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S12.E08: Run For Your Wife

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31 minutes ago, JD5166 said:

They are stupid as was butterfly! Whaaaat? Least funny thing ever!!! 

The breast cancer thing I get. I had been diagnosed at a stage "0" and after many surgeries to reach clean lines my boob was hacked beyond belief (they were beautiful!) At that time I found a good breast surgeon who sent me for an MRI to check me out fully to see what they would find, if anything. Another spot was found on my other breast that was so Close to my ribs they couldn't see it without an ultrasound. I was 40 and couldn't imagine going every 6 months for mammograms and the waiting....and waiting for the hammer to fall, I did what she did. It was recommended (this was before brca testing was available).  Am also poor, my boobs don't look quite as good as hers....but I have a piece of mind. I still don't like the Peggy. LOL BUt I get her decision! 

Oh I totally understand the decision. What I could not figure out if is Peggy actually had cancer as she has said she did, and has said she didn't. My mother had breast cancer twice - two different types, one in each breast, two years apart. She died of pancreatic cancer several years later. I have a higher risk due to this, as well as never having had kids, having dense breasts and having had two benign tumors removed from my breasts. So the decision I understand. The simple fact of whether she did or did not have cancer I still have no clue about. But yes, she certainly had every right to the decision she made. As does every woman. I'm glad yours gave you peace of mind! 

Edited by UsernameFatigue
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I can respect the fact that David has a new passion but I don't think Shannon was emasculating David, his "obsession" takes away from family time.  Be it working out or devoting himself to oil painting, David has a job and three daughters, he needs to find some balance.  Tamra and Eddie have a pretty idyllic situation where they can work out during the day and Eddie can incorporate it into part of his job,  I am pretty bored with Tamra's body building competition and preparation.  I feel as though she needs to be more well rounded life isn't just about physical fitness.  At least for me it just isn't all that interesting as her constant focus on reality TV.   

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13 minutes ago, zoeysmom said:

I can respect the fact that David has a new passion but I don't think Shannon was emasculating David, his "obsession" takes away from family time.  Be it working out or devoting himself to oil painting, David has a job and three daughters, he needs to find some balance.  Tamra and Eddie have a pretty idyllic situation where they can work out during the day and Eddie can incorporate it into part of his job,  I am pretty bored with Tamra's body building competition and preparation.  I feel as though she needs to be more well rounded life isn't just about physical fitness.  At least for me it just isn't all that interesting as her constant focus on reality TV.   

When they showed Tamra training for this race, I thought "here we go again, another season of Tamra being obsessed with a competition". Thank goodness it was over right away. You are right that Tamra and Eddie can work out during the day. And since the gym never seems that busy, it appears they can devote a lot of time to it. Not to mention Tamra is kid free I would think half of the time when two of the three kids she does see are with Simon. Hardly comparable to Shannon and David's life at all. 

I guess we are to believe that David, Eddie, Tamra, Lydia and her hubby all finished the race at the same time. Not likely. And what a dick Lydia's husband was for showing their kids the fire pic. As it turns out, the fire they jumped across even I could do. Hardly the scary fire they showed their kids. And they have made comments before about their middle child being more sensitive. Morons. 

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Unfortunately, I think Shannon and David are just making each other miserable at this point. Couldn't pay too much attention. Unfortunatlely for Hockey Addict, tropical storm Harvey is being a dick and has not quit hitting us with rain. I live upstairs but all around me people are flooded :( 

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Peggy says (paraphrased): Why is Shannon telling me Tamra is mad? If Tamra is mad, why isn't Tamra in front of me?  

Pegs, I know Armenians were the first reality stars and all, but seriously: have you never watched one of these shows? Half or more than half is about Party A telling Party B what Party C thinks, and then HAVING a party where all interested parties explode over what happened.

Also: I feel like we are missing something about Peggy's cancer story. The BRCA gene is not (so far as I know) the only indicator for breast cancer. Why is Shannon interested in starting up Cancergate II over this? It's not great to toss that stuff around just to sound like you know what you're talking about.

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1 hour ago, tinaw said:

It was nice to see Shannon and Kelly talking and apologizing. All I could think though is when is the REAL Kelly coming back.

Next week...

Edited by CrinkleCutCat
It merged another comment of mine that I don't want merged.
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Man, Vicki wears down fashion the way she wears down everyone else.  How many times do we have to see her in a dress with funky cut outs or with fabric wrapped around her neck (which is also cut unevenly, intentionally)?  None of those dresses are flattering.


Has no one told Peggy or Lydia what Vicki actually did?  They seem to skip around that without actually saying anything.

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16 minutes ago, ivygirl said:

Peggy says (paraphrased): Why is Shannon telling me Tamra is mad? If Tamra is mad, why isn't Tamra in front of me?  

Pegs, I know Armenians were the first reality stars and all, but seriously: have you never watched one of these shows? Half or more than half is about Party A telling Party B what Party C thinks, and then HAVING a party where all interested parties explode over what happened.

Also: I feel like we are missing something about Peggy's cancer story. The BRCA gene is not (so far as I know) the only indicator for breast cancer. Why is Shannon interested in starting up Cancergate II over this? It's not great to toss that stuff around just to sound like you know what you're talking about.

Peggy set forth her cancer story in her blog-what is so hard about saying I had breast cancer and opted for a double mastectomy.  According to Peggy she a a mass, and there were pre-cancerous cells and when they did a procedure there was a 3 centimeter cancer.  I don't find it all that difficult to explain.  she seems very caught up in the reconstruction.

I don't get how Dicko butterfly act is the least bit laugh inducing. 

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1 minute ago, zoeysmom said:

Peggy set forth her cancer story in her blog-what is so hard about saying I had breast cancer and opted for a double mastectomy.  According to Peggy she a a mass, and there were pre-cancerous cells and when they did a procedure there was a 3 centimeter cancer.  I don't find it all that difficult to explain.  she seems very caught up in the reconstruction.

I don't get how Dicko butterfly act is the least bit laugh inducing. 

I don't doubt Peggy; her choice is understandable. I just am missing something re: why Shannon is focusing on the BRCA gene. 

The butterfly thing was dumb. Maybe it loses something in the Armenian-to-English translation.

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Still watching the episode and haven't read all the posts but if Vicki is going to quote the Bible, it would help if she got the verse right. We are supposed forgive 77 times or 7 times 70 times (depending on the translation you are reading). Not 777 times. 

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1 minute ago, diadochokinesis said:

Still watching the episode and haven't read all the posts but if Vicki is going to quote the Bible, it would help if she got the verse right. We are supposed forgive 77 times or 7 times 70 times (depending on the translation you are reading). Not 777 times. 

Well, Vicki has never let anything like 'facts' or accuracy get in her way before...

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You can participate in the race as a team but the caveat is you start AND finish as a team. I did it at Camp Pendleton a million years ago when it was called The Mud Run and we did it as a team. It's no joke, I was crippled for days with cramping calves and I'm an athlete.  (Soccer, hockey and street skating at the time). 

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So Shannon's pissed at David cuz he works out too much but seems to me he's trying to behave himself. He's not out drinking or going to strip clubs. He needs a diversion and exercising is probably the best option. Shannon is super high maintenance. Neeeeeedy. 

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2 hours ago, JD5166 said:

David and Shannon=DOOMED! I would be her in this situation as well (drinking at the bar). You can't have a partner who is that interested in physical fitness (I think Spartan races are stupid--however Spartan is my three legged cats name because he IS fierce, named by the rescue where I got him!) when you're just not AT ALL interested - IMO. I feel bad for them both. They are so not happy....even if they are great together in other ways. I see Shannon going in alone within two years if not sooner. 

Enh, I disagree. My husband is super into physical fitness. Runs marathons for fun, benches over 400 lbs, etc. I don't run due to knee and hip issues. I will play an occasional game of tennis (my husband doesn't play).I will sometimes do yoga. But run or lift weights?  Not my thing. Spouses don't necessarily have to do everything together to have a healthy marriage. 

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9 hours ago, zoeysmom said:

I can respect the fact that David has a new passion but I don't think Shannon was emasculating David, his "obsession" takes away from family time.  Be it working out or devoting himself to oil painting, David has a job and three daughters, he needs to find some balance.  

I agree. They have three kids and only one is near driving age. The kids have school and their activities. Shannon is probably busy driving them around in the evenings and on the weekend. David has work, his exercises, and his Spartan race. When are they spending time together?

I have such a poor opinion of Spartan Races, Mud Runs, and all of these obstacle races. A co-worker did a Spartan race a couple of years ago. However the way they constructed the water/mud obstacle was so bad that she broke her leg in 3 places. While she was getting treated in the ER, wave after wave of racers showed up in the ER with all manner of leg injuries.

Lydia and her dumb husband need to be smacked. They show their 5 year old pictures of someone jumping over fire, tell their kids that Lydia and dumbass will be doing that, and to pray for Lydia and dumbass. And for some reason they are shocked when the kid breaks out into tears. Morons.

Vicki is still terrible.

I think Peggy might have some sort of cognitive processing issue.

Edited by HunterHunted
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I don't question Peggy's decision to have a double mastectomy and I'm sure when explained properly all the facts make sense, but listening to her explain it to Shannon, I have never been more confused.

Then we've got Peggy going "That came out of left field (oh wait, I'm not suppose to understand English).  What does it mean left field?" 

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18 minutes ago, yourmomiseasy said:

Then we've got Peggy going "That came out of left field (oh wait, I'm not suppose to understand English).  What does it mean left field?" 

I really wish I understood how they cast these shows because  Peggy combines all the traits of every miscast housewife in one boring and annoying package.

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OMG Vicki DOES look like a warthog!  So much more accurate than Miss Piggy who at least has good hair and would never attempt a cancer scam with Kermit.

Meghan looked really pretty at that modeling shoot and those outfits were beautiful on her.

Top O the afternoon!!! Top O the Evenin'!!!!  Shannon, your marriage sucks and is uncomfortable to witness but thank you for actually making me LOL on what was a gloomy Monday for me.

I actually like Tamra's fitness storyline, I'm into weight-lifting and it's a lot more interesting than her self-inflicted family drama or fake Christianity.  And I like Eddie though I wonder what he sees in her.

Peggy is too boring for me to even post about right now.

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My husband and a bunch of friends signed up to do a Tough Mudder -which I understand to be harder than Spartan, btw. The race was scheduled for Mother's Day. We didn't know that it would fall on Mother's Day and I wasn't thrilled. And I have zero interest in these races. However, it was important to him, and I knew he would have a huge sense of accomplishment once he did it. So we packed up the kids and drove two states away, stayed in a packed Comfort Inn, so that the kids and I could cheer him at the finish line. It ended up being an awesome day, and I was so proud of him! That's what you do for the ones you love. Shannon is a pill. Poor David. 

Btw...I loved seeing the tattooed hunky jocks crossing the finish line, --- and immediately lighting up their ciggies! Lol lol!

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I ain't going to lie, watching all those bitches work out, while I sat on my couch eating my ice cream, was kind of amazing. 

No, but I actually enjoyed the Spartan segments. It was nice seeing them all stick together and encourage one another (looking at you, Josh Taekman). It's really a shame that Shannon wouldn't come. I don't necessarily expect her to run. She's not nearly fit enough. But David looked so sad at the end, when there was no one there to hug him and congratulate him. Shannon always has to be so insecure about everything David does. A. Maybe if you weren't such a soulsuck, he wouldn't want to be at the gym all the time. B. Tamra is right (I just threw up in my mouth a little bit) - work out WITH him. You need to get fit as well, and it will really be a bonding moment. But, no, she'd rather sit and cry about it. Perpetual victim, that one. 

Also, Shannon, no need to doubt Peggy. Not everyone lies about cancer. 

But beyond that, I DO find Peggy very fake. She has no clue what "out of left field" means, but didn't seem to struggle with "resting bitch face". 

Also, what was that "butterfly" thing at dinner??? I thought that was so weird. 

Vicki asked Siri how many times you should forgive someone. Here's a thought - ask Siri how to not fake a cancer scam. Briana seems so over her. I feel kind of bad for her. You know since Vicki has lost most of her friends, Briana is taking the brunt of her Vickiness. 

I LOATHE Kelly Dodd, but I really want her to keep the peace with Tamra and Shannon, just because I know it would drive Vicki insane. 

LOVE that Megan just nurses her baby wherever, whenever. 

I felt horrible for poor Maverick when Doug was showing him that Lydia would be jumping over fire during the race. Way to terrify the child, and then act all befuddled as to why he'd be upset. 

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I agree Peggy is not explaining about her Beast cancer very well.  Maybe it is just difficult for her to talk about because it's emotional, reminds her of loosing her mother.  But I think people would get it if she just explained her mom died of breast cancer, and she doesn't want to take a chance that will happen to her. so at the slightest hint of anything being wrong, she opted for a masectomy.  I think people would get it.

I wanted to laugh so hard at Vicki walking up to the store to meet Kelly.  First we have last week, her lumbering around in her lace dress and clunky shoes, now this week she is wearing a short short nightie/beach cover up out in public paired with a Mick Fleetwood hat.  Her, uh, fashion choices are interesting.

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9 hours ago, For Cereals said:

Word!  Shannon could still support David...I'd sit on the sidelines with my hot dog and popcorn.

Totally! That's what I did! Then dragged him shopping because that's MY interest! :)

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18 minutes ago, FamilyVan said:

Here's a little piece of advice for Shannon:  Bitching and griping at your hub in public (or anywhere) about how he's never home and doesn't want to spend time with you, is not going to make him want to spend more time with you.  Shannon is just not fun.  Why would he want to stay home and hang out with her?  So she can bitch at him more?  So she can cook lousy food and make passive aggressive digs at him?  If she was happy, and had her own things going on in life, she would be fun and happy, and a person he would want to be around.  She is just a drain. 

Yep. I have always believed that a large part of the problem is that Shannon has nothing going on herself. Now she has the show. Big fucking deal. What does she have to do with the remaining 7 months of the year? She has kids. Blah, blah and blah. She also had full time nannies to handle many tasks. Maybe she still has nannies? I've no idea, but she did when the show started. So what does she do all day? The kids are at school.

I have always believed that you cannot rely on someone else to make you happy. People can add to your happiness. They can enhance your life. But you have to find a way to make yourself happy. Shannon is 52 at this point and apparently does not get this. She wants for David to hang out with her and be as miserable as she is. He is out there doing things that bring him joy and make his life better, and she doesn't have the interest, ability, or courage to do the same and it makes her angry and jealous that he does. What a sorry ass role model for her 3 girls. 

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2 minutes ago, motorcitymom65 said:

Yep. I have always believed that a large part of the problem is that Shannon has nothing going on herself. Now she has the show. Big fucking deal. What does she have to do with the remaining 7 months of the year? She has kids. Blah, blah and blah. She also had full time nannies to handle many tasks. Maybe she still has nannies? I've no idea, but she did when the show started. So what does she do all day? The kids are at school.

I have always believed that you cannot rely on someone else to make you happy. People can add to your happiness. They can enhance your life. But you have to find a way to make yourself happy. Shannon is 52 at this point and apparently does not get this. She wants for David to hang out with her and be as miserable as she is. He is out there doing things that bring him joy and make his life better, and she doesn't have the interest, ability, or courage to do the same and it makes her angry and jealous that he does. What a sorry ass role model for her 3 girls. 

1000 Likes! She needs to get out of her head. Get a hobby! Start some more charities (yeah, right). Find some strength, Sad Sack Shannon, at least for your girls' sakes.

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34 minutes ago, FamilyVan said:

Peggy - OMG so Diko says "It was out of the blue", and then Peggy says "Yeah it was out of left field".  <pause> "What's left field?"  YOU JUST USED IT in the correct context you phony moron!  Ugh.  What is in right field?  What is this baseball American Game?  Me no understand.  Come on.... seriously?  This is such a phony act.  This is all phony.  This show is not making it possible for me to suspend my disbelief anymore!!  They've ruined it for me!  Why show why??

Didn't Diko or the kids indicate in a previous episode that she has a college degree in English?!!?!?!?!?????!! How is that even possible? I could believe she has a degree in Englitch. Perhaps her family was saying the major in an Armenian word that sounds like "English" to my American ears. But there is no way she has an English degree. Peggy is in her 40s. The SATs have always been more popular on the coast. There is no way that someone with her vocabulary and poor grasp of idioms would have done well in the reading or the analogies sections.

One of these must be true. She's either faking her poor English or lying about having a college degree. 

Edited by HunterHunted
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Peggy redeemed herself s little by driving tamra crazy without trying.


Shannon/david..its called compromise.

Meghan is into motherhood by next week she's going back to bring Nancy Drew..excited :)

Kelly has been semi tame...but I see that will change next week.

Lydia's husband freaked out his middle child then laughed at it.  A subtle form of bullying.  Thank gosh for grandma!

Edited by JAYJAY1979
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3 hours ago, bichonblitz said:

Well, skewer me now but I like Peggy. I thought she put Tamra in her place at lunch and didn't have to yell and scream to do it.

"Don't be a bitch and I won't give you bitch face".  Good point, Pegs!

She didn't actually say that until the TH.  She's just an empty vessel with no witty comebacks, and a boring ass life.

im pretty pissed that we've had cancer three years running.  It's getting old, and these heifers diminish the seriousness of the disease.  Fucking dry ass Peggy.  I'd rather non cancer story Jesus Juggs come back.

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They need to put a clause in these bitches contracts that forces them to film together. It's ridiculous. Now I know why they keep Kelly Dodd on the show. She seems sane but get a couple of drinks in her and she is a sloppy loud drunk. 

I am sick of the entire storyline this season being how much everyone hates Vicki. 

I'm with Shannon, exercise is a necessary evil. If I worked out with my husband, I'd probably kill him. Sometimes not doing activities together can be better for a marriage.

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I’ve always found Shannon to be a high maintenance PITA, but after last night I really feel bad for David and their girls.  She wants everything on her terms.  I think David probably took up fitness because he is afraid to have another affair and he needs something positive in his life, and god knows it won’t be Shannon.  If she really cared about him, she would have supported him and not emasculated him publicly.  She wants everyone to coddle her and cater to her, but she refuses to compromise.  Her behavior over a small spat with Lydia at Tamara’s granddaughter’s party was enlightening.  I don’t believe it’s the first time David and the girls had to pack up and leave while Shannon carried on cursing and throwing a tantrum. 

I don’t condone David’s affair, but I can understand the desperation that probably led him there.  Free David (and their girls).  I’ve said it before, but I believe her girls are going to end up with major problems when they get older and I think a lot of it can be laid at their needy, soul sucking, boozing mother’s feet.

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9 hours ago, zoeysmom said:

I can respect the fact that David has a new passion but I don't think Shannon was emasculating David, his "obsession" takes away from family time.  Be it working out or devoting himself to oil painting, David has a job and three daughters, he needs to find some balance.

I don't think "emasculating" was the right word, but I got Tamra's sentiment. You don't call your spouse out like that in front of others. Shannon did that, to validate her concerns. She wanted backup. It's not cool. You address it privately, male or female. 


8 hours ago, Pegasaurus said:

They have no business being parents.  They have a one son who is particularly sensitive and prone to worry.  Yeah, just tell him his scarecrow mother is gonna jump over fire and show him photos to drive the point home!  Then laugh when he expresses fear and anxiety.  And to top it off, decide he might be a prophet?

These kids are going to make it to high school being traumatized about their parents dying and having no clue what sex is. 


8 hours ago, diadochokinesis said:

Enh, I disagree. My husband is super into physical fitness. Runs marathons for fun, benches over 400 lbs, etc. I don't run due to knee and hip issues. I will play an occasional game of tennis (my husband doesn't play).I will sometimes do yoga. But run or lift weights?  Not my thing. Spouses don't necessarily have to do everything together to have a healthy marriage. 

They don't have to. But David and Shannon don't seem to do anything together. They need something to bond over. And Shannon needs to lose weight. So I don't see how just TRYING to work out together would be a bad thing. 

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12 minutes ago, Normades said:

I’ve always found Shannon to be a high maintenance PITA, but after last night I really feel bad for David and their girls.  She wants everything on her terms.  I think David probably took up fitness because he is afraid to have another affair and he needs something positive in his life, and god knows it won’t be Shannon.  If she really cared about him, she would have supported him and not emasculated him publicly.  She wants everyone to coddle her and cater to her, but she refuses to compromise.  Her behavior over a small spat with Lydia at Tamara’s granddaughter’s party was enlightening.  I don’t believe it’s the first time David and the girls had to pack up and leave while Shannon carried on cursing and throwing a tantrum. 

I don’t condone David’s affair, but I can understand the desperation that probably led him there.  Free David (and their girls).  I’ve said it before, but I believe her girls are going to end up with major problems when they get older and I think a lot of it can be laid at their needy, soul sucking, boozing mother’s feet.

Totally agree.... and I love love love Shannon. Luckily, I'm not her husband or child. THAT would be a tough ask.

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29 minutes ago, FamilyVan said:

I agree Peggy is not explaining about her Beast cancer very well.  Maybe it is just difficult for her to talk about because it's emotional, reminds her of loosing her mother.  But I think people would get it if she just explained her mom died of breast cancer, and she doesn't want to take a chance that will happen to her. so at the slightest hint of anything being wrong, she opted for a masectomy.  I think people would get it.

I wanted to laugh so hard at Vicki walking up to the store to meet Kelly.  First we have last week, her lumbering around in her lace dress and clunky shoes, now this week she is wearing a short short nightie/beach cover up out in public paired with a Mick Fleetwood hat.  Her, uh, fashion choices are interesting.

You win for the Mick Fleetwood hat reference (and your profile pic never gets old)!

Why are Brianna and her kids on my TV? Go be with your husband. I could understand if Ragey Ryan was deployed overseas, but I'm pretty sure your medical condition can be treated in OK, or your OC doctors can work with your OK doctors about treatment. I don't get it.

I also don't get why Peggy has such horrible hair. I'm sure she's paying big bucks to have that rats nest.

I enjoyed Megan/Kelly/Shannon getting along segment. Too bad it doesn't last.

I'm sure there's much more to comment on, but Vicki's bad fashion choices keep popping in my head and make me forget what I want to say.

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6 minutes ago, ghoulina said:

I don't think "emasculating" was the right word, but I got Tamra's sentiment. You don't call your spouse out like that in front of others. Shannon did that, to validate her concerns. She wanted backup. It's not cool. You address it privately, male or female. 


These kids are going to make it to high school being traumatized about their parents dying and having no clue what sex is. 


They don't have to. But David and Shannon don't seem to do anything together. They need something to bond over. And Shannon needs to lose weight. So I don't see how just TRYING to work out together would be a bad thing. 


I was just referencing the OP's comment about how a marriage could never work between one spouse who enjoys working out versus one who doesn't. Each marriage is different. I just don't think you can put such a generalization on all marriages. 

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9 hours ago, Hockey Addict said:

Unfortunately, I think Shannon and David are just making each other miserable at this point. Couldn't pay too much attention. Unfortunatlely for Hockey Addict, tropical storm Harvey is being a dick and has not quit hitting us with rain. I live upstairs but all around me people are flooded :( 

Agreed on Shannon and David.  They had a last ditch effort with the vow renewal stuff to save their marriage.  I think David is biding his time until the girls are in college and then the marriage is over.  It's a shame they are wasting their lives on being miserable.

And I'm sending you positive vibes, hugs, love as you and your neighbors deal with this awful event.

Also, I'm a huge hockey fan, so I'm in love with you.  :)

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Free David (and their girls).  I’ve said it before, but I believe her girls are going to end up with major problems when they get older and I think a lot of it can be laid at their needy, soul sucking, boozing mother’s feet.


I agree it's not a really great dynamic for her girls, I hope when they get boyfriends I hope they do not think it's a good idea to behave so passive aggressively when they don't like the restaurant choice, etc.

Like what does Shannon want?  In her mind, David comes home and is going to have some family time, to her, what does this look like?  Him taking her to an acceptable restaurant?  Him hanging out and watching a movie with her?  No matter what, she would be bitching about something he did wrong, he didn't compliment her enough, he was too distant, he was eating chips and making her feel bad about her weight...   what would be her idea of a nice night with David?  They go to a restaurant she bitches about the food, it's not low fat enough, or it's a sports bar.  He asked her to go for the weekend to his spartan race, this is not romantic enough for her, she won't go.  They go to a party and she doesn't like that he's ordering a drink and talking to pother people,.  Nothing would be right for her.

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4 minutes ago, diadochokinesis said:

I was just referencing the OP's comment about how a marriage could never work between one spouse who enjoys working out versus one who doesn't. Each marriage is different. I just don't think you can put such a generalization on all marriages. 

Completely agree. Married for 31 years and much of our interests are different. But we find a way to encourage each other in the things we love. The thing is, we both have things that we love, so we get what brings the other joy. I love my book club and my husband loves his golf. My husband loves to fish and wants to do it every single weekend. I hate to fish and have no interest. So I took up paddle boarding and it was hard. I am not athletic, so it took me a while to get the swing of things. But now we both go to the lake. He fishes, I paddle board, and we meet a couple hours later on the boat for sandwiches and white wine (only a glass - we are careful). We have found a way to spend time together, with each doing the thing that makes us happy. I am just not sure what makes Shannon happy, and I don't think that Shannon knows either. 

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I actually really enjoyed the Spartan training and race. It makes so much sense to show stuff like this, since they live in California and can train pretty much year round.  I liked the beginning of OC when they focused on (some of) the regional trends we just don't necessarily adopt in places where its colder. People run Spartan here but it's not super common to regularly train for it. I'd rather see stuff like this than contrived parties.

Edited by LVmom
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