a strong supporter of staying home on Christmas. 

But, WOW! The difference in Christmas parties between Matt and Amy. I think they were both ok  (where were Molly and Jacob?) but Amy's was clearly the more sophisticated of the two while Matt's was totally about the Grandkids- which it should be. 

Molly was too busy with her married life and Jacob quit the show 

1 hour ago, DVDFreaker said:

It seems Matthew is obsessed with Amy not getting over Matthew’s relationship, Matthew needs to shut up about that! 

She will never get over it because 

1 She works for the farm

2 Matt keeps rubbing it in her face that they bought a house together and their relationship is better than hers.

  • Love 5

I thought one discusses future holiday traditions once offspring get engaged. That is usually when the light bulb goes off that your kiddie has another family to consider.

And the offspring has the right to start their own traditions. I know it took me about 2 rounds of holidays to put my foot down as to what I do and do not want to do.

And each grandparent is different. Some don't want to be spending all week cooking for a houseful of people. Why not look forward to the offspring taking over traditions and being the host? Christmas 2017 does not need to be like Christmas 2007,1997,1987, etc. That is an issue that bug me about Amy - she looks backwards and speaks in the past tense too, too much. 

One tradition that the Bates have - that seems to to take the stress off - they celebrate Valentines day as "I love you day" - which last episode was Christmas times 100. That way no one is tugging and fighting who is going to spend Thanksgiving/Christmas/New Years and all of the corresponding Eves, where. Pick another date on the calendar.

  • Love 4
1 hour ago, Mountainair said:

But, WOW! The difference in Christmas parties between Matt and Amy. I think they were both ok  (where were Molly and Jacob?) but Amy's was clearly the more sophisticated of the two while Matt's was totally about the Grandkids- which it should be. 

To me, Matt’s party was about Matt. Dressing up as Santa made me eye-roll hard. 

  • Love 11

But, WOW! The difference in Christmas parties between Matt and Amy. I think they were both ok  (where were Molly and Jacob?) but Amy's was clearly the more sophisticated of the two while Matt's was totally about the Grandkids- which it should be. 


Why should a Christmas party be totally focused on two very young babies?

I'm not trying to be argumentative, or if I am, I don't intend it as a personal attack on the poster.

I feel like Amy is being judged as the lesser grandparent because she had a party that didn't revolve around the grand kids. So does EVERYONE need to focus holiday parties on grandchild? Do Tory's parents and Audrey's parents also need to make sure the holiday parties are totally about the grand kids as it should be?

How long will last? Each grand kid deserves a minimum of three Christmas parties totally devoted to them, Amy's, Matt's, and each set of married grandparents. If there's a Christmas party where the grandkids are NOT the focus, thats NOT as it should be. Once you have grandkids, fuck the rest of the family, holidays are for the grandkids.

Sorry, I don't like children to begin with and I have seen family events turn into "the only one who matters now is the two year old pooping" and family ask me why I don't attend and I have been honest - this is NOT how I was raised and I have a problem with family holiday time revolving around making sure that every single event pleases the youngest member of the family. It's not healthy.

And btw I am not suggesting the kids be ignored, but neither Matt or Amy, or Tory's folks or Auj's folks need to turn every Christmas party into a celebration of the grandkids. 

But again, I am a curmudgeon who doesn't like children anyway. 

  • Love 9
1 hour ago, Mountainair said:

But, WOW! The difference in Christmas parties between Matt and Amy. I think they were both ok  (where were Molly and Jacob?) but Amy's was clearly the more sophisticated of the two while Matt's was totally about the Grandkids- which it should be. 

My first guess on Molly is what happens to alot of adults who just start out in their career - esp. in corporate & hospital environments. The only day you get off is Christmas Day . Depending upon your company, position or seniority, you may or may not get off Christmas Eve and/or the Friday after Thanksgiving. 

So unless you want to save up every single hour all year just to have time off to travel, sometimes you may miss a Christmas and/or Thanksgiving. And she also has a husband. Not sure where he is from.

Edited by sATL
  • Love 2

I have never heard of "Christmas soup" . It can't be made in the crock-pot ? By now, these two should have bought an electric burner. Auj claims to be a cook - seems doubtful if she can go 6 months without coming up with a plan B, on how to make a dish.

I didn't get the stove install mishap story. There was a gas stove there, before the dishwasher flood, right ?  Not sure about the cook-top. Now all of a sudden the gas tap from the furnace (since they were standing by a furnace and fooling around under the crawl space) was not right? 

This was an existing house and yes codes do change . But if there was a stove there, from the previous owner - what happened that a new stove couldn't be installed by two service people?

Wonder if home owners ins payed out for damage for the dishwasher caused which was installed by Jer.

Edited by sATL
  • Love 4
3 minutes ago, sATL said:

I have never heard of "Christmas soup" . It can't be made in the crock-pot ? By now, these two should have bought an electric burner. Auj claims to be a cook - seems doubtful if she can go 6 months without coming up with a plan B, on how to make a dish.

I didn't get the stove install mishap story. There was a gas stove there, before the dishwasher flood, right ?  Not sure about the cook-top. Now all of a sudden the gas tap from the furnace (since they were standing by a furnace and fooling around under the crawl space) was not right? 

This was an existing house and yes codes do change . But if there was a stove there - what happened that it couldn't be installed by two service people?

This was the cliff hanger will they or won't they have a stove? Find out next season on LPBW.

Edited by Rabbittron
  • Love 5

I'm just starting to watch even though it seems like I've seen it before .   Matt makes noises like he wants to sell and move on but then says he'll move into the big house if he can buy her out.   Which  is it matt you  finished with farming but will gladly move into the big house ( with Karen ).  If I were Amy it will be over my dead body.  So Jeremy and his wife have always thought / geared up about moving to the farm.  BDid he take up agriculture at Cal Poly or photography at that place in Santa Barbara.   What balls on that entitled twerp. They pose with stupid knit hats on in the house. I can not stand him it's not rational.  Christmas is really a rocky environment now ? Go on your Christmas walk and shut up. 

  • Love 6

Jer went to the now defunct for profit school in Santa Barbara where he took up photography. No indication he's trying to make a living at it, though. One would think he would be in a position to capitalize on his tv exposure by seeking out work as a freelancer and building a portfolio. But he is apparently so damn lazy, he couldn't be bothered as long as he's riding the TLC gravy train doing obligatory talking heads while looking bored beyond belief. I laughed out loud when he proclaimed he's not ready to take over the farm. He's barely ready to get out of bed in the mornng. And Auj would do nothing that could possibly mess up her manicure, so she'd be pretty useless, too. It's too bad the Christmas parties had to be filmed. Both were awkward and it appeared that everyone was just going through the motions. Some events should simply be off limits and private. 

  • Love 9
5 hours ago, SuzyLee said:

Jesus Christ, what a bunch of sad sacks.  Jeremy and Audrey displayed absolutely no excitement over the fact that they have a brand-new baby with whom to share Christmas this year.  They almost sounded resentful that they can’t spend the day alone this year, going through their goofball traditions by themselves.  Most new parents would be so pumped to play Santa, wrap the baby’s gifts, bake and decorate cookies, and read The Night Before Christmas to the baby for the first time.  I know I was!  Ember will grow up and realize one day that it sucks that she wasn’t born a boy.  I think that’s what it comes down to, at least in part.  Just about anytime anyone talked about one of the baby’s first Christmas, they were referring to Jackson.  And Jeremy could at least pretend to be enthusiastic about attending his mother’s Christmas party.  Everything he says to his mother is accompanied by a barely-muffled sigh, like he’s doing her a big favor.  As if.

Speaking of rudeness, Jeremy’s constant comments about how his parents have “failed” and have a “broken relationship” are getting really old.  Let’s see how you do after a couple decades of bullshit, you fucking hot shot.  He’s been married for about 20 minutes.  Ugh, I cannot stand him.  I know I say that every week, but it’s true, dammit!

Yes! To everything you said! Jeremy is the most blah millennial ever...low energy, no emotion, no enthusiasm about anything. The only thing that gets him worked up is the fact his parents aren’t together and when Matt talks about the future of the farm. His arrogant smarmy remarks about his parents “broken” marriage is indeed obnoxious. Ugh. I can’t stand this kid...he’s lazy, entitled and annoying. Why is Audrey still swaddling Ember? Babies shouldn’t be swaddled past four weeks...it can actually be bad for them.  And can we talk about Zach nagging and badgering Tori to get pregnant again? What the hell is his hurry? Jackson isn’t even a year old...Tori is just getting her pre-baby body and sleep schedule back. Zach was almost becoming intense about this...mellow out dude! He didn’t even let her voice her opinion on the topic. He reminded me of Matt at that moment...always trying to get his way. Speaking of Matt...I thought his trashing of Amy to Caryn was totally inappropriate and catty. Amy doesn’t want to be friends with you Matt. Not many ex wives would want to be friends with their ex husband and his new flame who he cheated with whilst married. Amy is polite enough but she isn’t comfortable with them as a couple...Matt betrayed her and Caryn too. It’s quite obvious that Matt and Caryn had something going on while he was still married to Amy. 

  • Love 12
1 hour ago, kicksave said:

It’s quite obvious that Matt and Caryn had something going on while he was still married to Amy. 

If Matt can ever luck into another girlfriend , I'm sure the world will see Amy's attitude change for the better--immediately.  It's difficult to overlook a betrayal by an employee that began and continued under her nose in her own company...especially a betrayal that caused serious disruptions in family and financial lives.

  • Love 7
1 hour ago, Former Nun said:

If Matt can ever luck into another girlfriend , I'm sure the world will see Amy's attitude change for the better--immediately.  It's difficult to overlook a betrayal by an employee that began and continued under her nose in her own company...especially a betrayal that caused serious disruptions in family and financial lives.

hmmm.. Time will tell.. One would think Amy attitude would have changed a little when she "got a man".  

There are a couple of reality family shows that had a similar affair-divorce-remarriage/new hunny. The women, who also have grown children, is keeping the anger going for... decades. In one incident the grown child, was about to become a 1st time grandparent and held a shower. She was afraid to have her parents (the great-grands) in the same room -esp. if her father brought his 2nd wife.  Amy isn't too far away - what happens at little Embers/Jackson first grade school event, HS graduation, wedding? The same drama we have been seeing for a few weeks now. 

The fact still remains though Amy is very attached to a house that is on shared land is still 50/50 owner of the business., 

  • Love 3
6 hours ago, Rap541 said:


Why should a Christmas party be totally focused on two very young babies?

I'm not trying to be argumentative, or if I am, I don't intend it as a personal attack on the poster.

I feel like Amy is being judged as the lesser grandparent because she had a party that didn't revolve around the grand kids. So does EVERYONE need to focus holiday parties on grandchild? Do Tory's parents and Audrey's parents also need to make sure the holiday parties are totally about the grand kids as it should be?

How long will last? Each grand kid deserves a minimum of three Christmas parties totally devoted to them, Amy's, Matt's, and each set of married grandparents. If there's a Christmas party where the grandkids are NOT the focus, thats NOT as it should be. Once you have grandkids, fuck the rest of the family, holidays are for the grandkids.

Sorry, I don't like children to begin with and I have seen family events turn into "the only one who matters now is the two year old pooping" and family ask me why I don't attend and I have been honest - this is NOT how I was raised and I have a problem with family holiday time revolving around making sure that every single event pleases the youngest member of the family. It's not healthy.

And btw I am not suggesting the kids be ignored, but neither Matt or Amy, or Tory's folks or Auj's folks need to turn every Christmas party into a celebration of the grandkids. 

But again, I am a curmudgeon who doesn't like children anyway. 

It doesn’t necessarily have to be totally about the grandkids but if I were Matt or Amy I would make it about the grandkids because you can cut the tension in the room with a knife! Having trains and santa and chaos tends to leave less awkward silences and more distractions which takes the focus off of how poorly the parent/child relationships have evolved since the split. Hence why I think Matt’s party seemed a lot less awkward than Amy’s. 

  • Love 1
7 hours ago, Rap541 said:

Why should a Christmas party be totally focused on two very young babies?

It's all about the competition.

Who throws the best parties?


6 hours ago, Literata said:

Is no one in Amy's real life going to stand up for her and tell Jeremy to treat his mother with the respect she deserves,


Jerk is just so insufferably smug and petulant for someone with no marketable skills, no resume, no drive or ambition, severely limited verbal & written expressive language skills,  very little formal education & near to no personality.  Some may put his adult results on Amy & Matt, but Molly was raised in the same house.  She appears to be 180-degrees opposite of Mr. Baby Man.  Jacob may be a "free spirit" but he had the sense to move away and make his own life like his sister.  Even Zach is a better human being than his twin.  Jerk's attitude toward his mom is appalling.

 Zach seems happy with his wife & child and their home.  His relationship with Tori looks genuinely happy and they share joyful moments.  To get slightly biblical (and I an not religious), Tori is a 'helpmate' and participates in all aspects of their relationship.  Odd only looks perpetually offended.  Or like she's smelling bad cheese.

Jerk & Odd always look so stiff and uncomfortable together when on this show.  I don't see much "joy" in their interactions. They definitely enjoy camera time, but I think Instagram is their preferred method of whoredom because they can control the setup.  The hair, makeup, wardrobe & backgrounds are carefully chosen to reflect the "AH-may-ZING" hipster doofus, essential oil-blessed lifestyle they have been gifted. 

 Caryn & Matt definitely were sleeping together long before the divorce.  Its the only reason why Amy would be so tense about being around her.  She has her own steady relationship, so I think if Matt were dating anyone else, Amy would be OK.  But having Caryn who was an employee and who slept with the boss in her face all the time must be galling.  

Did anyone notice when Matt & Caryn were at the nursery to get the mini trees Caryn's Freudian slip?  She said "If WE ever sell the farm..." they'd have to figure out a way to take the trees with them!  Really, now the farm is a "WE" enterprise?  

  • Love 20
7 hours ago, Literata said:

I can't believe how incensed I am on behalf of someone I don't even know, but Zach and Jeremy should be ashamed. Jeremy, especially, is a piece of shit  for being openly condemning of the mother AND trying to force her off the farm. For fuck's sake. Is no one in Amy's real life going to stand up for her and tell Jeremy to treat his mother with the respect she deserves, or simply stay the hell away?

If Amy feels that way, she is perfectly capable of telling Jeremy that herself.

  • Love 4
7 hours ago, Spike said:

A rocky Christmas reminded me of the dog they allowed to die alone in the rain.

What was the whole story about Rocky?  I vaguely remember the episode, but all I recall was that the dog was old and sick.  I do remember getting teary-eyed, as I pretty much cry anytime I see a family pet pass away.

  • Love 3

I thought it was a pretty good episode, under the circumstances. Matt and Amy both went all out for their holiday gatherings. And, I thought it was enjoyed by all.  For a family that is stemmed with as much dysfunction as they had, I think it went really well. lol 

I liked seeing them pick out their Christmas trees.  Those babies in the wagon were so cute!  Great memories and photos of that day for sure.  I think those of Matt as Santa holding the babies will also be treasured.  And those with 4 generations as the party. I'm not sure all the gift gifting was shown on air.  I would think that Jer and Auj did give Amy something. I did love the idea of planting the trees for each baby and the adult kids loved it too.  Seems to me, that's a big vote in favor of keeping the farm in the family. 

It seemed that Amy and Chris enjoyed the party they gave and the kids did too.  I wish Jer and Zach would stop with "it's hard for our parents to be divorced" routine.  Their parents were MISERABLE and hostile with each other for many years.  How in the hey can they not want to see them happier with other people?  It makes no sense.  I don't relish the family gatherings where Amy tells Matt to shove it up his ***, but, maybe, they have short memories.  I suspect the show encourages them to stress hurt over it.  They don't want them to be super lucky adult children with perfect lives and no worries.  I mean, how amusing would that be? lol

From what I've seen over the years and now, I suspect that the uncomfortable feelings around Amy have to do with her having issues about being not okay with Matt and Caryn.  The kids pick up on it and it must be a chore to constantly have to have her expressing that resentment.  To me, it would get old.  Apparently, she'll take it to her grave.  So sad for Amy, because it's not helping anything and only hurting her. 

I did like that Amy is aware of the potential of being too involved as a grandparent.  She said she wanted to strike just the right balance and that's a good thing.  Some grandparents mean well, but, are too intrusive.  It's nice to feel wanted, but, not pressured. It seems that she and Matt are careful about that. 

Edited by SunnyBeBe
  • Love 3

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