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S12.E04: We Have A New Puppet Master

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2 hours ago, VedaPierce said:

Today, Ryan may be the biggest douche of the franchise, but how incredibly awful for him in the flashback, as a young teen, to be asking his step father where his name is tattooed on his step fathers' body, after Simon was proudly discussing how he has tattoos of all "his kids'" names. Then Simon responds with, "where do I have your name on my body Ryan? How about on the bottom of my foot?" How awful! 


And did you notice that as Simon says this, Tams nods gleefully. Horrid excuse for a human being.

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That  was rich when Vicks said that about keeping medical issues private!!!  Ugh.  She just gives me the creeps this year.

I laughed so hard at this! Oooookay Vicki, maybe you should not lie about your boyfriend having cancer. She said she was not going to go digging into Peggy's medical stuff. Well Vicki, she isn't lying or telling contradicting stories. Sorry, but this Vicki redemption is not happening for me, maybe she should bring Peggy a casserole.

If Peggy chooses to cozy up to Vicki than I am not going to like her. Peggy if you ever need a binder complete with tabs full of your medical records Vicki is your woman. Oh wait, Vicki never really looked in the binder she just saw it. If you need someone to sit with you at an appointment Vicki will be there. No, she will be in the waiting room. Then again, she might just drop you off and watch you walk into the building. If you need help faking a medical report, she will do it. There might be words smushed together, but she will help. Vicki can also sell you insurance or make you a weight loss smoothie.

Kelly just because people do not like you it does not mean someone is being a puppet master and manipulating them. I do not like you and no one is influencing my thoughts. Meghan is right that Kelly behaves like a toddler.

Lydia's mom is so annoying. Though I do feel like I need to see Jerri Blank (Kelly's mom) and Lydia's mom together.

My mom was a better passenger when I learned to drive than my dad. I feel like David might be better in the car than Shannon. Though, besides drivers training I started driving in parking lots than went on to busier roads.

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Peggy straight up lied  to Vicki and Kelly about her breast cancer. She said she had a preventative mastectomy which is not true! She stated earlier that she was diagnosed with a small tumor in one breast and opted for a double mastectomy. Fine but don't lie. 

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33 minutes ago, zulualpha said:

Peggy straight up lied  to Vicki and Kelly about her breast cancer. She said she had a preventative mastectomy which is not true! She stated earlier that she was diagnosed with a small tumor in one breast and opted for a double mastectomy. Fine but don't lie. 

Having both done is considered preventative. Unless she had a small tumor in both breasts that you know about?

Edited by ShawnaLanne
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3 hours ago, WhoaWhoKnew said:

"Lydia's mom is a little eccentric."

Eccentric = batshit crazy with money

Seriously, does anyone know the backstory on Lydia's family?  They seem to have the Benjamin's.  They had a shot of Lydia's father and grandfather on a few episodes ago.  I tried googling him because I believe that's where the money comes from but I couldn't determine if the results that came up were her dad or not.  But I would like to know more about the family because of her crazy mom.

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9 minutes ago, ShawnaLanne said:

Having both done us considered preventative. Unless she had a small tumor in both breasts that you know about?

Peggy's husband said something like, the same time they found that thing in her breast her dad died.  So it sounded like she had a small tumor in one breast.  Most women are offered a lumpectomy or a mastectomy.  With her family history I sure they recommended the mastectomy on the effected breast and she decided to remove both for preventative reasons.

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12 minutes ago, Emmeline said:

Seriously, does anyone know the backstory on Lydia's family?  They seem to have the Benjamin's.  They had a shot of Lydia's father and grandfather on a few episodes ago.  I tried googling him because I believe that's where the money comes from but I couldn't determine if the results that came up were her dad or not.  But I would like to know more about the family because of her crazy mom.

Here is a start to the family tree:  http://www.legacy.com/obituaries/montrealgazette/obituary.aspx?pid=168775525

Here is some sort of corporate tree:  http://www.crtc.gc.ca/ownership/eng/cht115.pdf

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Vicki was sweet in her visit to Peggy's home. She had a lot of empathy for Peggy losing both her parents as she has. Peggy's a mess emotionally. I hope she feels better. Going back to Lydia's party. When Kelly saw Peggy's ring she was blown away. Big ring. Then she met Peggy's husband Nikki and asked him what he did for a living. Wheels. What? I put wheels on cars he said. Oh, Kelly said, you can put wheels on me anytime. WTF? Blech!! She's so obviously looking to better deal her husband. That new tight vajayjay is not for him, I hope he isn't paying for it!

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Peggy, you're new, don't put all your faith in Vicki! She smells the $$$$$. New wheels on her car, puleeze. I want to think she's sincere, but the prattle about cancer and checking, no, no no.

Kelly Dodd is gross. I came to get my snatch tightened. Its a shame it wasn't her mouth and keeping it closed, real tight! 

Are we going to see fairy dust every week, because it's not okay to put crappy cheap sparkle everywhere.

I like Jim and Meghan, he still takes trips, but he's home a lot more since the baby. 

Sophie shouldn't be driving on the highway, she was all over the road. Can't they find somewhere else for her to practice? Heck I hate highway driving! 

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Just looking at Ryan (looking like a serial killer) & Tams fake bawling.  Jeez Louise, what a bunch of fucking bullshit!  Shave off (or at least trim) that creepy-ass Deliverance beard, Rat-face Ryan!  Ugh, he gives me the willies, he's so unattractive.

Could Meghan be anymore boring?  Zzzzzzz.

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Vicki's TH when she said that she likes nice people? We know you like rich people, Vicki. They are worthy of your attention and friendship. Did Vicki really say that she wasn't going to ask for Peggy's medical records - she wasn't going to go there. Really Vicki? The twit never ceases to amaze me. I half expected when she was telling Peggy that she would be there for her, she would add "If you need an IV in the middle of the night, just call me. I can arrange it". Peggy is an idiot if she has no idea of Vicki's cancer scam over the last couple of years. Not to mention the insurance selling cancer scam she was trying to disguise as a charity last year. WTF is wrong with you, Peggy? 

Way too much Vicki and Kelly in this epi. FF'd past Kelly's vag rejuv. Don't waste my time, Bravo. Mind you any time Kelly is on my screen is a waste of my time. 

I am glad that Ryan finally realizes that Simon was in fact trying to help him. From what I remember Ryan was a PITA, and Simon even went so far as to get him a job at the car dealership where he worked which Ryan blew. As I recall Ryan was lazy and unmotivated, and I don't in the least blame Simon for getting tired of supporting an adult who was mooching off him and being an ass at the same time. Being a step parent is no walk in the park, and it seems Ryan is finally realizing that since he is one now. I continue to be mortified for Tamra's daughter that Tamra continues to talk about her daughter shutting her out of her life. Wasn't the fact that her daughter felt Tamra chose TV over her one of the things that drove her away? 

Awesome regarding the post above about Shannon losing 15 lbs. On Shannon's thread someone posted an instagram pic of her with her daughters from 10 days ago or so, and she looks fantastic. Way to go, Shannon!!

Bravo really made a mistake in bringing both Vicki and Kelly back. Besides the fact that they are both vile people, it is obvious that the cast can't/won't film together. Trying to piece together a few scenes here and there with Howives, and focusing on their own families is just not working. I hope your ratings are way down Bravo, because they deserve to be with the stupid casting decisions you made this season. 

Edited by UsernameFatigue
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17 minutes ago, UsernameFatigue said:

 I am glad that Ryan finally realizes that Simon was in fact trying to help him.

Must have missed that.  All I heard was him saying he had an "asshole" for a stepfather.  Typical, expected & predictable whining from Rat-face Ryan.  What else does this lazy useless piece of shit do?  Dude is ugly as hell inside & out.  Ew.  Uh, Bravo thinks this shit is interesting . . . why?

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5 minutes ago, ScoobieDoobs said:

Must have missed that.  All I heard was him saying he had an "asshole" for a stepfather.  Typical, expected & predictable whining from Rat-face Ryan.  What else does this lazy useless piece of shit do?  Dude is ugly as hell inside & out.  Ew.  Uh, Bravo thinks this shit is interesting . . . why?

Ryan was talking about his own step kids, and how hard it is to get them to do things. That is when he said that he realizes now that Simon was trying to help him when he was being hard on him, and Tamra said that she is glad that Ryan finally realizes that. But personally I don't think Ryan has changed all that much. What does he do for a living? The only jobs he seems to have had are the ones that his step fathers and Tamra have gotten for him - car dealership ages ago and the job at the gym before he moved away. Now that he is back, how does he (or Sara for that matter) support themselves and their kids? On a side note, WTF were the tattoos that Ryan has on his legs? Ugliest things I have ever seen, though I could only see part of each as he sat on the counter. I frequently think WTF when I see some of the ugly assed tattoos some people have, but Ryan's were even a step above that. 

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2 hours ago, biakbiak said:

I need someone to punch Vicki hard in the face. Like seriously hard. When she is in the garage with Peggy and Diko and Peggy tries to tell her she is blessed and Diko even says especially blessed because of her health and Vicki starts saying yes blessed and blessed and blessed for each mother fucking car. I hate her so very much. 

Also, Lydia can die in a fire.

Plus can they muzzle Kelly? 

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1 hour ago, UsernameFatigue said:


Bravo really made a mistake in bringing both Vicki and Kelly back. Besides the fact that they are both vile people, it is obvious that the cast can't/won't film together. Trying to piece together a few scenes here and there with Howives, and focusing on their own families is just not working. I hope your ratings are way down Bravo, because they deserve to be with the stupid casting decisions you made this season. 

Also,  I imagine it drove a lot of people like me away. I can't with those two,  I will never forget Vickie was in on a cancer scam - let's not forget there were multiple ways she tried to make money off of it,  in addition to lieing.

Then you add Lydia and her fake ass,  faux Christian,  shit stirring,  fairy fart crap to the mix and just seeing the tagline makes me rage. 

Tamra needs to leave the show to fix her relationship with her daughter. It's sad. 

Then there is Shannon who makes me sad with her mood swings and bad marriage.  Not much cookiness.

Peggy,  I'm sorry,  I don't want to do another sick storyline.  Between Lyme and Vickie, I don't want to see it. Plus,  all these women watch RH,  Peggy knows about Vickie and is still up her ass,  so yeah,  don't like her.

Meghan is boring and so oddly self aware it's difficult to watch her.

But if they'd just toss Vickie and Kelly,  I could watch.  

Edited by ShawnaLanne
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The sparkle shtick is really not adorable.  Man, it annoys the hell outta me, when buying or getting holiday or birthday cards, & that crap gets on me.  If that dame threw that shit on me, I'd sic Raging Ryan on her.  God, this show sucks so bad now.

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I like seeing how much production hates Vicki.  She makes the statement about how she likes nice housewives and it is followed up by a video montage of her being nasty to the new housewives at the first meeting. 

Watching Sophie drives makes me happy that kids can't get drivers licenses where I live until they are 18. I'm hoping that I can just send my daughter to college and somehow avoid the whole teaching her how to drive thing. Neither one of us have the patience for it and there is no way I would let my husband teach her (he is easily the world's worst driver). 

I had even more issues watching the episode this week. I started doing other things because it just isn't grabbing my attention anymore. I don't need the fighting back and forth to make it entertaining but I need *something*. What I don't need is anything to do with Kelly.  I don't care about her vag rejuv, lying about what happened at The Not So Quiet Woman, etc. Just go away. 

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6 hours ago, zoeysmom said:

I live on the other side of the country and would know nothing about this weird tv channel called NTV (the N is for Newfoundland) if it didn't come in one of my cable channel packages. It dubs itself Canada's superstation (for some reason that has nothing to do with anything super that I can see), but sometimes, and very oddly imo, plays like half or three quarters of a music video in between tv shows, and I remember thinking it was the most ratchet tv channel ever. Guess who owns it!

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5 hours ago, UsernameFatigue said:

From what I remember Ryan was a PITA, and Simon even went so far as to get him a job at the car dealership where he worked which Ryan blew. As I recall Ryan was lazy and unmotivated, and I don't in the least blame Simon for getting tired of supporting an adult who was mooching off him and being an ass at the same time.

This is how I remember it too.  IMO, Simon was just trying to instill some much needed discipline in Ryan. 


2 hours ago, ScoobieDoobs said:

The sparkle shtick is really not adorable.  Man, it annoys the hell outta me, when buying or getting holiday or birthday cards, & that crap gets on me.  If that dame threw that shit on me, I'd sic Raging Ryan on her.

I hate glitter too.  I like the way Peggy looked at them with the WTF look when the fairy dust was being thrown about.  I also liked how Peggy told Shannon that if the storyline about her husband's alleged abuse wasn't true, just let it go.   Shannon was explaining it to her in the restaurant and Peggy said something along the lines of 'if it's not true, it's not true,' i.e. quit giving it life by talking about it.  That was my interpretation of it.  YMMV.   I don't think Peggy is going to be the "WooHoo" kind of girl that Vicki is .  Peggy doesn't seem to be the type to lower herself to the drunken brawl that these women end up in.  Time will tell!   And Bravo, please just stop with the vaginal rejuvenation storylines.  TMI!

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A couple of things struck me this epi. One, Peggy and her tearful love and appreciation of Vicki after one meeting?  It seemed very fake to me, and very convenient for a set up as Peggy is now team Vicki.  Vicki was on the bottom last couple seasons and now she gets to move up and enjoy her place in the sun while Shannon assumes the low status this season. Seems so scripted to me.

And Tamra's reaction to her mom not going to this event. The event appeared to be in the meeting room of a SpringHill suites, and did not seem anywhere near as big as the one her mom was at.   This tremendous honor for Tamra appeared to be Tamra messaging the lady and then being asked to lend her quasi celebrity to a cause. Her OTT reaction to her mom not going to it seemed odd. Tamra seems to me like one of those people who buys in to someone, and no matter, what for the longest time (while she's getting something from them)  and then when she spies greener pastures, will turn  -- we have seen her do it with different hws over the years and now, I wonder, is she about to do it to her mom?  I also wonder how long she'll stick by Shannon as Shannon's stock continues to drop.

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The only takeaway from this ep was the After-School Special lesson that when you're down to spending your free time smelling a smoky smell coming out of Kelly's vag and driving into Diko's garage thinking your car is going to impress him (it just needs some wheels!) that you're bottom of the barrel grasping and beyond desperate. Vicky's worst attempt ever. And there's a lot of bad to choose from.....

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Kelly is a hot mess but when she stormed in and yelled "IM HERE TO GET MY SNATCH TIGHTENED", I rewound it and watched it a few times.  She is funny as hell.

I'm assuming Lydia's brother that was at the kid's party is not the pedophile brother?  Knowing she had a pedo brother made that an uncomfortable scene to watch.

I was prepared for a super boring episode but I actually kind of enjoyed this one.  I see Ryan inherited the 'tearless crying' gene from his mother.  I don't really feel bad for either one of them.  Tamra was so toxic and disturbing that she ran Simon off, and alienated one of her children in the process.  She seems to have turned over a new leaf so hopefully she will repair those relationships.  And Ryan was such a little shit when he was under Simon's roof, refusing to work, bragging with his stupid friends about how he was going to be a cop...  actually I kind of pity Ryan because he's so pathetic, and his mom knows it.  

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8 hours ago, Misslindsey said:

If you need someone to sit with you at an appointment Vicki will be there. No, she will be in the waiting room. Then again, she might just drop you off and watch you walk into the building.

She will be in the waiting room if you have cancer, but if you're having vaginal rejuvenation, she'll be in the procedure room with you holding your hand!!!  UUUGGGHHH!!!!

I'm hoping Peggy is just biding her time with Vicki in the beginning and once the real Vicki shows up she lets her have it.  Peggy strikes me as someone who won't put up with a lot of BS.

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This title? Kelly and Michael seriously bug. First of all, "we"? This ain't France. There's no "we" here, Michael. You're not even a housewife. Second, they act like they suffered YEARS under the previous puppet master, Heather Dubrow. You've been on the show one year, simmer down. 

Hard pass on the vagina tightening. 

Why did Lydia feel the need to invite all of HER friends to her son's birthday party? Did anyone of them even bring kids? Still can't stand her mom. I loved Peggy's very serious reaction to Lydia's mom and her fairy dust - "I don't want it on me". Take 5 large steps backward. 

I feel the need to yell, "Run, Peggy, Run!!!" Vicki has her in her sights, doesn't she? It's super obvious that Vicki is sidling right up to the new girl - 1. To get to her before anyone else does. Draft her for Team Vicki before she can get close to the others, with her "I'll be there for you, I'll watch your kids". Bitch, you JUST met! And 2. She thinks being all chummy with the cancer survivor will redeem her for the shit with Brooks. NOT happening. And, in fact, trying to use Peggy, after what she did, just makes me hate her more. 

I do NOT envy Shannon. If I had her money, I'd outsource that driving shit. Nope. No thanks. HARD pass. 

Get it, Megan! Nurse your baby when you need to. Score one for Megan, for helping to normalize breastfeeding. But, next time, check yo nanny's qualifications, k? 

So, was this episode the Tears of Tamra Tour or what? Enough already. Look, I feel for the situation with her daughter. That has to suck. On all sides. And I'm not saying Tamra is 100% to blame, but when she exploits her daughter for a storyline, I just can't have much sympathy for her. Didn't Sydney say that part of the problem between them was that she didn't feel comfortable with the show? But Tamra couldn't be bothered to put her daughter first. And then she goes on and on about how she's been a "silent sufferer". Um no. You participated in a freaking documentary!!!

I just can't. And that gathering felt a bit skeevy to me. A bunch of parents standing around moaning about their kids not wanting to talk to them? Like they're all victims? All I could think was, "What did YOU do?" Things don't happen in a vacuum. There's not a legion of pure, innocent parents out there whose kids just quit talking to them for no freaking reason. It was weird. 

And I hated how Tamra lambasted her mom for not being there. Sounds like she had to work. Maybe she truly couldn't get out of it. Is Tamra going to financially support her if she loses her job? From what I recall, Tamra's mom has been at nearly everything Tamra has done over the years, so cut her some slack. 

I thought it was interesting that her dad, to me, looked YOUNGER in present day than he did in the flashbacks. I know he's all grey now. But something about the tan and the puffy face made him look older. He looks a lot better now. 

Ryan, on the other hand, looks like a deranged, inbred, mountain murderer. He can save his tears too. 

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I thought Tamra's Dad looked better now than back in that clip- maybe he quit drinking? Weird that at a parental alienation "meeting" Tamra picks her Dad's side and villainizes her mom. If I had an ex husband that cheated with my best friend and they were at an event - I might skip it too! 

That party was stupid and Lydia and her creepy family suck for using their kid's birthday as a storyline. 

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8 hours ago, ShawnaLanne said:

Having both done is considered preventative. Unless she had a small tumor in both breasts that you know about?

Not to mention, she skipped trying chemo or radiation and went right to mastectomy. I don't think she lied at all. She didn't want to take any risks. 


7 hours ago, zulualpha said:

Vicki was sweet in her visit to Peggy's home. She had a lot of empathy for Peggy losing both her parents as she has.

Vicki was FAKE in her visit to Peggy's home. She is trying to repair her image, and using a cancer survivor to do so. It's completely tasteless, IMO. 


7 hours ago, F. M. said:

Are we going to see fairy dust every week, because it's not okay to put crappy cheap sparkle everywhere.

Glitter is literally the worst thing ever invented and if Lydia's mom came at me with that shit, I'd throat punch her. 

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10 hours ago, VedaPierce said:

It's such an important time in a teens life, to have good, loving parental figures supporting him and giving him unconditional love. I don't think he ever had that. Only criticism once the untended, uncared for little tree grew into a warped and twisted big tree. :( so sad...

Yep, Tamra fucked up Ryan big time. If she pays anything for him, it is out of much earned guilt.

she had him live with his grandma, while she was building her new family with Simon. 

Hopefully, Sarah and a good therapist can build him up.

I never felt like he was a rapist as much as he was trying to please his mother.

she was the one with the rapey attitude and she launched her son onto Gretchen.

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8 hours ago, ShawnaLanne said:

Having both done is considered preventative. Unless she had a small tumor in both breasts that you know about?

She seems to be fumbling with the truth.

I also caught on the disparity.

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8 hours ago, biakbiak said:

I need someone to punch Vicki hard in the face. Like seriously hard. When she is in the garage with Peggy and Diko and Peggy tries to tell her she is blessed and Diko even says especially blessed because of her health and Vicki starts saying yes blessed and blessed and blessed for each mother fucking car. I hate her so very much. 

Also, Lydia can die in a fire.

Don't waste your time, it'd be like punching jello, there's just not there, there.........

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10 hours ago, VedaPierce said:

Has anybody ever seen an actual tear roll down Tamra's cheek as she fake talk-cries?

Actually yes, in this episode in her TH an actual tear rolled down her cheek.  I wondered the same thing and it happened, much to my surprise. 

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3 minutes ago, esco1822 said:

Actually yes, in this episode in her TH an actual tear rolled down her cheek.  I wondered the same thing and it happened, much to my surprise. 

It never rolled. I sat and waited for it to come down, after she painfully, FINALLY managed to squeeze one out...but it stubbornly sat there, in the corner of her eye and wouldn't move. Lol lol! She needs lessons from Rinna on getting that perfect tear to roll. 

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Kelly Dodd just gets on my nerves. I don't know if it's her voice or her laugh but I dislike her. During the clothing steaming scene I was looking at her husbands wedding ring...well was it an actual ring or is it tattooed on?

"At the store they do it so easy"  No Kelly, they do it easily. 

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I see some negative comments about Peggy and her relationship with Vicki, but I see it differently. In my experience, when you are going through breast cancer (and I will guess any sort of cancer), you really find out who are your true friends. Some of your besties are all of the sudden MIA, while people you barely know step up. Even with a stupid casserole ;). Some people are just better in a crisis than in regular day-to-day life, if that makes any sense. So when I see Peggy crying to Vicki, I do not think it's fake. I think it meant something to her to have someone support  her when she needed it most - regardless of who that person was. You take what you can get when you're going through one of, if not the, worst thing in your life.

Edited by Neeners
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WHY is Peggy even on this show? I don't get it. One, she is so boring. Two, she doesn't seem all that well and is about to have more surgery. Three, I can't imagine what reason she would be interested in being a housewife....is it to promote Niko's business? Four, she is so boring (deserved an extra mention!).

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11 hours ago, VedaPierce said:

Today, Ryan may be the biggest douche of the franchise, but how incredibly awful for him in the flashback, as a young teen, to be asking his step father where his name is tattooed on his step fathers' body, after Simon was proudly discussing how he has tattoos of all "his kids'" names. Then Simon responds with, "where do I have your name on my body Ryan? How about on the bottom of my foot?" How awful! Poor little guy, Ryan. My heart actually broke a little when I saw that tonight. :( you could see a quick flash of pain across his face in that moment. Poor Ryan never stood a chance with that skank for a mother and an unloving stepfather like Simon. 

I remember this "poor little guy" as a lazy, entitled, mouthy, unemployed skank who only wanted him mother and stepfather to pay his way through life. He was over 18, would not get off his ass to get a job even though Simon went out of his way to get him a job which he quit, slept all day and partied all night. Eddie had a problem with him, too. He got him a job at the gym and that didn't work out. When Ryan moved back to Cali with Sara and the kids, Tamra gave him money for the deposit on the rental house and for rent. He complained about the house, he didn't like it. Eddie didn't like Tamra giving the lazy ass money for rent. Eddie was right and so was Simon. 

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10 hours ago, JD5166 said:

From someone who has gone thru bi-lateral mastectomy and reconstruction, I am having a hard time with this woman putting it out there. You'd be hard pressed to find more than 5 close friends who knew all my business at the time (10+ years ago).  I didn't get 100,000 dollars worth of diamonds to cope, and I didn't do it on tv. I guess I am supposed to respect her, but I just can't. I have scars real and emotional....I am just unhappy with this "storyline".  I get women do this now because it's preventative and thankfully mine was 99% as well, she's obviously not had a "humbling" experience because glitter is hard to get off and she doesn't want it on her. She could learn a thing or two from Lydiot's mom....some shit doesn't matter, you're alive and can afford to have the best doctors make you look like nothing's happened. Not many of us are that lucky. 

Also, Ryan you suck. Get a job, loser. Grow the fuck up. 

One of my closest friends had a preventative mastectomy around a month ago. While she didn't get a bunch of diamonds and such, but she did tell A LOT of people and regularly posts updates to facebook. Everyone handles things differently. 

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13 minutes ago, CrinkleCutCat said:

WHY is Peggy even on this show? I don't get it. One, she is so boring. Two, she doesn't seem all that well and is about to have more surgery. Three, I can't imagine what reason she would be interested in being a housewife....is it to promote Niko's business? Four, she is so boring (deserved an extra mention!).

Same here. She and Diko(how the hell do you even go thru life with that name, but whatever) seem like lovely people so far.

they have money and a decent family, why jinx it?

I would rather see Alexis Bellini than the new chick and Lydia.

As far as Kelly, I actually find her funny. Yes, she is crude as heck but she fits l'air du temps.

I don't miss Heather whatsoever and get my fix of Terry via botched which is a nice show, imo.

Some people have mentionned the Oklahoma show. It rocks!

Nice, funny and interresting people, one can root for. My very fave right now.

2 minutes ago, JennyMominFL said:

One of my closest friends had a preventative mastectomy around a month ago. While she didn't get a bunch of diamonds and such, but she did tell A LOT of people and regularly posts updates to facebook. Everyone handles things differently. 

While I agree wholeheartly that everyone handles their life differently, I tend to agree that Peggy does not belong on tv.

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