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S02.E14: Con-text is Everything

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2 hours ago, yourmomiseasy said:

Probably just bored (not that anyone would blame ya) because they showed clips from last season during the last episode and it was mentioned that he was that guest in the episode thread on this site.

I figured as much...

What a boring season. I could've just cut and pasted my same comments in each episode thread.

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I enjoyed how Bugs complained that she was being left behind to deal with cleaning up after the dinner while Hannah got to go off to party.  Dude, she was supervising/hosting the guests and arranging for special things like cage dancing.  THOSE are the things that a chief stew does.  

I'm interested to see how this reunion plays out.  It seems like it is going to be very Us (Hannah, Adam, and Lauren) vs Them (the rest of the crew) from what I'm seeing on social media.  Also, Malia and Wes are currently in Africa together so it looks like they might still be a thing.

I'd be fine if they brought back most everybody for next season but I don't really want Malia or Bugs unless they get put in their place. 

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11 minutes ago, diadochokinesis said:

be fine if they brought back most everybody for next season but I don't really want Malia or Bugs unless they get put in their place. 

I am curious about Hannah. She made several references including in the texts to Jason that after this season she was done with yachting but the lure of cameras might change it because Kate said something similar when she got her dog and is back for the next season.

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I could not stand how Malia was licking her lips every time that she felt nervous when her behavior was called to light.  She'd lick, press her lips together, release, lick and repeat.  She's always done this but seeing her do it for a longer period of time drove me insane.

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Didn't like Hannah's comment that Bugsy shouldn't have settled for being second stew if she didn't like Hannah's work ethic. That's NOT the issue. You can have issues with your boss without it meaning you want their job. And, judging from how other people talked, it did seem Hannah didn't pull her weight. Even Lauren didn't stand up for Hannah so much as just say she didn't want to ruin her friendship. How Hannah can't read between the lines on that is beyond me. 


Malia is shady. I can understand having mixed emotions in the beginning, but she failed to take any responsibility for her actions and continued to lie to Wes. I truly like Wes, but he needs to realize Malia is selfish and self-centered. She will NEVER have his back and will treat him like garbage whenever it suits her. But, Wes has been warned, it's on him now. 


Two charters and Jerry is a tool. Typical rich old dude thinking he can buy pretty young girls. It's creepy how both men and women tacitly understand this relationship and try to play each other (the men hoping the expensive vacation leads to sex, and the girls teasing sex to get a free vacation when they know they won't reciprocate). 


Lauren sucks. Here's an idea, BE HONEST! Tell people what you really think and don't talk out of both sides of your mouth. Hopefully she gets called out at the reunion for playing both sides of the fence all season. 

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7 hours ago, biakbiak said:

Well there is next week's reunion.




I hope Andy will confront her with viewer sentiments about her constant bitching every episode about Hannah and her warped idea of privacy.

I don't care to see Fugs' again on TV.

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Also, how quickly we (and Hannah) forget. Last year's "MVP" was Daniel, so it's not exactly the ringing endorsement she thinks it is. Let's be honest, Hannah is the face of the crew, so she's going to get all the credit from the guests when the charter goes well. Regardless of how much effort she, personally, puts in. 


And last year the captain made Daniel put his tip in the general pot, because all tips were shared. Hannah wasn't exactly being egalitarian here, though the Captain did make it sound like she voluntarily put her tip in. 

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33 minutes ago, Stan39 said:

Didn't like Hannah's comment that Bugsy shouldn't have settled for being second stew if she didn't like Hannah's work ethic. That's NOT the issue. You can have issues with your boss without it meaning you want their job. And, judging from how other people talked, it did seem Hannah didn't pull her weight. Even Lauren didn't stand up for Hannah so much as just say she didn't want to ruin her friendship. How Hannah can't read between the lines on that is beyond me. 

Here's the thing though, Bugsy expressed several times to that she should be chief stew. So even if it isn't THE issue, it's certainly AN issue.  I'll be interested in seeing what happens at the reunion. I always hope that everything gets flushed out and then I remember that Andy is the host so pretty much nothing will get resolved. 

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10 hours ago, ParadoxLost said:

Every place I have worked, the person complaining so and so isn't doing their share of work is also not doing their share of work or they wouldn't have so much time to whine and complain and monitor everyone around them.

Any time I had a boss that didn't do their share was because as soon as they realized they had a great staff that they could dump on they did exactly that.

Any time I had a co-worker that didn't do their share and got away with it was because they were busy ass kissing the boss and the boss was too stupid to realize they were being played.

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12 hours ago, PaperTree said:

Very generous (and smart) of her to share it and of course Bugs has to be a bitch with her snide comments.  

Bugs pulls her usual passive-aggressive BS.  Hannah is unfazed.  "And honestly, fuck off."  With the editing it is impossible for us to know who is doing how much work and how long it takes, except for Lauren doing all the mega-laundry.

I thought it was perfect that Hannah gave her a cut of the tip. I'm on Hannah's side. Her priority is seeing that the guests are taken care of, and she does that. Bugs got up from the table TWICE and walked away, citing childish behavior. Yeah, it's from you, darling. 

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I just read this in Malia's instagram:

"But if you want to know who "won" the girl this season- you're asking the wrong question. I'm not a prize to be won or anyone's claim to be made. I'll make my own decisions and be my own person. I'm young, traveling, having fun and kissing boys! Life is too short to be boring".

My god could she be more arrogant!  I would never use the word "WON" to describe the person she is still dating.  She's 26 years old and describes herself as kissing Boys!  What the heck, she disgusts me.  Hope she doesn't get another season.

Edited by Emmeline
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13 hours ago, ryebread said:

I just happened to catch the last five minutes tonight. Captain Sandy says she's been in the business many years and has had a lot of Chief stews. And she says that she's never had one like Hannah. All she can say about her is that Hannah did her best. LOL. If that's not a backhanded compliment I don't know what is.

I definitely took it exactly like you did..."she did her best"...I did a rewind to make sure I heard it correctly. Yikes!  Hardly a ringing endorsement!!

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2 hours ago, Stan39 said:

Also, how quickly we (and Hannah) forget. Last year's "MVP" was Daniel, so it's not exactly the ringing endorsement she thinks it is. Let's be honest, Hannah is the face of the crew, so she's going to get all the credit from the guests when the charter goes well. Regardless of how much effort she, personally, puts in. 


And last year the captain made Daniel put his tip in the general pot, because all tips were shared. Hannah wasn't exactly being egalitarian here, though the Captain did make it sound like she voluntarily put her tip in. 


Last year the captain told Danny to hand it over and the captain divided the tip himself. 


I didn't see Sandy telling Hannah fork it over or split it up. I saw Hannah counting it out on her bed and personally giving each crewmember a share. I'd like to think she did it on her own. It may be that like the restaurant industry in the yachting industry you pool all tips.

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10 minutes ago, nr65000 said:

I definitely took it exactly like you did..."she did her best"...I did a rewind to make sure I heard it correctly. Yikes!  Hardly a ringing endorsement!!

Funny, because I took it as in "Wow ! You really did a good job and got the best that you could of the people you had to work with !" :)

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2 hours ago, esco1822 said:

Here's the thing though, Bugsy expressed several times to that she should be chief stew. So even if it isn't THE issue, it's certainly AN issue.  I'll be interested in seeing what happens at the reunion. I always hope that everything gets flushed out and then I remember that Andy is the host so pretty much nothing will get resolved. 

Did this happen or was it just implied?  In the beginning, Bugsy mentioned she had been chief stew but I don't remember her saying she should be chief stew instead of Hannah.  Adam said it and Hannah kept implying it, but I don't really remember Bugsy saying it explicitly.  I could just be forgetting it, though.

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12 minutes ago, Stan39 said:

Did this happen or was it just implied?  In the beginning, Bugsy mentioned she had been chief stew but I don't remember her saying she should be chief stew instead of Hannah.  Adam said it and Hannah kept implying it, but I don't really remember Bugsy saying it explicitly.  I could just be forgetting it, though.

She may not have exactly said it but you know she thought it.  Her actions and constant never ending complaining showed it. 

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The primary was right to be upset.  He'd paid for those women to travel and spend time with him and his friend on the ship.  Is buying female companionship right?  That's a totally separate question.  Bobby should have been discreet and never mentioned the Tinder thing.  Bobby and Paula were both too stupid to realize that their "date" on the ship wasn't funny to the primary.  He was crudely trying to make a point and embarrass them.

At this point, Bobby should be unemployable in the yacht industry.  He's stupid.  He's indiscreet.  He stirs up trouble.  He thinks with his dick.  Not what you want in a service industry.   I know a couple who manage a mega yacht, one of them as captain and one as the chef.  They fire staff for fraternization with other crew members or clients, especially on board.   I have to think that they're closer to the norm than what we see on this show.  Bugs and Malia should be nearly unemployable, too.   Hannah has the capacity to be a very good chief steward IF she'd rise above the petty crap and function as one of the bosses on the boat.

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I had to laugh at Jerry the client. Just because he rented their company doesn't mean any of those women had any interest in him, and him throwing a petty tantrum over it was just ridiculous. Those women couldn't have made it clearer that they were here for the cruise, not Jerry or his friend. What struck me as strange and possibly wrong was Jerry complaining to the captain and trying to get Bobby restricted to the ship. Like, that shouldn't be his call.


Loved Hannah just shutting down Bugs by not engaging with her.

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14 hours ago, Neurochick said:

Wes is an idiot.  If Malia played Adam, she'll play you too, little Wes.

I could not get past Wes promoting Malia and how smug they were about it afterwards. Go away Wes! and take that lame accent with you.

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2 hours ago, Giselle said:

She may not have exactly said it but you know she thought it.  Her actions and constant never ending complaining showed it. 

I seem to recall she said it several times - that she should be chief stew and not Hannah.  

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I felt sorry for Jerry.  He looked so pathetic practically begging those women for their attention.  He tried so hard just to find out that his money couldn't buy him the attention he desired.  Here's a tip Jerry...look for women your own age.  I didn't agree with Millionaire Matchmaker Patti Stanger much, but she would often tell people that if you were a 5, you needed to look for another 5, not a 10.

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I stand by what I said last week - - Malia is the worst.  The absolute fucking worst.  I don't care how childish and immature you are - - and girl is 26 FFS - - you don't deal with someone who has feelings for you by leading them on, texting them, kissing them, etc.  She is so full of shit.  She was trying to save face since she was totally called out.  What she should have done is just admit to being an asshole; that yes, she was into Adam when it was just Adam but once Wes showed up and seemed interested, she transferred her interest to him.  She and Adam weren't officially in a relationship or had an understanding that they were monogamous so she had every right to do that, even if it was a douchewaffle move.  Malia is an absolute opportunist - - I wouldn't put it past her to cozy up to Adam when she found out they were going to be on the same ship so that she would have a cohort and get special favors.  Ugh.  She is THE WORST.

Following closely is Lauren.  I was happy to see both her faces leave the yacht last night.  I can't wait for her shit to be called out at the reunion.  Did the idiot forget that she was being filmed?  Or maybe she assumed there wouldn't be a reunion and she wouldn't be confronted with her flat out lies?   Regardless, I can't wait to see her ass handed to her.

Hannah, I generally like you but when you tell Bugsy (or anyone) "you think I'm not a good Chief Stew?  Watch this" (paraphrasing), maybe you should have been doing that all season?  Thank God at least she wasn't fall off the boat drunk after the post-last charter dinner.

Jerry's Girls remain an insult to women.  When is their telethon: - - I could absolutely buy that they need assistance.  A lot of it.   Not to defend Bobby but if two of the stick insects wanted to wander off, what was he supposed to do?  Why didn't someone else go with Bobby?  Why didn't they just go ahead and serve dinner?  Honestly, how much food do those bimbos eat anyhow?  And why did Bobby and Hannah have to go out with Jerry that night?  The whole thing made zero sense.

Max continued to be awesome.  Loved the clip of him knocking off the bottle in his sleep and it smacking Bobby in the head.  Props to Bobby for laughing about it. 

Captain Sandy remained awesome.  I hope we'll see her again.  

3 hours ago, Emmeline said:

I just read this in Malia's instagram:

"But if you want to know who "won" the girl this season- you're asking the wrong question. I'm not a prize to be won or anyone's claim to be made. I'll make my own decisions and be my own person. I'm young, traveling, having fun and kissing boys! Life is too short to be boring".

My god could she be more arrogant!  I would never use the word "WON" to describe the person she is still dating.  She's 26 years old and describes herself as kissing Boys!  What the heck, she disgusts me.  Hope she doesn't get another season.

God, she's a pill.  She herself said that she was choosing the good guy and he "deserved it."  So she's certainly not one to criticize someone saying "won the girl."  She pretty much played into that.  

It's perfectly fine that she's traveling, having fun, etc., but be honest about it!  Quit playing people against each other.  Quit telling them what they want to hear to keep them hanging on.  And "kissing boys?"  Adam is over 30, not a boy.  And based on what he said and his insinuations, as well as Malia's own text message to him about getting a hotel room, she was doing more than just "kissing boys."  Not shaming in any way but for God's sake, own your shit, Malia! 

p.s. - Malia is the worst. 

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48 minutes ago, Carolina Girl said:

I seem to recall she said it several times - that she should be chief stew and not Hannah.  

Yeah I remember a number of TH that started with her whining "If IIIIIIIIIIII were chief stew, I would NEEEEEEVVVVVVVAHHHH [do whatever Hannah did]." Plus when Adam said "You should be chief stew," she never demurred or reacted humbly. She always smirked like "yeah, I deserve it."

Edited by ivygirl
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Bugs never said she wanted to be chief stew. Adam started saying it to needle Hannah. Hannah, in turn, had too much to drink, and started to talk smack about Bugs to Lauren within earshot of Bugs. Hannah took out her frustration with Adam by denigrating Bugs to her co-worker. She was totally wrong for that. I mean, really, how would any of you feel if you overheard your boss trashing you to another employee? Would that inspire loyalty? Team spirit? Is that just ok? When the boss is so unprofessional, it invites the same from her team. It can only go downhill from there.

I just don't get all the Hannah love. I think she can be funny, and she's probably a blast at the club. But, she's a crappy leader. Instead of bringing out the best in her crew, she brings out the worst. Not everyone finds her drunken escapades adorable. I'm not judging her for drinking - I love my cocktails as well. I'm calling attention to the fact that it's grossly negligent to for a manager to cross the line when she's drinking, and then blame the employee for the fallout.

Bugs is a little persnickety - granted. But she came on the boat to work. Look at how she just powered through the grief when her grandmother passed. The attitude shift started with Hannah. 

I can honestly say that if I overheard my boss trashing me, because she was upset with someone else, it would be game over. Even if she was upset with something I did or said, I would expect her to address it with me. Not other employees. 

Isn't Hannah accountable at all? She set the tone. She decided it was a good idea to manage through boozy gossip and not a private chat.  If Bugs was passive aggressive, it was Hannah who set the example of how things were done under her leadership.

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1 hour ago, hoosiermommy said:

I felt sorry for Jerry.  He looked so pathetic practically begging those women for their attention.  He tried so hard just to find out that his money couldn't buy him the attention he desired.  Here's a tip Jerry...look for women your own age.  I didn't agree with Millionaire Matchmaker Patti Stanger much, but she would often tell people that if you were a 5, you needed to look for another 5, not a 10.

A milkshake and peanut butter toast? What ever you want, "Princess".... Ugh, he was talking to the women like they were little girls! Gross! 

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2 minutes ago, bichonblitz said:
1 hour ago, hoosiermommy said:


A milkshake and peanut butter toast? What ever you want, "Princess".... Ugh, he was talking to the women like they were little girls! Gross! 

Well, they were kind of acting like little girls. 

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1 hour ago, psychoticstate said:


Hannah, I generally like you but when you tell Bugsy (or anyone) "you think I'm not a good Chief Stew?  Watch this" (paraphrasing), maybe you should have been doing that all season?  Thank God at least she wasn't fall off the boat drunk after the post-last charter dinner.

I took it as : "Ok... I've been kind, cool and whatever with you... So, you're my second, I'm your boss, so stop the bullshit, and do the assigned tasks, which are..... etc..."

EDIT : Sorry, it's not well explained, but that's the best I could !

Edited by Diane Mars
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5 hours ago, Emmeline said:

I just read this in Malia's instagram:

"But if you want to know who "won" the girl this season- you're asking the wrong question. I'm not a prize to be won or anyone's claim to be made. I'll make my own decisions and be my own person. I'm young, traveling, having fun and kissing boys! Life is too short to be boring".

My god could she be more arrogant!  I would never use the word "WON" to describe the person she is still dating.  She's 26 years old and describes herself as kissing Boys!  What the heck, she disgusts me.  Hope she doesn't get another season.

I agree with part of her Instagram. She isn't a prize to be won. Bobby and Adam were especially bad about treating and talking about Malia that way. During their first night they went out, Adam and Bobby picked her and passed her back and forth and bickered about who got to hold her. It was gross. They were gross.

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6 hours ago, Diane Mars said:
6 hours ago, nr65000 said:

I definitely took it exactly like you did..."she did her best"...I did a rewind to make sure I heard it correctly. Yikes!  Hardly a ringing endorsement!!

Funny, because I took it as in "Wow ! You really did a good job and got the best that you could of the people you had to work with !" :)

It really could go either way  :)

Sandy appears oblivious to all the goings on, but with editing, who knows.

Is her cabin upstairs behind the bridge?  That would keep her out of earshot of all the bickering.

I would assume she has personal cabin/bridge access to those security cams that so enthrall "dreadfully overworked" Bugs, but how much time would she really spend on them?

Bottom line is happy guests and a fat tip.

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2 minutes ago, PaperTree said:

It really could go either way  :)

Sandy appears oblivious to all the goings on, but with editing, who knows.


Bottom line is happy guests and a fat tip.

And there was also the kiss on the lips when she left ;D

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Bugs never said she wanted to be chief stew. 

HUH?? She said it constantly in her talking heads..  She even ruefully talked about how she shouldn't have accepted the 2nd stew position, and it's hard to remember all the "if I were chief stew, I would do xyz" comments she made.  

Like I mentioned before, until someone who actually worked for Bugs comes forward to say how awesome she was, like Julia & Tiffani have with Hannah, I'm going to judge Bugs by what she showed us., which was a complaining shit stirrer with a bad attitude.  

At least Bobby felt some remorse for his role with ipad...I wonder how he felt when he realized Bugs lied about how became involved?

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3 minutes ago, snarts said:

HUH?? She said it constantly in her talking heads..  She even ruefully talked about how she shouldn't have accepted the 2nd stew position, and it's hard to remember all the "if I were chief stew, I would do xyz" comments she made.  

Like I mentioned before, until someone who actually worked for Bugs comes forward to say how awesome she was, like Julia & Tiffani have with Hannah, I'm going to judge Bugs by what she showed us., which was a complaining shit stirrer with a bad attitude.  

At least Bobby felt some remorse for his role with ipad...I wonder how he felt when he realized Bugs lied about how became involved?

She did but to be fair, I've said things at work like "If I was running this place, I would do x, y, z."  Which is true, I would.  It doesn't mean I want to be in charge though. 

I like both Hannah and Bugsy and both have done things that I find annoying.  Neither should be talking shit about the other with Lauren or the other crew members, especially Hannah, since she's supposed to be their supervisor.  I'm sure it was no coinkydink that someone was brought on board to be a 2nd Stew after being Chief Stew.

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9 hours ago, Emmeline said:

I just read this in Malia's instagram:

"But if you want to know who "won" the girl this season- you're asking the wrong question. I'm not a prize to be won or anyone's claim to be made. I'll make my own decisions and be my own person. I'm young, traveling, having fun and kissing boys! Life is too short to be boring".

My god could she be more arrogant!  I would never use the word "WON" to describe the person she is still dating.  She's 26 years old and describes herself as kissing Boys!  What the heck, she disgusts me.  Hope she doesn't get another season.

Honest to dog, when Malia talks about herself, she sounds so incredibly disingenuous. Who talks that way about themselves?! Oh wait! I know who does! An Unfrozen Caveman Lawyer does -- or, in this case, an Adventurous Female (Lead) Deckhand. 

"Ladies and gentleman watching Bravo, I'm just a (lead) deckhand. Last night, I was swapping spit with a thing you call 'my boss' and texting with "my ex." This morning you say this is 'against most US workplace policies regarding the former and just plain dumb regarding the latter.' I know nothing of your ways. I'm just an Adventurous Female Deckhand. I'm young, traveling, having fun and kissing boys. Life is too short to be boring. Or plausible."

RIP, Phil Hartman :(

Unfrozen Cave Man Lawyer.jpg

Edited by heavysnaxx
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11 hours ago, Stan39 said:

Didn't like Hannah's comment that Bugsy shouldn't have settled for being second stew if she didn't like Hannah's work ethic. That's NOT the issue. You can have issues with your boss without it meaning you want their job.

Bugs had said many times this season that in her previous job she had been chief stew.  Hannah simply asked her, "if you wanted to be chief stew, why did you take a second stew position?"  And we all know the answer to that, Bugsy wanted to be on Tee Vee.

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8 hours ago, Stan39 said:

Did this happen or was it just implied?  In the beginning, Bugsy mentioned she had been chief stew but I don't remember her saying she should be chief stew instead of Hannah.  Adam said it and Hannah kept implying it, but I don't really remember Bugsy saying it explicitly.  I could just be forgetting it, though.

She said more times then you could count "When I was Chief Stew..." and then she had wanted to take charge of Lauren.  Constantly chirping about Hannah's work ethic.  I think she wanted to be Chief Stew.  I get why she'd want that if she had been one before and did a great job at it.  

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4 hours ago, HunterHunted said:

I agree with part of her Instagram. She isn't a prize to be won. Bobby and Adam were especially bad about treating and talking about Malia that way. During their first night they went out, Adam and Bobby picked her and passed her back and forth and bickered about who got to hold her. It was gross. They were gross.

Yes, they were gross with her.  But I think she enjoys the attention.  Her ego took a huge hit when Adam left without saying good bye.  i'm not sure if the "damn it" was in regard to him leaving without saying goodbye but she searched the ship for him.  I don't think she can handle a guy not thinking she's still the cutest thing that ever graced the earth.

Wes, oh Wes. There was never a question in my mind that you were going to continue to fall all over Malia.  She started that relationship with him in the most dishonest way.  And then when it turns out after making out with Wes that she was still texting Adam, he just brushed it off.  She was wishy/washy about who she wanted to be with and toyed with both.  These two weren't just horny guys wanting a quick hook up -- they both had serious feelings for her and she knew it.  But she continued to make both think they were the special ones. Not impressed.  Either be honest with both or don't fuck with people's hearts.

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55 minutes ago, Sarah D. Bunting said:

...Adam told Malia he loved her?! I guess she could have made that up, but her game is so weak, it doesn't seem likely. All three of them are pathehhhhhhtic.

When I heard that, I saw it as evidence that they slept together, which means that Malia lied to Wes when she denied it. 

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49 minutes ago, heavysnaxx said:

Honest to dog, when Malia talks about herself, she sounds so incredibly disingenuous. Who talks that way about themselves?! Oh wait! I know who does! An Unfrozen Caveman Lawyer does -- or, in this case, an Adventurous Female (Lead) Deckhand. 

"Ladies and gentleman watching Bravo, I'm just a (lead) deckhand. Last night, I was swapping spit with a thing you call 'my boss' and texting with "my ex." This morning you say this is 'against most US workplace policies regarding the former and just plain dumb regarding the latter.' I know nothing of your ways. I'm just an Adventurous Female Deckhand. I'm young, traveling, having fun and kissing boys. Life is too short to be boring. Or plausible."

RIP, Phil Hartman :(

Unfrozen Cave Man Lawyer.jpg


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9 hours ago, terrymct said:

Bobby should have been discreet and never mentioned the Tinder thing.  Bobby and Paula were both too stupid to realize that their "date" on the ship wasn't funny to the primar

Except that Jerry knew from the first day that Bobby and Paula had matched on Tinder and Jerry was the one who made them have their first "date" so his about face was just crazy weird. Also, was it ever mentioned why they had to go shoe shipping at 7 pm on the night before they were leaving? Nothing made sense that night and Jerry was just creepy and weird.

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20 minutes ago, biakbiak said:

Except that Jerry knew from the first day that Bobby and Paula had matched on Tinder and Jerry was the one who made them have their first "date" so his about face was just crazy weird. Also, was it ever mentioned why they had to go shoe shipping at 7 pm on the night before they were leaving? Nothing made sense that night and Jerry was just creepy and weird.

But it only was known because Bobby's such an indiscrete piece of $#!t! Anyone else wouldn't have gone to the primary to brag about such a thing! He's a real doofus! ;-(

Edited by Avon.Blakes7
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5 minutes ago, Avon.Blakes7 said:

But it only was known because Bobby such an indiscrete piece of $#!t! Anyone else wouldn't have gone to the primary to brag about such a thing! He's a real doofus! ;-(

Bobby thought he could tell him because of last seasons charter and actually laughed it off. Jerry was the one who set up the date and told Bobby that hopefully he could actually close the deal this time.

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2 hours ago, Neurochick said:

Bugs had said many times this season that in her previous job she had been chief stew.  Hannah simply asked her, "if you wanted to be chief stew, why did you take a second stew position?"  And we all know the answer to that, Bugsy wanted to be on Tee Vee.

Right. Bugs said to Capt Sandy last week while she was complaining about Hannah that she shouldn't have taken the second Stew position and now Hannah is saying the same to her. Nothing to do with Hannah and her "work ethic", just that it's very clear Bugs doesn't appreciate being and doing second stew work, made apparent by what she complained about, so maybe don't take the position?

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6 hours ago, Sarah D. Bunting said:

...Adam told Malia he loved her?! I guess she could have made that up, but her game is so weak, it doesn't seem likely. All three of them are pathehhhhhhtic.

He needs to be a suitor on the Bachelorette. He's head over heels instantly and vindictive and nasty when his feelings aren't reciprocated. He's so terrible, but he'd be amazing on there.

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