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S04.E09: Finale

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Ladies, never trust a man (Dean) who can't look you in the eyes while he's talking to you. 


I'm pretty sure that "breakup" with Danielle was an attempt to redeem himself for consideration for the Bachelor. 


Are these people contractually obligated to have sex in the fantasy suites? What's the big deal? Just go and hang out in a hotel room for the night, enjoy some room service, relax for a day. Not sure why they think it's such a big deal. "Break up" later. 

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Also, to everyone wondering why Amanda trashed Robbie in the media now (rather than wait and draw out more attention later), now we know. She wanted to have a spotlight on her for the reunion show. Shameless. 

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Chris Harrison to Corinne: "Have you seen or heard from Demario since that last night in Paradise?" Corinne: "No." Me: "BULLSHIT!" (See TMZ.com for video.)

Back to American Ninja Warrior .... I just can't with this fakety fake Corinne/Demario cr*p.

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I did like Kristen's reaction to Jack. That was very refreshing that she basically said we hardly know each other, and then went for a swim. Too funny. I also was a bit surprised by Daniel and Lacey. They won't last but it was nice to see them comfortable with each other. 

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A show highlight: Dean getting boo'd by the audience when introduced on the live part of the show. I hope everyone everywhere hates you as much as I do, you loser. And I felt sorry for you on Rachel's season ... thank goodness THAT feeling is long gone.

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Could Daniel's vest be any tighter? I was waiting for the buttons to pop off when he sat down. (And a chicken to eat them, a la Smilin' Jack, for those of you "in the know.") Also good: Daniel getting boo'd by audience. I'm hoping this is the last we ever see of Daniel and Dean. May they be banned from Bachelor Nation from here on out and forever. Amen.

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Jack Stone wants to leave holding Christen's hand, but she only holds scallops and doesn't know how to process Jack Stone's request. Ok, I have to admit, for the FIRST time, I actually laughed at the Scallop joke when they had her leaving Paradise going out to sea to join the scallops. 

Dean's complete lack of eye contact is disconcerting. Where's Taylor's Emotional Intelligence book when you need it? Dean and is Chapter 1: Emotional Unavailability. Sure you "love" Kristina, which is why you'll undermine the relationship every step of the way.

Diggy dropping Dominique for Jami?! Didn't see that coming. Too bad he didn't chase after Dom once Jami turned him down.

Whaaat? I can't hear what Robby and Amanda are cry-whispering about. Guess they're leaving alone.

I am SHOCKED that Lacey and Daniel are falling for each other and want to be in a committed relationship! I guess we should have known he must have been all shmoopy in the background with her since we didn't see much of his wacky self.

Taylor and Derek haven't had sex yet? But didn't they have an overnight date with a consent talk weeks ago???

Wait. Is this supposed to be a cliffhanger of whether Raven and Adam had sex--or were the show editors so bored of this season too that they forgot to show us Raven's response?

Corrine and DeMario are in therapy, and all is right in the world, so, Bachelor Nation, no hard feelings against production, ok? The same can't be said about Dean. Oh, have the tides of the fickle fans turned--fan favorite to show villain!

Kristina STILL blames D-Lo, but even Dean somehow has enough emotional intelligence to recognize that HE'S the one "at fault" for the love triangle. Oh, snap! The tea has been spilled!! He was was still playing them both after Paradise! That woman in the audience with the "I can't even" handwave is all of us!

Ooh, Robby has his own Regency-type photo scandal a la Countess LuAnne's Tomcat! All the avocado toast in the world won't fix that.

Daniel and Lacey had already hooked up long before the show? Come on! Is there no integrity in Paradise? Hahahahaha. But, ehrm, really. Now we need to boo Daniel? He gave us infamous "Be less like Hitler; be more like Mussolini" speech, so he can do no wrong in my eyes--EVEN if he lied about changing his Facebook status. Oooooh!

Adam and Raven's Love Journey story was so sweet UNTIL mama Raven came out and all I could think is that this is the woman who gave Raven car keys and the directive to drive to Little Rock, where Raven beat her cheating man in the head with a stiletto. So, you better be on your best behavior, Adam.

Ew! "I got to take all of Derek in last night." Cue the "I can't even" handwave lady! 

I like Derek's proper usage of both "literally" and "figuratively." This is literally one of the best proposals in Bachelor History. The "I can't even" handwave lady is now jumping in her seat. She wins for best audience member in Bachelor Live History.

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Oh man. I did not see the confession of love for Kristina coming from Dean. AT ALL. Then he blames himself and tells the girls not to blame each other. Then he goes up on the stage confesses his love again (or actually just "strong emotions"... already changing his tune or trying to be respectful of the fact Danielle is right there too. Take your pick). He slightly, just barely, started to win us back over (or at least think he's not a complete dog and has started to mature a bit) and the Danielle just DRAGS him. How did he think she would not tell everyone they were hooking up after paradise?!? I try to avoid spoilers but I definitely saw pictures of them together at a music festival in Texas. I wonder if that was during the hiatus or after filming? Damn. I hope Kristina stays strong and moves along. She can find someone MUCH better. 

I didn't care for the Taylor/Derek pairing all season but he won me over with his proposal (and Jim Halpert-ness). Still not a Taylor fan and I think they have a long road ahead to actually make it down the aisle considering he had to rephrase his proposal to fit her way of speaking/interpreting (it was sweet but that's gonna get old real fast for him) and she interrupted him the entire time. Girl, it's obvious what he's about to do. Shut up and enjoy it. 

Not or a great season but it was pretty doomed from the start. Maybe next year will be better *shrugs*

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I feel like I kinda get young, immature Dean. I do think he had real feelings for kristina, perhaps even love, but his feelings were not really romantic. They probably had a good friendship in the beginning and really connected over their troubled childhoods, which made him really care for her, but not necessarily romantically interested. I think he just didn't know how to express that and break up with her.  I think he felt a lot of pressure to stay involved with Kristina, even though he really wanted to pursue Dlo, who I think is more his type and he is more compatible with.  I was not surprised he called her after the fake breakup for tv, because I do think she is the one he can actually see himself with, but he feels like he should want kristina more because she is super into him and has been through so much yadda yadda.  I personally thought Dean was over Kristina when they got back from break, before Dlo even arrived. Their chemistry has always been off to me and has never came off as particularly romantic. They should've just stayed good friends. If it wasn't Dlo, it wouldn't been one of the twins.


The only big surprise for me was Diggy choosing Jaimi over Dom.

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Dean's self-deprecation is over the top and insincere. It drives me crazy.

So what happened to the much-hyped preview (from the beginning of the season) that showed Raven and Dominique making out? It just occurred to me that we never saw that. TPTB dangled that out there as bait.

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1 hour ago, saber5055 said:

Chris Harrison to Corinne: "Have you seen or heard from Demario since that last night in Paradise?" Corinne: "No." Me: "BULLSHIT!" (See TMZ.com for video.)

Back to American Ninja Warrior .... I just can't with this fakety fake Corinne/Demario cr*p.

The TMZ video was later in the the night after the finale had been taped.



I feel like I kinda get young, immature Dean. I do think he had real feelings for kristina, perhaps even love, but his feelings were not really romantic. They probably had a good friendship in the beginning and really connected over their troubled childhoods, which made him really care for her, but not necessarily romantically interested. I think he just didn't know how to express that and break up with her. 

The problem with that is Dean chased Kristina all the way to freaking Kentucky when filming stopped. If his interest for her was not romantic, the halt in filming would have been the perfect time and excuse to cool things down. Instead he went to Kentucky and spent a whole week with her, meeting her family and friends. What I can buy is that that time together made him realize he wasn't interested in a serious relationship with her, so when filming resumed, he tried to pull away. But he was never man enough to just flat out end it.



Amanda, "It felt like we just hung out when it was convenient for him." Now you know how your daughters feel.

In the oh so appropriate words of That 70's Show - BURN!!!



And I felt sorry for you on Rachel's season ... thank goodness THAT feeling is long gone.

Ah yes, I remember a time when Bachelor Nation said Peter and Dean were the best catch on Rachel's season and she got dragged for eliminating Dean (before she was dragged even worse for not picking Peter). Go figure. 

Edited by truthaboutluv
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6 minutes ago, truthaboutluv said:



The problem with that is Dean chased Kristina all the way to freaking Kentucky when filming stopped. If his interest for her was not romantic, the halt in filming would have been the perfect time and excuse to cool things down. Instead he went to Kentucky and spent a whole week with her, meeting her family and friends. What I can buy is that that time together made him realize he wasn't interested in a serious relationship with her, so when filming resumed, he tried to pull away. But he was never man enough to just flat out end it.


I don't disagree with you. But all this happened very quickly. Didn't the break happen a day after filming started? They actually had not spent much time together before the break. And he likely thought there could be something there but there wasn't.  I think Kristina and Dean were both initially excited about each other, but after the initial spark died, there was nothing more there, but perhaps friendship. This happens.  I agree that he was too chicken to cut Kristina, which I think is part because he does cares for her as a person and also because she was just soo ready and willing, which an insecure guy like Dean with major issues loved.

I realize I'm on the outside looking in and I only saw a little bit of their relationship, but I honestly didn't even think Kristina and Dean had good romantic chemistry on their date. And after that, he just never to me acted like he was really into Kristina. It always felt very forced to me on his part, like he felt he was supposed to be in love with Kristina, but he wasn't.

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Robby and Amanda are two talentless actors who tried to drum up some controversy between the two of them for camera time but the BIP editors wouldn't play their game. I can't imagine any reason to cast either of them again. 

I have a hard time buying Rachel and Adam. She seems so unenthusiastic. I feel sorry for Derek as Taylor still seems like a piece of work. Why was Wells seated in the audience? He was in the opening credits! 

What a terrible season. Good riddance. 

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I felt like the lady in the studio audience who when Dean was giving his lame, "I'm sorry" excuses made a dismissive wave like she wasn't buying his remorse. I thought he might have come to his senses at the end of paradise but low and behold DLo spilled the beans on him. I hope Kristina can soon put all that behind her and move on. The best revenge is living your best life and I sincerely hope she does.

I was slightly shocked when Daniel confessed to Lacey before the fantasy suite that he was falling for her too. I didn't see him as ready for anything serious and really thought he would tell her he chose to remain friends. Of course he slept with her and then told her he didn't want anything serious. I never really liked Lacey that much but I felt for her there and thought that was a shitty move on his part. He specifically told her beforehand that he was ready for a relationship with her. I really liked him but know I can't stand him. It was a obvious lie to get what he wanted. Look at how tongue tied he was in the hot seat. He had no comeback because Lacey was telling the truth. I hope as another poster said to never see him on this franchise again.

I've never cared for Taylor but I did think that was a sweet proposal. I wish them the best but for Derek's sake I hope she reins in her bossy, have to have it her way attitude.

I was glad to see Adam and Raven so happy. I think they seem like a real stable couple since they aren't rushing into a engagement or marriage and seem to want to take it slow and enjoy each other's company for now. I did think it was a little much to bring on Raven's parents like that. I wouldn't want to meet my boyfriend's parents for the first time on national TV. That was totally production at play. But it seemed to go well. Raven's dad seems like a sweet man.

Edited by yorklee2
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The best part of this show was the last montage with Ben and his dog.  Zeus is adorable.

I am happy that Lacey stood up for herself and kept it real.  She was edited so passively on the beach part of the show...she was quick to get to the point and confront during the tell all.  Good for her. Daniel, bye.

I'm so glad this season is over.

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Rainsong, your recap makes this show seem like it was worth watching. Shame on you! Although it did tell me what I missed since I flipped to American Ninja Warrior as soon as C+D appeared. Frankly, I'd rather read your post than see all of that goomba in real time. And this: "If this season were a racehorse, they would have long ago built one of those makeshift tents around it as they euthanized it." is one of the Best.Sentences.EVAH. So thank you for that. See you in Bachelor land, I hope.

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31 minutes ago, TheFinalRose said:

Robby and Amanda are two talentless actors who tried to drum up some controversy between the two of them for camera time but the BIP editors wouldn't play their game. I can't imagine any reason to cast either of them again. 

I have a hard time buying Rachel and Adam. She seems so unenthusiastic. I feel sorry for Derek as Taylor still seems like a piece of work. Why was Wells seated in the audience? He was in the opening credits! 

What a terrible season. Good riddance. 

I can see why people get that impression of Raven but I really think it's because when things turn serious she gets nervous and reserved. She seems really scared of getting hurt. She's of course been anything but reserved when it comes to lighter topics but she does a 180 when it comes to deeper serious feelings. Like I said I believe it comes from her fear of getting hurt. I know many people like this.

I also think that has actually worked out for her since like in her and Adam's case it allowed for a slower pace and they've actually took the time to get to know each other better.

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This episode dragged for me.  I voluntarily decided to read my organic chemistry book from college out of sheer boredom....

The only thing that peaked my interest was the Dean love triangle.  I was hoping Dean learned from his mistakes and grew up just a little.  Sadly, he's still a little boy who enjoys stringing along women.  Danielle and Kristina, need to take a good look in the mirror and figure out why they let such an immature little twit play them both.  Danielle is pushing 30 and is still letting some fool play her on national television. 

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3 hours ago, dizzyd said:

Have they heard the phrase "dead horse" and why do they keep beating us with it!

Come to think of it I actually DO feel a little like I've been beaten with a dead horse.

3 hours ago, alexa said:

I did like Kristen's reaction to Jack.

"That was nice. I enjoyed it. Peace: Out!" I liked the she was the most 'normal' person out there and had her head on straight unlike, say, Amanda who needs to ALWAYS have someone interested in her or she feels like (err more of) a shell of a human being. Also she doesn't want to throw away her "calling card / best decision evar" of being a virgin to some serial killer she met a few weeks ago...

2 hours ago, JenE4 said:

Dean's complete lack of eye contact is disconcerting.

Ya know this was wierd in the Demario/Corinne part too. "What do you want to say to each other?" and both stared straight ahead to talk about the other and I'm all "Ya know, you COULD at least look at her when you speak." The hell was that? Creeepy!! Maybe they were just trying to not "blow their ride" by laughing when they tried to talk to one another and keep in the roles they'd been assigned. Haven't seen each other since... hah!!!

Daniel is a dick. This is nothing new. He doesn't hide it. But I also though he at least wasn't disingenuous and his lying about feelings to get some action in the "Fantasy" suite was uncool and did not reflect well on him. I do hope it continues to haunt him, but I'm pretty sure it won't as he obviously doesn't care...

Taylor should have totally gotten flagged for TMI with her talking head with her hair all mussed. Ugh.

Dean got what he deserved and hopefully neither woman will have anything to do with this flip-flopper. Kristina pegged him calling him out during the studio show about Dean trying to squirm his way back into their good graces. I was glad she was having none of it.

I'd have been happier being spoiled about Raven (supposedly) finding love at the beginning of the show since I liked her then. She did not come off well this season I don't think, so now not sure if I care.

I loved watching everyone go down in flames in that last day, finally some entertainment. Love me some schadenfreude.

Also, finally,

I think it needs to be stated at this time... people, it's okay to love your pets. Just don't LOVE your pets...

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Because this cannot be said enough: D-Low is owed nothing. Not Dean's apologies, not public sorrow, not Kristina's consideration - NOTHING. Can we please stop collectively kissing her smug home-wrecking ass?! Yes, it is mostly Dean's fault, but Danielle shares some of this blame. I am constantly gobsmacked by the way Dean and Chris Harrison deflect for her.

Dean and Kristina get this beautiful package, and Dean is clearly shaken,and for about a whole minute the focus is solely on them, because that was a real if brief connection, and of course Danielle can't handle not being the center of attention so she has to interject as though she's some injured party. Bitch, please. You're just bitter you didn't get to break up with Dean yourself. I guarantee you no one has ever looked her in the eye and expressed affection for another woman. 

Can Amanda and Robby never return ever? Please and thank you.

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I don't think Amanda had any intention of having a relationship with Robbie. That might jeopardize next years free vacay in Paradise. 

I thought it was odd that Jack Stone just wanted to continue to get to know Christen and she thought leaving hand in hand was a big deal. She didn't seem all that bright to me, so in the end I think she did Jack a favour. I would love it if he was the next bachelor. Smart, nice and good looking. What's not to like? 

I liked Taylor's ring - not ridiculously over sized like so many of them are. Very pretty. 

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20 minutes ago, thesupremediva1 said:

Because this cannot be said enough: D-Low is owed nothing. Not Dean's apologies, not public sorrow, not Kristina's consideration - NOTHING. Can we please stop collectively kissing her smug home-wrecking ass?! Yes, it is mostly Dean's fault, but Danielle shares some of this blame. I am constantly gobsmacked by the way Dean and Chris Harrison deflect for her.

Dean and Kristina get this beautiful package, and Dean is clearly shaken,and for about a whole minute the focus is solely on them, because that was a real if brief connection, and of course Danielle can't handle not being the center of attention so she has to interject as though she's some injured party. Bitch, please. You're just bitter you didn't get to break up with Dean yourself. I guarantee you no one has ever looked her in the eye and expressed affection for another woman. 

Can Amanda and Robby never return ever? Please and thank you.

There was no home to wreck. Dean and Kristina knew each other for all of 5 minutes before Dlo showed up. Dean and Kristina were never in a relationship, let alone a committed one. In fact, Dean very clearly told Kristina he wanted to pursue other women.  He never claimed her as his girlfriend or stated he wanted Kristina to be his girlfriend. He told Danielle he was single when she arrived, which he was. I don't understand why people think Kristina had some claim to dean because she met him first.  I admit this is my first time watching a full season of BIP, but isn't the point of this whole show to go on dates with different people and try to find a love match? I don't see where D-lo did anything wrong, and she has not been the one acting like a victim.

Edited by dirtypop90
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Big contrast between the start and finish of the season. 

A lot of these women  started out looking for love, wanting to get engaged.  The men wanted to hang with bros and maybe get some action. The women do a lot of the pursuing.  Then when the men get serious, the women retreat with whoa, too much, this was fun, but lets be friends!  

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What was with Alexis leaning so far to the right and trying to seductively expose so much breast that the nipple almost appeared?

I think Amanda, Corinne and the twins all look alike, and very common looking.  Same color/length hair; nothing original about them.

I am glad I was able to finish my dishes and clean my kitchen up while Corrine and DeMario made their lackluster appearance, again.

Edited by bequialife
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I'm going on the record right now:


Kristina as the next Bachelorette.  Dean shows up halfway through the season to the consternation of every other guy.  He makes it to F2 and redeems himself to the point where he is at least in the conversation to be the Bachelor because "Kristina opened his heart to the possibility of love".  Mark my words.

Edited by AudreyHorne
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9 minutes ago, AudreyHorne said:

I'm going on the record right now:


Kristina as the next Bachelorette.  Dean shows up halfway through the season to the consternation of every other guy.  He makes it to F2 and redeems himself to the point where is his at least in the conversation to be the Bachelor because "Kristina opened his heart to the possibility of love".  Mark my words.

OH...good one!  

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So Lacey and Daniel had hooked up, dated, were friends, before the show.

  I don't get it - if you know someone, and you want to date him, do you both have to go on a reality show, and compete to "get a rose"  in order to date him?  And what is the big deal about having sex in the "fantasy suite" - don't you have an apartment?   

This show gives the impression that this group of people, who all know each other, can only date if they both show up in Paradise, and can only have sex if they get CH's blessing to spend the night in the FS.  SO, If BiP is cancelled, all of these people will spend the rest of their lives single.  

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3 hours ago, AudreyHorne said:


I'm going on the record right now:


Kristina as the next Bachelorette.  Dean shows up halfway through the season to the consternation of every other guy.  He makes it to F2 and redeems himself to the point where is his at least in the conversation to be the Bachelor because "Kristina opened his heart to the possibility of love".  Mark my words.


Never gonna happen.  Kristina is beautiful and sweet, but doesn't have the personality to carry the show.

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