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The Lonely Js Club: James, Jackson & Johannah

Message added by Scarlett45,

Discussing the charges against Jana is fine, but do not post any information that reveals her address/contact information- even if said documents are public (i.e. a part of court proceedings.)

Discussing charges against Jana is NOT a jumping off point to speculate on other instances abuse/neglect etc towards the M-children or to elaborate on Josh's conviction and potential victims.  


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Probably some of the lowest COL in the country. Housing, utilities, etc. are cheap compared to many other places.

You are so wrong about the COL in Northwest Arkansas. To give you an example, sales tax is higher in Rogers, AR than Park City Utah. Because of Wal-Mart HQ, the COL is sky high. I know, my family still lives there.  The Duggar's don't live in or near a landfill. And the area they live in is hardly rural. They live 10 minutes away from every store known to man.

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Park City Utah has a sales tax (incl state, county and city) of 7.95%, Rogers Arkansas has a sales tax (incl state, county and city) of 9.5%. Bestplaces.net estimates the cost of living in Rogers to be 16.80% lower than the U.S. average, Park City is 63.40% higher. Comparing a small ski resort town to a city with an economy based on retail administration, logistics and limited types of manufacturing is like apples and oranges.

The Duggars don't actually live in Rogers, they live in Tontitown and there is a landfill less than a kilometre down their street.

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Attention posters, we seem to have leading into Off Topicitis Syndrome on here. Keep it on the topic at hand. No need to go into sales taxes, how much it cost to live in a certain area etc. etc. etc. One of the treatments of OTS is to hide and delete the certain posts before the syndrome spreads like a wildfire during a bad drought season. Thank you.

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I have only seen the clips and read some reports on the special, but it seems to me that the JOSH situation carried the show. More than that, it seems that the only honesty and insight are coming from Jana, JD (possibly Joy and Jinger) and Joseph. The rest of them are just maintaining the party line and in the most boring way possible, spoon-feeding bullshit. Maybe TLC needs to rethink the adult Duggars they are following? JD and Joseph are actually kinda cute. Plus, both of those boys are out there doing their best to make a life for themselves under Duggar rules, fake college, flying...

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I just wonder why we haven't seen this before. There has been virtually NO art of any sort (other than Jesus pictures) in the Duggar abode. It's interesting that she's encouraged to do this now, rather than when she was 12. 

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I agree we never saw any art projects or crafts when the girls were younger. I don't think Michelle is that crafty...well, she's crafty in a different way. The closest we saw to art was the murals in the girls' room they helped paint during the TTH moving in special.  I guess the dresses Jana sewed during their prairie days were creative outlets too, but they most likely came from a pattern.


Jana isn't occupied with the physical needs of a bunch of kids anymore and this could be a way to get "me time."  She did that big autumnal display in October with the big cross so that may be her new thing. 

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The one with all the hay bales that Jackson modeled? I didn't know that was her handiwork. 


I'm glad she has *something* to call her own these days. That said, I bet she'd like that jewelry box back. It still upsets me that it upset her well into her 20's. 

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Yup, Jana designed the hay bales with a giant cross, sign, and scarecrow.  They gave her and James credit for it on their family FB page in September/Octoberish. It's burned in my memory because I was surprised when it received 30,000+ likes.


I do wonder what happened to that jewelry box. I still can't believe that Michelle rewarded Jessa for being a bully.

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I just wonder why we haven't seen this before. There has been virtually NO art of any sort (other than Jesus pictures) in the Duggar abode. It's interesting that she's encouraged to do this now, rather than when she was 12.

The more we see on social media, the more I'm convinced we saw only a very tiny, controlled piece of their lives on TV.

Drawing would differentiate the kids too much, so they probably just never showed it. Everything on the show was just bland vanilla sameness.

For a show with hundreds of hours of airtime, we saw so little of their real lives. Instead it was the same recycled plot lines. How many times did we see Jinger pack the clothes for trips, with the stupid pop-up trivia? Yet real things like how the girls actually spend their time, outside of staged scenes, we were never shown.

For instance, I think the girls wear pajama pants at night, and have in recent pictures, but it's ignored in favor of the in your face "girls only wear skirts".

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I just wonder why we haven't seen this before. There has been virtually NO art of any sort (other than Jesus pictures) in the Duggar abode. It's interesting that she's encouraged to do this now, rather than when she was 12.

Well you see, she was too busy raising her mothers kids when she was 12. Now that they're older, she can finally have some me time.

She's gonna be one happy empty-nester I'll tell you that.

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I think the faces are probably lifted from illustrations found on the Internet, and the bodies are Jana's work.

Agreed.  And the photo she's supposedly looking at on the phone is nothing like the drawing.  Sorry, but those figures are not artistic to me and don't show a talent for drawing.  The perspective of the bodies is all off and the limbs look crazy.  But that's a spiffy iPhone Jana has there, with an obvious internet connection.  But If she's enjoying it, great. 


You have to wonder what she put into Google to pull up that photo: maybe some combination of the words infidel, Satan, Joseph, etc.  

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Agreed. And the photo she's supposedly looking at on the phone is nothing like the drawing. Sorry, but those figures are not artistic to me and don't show a talent for drawing. The perspective of the bodies is all off and the limbs look crazy. But that's a spiffy iPhone Jana has there, with an obvious internet connection. But If she's enjoying it, great.

You have to wonder what she put into Google to pull up that photo: maybe some combination of the words infidel, Satan, Joseph, etc.

Probably something about turbans, but not so PC.
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I'm impressed actually; there is no way I could pull something like that off. And since I doubt that she's ever had any real training or art lessons it's not a bad show at all. The only other painting or drawing we've ever seen a Duggar do is the compulsory banner-making for any and every life-event ever. They don't come across as very creative family on the whole, Jinger's photography hobby aside, but Jana must've practiced quite a bit to be able to draw on that level. Makes you wish that she'd had the chance to attend some proper art classes.

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When you consider that probably all their detailed info about men comes from Gothard, and the behavior of Josh and Daddy Dryhump, I am surprised they can even look at men.

I so agree with this. Although, I'm not sure she'd feel any better even if she knew more. Spend some time reading online comments from men after articles about women, especially if the women are not conventionally attractive, and it will leave you depressed and wondering if there are any who regard women as equals rather than walking, talking sex objects. That's one reason why I've been single for so long. The Internet has opened my eyes.



The more we see on social media, the more I'm convinced we saw only a very tiny, controlled piece of their lives on TV.

Drawing would differentiate the kids too much, so they probably just never showed it. Everything on the show was just bland vanilla sameness.

For a show with hundreds of hours of airtime, we saw so little of their real lives. Instead it was the same recycled plot lines. How many times did we see Jinger pack the clothes for trips, with the stupid pop-up trivia? Yet real things like how the girls actually spend their time, outside of staged scenes, we were never shown.

For instance, I think the girls wear pajama pants at night, and have in recent pictures, but it's ignored in favor of the in your face "girls only wear skirts".

Oh, wow. I just had a sad thought. I remember for sure one of them mentioning a nightgown in the police report. I'll bet they switched to pajama pants because they can't ride up during the night and they thought it would be a way to help Joshie avoid temptation.

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I'm nearly out of patience with Janarella. She is well old enough to have a mind of her own. No matter how you grew up, she's been well exposed to other people and other ideas, there comes a time when you have to take responsibility for yourself. So be a fecking indentured slave if that's what you want. I'm out of fecks to give really

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I'm nearly out of patience with Janarella. She is well old enough to have a mind of her own. No matter how you grew up, she's been well exposed to other people and other ideas, there comes a time when you have to take responsibility for yourself. So be a fecking indentured slave if that's what you want. I'm out of fecks to give really

that's what I've said in a few posts.   She does not have the get up and go to get up and go.

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I'm nearly out of patience with Janarella. She is well old enough to have a mind of her own. No matter how you grew up, she's been well exposed to other people and other ideas, there comes a time when you have to take responsibility for yourself. So be a fecking indentured slave if that's what you want. I'm out of fecks to give really

Yup, my sentiments exactly. I mentioned a few pages ago that I don't give a flying feck about any of them 'escaping' anymore. Because they won't. Only Josie, because she's been conditioned to do anything she wants, so I'm Team Josie all the way.


Is Jana an "artist" now??? More of JB's marketing of her as the multi-talented domestic slave. Wasn't she showing off her strength recently also? So now some lucky Fundie guy can get a woman strong enough to lug groceries AND decorate a cake.

Edited by drafan
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Yup, my sentiments exactly. I mentioned a few pages ago that I don't give a flying feck about any of them 'escaping' anymore. Because they won't. Only Josie, because she's been conditioned to do anything she wants, so I'm Team Josie all the way.


Is Jana an "artist" now??? More of JB's marketing of her as the multi-talented domestic slave. Wasn't she showing off her strength recently also? So now some lucky Fundie guy can get a woman strong enough to lug groceries AND decorate a cake.

I don't know Josie may turn out to be Jessa/Michelle. My bet is placed on disgruntled Jordyn. Or maybe Josie will be bold with a heart and it will her and Jordyn.

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Pell grants often pay most or all of trade school, and a lot of community college. Decent secondary education is cheap enough, of course one must want to find it. Edit: Pell grants pay nearly six thousand dollars a year. I know several people who went to trade school totally free, while working low income jobs while using them. I'm not trying to drag the conversation OT, but yeah, there's plenty of hope and options for the kids. They've just been conditioned to be uninterested in them.

Exactly. They do not need financial help. I was expected to pay my own way through college and I did. I qualified for no grants because my dad's income was too high, so all I had was an academic scholarship and student loans. I made it work and so could they. It's not that they're dying to go to school and can't afford it.


Becca, there are plenty of men out there who respect women. They just aren't the ones spouting off in Internet comment sections.

I know there are some. I'm not a man hater. But it's not just internet comments I'm talking about, it's many things I have seen and heard. And at 32 with a difficult lifestyle of full time caregiving that leaves me with few options to find someone, my odds of finding one are quite low, in my opinion. But that's well off topic! My point is that yes, they have been fed a warped view of men, that they are only barely capable of restraining themselves if women are meek and modest, which is just silly.

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I'm nearly out of patience with Janarella. She is well old enough to have a mind of her own. No matter how you grew up, she's been well exposed to other people and other ideas, there comes a time when you have to take responsibility for yourself. So be a fecking indentured slave if that's what you want. I'm out of fecks to give really


The thing is, for a certain kind of person, if you're made to feel responsible for your family members, every day of your life from the time you're a little kid, you're likely to remain chained to those family members forever. I expect Jana may be that sort of a person, and I'm 100 percent sure that she was brainwashed from childhood to feel an extreme level of responsibility for her family. If she left on her own, the guilt might make her more miserable than she probably is now.


And when you've been carefully groomed to the idea that you may not legitimately have mind of your own, and kept from having any experiences that would let a mind of your own begin to grow and gather confidence in itself, mere age won't do a thing to give you that sense of autonomy. I've been in a similar situation. And even though I left it -- because I was allowed to go to school among other people, where I did pick up some confidence and autonomy -- I'm wearing a lot of those crippling chains to this day.


Jana's had no chance to shed her chains for a second. So it's just not realistic to think that she can or, in my opinion anyway, to look down on her for not being able to do it. She is what she's been made. And she was made in a situation that's such an outlier most can't even really imagine what it's like. That's one of the things that really makes this show evil. It allows people to think that Jana's (and the others') situation has been so close to normal that we can expect them to behave normally. Unfair to the kids and a boon to their horrifying parents, who go right on perpetrating their child (and now adult) abuse.

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Happy birthday, Jinger! Just think, you can celebrate by having dinner with your parents to celebrate another year raising their kids for them! 


eta: Poor girl got a sundae with a candle stuck in it that she'll never eat. 

Edited by Sew Sumi
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Happy birthday, Jinger! Just think, you can celebrate by having dinner with your parents to celebrate another year raising their kids for them!

eta: Poor girl got a sundae with a candle stuck in it that she'll never eat.


That things looks huge.

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Are messy sundaes a thing now? It seems like all the Dugger b-day ice cream concoctions are volcanic flows onto the plate.

Well, they're probably all from the same place and -- wild guess here -- it's probably free on your birthday. These are the Duggars, after all. But I have to say, that looks really, really unappetizing to me.

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Are messy sundaes a thing now? It seems like all the Dugger b-day ice cream concoctions are volcanic flows onto the plate.


Yeah, they're a thing. I asked this a while ago, and folks said yes. Then I googled and it looks like it's a trend maybe started by one restaurant (in Colorado, perhaps?) where they coated the dishes in fudge and froze them. And now they're doing it all over.


This is one of those things that I can't imagine ever becoming a thing. ... If that crap is frozen, it's certainly going to melt eventually. And sometimes you go out to dinner in clothes you'd rather not have fudge all over.... And when something looks like fudge on a sundae, don't you often want it to be hot? And how could you eat that without getting the sauce all over your hands?


It's a thing. It's insane. ...So i guess it's no wonder that the Duggars go with this trend every time they order dessert.

How does one manage to smile so big without any life in the eyes or face? that is the thing that always creeps me out.


Two-plus decades of constant practice, reinforced by some kind of hideous emotional manipulation every time you fail to do it.

Edited by Churchhoney
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Are messy sundaes a thing now? It seems like all the Dugger b-day ice cream concoctions are volcanic flows onto the plate.


That thing looks freaking foul.  And I say this as of woman who loves chocolate and ice cream.  It looks disgusting.

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Makes sense to give whichever birthday kid a crappy $8 sundae instead of forking out for an actual cake.  Spending over $10 would probably make Jim Bob's head explode. 


At first I wondered why the business owner didn't try to get some free advertising and show the name of the restaurant.  But then I realized that being attached to that freak show wouldn't help anybody's business. 


Check out the lady behind, caught in the act.    

Edited by leighdear
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At first I wondered why the business owner didn't try to get some free advertising and show the name of the restaurant.  But then I realized that being attached to that freak show wouldn't help anybody's business.

Marketplace Grill. The Duggar blog shilled for them.

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k.. I would eat that sundae. mmmmmm.

I think the lonely J's are more interesting than the Jill and Jessa fiasco. The special is all about Josh with some Jill and Jessa bits anyway, but I would rather see what Jana and Joy are doing. What are JD and Joe doing. How about the lost girls and the twins. (The howlers just make me want street drugs). Mostly though, I would rather watch the lonely J's.

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I would so eat that sundae! I probably wouldn't be able to finish it, but it looks yummy to me.


Wonder what the conversation was during this special one on one time with her parents. How old is she 23? What could they possibly talk about? Jinger is home all day, every day, as are her parents. They can't talk about school, work, boyfriends or friendships. Do they talk about Josie and the marrieds? Favorite bible verses? Seasons of life they are walking through? Eyeliner?

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I would so eat that sundae! I probably wouldn't be able to finish it, but it looks yummy to me.

Wonder what the conversation was during this special one on one time with her parents. How old is she 23? What could they possibly talk about? Jinger is home all day, every day, as are her parents. They can't talk about school, work, boyfriends or friendships. Do they talk about Josie and the marrieds? Favorite bible verses? Seasons of life they are walking through? Eyeliner?

How many more cases of hairspray they need to order now that Anna is living there?
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