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Paul & Karine: These Condoms Ain't For Sexin'

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2 hours ago, Mu Shu said:

I can beat you at 6 degrees of Kevin Bacon. Let’s play.

I mean, I was just joking but if we were really playing with Bacon as the constant then I have 2: he and his brother were in a band and they played at the bar my family used to own. Unlike some of the acts who came through, he was always funny and friendly and he'd sit around and chat with us even after we closed for the night. I was also an extra in TAKING CHANCE.

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I think the worst hazard to the baby is that Karine and Pole both have bad tempers, are very volatile together or separately, and that's not good for the baby.  

Didn't the doctor tell Karine and Paul that the pregnancy was high risk?    

Edited by CrazyInAlabama
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On 9/5/2019 at 2:48 AM, mamadrama said:

I mean, I was just joking but if we were really playing with Bacon as the constant then I have 2: he and his brother were in a band and they played at the bar my family used to own. Unlike some of the acts who came through, he was always funny and friendly and he'd sit around and chat with us even after we closed for the night. I was also an extra in TAKING CHANCE.

That’s a Bacon score of 1 to Bacon himself! Nice!

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11 hours ago, Nowhere said:

That’s a Bacon score of 1 to Bacon himself! Nice!

There was a fabulous episode of Mad About You years ago, when the main couple were pregnant and trying to decide who to tell first. They told a random stranger in the elevator outside their OB's office. At the end of the episode, when everyone in the family as angry to have not been the first one told, the doorbell rang. It was Kevin Bacon, who didn't know them and was at the wrong apartment while looking for a friend or his assistant or someone. He realized the main couple were the people his friend had met on the elevator and shared their pregnancy news with randomly and he congratulated them. It was a whole meta-Bacon joke and was awesome. Kevin Bacon generally seems willing to laugh at himself and I love him for that.

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Pole pronouncing his father's name, Pierre, as Pi-airy is so strange.   I think that's how the father's name was pronounced.      I don't believe Pole's mother will cut him off financially for very long.     

I don't believe anything that any of the participants say on this show.  I think what all of the relatives, and the participants say is just to get up to tune in, and it's working, isn't it? 

Edited by CrazyInAlabama
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1 minute ago, CrazyInAlabama said:

Pole pronouncing his father's name, Pierre, as Pi-airy is so strange.   I think that's how the father's name was pronounced.      I don't believe Pole's mother will cut him off financially for very long.     

Pole's mother said she was going to retire and wouldn't be able to send them so much money, so while I suspect she would if she could, she can't.

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Oh, here we go with Paul's mother's hair again. As she's getting into the cab and he leans down to kiss her - I mean, for God's sake, she's leaving and he doesn't know the next time he'll see her, and what he comes up with to say - twice - is "Your hair smells good." Also, just something that I noticed: the second time he said it, he gestured, like SHE didn't speak English, "Your hair ... [pulls on his own hair] ... smells good." I guess he's just so used to living in a country where he doesn't speak the language that he's conditioned to talking with his hands and gesturing. POLE! Learn the FREAKING LANGUAGE ALREADY! And one more thing. I actually like his mother, but she was sweating the entire time she was there and her hair was stuck to her face, so for him to say twice that it smelled good ... I think I'll just stop now.

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I think Paul is scary and on the edge of being emotionally abusive. Every time he argues he goes straight to the "do you want a divorce" mantra and it's starting to piss ME off. I can't imagine how Karine must feel. 

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On 10/2/2019 at 4:26 PM, mamadrama said:

I think Paul is scary and on the edge of being emotionally abusive. Every time he argues he goes straight to the "do you want a divorce" mantra and it's starting to piss ME off. I can't imagine how Karine must feel. 

I find myself answering “yes” every time he starts up.  “Yes Paul,  I do want a divorce” 

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I am watching the part with Paul and his Mom again.  She basically says she won't support him anymore, and she said "You depend on me A LOT."  So she is probably floating money to them and is like, no more.  It is as though he is surprised he needs to support himself is a surprise at at 35.  He is surprised that living in Brazil, unable to speak Portuguese and having a rather unpleasant personality would result in problems obtaining employment.   She also seemed to have Paul's number that he is the originator of the crap between them as she was all:  "I don't see that side in Karine!"  followed by, in her head:  "Because I know you are turd!"

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I wonder if Karine is here for good or not. I can't remember when I saw them in Louisville. It was either before the first stroke or in between the two, but it wasn't that long ago-pretty sure less than 6 weeks. 

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1 hour ago, mamadrama said:

I wonder if Karine is here for good or not. I can't remember when I saw them in Louisville. It was either before the first stroke or in between the two, but it wasn't that long ago-pretty sure less than 6 weeks. 

Did his mom have a stroke?

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13 hours ago, Mrs. Hanson said:

I am watching the part with Paul and his Mom again.  She basically says she won't support him anymore, and she said "You depend on me A LOT."  So she is probably floating money to them and is like, no more.  It is as though he is surprised he needs to support himself is a surprise at at 35.  He is surprised that living in Brazil, unable to speak Portuguese and having a rather unpleasant personality would result in problems obtaining employment.   She also seemed to have Paul's number that he is the originator of the crap between them as she was all:  "I don't see that side in Karine!"  followed by, in her head:  "Because I know you are turd!"

In an article about Pol terrorizing one of his former girlfriends when she broke up with him, the ex stated that Pol couldn't hold down a job and that his mother paid for everything- his rent, his car, his phone, his food, etc......all the while he was telling the ex that he had  a good job and was building a house (they were staying in an extended stay motel).  Pol can't even keep a job in America where he speaks the language.  He possibly could teach English in Brazil (I've known some nutter ESL teachers overseas), but he would probably end up getting fired for threatening someone.

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46 minutes ago, doyouevengohere said:

In an article about Pol terrorizing one of his former girlfriends when she broke up with him, the ex stated that Pol couldn't hold down a job and that his mother paid for everything- his rent, his car, his phone, his food, etc......all the while he was telling the ex that he had  a good job and was building a house (they were staying in an extended stay motel).  Pol can't even keep a job in America where he speaks the language.  He possibly could teach English in Brazil (I've known some nutter ESL teachers overseas), but he would probably end up getting fired for threatening someone.

Exactly.  Paul is not a good fit for a job working with other humans on a daily basis.

He gets angry and flustered, he thinks he is smarter than everyone else, he is patronizing and he runs into a dog house or threatens to dive into a lake of shit when things get tough.  

All this to agree that working with other humans is not the right occupation for him.  That's why it would be nice if he could get some sort of Spanish to English/English to Spanish translator /interpreter gig.  

He could probably offer his service for a fraction of the price because he doesn't need much money to live.  

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2 hours ago, doyouevengohere said:

He would have to learn Portuguese first. or spanish.  He would just end up using google translate.

He knows Spanish right?  If he doesn't know Spanish, my whole premise is off and he just needs to pray that someone really needs a subpar cow shit shoveller.

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1 hour ago, RealReality said:

He knows Spanish right?  If he doesn't know Spanish, my whole premise is off and he just needs to pray that someone really needs a subpar cow shit shoveller.

Knowing Spanish isn't going to help him in Brazil, where Portuguese is spoken.

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9 minutes ago, Gobi said:

Knowing Spanish isn't going to help him in Brazil, where Portuguese is spoken.

I was going to say, some words are similar but its still another language. I did a bit of a search and the verb tenses are different too. For example Estoy canasado (I'm am tired) is estou cansado. Ventana (Window in English) is janela.

Edited by libgirl2
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5 minutes ago, Gobi said:

Knowing Spanish isn't going to help him in Brazil, where Portuguese is spoken.

I understand that spanish wouldn't help him for a local job because Portuguese is the spoken language. 

But Spanish/English document translation, or even phone translation should be a remote job that one can do from anywhere as long as they have access to the required technology (phone/computer).

I dont see why Paul couldn't translate documents from spanish-english/english-spanish for a US based company.  He could charge less given his lower cost of living. 

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1 hour ago, RealReality said:

He knows Spanish right?  If he doesn't know Spanish, my whole premise is off and he just needs to pray that someone really needs a subpar cow shit shoveller.

Karine asked him what he studied in college (before he dropped out). He said Spanish. She seem to laugh like he could not speak Spanish or learned very little.

He says his felony is what makes him not able to get a job. Where I live, an ex-felon especially if it has been years can get a job, of course you have to prove yourself but employers are willing to overlook or work with felons. Is this not the case in KY. I just checked our city's local hiring FB page and the last 2 felons looking for work got over 70 offers or places to apply. The wages were usually $12-17 an hour to start but many offers were learning a trade or skill, hard work but room to make a living wage in the future. Of course if Paul can't shovel cow poop, I do not see him pouring concrete or laying pipe or framing homes. Our local Walmart hires felons 2 years out and it is $13 a hr (I believe that was the wage needed for him to sponsor Karine?) , I would hope he could be a night stocker? or work at a distrubution center at 35.

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I bet Pole's history of stalking, and threatening women would get him barred from hiring at a lot of places.   He's a 'hostile work environment' allegation just waiting to happen.  Any company that hires him with his history will have no defense in court to allegations that he's a danger to women in the workplace. 

Remember that adding a baby to the marriage, probably means the sponsorship amount is higher than when it was just Karine.  

Edited by CrazyInAlabama
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1 hour ago, CrazyInAlabama said:

I bet Pole's history of stalking, and threatening women would get him barred from hiring at a lot of places.   He's a 'hostile work environment' allegation just waiting to happen.  Any company that hires him with his history will have no defense in court to allegations that he's a danger to women in the workplace. 

Remember that adding a baby to the marriage, means the sponsorship amount is higher than when it was just Karine.  


Knowing he and Karine are in the U.S., I wonder how that happened.....I'm guessing it was the TLC contract.

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4 hours ago, RealReality said:

He knows Spanish right?  If he doesn't know Spanish, my whole premise is off and he just needs to pray that someone really needs a subpar cow shit shoveller.

He said he did but clarified to mean "I took it in high school." I doubt he can do much more than ask where the bathroom is and order a beer.

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On 10/3/2019 at 8:44 PM, Mrs. Hanson said:

I am watching the part with Paul and his Mom again.  She basically says she won't support him anymore, and she said "You depend on me A LOT."  So she is probably floating money to them and is like, no more.  It is as though he is surprised he needs to support himself is a surprise at at 35.  He is surprised that living in Brazil, unable to speak Portuguese and having a rather unpleasant personality would result in problems obtaining employment.   She also seemed to have Paul's number that he is the originator of the crap between them as she was all:  "I don't see that side in Karine!"  followed by, in her head:  "Because I know you are turd!"

I saw Pole's mom slip something into his hand as he deposited her in the cab, and I'm sure it was a wad of bills.  I'm glad she clarified for us that she was the source of his/their money; I'd been assuming that they were living on TLC pay.

Well.  Pole isn't going for PSL classes; he still doesn't have a job; he isn't keeping their apartment clean and tidy; and he seems (to me at least) awkward in the way he tries to play with his baby, so I'm guessing he's not spending a lot of time alone with Pierre.  So what in the hell is he doing all day long?  Does he have video games?  I didn't see any evidence.  And it doesn't seem like he was aware when Karen was sending provocative (or whatever they were) photos to internet customers, so I doubt that he's sitting around with her talking about global warming.  No wonder they fight a lot.  What else is there to do?  Well I know Have Sex but with a new baby it might not be as appealing as it used to be, and they surely know they can't afford a second child.

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5 hours ago, Gobi said:

Knowing Spanish isn't going to help him in Brazil, where Portuguese is spoken.

We had a Brazilian au pair for one glorious year, and I tried to use my rudimentary Spanish with her, but it was useless.  I tried to get her to read Spanish because I figured there must be *some* relationship, but apparently not enough.  Those translator aps for spoken words didn't exist back then, and the only thing we could use was Babelfish, which could translate written texts but sometimes screwed up royally.  Basically we communicated with pictures and gestures.

I took her to ESL classes at the local community college but she was either not really interested or it was just too difficult because she learned basically no English at all.  I bought her novels in Portuguese (there was/is a thriving Portuguese population in NE Philadelphia), which she loved, but she grew impatient when I tried to go through the Little Golden Dictionary and such.  At least we were able to use it for pictures.

My daughter, who was her charge, is non-verbal, so there's that.

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If Pole does get Pierre to the U.S., and that kid goes to school with the way his father pronounces his name (Pe-Airee), then he might as well put a Kick Me sign on his back.   I bet Pole will be a big hit at the PTA meetings too, especially since everyone in town probably knows about his history by now. 

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On 10/1/2019 at 10:38 PM, Teri313 said:

Oh, here we go with Paul's mother's hair again. As she's getting into the cab and he leans down to kiss her - I mean, for God's sake, she's leaving and he doesn't know the next time he'll see her, and what he comes up with to say - twice - is "Your hair smells good." Also, just something that I noticed: the second time he said it, he gestured, like SHE didn't speak English, "Your hair ... [pulls on his own hair] ... smells good." I guess he's just so used to living in a country where he doesn't speak the language that he's conditioned to talking with his hands and gesturing. POLE! Learn the FREAKING LANGUAGE ALREADY! And one more thing. I actually like his mother, but she was sweating the entire time she was there and her hair was stuck to her face, so for him to say twice that it smelled good ... I think I'll just stop now.

That was horrifying ! I really kind of felt for her. I would not have held up very well with that heat and humidity. I wanted to hand her one of my hair ties off of my wrist. 

On 10/2/2019 at 4:26 PM, mamadrama said:

I think Paul is scary and on the edge of being emotionally abusive. Every time he argues he goes straight to the "do you want a divorce" mantra and it's starting to piss ME off. I can't imagine how Karine must feel. 

This his go-to phrase. Never a good thing. I find throwing around divorce so much, makes me feel like they value the marriage very little. It comes across as a threat in my book. Keep it up Pole. She'll say yes sooner or later.

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On 10/1/2019 at 10:38 PM, Teri313 said:

Oh, here we go with Paul's mother's hair again. As she's getting into the cab and he leans down to kiss her - I mean, for God's sake, she's leaving and he doesn't know the next time he'll see her, and what he comes up with to say - twice - is "Your hair smells good." Also, just something that I noticed: the second time he said it, he gestured, like SHE didn't speak English, "Your hair ... [pulls on his own hair] ... smells good."

On 10/4/2019 at 9:33 PM, Mothra said:

I saw Pole's mom slip something into his hand as he deposited her in the cab, and I'm sure it was a wad of bills. 

Ok, I'm so relieved to read these posts from viewers who obviously pay attention to what the hell they are watching because I just watched this last night and I thought I saw him reach into the cab and yank a chunk of hair out of her head and then put it in his pocket.  It must have been the wad of bills and the gesturing that I saw.  Creepy Pole is never more creepy than when he is with Mother.  And her hair. 

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12 minutes ago, Cementhead said:

Ok, I'm so relieved to read these posts from viewers who obviously pay attention to what the hell they are watching because I just watched this last night and I thought I saw him reach into the cab and yank a chunk of hair out of her head and then put it in his pocket.  It must have been the wad of bills and the gesturing that I saw.  Creepy Pole is never more creepy than when he is with Mother.  And her hair. 

I wonder if this whole hair thing is producer driven? There was one creepy weird moment on his first season, we all reacted, so now they are playing it up? 

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7 minutes ago, libgirl2 said:

I wonder if this whole hair thing is producer driven? There was one creepy weird moment on his first season, we all reacted, so now they are playing it up? 

Yep, I remember that and that's why I thought I saw what I saw.  In this case, I actually hope it is producer driven shenanigans because otherwise it really and truly is a case of a creepy guy obsessing over his mother's hair. 

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If it's true that Karine has PPD then I'm not surprised. She had, what, 2 miscarriages and then a full-term pregnancy all right on top of each other? And that's just the chemicals that are probably going haywire inside of her. Once you add Paul's special kind of crazy and the stress of being threatened with a divorce every other day I'm surprised she hasn't broken down already. I feel sorry for Karine. I don't have to "like" her to feel sympathy for her in a situation like this. 😥

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On 10/6/2019 at 8:05 PM, FairyDusted said:

That was horrifying ! I really kind of felt for her. I would not have held up very well with that heat and humidity. I wanted to hand her one of my hair ties off of my wrist. 

This his go-to phrase. Never a good thing. I find throwing around divorce so much, makes me feel like they value the marriage very little. It comes across as a threat in my book. Keep it up Pole. She'll say yes sooner or later.

Perhaps Pole would be secretly relieved to divorce. He could return to the US and basically be free from any child support/alimony requirements. He could piss and moan about losing his child as much as he likes, it doesn’t mean that he cares, it can all be for show. 
He doesn’t even have to divorce Karine, he can just return here and never go back. Karine and her family would probably be happy to see him go. I doubt they have the funds to chase a child support order or would be so inclined. 
Pole can go back to living with mom and shoveling shit. 

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38 minutes ago, iwasish said:

Perhaps Pole would be secretly relieved to divorce. He could return to the US and basically be free from any child support/alimony requirements. He could piss and moan about losing his child as much as he likes, it doesn’t mean that he cares, it can all be for show. 
He doesn’t even have to divorce Karine, he can just return here and never go back. Karine and her family would probably be happy to see him go. I doubt they have the funds to chase a child support order or would be so inclined. 
Pole can go back to living with mom and shoveling shit. 

Excellent point! It just floors me that anyone would willingly abandon a child. Never even on my radar, though I am very aware that actually happens IRL. 😔

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On 10/4/2019 at 4:51 PM, silverspoons said:

Karine asked him what he studied in college (before he dropped out). He said Spanish. She seem to laugh like he could not speak Spanish or learned very little.

He says his felony is what makes him not able to get a job. Where I live, an ex-felon especially if it has been years can get a job, of course you have to prove yourself but employers are willing to overlook or work with felons. Is this not the case in KY. I just checked our city's local hiring FB page and the last 2 felons looking for work got over 70 offers or places to apply. The wages were usually $12-17 an hour to start but many offers were learning a trade or skill, hard work but room to make a living wage in the future. Of course if Paul can't shovel cow poop, I do not see him pouring concrete or laying pipe or framing homes. Our local Walmart hires felons 2 years out and it is $13 a hr (I believe that was the wage needed for him to sponsor Karine?) , I would hope he could be a night stocker? or work at a distrubution center at 35.

I once had a conversation at a community college with a professornwho taught a class to train security guards. He told me that MANY of them were ex cons. I could see Paul as a security guard in the mall. 

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As a side note, this storyline, with Karines delivery as a climax, would be a PERFECT film to watch in a high school sex ed class. From that short, easy peasy birth to the wonderful fuzzies and glows you get from your partner in the weeks post partem

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21 hours ago, mamadrama said:

If it's true that Karine has PPD then I'm not surprised. She had, what, 2 miscarriages and then a full-term pregnancy all right on top of each other? And that's just the chemicals that are probably going haywire inside of her. Once you add Paul's special kind of crazy and the stress of being threatened with a divorce every other day I'm surprised she hasn't broken down already. I feel sorry for Karine. I don't have to "like" her to feel sympathy for her in a situation like this. 😥

100% agree.  

I don't understand why she ever had a child by Paul, but I suspect that in the beginning she was sold a bill of goods.  

But I cannot imagine having to rely on Paul for anything.  He routinely wants to jump into a river of shit or into a dog house when things get stressful.  How can she leave him with the baby on a regular basis to work?  

He can't get a job, he doesn't appear to have any skills, he doesn't speak the language and he is weird.  He couldnt shovel shit in the US where he speaks the language.  So she can't trust him to work and provide for the household. 

I truly, truly think that the best thing for her would be to move back home and let Paul go to the US and earn money he can send back for her and the baby.*  I have no idea why she keeps rejecting that idea. 

If he was stateside she wouldn't have him around and there would be fewer opportunities to fight.  Karine could have the help of her mother and other family/villagers to help with Pierre.  She could afford a lot more with whatever pittance Paul can earn in the US.  

And she wouldn't have to deal with Paul constantly invading her space and threatening divorce (which he knows is wrong because once she gets mad he automatically apologizes).

*- I don't know that I believe Paul could hold a job in the us but I think he would have far more opportunities for temporary, short term work even if he ends up being let go from a few jobs. 

Edited by RealReality
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I don't understand why she ever had a child by Paul, but I suspect that in the beginning she was sold a bill of goods.  

But I cannot imagine having to rely on Paul for anything.  He routinely wants to jump into a river of shit or into a dog house when things get stressful.  How can she leave him with the baby on a regular basis to work?  

I think that her pre-Paul life was so desperately poor that he represented a step up. Think how awful that must be.

And I also think that Paul misled her AND a lot of people in other countries assume all Americans are rich. Compared to the extreme poverty in a lot of countries, we are by comparison.

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On 10/8/2019 at 12:11 PM, libgirl2 said:

I wonder if this whole hair thing is producer driven? There was one creepy weird moment on his first season, we all reacted, so now they are playing it up? 

Its the same as with the disgusting (imo) food that is presented on the shows. The TLC pee-ons read here and there and make sure they keep repeating popular topics.

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29 minutes ago, Cherrio said:

The TLC pee-ons read here and there and make sure they keep repeating popular topics.

TLC pee-ons, if you're reading this, I'm begging you to please consider my plea for NO MORE PAUL AND KARINE! 

I noticed in the preview for the Tell All, Paul is sitting by himself at the end of the couch without a screen for a video call by Karine. I strongly suspect that she's backstage and will make an appearance with Baby Pierre-ee.


The happy family was photographed in Kentucky in June, possibly before or after the filming in NYC

Edited by magemaud
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14 hours ago, RealReality said:

100% agree.  

I don't understand why she ever had a child by Paul, but I suspect that in the beginning she was sold a bill of goods.  

But I cannot imagine having to rely on Paul for anything.  He routinely wants to jump into a river of shit or into a dog house when things get stressful.  How can she leave him with the baby on a regular basis to work?  

He can't get a job, he doesn't appear to have any skills, he doesn't speak the language and he is weird.  He couldnt shovel shit in the US where he speaks the language.  So she can't trust him to work and provide for the household. 

I truly, truly think that the best thing for her would be to move back home and let Paul go to the US and earn money he can send back for her and the baby.*  I have no idea why she keeps rejecting that idea. 

If he was stateside she wouldn't have him around and there would be fewer opportunities to fight.  Karine could have the help of her mother and other family/villagers to help with Pierre.  She could afford a lot more with whatever pittance Paul can earn in the US.  

And she wouldn't have to deal with Paul constantly invading her space and threatening divorce (which he knows is wrong because once she gets mad he automatically apologizes).

*- I don't know that I believe Paul could hold a job in the us but I think he would have far more opportunities for temporary, short term work even if he ends up being let go from a few jobs. 

I agree that her best option would be to tell Paul , "Fine, lets divorce because you seem to want it" grab baby Pierre, go back to her parents home, cut her losses and raise that baby with her family. Paul seems very possessive of that baby though and I would hope for Pierres sake that she would be awarded full custody. But I am unfamiliar with both divorcy/custody laws and Brazilian law. 

The other option, that I THINK she has already begun to take, is to move to the US, stay with Paul until she gets her 2 year Green card, learn English, find work, go to community college or whatever and find her independence before leaving Paul for a better American dude. I think she has been planting the seeds for this one already. 

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7 hours ago, Lily247 said:

I agree that her best option would be to tell Paul , "Fine, lets divorce because you seem to want it" grab baby Pierre, go back to her parents home, cut her losses and raise that baby with her family. Paul seems very possessive of that baby though and I would hope for Pierres sake that she would be awarded full custody. But I am unfamiliar with both divorcy/custody laws and Brazilian law. 

The other option, that I THINK she has already begun to take, is to move to the US, stay with Paul until she gets her 2 year Green card, learn English, find work, go to community college or whatever and find her independence before leaving Paul for a better American dude. I think she has been planting the seeds for this one already. 

I don't mind option 2, but Paul has a history of harassment and he seems exactly the type to use custody as a means of exercising control over karines life for the next 18 years.  I think Paul could get scary.

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