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S02.E22: Nevertheless, She Persisted

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32 minutes ago, GHScorpiosRule said:

Doubtful since it's been reported Chris Wood will be back next season.


ok then we get more eye candy next year.

Since they mentioned her quite a few times tonight I really wanna see Lois next year and I'm hoping they cast Nina Dobrev. I think she'd be a great Lois just to see her banter with Cat.

 Also since we now know that Cat knows that Kara is Supergirl is it pretty safe for us to assume that she also knows about Clark as well?

Edited by madhacker
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Since the show is still filming in Vancouver (as far as I know), I doubt we'll be seeing her much more than in this season. It's too bad, though I am thrilled we have confirmation that she knows Kara is Supergirl. If only Lena could clue in as well.

I'm excited that the show a) didn't kill Cat off, b) confirmed that she knows Kara is Supergirl, and c) left it wide open for her to appear again. I did NOT think we were going to be so lucky as to get all three! Though again--if this ends up being the last time we see Cat, I'm okay with imagining her off in a yurt or having pot brownies with the President or base-jumping from Mt. Kilimanjaro. While not quite as good a cap as 2x02, that was a nice final scene with her and Kara, and the one last piece of unfinished business--Supergirl's identity--has been put to rest.

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1 hour ago, Maverick said:

 Ok show, we get is.  Supergirl > Superman.  Show, don't tell.   The writing was so heavy handed you could rename the show Iron Fist.

Yep. "Supergirl- you're stronger than I am." "Oh, stop, Kal." "No, really, I mean it.  Even though that silver kryptonite drove me so batsh!t crazy that I couldn't see anything other than Zod threatening everyone on Earth, I could tell that it didn't weaken me at all. You beat me fair and square." All that they were missing was him staring directly into the camera and winking at the audience.

Even the confirmation that Cat knows Kara's secret identity was way more heavy-handed than necessary. I get that a lot of audience members were curious about it, but the way she revealed it at the end had all the subtlety of... pretty much everything else in this episode. Just based on Cat pegging James right away last episode should have been more than enough to confirm it.

So, do the White Martians travel through space just on their superpowers alone? Didn't they have a spaceship they could have used to transport Mon-El instead of making him fly off in the spaceship equivalent of a Mini-Cooper? Just how far did they think he'd be able to get without the benefit of a (helpful?) black hole, anyway?

Edited by Cthulhudrew
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4 minutes ago, stealinghome said:

I'm excited that the show a) didn't kill Cat off, b) confirmed that she knows Kara is Supergirl, and c) left it wide open for her to appear again. I did NOT think we were going to be so lucky as to get all three! Though again--if this ends up being the last time we see Cat, I'm okay with imagining her off in a yurt or having pot brownies with the President or base-jumping from Mt. Kilimanjaro. While not quite as good a cap as 2x02, that was a nice final scene with her and Kara, and the one last piece of unfinished business--Supergirl's identity--has been put to rest.

Or she could finally accept Rob Lowe...

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First of all, the name of the episode? Requires a drink*.

Anyway, I thought this was a pretty good finale, especially considering the VERY uneven season this has been. I enjoyed the Superman and Supergirl fight, and thought it was really well choreographed. That being said, I don't at all buy that Supergirl is stronger than Superman. If nothing else, he has more super heroing experience than Kara, and has fought bigger and tougher villains. I guess Zod wins all though. Somewhere, Lex is crying over his Superman trapper keeper.

Well, Mon-El finally got an actual hero moment, and that means he will now be out of the show...for like two episodes in the next season before he comes back again. I actually like Mon-El in small doses, especially recently, but I'm totally fine with him taking a break from the show. The problem with Mon-El was that he kind of took over the show for awhile, and the show seemed to push his romance with Kara SUPER hard, and it felt incredibly forced. They put so much value on this, like, four month relationship, that it has rather fallen flat, despite some decent chemistry between the actors. And, even worse, it meant Kara hardly spent time with anyone other than him, which really hurt the ensemble of the show. Maybe if he's gone for at least a bit, she can focus on her other relationships for awhile.

Even this episode, we had a super sweet Alex/Kara scene, that ended abruptly for more romance! Granted, I do prefer Maggie/Alex to Mon-El/Kara, even if they are also moving too fast as well, but I want my sisters moments! Like, when was the last time she hung out with Winn outside of some DEO banter? I love her friendship with Lena, but it would be nice if we saw her friendships with people other than Lena, Mon-El, and sometimes Alex from time to time.

I'm so glad we got confirmation that Cat knows who Supergirl/Kara is! I always assumed she knew, and its great to see it confirmed. I really do like Cat (when they aren't giving her super forced Girl Power dialogue) and I'm glad they didn't decide to kill her off. Now if Callista could just come back...

I forgot how much I liked Winn and Lena scenes, and how I used to ship them super hard. I like Winn's new girlfriend, but I could still ship it.

This season has been wildly inconsistent, but I think it ended on a decent note. The flaws are mostly focused on spending too much time on a not very interesting romance, some wonky plotting, and some REALLY heavy handed social commentary, but there were good parts too. When the show focuses on its actual premise (Supergirl fights evil with the help from her friends and family) its still a solid superhero show. I'm still ready to see what's coming next, especially if they actually try to fix some of their flaws. It doesn't seem like they will, but I can dream.

*My Supergirl drinking game continues! Take a shot whenever this show takes a cheap political shot that means nothing and says nothing meaningful! I was surprised there weren't more this week actually. I was expecting to get a decent buzz damn it!

Edited by tennisgurl
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1 hour ago, stealinghome said:

 ITA that there's no way Alex will get smooth sailing into her happy ending so easily or so early in the show's run.

Or they could show that getting married is a beginning and not an ending and doesn't magically make someone's life perfect.

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Aww that was sad, Melisa sold that goodbye to Mon-El I teared up. :(

Loved the Calista shoutouts that she hasn't seen Star Wars and the marring Rob Lowe line nod to Brothers & Sisters. Also glad they put to rest the "does she know?" aspect about Kara. 

Great battle scenes in this episode.

Liked Wynn's fangirling over Superman.

Surprised they didn't kill Jimmy in the battle scenes since he has no purpose. 

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I found it funny that as soon as they found out the atmosphere was now toxic, they immediately left in a rush in their SPACEship. A ship designed to travel in the vacuum of space where no air can get out, which means no air can get in.

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2 hours ago, srpturtle80 said:

I'm almost afraid to say this because I think I'm the only one, but I actually love Mon-El (maybe because Chris Wood is just so damn easy on the eyes), and this episode broke my heart a little bit.

You are by no means, the only one. I liked Mon-El a lot and I do fear that he is gone for good. I quite enjoyed the Kara-Mon El storyline this season, certainly much more than some of the other story lines. 

Good finale. It surprised me a little. I did find the Superman appearance to be rather useless.

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2 hours ago, Lantern7 said:

Damn. Poochy's planet needed him.

Good finale for Kara. She beat her Silver Kryptonite-addled cousin, and she repulsed the Daxamite invasion. Granted, she killed Rhea and Mon had to leave, and she's alone in a cast full of couples (does James count at all?), but she did persist. Oh, and there's a little more lead in the atmosphere. I know, trace amounts, but id still be concerned.

Cat knows Kara is Supergirl. In other news, water is wet. I'd like to have her meet J'onn to ask him about posing as Kara.

A third Kryptonian? I haven't read the S3 synopsis. I have faith in the show, even though I would usually DVR it and watch Gotham.

Nice Simpsons reference.  

So, there was an evil blood cult on Krypton that also decided to send a child to Earth as the planet was exploding ?  Seriously ?
Did this child also get trapped in the Phantom Zone ? If not,  what has this now grown child been doing for the past 35 years -- barista at a Starbucks biding their time ?  Did the cultists know about the other 2 betta fish ships that were launched ?  Was there a sale on these spaceships down at Tex and Edna Boil's Prairie Warehouse and Curio Emporium and Spaceship Dealership ?  Because everyone who needed one seemed to have just before Krypton went kablooey .

2 hours ago, Oreo2234 said:

If I'm not mistaken it blocks their hearing and x-ray vision but it otherwise doesn't impact them much.

Good thing the Daxamites didn't show up back in the 1950s/1960s/1970s when leaded gas was all the rage and the atmosphere was heavily polluted with it.

1 hour ago, Writing Wrongs said:

Ha. I just realized why that is funny.

It did make me snort when she said it.

36 minutes ago, BadArcher said:

I found it funny that as soon as they found out the atmosphere was now toxic, they immediately left in a rush in their SPACEship. A ship designed to travel in the vacuum of space where no air can get out, which means no air can get in.

Yeah, they could have kept up the bombardment from the comfy confines of the spaceships -- and still conquered Earth.  Are the Daxam ships going back to where they came -- which might take a while considering that portal probably provided a significant shortcut ?  Or are they also in the Phantom zone too ?

How come they had to drag Mon-el's betta fish ship out into the middle of the field if it could take off vertically ?  They could have launched it from the roof of the DEO building and saved themselves a trip to the country.

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I bet there is a portion of the fanbase who would have loved it if Lena had gone full Penguin and activated the device after Kara wins a fair fight in order to get rid of Mon-El, her biggest rival for Kara's affection.

Seriously, though, they have certainly planted the seeds for some dissent, with Lillian's prediction that she won't take it well when she find's out and Lena asking Supergirl about Kara and Mon-El.

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24 minutes ago, ottoDbusdriver said:

Yeah, they could have kept up the bombardment from the comfy confines of the spaceships -- and still conquered Earth.

What would be the point of wasting time conquering or destroying a planet they can never inhabit? As long as there is lead in the atmosphere they can never leave those ships so they'd be better off finding somewhere else to live.

I'll have more but I need to watch this again.

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Seriously, though, they have certainly planted the seeds for some dissent, with Lillian's prediction that she won't take it well when she find's out and Lena asking Supergirl about Kara and Mon-El.

Yeah, I definitely interpreted that question as Lena beginning to be suspicious about Supergirl's identity and going fishing, as it were.

Edited by stealinghome
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Overall I thought this was one of the better episodes this season.  

Glad that Lena is figuring out how to outmaneuver her mother.   Winn's mancrush cracks me up - did he mouth "I love you"?   This was a great episode for Melissa - we don't often get to see that kind of depth from her.  James, who?  Cat shined.  It was good to see M'gann and nice to hear there's progress on her homefront.  

I second the Sanvers wtf.  I love them but that was awkward.  I'm hoping they'll walk that back with Alex admitting to a mild anxiety attack after watching what Kara was going through.

Given some of the other shit shows they've put on this season, I'll take this as a solid episode.

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While I approve of the show putting its titular star front and center, I really wish the reason for Supergirl to be the one who had to challenge Rhea had been the latter's batshit crazy personal grudge against her rather than all that heavy-handed you're-stronger-than-Superman-no-really-trust-me crap. Sorry, don't ask me to suspend enough disbelief to buy Melissa Benoist beating Tyler Hoechlin in a fair fight when I'm already accepting flying aliens and Winn being heterosexual. Particularly since I watched her get her ass kicked repeatedly by opponents she should have been able to beat with one flick of a finger all season.

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3 hours ago, Lady Calypso said:

I've really missed Cat. Her role this episode was far better this time around, not that last episode's appearance was bad. I just missed her speeches to Kara. I accepted that she was Kara's mentor. And thank goodness, we get confirmation that Cat knows Kara is Supergirl. It's about time.

As awesome as Cat is as a character, in a way she's totally useless if she isn't shown as smart enough to know who Supergirl is. It's the classic Lois Lane problem. Lois struggled as a character for decades for this very reason. However many Superman Robots and other magical explanations they pulled out (for example that the glasses had some quality that changed people's perceptions of Clark's body type), none of them really washed when it came to Lois. She's supposed to be the only woman good enough for the most noble Superhero in existence (remember, we're talking about a pre-Man of Steel Superman). Well she couldn't be if she was an idiot. Similarly, Cat is supposed to the wisest person Kara knows. Her mentor in a way that even J'onn can't be. That just doesn't work if she's an idiot.  The excuse that Cat's ego got in the way of her perception was a stopgap at best. And even with that, we have to believe she was simply acting like she was fooled by the shapechanger, because she realized that Kara needed a reset on their relationship.

2 hours ago, madhacker said:

Also since we now know that Cat knows that Kara is Supergirl is it pretty safe for us to assume that she also knows about Clark as well?

They won't say she does on the show, but...

Of course she does. I bet she's known way back since the first time he (probably with Jimmy's help) used a lame remote control Superman Robot (likely with Jimmy controlling it) to put Clark and Supes in the same room.

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1 hour ago, catrox14 said:

I don't understand the tag scene. Who were they sending to Earth?

I'm kind of unhappy with this direction. We've had enough Alien plots. I'm tired of them.

The main candidates I'd think would be Doomsday or some variation of Brainiac. But one was done (badly) in the movies recently, and the other is supposedly planned for a future movie. So... not sure who that leaves. We've seen that Zod and his crowd already existed in this universe, so it's not any of them.

Unlike others here I'm not nearly as troubled by knowing that Mon-El is likely coming back. Why? Because I find myself wondering if that wormhole of his is a time travel portal of some kind. Which would perhaps deposit him in the 31st Century. Why is that good?  Because it gives them a dramatic hook to have the character come back very different. If some version of the Legion of Superhero adventures in the future with Mon-El happen, then he comes back, we've got an actual plotline for him--trying to reestablish his life in the 21st century, but he's got to hide Supergirl's own future from her. Instant plot that's got a bit more juice than the one we just had with him.

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Thank god it's confirmed Cat knows Kara is Supergirl. After figuring out James is Guardian last week.

Her calling him "Darth Vader" as is not having "seen Star Wars"(Calista reportedly really hadn't. She didn't know what a 'Millenium Falcon' was when the door crushed her husband Harrison Ford's leg during the filming of The Force Awakens) and also turning down Rob Lowe's proposal twice(Brothers and Sisters reference).

Loved Winn continuing to fanboy over Superman and also running and hugging and calling J'onn "Papa Bear".

Did Mon El find out Rhea killed his father or did he just guess?

Didn't expect Alex to propose to Maggie and I got teary eyed.

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I loved parts of this but disliked others. 

I expected so much more from the Superman and Supergirl fight. I should have known not to. Supergirl just won too easily at the end. I don't mind that Kara is stronger but I do think it's more fun when they are a little more eavenly matched and it takes a bit more to beat what should be the biggest threat she has faced.

Then the match with Rhea was just boring. I hated that they were building up the Mon El leaving storyline at that point and Kara kept looking at him for long moments after getting punched and Rhea did not take advantage and used her kryptonite fingers to finish her. Whatever.

Melissa sold the goodbye scene and Kara's heartbreak but I couldn't care less about Mon El leaving. I wish he could stay gone. The end song was so cringy, it reminded me of Buffy's season 2 finale for some reason with Sarah Mclachlan breaking my heart instead and then the whole thing was just worse. Sorry Idina Menzel (if that was you) but that was too forced.

I did love Cat Grant of course and her interactions with Kara. I really missed them. I loved Kara's quip about wanting to Rhea to kill her, lol.

I LOVE LOVE LOVE Winn so much! It's funny because I don't remember loving him this much in season one but now I'm at the point where I wouldn't mind if they had made him Kara's love interest instead of James or Mon El (this version of him, not season one's).

I also really enjoyed the Luthors, their first scene when they talk about Lena falling for Rhea's trap and Lena talking about how Lillian taught her to doubt herself and look for validation was just excellent. I wonder what role Lillian will play next season because I can see Lena (and many people on Earth) starting to find her point of view the most reasonable after this invasion.

I also enjoyed the parallel to Medusa, in which Lena stops the chemical weapon made by Kara's father that would kill all aliens on National City and now Lena makes a chemical weapon that would kill all Daxamites. Kara despised her father's creation but she was the one to detonate Lena's. I really would have loved it if this show would have spent time revisiting Kara's own conflicting feelings on her father's actions and for her to admit to seeing things his way because I thought her point of view in Medusa was too unfair to him.

The Alex and Maggie scene was cute, although it came out of nowhere. J'onn and M'gann feel so wrong since I can't help seeing them as uncle and niece even though I know there's no relation here. I feel sorry for James. It seems he was the only one to not get any romance (nor screentime) this season. I almost want to buy a shirt that says "Free Mehcad!".

The boots promo for Wonder Woman was so cute. Melissa Benoist is adorable and I loved Lynda Carter's wink and Teri and Chyler's faces. BUT, it did made me realize that Wonder Woman's boots are fugly and look uncomfortable for battle lol. They somehow had looked cool in her earlier trailers.

And finally: Do Teri Hatcher and Deab Cain hate each other? Why would the show deny Lois and Clark fans a scene between them?

Edited by Dovega
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First thoughts before reading other posts. 

I loved that.  

I never hated Mon-El but I also never was a huge fan.  And yet, I was really moved by the ending.  And I credit MB's acting.  All the pain and the longing was etched on her face.  And she looked just gorgeous in that final scene with him.

Again, I credit the acting because I was never caught up in their love story and as so many kept pointing out, they'd barely started going out and yet in this episode, I really bought into their relationship.  And their love being new when they were forced apart like that only seemed to magnify the loss of all the hopes and dreams they had for their future.  It's almost like someone dying young.  It's not just the immediate loss, but the loss of everything that was supposed to come with them.  All the firsts, all the lasts.  It's heartbreaking.  But in a way I enjoyed, as perverse as that sounds. 

Cat Grant just made the episode so much better.  And finally, confirmation that she knew Kira was Supergirl. It was just so completely natural a moment.  By that I mean, of course she knew!  But before that moment, the you can go on pep talk, really worked for me.  Alex wanted to help but only Cat can monologue like that.  Oh man has this show missed her.  I desperately hope we can get her back more next season.

Was Jimmy even in this episode?  That's not a good sign for his future when I can't remember one way or the other.  

I know there are bound to be some that will complain about Kara beating Superman, but from what I remember, that's always been true of Supergirl's character. Or it least it has been since I've known of the character. She is stronger and faster and more powerful since she'd grown up longer on Krypton, it's just that she's also supposed to have less experience and control of her powers.  But with all the training she's got from Alex and J'onn, I can totally buy she would prevail over Clark hand to hand.  Superman isn't known for his boxing skill.  

Also, I have to say how much I adored the title.  I only saw it when I went to watch tonight. I had to stop and laugh.  It's still more subtle than last week's make the earth great again lines but there's still no mistaking the double meaning.  

Oh, Mon-El will so obviously be back though I can't see how he could ever be a regular again (unless they made him human?).  And I really don't know who that baby is.  It's probably a girl so maybe a girl version of Briainac or Doomsday?  

Edited by BkWurm1
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You guys are depressing me.  I went into this episode deciding that it's going to be either Mon El or me next season because he's sucked away the screentime from the characters I liked. I was happy to learn that it was Mon El leaving and me staying, and now you tell me that he'll be back next season too?  Ugh.

I lost Cat and Catco, I lost Kara/Winn/James team-up (remember when they were Stronger Together?) and I lost Kara/Alex scenes because of Mon El. 

My favourite parts of this episode were M'Gann coming back for J'onn (finally an adult relationship!) and bringing her friends; and Liliian finally saying something nice to Lena.

I got bored during the fight scenes, especially the Kara/Kal and Kara/Rhea ones.  I've seen so many fight scenes between the TV shows and the movies, I'm done with them now.  Maybe I'm cranky but the "I've never seen Star Wars" felt like too much "Aren't I so clever to write this?" to me.


Was Jimmy even in this episode?  That's not a good sign for his future when I can't remember one way or the other.

He was in a very, very brief scene with Cat at Catco and basically did nothing while Superman got rid of the Daxams.  This makes me sad as a I really liked him last season but this season they barely remember to write him in.

I hope Mon El stays away for good.

Edited by statsgirl
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4 hours ago, Lady Calypso said:

I guess it's inevitable that this is also now Mon-El's show. He's now the leading man. 

The fight sequences were all fantastic. I loved the Supergirl vs Superman one the best. The Supergirl vs Queen Rhea one was good, but they were talking way too much. 


Fantastic is IMO grading on a curve. Superman thinking that Kara is Zod, and they instead basically trade punches? No flying combat? Barely any heat vision? 

And Supergirl should have mopped the floor with Rhea...being stronger, faster, able to fly, having heat vision...just nuke her from orbit to be sure.

Even pulling out that Rhea was kryptonite-laden out of their butts, the writers could have made it a more interesting or even fight. 

I don't know if I like that Supergirl is a liar AND a killer. She gave her word that if Rhea beat her that Earth would surrender. All the while, she had Plan B of poisoning the planet ready. So it's pretty clear that she wasn't going to let Rhea win no matter what. Normally, I would approve of a Barry or an Oliver or a Sara having such a backup plan. But Kara's supposed to be better than all that.

3 hours ago, UNOSEZ said:

So.. Superman hears his best friend  is off playing super hero and we can't even see them have a talk about it??... Geez

Offscreenville is the best. /sarcasm

3 hours ago, Primal Slayer said:

Wasn't bad though I feel like they took an easy way out. filter the Earths atmosphere permanently with lead.....even a small amount that somehow won't effect humans just doesn't gel with me. Especially that it is such a little amount that Daxams shrivel up and die while Kryptonians can be directly in line with Kryptonite and it just makes them really sick. 

The effects of all these things are plot-dependent. That's why Superman Returns Superman can literally lift an island of Kryptonite and throw it in space.

Last episode, Guardian sprayed lead at five Daxamites, and none of them literally died like Rhea did. 

The notion that the Lex Box could spread that much lead such that it would disperse throughout the atmosphere seems crazy.


3 hours ago, Primal Slayer said:

They can't see or hear through lead but everything else still works fine.

I've never seen an example where Superman or Supergirl can't hear through lead. 

3 hours ago, quarks said:

So, show, we've abandoned the "Superman/Supergirl don't kill or at least try not to kill," for "Superman/Supergirl agree to go along with a mass genocide of the alien invaders and the only really sad thing about this is that Kara has to say goodbye to a guy she's been dating for about, hmm, four months who she'll almost certainly see again in October?"


3 hours ago, GHScorpiosRule said:

So Kara is stronger than Supes?? RIIIIIGHT. And since when has Supes decided he's going to kill his worst enemy? And that's Zod? And not Lex? Whatthefuckever, you fucking hacks.??And I shouldn't be surprised because I just found out that Fucking HACK, Kreisberg, is also an Executive Producer for this show-and every interview I've seen of him, he gives off the vibe he has nothing but contempt for Supes.?


2 hours ago, Writing Wrongs said:

Ha. I just realized why that is funny.

So Cat knows, but how long has she known?

I can buy that Silver K let Rhea convince Supes that Kara=Zod rather than Kara=Lex because Rhea wanted Supes to kick the crap out of her. And even though Lex is Supes's No. 1 enemy, he's not really a physical threat to Supes. 

For those who don't get the joke, I think it goes something like this:
Calista Flockhart is married to Harrison Ford, who of course played Han Solo in Star Wars and the sequels.

When Harrison was filming for The Force Awaken, he got injured on the Millennium Falcon set. So when they told Calista he was injured, she was like "Millennium Falcon? I've never heard of that airline." So it came out she'd never watched the Original Trilogy.

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Did anyone notice Winn silently mouth "I love you" to Superman after they had their little interaction about Superman knowing who Winn is?

I did! And I loved it! And him!

Edited by Dovega
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4 hours ago, GHScorpiosRule said:

And a big GIANT BOO! that I we didn't get  Lois and Clark reunion!?

Seriously, why would anyone want that when we've never even met this Lois??  And you know they can't cast just anybody as Lois.  If/when they do, it's going to be a big deal.  But we aren't there yet.  Patience my friend!

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2 minutes ago, BkWurm1 said:

Seriously, why would anyone want that when we've never even met this Lois??  And you know they can't cast just anybody as Lois.  If/when they do, it's going to be a big deal.  But we aren't there yet.  

I think GHSCORPIOSRULE meant a Dean Cain and Teri Hatcher reunion.

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With the lead... sure, let's say how it is dispersed through the atmosphere, it won't harm humans...


But what about Winn, Lena, and Lilian? They were in that cloud. They probably all got lungfuls of it. Guess they're screwed?

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4 hours ago, legaleagle53 said:

Actually, in the comics, it's only a theory that he is naturally stronger than she is, just as a human man is normally naturally stronger than a human woman.  The reason it's only a theory is that there is no known method for adequately testing the limits of Kryptonian super-strength.

At least by the Superman II movie, women from Krypton were as strong as men.  It's all the sun's radiation, not actual muscle that matters.  

3 hours ago, Artsda said:

Aww that was sad, Melisa sold that goodbye to Mon-El I teared up. :(

Loved the Calista shoutouts that she hasn't seen Star Wars and the marring Rob Lowe line nod to Brothers & Sisters. Also glad they put to rest the "does she know?" aspect about Kara. 

Great battle scenes in this episode.

Liked Wynn's fangirling over Superman.

Surprised they didn't kill Jimmy in the battle scenes since he has no purpose. 

If they were going to kill him they would have had to actually spend some time on him.  Sorry James.  Seriously though, they need to figure out what they what to do with him next season.  It's getting weird. 

18 minutes ago, Dovega said:

I think GHSCORPIOSRULE meant a Dean Cain and Teri Hatcher reunion.

And whoosh, that went over my head.  And it shouldn't have since I wanted that as well. Lol.  It's just Clark kept going on and on about how much he loved Lois and needed to get back to her I forgot all about my other Lois and Clark reunion hopes.  

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So. Much. Lens. Flare.

5 hours ago, Lady Calypso said:

I guess it's inevitable that this is also now Mon-El's show. He's now the leading man. 

See, I don't get this. I don't get this at all. I mean, I get that you don't like Mon-El. That's fine. Each to their own and YMMV and whatever. But his arc was literally not what happens to a leading character. He was introduced as a love interest, given a truncated redemption arc that had more to do with the main character's personal development, brought scripted danger into their lives and then was fridged for the main character's arc. He's literally the epitome of a plot cipher. 

Maybe he'll be back next season. I personally hope so because I think the character could be more and I find the actor appealing, if not the best at his craft. But I can guarantee his return will be a plot driver and/or a character development for Kara. Or both. There's no universe where this was his show.

My major thoughts on this episode: why would Rhea care about them poisoning the atmosphere with lead when they have ships? She would have just irradiated them from space and then gone elsewhere. This was a very silly plan. I'm kind of annoyed that it apparently worked. Unless we're supposed to believe that once she died all the other Daxamites went, "Meh" and just went away.

Like "we have no home and no monarchy and the Earthlings just destroyed both. Now we shall just leave". Really? They literally never mentioned them again.

3 hours ago, ottoDbusdriver said:

So, there was an evil blood cult on Krypton that also decided to send a child to Earth as the planet was exploding ?  Seriously ?
Did this child also get trapped in the Phantom Zone ? If not,  what has this now grown child been doing for the past 35 years -- barista at a Starbucks biding their time ?

Fucking Doomsday. Kara's arch enemy next season will be THE DARK HALF OF HER SOUL. I personally can't wait.

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8 minutes ago, AudienceofOne said:

Unless we're supposed to believe that once she died all the other Daxamites went, "Meh" and just went away.

I thought the reason Rhea died was because everyone left her behind. Everyone else beamed up and the ships left National City.   So they went "meh" and went away before she died.  Not much loyalty there.  

Going back to Rhea bleeding Green K, how come Mon-El's dad didn't have kryptonite blood?  How long did Rhea hang out on her poisoned planet?  

Edited by BkWurm1
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10 minutes ago, AudienceofOne said:

So. Much. Lens. Flare.

I swear JJ Abrams must have directed this episode using an alias...


Can they hurry up and give Tyler Hoechlin his own Superman spinoff show..? Preferably on that new DC streaming channel i keep hearing thats in the works..

speaking of Superman,off-topic,condolences to the family of Man Of Steel/Justice League director Zack Snyder,whose daughter committed suicide in March..just read he's stepping away from directorial duties on JL to be with his family,and that Joss Whedon will see the film through reshoots/post-production

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5 hours ago, KirkB said:

What would be the point of wasting time conquering or destroying a planet they can never inhabit? As long as there is lead in the atmosphere they can never leave those ships so they'd be better off finding somewhere else to live.


3 hours ago, bros402 said:

With the lead... sure, let's say how it is dispersed through the atmosphere, it won't harm humans...


But what about Winn, Lena, and Lilian? They were in that cloud. They probably all got lungfuls of it. Guess they're screwed?

Why didn't they put the magic box o' lead on the roof the building at least ?

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That was a very good season finale.

Noooooo don't get rid of Mon El! I don't ship it but after they sorted themselves out they were a cute couple. They really sold that goodbye. I was sad. 

Loved that they got Lena and Winn to work together. More Lena next season please! 

Hehe Lena went full British when she said "Oh it does, I just gave Supergirl the remote."

Loved Winn sprinting up to hug "Pappa Bear"

Anyone know if Mon El is out for good? I've grown to like him I don't have the energy to accept a new LI! Plus he's turned all helpful and cute after they got rid of all the juvenile nonsense. Bring him back! 

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5 hours ago, Chicago Redshirt said:


I've never seen an example where Superman or Supergirl can't hear through lead. 

Didn't we go through an entire episode where Alex was trapped in a lead lined cage and Kara couldn't see or hear her?

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9 hours ago, madhacker said:

To all you Chris Wood fans if they're keeping to the comic history (somewhat) that was the Phantom Zone Mon-El got pulled into and he'll stay in there for little over a thousand years. When he's freed he joins the Legion of Super Heroes and goes by the name of Valor. So yeah it's pretty safe to say that Chris is gone from the show (pouts).

They'd better have an epic wedding next year for Alex and Maggie.

There's an entire comic book series dedicated exclusively to Supergirl interacting with the people Mon-El supposedly is gonna hang out with: 


I liked the finale, good action, good pacing, Melissa selling the hell out of it, M'gann being back. 

I'm not surprised that the show spelled it out that as far as they are concerned Kara is stronger than Kal, it's the Supergirl show after all. 

The most ridiculous moment was when the Daxamites instantly all beamed on board their ships and flew away as soon as they got hid by the lead. How would they instantly know what is going on and what path they should proceed with? 

All the "science" works on fairy tale logic anyway. 

Overall, I liked this episode much better than the previous one, Rhea was more scary villain and less just illogical ridiculous, Cat was a lot less shrill, the Kara/Alex scenes were smaller but better than the fake drama about Alex shooting the canon while Kara is on board. 

I look foward to see what Lillian will do in season 3, shouldn't she still be a wanted criminal? 

They really should have given us a Superman/James scene, I still have hope for it next season when things are less hectic, but the CW shows usually do a timejump that at the very least corresponds with the hiatus, so I'm not getting my hopes up. 

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5 hours ago, Chicago Redshirt said:

I don't know if I like that Supergirl is a liar AND a killer. She gave her word that if Rhea beat her that Earth would surrender. All the while, she had Plan B of poisoning the planet ready. So it's pretty clear that she wasn't going to let Rhea win no matter what. Normally, I would approve of a Barry or an Oliver or a Sara having such a backup plan. But Kara's supposed to be better than all that.

Except that Rhea revealed that it wasn't and would never be a fair fight when she deployed her troops in the middle of their trial by combat. Supergirl only deployed the weapon when she was told that the rest of them couldn't stop the Daxamite troops and as Rhea taunted that she would never stop her troops even if she lost. Is Kara supposed to hold to her principles when Rhea demonstrated that she was never going to adhere to her word and was always going to exercise the nuclear option? There is no honor in being willfully stupid.

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I wonder if Mechad Brooks enjoys getting paid to do nothing or if he's bitter about being demoted to a glorified extra who apparently isn't included in Kara's list of close friends.  I don't think he even had any lines in his one scene.

One problem the show has is Kara's has already become the perfect superhero.  She's been declared Earth's champion by the previous title holder, is beloved by the people, and works well with the government.  As Kara Danvers she's apparently a super reporter and her love life taking a hit isn't due to a personal flaw.  I don't know what part of the hero's journey is left.

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56 minutes ago, Primal Slayer said:

Didn't we go through an entire episode where Alex was trapped in a lead lined cage and Kara couldn't see or hear her?

I don't think that had anything to do with the cage being lined with lead as much as these writers having Kara (and the other DC superheroes) not use her powers when those powers would minimize or short-circuit whatever plot they are trying to do. There have been plenty of times, for instance, when regular people escaped her (and Flash) on foot when that should be impossible because they have super-speed, not to mention in Kara's case, super-hearing, x-ray and telescopic vision (or at least, if her power set is the same as traditional Supergirl/man; we haven't yet seen as far as I remember, her using any other vision powers besides heat vision). Although none come immediately to mind, I'm sure that there are a bunch of scenarios that have happened on the show when Kara didn't use her super-hearing and she really should have, with no lead involved. 

50 minutes ago, HunterHunted said:

Except that Rhea revealed that it wasn't and would never be a fair fight when she deployed her troops in the middle of their trial by combat. Supergirl only deployed the weapon when she was told that the rest of them couldn't stop the Daxamite troops and as Rhea taunted that she would never stop her troops even if she lost. Is Kara supposed to hold to her principles when Rhea demonstrated that she was never going to adhere to her word and was always going to exercise the nuclear option? There is no honor in being willfully stupid.

I'm not saying that it wasn't right for Supergirl to deploy the lead bomb when she did.

I'm saying that she was lying when she gave her word that if she lost, the planet would surrender to Rhea. She knew that if she lost, Lena and company would deploy the lead bomb. 

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I don't think that had anything to do with the cage being lined with lead as much as these writers having Kara (and the other DC superheroes) not use her powers when those powers would minimize or short-circuit whatever plot they are trying to do.

But in that episode they specifically included a scene with Kara on the balcony talking to J'onn I think about how she's trying to listen for Alex. 


Except that Rhea revealed that it wasn't and would never be a fair fight when she deployed her troops in the middle of their trial by combat. Supergirl only deployed the weapon when she was told that the rest of them couldn't stop the Daxamite troops and as Rhea taunted that she would never stop her troops even if she lost. Is Kara supposed to hold to her principles when Rhea demonstrated that she was never going to adhere to her word and was always going to exercise the nuclear option? There is no honor in being willfully stupid.

I feel the same way. Rhea cheated first. We don't know how Kara would have acted if Rhea had won fair and square. But coming prepared for Rhea's betrayal definitely wasn't the most unrealistic thing, especially since the very episode before Kara did the same thing where she had Winn prepare for when Lillian would betray them. 

I don't really mind if Kara doesn't have a no kill rule as strong as Superman's (she killed Parasite before, didn't she?). Especially since they made it so the majority of the Daxamites apparently flew off in time, no matter how unrealistic that is. But I would like it if they showed Kara feel at least a bit pensive about that. 


She knew that if she lost, Lena and company would deploy the lead bomb. 

They couldn't apparently, since Supergirl held the trigger. It's more that the US government doesn't answer to Supergirl, so if she had lost chances are that they would at some point just have nuked the city. 

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6 hours ago, BkWurm1 said:

Seriously, why would anyone want that when we've never even met this Lois??  And you know they can't cast just anybody as Lois.  If/when they do, it's going to be a big deal.  But we aren't there yet.  Patience my friend!

Ehhh? DUDE! I'm talking aboot a Teri and Dean reunion, yo!??

6 hours ago, Dovega said:

I think GHSCORPIOSRULE meant a Dean Cain and Teri Hatcher reunion.


6 hours ago, BkWurm1 said:


And whoosh, that went over my head.  And it shouldn't have since I wanted that as well. Lol.  It's just Clark kept going on and on about how much he loved Lois and needed to get back to her I forgot all about my other Lois and Clark reunion hopes.  

?????Because we've both been talking about that and were hoping for it!!

5 hours ago, BkWurm1 said:

I thought the reason Rhea died was because everyone left her behind. Everyone else beamed up and the ships left National City.   So they went "meh" and went away before she died.  Not much loyalty there.  

Going back to Rhea bleeding Green K, how come Mon-El's dad didn't have kryptonite blood?  How long did Rhea hang out on her poisoned planet?  


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Wow, what subtlety with the title of this episode.  I wonder if the show will "treat" viewers to another year long hissy fit about the election next season.  It's proven to be the creative team's only priority for this show.

I could buy Supergirl winning a fight against Superman if it wasn't for the fact that she's had her ass handed to her in hand-to-hand combat with everyone she has faced this season, even those she should have been able to mop the floor with.

Alex and Maggie are getting married?  Really?  Talk about rushing things.  They only had Alex discover her sexuality this season and this is literally the first relationship she's been in.  What's the rush?  And this is coming from someone who thought Arrow rushed to get their two main characters engaged.

Edited by benteen
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1 hour ago, cambridgeguy said:


One problem the show has is Kara's has already become the perfect superhero.  She's been declared Earth's champion by the previous title holder, is beloved by the people, and works well with the government.  As Kara Danvers she's apparently a super reporter and her love life taking a hit isn't due to a personal flaw.  I don't know what part of the hero's journey is left.

As someone who is still watching Oliver Queen work out who he is for the 5th ffing season I welcome Kara being a fully functioning Superhero.

That's why I don't like the fact that they got rid of Mon El. I personally wanted  to see a reasonably well adjusted Superhero with an orderly life fight villains. 

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So Supergirl has the authority to say to Rhea, okay, if you beat me then the Earth surrenders.  Supergirl, an alien, speaking for Earth.  And no need to ask the world's leaders first what they think.  Back-up plan or not, that was just plain silly.

A little box can put enough "stuff" in the atmosphere to cover the planet.  A room, sure, but a planet?  Didn't they say it was lead they were putting into the air?  Unless I misheard that.  I can't imagine breathing lead is healthy for anyone.  I can see cancer rates skyrocketing in the next decade.

I agree that the fight scene special effects were spectacular.

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8 hours ago, RobertDeSneero said:

Seriously, though, they have certainly planted the seeds for some dissent, with Lillian's prediction that she won't take it well when she find's out and Lena asking Supergirl about Kara and Mon-El.

Hmmm, let's see.  Kara didn't tell Lena she's Supergirl when they first met because she didn't know her and she was afraid, because, well...Lena's a Luthor.  Now they are best buddies, and she still hasn't told her, because, well...maybe she'll be afraid of how Lena will react, but for pure storytelling, Lena will be all hurt and say if Kara really valued their friendship, she would have told her.   And then she won't talk to her for awhile.  Gosh that sounds familiar, doesn't it?  Like how Kara treated Mon-El?  And he actually had a good reason for not telling her, considering the racist comments Kara made against Daxamites.

But seriously, I hope they don't make a big deal out of it.  

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2 hours ago, Primal Slayer said:

Didn't we go through an entire episode where Alex was trapped in a lead lined cage and Kara couldn't see or hear her?

Yes, this show has always said that lead impairs Kara's x-ray vision and superhearing. Not just when Alex was kidnapped, but there was also the White Martian episode where Kara gave J'onn shit for lead-lining the DEO so she couldn't look for the WM, and in the Toyman episode, Winn's father lined some box with lead so Kara couldn't see there wasn't an actual human child inside (it was just a doll/decoy).

I agree that Kara doesn't use her powers nearly as much as she realistically would, but the show HAS been consistent that lead blocks her vision and superhearing.

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8 hours ago, VCRTracking said:

Loved Winn continuing to fanboy over Superman and also running and hugging and calling J'onn "Papa Bear".

Yeah, Winn's been great, and don't forget that J'onn hugged him back.  J'onn loves being the dad to his second family.

Loved some of the White Martians helping out, and hey, that means they've got more troops to go against the White Martians that would like to wipe out Earth and J'onn.

Lena should be more involved with the DEO next season, and if her and Winn get together, I won't mind.  Two characters with family members that are criminals, who went completely against them and fight to protect people.  Also her reaction to Kara telling her she's Supergirl better be something like "So, I'm going from 2 best friends to 1?  Oh well."  Her reaction should be that she isn't pissed about it, and she understands.

Superman's "Well, at least he tried", after he took down Rhea's top soldier was great.

Edited by Jediknight
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8 hours ago, Chicago Redshirt said:

The notion that the Lex Box could spread that much lead such that it would disperse throughout the atmosphere seems crazy.

If there were any attempt to deal with sci-fi plot points in a way that makes sense, I'd assume the box transmuted a certain percentage of atoms in the air into lead (or kryptonite) to affect the whole planet's atmosphere at once. Otherwise enough lead to spread everywhere in useful amounts would have required something like a massive volcanic explosion to propel it (and taken days to cover the whole globe). But with these writers, who knows?

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52 minutes ago, Mellowyellow said:


That's why I don't like the fact that they got rid of Mon El. I personally wanted  to see a reasonably well adjusted Superhero with an orderly life fight villains. 

At the risk of sounding like a broken record- It's been reported that Chris Wood will be back next season, which means that Mon-El will return. Even if you (the general "you") didn't read the media thread here, it's been confirmed in this thread on the first page.

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