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The Lonely Js Club: James, Jackson & Johannah

Message added by Scarlett45,

Discussing the charges against Jana is fine, but do not post any information that reveals her address/contact information- even if said documents are public (i.e. a part of court proceedings.)

Discussing charges against Jana is NOT a jumping off point to speculate on other instances abuse/neglect etc towards the M-children or to elaborate on Josh's conviction and potential victims.  


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*choking* wow. They're not as attractive in real life, but still, compared to Duggar boys...



Now that he's single again, Boob's probably taken away his portable porn box, and given him an Internet free flip phone in its place.

Don't forget confessing his every sexual thoughts to to his mother and father, in great detail, at their every whim.

Edited by JoanArc
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How are they going to explain to us that he gave away a piece of his heart and now is damaged but because he is a Duggar giving away a piece of your heart doesn't count.

Luckily, they weren't dating. Just courting. The heart stays intact in courting. Because it is TOTALLY different from dating...

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Even the Duggars have started to call it "dating with a purpose" which is hilarious. Because we've now found out that their method is not infalliable. That said, I'm glad that things fell apart, for whatever reason. They were just too stinking young to consider yoking oneself to another for life. If Marj is so bent on doing theater, etc., maybe her parents will let her go to college now. She seems to be the type who could benefit immensely from a good liberal arts education. LOL

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I'm OK with her being listed as a blogger, but 'bible study author"? At 17? I think not. Or maybe that's just how Radaronline is identifying her.

. I remember reading something about her having some sort of Bible study book published when they first announced the courtship, seriously. We made jokes about it, what sort of insight she could possibly have at her age, and given that she's probably been uber-sheltered her whole life.

Is it OVER over??? I thought we were speculating, but the last few posts read as if it's a done deal. Do we know for sure they broke it off?

Sadly, I feel just like someone else earlier - I'm not so worried about the little pieces of his heart he left strewn about - he's EIGHTEEN for Pete's sake!!! His biggest "fear" has to be the public humiliation - and truthfully, nobody gives a rat's patooty about his public or non-public life. (Not to mention HIS name was on the plea for the "no donation is too small" Duggar Studios fiasco a few weeks back. He's already "down" with public humiliation by now). I'm thrilled for her if it's true, that she dodged a bullet! (Plus, that boy is going to be bald by the time he's 20, and he's sort of a runt, and is going to look A LOT like Barney Fife in a few short years).

ETA: ok, never mind. Googled it.

Edited by Happyfatchick
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Luckily, they weren't dating. Just courting. The heart stays intact in courting. Because it is TOTALLY different from dating...


Absolutely. You only exchange your hopes, dreams and intentions for the rest of your life, reveal your deepest thoughts about what you want in a partner and what you want your life to mean, and make an effort to share your most important goals and highest aspirations.


That's so trivial compared to going to the movies, eating pizza, holding hands and hugging -- those are the things that really rip your heart out in case of a breakup.


What the heck are they thinking?

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How are they going to explain to us that he gave away a piece of his heart and now is damaged but because he is a Duggar giving away a piece of your heart doesn't count.

Only girls give away pieces of their heart.

Luckily, they weren't dating. Just courting. The heart stays intact in courting. Because it is TOTALLY different from dating...

Courtship has so much on the line. God chooses your spouse, courting leads to marriage. Dating is for whores and leads to divorce. But Josiah just had a fail courtship, which means the Duggars courtship bs doesn't work.
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Don't know if this was said about the time frame of the breakup. On the Duggar Family Blog site, Boob & MEchelle said that "a few weeks ago" they decided to end their courtship. This would coincide with the show cancellation, like we guessed.

I agree with the others that I'm glad the breakup happened & hoping too that Josiah won't have to visit ALERT because of it. But as we've said before, he would probably rather be there than at the TTC.

Marjorie was in it for fame. Just like Ben and Derrick. Why would Marjorie a 17yo marry an uneducated sheltered 18yo with no job? What normal person wants to marry a Duggar, they're not gaining anything.
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Marjorie was in it for fame. Just like Ben and Derrick. Why would Marjorie a 17yo marry an uneducated sheltered 18yo with no job? What normal person wants to marry a Duggar, they're not gaining anything.

"Wait, the show's cancelled and I'm not going to get my tv wedding, 20k gift registry and People exclusive? Si, this just isn't working out. Don't feel bad, it's not you, it's me..."

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. I remember reading something about her having some sort of Bible study book published when they first announced the courtship, seriously. We made jokes about it, what sort of insight she could possibly have at her age

I imagine it sounding like the kid preachers in "Jesus Camp". A lot of parroting and copying what they've heard, word for word...the angle mostly being that they are so young.

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In think the Marjorie and Josiah courtship was planned as a plot line that was meant to mirror that of Jim Bob and Michelle. Michelle was an underage teenager when she married JB and thus it was a way for the parents to wax poetic as they watched their child live out a warped version of their parents lives. Marjorie should be glad she dodged that poisoned TLC bullet.

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But she was doing things like that on her own, even without being attached to the Duggars. I'm not sure he's her best option now for fame. She had quite her own following - and if they are reduced to You Tube, her following might be larger given that it's younger.

You called it! 


How are they going to explain to us that he gave away a piece of his heart and now is damaged but because he is a Duggar giving away a piece of your heart doesn't count.

I do think they believe women are much more susceptible to giving away pieces of their hearts, although they might not have come right out and said it. But either way, it really is funny that they think picking a different word besides dating and purposing not to give frontal hugs is going to make the pain of a breakup any easier.  Wow. I wish them both the best, and that they can just be teenagers and pursue careers and not worry about marriage for years to come.

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It is tough to break up, but they will get through it. Personally I think if the Duggars were really concerned about feelings they would allow dating. With dating one may fantasize about marriage in a young adult way as they fall in love, but if you break up you lose a girl/boyfriend. With the Duggar courting ways if you break up you lose your future spouse. I think the latter would hurt more and feel more like a failure because courting has a purpose and dating is a fun life experience.

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Hearing the news about Josiah and Marjorie makes me realize that it really is a good thing that the show ended when it did. Who knows how many more of their kids would have been strongly encouraged (i.e. forced) into a courtship/marriage for the sake of the tv show. That's what I think happened here and I'm very glad that TLC pulled the plug.

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Margie now has a great "hook" for her future blog & YouTube videos.  She can point out that she's been in a "relationship" that didn't work out, and look how well she's coping!  


But she sadly misread God's plan for her.  Josiah wasn't the one!  Warning, girls!  You need more prayer so you don't make the same mistake I did! 


She can take her followers through her "pain" and describe how she's "processing" it.  She'll be stronger!  She'll have wisdom!  But as her purity is still intact, she can purpose to find her REAL husband.  She can be a cautionary tale without being a slut.  Yay!


*LOL*  I'm sure she's a nice girl, I just can't take the whole situation completely seriously.  

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It is tough to break up, but they will get through it. Personally I think if the Duggars were really concerned about feelings they would allow dating. With dating one may fantasize about marriage in a young adult way as they fall in love, but if you break up you lose a girl/boyfriend. With the Duggar courting ways if you break up you lose your future spouse. I think the latter would hurt more and feel more like a failure because courting has a purpose and dating is a fun life experience.


"Fun" "Life" "Experience."     Strikes me that all these are things that the Duggar parents build their walls to keep out. I suppose that's the fear thing again. Horrible that JB and M have passed this attitude on to their kids.

Margie now has a great "hook" for her future blog & YouTube videos.  She can point out that she's been in a "relationship" that didn't work out, and look how well she's coping!  


But she sadly misread God's plan for her.  Josiah wasn't the one!  Warning, girls!  You need more prayer so you don't make the same mistake I did! 


She can take her followers through her "pain" and describe how she's "processing" it.  She'll be stronger!  She'll have wisdom!  But as her purity is still intact, she can purpose to find her REAL husband.  She can be a cautionary tale without being a slut.  Yay!



I think you may be exactly right about her doing this. .... And despite the whole perkiness thing, I think she'd mean all of this were she to write about it. .... To date, as far as I can tell, she's never written word one about Josiah or the Duggars on her blog (which is mostly an audience-garnering tool for her book, I guess, and now maybe for a new business idea she has -- hand-lettered Bible verses for posters? cards or something?). In fact, it kind of looks as if she stopped blogging the minute she began contemplating getting into this relationship and resumed it again only very recently, after the breakup. Don't know what this means, but I found it kind of intriguing. Makes me curious about whether she will write about it going forward, because the kind of stuff you mention would be very much in line with the substance of her blog pre-Josiah -- basically a discussion of how real-life incidents tie in to biblical study, which I guess is what her book is about.

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"Wait, the show's cancelled and I'm not going to get my tv wedding, 20k gift registry and People exclusive? Si, this just isn't working out. Don't feel bad, it's not you, it's me..."

I think this is totally the reason.

Josiah seemed like a decent kid...no more or no less than any other fundie boy. But since the Duggar family is in the crapper, Marjorie decided to RUN! Smart girl. Smart parents.  


Before the Josh issue, the Duggars seemed OK.  Strange by our standards but OK by fundie standards. I think now even fundies are getting a little concerned about a daughter marrying into that hot mess. 


And...let's face it folk, Marjorie does wear pants. Could've pushed Joshiah over the edge....

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Thought of this this morning; I wonder if the Duggars wanted her family to speak out pro-Josh after the scandal and they refused, or didn't support strong enough. I think we heard from the Sewell and Dillard bunch, but nothing from her's. That may have been it for Jim Bob, and he pressured Si to end it.

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her parents seem a bit more "worldy" judging by their blog and pictures. We all noticed that when they announced the courtship. The mother is wearing pants and they only have 4 or 5 kids...

Maybe they had real concerns about the Duggars and Marjorie did some thinking...

You guys are right...her family never said "boo" in support of Josh. 

When the Duggars were a royal family, her family probably thought it was a step up in money for Marjorie so they accepted it.  With this scandal? They might've really had second thoughts. 


I'm sure Josiah supports Josh and his family.

Marjorie's family might not.

That's a big divide for a young couple starting out. It will spill into all areas of their life. Probably better off they split. 

Edited by Marigold
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When I saw the headline (on some news site) "Dugger kid splits," I thought one of the kids left home. I was actually a bit let down to find out that the split was between Josiah and Marjorie. I was hoping it was between DuggerKid and JB/M.

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Josiah seems very likable although I've never heard anything he's ever said - he just looks easy going and likable.  I have heard that they sent him to ALERT for what MONTHS or something - that had to be horrible.   I think finding a girl to marry and get out of that house was his motivation.  As for the girl she probably liked Josiah and the Duggars were like royalty so she was probably into it.  Then when she saw what it was really like - the lost girls, a bunch of howlers, JB, Josh, Mechelle = after a few weeks hanging out in that scene she probably just came to her senses and figured no way is that going to be my life.

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I read a Duggar blind item today.  http://www.agcwebpages.com/BLINDITEMS/2015/AUGUST.html


43. ENTERTAINMENT LAWYER 08/05 **#10**
This thankfully now a former reality star from a family of reality stars, recently broke up with his girlfriend because she wouldn’t have phone or webcam sex with him. The girlfriend said it was all he talked about and she was always feeling pressured. Joshiah Dugger/Marjorie Jackson


If this is true, I actually feel really sorry for Josiah.  I mean, he's a young man at his sexual peak, and it sounds like he's totally sexually frustrated.  Perhaps he thought Marjorie wouldn't reveal his requests because of their relationship.  I wonder if this is why they sent Josiah to the Philippines.  You know, it makes me wonder what goes on in these 3rd world countries that some of the Duggars and friends do their missionary work.  Do these young men find poor and willing partners who are willing to "spend time" with them for a few dollars? 

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Josiah seems very likable although I've never heard anything he's ever said - he just looks easy going and likable.  I have heard that they sent him to ALERT for what MONTHS or something - that had to be horrible.   I think finding a girl to marry and get out of that house was his motivation.  As for the girl she probably liked Josiah and the Duggars were like royalty so she was probably into it.  Then when she saw what it was really like - the lost girls, a bunch of howlers, JB, Josh, Mechelle = after a few weeks hanging out in that scene she probably just came to her senses and figured no way is that going to be my life.

Marjorie is the oldest sibling in her family. If her family is somewhat normal, as in clean children who eat meals together, who don't walk on counters and sleep in pajamas in beds with sheets, can you imagine what she would think of the Duggar crew? 

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When did Josiah leave for the Philippines? We know he was around Saturday's for Jenni's little party at Chuck-E-Cheese. Do we know for sure that this is even true? His "ministry" with the Bates boys was back in February, but as far as I know, they haven't gone back for a second trip either last year or this (up to this point). Lawson Bates just posted Instagram stuff yesterday, and he hasn't posted on social media from overseas; he saved pics for after he got home both years. And his pics yesterday had to do with a car and a horse and his brother Trace, who wouldn't be in the Philippines posing in a car with a horse. 


The Philippines thing is Nathan Bates' baby. The Duggar boys (Joe went the first year) wouldn't go without Nate. These trips have been about three weeks to date. Given that Michael is getting married in less than 10 days, I doubt the Bates kids would be allowed to do overseas work so close to her date, especially since the wedding is being filmed for the show (Michael confirmed this to me on her IG about two weeks ago). 


So there's all that. 

Edited by Sew Sumi
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43. ENTERTAINMENT LAWYER 08/05 **#10**

This thankfully now a former reality star from a family of reality stars, recently broke up with his girlfriend because she wouldn’t have phone or webcam sex with him. The girlfriend said it was all he talked about and she was always feeling pressured. Joshiah Dugger/Marjorie Jackson




This is such crap!

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Rainbow cake??? With a unicorn topper???? Pretty please??? :D


eta: I know Josiah got both twitter and IG accounts when he started courting. He goes by Si Duggar. 



Am I the only one out there who reads this as "SideHugger"?

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I suppose it's possible the scandal distracted JB and Michelle long enough that Josiah could've talked sexy to her without anyone knowing, but I have a hard time buying that rumor. If this story has legs, Marjorie will have to say SOMETHING about the breakup.


I also hope he treats the $4 Filipina ladyboy named Marjorie well for the duration of his vacation.

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I can't understand why 2 teenagers breaking up is all over the news.


I had several boyfriends throughout high school, and People magazine and ET never featured me when a breakup occurred.


Yes, I gave away pieces of my heart.  I dated without a purpose.  The shame!


I agree that she broke up with him because she won't be getting all the perks she was expecting.  This would be a good time to break free of that loony bin you live in, Josiah.  Take at least half a dozen of your siblings with you.

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I can't understand why 2 teenagers breaking up is all over the news.


I had several boyfriends throughout high school, and People magazine and ET never featured me when a breakup occurred.


Yes, I gave away pieces of my heart.  I dated without a purpose.  The shame!



Hussy! I'm booking you on the next trip to JTTH. 

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I bet Jim Bob is kicking himself for making the announcement of the courtship now.  Wasn't it Anna who said it was better to keep it all quiet until an actual engagement was in place?  Once they'd publicly announced the official courtship, there was going to be speculation and talk about the courtship until something was said.  It's just another reason to keep quiet about a couple of teens and perhaps not try to push them into a too early relationship. 

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her parents seem a bit more "worldy" judging by their blog and pictures. We all noticed that when they announced the courtship. The mother is wearing pants and they only have 4 or 5 kids...

Maybe they had real concerns about the Duggars and Marjorie did some thinking...


Marjorie also seems bright and very active. I haven't heard her say much, but what I have heard her say is coherent and articulate, and her blog is quite decently written, logical. She also mentions a ton of activities that she does, including stuff like theater with other people outside of her house. It's possible that she really liked Josiah, but when they were "courting," they spent a ton more time with his family and she found out for sure that the rest of the Duggars are ignorant idiots who do nothing and who have no respect for people who do do something -- who in fact look down on people for doing the kinds of things she does, such as writing books and hanging out with theater kids. She would also have learned that, as a Duggar in-law, she would pretty much be expected to hang out on those waiting-room couches in the TTH, staring at her phone, for vast hours every week for the rest of her life, and that JB and M would be into her business on a constant basis.


Whether or not she wanted the relationship mainly for the fame, I would think that that close-up view of the Duggars would scare the pants off her with that specter of her future if she hung around.

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All the Marsiah photos are gone from Si's Instagram ..except his profile pic is still the two of them. Step it up, Siah!

 So depressing, he's 18, bad skin, his hair is about a year from Phil Collins "hair island", and he's about the 3rd or 4th thing potential spouses consider when they evaluate him.

Is that Mike Huckabee's wife? Caitlyn Jenner could have avoided all that surgery and just hired her to stand next to her all the time.  

I read a Duggar blind item today.  http://www.agcwebpages.com/BLINDITEMS/2015/AUGUST.html


If this is true, I actually feel really sorry for Josiah.  I mean, he's a young man at his sexual peak, and it sounds like he's totally sexually frustrated.  Perhaps he thought Marjorie wouldn't reveal his requests because of their relationship.  I wonder if this is why they sent Josiah to the Philippines.  You know, it makes me wonder what goes on in these 3rd world countries that some of the Duggars and friends do their missionary work.  Do these young men find poor and willing partners who are willing to "spend time" with them for a few dollars?

Doesn't JimBob insist that he and Michelle sit in on the skyping? JD went to Malaysia with Jana, so there's a girl accountabilibuddy, and Malaysian law to prevent it, not that I think any of these people would do sex tourism. Their arms still work.
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My question would always be why her parents allowed the court-shit in the first place?   

       We all want to hope that the parents yanked her out of there, but as I said in another topic yesterday, we make an assumption that one of these people are "good" but it never happens.

 They go on to do something horrible.

          So, at this point I can't venture to guess, because they let her daughter get involved in that asylum in the first place.

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It's funny how this forum was the first to speculate the courtship was on the skids, then the article appeared on the gossip blogs and today the families confirmed Marsiah is no more.

I feel bad for Si, but he's better off. Marjorie wasn't into him, she was into being a tv star and the perks that came with it. They were way too young for such a big commitment in the first place.

Going forward though, I'm worried for Jana and Jinger. How are they ever going to find husbands now if people within their own circles think the family is toxic? And yes, I know marriage isn't the end all be all, but I doubt Jana wants to be sharing a bed with Josie when she's 30.

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Marjorie also seems bright and very active. I haven't heard her say much, but what I have heard her say is coherent and articulate, and her blog is quite decently written, logical. She also mentions a ton of activities that she does, including stuff like theater with other people outside of her house. It's possible that she really liked Josiah, but when they were "courting," they spent a ton more time with his family and she found out for sure that the rest of the Duggars are ignorant idiots who do nothing and who have no respect for people who do do something -- who in fact look down on people for doing the kinds of things she does, such as writing books and hanging out with theater kids. She would also have learned that, as a Duggar in-law, she would pretty much be expected to hang out on those waiting-room couches in the TTH, staring at her phone, for vast hours every week for the rest of her life, and that JB and M would be into her business on a constant basis.


Whether or not she wanted the relationship mainly for the fame, I would think that that close-up view of the Duggars would scare the pants off her with that specter of her future if she hung around.

THIS!! She is a doer/leader and he is a follower of nothing so they had nothing in common.

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Marjorie also seems bright and very active. I haven't heard her say much, but what I have heard her say is coherent and articulate, and her blog is quite decently written, logical. She also mentions a ton of activities that she does, including stuff like theater with other people outside of her house. It's possible that she really liked Josiah, but when they were "courting," they spent a ton more time with his family and she found out for sure that the rest of the Duggars are ignorant idiots who do nothing and who have no respect for people who do do something -- who in fact look down on people for doing the kinds of things she does, such as writing books and hanging out with theater kids. She would also have learned that, as a Duggar in-law, she would pretty much be expected to hang out on those waiting-room couches in the TTH, staring at her phone, for vast hours every week for the rest of her life, and that JB and M would be into her business on a constant basis.


Whether or not she wanted the relationship mainly for the fame, I would think that that close-up view of the Duggars would scare the pants off her with that specter of her future if she hung around.


Yes to this and what Fuzzysox said.  What struck me was in one of her blogs she was writing about how her parents encouraged and supported their children's interests and talents as well as pushing them to not give up as they did with her piano lessons.  This is so different than the hand off parenting of M & JB who don't seem to encourage their kids to do anything but stay under their control.  It does seem so odd that the Jackson's would have been ok with the whole courtship thing.  Maybe they knew it would be a passing thing.  Must admit I am curious as to how it came about and ended.  I know they must have liked Si since he was spending so much time apprenticing (or whatever they considered it) with Mr. Jackson. 

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Whatever the reason why Marjorie got out of the courtship, she's dodged a bullet for sure. You're lucky, Marjorie.

I hope she didn't sign a non-disclosure agreement. If she really is all about the fame, I know a way she can get some....start spilling any interesting details about her time with the Duggars that they'd rather us not know about. Maybe there's even a mainstream book deal for her.

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Whatever the reason why Marjorie got out of the courtship, she's dodged a bullet for sure. You're lucky, Marjorie.

I hope she didn't sign a non-disclosure agreement. If she really is all about the fame, I know a way she can get some....start spilling any interesting details about her time with the Duggars that they'd rather us not know about. Maybe there's even a mainstream book deal for her.

Her family and a lawyer could argue the NDA (if they had her sign one) due to her age.

Given that she writes and speaks semiprofessionally already, I'm sure we will hear about this failed relationship.

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I get the feeling that there are hard feelings behind this. I suppose that it wouldn't be uncommon in that culture for the parents to be responsible for making the statement, but it seems odd to me. Josiah and Marjorie were old enough to make the announcement, and old enough to contemplate marriage, but not old enough to announce the breakup?


If they were just two young people "getting to know each other," I don't think that Josiah would have wiped all of the photos of Marjorie from his social media and, of course, the timing suggests that it was related to either the scandal or the cancellation, or both.


I do think that the bit of gossip about phone sex or Skype sex is interesting -- I don't necessairily believe it, but I do think it's interesting. It strikes me as the sort of thing a fundie boy might come up with. "We're not doing anything wrong! We're not touching each other at all!" I'm sure that it's not approved of by any fundie parents, of course, but I can see a teenager trying to use this line of reasoning with a girlfriend.

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I really feel like the cancellation of the show was behind the break-up. The Jacksons have known the Duggars for years, so it's not like they had no clue about how they rolled before signing their daughter up for the Circus. Yes, Marjorie blogs and wear jeans, but she's still Fundie, the Duggars wouldn't have been socializing with her otherwise.

I think her parents saw her prospects go crashing down the cliff and decided to pull back, knowing a girl like her could do better (and I don't fault them). Also, I don't think anyone will hold the failed courtship against Margie due to the molestation scandal. It gave her a plausible out and allowed her to save face.

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We're not doing anything wrong! We're not touching each other at all!"

"Showing the thigh* is nakedness, so just skype me your boobs instead!"  is Duggar logic.


*The KJV softpeddaled 'testicles' into thigh.

Edited by JoanArc
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