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The Lonely Js Club: James, Jackson & Johannah

Message added by Scarlett45,

Discussing the charges against Jana is fine, but do not post any information that reveals her address/contact information- even if said documents are public (i.e. a part of court proceedings.)

Discussing charges against Jana is NOT a jumping off point to speculate on other instances abuse/neglect etc towards the M-children or to elaborate on Josh's conviction and potential victims.  


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3 hours ago, Churchhoney said:

Yep, they go there and sing on Sundays. 

But trotting that out as if it's a qualification for holding public office is a bit of a stretch, seems to me.

For starters, just look at the photo they post to show Jed's supposed interest in and devotion to these veterans. A few WWII vets or maybe -- being generous about the relevance of what he's really doing here -- Korean War-era(?) vets stagger across the floor on their own. And he stands in front of them with a big, smug self-satisfied grin on his face, showing off about his "work." And paying zero attention to them. It's all about his smug face.

Moreover, are there any vets there who look like they know him or like him or depend on him for anything?

Having spent a lot of time in nursing homes, I've noticed that when older people in such a place get to know a younger visitor even a little bit, they look at you, they look toward you, they ask you for things, they depend on you for things, they smile if they're in a picture with you...... I see absolutely no sign of that here.

Where are the pictures that demonstrate he has any actual concern for or interest in these folks -- whom he presumably sees every single Sunday? Nobody here seems to know him or give a crap that he's there -- and the same looks to be true of him with regard to them.....Apparently he has seen them every Sunday for years -- and the audience for an event like that wouldn't change much from week to week in a nursing home -- yet they don't seem to know him or have any interest in him at all, by the evidence in that picture.

And, yes, I know that nursing homes have to be careful about publishing pictures of residents......However, pictures of residents are being published here -- just not ones who seem to have any interest in Jed or vice versa.

And, I might add, not ones who seem to have been asked if they'd mind being in a picture. The people here are just folks who happen to be walking by in the background. By contrast, if he actually did have these great relationships with people that he brags about, it should be quite easy for the family to ask a few folks he's actually hanging around with and talking to whether they'd mind having their photos taken and put up on their social media.....Most would likely be happy to -- and there'd be evidence of interaction between Jed-the-Veteran-lover and actual veterans. But somehow they've managed not to capture any.

Furthermore, how is "working with vets" here any different from working with elderly people generally, given how old these folks are and how long it's been since they served? (and since, given the era of these folks, it's more than likely that some of the women are widows of vets, not vets themselves)

Any problems they have at this point are highly unlikely to be closely related to their or their husbands' military service. So why not bill this simply as Jed working with the elderly in the community? I'll tell you why -- because they're looking for the younger military vote and the vet vote, not the elderly vote (they probably figure they've got that)....So they make a point of supposedly demonstrating that he's particularly attuned to veterans' concerns.....even though he and his family famously and actively shun the military, even to the point of participating in the fake military their guru Gothard set up and declared to be superior to the real one.

Even if we accept that a weekly hymn-sing by Jana and the Howlers at a veterans' nursing home shows true interest in veterans' issues, though, where's the evidence that he has a clue or cares one bit about the concerns and needs of vets from the Vietnam-era to now? You know, the vets who'll still be alive during his years of eligibility for a political career. Whose issues are quite different in every way from those of the WWII draftee military. And, of course, the ones whose votes they're pretty certainly trying to win through this little bragging episode. 

Once again, as my conspiracy theory raises its ugly head, I wouldn't be a bit surprised if the Sunday visits to the elderly-veterans' home didn't become a scheduled Duggar event for the sole purpose of, once again, Padding Jed's Resume For His Political Run. 

ETA: Man, to me Jed's right up there with Cade as a Hall of Famer in Punchable Faces: The Next Generation. 

I may be wrong, but I thought until this post, the Duggars have said they visit nursing homes on Sundays. 

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4 hours ago, Churchhoney said:

For starters, just look at the photo they post to show Jed's supposed interest in and devotion to these veterans. A few WWII vets or maybe -- being generous about the relevance of what he's really doing here -- Korean War-era(?) vets stagger across the floor on their own. And he stands in front of them with a big, smug self-satisfied grin on his face, showing off about his "work." And paying zero attention to them. It's all about his smug face.

Your entire post was excellent but this paragraph stands out as the reason I too want to reach through my screen and punch the smug off of this kid's face...this brat who thinks he deserves to stand in the frame of a photo of men and women who served our country in ways that Smuggar 2.0 couldn't even begin to fathom - and not just because he's young but because he's uneducated and ignorant.

He's in way over his head.  I can't wait until he gets put firmly in his place and goes back to his other pretend job at the car lot.

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1 hour ago, GeeGolly said:

I may be wrong, but I thought until this post, the Duggars have said they visit nursing homes on Sundays. 

Well, at one point Jana mentioned something about either one of the nursing homes being a nursing home specifically for veterans or else just having a lot of veterans.

I don't remember exactly how she described it, but she did mention veterans in one of her posts about the nursing-home visits. I'm sure that was all part of this build-up-Jed-the-candidate plan, which has now quite clearly been going on for the last couple years. ....Maybe since he turned 18....


Okay, here are "Lily and Ellie, Friends of the Duggars," again -- mentioning this. And, again, it's in early 2017 -- March -- just as this whole Jed-does-stuff-that-can-later-be-used-to-pad-a-political-resume thing got going -- shortly after he turned 18. This reports on a piece on the Jslaves that appeared in Crown of Beauty magazine

"Jana shares that she and her family visit their local veteran's home every Sunday to share music and a sermon. "It’s been such a blessing getting to know each of the men and women there who have helped serve in our military and exciting to hear their stories!" the second oldest Duggar child tells Crown of Beauty."

In other words, Jana said the exact same thing that Jed-the-Politician has now parroted two and a half years later (a period spent with a bunch of people, apparently including Jana, working to create a political career for the smug and creepy little ignoramus who aims to enact Duggar-type laws for our nation -- since Boob, Joshley and Paul Caldwell were thwarted in their attempts to do it. The Devil is strong! )


EATA: There's a state-run veterans' home in Fayetteville. That may be where they go. 

"Officials broke ground for the Arkansas State Veterans Home at Fayetteville on Sept. 3, 2004. We welcomed our first resident on June 21, 2006. This licensed Medicaid/Medicare 90-bed skilled nursing care and rehabilitation facility, provides a comfortable and supportive atmosphere for our Veterans. We operate under the direction of the Arkansas Department of Veterans Affairs and have been approved and recognized by the Federal Veterans Administration as a qualified State Veterans Home."


Edited by Churchhoney
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On 11/10/2019 at 11:12 AM, MsJamieDornan said:

Well, she certainly has spent a lot of time with him. She is one of the oldest kids and she is STILL at home with him.

Makes me think of that time they met Dolly Parton. I love her song Wildflowers, and I wonder if she wondered at the time whether the Duggs had even one kid who'd find that song a personal anthem. 

So far, no. They might marry, but I don't see anybody aspiring to run her own show. 

(or even his own show, for that matter...)

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6 minutes ago, Absolom said:

Watch how fast he gains weight pretending to live on his own.

Yeah, that looks like a heart attack on a plate.  Then you wash it down with liquid sugar for a nice diabetes chaser.   Jed will have to buy some new suits come January. 

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9 minutes ago, Sew Sumi said:

II imagine that we can infer from the wording I this post that Jer is not Young Jed's accountability partner at the Springdale rental house. 

So, who is?

I know we liken the Duggar forelock to Charlie Brown as the hairline recedes, but it just occurred to me that this one looks more like Tin Tin...


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1 minute ago, galaxychaser said:

Jeremiah is the cuter twin. I thought they were identical.

No Michelle had two sets of fraternal twins-- something she was proud of.  Since her main identity is her ability to procreate and her fertility, I guess she thought it made her extra-fertile. 

Jana and JD are obviously fraternal and the -iah twins look disimilar enough it's clear they're fraternal twins. Jason (the next brother) looks exactly like Jedidiah. Jed and Jason look like twins. 

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On 11/10/2019 at 12:45 AM, ginger90 said:

Gosh poor Jana looks so much like Boob.

On 11/10/2019 at 3:06 AM, JoanArc said:

 If he’s living in the new house, I wonder who’s his accountability buddy? 

His wife? 😉

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6 hours ago, Temperance said:

No Michelle had two sets of fraternal twins-- something she was proud of.  Since her main identity is her ability to procreate and her fertility, I guess she thought it made her extra-fertile. 

Jana and JD are obviously fraternal and the -iah twins look disimilar enough it's clear they're fraternal twins. Jason (the next brother) looks exactly like Jedidiah. Jed and Jason look like twins. 

Jed! also looks exactly like Josiah. 

(I will from here on refer to Jed as Jed! modeled after Jeb! (Bush))

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It's gravy which does start with a roux.  It's usually made with pan drippings from frying the meat.  Similar to, but not exactly, a white sauce.  It looks like chicken gravy to me since steak would be darker.  Sometimes the gravy is made with water, but this looks like they used milk which again would be lighter.

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8 hours ago, Absolom said:

It's gravy which does start with a roux.  It's usually made with pan drippings from frying the meat.  Similar to, but not exactly, a white sauce.  It looks like chicken gravy to me since steak would be darker.  Sometimes the gravy is made with water, but this looks like they used milk which again would be lighter.

In my menu-reading experience, "country fried" steak/chicken is always referred to as having "cream gravy".  I think pan drippings are involved; but the main distinction is the white color of the sauce.

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In the picture of Jana and JB, she says there was trip out east "for work"??? Who among them actually works? What could any Duggar be doing on the East coast for money? I could see them protesting at the capitol against abortion, but that's not paid work. Perhaps giving a speech about how they're so godly and have raised such a wonderful family because they're #blessed?

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22 hours ago, MaryAnneSpier said:

In the picture of Jana and JB, she says there was trip out east "for work"??? Who among them actually works? What could any Duggar be doing on the East coast for money? I could see them protesting at the capitol against abortion, but that's not paid work. Perhaps giving a speech about how they're so godly and have raised such a wonderful family because they're #blessed?

I asked her to elaborate on where she “works” on the east coast, but alas, no response!  

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On 11/15/2019 at 11:45 PM, MaryAnneSpier said:

In the picture of Jana and JB, she says there was trip out east "for work"??? Who among them actually works? What could any Duggar be doing on the East coast for money? I could see them protesting at the capitol against abortion, but that's not paid work. Perhaps giving a speech about how they're so godly and have raised such a wonderful family because they're #blessed?

Maybe it wasn't work for money, but work for another purpose. Perhaps they went to the coast to throw something incriminating into the sea. 😵

Edited by Churchhoney
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2 minutes ago, the-grey-lady said:

Jed should hire us, the good snarkers of PT, to run his campaign.

Behold how effectively I sell this vigorous, young go-getter!

"Jedidiah Duggar is the umpteenth of JimBob and Michelle's Duggar's approximately 368 children. This makes him special because babiez. Jedidiah has only nominally graduated something vaguely resembling high school, and is not allowed to pursue any higher education, including but not limited to university, community college, trade school, certification programs, and/or self-help seminars. As a consequence he knows very little about anything of value, but hopes you won't care 'cause Jesus. Jedidiah was raised in a quasi-cult, in which he was heavily (and violently) discouraged from having any even semi-literate or original thoughts about absolutely anything, including but not limited to arts, humanities, mathematics, science, religion, philosophy, sexuality, etc. He therefore has nothing whatsoever in the way of "policy positions," which would seem contrary to the idea of running for a government job, but whatever. If elected, Jedidiah promises to consult his Daddy and little brothers around the family dinner table and as he cuddles into his bunk bed each night, about each and every decision he'd have to make as an actual representative. Also, and in conclusion, God."

This is beautiful, but I really lost it on this particular line:

"If elected, Jedidiah promises to consult his Daddy and little brothers around the family dinner table and as he cuddles into his bunk bed each night, about each and every decision he'd have to make as an actual representative."

Who wouldn't want to vote for this guy?! 

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18 hours ago, the-grey-lady said:

Jed should hire us, the good snarkers of PT, to run his campaign.

Behold how effectively I sell this vigorous, young go-getter!

"Jedidiah Duggar is the umpteenth of JimBob and Michelle's Duggar's approximately 368 children. This makes him special because babiez. Jedidiah has only nominally graduated something vaguely resembling high school, and is not allowed to pursue any higher education, including but not limited to university, community college, trade school, certification programs, and/or self-help seminars. As a consequence he knows very little about anything of value, but hopes you won't care 'cause Jesus. Jedidiah was raised in a quasi-cult, in which he was heavily (and violently) discouraged from having any even semi-literate or original thoughts about absolutely anything, including but not limited to arts, humanities, mathematics, science, religion, philosophy, sexuality, etc. He therefore has nothing whatsoever in the way of "policy positions," which would seem contrary to the idea of running for a government job, but whatever. If elected, Jedidiah promises to consult his Daddy and little brothers, around the family dinner table and as he cuddles into his bunk bed each night, about each and every decision he'd have to make as an actual representative. Also, and in conclusion, God."

I think his opponent should use this in her campaign against mini smuggar. 

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18 hours ago, Zella said:

This is beautiful, but I really lost it on this particular line:

"If elected, Jedidiah promises to consult his Daddy and little brothers around the family dinner table and as he cuddles into his bunk bed each night, about each and every decision he'd have to make as an actual representative."

Who wouldn't want to vote for this guy?! 

That paragraph and this line:

"Also, and in conclusion, God."

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