SPLAIN September 12, 2017 Share September 12, 2017 Briana is pissed at Luis for cheating on her. He is now pissed off at her for having an ex-boyfriend over her baby shower. Twisted immature assholes. The way I see it, Luis wasn't in a relationship with Briana. Why then is he all upset about an ex boyfriend being there at the shower? It was crass and vulgar on Briana's part to even invite an ex boyfriend there for a baby shower. Hunchback can miss me with her need to take her boys to class. Her knee-jerk reaction to Javi's comment shows what an immature twat she is. She calls at the last minute asking if Javi or his mother is available to babysit. How about paying someone to be there on call? She dares to call out Javi for having his family babysit but she is there doing exactly the same thing. Entitled twat. 19 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/61589-s08e10-welcome-to-a-puerto-rican-baby-shower/page/2/#findComment-3629973
fetching September 12, 2017 Share September 12, 2017 On 9/12/2017 at 2:20 AM, GreatKazu said: Take a look at her video on her thread. If that is any indication of how she acts in the club, she was just begging for any dude to take her on. Expand She has a thread? I don't see one. :( Link? 3 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/61589-s08e10-welcome-to-a-puerto-rican-baby-shower/page/2/#findComment-3629983
Popular Post Linny September 12, 2017 Popular Post Share September 12, 2017 How much do you think Kail's classmates hate her? Rolling up to class with two young kids and an MTV camera crew because her ass is just that entitled. For someone who bitches nonstop about Javi, she sure doesn't mind taking advantage of his generosity when it comes to looking after both Lincoln AND Isaac. He doesn't have to do that, but he does it because he's a good guy who genuinely loves Isaac. Kail should be grateful she has his support with both boys, because I doubt Chris Lopez will be so accommodating. Things are going to be a lot harder for her once she has to start juggling around Baby No Name. Every week Briana's drama is the same. Luis: breathes. Briana and Roxanne: "OMG, how dare you steal that air from Briana! She's carrying your child, Luis, she needs that oxygen! Stop being so disrespectful! What is wrong with you?!" I don't like the guy, but he absolutely cannot win with this family. I loved Corey playing ball with his girls. I like Leah much more than I ever have before, but I'd still watch an hour of Corey being a dad, because he seems like a pro at it. Aubree's simultaneous love and fear of the butterflies was adorable. I'm glad to see Chelsea made the effort to do something special with her. I really think Chelsea is doing all she can to be there for both her kids. Parenting two kids is a balancing act, and Chelsea and Cole seem to be doing just fine. All of Jenelle's scenes felt like a buildup for next week. She looked sooo pissed off in the previews, I can't wait. After all the grief she's put Barb through, she deserves that rude awakening. 41 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/61589-s08e10-welcome-to-a-puerto-rican-baby-shower/page/2/#findComment-3629989
WhosThatGirl September 12, 2017 Share September 12, 2017 The only thing that made me go "huh" at Barb tonight was when she said "ever since she's been with David she's a different person" re Jenelle. Eh. Not true? Jenelle has always been an awful human being. I mean.. she was sort of tolerable when she wasn't dating anyone- which was only for like seconds- and she was sort of okay with Keefer, until she had to lie about it to Barb. I think Barb should have said something about Jenelles behavior changes with whoever she is dating, which is true. 20 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/61589-s08e10-welcome-to-a-puerto-rican-baby-shower/page/2/#findComment-3630024
Popular Post mamadrama September 12, 2017 Popular Post Share September 12, 2017 On 9/12/2017 at 2:39 AM, WhosThatGirl said: Kail.. wow. Bringing your children to class isn't a good idea? I very much doubt had the cameras not been there, she would have been kicked out and she would have been asked to leave. College professors won't take that. Expand When my mom was 40, back in the 80s, she decided to get her college degree. I was 5 or 6 and she couldn't afford a babysitter. I would often attend classes with her but it was a totally different experience. I would sit behind her at a desk with a stack of crayons and paper and either draw, read, or nap while she was in class. I knew better than to make a peep. The worst I might have done was snore. There was one astronomy class where she walked in with me and the teacher was like, "Uh, no." Mom told him to give me a chance. At the end of class he came up to us and said, "Your daughter is better behaved than most of my students. She is welcome any time." After that, he always had candy waiting for me. With all of that being said, there is no way in HELL I would take my kids to a college class with me. One, maybe. Two? That's just a nightmare waiting to happen. I was an only child, my best friends were my imaginary friends, and I was used to staying by myself. My kids, like Kail's, are normal kids. They're loud, playful, and bore easily. I was actually just as disgusted by the fact that while Kail's boys were getting rowdy, she was on her damn phone. My husband is a college professor. He makes students leave if he sees them on their phones. 30 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/61589-s08e10-welcome-to-a-puerto-rican-baby-shower/page/2/#findComment-3630029
GreatKazu September 12, 2017 Share September 12, 2017 On 9/12/2017 at 4:58 AM, fetching said: She has a thread? I don't see one. :( Link? Expand Here it is. Scroll down and you will see Briana shaking that fake ass as she dirty dances with some girl. Oh, and several guys are videotaping her. She clearly loves the attention: http://forums.previously.tv/topic/55432-briana-dejesus-farm-league-promoted-to-the-majors/?page=5 3 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/61589-s08e10-welcome-to-a-puerto-rican-baby-shower/page/2/#findComment-3630034
nikita September 12, 2017 Share September 12, 2017 On 9/12/2017 at 5:02 AM, Linny said: Every week Briana's drama is the same. Luis: breathes. Briana and Roxanne: "OMG, how dare you steal that air from Briana! She's carrying your child, Luis, she needs that oxygen! Stop being so disrespectful! What is wrong with you?!" Expand ??? I used to sort of feel for Briana and her fam, but they kind of lost me when her mom was saying Luis and the camera was "sooo disrepsectful!" Er, no. There's so much worse he could've done. I wonder if Roxanne and/or Briana have depression or vitamin deficiency (or both) because those conditions can make it difficult to cope with any complication -- small, perceived, or otherwise. On 9/12/2017 at 5:33 AM, WhosThatGirl said: The only thing that made me go "huh" at Barb tonight was when she said "ever since she's been with David she's a different person" re Jenelle. Eh. Not true? Jenelle has always been an awful human being. I mean.. she was sort of tolerable when she wasn't dating anyone- which was only for like seconds- and she was sort of okay with Keefer, until she had to lie about it to Barb. I think Barb should have said something about Jenelles behavior changes with whoever she is dating, which is true. Expand I think that speaks to how terrible David is and how much he's alienated Jenelle from Barb. And that's saying a *lot* IMO because it's not like Barb and Nathan were bosom buddies. 10 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/61589-s08e10-welcome-to-a-puerto-rican-baby-shower/page/2/#findComment-3630056
Popular Post Spiderella2 September 12, 2017 Popular Post Share September 12, 2017 (edited) So there are more women in the Coven? Holy moly! Why was Briana carrying on at the pizzeria like she has no one? She has a whole Coven at her disposal! Her woe-is-me act is grating and obnoxious. If you didn't want to do it all alone, maybe you should have used brith control, or, I don't know, kept your legs closed. That baby shower was obviously paid for by MTV, no way they could have afforded to rent that huge house just for a baby shower. They all would have been cramped in Roxana's living room if not for MTV. We all know that Briana did not "do everything" for her shower, it was most likely an MTV production assistant who got stuck doing all the prep while she was at the salon. And her ass has definitely started to go in Kail's direction, flabby and south. The only light in her segments are cute Lil Nova and her sister, who has the funniest one-liners. She is so witty! "I'm stressed, look at my bald spot," ..."what kind of baby shower is only full of men...ha!" Earlier in the series, Leah used to be my favorite before she went off the deep end into drugs, cheating, and her addictions. She has been much better co-parenting this season with Cory. It was heartening to see her advocate properly for Ali, and also her car was soooooo much neater than I have ever seen it, I was totally shocked! And she made the girlies an omelette! She has been really trying to prove to the "haters" that she is a decent mom. So glad to see Cory, I love how he is with his girls. Chelsea & Aubreys day was really cute. I'm glad she is figuring out how to balance the new baby with Aubs. Cole cracked me up when he was with Watson, first those socks, of course, and his banter. They have such a sweet family, and Aubree is blessed to have Cole in her life as well. Too bad Adam is still such a fuck-tard he can't even get out of bed when his daughter visits. So girlfriend Stasia plays with Aubree but Adam just "sleeps" the entire time? Chelsea also handled that convo in the car with Aubrey really well, she validated her feelings, explained the situation, and gave her good advice and emotional support. Now on to the Hose-beast. I smirked when Kail said Chris would not give her problems in the future with Nameless Lo. That's because he doesn't care at this point, but once he does develop feelings for his baby, I highly doubt he is going to let her run the show the way she thinks she will be doing. He is very close with his family and he is going to want to leave her house with his kid at some point in the future. Her pattern of using and manipulating everyone around her continues. It's nice to see that MTV is no longer giving her the eggshell edit. I guess that is the benefit of having Briana aboard, all these girls know that she can take their permanent spot any season. As much as Karl fakes it on social media, the reality is that she is not keeping it together at all, despite all the support she currently does have. The truth is written all over the huge craters on her face. This pregnancy does NOT look good on her at all. Poor Isaac, constantly shuttled back and forth and not knowing where he is sleeping every night. That is so sad. Everyone knows that kids need consistency and a regular schedule. He is such a sweet boy. Despite Jo bending over backwards to help Kail, he still was getting the short end of the stick. Vee wisely kept quiet and didn't rub it in Jo's face when he finally agreed to see an attorney, hopefully he does go ahead and files for shared 50/50 custody because Isaac needs stability. Kail does not have the time, ability, or inclination at the moment to provide any of her kids with stability. She probably thinks she is stable right now. She can blame school as much as she wants but the truth is that without the support of Javi's family she is spiraling downwards. I do believe she loves her kids but each one was a means to an end. If Nameless Lo does not fulfill his function (trap baby), than Kail will shortly be trolling for baby daddy #4. There is no way that she can truly be a single #Momof3 without a man in the picture. Janelle's scenes were all just filler for next week. That's the episode I want to see. From the preview, it looks like things did not go the way she thought they would in court. Her lawyer tried to keep her expectations realistic but she really believed a judge was going to grant her full custody of Jace? She can't even take care of a toddler! Talk about delusional. She doesn't want Jace on a visitation schedule because that would be so inconvenient for her. She wants him in the swamp with her permanently so he can take care of Kaiser and Endtable. Did anyone notice Roll in this episode at all? Hopefully Kaiser was with Nathan's family and is not already decomposing somewhere on the land. I enjoyed seeing Barbara's scenes with Jace when she was talking to him about 3rd grade. For all her faults, she really loves that boy and wants what is best for him. For Janelle its lip service , but Babs actually practices it. It saddened me to see Barb rush into the courtroom because she did not want to even see Janelle & UBT. She dashed away from that producer and into the court so fast probably when she saw their truck peeling into the street. I've always thought it was tender when a man brushes his woman's hair in movies. However, something about the way UBT was doing it just made me think ID channel. Dave has complete and utter control of Janelle at this point. He has made her completely dependent on him and he has stopped her of her entire support system. The girl with the CA hat is most probably a friend of Dave's more than Janelle's. UBT is going to try to hold in his demons long enough to get Janelle married so he can have full control of all her finances. Then we will see the real David come out. Poor Jace and Kaiser have already gotten a taste of Dave without the cameras, so Janelle will be tasting that as well within a few short weeks after her wedding. Congratulations you dumb broad. As you can see, I really enjoyed this episode. Thanks for all the snark! Edited September 12, 2017 by Spiderella2 Creepy hair brushing and other thoughts 26 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/61589-s08e10-welcome-to-a-puerto-rican-baby-shower/page/2/#findComment-3630134
Popular Post gotta watch September 12, 2017 Popular Post Share September 12, 2017 Barb said it all- "All David wants is Jenelle and all the kids deep in the woods." 40 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/61589-s08e10-welcome-to-a-puerto-rican-baby-shower/page/2/#findComment-3630171
Quilty September 12, 2017 Share September 12, 2017 Was Roxanne wearing a surgical gown at the shower? 6 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/61589-s08e10-welcome-to-a-puerto-rican-baby-shower/page/2/#findComment-3630184
Calm81 September 12, 2017 Share September 12, 2017 Hurricane Irma left me without power (had power throughout the storm but they shut it down in case of loose power lines) and thanks to you lovely people I practically watched it vicariously through some of the most wittiest people - Brittany ain't got NOTHING on my previously tv homies - you're the wittiest of the wittiest. ??? P.S. I hate the word "ain't" but it sounded better than 'does not' not as powerful. ? I cant wait to watch the show later at my sisters as she has a generator but I got my fix this morning. ☕️ Love you guys ❤️ ? 11 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/61589-s08e10-welcome-to-a-puerto-rican-baby-shower/page/2/#findComment-3630190
Sprockets September 12, 2017 Share September 12, 2017 On 9/12/2017 at 2:39 AM, WhosThatGirl said: Leah.. was fine. Everything with Ali breaks my heart. Expand Am I alone in being over Leah? The "I'm doing everything I can for Ali" schtick is not cutting it for me. PUT HER IN HER CHAIR. PUT A HELMET ON HER. FOLLOW DOCTOR'S ORDERS. On 9/12/2017 at 5:33 AM, WhosThatGirl said: The only thing that made me go "huh" at Barb tonight was when she said "ever since she's been with David she's a different person" re Jenelle. Eh. Not true? Jenelle has always been an awful human being. I mean.. she was sort of tolerable when she wasn't dating anyone- which was only for like seconds- and she was sort of okay with Keefer, until she had to lie about it to Barb. I think Barb should have said something about Jenelles behavior changes with whoever she is dating, which is true. Expand Right. She's blaming it all on David. While he's not a good person, Jenelle chose him, and she chooses to stay with him. Also, it seemed like Jace probably overheard everything Barb said. He was in the next room. 16 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/61589-s08e10-welcome-to-a-puerto-rican-baby-shower/page/2/#findComment-3630235
Sprockets September 12, 2017 Share September 12, 2017 On 9/12/2017 at 2:51 AM, kitkat343 said: I usually really like Corey, but good god, please stop letting Ali play baseball before she gets a serious injury. Expand Exactly. She should at least be wearing a helmet and knee pads. 11 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/61589-s08e10-welcome-to-a-puerto-rican-baby-shower/page/2/#findComment-3630239
Enya Face September 12, 2017 Share September 12, 2017 On 9/12/2017 at 2:07 AM, ClassyCourtHeels said: Adams girlfriend The one that looks like she could be Mr. Burns great grand daughter Expand Holy fucking shit, it's 4:30 in the morning and I can't sleep, but I'm trying so hard to smother my fit of laughter at your frighteningly accurate comparison. 6 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/61589-s08e10-welcome-to-a-puerto-rican-baby-shower/page/2/#findComment-3630243
Sprockets September 12, 2017 Share September 12, 2017 On 9/12/2017 at 7:52 AM, Spiderella2 said: However, something about the way UBT was doing it just made me think ID channel. Expand He had clearly never held a hairbrush before. 3 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/61589-s08e10-welcome-to-a-puerto-rican-baby-shower/page/2/#findComment-3630251
Popular Post ghoulina September 12, 2017 Popular Post Share September 12, 2017 I was glad to see Chelsea making special time for Aubree. And Chelsea and Cole seem to recognize how good Aubry has been since this big change occurred in her life. Things seem better now. I really do think a lot of Chelsea's attitude was the sleepless nights and constant nursings. Now that Cole is a bit older, things have settled down. It's all good. I was happy to see Ali got an aid. Not happy to see her get whacked in the face with a ball. I know accidents happen. But this little girl is already struggling with so much pain and discomfort. Please, guys, I know you mean well for your little girl, but find another activity!!!! Jenelle's scenes were sort of boring this week. Just a bunch of lead up to their trial. Jenelle is worried about how stressed Jace is. Hah. Yea right. If that were the case, she'd leave him be in the home he was fucking raised in. And Barb is STILL going on and on about how the current man in Jenelle's life is the cause of all the problems. I know it's easier to judge, as an outsider. It's her daughter, I get that. But, damn. Jenelle wouldn't keep ending up with these losers if she wasn't one herself. Also, that scene of David brushing Jenelle's hair at the end was 50 shades of creepy. I love how Kail is always pissed off at Javi....until she needs him to babysit. But, oh, I'm sorry. Did the MILITARY inconvenience you with their schedule? So she brings the kids to college. Where they act all crazy and disrupt everyone. I'm sorry, but with every passing week that school looks shittier and shittier. Who allows that kind of crap??? And, once again, JO is the perceptive one who notices the things his son is struggling with. Poor Isaac is being shuttled around on Kail's whims, and it's taking its toll. Good on Jo for wanting to get a more stable custody arrangement in place. If she's passing the kids off the nights she's in school anyhow, why not just let Jo take him the early part of the week? But she'll get pissed. Because it's not on HER say-so. Vivi and Jo were super cute together. Fucking Briana. What a hot mess that shower was. I laughed so hard when Brittany said, "Welcome to a Puerto Rican baby shower". I'm sure they're a horrible representation of their culture. But damn, everyone in that family is beyond dramatic. I was with Brittany - why are there so many dudes there??? And Brittany didn't invite her ex for any reason other than to fuck with Luis. Then she wants to sit and cry in the restaurant like her whole life is over. The whole damn coven is crying. Luis swooped into their life from his ancient mansion in the hills and kidnapped and poisoned Brianna and impregnated her with his demon child and now nothing will ever be okay. Ever again. ENOUGH. SHOULD'VE USED A CONDOM. 33 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/61589-s08e10-welcome-to-a-puerto-rican-baby-shower/page/2/#findComment-3630283
ghoulina September 12, 2017 Share September 12, 2017 On 9/12/2017 at 3:04 AM, TeeMo said: 1. Can any of these girls do math? Did Jenelle tell her lawyer that she and David were together 3 years or did I misunderstand that exchange? They got together in summer/fall 2015. The hearing was in May 2017. Did she have the same math teacher as Amber who continually insists that she and Matt were together for much longer than they actually were? Expand I KNOW! They're not even rounding up at this point. On 9/12/2017 at 3:43 AM, nikita said: Why do Jo's throw pillows match She-Hulk's curtains? Expand I think it's just a very common design. I have an area rug with the same pattern. On 9/12/2017 at 4:09 AM, GreatKazu said: Luis' friend with the blonde highlights reminded me of Teck from Real World Hawaii. Expand Oh my gosh, YES. And that is one old school reference. :) 12 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/61589-s08e10-welcome-to-a-puerto-rican-baby-shower/page/2/#findComment-3630315
Scarlett45 September 12, 2017 Author Share September 12, 2017 Line of the night goes to Brittany, "I'm legit stressed, I have a bald spot! You cannot see it but it's there." Aubree and the butterflies- my sister has always been terrified of butterflies, still is, and my mom & I never understood (not as if we can ask her you know?). When I see little kids afraid of butterflies I ask them why, the usual statement is that they think they bite. Makes sense to me. That was a nice outing for the two of them. Vee was giving SO MUCH side eye it was awesome. Joe is right Issac needs a schedule and consistency. 17 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/61589-s08e10-welcome-to-a-puerto-rican-baby-shower/page/2/#findComment-3630324
ghoulina September 12, 2017 Share September 12, 2017 On 9/12/2017 at 7:52 AM, Spiderella2 said: Now on to the Hose-beast. I smirked when Kail said Chris would not give her problems in the future with Nameless Lo Expand I have no idea how Chris will be as a parent. But that just sounded to me like - "Chris doesn't give a fuck about me OR the baby, so he won't cause any problems". Not something I'd brag about. 15 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/61589-s08e10-welcome-to-a-puerto-rican-baby-shower/page/2/#findComment-3630325
pheebs September 12, 2017 Share September 12, 2017 On 9/12/2017 at 3:58 AM, kelseykixx said: Her and her whole family are just a bunch of dramatic harpies Expand Forgive me, I just woke up. I read this as "Dramastic Herpes." 'Nuff said. 23 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/61589-s08e10-welcome-to-a-puerto-rican-baby-shower/page/2/#findComment-3630330
Popular Post Brooklynista September 12, 2017 Popular Post Share September 12, 2017 On 9/12/2017 at 11:35 AM, Sprockets said: He had clearly never held a hairbrush before. Expand David is probably only accustomed to brushing the hair of corpses. 27 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/61589-s08e10-welcome-to-a-puerto-rican-baby-shower/page/2/#findComment-3630334
Popular Post TeeMo September 12, 2017 Popular Post Share September 12, 2017 Kudos to Jo for clearly expressing on camera WHY he is thinking of getting a lawyer and going to court for more formal custody time. He knows how Kail works and that she will try to spin it as Jo just trying to do something to spite her (a la Javi and the child support) or make her life more complicated. Jo laid it all out in that scene tonight when he talked about Isaac needing more stability and his goal is "to have my eyes on him as much as possible." Jo has not always been my favorite but he has been consistent in his actions when it comes to being there for Isaac. He moved to Delaware to be closer to him and told Vee that was the plan and she was either on board or out the door. And throughout the mess of the last couple of years of Kail's life, Jo has been the one who is providing the most stable and consistent support. Both Javi and Jo have their faults but Kail has been lucky that her kids ended up with two guys who are great dads. Hopefully Baby Lo gets the same kind of support and stability from his dad. 28 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/61589-s08e10-welcome-to-a-puerto-rican-baby-shower/page/2/#findComment-3630385
Scarlett45 September 12, 2017 Author Share September 12, 2017 @TeeMo I second everything you said. Baby Lo deserves a Dad like Jo/Javi but I highly doubt he will get one. Chris is such a loser. I'm not saying he deserved his abuse by Kailyn (no one does), but something tells me (perhaps it's her thirst) that he doesn't give two shits about the baby (in any substantive way). 10 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/61589-s08e10-welcome-to-a-puerto-rican-baby-shower/page/2/#findComment-3630411
FlowerofCarnage September 12, 2017 Share September 12, 2017 Did I miss something about the carseats because why couldn't Kail give Javi the boy's carseats and just take them back when she picked them up? Also, if you knew you had class, why didn't you have your childcare situation already worked out? And she wants to add another child into this situation? 22 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/61589-s08e10-welcome-to-a-puerto-rican-baby-shower/page/2/#findComment-3630423
Mr. Miner September 12, 2017 Share September 12, 2017 When did the pregnancy glow start looking like someone spreading their ass cheeks apart? Looking good Karl! I hope Jo and Javi have the balls to say no when Karl wants a babysitter for this third kid. 14 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/61589-s08e10-welcome-to-a-puerto-rican-baby-shower/page/2/#findComment-3630445
suzeecat September 12, 2017 Share September 12, 2017 (edited) Was Ali wearing some of that lipstick that Leah is selling? WRT that "baby shower": First, I've never, ever known a husband, boyfriend, sperm donor or whatever to help with the shower planning, like the coven seemed to be expecting Luis to do. Back in the day, it used to be inappropriate to throw yourself your own shower, have a shower for every pregnancy (you get ONE), or even have a shower if you weren't married. Times have changed, some for the better (i.e. an unmarried mother is usually more in need of a shower than one in a stable relationship). I was wondering whose house that was, and I'm reading here that she rented the house for the shower? OoooohhhKaaaaaay . . . . ! And, I really didn't understand Roxanne;s indignance at the dude who brought a video camera. I'm pretty sure there was something else going on, like maybe MTV prohibits other cameras and maybe Roxanne was concerned that the dude planned to sell it or use it for something other than personal enjoyment. But under "normal" circumstances, bringing a video camera to a shower wouldn't be considered "disrespectful". I really don't get Brianna's story line with the adoption. It seems pretty simple to me: Brianna (says she) does not want to keep this baby and considers adoption. Luis is entitled to his opinion, but unless he is willing to take on full custody of this baby he can just sit down and shut up. If Brianna keeps this baby while not having any legal understanding with Luis on his involvement/support and her not wanting to be in any kind of relationship with Luis, then she has no room to complain. Does she and MTV really think the viewers buy her story and don't know she is only having this baby because of the MTV paycheck? I mean, it seems pretty obvious to me! As for Jenelle, that girl has the dead eyes of a serial killer. Edited September 12, 2017 by suzeecat 12 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/61589-s08e10-welcome-to-a-puerto-rican-baby-shower/page/2/#findComment-3630448
ghoulina September 12, 2017 Share September 12, 2017 On 9/12/2017 at 1:38 PM, FlowerofCarnage said: Did I miss something about the carseats because why couldn't Kail give Javi the boy's carseats and just take them back when she picked them up? Also, if you knew you had class, why didn't you have your childcare situation already worked out? And she wants to add another child into this situation? Expand I was confused as well. She seemed to have made arrangements for Javi to take the boys, but then was griping about his schedule? He wasn't getting off in time. She said he could meet her at the school. But then it became - no, he doesn't have carseats, I'll just take them to class with me. It was like she was trying to make a martyr out of herself. 16 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/61589-s08e10-welcome-to-a-puerto-rican-baby-shower/page/2/#findComment-3630463
TexasGal September 12, 2017 Share September 12, 2017 On 9/12/2017 at 1:46 PM, suzeecat said: As for Jenelle, that girl has the dead eyes of a serial killer. Expand It is always simultaneously hilarious and scary as crap to me when Jenelle says something that implies emotion with her dead face. "Dooooooode, I'm so stressed out." Same expression as "Babe, I love you babe you're my babe." 19 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/61589-s08e10-welcome-to-a-puerto-rican-baby-shower/page/2/#findComment-3630464
Mkay September 12, 2017 Share September 12, 2017 I fast forward through all over the new girls scenes. Don't care about what's going on with her. The other three girls was pretty much the same as usual. Just a different day. 3 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/61589-s08e10-welcome-to-a-puerto-rican-baby-shower/page/2/#findComment-3630503
jumper sage September 12, 2017 Share September 12, 2017 (edited) On 9/12/2017 at 3:17 AM, pheebs said: More like a John Waters movie. Expand [Slow clap] Awesome reference! @suzeecat - loved your whole post. So Briana's baby is being born into this world with a job? Right summation! Edited September 12, 2017 by jumper sage 3 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/61589-s08e10-welcome-to-a-puerto-rican-baby-shower/page/2/#findComment-3630516
AirQuotes September 12, 2017 Share September 12, 2017 I call editing shenanigans on Garbage Pail Kail's scenes about taking the boys to school! Before I get into the editing monkeys, I have so much to say about taking the boys to school with her. I had to go back and re-watch. 1) Garbage Pail Kail showed up looking like she crawled out of a hot dumpster! Her hair was messy and dirty; her face looked greasy; and she was wearing tacky, inappropriate clothes that didn't fit! You can see how the other students are dressed in normal, appropriate clothes. 2) The instructor glanced at his watch when she-hulk walked in so she was late. 3) She-hulk not only brought her kids (and a film crew) but she brought food and drinks like it was a restaurant! That nasty she-hulk was the only person with food! 4) She-hulk was on her phone texting! The editing monkeys need to do better. They were in the black SUV wearing different clothes during the "change of plans" scene. Then she was driving the white SUV. When she got to school the car changed back to the black one and in class their clothes were all totally different. 15 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/61589-s08e10-welcome-to-a-puerto-rican-baby-shower/page/2/#findComment-3630554
Sprockets September 12, 2017 Share September 12, 2017 On 9/12/2017 at 1:38 PM, FlowerofCarnage said: Did I miss something about the carseats because why couldn't Kail give Javi the boy's carseats and just take them back when she picked them up? Expand Exactly, but she would never share. Also, the whole point of car seats is safety, but how safe are the boys when The Pillsbury Dough Girl doesn't have her seatbelt on during the segment while she's talking on the phone while driving? The crew needs to STOP FILMING DURING ILLEGAL OR UNSAFE ACTIVITY. Of course if they did that we'd never see Jenelle. 6 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/61589-s08e10-welcome-to-a-puerto-rican-baby-shower/page/2/#findComment-3630627
TeeMo September 12, 2017 Share September 12, 2017 On 9/12/2017 at 1:53 PM, TexasGal said: It is always simultaneously hilarious and scary as crap to me when Jenelle says something that implies emotion with her dead face. "Dooooooode, I'm so stressed out." Same expression as "Babe, I love you babe you're my babe." Expand Or when she said "I've been crying all morning" when they arrived at the courthouse. Dead eyes. 10 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/61589-s08e10-welcome-to-a-puerto-rican-baby-shower/page/2/#findComment-3630637
Sprockets September 12, 2017 Share September 12, 2017 On 9/12/2017 at 2:55 PM, TeeMo said: On 9/12/2017 at 1:53 PM, TexasGal said: Expand Or when she said "I've been crying all morning" when they arrived at the courthouse. Dead eyes. Expand Your Universal Jenelle Translator was not working. What she really said was "I've been smoking weed all morning." 14 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/61589-s08e10-welcome-to-a-puerto-rican-baby-shower/page/2/#findComment-3630652
FlowerofCarnage September 12, 2017 Share September 12, 2017 On 9/12/2017 at 2:53 PM, Sprockets said: Exactly, but she would never share. Also, the whole point of car seats is safety, but how safe are the boys when The Pillsbury Dough Girl doesn't have her seatbelt on during the segment while she's talking on the phone while driving? The crew needs to STOP FILMING DURING ILLEGAL OR UNSAFE ACTIVITY. Of course if they did that we'd never see Jenelle. Expand IMO, Kail is more Staypuff Marshmallow Man, huge and leaves a path of destruction(emotional destruction in her case). Thought so with carseats. Once again, just goes to show how rude and entitled she is. 5 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/61589-s08e10-welcome-to-a-puerto-rican-baby-shower/page/2/#findComment-3630667
Moogen September 12, 2017 Share September 12, 2017 On 9/12/2017 at 5:02 AM, Linny said: Every week Briana's drama is the same. Luis: breathes. Briana and Roxanne: "OMG, how dare you steal that air from Briana! She's carrying your child, Luis, she needs that oxygen! Stop being so disrespectful! What is wrong with you?!" I don't like the guy, but he absolutely cannot win with this family. Expand This is just so perfect ?? all I can hear is Roxanne's voice. Amazing. Thanks for the good laugh!!! 12 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/61589-s08e10-welcome-to-a-puerto-rican-baby-shower/page/2/#findComment-3630674
Abmis September 12, 2017 Share September 12, 2017 On 9/12/2017 at 12:03 PM, ghoulina said: I really do think a lot of Chelsea's attitude was the sleepless nights and constant nursings. Now that Cole is a bit older, things have settled down. It's all good. Expand I think you meant Watson, but this gave me a much needed laugh this morning. Thank you! I loved seeing Chelsea and Aubree at the Butterfly House. That place is wonderful and I'm glad it got the publicity. The look on Lincoln's face when he gave Kail the thumbs up from behind the glass cracked me up. So did Addie cheerfully announcing that one of her fingers got cut off. I'm trying to quit this show because of the dark things going on behind the scenes, but the cute kid moments keep me coming back. I with they'd show more of them. 10 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/61589-s08e10-welcome-to-a-puerto-rican-baby-shower/page/2/#findComment-3630689
Tillshee September 12, 2017 Share September 12, 2017 (edited) Watching Brianna is infuriating. Must her mom and/or sister fight every single one of her battles??? So she didn't want the guy to record. Is she that much of a punk that she couldn't have just told him, "I don't want no more cameras recording my set bro. You gonna have to take that cam back to the car." But no, Mama Pit Bull goes in for the kill instead. I can't. They enable and indulge this childish chick just waaaay too much. Having that much drama all the time in one house has got to be exhausting. ETA: I'm glad Mama Pit Bull called her out (or tried to) about inviting the ex tho. It was just to piss Luis off and everyone knew it. Edited September 12, 2017 by Tillshee 14 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/61589-s08e10-welcome-to-a-puerto-rican-baby-shower/page/2/#findComment-3630750
BitterApple September 12, 2017 Share September 12, 2017 On 9/12/2017 at 1:46 PM, suzeecat said: WRT that "baby shower": First, I've never, ever known a husband, boyfriend, sperm donor or whatever to help with the shower planning, like the coven seemed to be expecting Luis to do. Expand I think because Briana has never seen or experienced a typical relationship, she has no clue that most guys aren't tagging along with their girlfriends to Party City to buy decorating supplies. Additionally, Luis is not her boyfriend or husband. Briana expects him to do all this "couples" stuff when really he has no obligation beyond being there for his child. 11 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/61589-s08e10-welcome-to-a-puerto-rican-baby-shower/page/2/#findComment-3630752
Moogen September 12, 2017 Share September 12, 2017 (edited) The Hulk dragging her kids into class was quintessential Karl: selfish, self-centred, entitled and all-round fucking annoying. You know she only dropped that PFA because girlfriend needed more free babysitting. Others have covered off Briana's baby shower shitshow but I have to add inviting her "ex-boyfriend" was clearly a poor and miscalculated attempt to make Loser Luis jealous. "Dre" was clearly not a real ex-boyfriend - in Briana's words to Roxanne (who didn't recognise who the guy was): "you know, that guy who used to sometimes send flowers?" Read: would-be Baby Daddy Numero Tres, but he's probably too smart to hit that fake pumped up ass without wrapping his dick up first. As for Jenelle, that sandbank for the swamp nuptials looks real fucking nasty. I can only hope Irma dumps a few extra feet of rain on that very particular locale (with apologies to the rest of the South East who are suffering under Irma and I do not mean to minimise their experience). Edited September 12, 2017 by Moogen 15 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/61589-s08e10-welcome-to-a-puerto-rican-baby-shower/page/2/#findComment-3630757
gunderda September 12, 2017 Share September 12, 2017 On 9/12/2017 at 1:38 PM, FlowerofCarnage said: Did I miss something about the carseats because why couldn't Kail give Javi the boy's carseats and just take them back when she picked them up? Also, if you knew you had class, why didn't you have your childcare situation already worked out? And she wants to add another child into this situation? Expand I think she started to say that she didn't have time to switch the car seats in and out. More so she didn't want to deal with the annoyance of having to do that - which I kind of get - I have friends with kids that tell me how annoying it is to take a car seat in and out of a vehicle so they either make sure any vehicles they use have one in it already - or they don't use that vehicle. But in the end I think she just wanted to stick it to Javi and have people feel sorry for her. She may also have been running late for class - but that's on her. Also sounded like she was trying to set up Javi to watch them at the last minute? There were a lot of things wrong with that whole scene. 7 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/61589-s08e10-welcome-to-a-puerto-rican-baby-shower/page/2/#findComment-3630761
WhosThatGirl September 12, 2017 Share September 12, 2017 I'm curious as to why Brianna was the chosen new mom. As I said in another episode forum, MTV played the TM 3s only season as a marathon the weekend before this season started, I guess to reintroduce us to Brianna and see her past or whatever but seriously.. MTV could have picked any of the other girls featured in that show why choose Brianna? She isn't that compelling and neither is her story. I wonder if she's the only one who said yes? I'm curious if they asked others. But yeah. This was the first time I actually watched an episode live so I couldn't ff her scenes and had to watch and wow.. all she does is complain, all her family does is complain, etc. And yes Luis doesnt seem like a prize to me but it's interesting (not in a good way) that the whole table of women at the diner were blaming just him for this situation. Brianna got herself involved in this too. She is just as at fault and again.. for a second time she's having a child with someone who she isn't really involved with and therefore it's probably going to be a hard situation. I don't know if she was ever serious about adoption, I feel like she was saying that to stir up things for the show? Or maybe she was hoping Luis would step up and declare his undying love for her? I did see her first segments in this seasons first episode and remember he trying to get Luis to be a dad figure to Nova and they had just started dating. So yeah. 8 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/61589-s08e10-welcome-to-a-puerto-rican-baby-shower/page/2/#findComment-3630778
GreatKazu September 12, 2017 Share September 12, 2017 Quote 3) She-hulk not only brought her kids (and a film crew) but she brought food and drinks like it was a restaurant! That nasty she-hulk was the only person with food! The editing monkeys need to do better. They were in the black SUV wearing different clothes during the "change of plans" scene. Then she was driving the white SUV. When she got to school the car changed back to the black one and in class their clothes were all totally different. Expand Did you all notice the sign on the wall in the school studio that clearly read NO FOOD OR DRINKS? Of course, Karl does as she pleases and to hell with anyone's rules. As for the wonky editing, I think this is what happened: Karl took the boys to school on two different occasions. The first time was when she had that conversation with Javi. Although she said she needed to take the boys, we didn't see the scenes of her taking the boys to school. The scenes of her wearing her "vjeana" (™ Bone) ramming shorts was the second time she had to take the kids and MTV felt that was a better scene and used it. Quote Am I alone in being over Leah? The "I'm doing everything I can for Ali" schtick is not cutting it for me. PUT HER IN HER CHAIR. PUT A HELMET ON HER. FOLLOW DOCTOR'S ORDERS. Expand @Sprockets Can I sit with you? I am not impressed with Leah. She is a mother who is supposed to do the things that she is shown doing, but I get the feeling she does it for the viewers. I also lost count with how much fast food and junk food these kids have been shown eating so far this season. Eating one egg out of how many times she has given them junk food? I watched a video of on Instagram and she was discussing what sauce goes better with her fast food cheddar sticks while Ali was eating a corn dog. Quote David is probably only accustomed to brushing the hair of corpses. Expand Your comment reminded me of this sicko: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Carl_Tanzler 9 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/61589-s08e10-welcome-to-a-puerto-rican-baby-shower/page/2/#findComment-3630779
BitterApple September 12, 2017 Share September 12, 2017 On 9/12/2017 at 3:42 PM, gunderda said: I think she started to say that she didn't have time to switch the car seats in and out. More so she didn't want to deal with the annoyance of having to do that - which I kind of get - I have friends with kids that tell me how annoying it is to take a car seat in and out of a vehicle Expand It's a total pain in the ass. My niece is a part time nanny for a couple with a young toddler and they bought a car seat for her to keep in her vehicle so they wouldn't have to switch in and out a million times during the days that she's working. Regarding Briana, I wonder if the family knew at the time that the baby was a result of a club hookup. Briana might have been selling them the lie that she and Luis were in a serious relationship and he "cheated" shortly into the pregnancy. For some reason I get the vibe they were forming opinions with incomplete information. 12 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/61589-s08e10-welcome-to-a-puerto-rican-baby-shower/page/2/#findComment-3630790
Popular Post AirQuotes September 12, 2017 Popular Post Share September 12, 2017 Now I'm moving on to address the coven and that so-called baby shower. The coven seem to not have any lengthy experience with men because they have extremely weird expectations of wanting men to behave like women. The only thing I can come up with is that they all grew up being raised by women because the men either just didn't stick around because they weren't picked wisely or the coven ran them off. A perpetual cycle that only repeats itself. It has to go back for several generations. That's all I can come up with because they just don't seem to comprehend that most every facet of baby showers is a feminine activity. Certainly if a guy *chooses* to participate it is fine, but it needs to be understood that is not typical. It isn't something that can be forced on them. For the record I hate baby showers, and I'm a woman. I avoid them as much as possible. The part where everyone sits in a circle around the mom to be while she opens the gifts and then each gift gets passed around the circle for everyone to oooh and aaaah over is on par with the seventh circle of hell. I would rather visit the dentist than have to sit through a baby shower. My kids were spaced 12 years apart and friends wanted to throw me one for my second pregnancy but I politely declined. Briana's mom looked like she was wearing an old-fashion nurse smock. Weird. I didn't get what was "disrespectful" about the camera Luis and his friends brought. The coven just has to have something to harangue men about. I think they need a dictionary because they don't know the meaning of disrespectful. It is more like Briana's mom was being disrespectful to Luis and all the other guests by having that conversation in front of everyone and calling him disrespectful. I hope MTV paid for that crappy baby shower so they could get all the dramatic footage. Briana going to the salon before was just over the top. I noticed one girl really dressed up like it was some semi-formal event. The weirdest thing about the guys bringing that camera was that they thought there would be something interesting enough to film. 25 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/61589-s08e10-welcome-to-a-puerto-rican-baby-shower/page/2/#findComment-3630794
Scarlett45 September 12, 2017 Author Share September 12, 2017 @AirQuotes Brittany seemed to be the only one to comment as to why there were so many men at the shower! Perhaps it's because Briana has no female friends and all she could do were invite relatives and men she used to "hang with" or have sex with or whatever. Lol. 13 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/61589-s08e10-welcome-to-a-puerto-rican-baby-shower/page/2/#findComment-3630835
eskimo September 12, 2017 Share September 12, 2017 On 9/12/2017 at 3:51 PM, BitterApple said: Regarding Briana, I wonder if the family knew at the time that the baby was a result of a club hookup. Briana might have been selling them the lie that she and Luis were in a serious relationship and he "cheated" shortly into the pregnancy. For some reason I get the vibe they were forming opinions with incomplete information. Expand This explanation clears up something that she said at the pizza place to her family that confused me. When asked what happened between her and Luis, Briana said 'He cheated on me, while I was pregnant'. I was thinking 'Well duh, you're still pregnant, so obviously it was while you were pregnant'. But she was differentiating to them that it was not before she got knocked-up, which we know wouldn't have been considered cheating at all, because they weren't together. And what on earth was the point of this big put-on for her family anyway? This is all being filmed for air on national television. It only accomplished showing that she is an idiot and a liar. 15 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/61589-s08e10-welcome-to-a-puerto-rican-baby-shower/page/2/#findComment-3630846
Sprockets September 12, 2017 Share September 12, 2017 On 9/12/2017 at 3:47 PM, GreatKazu said: Can I sit with you? I am not impressed with Leah. Expand I thought that was you next to me. WHOSE HAND HAVE I BEEN HOLDING??? 18 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/61589-s08e10-welcome-to-a-puerto-rican-baby-shower/page/2/#findComment-3630848
Tillshee September 12, 2017 Share September 12, 2017 *sigh* This is what Vee was trying to tell Jo earlier. Yes, it's time to consult your lawyer and get something in writing. Isaac is the one that is being bounced around the most and I bet that never occurred to Karl how that is effecting the child. 21 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/61589-s08e10-welcome-to-a-puerto-rican-baby-shower/page/2/#findComment-3630854
Sprockets September 12, 2017 Share September 12, 2017 On 9/12/2017 at 3:52 PM, AirQuotes said: I didn't get what was "disrespectful" about the camera Luis and his friends brought Expand Nothing. Disrespectful is inviting an ex fuckbuddy. Sure, it might have been polite to ask before filming, but as Luis calmly pointed out SEVERAL times, they weren't filming. Also, the Sleaze Harem wouldn't know Respectful if it crawled up inside them and paid rent. 10 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/61589-s08e10-welcome-to-a-puerto-rican-baby-shower/page/2/#findComment-3630858
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