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S19.E14: Power of Veto #4


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Being a lab rat for 30 years, this Veto is always my favorite competition.

Codybot trying to do bot likefullness.  The new module appears to be an improvement, but it doesn't seem to have fully downloaded.  He truly seems to believe he is somehow ingratiating himself back into the flow of the house, while Paul has been working steadily to undermine the lovebirds.  I despise Paul as a person, (well Cody too) but his game is smart - so far.  The stratergy worked to perfection.  

Josh is so damned annoying, but did a nice bullshit job on Jess.  Dying Raven then leads her to figure out the plot and Codybot talks her out of it.  LOL

Ramses could go home!  "I would just hate myself if that happened"  The isolation.  It makes them deny what's right in front of them.

Josh brings it home at the Veto meeting.  Can he keep it up?

And the Codybot pecks (wtf is wrong with you girl) Jess as if they scored some huge win.  

Idiots.  Should have pulled Ramses down, have him swear loyalty, put up almost anybody else and Josh goes home.  Oops!

We will find out tomorrow night if this well orchestrated blindside goes down.

Edited by PaperTree
hate is too strong.
  • Love 8
27 minutes ago, DakotaLavender said:

Why Why Why did Jessica not use that POV on Ramses and put up somebody they would NEVER have voted out to make sure Josh went home? 

I would have "rewarded" Raven's terrible attempts to lie with a comfy seat next to Josh. It's classic that she (Jessica) was soooo close to figuring it all out but failed at the last moment.

Just a few Christmas Notes (sorry): She really is a badass. First of all on a shallow note did you see that shot of her in the backyard? Girls' core could shred a boulder. Damn. Also I love that they have piped in squeaks of her little trolley when she is scooting around the house. Makes me laugh every time.

Edited by Wandering Snark
  • Love 11
6 minutes ago, Ananayel said:

Loved: Cody explaining how he was amping up his expressions while talking to Christmas about NASCAR, with a completely non-expressive face.

The fact that she was a member of a NASCAR pit crew was totally dismissed as if it were a nothing compared to his great he-man Marine exploits.

If one of the manly men had that background, I could see Cody giving lots of respect to that accomplishment.  

I have no use for the whole NASCAR thing, but I respect how hard the people work doing something they love.

  • Love 6

Wow, Jessica had all the pieces, read Raven 100% (but missed the ridiculous smirk on Josh's face - sunglasses don't cover your MOUTH, ya stupid meatball!), had everything in her power to guarantee what she wants, but claims she's going to "put [her] trust in the house"? Idiot. Cody's poor instincts have rubbed off on her (along with plenty of the rest of Cody, I'm assuming).

Prediction: Had Jason's bit on genuinely missing his son aired a week ago, he would have won the last DoT. Which really makes you think about the editor's hand in everything that goes down... (and that's assuming the voting is not at all rigged!)

Please stop including Paul's DRs for every narration bit. You cannot tell me there's not a reel full of Kevin-isms out there.

  • Love 17
15 minutes ago, Dewey Decimate said:

Claims she's going to "put [her] trust in the house"? Idiot.

Especially as she has demonstrated that she knows the whole house is against her, or at least leery of her, after her and Cody's last time in power. Evidenced by her knowing she had ot suck up to everyone and repair burnt bridges etc. But she STILL says she's going to 'trust The House' like this would be a move that would get them all back in good graces. *shakes head* Oh Jess... ya blew it! What happened to trust nobody?

  • Love 10

Oh, Jess...I once heard a saying that your first instincts are the true one...and you had it right there and you let Cody talk you out of it! As for Cody I want to believe the only reason he really did it was because Alex was the target and perhaps he still has those latent feelings for her  though we haven't even seen them interact once since coming back.

Speaking of Alex it pains me to throw shade at her as she was my favorite  up until the moment she aligned with loathsome Paul but honey you have no right to talk about someone wasting their HOH. You evicted Dominique? Dominique for chrissakes! What happened to splitting up couples...but nope...that's was  your original game and not Paul's and now you are playing Pauls....

LOL at Matt saying what's good for his game...he has NO GAME...people can you imagine a month from now when the big guns are likely all gone and the actions or lack there of revolves around Matt and Raven? Trust me that will be as boring as it sounds.

The blip to Christmas while Ramses and Jess were talking...damn that woman is cut!

Of course Paul has to comment on the action in DR about the Veto....why blow the dust of Elena and Mark to hear what they have to say?

Sorry but I dont' care about Jason's kid and he's deluding himself if he thinks he will be crowned the winner come September.

Ending on a positive note....the casting this season was awesome when it came to a few houseguets. They have some instantly classic characters in Cody, Josh and Christmas.

Edited by North of Eden
  • Love 8

Well, this about guarantees that the end of tomorrow's show is gonna be off the hook.



I would have "rewarded" Raven's terrible attempts to lie with a comfy seat next to Josh. It's classic that she (Jessica) was soooo close to figuring it all out but failed at the last moment.

My thoughts exactly too.  Or put up Paul. The flock wouldn't turn on him but it would guarantee Josh's exit. Why did they even put up Ramses, a kid on the periphery of the cool kids who they might be able to work with? Gah!

  • Love 3
6 minutes ago, Jel said:

Loved Jessica saying that Paul loves to give unsolicited advice because he's a vet.  I am changing my mind about her; she has pretty good game instincts. Here's hoping she can learn to follow them.

Me too.  And I don't even like her.  This is what I have been reduced to this season -- rooting for Jessica.


5 minutes ago, mojoween said:

They played a Christmas carol after Christmas was eliminated and it made me wonder if anyone knows if Corey has mentioned Christmas on social media?  I mean, he totally played a year too soon.

I have been thinking that since the first week.  

  • Love 1

Wow, the Codybot was a smiling fool tonight--for part of the episode anyway. Somehow he knows he needs to show more emotion but he seems to lack the will to keep it up for very long. Jessica cleaning his pipe on the regular probably helps some but apparently not enough.

Does Matt only own one shirt or does he have several of the same shirt?

Poor Ramses. I almost feel badly for him.  Meanwhile, I am impressed at how well Josh seems to be holding it together. It's pathetic though how almost all of them are Paul's puppets.

Being both smug and clueless is not a good look, Jessica and Cody. At least Jess had a sliver of doubt about their plan but then she effed up and listened to tunnel-vision Cody. She gon' learn though.


Speaking of Alex it pains me to throw shade at her as she was my favorite  up until the moment she aligned with loathsome Paul but honey you have no right to talk about someone wasting their HOH. You evicted Dominique? Dominique for chrissakes! What happened to splitting up couples...but nope...that's was  your original game and not Paul's and now you are playing Pauls....

This right here. I will never understand how anyone figured Dominique was a bigger, long-term threat than Jessica. Dom may have been annoyingly sanctimonious but she wasn't going to go far in the game anyway.

  • Love 4

I actually thought Cody's reaction to Christmas telling him she was the first woman in a NASCAR pit crew was genuine.  Yeah, he amped it up to enhance his social game, but I think he was honestly impressed.  You could tell, too, that Christmas was just dying to tell someone who might care about that.  Jason might be a NASCAR fan, or maybe not.  He's so "I'm a rodeo celebrity" oriented that he might not have any bandwidth to be  fan of another sport.  I don't really see anyone else in the house (and here I'm prejudicially profiling) being a big racing fan, so Christmas had limited options to "come out" to.

Did you see the towel Jessica used to blot the sweat off her face during the Veto comp?  It came away absolutely brown due to her makeup.  She certainly glops it on--as do Elena and Raven (and Dom).  Is that sort of thing actually attractive to men?  The mask of foundation, the totally fake eyelashes, the sticky artificially colored lips?  During the Veto ceremony, I noticed Raven and Elena hadn't "made face" for the day, and they looked much softer and prettier than in their full-on made up selves.

Edited by HurricaneVal
@#$&% autocorrect
  • Love 9
2 hours ago, North of Eden said:

Oh, Jess...I once heard a saying that your first instincts are the true one...and you had it right there and you let Cody talk you out of it! As for Cody I want to believe the only reason he really did it was because Alex was the target and perhaps he still has those latent feelings for her  though we haven't even seen them interact once since coming back.

BINGO!  My theory is this:  I agree with you on the above but I would take it further, maybe even further down the road, that Cody is setting it up so Jessica looks like a fool.  My money is on the future Cody/Paul talk of how Cody knew Ramses had to go and pretended to go along with Jess so that Ramses would leave.  It's that or Cody is an absolute idiot and Jessica should lose just because she, once again, followed her man and blew up her own game AGAIN.  There is no way that Cody is taking Jess to the finals with him.  Do all the couples thing they are all going to finals together as couples?  How exactly is that going to work?

If Jessica had any brains she would have pulled down Ramses and put up Paul.  Just to shake things up.

Question:  So Christmas never used her temptation?  I missed the first few minutes and I know this was the last week she could pull someone down from playing the veto and play instead.

  • Love 1
11 hours ago, PaperTree said:

The fact that she was a member of a NASCAR pit crew was totally dismissed as if it were a nothing compared to his great he-man Marine exploits.

If one of the manly men had that background, I could see Cody giving lots of respect to that accomplishment.  

I have no use for the whole NASCAR thing, but I respect how hard the people work doing something they love.

I don't think he doesn't respect it. As he said, he was amping up his reaction which I believe. Doesn't mean he's not impressed at all.

I want Al Pacino to come and yell in Jessica's face YOU BLEW IT. What the fuck is the point of putting up a pawn if you don't take said pawn down to guarantee you get a win either way. You are giving them all the power and they don't like you. Fucking idiots. Jess for listening to Cody, Cody for being stupid and the rest of the house for kissing Paul's ass.

Edited by Racj82
  • Love 3
1 hour ago, candall said:

For the record, I am hugely anti-Jess, but I have to admit that if I were she, I'd also be pretty confident that everyone would want to get rid of the big loud unstable powder keg guy instead of the sweet little non-threatening puppy dog guy.

That also hates the people the rest of the house hates. That actually pisses off only Jess and Cody in the house. As opposed to floating ass Ramses. No, i dont agree at all that should be thinking that. The enemy of my enemy is my friend is a phrase that should never be forgotten in this house.

36 minutes ago, jumper sage said:

Question:  So Christmas never used her temptation?  I missed the first few minutes and I know this was the last week she could pull someone down from playing the veto and play instead.

I think this is half "make no waves" gameplay and half that she keeps getting selected to play anyways so it's not been needed. There hasn't been a crucial veto that she's needed to sway.

Also as far as Alex goes, we should have seen her Paul-type qualities the say 10th day she wore those cat-ears in a row... she's on target to break Paul's record of wearing the pool floatie every day. He's totally assimilated her from someone who actually had their own plan/voice to someone just striving for the collective. Sad.

Edited by Wandering Snark
  • Love 6

Still kinda boring. The veto was fun even though I wish I could the paint blow up all over Jessica because she would have been the most unnerved by it. i wonder why almost everyone messed up so badly.  It didn't seem that hard. 

4 hours ago, woodscommaelle said:

Gatlin is a better name than Gallon. Thank you closed captioning. 

Thanks. I wasn't too sure what Jason was trying to pronounce.

So it's a race to see who can irritate me the most in the DR.  Josh who gets too excited and screams "Your Boy" like another idiot when he's not being all weepy. Cody being all smug and creepy doing his botstare.  Even if he's going for a laugh (I think so, but it is Cody), creep is creepy. And I just don't like him. The way he has to get in his digs at Josh is VICTIM NOISES in his own special way.  Eh, it's always going to be Paul who always drowns on his own obnoxiousness in there. 

3 hours ago, jumper sage said:

Question:  So Christmas never used her temptation?  I missed the first few minutes and I know this was the last week she could pull someone down from playing the veto and play instead.

She can use it once, but at anytime throughout the season, obviously up to F6 because everyone plays. 

Edited by SiobhanJW
  • Love 1

Yawn. Bit bored by this episode. I did like Cody and Christmas talking about Nascar. I always enjoy the non-game moments in the house and wish we got more of them. 

It's weird how the girl with the busted foot keeps getting picked for Veto, but this time it didn't really matter. 

I immediately started using the same strategy Cody did, and I would have won too - but it's always easier to play from your couch. 

I know Jess doesn't want to piss of the other side of the house, but I kind of hoped she'd take Ramses down and put someone from the core alliance up - just to derail their plans to keep Josh. It's not that fun when an "underdog" wins power, but can't do much with it. I do think she's playing a pretty shrewd game for a girl with 6 foot eyelashes. 

Raven has NO poker face. No game. Why is this chick even here??? Why are most of them here??? I said it last week, I'll say it again - if they want to all hand their game to Paul, I am more than fine with him winning. 

Shout out to whoever uses Seventh Generation to clean the kitchen! That's what I use!

  • Love 2

I never really understand why when a ton of the house hates you, you don't put up two people you would be happy to see go.  Trusting people don't want Ramses out is silly because none of the people are aligned with you so they will just lie to you.  Having a pawn rarely works and when it does it is because the HOH actually has an alliance!

Hopefully, Josh does something stupid and some people reconsider and he leaves.  

  • Love 1
11 hours ago, PaperTree said:

Codybot trying to do bot likefullness.  The new module appears to be an improvement, but it doesn't seem to have fully downloaded.  

He seems to spend most of his DR time stuck in "buffering" mode.  Seriously, sometimes his non-blinking blankfaced stares make me think my screen has frozen.


11 hours ago, Wandering Snark said:

Just a few Christmas Notes (sorry): She really is a badass. First of all on a shallow note did you see that shot of her in the backyard? Girls' core could shred a boulder. Damn. Also I love that they have piped in squeaks of her little trolley when she is scooting around the house. Makes me laugh every time.

It's the little things, LOL.  I like that the editors have a sense of humor.  And it's nice that they could recycle the "jingle bells" used on Corey for Christmas.

I liked the NASCAR segment between Cody and Christmas so much that I watched it three times.  I liked how she kept that info to herself - if Cody hadn't gone all "pit crew" on whatever he was cooking, it probably still wouldn't have come up.  I don't watch NASCAR, but good for her to break the female pit crew barrier.  My hubby was watching that segment with me and said, "go ahead, Google it."  I did, and there she was.

Ramses over-the-top, non-informative and non-humorous DR's drive me crazy.  I won't be sad to see him go, and I cannot wait to see Jess's expression when she finds out she was right all along.

  • Love 2
11 hours ago, woodscommaelle said:

Gatlin is a better name than Gallon. Thank you closed captioning. 

Gatlin!  Okay, yes, that makes more sense.  We were like, "Gallon?  As in bucket??"

9 hours ago, Gemma Violet said:

I don't even think it was unsolicited.  Didn't Jessica ask Paul if she should take a poll or am I remembering wrong?

She did!  I helpfully explained out loud to her that it's not unsolicited advice when you ask for it, but she didn't seem to hear me.

I love Christmas.  And the NASCAR thing is extremely impressive.  

As for Josh, his behavior reminds me so much of Stephen from the Seattle version of The Real World.  

  • Love 2

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