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  1. Someone ought to let him know it's about a creature that eats purple people. Purple people like him and his Sentinels. It's about time! No more fainting.
  2. And he was at a school event targeting fresh-faced young people for recruitment and obliquely compared himself to comet finder Charles Messier spending "lonely hours" looking for "fleeting little jewels". Something about Ellie and Peter made him decided he'd found what he was looking for. Made him come across really creepily, as either desperate to produce vampire 'children' or a pedophile/ephebophile stalker. Yes. Yes. No.
  3. Personally, I suspect it was mostly an excuse to challenge Lilandra. Deathbird tried to overthrow her once before in the previous series and made a deal with Apocalypse to do so (who left her high-and-dry after abducting Oracle, the telepathic member of the Imperial Guard, since he was really out to gather psychics to power the Axis of Time and recreate the universe). That was neat!
  4. Deathbird (given name Cal'syee Neramani) and the Shi'ar Imperial Guard were fighting Ronan the Accuser (seen in the Guardians of the Galaxy movie), a champion of the Kree Empire, which is ruled by the Supreme Intelligence (seen in the Captain Marvel movie). The Shi'ar, the Kree and the Skrulls are the three major alien empires in Marvel Comics, each of them based in a different galaxy (none of which is our own Milky Way). They all go to war on and off frequently, especially the Kree and Skrulls. All three empires felt threatened by the emergence of Dark Phoenix, and the Kree and Skrulls each sent an observer to Jean's execution by the Shi'ar in the Dark Phoenix Saga in the original. Apparently, the Shi'ar and Kree are at war right now and the Shi'ar are winning. The Kree are from the Large Magellanic Cloud, the Skrulls are from the Andromeda Galaxy, and the Shi'ar are from an unnamed galaxy.
  5. IIRC, in the comics the handwave was that she could use electromagnetism to rearrange molecules on her person.
  6. Like when she turned her civilian clothes into her costume with her powers in the pilot episode of the animated series which I just rewatched.
  7. All Aes Sedai are allowed to marry, the fact that they rarely do is voluntary and also a consequence of their differences from most people. Yes, Leane is in the show: https://wheeloftime.fandom.com/wiki/Leane_Sharif
  8. Dunk and Egg have both been cast!: https://winteriscoming.net/posts/george-r-r-martin-signs-off-on-dunk-and-egg-casting-you-re-going-to-love-him-01hv1tkfas6w
  9. Indeed. Terry Brooks's 1977 The Sword of Shannara followed LOTR very closely, too, but the Shannara series developed its distinct flavor.
  10. Scandal. Even if Oliver were dead, it being publicly known his mother had an affair could only be embarrassing for James and might result in him being excluded from social circles, and Oliver wouldn't want that. He probably told James on his deathbed, though, since Clara sensed he knows more than he's saying. Maybe he wanted James to disinherit Frederick and James didn't go along with it. In which case, we'll hear about it in due time. It seemed like it was the first time Fletcher had seen him there. Thanks for letting us know!
  11. ? Eliza didn't want to go anywhere. She was still adjusting William's pillow when the episode faded out. And this is Matt Olsen's first acting role. Laura Marcus has had more, but not all that many. Her longest-running was 13 episodes of Bad Education. I'm not sure what you mean here. We already knew Henry had done that. Both of them must have studied the adult actors' performances. I'm half Scottish, and yes. His voice sounded exactly like Stuart Martin's at times. My mother thought so, too, and she's married to a Scotsman. That would have worked. I guess they didn't think of it. They didn't say it was depressing, although with the Russians it's a good bet. Watching Young William, I was struck by how different he was from the young man he would eventually take under his wing.
  12. Yes, several characters and places have Arthurian-derived names: Moiraine Damodred = Morgan/Morgana al'Lan Mandragoran = Lancelot Nynaeve al'Meara = Nivaine/Nimue Egwene al'Vere = Guinevere Elayne Trakand = Elaine Thom Merrilin = Merlin Morgase Trakand = Morgause Gawyn Trakand = Gawain Artur Paendrag Tanreall, known as Artur Hawkwing = Arthur Pendragon Tar Avalon = Avalon Caemlyn = Camlann
  13. And the Bellasises could have pulled strings because they wanted their in-laws to be titled. Possible, but I wouldn't bet on her not being exactly who she seems. Fortunately, I don't find her dull.
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