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S01.E08: Come to Jesus

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I'm counting down to the show's return. Because I want to see Laura and Shadow's conversation, and I need SO MUCH MORE! I will probably watch this episode at least two more times, and then do a season rewatch. I actually appreciate shows that go the 8-10 episode route, because that means less filler. But...DAMMIT.

Still shipping #MadMoon or #SwOon...

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That was INCREDIBLE.  I'll probably have more thoughts once I can wrap my mind around everything that happened.

And Kristen Chenoweth may be an actual goddess.

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What a great finale.  I hate that it ends here for now!

The story of Bilquis was sad.  Who was the man that had a crown form out of his head?  Another god?

I love that Mr. Nancy has his own tailoring shop, the suits of Wednesday and Shadow were very nice.

The power of Easter and Odin was amazing to see. 

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Kristen Chenoweth is painfully beautiful in this. I don't think they could have chosen a more perfect actress for Easter.  That whole last scene with her was breathtaking.

I'm so happy we got to see Mr. Nancy again too!  And the gaggle of Jesus' was fantastic.

Mad Sweeney is breaking my heart.  

When is the next season coming? Because I want more now.

This show is just beyond entertaining.

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Well, the episode was gorgeous to watch and magnificently executed... but for me, that's it. I cannot see past the art direction. It's all allegory inside breathtaking cotton candy and fluff.  I have not read the books so for me the story seems totally undeveloped. 

I know of The House on the Rock... so I was disappointed they ended where they did. I am curious to see how it is used inside the next season. But, I will not go past episode 1 if they continue with the cotton candy approach. 

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1 hour ago, DakotaLavender said:

Well, the episode was gorgeous to watch and magnificently executed... but for me, that's it. I cannot see past the art direction. It's all allegory inside breathtaking cotton candy and fluff.  I have not read the books so for me the story seems totally undeveloped. 

I know of The House on the Rock... so I was disappointed they ended where they did. I am curious to see how it is used inside the next season. But, I will not go past episode 1 if they continue with the cotton candy approach. 

I feel the same. It's a beautiful show with top notch talent, but nothing happens in terms of plot or characterization. There is no sense of urgency with this "war" and no development in terms of who Shadow is as a person/character even though he's the main character, so its hard to care what happens to him. Ironically, Laura is the least likeable character, but significantly more developed.  As a non-book reader, I was left underwhelmed by this season, and I'm not sure I'll be tuning in for season 2 if its more of the same....

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It's all technicolor gorgeous dazzling eye candy. There is no plot or character development. I think episode 8 is a hot mess in terms of the story. It's all too confusing about what is even going on. There were 8 episodes and what is this even all about? 

Edited by DakotaLavender
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57 minutes ago, leto said:

I feel the same. It's a beautiful show with top notch talent, but nothing happens in terms of plot or characterization. There is no sense of urgency with this "war" and no development in terms of who Shadow is as a person/character even though he's the main character, so its hard to care what happens to him. Ironically, Laura is the least likeable character, but significantly more developed.  As a non-book reader, I was left underwhelmed by this season, and I'm not sure I'll be tuning in for season 2 if its more of the same....

I agree. I think that there was too much unanswered and what was unanswered would of helped with progress the story. Who was Shadow and why was he so important and what powers did he possess? Why was Laura killed by Odin? There was a lot of stand offs but no war and why was Odin recruiting for the war?


I also agree that it is a good show with great acting and great characters but I found it that there was very little progress from episode 1 to 8.

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I know Kristen is a Fuller player, but she really is perfect as Easter.

Wednesday finally showed his true face, too bad he killed the wrong lady. Shadow may have been just 'really fuckin' confused' before, but now he will be genuinely pissed.

Technical Boy with a grill. They really, really want us to hate him, don't they?

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25 minutes ago, starri said:

I was impressed by Media going for "Judy Garland in Easter Parade" rather than the better-known "Judy Garland in Meet Me in St. Louis."

I noticed she dropped the bit with Wednesday.


1 hour ago, juno said:

Who was Shadow and why was he so important and what powers did he possess?

I have a theory about that:


To Shadow, Wednesday is not just the All-Father.


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Wednesday: Now that I have revealed myself, and Entertainment's Kristen Chenoweth has displayed her power . . . now do you believe?

Shadow: I believe. I believe . . . EVERYTHING.

Lauren: Hi, puppy!

Shadow: I don't believe this . . .

Wednesday: (facepalming) So close. I was so friggin' close. I am so not regretting killing you.

Let me guess . . . next season doesn't pop up until 2019, right? As much as I feel the backstory fills out the hour, I like this show. Luckily, Preacher comes back next week, and the "Questioning Religion" theme will be passed from Neil Gaiman to Garth Ennis.

I wasn't thinking of joining a random woman in a restroom before. I sure as fuck ain't gonna do that now. I mean, I'd go with a smile, but I wouldn't want to go. Kinda wish we saw Bilquis' story before she Hoovered up a few dudes at the start of the season.

Thought as Wednesday plowed through the bunnies: "WE HAD A DEAL!!!"

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I very much enjoyed it.  The show is gorgeously shot.  Does it need a greater sense of urgency?  I would agree with that.  Starting out with another long story in the season finale wasn't the best idea though the story was good and Orlando Jones is ridiculously entertaining as Nancy.

Edited by benteen
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4 minutes ago, scarynikki12 said:

I like that Jesus couldn't go after his glass since he, apparently, can't penetrate water. 

I kept expecting it to turn into wine.

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Kristen Chenoweth doesn't age, does she?  Her, Gillian Anderson, Paul Rudd, and James Marsden are actual immortal gods, aren't they?

I'm guessing Media was channeling Judy Garland in Easter Parade?

The reveal about Odin was anti-climatic and over the top.  Then again, he's meant to be a bore.  Did Odin mention one of his names as being "Gallowsgod"?  Because, I'm sure Shadow would have loved that.

Could have done without Laura puking up maggots.

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20 minutes ago, bmoore4026 said:

Kristen Chenoweth doesn't age, does she?  Her, Gillian Anderson, Paul Rudd, and James Marsden are actual immortal gods, aren't they?

Gillian Anderson looked great.

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Random thoughts from the re-watch:

I can only imagine the conversation with the actress who plays Bilquis.  "You'll be naked and having sex a lot.  Don't worry, we'll strategically cover your cooter but . . . naked a LOT."

As someone who graduated from high school in 1979 I found that whole disco scene in Iran, moments before the Ayatollah over-threw the government to be SO memory-evoking and time-trippy.

I've decided the theme of this season is "Angry gets shit done."

So I guess the take-away from the hospital scene was that HIV killed off the casual sex & bathhouse orgies that had been feeding Bisquis all these years and then the destruction of her temple by ISIS was (almost) the final nail in her coffin.  Was that a real temple?  I googled the name ("Hymartic Temple") but didn't find anything.

Did you notice that when Technical Boy is talking to the fallen Bilquis the palms behind him looked like wings?

The sound effect for the bunnies getting run over was gross.  But I did enjoy Shadow's reaction.

I would really love to know where the outdoor scenes and the arial shots of Easter's house were filmed.  That place was gorgeous.

Who was the guy with jelly beans falling through wounds in his hands?  He was too old to be a version of Jesus.

So when Wednesday pulled that sword out of nowhere did anyone else have a flashback to the TV show, Highlander?  Duncan MacLeod of the Clan MacLeod was forever pulling swords out of unlikely places.  We used to joke online that he kept his katana hidden up his ass.

Did Easter take a butterfly pin out of her hair and use it to pin Laura's flesh back together?  Because . . . ew.

Dear gods Kristen Chenowith was perfectly cast as Easter.  She looked AMAZING in that final scene.

I absolutely loved Laura ruining Odin's big moment by just clearing her throat.


Unanswered questions:

  • Easter says "This is the guy who has everyone so upset?"  Wait what?  Who is upset about Shadow?  Vulcan seemed to know who he was too.  Who's been putting the word out about him (and why?)
  • And then she warns Shadow about the dangers of secret societies.  Wait what?  Where did that come from?
  • Technical Boy tells Bilquis to aim her magical honeypot in a particular direction. What direction?  She goes to the House on the Rock afterward but why?  Should we assume she is "aimed" at Shadow now?  It seems clear that she, like Vulcan, is now a double-agent.
  • Why does Easter owe Mad Sweeney a favor?
Edited by WatchrTina
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I was sad we would only get Kristin Chenoweth for one episode, but I didn't need to worry. She was incredible. 

I wish we had gotten to the final confrontation a little sooner, or that we got to see some of the fallout, but I guess we will have to wait until next season. I do think it's interesting that they never once thought about what their actions would do to people. It seemed to echo the discussion with Laura Moon. They literally do not care if mortals die, as long as they get what they want.

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31 minutes ago, WatchrTina said:

Was that a real temple?  I googled the name ("Hymartic Temple") but didn't find anything.

It was Media.  She probably felt Bilquis being in the area, so she brought up images of that temple being destroyed.  I even think the voice of the newscaster was Gillian Anderson, so it had to be Media manipulating things.  Also, didn't it strike you as odd that a news story about a temple dedicated to a long forgotten goddess just happened to come on when said goddess was passing by followed thereafter by an offer from Technology Boy for "life support".  Bilquis has thrown in her lot with the New Gods just as Easter/Oestere has done with the Odin.

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Well at least they did something finally. I was getting tired of all this talk of war and nothing happening. Hopefully next season moves things a little quicker. Visually the show is beautiful but I get tired characters just stay the same. 

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53 minutes ago, WatchrTina said:

 Was that a real temple?  I googled the name ("Hymartic Temple") but didn't find anything.


The Himyarites were a real people with a real kingdom. I don't know if those images were actually from a Himyarite temple, though.


And yes, clearly the Highlander's trenchcoats were made by Odin's tailor.

Edited by yagathai
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8 hours ago, FlowerofCarnage said:

Who played the king that tried to seduce Bilquis? Very hot!

He's listed as "Paolo" in the credits. I am assuming it is model Paolo Roldan, as I recognized him immediately. But I cannot find a confirmation. Speaking of Confirmation, this was a great ending. Live Chenowith, and her interactions with everyone were spot on. Too bad she couldn't do the resurrection thing. I guess Gaiman didn't think giving any Jesus actual power would work with his story, but what a great opportunity to Jesus shop for Mrs. Moon! Interesting, too, that the gods from other locales are played by the proper ethnic actors and actresses, yet the Norse not so much. I think I might feel a little culturally appropriated.

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Wonder how everyone, Media in particular, will spin the death of all vegetation.   Couldn't the new gods appropriate another god like Ceres to undo it, or (in-show universe) would Ceres just be another name for Ostara?

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It seems like every god or hallowed figure, etc had an actual purpose to their believers...other than Bilquis. Like, why? Go participate in one of her orgies and get absorbed in the world's grossest reverse period? Wednesday keeps harping on the believers give their faith and the gods give back a gift, but Bilquis so far hasn't been shown to do anyone any good.

Wednesday saying his name was a little too much. But I think Secret World had the best creepy old name reveal for Lillith, so everything feels cheesy by comparison. I love how Easter was constantly struggling to keep her PG-13 appearance so her truce with the Jesus Confederation would stay safe. I love how pumped she was when Wednesday dedicated deaths in her name. Perfect flourish to win her little pagan heart. 

Laura is The Worst, but I love how she rapid fires through all the connections with minimal fuss. Her figuring out who murdered her could take all season on a lesser show. Instead she figures it out instantly and pays Mad Sweeney back what he's owed in good measure. When she asked what would hurt Wednesday, I feel like Mad Sweeney 100% fell in love with her. She's got a proper fighter's spirit.



Wonder how everyone, Media in particular, will spin the death of all vegetation.   Couldn't the new gods appropriate another god like Ceres to undo it, or (in-show universe) would Ceres just be another name for Ostara?


Could totally see the New Gods making Old Gods fight a mini battle royale over who gets what domain. Can't have too much conflict in your mass-produced belief systems.

Edited by rozen
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This is a non PC question, but is Mr. Nancy called that as in a nancy boy?

This show is Amanda Bynes in blue hair: beautiful but crazy, crazy, crazy. I'm just not getting much out of it because the stories are all over the place. I've purchased the book, but put it down.

Unlike Handmaid, I'll probably be back. Probably.

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I would think that, if fertility goddesses (like Demeter and Isis to name two big ones) had any power in the US, they would join Ostara on Odin's side.  Demeter and Isis had the most popular religious cults in classical Greece and Rome respectively and no doubt want to return to that glory as much as Odin.  If the gods were talking peace then I could see one of them willing to step in and undo Ostara's work (though I imagine she's far more powerful than they are thanks to the continuation of the ancient pagan rituals while the other fertility goddesses had no such luck) but war has been declared and the Old Gods, whatever they feel about one another, have existed far longer than the New Gods and the devil you know, etcetera.

10 minutes ago, WaltersHair said:

This is a non PC question, but is Mr. Nancy called that as in a nancy boy?

This show is Amanda Bynes in blue hair: beautiful but crazy, crazy, crazy. I'm just not getting much out of it because the stories are all over the place. I've purchased the book, but put it down.

Unlike Handmaid, I'll probably be back. Probably.

Mr. Nancy is an American variation of Anansi, the god played by Orlando Jones.

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24 minutes ago, WaltersHair said:

This is a non PC question, but is Mr. Nancy called that as in a nancy boy?

No, it's an abbreviated take on Anansi, the African spider god.


Edit: Scarynikki beat me to it!


45 minutes ago, rozen said:

Laura is The Worst, but I love how she rapid fires through all the connections with minimal fuss. Her figuring out who murdered her could take all season on a lesser show. Instead she figures it out instantly and pays Mad Sweeney back what he's owed in good measure. When she asked what would hurt Wednesday, I feel like Mad Sweeney 100% fell in love with her. She's got a proper fighter's spirit.

I loved this too. Sweeney keeps trying too hard to downplay what he's doing for her (last week it was: "I'm only taking this detour for you... and that coin in your belly," and this week it was: "I want her resurrected ... for selfish reasons") but she well and truly got his attention when she declared a one-person war on Wednesday. I think it was telling that final shot had him flanking Laura, eyes on her (as opposed to Wednesday). He's definitely switched teams, and I love what the showrunners have done with both characters. 

As for the rest, it was pretty overwhelming. I think I'm going to have to watch it a second time before commenting further.


Demeter and Isis had the most popular religious cults in classical Greece and Rome respectively and no doubt want to return to that glory as much as Odin.  

I think it would be cool to have Isis complain about how her name has been tainted by terrorists, especially since real-life businesses have been targeted by idiots assuming they're linked to terror networks (as opposed to naming themselves after an Egyptian goddess). Heck, didn't they have to kill off the dog in Downton Abbey because people started complaining it was called Isis?

In fact, you could name quite a few goddesses whose identities and names have been co-opted. How does Nike feel about being identified more with footwear than with victory? 

Edited by Ravenya003
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53 minutes ago, Ravenya003 said:

In fact, you could name quite a few goddesses whose identities and names have been co-opted. How does Nike feel about being identified more with footwear than with victory? 

If Easter was gaining some power from the proliferation of Peeps and such, as Media implied, then Nike (the goddess) is probably sitting pretty since Nike (the shoe) sponsors large scale sporting events like the Olympics.

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4 hours ago, WatchrTina said:

Was that a real temple?  I googled the name ("Hymartic Temple") but didn't find anything.

The video images themselves were from the taliban blowing up the Buddhas of Bamiyan statues in Afghanistan in 2001. It was a UNESCO World Heritage site.


14 hours ago, peridot said:

Who was the man that had a crown form out of his head?  Another god?

No, just a metaphorical representation of all of the kings that tried to topple her.  

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7 hours ago, WatchrTina said:

Was that a real temple?  I googled the name ("Hymartic Temple") but didn't find anything.

The only temple that the Queen of Sheba is associated with is the Temple of Solomon, and she and Solomon are said to have had a son, sometimes depicted as Nebuchadnezzer.  That would probably make the crown-guy Solomon.

I'm not sure if they might be combining the Queen with Ishtar/Astarte, the Babylonian fertility goddess, who WAS into temple prostitution.

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Cheno was perfectly cast in this role, even moreso than Gillian Anderson. She was adorably flirty with Shadow, contemplative with Laura, and then finally overwhelmed with unleashing her power again. It also helps that she was absolutely radiant throughout.

Orlando Jones is always a joy to see. I'm glad he had something fun to do after Sleepy Hollow.

Laura may not be a nice person but she has been so much more interesting dead than alive. I know part of her badass-ness is due to the supernatural strength she currently possesses, but I also love how focused she's been. I could see the wheels turning as she figured out who had killed her and then deciding it was time to get some vengeance. And I can't really blame her for wanting some payback after finding out that all these things that happened were a result of Wednesday just fucking with her life.

Those no-faced dancers were freaking me out. They were the scariest group of creepy guys in suits since the Gentlemen in Hush (BtVS).

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8 hours ago, WatchrTina said:

I would really love to know where the outdoor scenes and the arial shots of Easter's house were filmed.  That place was gorgeous.

I checked this website which has several of the shooting locations for the show, but so far they don't know where Easter's house was. Hopefully now that the episode has aired, someone will recognize the location! I also found this blog about when the show filmed in Guelph.

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Nooooo!  Not the bunnies!  Curse you, Wednesday!

I was going nuts trying to ID Jesus in the pool.  Jeremy Davies, of course!  

Laura is starting to look... fermented.  

6 hours ago, scarynikki12 said:

I would think that, if fertility goddesses (like Demeter and Isis to name two big ones) had any power in the US, they would join Ostara on Odin's side.  Demeter and Isis had the most popular religious cults in classical Greece and Rome respectively and no doubt want to return to that glory as much as Odin.  If the gods were talking peace then I could see one of them willing to step in and undo Ostara's work (though I imagine she's far more powerful than they are thanks to the continuation of the ancient pagan rituals while the other fertility goddesses had no such luck) but war has been declared and the Old Gods, whatever they feel about one another, have existed far longer than the New Gods and the devil you know, etcetera.

I think Oestere addressed that when she refused to undo Wednesday's killing of Laura.  Either they can't undo what another god has done or it's considered bad form to do so.  The new gods can make threats and promises to followers but they don't seem to have power to create or destroy by themselves.

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Apropos of nothing, when Shadow realized all the folks at the party were manifestations of Jesus - and it cut to Mary with the baby Jesus, all I could think of was Ricky Bobby's rant in "Talladega Nights", which amusingly plays directly into what Wednesday was saying:

Ricky: Dear Tiny Infant Jesus..."

Carley: "Hey, um... you know, sweetie, Jesus did grow up. You don't always have to call him baby. It's a bit odd and off puttin' to pray to a baby."

Ricky: "Well, look, I like the Christmas Jesus best when I'm sayin' grace. When you say grace, you can say it to Grown-up Jesus, or Teenage Jesus, or Bearded Jesus, or whoever you want."

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16 hours ago, DakotaLavender said:

Well, the episode was gorgeous to watch and magnificently executed... but for me, that's it. I cannot see past the art direction. It's all allegory inside breathtaking cotton candy and fluff.  I have not read the books so for me the story seems totally undeveloped. 

This is kind of where I'm landing too.  The show is beyond amazing to look at.  The production values are terrific.  There's lots of cleverness and interesting world building.  A lot of the performances are really great if at times leaning toward the bombastic "look at me, I'm playing a god" end of things. It's fun to watch purely on that level.  Multiple Jesuses was great.  Wednesday gleefully running down the bunnies was amusing.

But I feel very little emotional investment in any of it or their pending "war" except for Laura and Mad Sweeney's story.  I loved how completely abashed he was in their scene with Ostara in realizing there was no way of getting around her finding out that he killed her on Wednesday's orders and how quick she was to piece it all together and get her pound of flesh out of him on that front.  He's got some genuine remorse going for his role in that, and I've said before I think he's at least as every bit as invested in her being resurrected as she is for more than just getting his coin back.  I too think her immediate response of going after Wednesday for having her killed not even for any larger purpose but purely as a means to an end instead of just meekly accepting that the gods fuck with us, that's what they do puts him firmly on her side in whatever happens next.  I want to see that play out.

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Dickie Bennett is alive and well and living as Jesus (still) in Kentucky. It was exactly what i'd hoped for. (He also showed up in Twin Peaks last week, still with Dickie Bennett hair.)

I watch Bryan Fuller's show at least in part FOR the art, so I'm perfectly happy with the eye candy. The visuals bring me joy, whether it's dark and twisty like Hannibal or technicolor Easter Egg like Pushing Daises...this episode, in particular, had both. I don't care about the how fast the story progresses. For me, it's the journey, not the destination.

Gillian looked great in Judy Garland mode. They need THAT wig, or a version of it, for the latest installment of X-files, as her last one was terrible.

Hated Odin smooshing the bunnies.

Mr. Nancy! Orlando is killing it. And Shadow's suit, in particular, was very fine.

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Bring all the greenery back, I'm praying to Easter!

This show has done a very good job with casting but Kristin is awesome and I hope she comes back. I think the show has been great, the additions have worked (more or less, loved Corbin Bersen as Vulcan but that episode was the weakest). It has been slow, but the book didn't move all that fast either. Next year is so far away!

All hail Ostara!!!!!

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 Can anyone tell me why the hell I am rooting for Odin?  Seriously, I actually like the guy and he is horrible.  He had Laura killed, dooms millions to starvation, and runs over bunnies.

Does anyone else think Shadow looks like the son of Bilquist and Odin or am I just seeing nothing more then all pretty people sort of resemble each other?   Maybe Odin was the only one who escaped her vagina nebula (totally the name my new band).

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2 minutes ago, qtpye said:

 Can anyone tell me why the hell I am rooting for Odin?  Seriously, I actually like the guy and he is horrible.  He had Laura killed, dooms millions to starvation, and runs over bunnies.

It's called the power of McShane.

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