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The Lonely Js Club: James, Jackson & Johannah

Message added by Scarlett45,

Discussing the charges against Jana is fine, but do not post any information that reveals her address/contact information- even if said documents are public (i.e. a part of court proceedings.)

Discussing charges against Jana is NOT a jumping off point to speculate on other instances abuse/neglect etc towards the M-children or to elaborate on Josh's conviction and potential victims.  


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The People article says they started courting April 6th. If they really announce the courtship on the show, how exactly does courtship protect the pieces of your heart?

If they broke up after a month, Marjorie would have a reputation forever, thanks to being in a a magazine and on a show, just for dating er, courting.

Shallow note, I like her dress in the picture.

Her blog hasn't been updated since 2014.

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So here's an evil theory. We thought Jill and Derick doing their pregnancy announcement was cruel to Jessa. Now we have Josiah doing a courting announcement on the heels of Jill's big news. What if this is Michelle and Jim Bob's way of keeping the adult children from being close to each other? Keeping them competitive and holding grudges as adults is the best way to keep them from coming together and sharing notes and maybe realizing, you know, we were raised by a two loons, you know?

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I'm sure I'll get criticized...but what if they HAVE to get married. Even the puritans had 'preemie' births of term babies.

Shotgun wedding!


Reminds me of when two youth group leaders at my (non-fundy) church got married to each other. Six months later, the woman gave birth. I, in all my teenage prudish puritan glory, was ~scandalized. My brother, however, said that it was totally possible that the baby was simply premature. A baby born 3 months premature at a healthy 8 pounds? Riiiight. Bro chalked it up to God's miracle.

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So it's not unheard of in her family for females to wear pants, her dad has a real, adult job, her parents are encouraging her to take real college classes AND has more to her name than sister-mom, and she's only got 4 siblings, all of which are spaced out more than 12 months apart? You go, Josiah. I think you've won the potential-partner game so far. Unless she turns out to be a pushover like Derick and completely drinks the Duggar kool-aid. We'll see.

Edited by McManda
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I hope this has nothing to do with the rumors of Josiah's sexuality. I would hate to think he'd enter into a courtship to prove people wrong. Also hoping he's not entering into a relationship to get married quickly and avoid future trips to ALERT.

Mr. Jackson's FB indicates he attended John Brown College, a private Christian school, so there is interest in education in that family. Hope some of it rubs off on Josiah. God knows he has the smarts, just needs the support. Hope he isn't forced to clean toilets for Boob all his life. He deserves better.

Edited by Hpmec
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FWIW Marjorie was a 'motivational speaker' at this event last month.





It is NWA's biggest sleepover with a ballroom dinner, passionate worship and lots of surprises. We believe God is creative and we encourage creativity through dance, art, photography, music, and drama.

*clutches pearls*


Edit: Michelle spoke there too.

Edited by JoanArc
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Didn't Josh, when he was getting married, say that he thought Josiah would be the next to marry? And everyone thought that was so weird because Josiah was only 12 at the time?

Josh said in the episode that aired this morning. (Sick, home, and watching). The Duggars were answering questions and then they talked about #20 as a happening thing. (Michelle was pregnant with Jubilee.)



So, which one was rumored to be sniffing around a Bates girl? For some reason, I thought it was Josiah? 


Is Josiah also the child who DID NOT tow the party line when MEE-chelle announced another impending blessing on the Today Show and was basically bullied by JB into following marching orders?  


Perhaps distancing himself from his parents is a reason he's courting so young,  I can dream.

That was Joseph who was said to be courting Tori. Joseph is one up from Josiah. He is twenty. Which is still young, but better than 18.


Marriage is their only way out. Yes, they may be dependent on JB, but they are less dependent on him married than they are unmarried. Josh and Anna have shown that. So I hate to say it, but I'm all for the Duggar children getting married. Even young.

For the record, my now husband and I were the same ages as Mariah (love it!) is now. God's speed, kiddo!

Her name is Marjorie, not Mariah.

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Mariah - that name is perfect for them!


I hope that her parents talk some sense into them and have them wait at least 4 years until she is 21, to get married.  They can save up for a decent wedding, maybe 200 people tops. (Yay, they are the parents of the bride and get to be in charge.)  They can skip the 1,300 guests with a cup of ice cream and not reception seats for them, and go for a nice sit-down dinner.  Please!!

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Given that there are seven years between the first children, then the next three came pretty quickly, I'm going to guess they are fairly recent Fundy converts. Recent enough to have pretty much influenced the daughters' total lives, but not so recent as to have changed total crucial details in their structural family. (College education, sophistication of family, size of home, etc.)

Looks like a hybrid from this far out, and there's no mention of ATI or anything like that. But we will see how enamored the family is with the Duggars when it comes to courting rules and wedding choices. And I'll watch for the parents' language cues for what they believe in and what this possibly says about their daughter.

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 I hope Marjorie is ready for the onslaught of media attention.

I hope so too...look at this snark I saw on the appearance of her legs in the picture in the People article.

(it is a weird looking stance, I used to do that in pictures because my husband is an inch shorter than me, and I'm only 5'2")


Arabrabra • 

"OK is she half sitting? Bow legged? Squatting??"


Pick Me!  • 

"bowing to the daddy duggar?"

Guest   • 

"Bad length of the dress doesn't help."

fashiongal  • 

"Bad dress, period."

just sayin'  •



Edited by ChiCricket
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They're using "Mariah" as a portmanteau of Marjorie+Josiah.

Sorry that when past me.


I had a feeling they would want to marry a boy off next since they married off two girls and they have nine sons to marry off.  If they marry the next three girls (Jana, Jinger, Joy) girls, then America would have to put up with them marrying off at least seven boys or so before they get to another girl.


I hope it's Josiah 's choice.  I think it probably is. I would prefered one of the older boys getting married next. I actually like John David a little (yes I know that makes me weird.), but I feel like basically he's kind of putting up with the family's show. He answers the stupid questions to the best of his limited ability and education. He may be afraid to say anything remotely offensive. He's seems a little shy, and I generally like shy guys. 


Josiah and His wife Marjorie will probably have the smartest kids of the Duggar grandkids, but let's hope they court for at least year or two. ( I daren't hope for three or four.)

Edited by Temperance
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I really want to hear Joy's candid opinions about this. We know she was really attached to Jill and that she wasn't happy with Ben sniffing around Jessa. Josiah was her best friend growing up--before they were split up because boys and girls can't be friends past a certain age in that family. They were the original Jackson and Johannah. With her buddy and her best friend being married and courting so close together, I wonder how much she is seething on the inside. That's a lot of big change.

Edited by Spencer Hastings
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I'd love to think Josiah was sent to ALERT on account of Marjorie, but he does say in the article that she caught his eye on the mission trip this December. That doesn't sound like star-crossed lovers to me.

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Marjorie appears at around 3:25.  Ironically, the episode is called "Duggars Fly the Coop."




Wow, this really brings home how YOUNG Marjorie is. She's only 11 in this clip! As much as I will enjoy the Duggars becoming more diverse, I really hope they don't rush this. The photo they released of Marjorie and Josiah with flowers should be their prom photo, not pre-engagement photo.


I really love Marjorie's dress and shoes in the official photo. I think she looks lovely. The long hair trend seems to be pretty prevalent in this circle. I'm waiting for a nice shoulder length cut from more of these girls.

Edited by EarlGreyTea
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I'd love to think Josiah was sent to ALERT on account of Marjorie, but he does say in the article that she caught his eye on the mission trip this December. That doesn't sound like star-crossed lovers to me.

Well, what's he going to say? "I've been panting after her for years, in fact we were actually sneaking around..."?

I hope the relationship is real. Maybe the rush to court/marry is her family's way of helping him get out from under the Boob Thumb.

She has a very good vocabulary and is an excellent writer. I mean, she clearly hasn't been exposed to a lot of things, but she's infintely more articulate than any Duggar or Duggar-in-law we've seen yet. It's clear her parents value learning and accomplishment for their girls. Maybe they'll go to college together. No one can object on the ground of too much NIKE if he's already married, right? If they really like each other, this might work out for him better than any other option he has.

In the video someone posted earlier in this thread, where Jill goes out to babysit, Boob tells her he knows she'll do well because she's already a supermom. Oy vey.

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The newest People article about Marjorie says that she is taking a college level course in graphic design. So would it be too silly to hope that just maybe her parents value her achieving some level of education? Or will that go away now that she's hitched to the Duggar gravy train? I know her dad is a graphic designer, but it's not really a traditional fundie job (oh, I forgot, Smuggar is a "graphic artist" because he can make save the date cards!). So maybe there's a sign of some individuality there, too. I could see Josiah possibly getting interest in a job in that field since he seems more of a creative type than some of the others.

Omg a smart girl. No way. JB would be pissed

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I really want to hear Joy's candid opinions about this. We know she was really attached to Jill and that she wasn't happy with Ben sniffing around Jessa. Josiah was her best friend growing up--before they were split up because boys and girls can't be friends past a certain age in that family. They were the original Jackson and Johannah. With her buddy and her best friend being married and courting so close together, I wonder how much she is seething on the inside. That's a lot of big change.

Poor Joy :( he was the Jackson to her Hannie, but it seems that they grew apart a little bit (because of Jchelle's stupid jender roles) but now I doubt they'll be able to hang out again until Joy finds herself a headship. When the time comea for that, I hope Siah makes it his mission to find a good man for his sister.

I'm also worried about Jinger. She lost her sister/BFF Jessa and now Josiah. I don't think she was as close to him as Joy was, or as close as she is to Joe, but they have a lot of similarities, as far as being kind of artsy and creative in a family that scoffs at those things.

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I don't want to get too ahead of myself, because Boob will only allow so many courtships at a time, but I think Jinger is the next up. With Jessa married off, Joseph at Clown College and now Josiah courting, she's running out of family-friends. I was hoping she would bond more with Joy and Jana, but I haven't really seen that yet. I'm afraid Jinger might take the first guy to come along, just to get out of there.

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So here's an evil theory. We thought Jill and Derick doing their pregnancy announcement was cruel to Jessa. Now we have Josiah doing a courting announcement on the heels of Jill's big news. What if this is Michelle and Jim Bob's way of keeping the adult children from being close to each other? Keeping them competitive and holding grudges as adults is the best way to keep them from coming together and sharing notes and maybe realizing, you know, we were raised by a two loons, you know?

I actually think that makes a lot of sense. Sad sense, but sense nonetheless.

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Given that there are seven years between the first children, then the next three came pretty quickly, I'm going to guess they are fairly recent Fundy converts. Recent enough to have pretty much influenced the daughters' total lives, but not so recent as to have changed total crucial details in their structural family. (College education, sophistication of family, size of home, etc.)

Looks like a hybrid from this far out, and there's no mention of ATI or anything like that. But we will see how enamored the family is with the Duggars when it comes to courting rules and wedding choices. And I'll watch for the parents' language cues for what they believe in and what this possibly says about their daughter.

I came here to post the same thing. Yes, the dad went to a Christian college, but he also has a real job as a graphic designer (likely how Marjorie got her book published). Mother is only 40; there could still be more kids for her. 


Their interest in the Duggars (because it certainly wasn't the other way around), also seems to be in this timeframe. However, let's not forget that while Josiah knew of this girl a few years ago, he really didn't notice her until last December, AFTER he'd done his time at ALERT. I think his time spent there had nothing to do with his feelings for this girl. It seems like they've only had a few months in the "get to know you" relationship phase, but this is about the same amount of time Benessa or Jerick had before they started courting, so it's not an outlier (Josh's timeline was never made clear, other than they courted for about 6 months before entering into an official courtship...dear lord, I sound just like them). 


I just really hope that this girl wasn't pushed on him by Boob. I really, really hope that he chose her himself. 

Edited by Sew Sumi
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I hope this has nothing to do with the rumors of Josiah's sexuality. I would hate to think he'd enter into a courtship to prove people wrong. Also hoping he's not entering into a relationship to get married quickly and avoid future trips to ALERT.



That was the first thought that crossed my mind, too. Marry him off quickly and keep him straight. I could be wrong, but they're marrying him off quickly for lust of some sort.

I really love Marjorie's dress and shoes in the official photo. I think she looks lovely. The long hair trend seems to be pretty prevalent in this circle. I'm waiting for a nice shoulder length cut from more of these girls.

She matches Josiah on the attractiveness scale. I can't be mad at these girls for having a ton of long curled hair, bc that's the only thing they can be vain or prissy about without being called sinful shedevil whores. Her dress is cute without looking flamboyantly modest. See, it CAN be done.


The newest People article about Marjorie says that she is taking a college level course in graphic design. So would it be too silly to hope that just maybe her parents value her achieving some level of education? Or will that go away now that she's hitched to the Duggar gravy train? I know her dad is a graphic designer, but it's not really a traditional fundie job (oh, I forgot, Smuggar is a "graphic artist" because he can make save the date cards!). So maybe there's a sign of some individuality there, too. I could see Josiah possibly getting interest in a job in that field since he seems more of a creative type than some of the others.

I hope this means real education, but 'college level' could mean a real college course or one of those Groupon deals for a bogus certificate. Glad this one at least attempts to do something that doesn't involve birthing babies.


Shotgun wedding!


Reminds me of when two youth group leaders at my (non-fundy) church got married to each other. Six months later, the woman gave birth. I, in all my teenage prudish puritan glory, was ~scandalized. My brother, however, said that it was totally possible that the baby was simply premature. A baby born 3 months premature at a healthy 8 pounds? Riiiight. Bro chalked it up to God's miracle.


Everyone knows the first baby comes at any time after the wedding, while the next ones take at least nine months. Right?

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i think her stance is because she's holding that glass vase.  i've stood similarly for support when holding something with some weight.  not liking the dress much.

Edited by abseedee
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I'm glad he's not waiting to court. Marjorie's age makes them have to wait 1-3 years to get married which means they'll actually be able to get to know one another before they're living together. Mariah is my favorite Duggar couple so far.

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The mother seems to have a business selling juice and supplements.  Probably a MLM like the Brown family's green goo.

I wonder what she thinks of the Duggar diet- TTC and Chickenetti.


I am extremely happy for Josiah.  He seems like a very nice and kind young man.  Josiah first appeared on my radar when he was the first to hug and congratulate Ben on his courtship with Jessa.  Josiah and Ben seem to have a close relationship.  At the wedding, I noticed he was the one straightening Ben's jacket and bow tie.  Marjorie is a lucky young lady. 

Hmmm… not in the sense that she is taking on Boob and MEchelle as in-laws!


It's the Duggar's steamrolling and cultural sensitivity - so all the guests get is stolen packets of Taco Bell hot sauce and Jim Bob's grin.


OMG!  Laughing so hard.  I can see Boob holding a big bowl of Fire Sauce and handing it out at the reception!  Grinning ear to ear!

i hope so too...look at this snark I saw on the appearance of her legs in the picture in the People article.

(it is a weird looking stance, I used to do that in pictures because my husband is an inch shorter than me, and I'm only 5'2")


Arabrabra • 

"OK is she half sitting? Bow legged? Squatting??"


Pick Me!  • 

"bowing to the daddy duggar?"

Guest   • 

"Bad length of the dress doesn't help."

fashiongal  • 

"Bad dress, period."

just sayin'  •



Major snark here but her toes are too long for those shoes in a picture that is going in People!  Josiah on the other hand has great taste in shoes. 

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She's written a book about the Bible, too:



I can't really disagree with her too much, at least where the Old Testament is concerned. Reading the OT during church got me through some seriously boring sermons back in the day.

She writes pretty well.  I'll be none of the Duggar girls could put together a paragraph like that!

She's written a book about the Bible, too:



I can't really disagree with her too much, at least where the Old Testament is concerned. Reading the OT during church got me through some seriously boring sermons back in the day.

She writes pretty well.  I'll be none of the Duggar girls could put together a paragraph like that!

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It will be interesting to see how their courtship plays out. It seems like a good match for Josiah on paper. Marjorie looks like she could be his sister, they couldn't look more alike than if she was a Duggar! I'm not holding my breath that they're going to forge some kind of unique path like I was hoping for Jill and Jessa once they get married. It takes time and an out of state job opportunity like Josh's that no longer depends on the Duggar machine for a job and a house (and for Josh and Anna the distance has allowed them to de-program and not be under the constant watch of the family so now they can judge for themselves how they want to live). Would love for Josiah to be the exception, though. We'll see.

I do hope that Josiah finds real happiness and doesn't rush into marriage before they're both ready, but if they're both ready in a year, then mazel tov! Ha! I had to throw some Yiddish in there for Jill. ;)

Edited by msblossom
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I'll be none of the Duggar girls could put together a paragraph like that!

Several of the Duggar girls came out with Growing Up Duggar a few years ago, but I wouldn't be surprised if the majority of the book had been ghost-written.
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It will be interesting to see how their courtship plays out. It seems like a good match for Josiah on paper. Marjorie looks like she could be his sister, they couldn't look more alike than if she was a Duggar! I'm not holding my breath that they're going to forge some kind of unique path like I was hoping for Jill and Jessa once they get married. It takes time and an out of state job opportunity like Josh's that no longer depends on the Duggar machine for a job and a house (and for Josh and Anna the distance has allowed them to de-program and not be under the constant watch of the family so now they can judge for themselves how they want to live).

I do hope that Josiah finds real happiness and doesn't rush into marriage before they're both ready, but if they're both they're both ready in a year, then mazel tov! Ha! I had to throw some Yiddish in there for Jill. ;)

Not so fast. Five minutes ago, I saw a pic taken tonight of Josh out to dinner with a politician friend from AR, JB, and Josiah, who has apparently just joined the Real Man Club. Josh has been in AR since before Easter, with one side trip to GA last week. So no, don't be so quick to be cutting Duggarspawns' apron strings. I'm curious which rental house Josiah gets. JD's? It's not as if he's going to be using it anytime soon. 


eta (your post came up with mine): The Duggar girls had a ghostwriter; it was well-known at the time. It didn't help elevate the writing quality, which was awful. I saw galleys when the book was delayed, then read the entire thing - in about an hour and a half - months later. Just awful, even aimed at a pre-teen/teen audience. 

Edited by Sew Sumi
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I hope this has nothing to do with the rumors of Josiah's sexuality. I would hate to think he'd enter into a courtship to prove people wrong. Also hoping he's not entering into a relationship to get married quickly and avoid future trips to ALERT.

Mr. Jackson's FB indicates he attended John Brown College, a private Christian school, so there is interest in education in that family. Hope some of it rubs off on Josiah. God knows he has the smarts, just needs the support. Hope he isn't forced to clean toilets for Boob all his life. He deserves better.

Were there actual rumors about his sexuality ... or are you just referring to some of us having speculated about it? Gay or straight, I like him a lot, and I'd hate for this to be a David Waller situation.

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Not so fast. Five minutes ago, I saw a pic taken tonight of Josh out to dinner with a politician friend from AR, JB, and Josiah, who has apparently just joined the Real Man Club. Josh has been in AR since before Easter, with one side trip to GA last week. So no, don't be so quick to be cutting Duggarspawns' apron strings. I'm curious which rental house Josiah gets. JD's? It's not as if he's going to be using it anytime soon.

Must be AR State Senator Jon Woods. I noticed that he's the only non-family member that Josiah follows on twitter. Yeah, those Duggars are enamored with politics, are they not? Interesting that Josiah has taken an interest there. Josh will certainly be running for some kind of state senate or representative position in the future. Right now he's working his local political contacts for FRC business. Josh is living a very different and autonomous life compared to the life he led prior to DC. I agree, he hasn't and won't cut himself off from his family, but he's not holding onto anyone's apron strings.

I don't even want to think of where Josiah will live, bc honestly the house thing makes me sick bc it comes with too many strings attached. I'd rather see him rent a one bedroom apartment, but that's not happening.

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So here's an evil theory. We thought Jill and Derick doing their pregnancy announcement was cruel to Jessa. Now we have Josiah doing a courting announcement on the heels of Jill's big news. What if this is Michelle and Jim Bob's way of keeping the adult children from being close to each other? Keeping them competitive and holding grudges as adults is the best way to keep them from coming together and sharing notes and maybe realizing, you know, we were raised by a two loons, you know?


Wow, that is an evil theory. On one hand, I truly don't think Boob & Me-chelle would be bright enough to come up with that idea. On the other hand, the one thing they might actually be good at is being mean - and self-serving.  Doing this would be both.

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OK, please explain something to me.  What has led some posters to think that Josiah might be gay?  I found this same type of post on Bringing Up Bates about one of their boys and I was puzzled (still am) as to what leads people to this conclusion.  Is it just statistics? Or am I missing something?

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Must be AR State Senator Jon Woods.

Josh 'advised' his campaign.


I'm glad Josiah is going by Si. Finally a non J'name!


IF IF IF Josiah went to People mag on his own, which I think is unlikely, but not impossible, maybe one of the other siblings synapses will connect. Couldn't Joy (when 18), or Jinger go to them and announce they were moving to, say, Little Rock, getting a cheap apartment, working at Starbucks, and enjoying the big city for a couple years of their late teens. Totally free of their families. Jim Bob and Michelle would have to go along with it, once the media got ahold. Hosit by their own media machine?

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Masiah has a nice ring to it to as another poster mentioned it.

We say he might be gay because our gaydar pings when we see him. I always thought that is you might be gay wouldn't it be worse if you got shipped off to ALERT with other guys? Wouldn't that make you MORE tempted?

I only say that because I saw once on a 20/20 like show two boys who were gay and they had met at a "pray away the gay camp." They both said that the parents plans to have them pray away the gay backfired since they found each other there.

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Josh seems closer to Josiah than some of his other siblings. I'm basing this on the comment about him courting, and also that they have similar personalities. They are both more outgoing, and more, well, they are office Duggars, not manual labor Duggars. What if he's trying to find his brother a job in politics? That's not a crazy idea, especially if Mike Huckabee makes a presidential run. It doesn't take huge educational skills to be an entry level campaign office worker, other than you agree to have no life of your own. Josiah could absolutely do it, especially given his religious background in a primary. He wouldn't make much money - maybe as little as minimum wage (and not be paid for his overtime) but money isn't his need.

With two Arkansas candidates in the presidential election this year maybe, this could be the plan.

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OK, please explain something to me. What has led some posters to think that Josiah might be gay? I found this same type of post on Bringing Up Bates about one of their boys and I was puzzled (still am) as to what leads people to this conclusion. Is it just statistics? Or am I missing something?

One of the older Bates boys is very effeminate. Of course that doesn't mean he's gay, but he certainly has the whole TFDW thing going on.

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I love that there is a wine bottle sticking up from Josiah's head in the picture above.

Is this his GFs house? No holy roller pics or sweet Hobby Lobby wall quotes for them!


I love that he goes by "Si".  Thank goodness.....you could yell "Jo" in that Duggar house and about half of them should respond.......if they'd like, actually listen.


Si is a stylin' guy. Must've been raised by Jessa.

Edited by drafan
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Josiah is my favorite too!  I hope that the courtship is long....  My friend from high school dated her then boyfriend starting at 16.  They go married about 7 years later, she was 23 and he was 24.  They have been married over 25 years. So I think if they do wait and are not pressured to get married, they  might have a shot of being more mature, actually knowing each other, shared experiences, and in a way growing up together.

BTW - I was kind of offended that in the video Jill said "Spanish people"  We are not all from Spain!  There is a great deal of diversity among Spanish speaking people.  Even words in from one Spanish speaking country that are in Spanish can mean something else in another Spanish speaking country. (Think English from England different than American English or Australian English.)  AND "Spanish Places"??

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In response to Literata and ilovemylabs, there has been speculation on here as well as on other sites that Josiah might be gay. Even a People article published today elicited responses from people who commented that he sets off their "gaydar." No one knows for sure, though, so it's all in the realm of conjecture.

I'm confident, though, that given the Duggar belief that being gay is a sinful lifestyle choice, no Duggar offspring is likely to come out any time soon. Any gay Duggar would probably live out his or her life closeted and possibly in total denial.

Edited by Hpmec
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