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The Lonely Js Club: James, Jackson & Johannah

Message added by Scarlett45,

Discussing the charges against Jana is fine, but do not post any information that reveals her address/contact information- even if said documents are public (i.e. a part of court proceedings.)

Discussing charges against Jana is NOT a jumping off point to speculate on other instances abuse/neglect etc towards the M-children or to elaborate on Josh's conviction and potential victims.  


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36 minutes ago, mimionthebeach said:

We have also seen in Jana shorts! and a sleeveless top. I don't have time to search for the pics right now but I'm sure I'm not the only one who remembers. 

I think you're talking about that picture that Lawson once posted. While the top was sleeveless, she wasn't in shorts, it was denim skirt. The picture caught her walking and the angle made it look like shorts.

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19 hours ago, Lunera said:

I found these pictures kind of sad, for some reason. Just the thought of a 29 year old woman finding solace in her tiny desk area in her communal room. I bet she hardly gets any quiet time. 


18 hours ago, BitterApple said:

They are sad. My sister does art as a hobby and she turned her guest room into a bright, airy studio. Jana's tiny desk crammed in between two counters is depressing. As are the pictures of her siblings. She really has no life outside her family, and they don't even appreciate her.

Those pictures are sad.  An unmarried gal her age should be working at a desk in a real office making a contribution to the world.  For most of them, this would be after  getting some type of further education  whether it be college or a trade school. 

The "my sister does art as a hobby" reminds me of the Maxwells.   The things the family praises their SAHD in doing during the day are things that most people in the real world do in their free time AFTER working.  For example:  Putting together kids gift boxes for underprivileged children at Christmas, volunteering at an after school  girl's group,  packing & shipping Sarah's books, babysitting the army of nieces & nephews,  etc. 

12 hours ago, PikaScrewChu said:

Pinterest version of "Keep sweet"?


Josh, Jill, Jinger and John-David were the ones who passed the GED for sure when I double checked through past posts. I suspect they gave up from Josiah on down.

Are there any Duggar Academy graduations in the near future? I think the last one was for Joy & the twins.

Jason will be 19 in April 

James will be  18 in July

Justin will be 17 in November 

(Hope I got that right.)

I keep thinking of the home schooled kids that are taking college level courses as well as their regular courses.  Don't think any of the Duggar kids fall into that category.  They sure make a mockery of home schooling.

BTW, I think the Maxwells do a much better job in their home schooling.  because both Terri & Steve are college graduates & Steve was an engineer in his past life.   (And they aren't TV celebrities.)

Edited by Barb23
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16 hours ago, leighdear said:

Does anybody really think that at her age, her "accountability partner" is a 21 year old brother, or a 13 year old sister?  I'm thinking she doesn't have one.  Has that even been referred to for the last few years?


16 hours ago, latetotheparty said:

Jana dear, I don’t want to see your quiet little nook until it has four walls surrounding it and a door you can close. 

The lack of privacy in this family makes me claustrophobic. 

In many ways, Duggar family life reminds me of life as a Sea Org member in Scientology.   Similarities include little interest in education for the children, accountability partners, lack of privacy, really low pay for the paid chores.  There are probably others; it has been years since I watched on a regular basis;  I don't even recognize any spouses except for Anna, Jeremy, Ben and Derrick. 

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I have a vague memory of the Duggars making a big deal about Jessa graduating.  Possibly with a high school diploma as opposed to a GED?  (not that a GED is not legitimate).  Maybe she took finals at a local school?  It was quite a few years ago...  And she was the "teacher" for a while until Ben arrived on the scene.

I also seem to remember that James had some learning issues.  Will be interesting to see if they make a big deal about him graduating.  

I don't remember seeing anything about Jason graduating.  I think he is overdue.

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Just now, 3 is enough said:


I also seem to remember that James had some learning issues.  Will be interesting to see if they make a big deal about him graduating.  

I think James had undiagnosed ADHD. I remember Michelle mentioning it was hard to get him to sit still and focus, and that he was easily distracted. 

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I could be wrong but from Jason on down all pretense of home schooling had been quietly dropped and those kids were basically just plunked in front of a computer and left to learn by themselves.   IIRC, Jessa "supervised". Maybe when Tabby Paine and then Laura came in later things got better.

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6 hours ago, lascuba said:

I think you're talking about that picture that Lawson once posted. While the top was sleeveless, she wasn't in shorts, it was denim skirt. The picture caught her walking and the angle made it look like shorts.

Jana did wear shorts on an episode though. I think it was Joe's and Kendra's Jack & Jill. Jana was on a boat wearing knee length shorts.

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3 hours ago, 3 is enough said:

I have a vague memory of the Duggars making a big deal about Jessa graduating.  Possibly with a high school diploma as opposed to a GED?  (not that a GED is not legitimate).  Maybe she took finals at a local school?  It was quite a few years ago...  And she was the "teacher" for a while until Ben arrived on the scene.

I also seem to remember that James had some learning issues.  Will be interesting to see if they make a big deal about him graduating.  

I don't remember seeing anything about Jason graduating.  I think he is overdue.

I'm about 100 percent sure that Jessa didn't get a diploma from any actual high school. They brag about everything they do, and since I haven't found any evidence that they ever bragged about her attending a real school, even digitally, I can't imagine that she actually did it.

Maybe they briefly joined a homeschool coop that gives out joint window-dressing diplomas to different homeschoolers or something. But I don't think there's ever been any evidence that they even did some pure PR thing like that. (and they surely wouldn't have done it for long because, you know, you have to pay somebody something...) And in Arkansas, you can't get a diploma from any public school or state-accredited private school without actually attending the school for a significant period. 

There doesn't even seem to be evidence that Jessa got a GED, although she may have. But if she did, that's the most she got, other than a Duggar Academy graduate diploma, as far as I've been able to tell.

I suspect they only made a big deal of it because they planned to appoint her the schooler of all the other kids, so they had to pretend that she had some sort of special qualifications to do that.

They lie a lot. To cover their asses for stuff they think the TeeVee audience might have issues with. And they lie with no qualms whatever. So I'm sure they wouldn't have hesitated to lie about this.

After all, they've said that the other kids have "graduated high school" and "completed their education" and so on.  So it makes sense to me that they would have said the same about Jessa -- but with some extra flourish, making sure it got media coverage and the TeeVee audience's attention -- because she was about to become head teacher and school administrator of the K-12 establishment on their premises. 

Edited by Churchhoney
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1 hour ago, leighdear said:

Sounds like the perfect way to snag a fundie husband, actually.  She's pristine, untouched and innocent of the wicked ways of couples shacking up without benefit of marriage.  She hasn't even dated or kissed a guy.  So sharing living space with young sisters has kept her legs closed and her heart pure. 

Perfect Goddard bait.  Or for a less freaky fundie guy, she can spin it as what was best for her little sisters, always being there to look out for them and guide them.  Jana the merry martyr.  

Not to mention with all her sisters in the room, Jana doesn't even have the opportunity to find out what an orgasm actually is.  Personally,  I don't think most fundies even think that women masturbate, this would just be an added bonus for Jana's future Godly spouse.  

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27 minutes ago, cmr2014 said:

OMG -- why is their bedroom full of family pictures? How is it that these poor girls can never get a heartbeat of space from their siblings and parents?

I've never noticed art or nice prints on any Duggar wall, including the walls of the married kids' homes. Just endless family photos and what I really dislike, word sayings from hobby lobby.

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7 minutes ago, louannems said:

I've never noticed art or nice prints on any Duggar wall, including the walls of the married kids' homes. Just endless family photos and what I really dislike, word sayings from hobby lobby.

I hate those so much too! Nothing says tacky more than those.

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1 hour ago, cmr2014 said:

OMG -- why is their bedroom full of family pictures? How is it that these poor girls can never get a heartbeat of space from their siblings and parents?

Because JB and M are sick intrusive arrogant nasty control freaks. 

Also stupid.

Edited by Churchhoney
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7 minutes ago, Churchhoney said:

Because JB and M are sick intrusive arrogant nasty control freaks. 

Also stupid.

The family photos on the wall are by design.  You want to keep that big brood brainwashed?  You need to keep reminding them that their loyalty is first and foremost to family.  Jim Boob can't have them admiring art or remembering their few and far-between friends.  Everything is about the Duggars.  

It would be interesting to figure out exactly what's wrong with Jim Boob that he needs to control those kids so strictly.  Did some kid in his Christian high school call him a loser?  Did he dad yell at him a lot?  Whatever it was - he's a twisted little man now.  He's still holding his 29 year old daughter hostage.  Ugh...

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2 minutes ago, NotFundie said:

The family photos on the wall are by design.  You want to keep that big brood brainwashed?  You need to keep reminding them that their loyalty is first and foremost to family.  Jim Boob can't have them admiring art or remembering their few and far-between friends.  Everything is about the Duggars.  

It would be interesting to figure out exactly what's wrong with Jim Boob that he needs to control those kids so strictly.  Did some kid in his Christian high school call him a loser?  Did he dad yell at him a lot?  Whatever it was - he's a twisted little man now.  He's still holding his 29 year old daughter hostage.  Ugh...


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1 hour ago, louannems said:

I've never noticed art or nice prints on any Duggar wall, including the walls of the married kids' homes. Just endless family photos and what I really dislike, word sayings from hobby lobby.

I've heard that's a Gothard prescribed method of decorating. 

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4 hours ago, graefin said:

Oh, Jana. Didn't your parents ever teach you that lying is a sin? Oh, wait . . . 


I'm glad we are finally getting to "hear" Jana's voice, even if it is filtered and airbrushed through social media.   We're getting some more info on some things we've been conjecturing on, including confirming our assumption that she is still in the girls' dorm.  And what do they have to chat about and catch up on, after all being home all day sitting around doing nothing?  At that point I'd want to go into a room alone for some peace, not sit around and talk MORE with much-younger siblings.  More of the constant-loving-family-togetherness-at all times fallacy.  

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20 minutes ago, awaken said:

And what do they have to chat about and catch up on, after all being home all day sitting around doing nothing?

More than that isn’t Jana involved in their daily activities? And aren’t the girls shepherded together to keep them safe from wolves like Smuggar? They not only do nothing all day, they do nothing TOGETHER. What on earth can they “catch up” on? Maybe they practice explaining their favorite Bible verses for when the courting days arrive (for the young girls, not Jana)

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9 hours ago, awaken said:

No, I bet it’s decorated with photos of feet. Lots and lots of feet for his footsie fantasies. 

With a few pics of cascading sausage curls for a chaser.

Edited by Churchhoney
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I have a tickle in the back of my memory about the reason for there being no artwork other than family and the occasional cross.  Paintings and the like invite you to admire the person who did the work and distract you from thinking about God, Jesus, family, which is what you should be concentrating on.  It may have been when they moved in to the TTH and they were getting the decorating done for “free”.  And it may have been the MOTY who did the explaining.  All done condescendingly of course for all the heathens and wrong types of Christians.  So instead of having a calendar with a piece by a famous artist each month, they had MOTY’s menstrual cycle.  

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1 hour ago, Jeeves said:

I agree with, and respect, your view. The military isn't for everyone, and it's too bad that people join up without understanding they aren't cut out for it, only to run into trouble once they are in.

My issue with the Duggars is that they are steeped in a lifestyle and ideology that is very separatist in so many ways. The teachings of Bill Gothard and his ilk lead them to hang out only with like-minded people, to avoid employment where they would work for, or even interact routinely with, people who don't share their own particular theology/politics. And that includes such heathen and worldly things as the military. So it's not like one or more of the 19 Duggar kids might like the idea of a military career, and be suited for it. It's that as a family they are flat out against joining any such worldly thing as a branch of the armed services. Not because they believe in peace, but because they need to keep themselves pure and superior to everyone else, including the members of the military. They are happy to wave the flag and support wars and talk about "patriotism," but essentially they are 100% about themselves and how wonderful it is that they worship the right Jesus and share that with the unsaved 24/7/365.

I totally see what you're saying. From that perspective; it almost as they view the Military as "employees". It provides a service they want/need but would never "lower" themselves to do the job themselves or actually live amongst them; especially because all religions (or non) work and live together and now that sexual orientation finally doesn't matter? Yep. I get your point.

Edited by asuwur
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1 hour ago, LavendarRose said:

I have a tickle in the back of my memory about the reason for there being no artwork other than family and the occasional cross.  Paintings and the like invite you to admire the person who did the work and distract you from thinking about God, Jesus, family, which is what you should be concentrating on.  It may have been when they moved in to the TTH and they were getting the decorating done for “free”.  And it may have been the MOTY who did the explaining.  All done condescendingly of course for all the heathens and wrong types of Christians.  So instead of having a calendar with a piece by a famous artist each month, they had MOTY’s menstrual cycle.  

But don't they have a picture of a man playing the piano in graduating colors? I am not describing it very good but I remember seeing it in the living room. Oh course I have not watched the show in years so I could be misremembering. 

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1 minute ago, crazycatlady58 said:

But don't they have a picture of a man playing the piano in graduating colors? I am not describing it very good but I remember seeing it in the living room. Oh course I have not watched the show in years so I could be misremembering. 

They do, it was made by Amy's father.

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2 hours ago, floridamom said:

 Those huge pictures of her family throughout the bedroom is to subtly remind them that someone is 'always watching'. It's obvious to me this could be the reason for that.

That's a good point.  It's one thing having 4x6 sized family photos sitting around but those huge portraits are just creepy.  I wouldn't be able to sleep.

IIRC the Dullards had a picture of JB & Mechelle in the bathroom of one of their houses. 

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They did have those huge murals of a horse, and trees on the girl's dorm wall, before the remodel.  Flowers and butterfly paintings too. Plus, each area had photos of things other than just family members, books and knickknacks.   There was a lot of individuality in the bed spaces.

Here's a video from back then, plus a link to see the boys dorm.  They had paintings and lots of wall decor back then.  No telling how it looks now. 


Yes, lots of family photos.  But I have several in my bedroom, and it's not creepy at all.  

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44 minutes ago, Barb23 said:

That's a good point.  It's one thing having 4x6 sized family photos sitting around but those huge portraits are just creepy.  I wouldn't be able to sleep.

IIRC the Dullards had a picture of JB & Mechelle in the bathroom of one of their houses. 

Wasn't that a picture of JB and Michelle kissing?  It was hung in Josh and Anna's bathroom, IIR.  Guess it gave Anna something to focus on while she labored on the toilet.

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16 hours ago, Ohiopirate02 said:

Not to mention with all her sisters in the room, Jana doesn't even have the opportunity to find out what an orgasm actually is.  Personally,  I don't think most fundies even think that women masturbate, this would just be an added bonus for Jana's future Godly spouse.  

Why do you think her little drawing alcove is an alcove, i.e. out in the open with no door on it?  

Trust me on this one.  I agree that as a general rule the Duggars weren't thinking tons about it, because their primary thought would be they've done so much Nike!-type indoctrinating they've beaten any sexual curiosity out of the kids, or at least would have until Josh - but it's definitely a factor always nagging subconsciously at the back of their minds.

However, I also think the Duggars, including Mater and Pater, really are that sheltered by choice, as Michelle has never heard of people being turned on by feet; Jessa hasn't heard of men being turned on by pregnancy; and the general family en masse doesn't seem to know that pickles are phallic, nor that a fair amount of cisgendered men can tell what a woman looks like naked even with her clothes on; so there you go.

As for the GED debate, on the TLC blog in 2014 Michelle weighed in:


Again, admittedly this was written in 2014, so it's possible there was a change.  As I'm sure that Joy and at least one other sibling were pictured by the Duggars on their social media at a "graduation party", flashing their degrees from "Duggar Academy"; and it seems odd that someone who feels the way about the GED that Michelle claims on the blog she does, doesn't have them flashing GED scores or bragging about them.  So I think people have been extrapolating that when "Duggar Academy" diplomas have been specifically lionized, it means that's as good an educational qualification as the Duggar brandishing that particular vanity degree has got to brag of.  Who knows?  Maybe they all do get their GED, and JimBoob/Mechelle are egotistical enough to think that the "Duggar Academy" diploma is more valuable, or at least makes for a better photo op than some bland letter with your score typed up.

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1 hour ago, queenanne said:

Maybe they all do get their GED, and JimBoob/Mechelle are egotistical enough to think that the "Duggar Academy" diploma is more valuable, or at least makes for a better photo op than some bland letter with your score typed up.

Only four Duggar kids have passed the GED test: Josh, Jill, Jinger, and John David.

Jessa, who was put in charge of the Duggar homeschool at one time, never did pass the GED test.  

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5 hours ago, floridamom said:

Jana is a 29 year old grown woman. She is constantly with her 4 little sisters throughout the day.....they LIVE together. What the heck would she care what a 9 year old does all day? What would she have to 'catch up' with them about? I believe that she is the victim of some serious arrested development. Those huge pictures of her family throughout the bedroom is to subtly remind them that someone is 'always watching'. It's obvious to me this could be the reason for that.

Those were my exact thoughts.  They don't work or go to school, what is there to talk about?

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4 hours ago, Barb23 said:

That's a good point.  It's one thing having 4x6 sized family photos sitting around but those huge portraits are just creepy.  I wouldn't be able to sleep.

IIRC the Dullards had a picture of JB & Mechelle in the bathroom of one of their houses. 

And I think Jessa has one in her kitchen!

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11 hours ago, LavendarRose said:

 Paintings and the like invite you to admire the person who did the work and distract you from thinking about God, Jesus, family, which is what you should be concentrating on. 

Clearly Jere-ME doesn’t subscribe to this school of thought!  Nothing BUT admiration of the person in and taking the picture!

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I found it sad personally when they painted over that horse in the girls bedroom I thought it was beautiful and wouldn’t the youngest girls have loved to seen it growing up? It was like oh Jill & Jessa are gone now so let’s redecorate! No it looked fine, if they wanted to redecorate they should’ve put a extra wall in that room so Jana could’ve had some privacy. I call BS on Jana saying she was offered her own room (as if it would even occur to JB & Michelle to ask her) & she likes sharing with all the little kids as if how many people her age want to sleep in a room with kids it’d drive me insane. 

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3 hours ago, Puffin said:

I found it sad personally when they painted over that horse in the girls bedroom I thought it was beautiful and wouldn’t the youngest girls have loved to seen it growing up? It was like oh Jill & Jessa are gone now so let’s redecorate! No it looked fine, if they wanted to redecorate they should’ve put a extra wall in that room so Jana could’ve had some privacy. I call BS on Jana saying she was offered her own room (as if it would even occur to JB & Michelle to ask her) & she likes sharing with all the little kids as if how many people her age want to sleep in a room with kids it’d drive me insane. 

She's gotta keep sweet, never say anything that contradicts her umbrellas of protection, and keep up the appearance of that "servant's heart" at all times. .... Preferences, fairness and appropriateness be damned. Lie lie lie. 

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On 2019-02-01 at 4:03 PM, GeeGolly said:

Jana did wear shorts on an episode though. I think it was Joe's and Kendra's Jack & Jill. Jana was on a boat wearing knee length shorts.

Yes! At the Jack and Jill. There were several pics (I haven't watched in years) and they were definitely shorts. Khaki knee-length tailored, not board shorts.  Real shorts for girls. 

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