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Jeopardy! Season 34 (2017-2018)


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59 minutes ago, Ailianna said:

I think DrScottie was referring to 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea.

I was. If the clue mentioned submarine instead of the more general ship, I suspect they all would have gotten Nautilus and the right answer . 

23 minutes ago, Browncoat said:

FJ was an instaget for me.  Maybe the clue writers think that Eastman and Kodak film are before everyone's time.

Maybe so and that was an instaget for me too. If this weren't a runaway, AT would have likely said that someone's going to make a lot of money today. 

10 hours ago, Clanstarling said:

Me, I thought of the horse in Parks & Rec. :)

I still miss Li'l Sebastian. 

Edited by DrScottie
  • Love 4
2 hours ago, Browncoat said:

I had high hopes for middle guy tonight.  Oh well. 

FJ was an instaget for me.  Maybe the clue writers think that Eastman and Kodak film are before everyone's time.

I also got Dean, post hoc, and To Sir With Love, and am sad that that one was a TS.  There may have been others, but I have trick-or-treaters!

i missed it tonight because of special coverage of the Manhattan vehicle killings. Ugh, what a month--it started with a mass killing and ended the same way. 

Who was the Dean who stumped everyone and what was asked about post hoc?

  • Love 3
2 hours ago, teebax said:

I've noticed where I live people say "right now" when they mean "soon." It makes me stabby.




24 minutes ago, GreekGeek said:

i missed it tonight because of special coverage of the Manhattan vehicle killings. Ugh, what a month--it started with a mass killing and ended the same way. 

Who was the Dean who stumped everyone and what was asked about post hoc?

The archive is actually up already! Check Business Pairings and After Words. http://www.j-archive.com/showgame.php?game_id=5817

The GHW Bush photo just made me think of his awful "joke."

Edited by dcalley
  • Love 2

Zevon, himself, didn't think he was a pianist. Playing piano was *work* - he preferred the guitar and he referred to himself as a heavy-metal folksinger. But if you're gonna quote WOL, he plays piano on that one, so I guess calling him a pianist is OK.  Can't believe it's been 15 years since his final appearance on Letterman.

  • Love 2

Anand is getting creepier by the day.

I didn't tune in until the interviews.  The World Series has the time for Jeopardy all screwed up.

I got To Sir With Love (one of my all time favorite movies, another disappointing TS), Cuba Libré, and Pablo Casals.

I didn't get FJ.  All I could think of was "f" for f-stop.  Hey, it's 1:00 am, cut me some slack.

  • Love 6
5 hours ago, CarpeDiem54 said:

Anand is getting creepier by the day.

I didn't tune in until the interviews.  The World Series has the time for Jeopardy all screwed up.

I got To Sir With Love (one of my all time favorite movies, another disappointing TS), Cuba Libré, and Pablo Casals.

I didn't get FJ.  All I could think of was "f" for f-stop.  Hey, it's 1:00 am, cut me some slack.

Where I live, it's on an ABC affiliate,  so I rarely have an episode not air on time, which is 4:30. Sometimes Saturday jeopardy gets interrupted by college football,  but that's about it.

I couldn't play along at 0100, even though my insomnia often has me awake that late, so you have my sympathies. 

  • Love 2
1 hour ago, bad things are bad said:

Could not believe that Cuba Libre was a TS! 

I ordered one at Happy Hour last week, and the bartender had no idea what is was. When I told her, she said, "Why don't you just order a rum and coke with a lime?" Um, because Cuba Libre sounds WAYYYY better? Needless to say, the service was horrible. If they didn't have free wings, I wouldn't return.

  • Love 8
12 hours ago, CarpeDiem54 said:

All I could think of was "f" for f-stop.

That was my answer, though I was thinking that "f" isn't a very strong sounding letter, or whatever it was Eastman had said. Decisive?

I got Dean (and ran the business partners category), To Sir With Love, Henry Moore, and [Born] Yesterday.

I just couldn't come up with the Boy Scouts guy's name. I was thinking it began with P, so I'm getting there. The thing is, the last time I heard his name mentioned in a story about the Boy Scouts, I vowed I would remember his name. *pout*

I loved Anand's pizza story. I think Alex fumbled his self-denigration joke. "Don't call yourself an American idiot. That's MY job." To call Anand an American idiot?

  • Love 4

i missed it tonight because of special coverage of the Manhattan vehicle killings. Ugh, what a month--it started with a mass killing and ended the same way. 

Same here, and I forgot to set the DVR for the 2am repeat (if they even showed it). The previous game TS I got were Warren Zevon (though I didn't realize he had died), shirtdress, embouchure (because I used to play the flute), Tulsa, and Colorado Springs. FJ took me a sec because I could only remember Captain Nemo not the name of the ship but I went for  20,000 Leagues anyway.

I liked Anand but I like today's new champ too, so far. Rahul was very handsome; I wish he could have stuck around too. Bears was the only TS I got, and like Alex said I chose DeNiro. I think I have a mental block against Pacino's Oscar for a mediocre role in Scent of a Woman that beat Denzel Washington's Malcolm X. Anyway, I think the fact Pacino was nominated twice for playing the same character would have been a good FJ.

Edited by YoureSoUrban
  • Love 2
5 hours ago, peeayebee said:

I loved Anand's pizza story. I think Alex fumbled his self-denigration joke. "Don't call yourself an American idiot. That's MY job." To call Anand an American idiot?

I didn't think it was a self-denigration joke, nor did I think it was fumbled. I think he meant to say that calling Anand (or, contestants in general) an [American] idiot is his job, in a joking way. Not the most hilarious comment, but I think it came out the way it was intended.

Edited by secnarf
  • Love 2

Yay, new champ!  She was on fire -- which means she'll probably flame out tomorrow night. 

Do people who don't live on the East Coast really need all that much explanation and a picture of the Appalachian Trail?  Granted, I live about ten miles from it, so I could answer that one from the picture before they drew the line in, but still.  I was glad that the new champ (cannot remember her name!) pronounced it correctly (according to those of us around here, at least).  :)

I got da Bears and powder blue, but because I always get them confused, said DeNiro instead of Pacino.  I know, they are nothing alike, really, but I get them mixed up anyway.

  • Love 6

The only TSs I got were powder and Austria. I also figured that children was the answer when Alex hesitated after Anand said babies. I'm surprised neither Rahul nor Jenny picked up on that.

I said DeNiro for FJ. I wasn't confident, but it was a pretty good guess.

Boy, Jenny was just powering thru for the longest time. I like her. I was charmed when she answered she couldn't remember her daughter's age because she was so nervous.

  • Love 6

Catching up on DVR'd shows since baseball has taken over for the past couple of nights. Congrats Astros!!!!

On 10/31/2017 at 4:15 PM, peeayebee said:

DOH! For the clue about [blank] Ronin -- which night I can't remember -- I said nine.

I said 13. 

On 10/31/2017 at 6:07 PM, dcalley said:

ETA: I meant to also say that the dark blue ribbons the TOC contestants are wearing in the video are for colon cancer in memory of Cindy Stowell.

Awwww! <3

I kicked butt (for me anyway) on Tuesday's clues. I ran Business Pairings, Facts & Figures, Forewords, 1960 Movies. TS I got were Dean, Marie-Louise, To Sir With Love, Cuba Libre. FJ was an instaget, and I had no idea that Kodak was a made up word, and also thought it was Eastman's partner. 

Alex kinda implied that Patrick & Byron sucked by saying he thought they would do better based on the Jeopardy round, but then Andan took over in DJ. He was complimenting Andan, and I'm sure did not mean to insult the other guys, but he can be awkward that way. 


On 10/31/2017 at 7:00 PM, Browncoat said:

I had high hopes for middle guy tonight.  Oh well. 

I loved his pocket square. 

TS for Wednesday were Concord, powder, Kevin O'Leary, Austria. FJ was an instaget. 

Rahul was all kinds of eye candy and I wish he could have stuck around, even though he went DD hunting toward the end of DJ. And then he only wagered $1,000, and the clue turned out to be ridiculously easy. 

If I were Andan, I probably would have eaten the pizza off the ground. At least a bite or two. 

I really like Jenny. 

  • Love 1

Stupid Fox45 ran an extended World Series pre-game show rather than Jeopardy.  Pooey!

Glad to see Anand gone.  When I saw the FJ clue, I thought of Robert DeNiro, but googling informed me that it was Al Pacino.  Guess I forgot that he won for that horrible hammy performance in Scent of a Woman.  Any of the other nominees deserved over that performance.  He was much better in Glengarry Glen Ross, although not as good as Gene Hackman was in Unforgiven.

  • Love 3
7 hours ago, tvaddict44 said:

However 1992 was a major year for me because Clint finally got his best director award and Robert Downey Jr. was robbed of his perfect, seamless Chaplin. It wasn't just an impersonaation - he actually became Chaplin.  I'm still bitter that hammy hoo-ha won his category.  (All just my "unbiased" opinion of course).

I'm with you on this one.  Robert Downey Jr. had, in my opinion, been robbed by Oscar twice, once for Chaplin and once for Tropic Thunder.

  • Love 3
3 hours ago, TaraS1 said:

He's just putting on an act, trying to hide how much he's still pining for Nan lol

I’ve been out of the loop for a few days so this may already have been mentioned. IRL Alex used to date Susan Sullivan. They were quite the item in the 80’s. So of course Alex likes Nan because they look similar. Too bad she didn’t last longer.

  • Love 3
41 minutes ago, illdoc said:

Jaw dropping TS of the year: 1972 Oscars "made him an offer he could refuse", showed a picture of him (!) and no one guesses Marlon Brando?!!!!!!

That was embarrassing. Then, there were 6 or 7 clues left at the end of Double Jeopardy. Frustrating game!

I guessed right for FJ, but I had no particular reason for choosing Johnson over Harrison or Adams (knew it wasn't Bush). Just lucky! No Alex, Clinton was not a good guess - there has only been one!

  • Love 7
56 minutes ago, illdoc said:

Jaw dropping TS of the year: 1972 Oscars "made him an offer he could refuse", showed a picture of him (!) and no one guesses Marlon Brando?!!!!!!

I wasn’t looking at the TV, there was a PICTURE?  Good lord.

I didn’t keep track of all the TS I got because I’d be here all night.

I’m a little disappointed that this was my re-introduction after missing a bunch of shows due to baseball.

  • Love 4

I guessed Adams, too.  That we've had two presidents named Johnson completely escaped my memory.  Clearly I need to brush up on U.S. History if ever I want to go on Jeopardy!  My excuse is that my U.S. History teacher in high school lo these many years ago was often either hungover or on his way to being drunk.

It surprised me a little that Kelvin started near the bottom of the categories.  The (admittedly few) folks I know who are on the spectrum like order and would never start anywhere except at the top.

59 minutes ago, illdoc said:

Jaw dropping TS of the year: 1972 Oscars "made him an offer he could refuse", showed a picture of him (!) and no one guesses Marlon Brando?!!!!!!

That was a shocking TS!  I got that one, along with galaxies, savory, club, library, Boys Of Summer, and Centerfield.

  • Love 6

It literally took three clues before I caught on the ET meant Entertainment Tonight and not the movie. It didn't help that the first clue was about the movie ET.

Johnson was an instaget for me, but I think that was more out of ignorance. I don't know enough about the two Harrisons or the two Adams' to consider them. I do know enough to consider Clinton an awful guess though, unless he just misunderstood the question.

  • Love 6

Darn, I was hoping to see more of Jenny.  She was delightful.  Kudos for Kelvin being able to compete even though he struggles with Asberger's.  Monica bugs me for some reason.  I hope she's a one and done.

1 hour ago, illdoc said:

Jaw dropping TS of the year: 1972 Oscars "made him an offer he could refuse", showed a picture of him (!) and no one guesses Marlon Brando?!!!!!!

I got that even before they showed his picture!  WTH!?  I also got savory, director's chair, library, Chippendale, and Boys of Summer.

FJ was an instaget, for some odd reason.  Probably for the same reason as @secnarf.

  • Love 8
2 hours ago, illdoc said:

Jaw dropping TS of the year: 1972 Oscars "made him an offer he could refuse", showed a picture of him (!) and no one guesses Marlon Brando?!!!!!!

No one even guessed anybody. How many hints do you need? Did they actually need to say he was Don Corleone in the Godfather?  

1 hour ago, CarpeDiem54 said:

I got that even before they showed his picture!  WTH!?  I also got savory, director's chair, library, Chippendale, and Boys of Summer.

Couldn't think of Chippendale, but got the others and FJ. 

  • Love 5
2 hours ago, secnarf said:

instaget I do know enough to consider Clinton an awful guess though, unless he just misunderstood the question.


I thought *I* misunderstood the question when Alex said it "wasn't a bad guess". But yeah, what a terrible guess. I too completely spaced on "Johnson" being a potential answer and guessed Adams.


Frustrating game but I did like the two female finalists who were both super pleasant.

Edited by burner
  • Love 4
2 hours ago, secnarf said:

It literally took three clues before I caught on the ET meant Entertainment Tonight and not the movie.

Yeah, I was confused by that, too. I think I caught on by the second clue.


It didn't help that the first clue was about the movie ET.

Was it? Now I'm confused all over again.

I could not believe no one knew Brando. Wow.

Besides Brando, I got director's chair and club chair, also the DD of galaxies.

I thought FJ was way too easy and was surprised Jenny said Adams. At first I thought she just wrote that down to write anything down because there was only one Adams President, but I forgot about John Quincy. Anyway, Johnson came to me immediately.

I'm sorry Kelvin didn't do better, but kudos to him for being on the show.

I'm also sorry Jenny didn't win. :(

  • Love 7

Jaw dropping TS of the year: 1972 Oscars "made him an offer he could refuse", showed a picture of him (!) and no one guesses Marlon Brando?!!!!!!

I yelled "Are you kidding me??" at my TV because...really??

For TS I got Marlon Brando, savory, Tone-Loc, director’s chair, and club chair. Count me among the Adams responses for FJ. 


Monica bugs me for some reason.  I hope she's a one and done.

She drove. me. nuts. I kept imagining that she was wearing sneakers because she looked like she just hopped off the train at Wall Street. I really thought the champ was going to be able to hold her off but she missed FJ. ETA: I did the Tootsie Pop thing when I was a kid and I think I got to the center in about 60 licks. I guess they've changed the formula if it took Monica several hundred!

Edited by YoureSoUrban
  • Love 3

I got Aaron Burr, which was a TS, mainly because I sing Dear Theodosia from Hamilton a lot (love the Chance the Rapper version on the mixtape as well).

I got FJ because I just guessed one of the more common last names.

Small voice....I did not get Marlon Brando. I have never seen any of the Godfather movies. I have seen some of his movies, but it was more in passing. I was pretty young when he was at the peak of his career and probably not as interested as I should be in watching more of his films. 

  • Love 2
9 minutes ago, Lizzing said:

I thought Star Wars was the first clue?

It was. Entertainment Tonight was the show. It irked me that even though they managed to complete all the questions, there was too much unnecessary information.

2 minutes ago, tvaddict44 said:

Maybe no one got Marlon Brando because it was such a young picture.  Unless you're on up in years , you may have never seen him when he was young and handsome.

I was very proud of Kelvin.  I have several friends with autism spectrum grandchildren and all of them are very high functioning and excellent readers.  Good on Jeopardy for giving them a chance to participate on the show.

That could be true. The Godfather line is one of the most famous movie quotes of all time. Perhaps seeing a younger Marlon Brando (as opposed to how he looked in the Godfather) made them think it wasn't him that said it.    

As for Kelvin, I was glad to see that too. Jeopardy! has been very good about being accommodating. I think many of us remember Eddie Timanus, the blind sportswriter, who made it to the Tournament of Champions. Contestants used to walk up to the podium as they were announced, but instead they were already present there and he was allowed a Braille keyboard for his responses. And, of course, we all know the late great Cindy Stowell whose appearance was moved up on account of her cancer.   

  • Love 3

A whole category on chairs?  A bit much.  Someone just liked the pun I think. 

I knew FJ, I thought it was pretty easy.  There is the whole area of history all about how Kennedy and Lincoln's deaths were similar, this was in that category. 

I got Ton Loc as well

That baseball records category was harder and different than I expected.  That's one where it would help to start at the top. 

The other recent FJ I guessed Deniro instead of Al Pacino. 

  • Love 3

A knowledge of pop culture history was needed for the Brando miss, I think.  Like I had mentioned I didn’t see the photo, and when he did that at the Oscars I think I wasn’t born yet or was a baby.  But any time you read anything about the Oscars, it’s mentioned in the history part.

I feel like Kelvin had a lot of knowledge gaps with some of the other answers he had and I’ll give him a pass on Clinton.

Edited by mojoween
  • Love 3
14 hours ago, illdoc said:

Jaw dropping TS of the year: 1972 Oscars "made him an offer he could refuse", showed a picture of him (!) and no one guesses Marlon Brando?!!!!!!

I couldn't even concentrate on the rest of the game...every few minutes my mind kept drifting back to, "How is that possible?!?  There was even a picture!!!" lol

  • Love 8
14 hours ago, Fex said:

That was embarrassing. Then, there were 6 or 7 clues left at the end of Double Jeopardy. Frustrating game!

I guessed right for FJ, but I had no particular reason for choosing Johnson over Harrison or Adams (knew it wasn't Bush). Just lucky! No Alex, Clinton was not a good guess - there has only been one!

Well, there was George Clinton, fourth Vice President, but yeah, Bill Clinton did not fit the clue in any way.  He was never a Senator or a Representative or a Vice President.

I guessed Adams although I knew that was wrong.  I'm so bad at Vice Presidents that I really didn't stand a chance with this one, although I did know that both Johnsons had been Vice President.  And I knew LBJ had been in Congress.  But still, political clues are not my strong suit.

  • Love 2

What is three people who have never seen Hamilton :-)  But I totally would have answered What is Aaron Burr, Sir".

I admit, I had a totally brain freeze on FJ.  I think it was just because there was so much info House/Senate/VP/President.  Which should have made it easier of course - even if you didn't remember LBJ was in the House, - Senate/VP/President....

  • Love 2
11 hours ago, DrScottie said:

No one even guessed anybody. How many hints do you need? Did they actually need to say he was Don Corleone in the Godfather?  

Couldn't think of Chippendale, but got the others and FJ. 

I got it the minute they mentioned Sacheem Littlefeather.

9 hours ago, Misslindsey said:

I got Aaron Burr, which was a TS, mainly because I sing Dear Theodosia from Hamilton a lot (love the Chance the Rapper version on the mixtape as well).

I knew Aaron Burr because I've read a bit about Theodosia Burr Alston.  And have seen her house when I visited Charleston.  (I've never seen Hamilton, and never will since I can't stand Lin Manuel Miranda.)

Other than the FJ, I got every single TS this game, which must be a record for me.  Especially since there seemed to be a lot of stumpers.

Edited by proserpina65
  • Love 3
10 hours ago, Misslindsey said:

Small voice....I did not get Marlon Brando. I have never seen any of the Godfather movies. I have seen some of his movies, but it was more in passing. I was pretty young when he was at the peak of his career and probably not as interested as I should be in watching more of his films. 

I was more surprised that Jenny didn't get it - no so much the younger folk. She looks to be about my age - which would be post "good looking" Brando, but right at "Godfather" Brando. And that was a huge movie - and the rejection of the Oscar was pretty big news in the day.

29 minutes ago, proserpina65 said:

I guessed Adams although I knew that was wrong.  I'm so bad at Vice Presidents that I really didn't stand a chance with this one, although I did know that both Johnsons had been Vice President.  And I knew LBJ had been in Congress.  But still, political clues are not my strong suit.

I knew LBJ had been VP, President, and in Congress. And knew there was another President named Johnson - who I knew nothing about. So I went with it. (political clues aren't generally my strength either). Briefly considered the Adams family (heh), but decided that had to be wrong.

  • Love 4
3 hours ago, Clanstarling said:

I knew LBJ had been VP, President, and in Congress. And knew there was another President named Johnson - who I knew nothing about. So I went with it. (political clues aren't generally my strength either). Briefly considered the Adams family (heh), but decided that had to be wrong.

How about you get out of my head? LOL. That was my thought process, down to considering Adams and realizing that couldn't be correct.

I got the same TS's everyone else seemed to get, including club chair. I liked the chair category, but that might be because of a furniture addiction; I like shopping for furniture more than shopping for anything else and do it way more frequently than I should. As my mom says, if you don't like the way teebax's house looks, just wait.

I thought Clinton was a bad guess and sensed that Alex was trying to make him feel better because of his condition, which was nice of Alex.

Edited by teebax
  • Love 5

Adams had to be wrong, because there wasn't enough time from the beginning of the US for either of 'em to have been in HoR, Senate *and* VP before becoming POTUS. Harrison (Wm. Henry) would be pushing the time frame, too. We remember GWB wasn't anything but a governor, so it couldn't have been the Bushes. Not sure about the Roosevelts. I knew Andrew Johnson had at least been VP (took over after Lincoln's assassination) and knew Lyndon was at least 3 of the 4 mentioned, so I went with Johnson.

This might help you learn your POTUSes... https://www.jetpunk.com/quizzes/name-us-presidents
I always seem to forget Arthur & Taft. Don't forget Cleveland served two non-consecutive terms.

  • Love 3
22 minutes ago, Prevailing Wind said:

Adams had to be wrong, because there wasn't enough time from the beginning of the US for either of 'em to have been in HoR, Senate *and* VP before becoming POTUS. Harrison (Wm. Henry) would be pushing the time frame, too. We remember GWB wasn't anything but a governor, so it couldn't have been the Bushes. Not sure about the Roosevelts. I knew Andrew Johnson had at least been VP (took over after Lincoln's assassination) and knew Lyndon was at least 3 of the 4 mentioned, so I went with Johnson.

I said Adams, and afterwards realized that John Adams could not have been in the House or Senate.  I knew Bush was wrong, and that FDR was never VP, so Roosevelt was wrong.  For some reason, I completely blanked on Andrew Johnson, so I didn't consider LBJ, even though I knew he held all 4 posts in the clue.

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