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Briana DeJesus: Farm league promoted to the Majors

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10 hours ago, Emmierose said:

The preview for Teen Mom 2 is being shown regularly on MTV and all I can think every time Brianna says "We shall see what comes OUUWT" at the end is that she has a speech impediment.  Because the more I think of it, the more it seems she has always had a strange way of speaking.  I guess I used to assume it was a faint accent, but that's not it at all, her speech definitely seems off to me.   Maybe that's why her mother and Brittney baby her so much, perhaps she had some speech or learning delays as a young girl.

I've always thought she had a speech impediment. The way she sticks out her lower lip with certain words always bothered me. I can't really explain it better. This was the main reason I didn't want her back - I didn't want to look at her mouf when she talked.

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1 hour ago, DudeLeaveMeAlone said:

I've always thought she had a speech impediment. The way she sticks out her lower lip with certain words always bothered me. I can't really explain it better. This was the main reason I didn't want her back - I didn't want to look at her mouf when she talked.

I don’t watch her segaments but it sounds like it’s the same as the way I can’t watxh Javi because of his mouth.  His lips don’t close.  I have to look at my lap or above the tv or something until his face is off the screen. I can’t watch it.  Before he became a big game whore it didn’t bug me as bad.  Now, it’s all I see. Terrible. I know. 

  • Love 10
3 hours ago, DudeLeaveMeAlone said:

I've always thought she had a speech impediment. The way she sticks out her lower lip with certain words always bothered me. I can't really explain it better. This was the main reason I didn't want her back - I didn't want to look at her mouf when she talked.

Her entire existence bothers me.... and don’t get me started on her eating/chewing. She’s so fucking gross! I pray mtv never makes us watch this pathetic loser and her ratchet ass family ever again! I’ll take 2 more ambers, and half a jenelle in order to get this bitch off my screen. 

  • Love 17
22 hours ago, JuliesMommy said:

Her entire existence bothers me.... and don’t get me started on her eating/chewing. She’s so fucking gross! I pray mtv never makes us watch this pathetic loser and her ratchet ass family ever again! I’ll take 2 more ambers, and half a jenelle in order to get this bitch off my screen. 

Whoooooaaaa!! Let's not be so hasty.  Last thing we need is to conjure 2 Ambers in the universe.

  • Love 19
On 4/16/2018 at 8:19 AM, JuliesMommy said:

Her entire existence bothers me.... and don’t get me started on her eating/chewing. She’s so fucking gross! I pray mtv never makes us watch this pathetic loser and her ratchet ass family ever again! I’ll take 2 more ambers, and half a jenelle in order to get this bitch off my screen. 


On 4/17/2018 at 6:54 AM, Brooklynista said:

Whoooooaaaa!! Let's not be so hasty.  Last thing we need is to conjure 2 Ambers in the universe.

lol...killing it.

But let's hold off on half a Jenelle.  She will remain a bargaining chip if needed.  

  • Love 9
34 minutes ago, Rebecca said:

Thread title change proposal - Briana DeJesus: I caaaaan’t.

It works multiple ways because most don’t like her or want her on the show, she caaan’t do anything for herself/without the coven and most importantly, it’s her mother’s favorite line, obviously!

I don't care if/what we change it to, but if @Kazu suggests anything about spitting, I'm out.

  • Love 15
41 minutes ago, Birdee said:

I don't care if/what we change it to, but if @Kazu suggests anything about spitting, I'm out.

LOL The people in charge wouldn't allow it. Too bad. Same with Kail. Anything that mentions her weight is not allowed.

1 hour ago, Rebecca said:

Thread title change proposal - Briana DeJesus: I caaaaan’t.

It works multiple ways because most don’t like her or want her on the show, she caaan’t do anything for herself/without the coven and most importantly, it’s her mother’s favorite line, obviously!

It works for me. This would also work: Briana DeJesus: *(&^^%(&))&*$@!!^

  • Love 8


Naturally that was my first suggestion ! ? It’s definitely worth repeating though because I truly caaaan’t with her, nor do I even want to. Briana sucks.

On 5/11/2018 at 2:57 PM, Rebecca said:

Thread title change proposal - Briana DeJesus: I caaaaan’t.

It works multiple ways because most don’t like her or want her on the show, she caaan’t do anything for herself/without the coven and most importantly, it’s her mother’s favorite line, obviously!

Edited by Rebecca
  • Love 6
On 4/16/2018 at 4:19 PM, JuliesMommy said:

Her entire existence bothers me.... and don’t get me started on her eating/chewing. She’s so fucking gross! I pray mtv never makes us watch this pathetic loser and her ratchet ass family ever again! I’ll take 2 more ambers, and half a jenelle in order to get this bitch off my screen. 

OMG I agree 100%..but the worst for eating and talking are  Catelyn and Kail.....stuff their mouths as full as possible then talk!!!   I was always taught to  Never  talk whilst eating and to eat with my mouth closed!!!   What i think is even worse though...and this REALLY makes me want to vomit....talking whilst having a great wad of gum rolling around in the mouth!!!   Sad to say..but one of the worst for doing this is Chelsea..and I really like her...but most of them do it!  don't even get me started on Amber vomiting into a carrier bag on TV for money!!!!  

  • Love 9
45 minutes ago, MistyMeg said:

OMG I agree 100%..but the worst for eating and talking are  Catelyn and Kail.....stuff their mouths as full as possible then talk!!!   I was always taught to  Never  talk whilst eating and to eat with my mouth closed!!!   What i think is even worse though...and this REALLY makes me want to vomit....talking whilst having a great wad of gum rolling around in the mouth!!!   Sad to say..but one of the worst for doing this is Chelsea..and I really like her...but most of them do it!  don't even get me started on Amber vomiting into a carrier bag on TV for money!!!!  

Briana eating was pretty disgusting but I’ll never get the image of Leah eating those gummy worms (or bears, whatever) in the car with Germy out of my head.  Yuck

  • Love 5

When the shape shifting Manatee / She Hulk exudes class and character on camera compared to you, you know you’ve pissed off the editors irreparably. 

Also, sorry if this has been covered before but what’s wrong with Bri’s ass?! It’s a perfect rectangle. Curious. 

Edited by MollyZee
  • Love 8
17 minutes ago, Mkay said:

So, she says she quit.  ?

I’ll believe it when the checks stop coming to her.  She’s got 2 kids and the coven to support.  Speaking of which.  I’ve always wondered, I swear in her original 16&P episode they lived in a decent looking single family home.  What happened with that??  Now they are all 5 crammed into an apartment?  

Edited by geauxaway
  • Love 6

If a stranger offered me free plastic surgery via Twitter appropos of nothing, that would truly be a strange day. I cannot even imagine accepting such an offer!


Having a huge fake ass won’t get rid of those two fatherless wastes (Brit and Ma de Crack-Cocaine; and she has 2 kids, too!), so way to ensure you continue to attract the same type of MTV-check seeking wannabe rapper who splits for truck school states away that you always have. And javi. I gusss that’s the best she can/has ever/should ever hope for. 


If this family were depicted in a movie, that film would instantly be declared the most racist, wrongheaded, lazy and ignorant thing since Brer Rabbit. But to this family, all of their biggest dreams have come true and they’re the grand successes they’ve always wanted to be. This family implies that you really can’t help some people. That opportunities always will be wasted and goalposts will always be set at the opposite end of the field. Terrible.

  • Love 3
2 hours ago, NickPappagiorgio said:


Having a huge fake ass won’t get rid of those two fatherless wastes (Brit and Ma de Crack-Cocaine; and she has 2 kids, too!), so way to ensure you continue to attract the same type of MTV-check seeking wannabe rapper who splits for truck school states away that you always have. And javi. I gusss that’s the best she can/has ever/should ever hope for. 


It reminds me of Khloe Kardashian showing off her post-baby "snapback" body on Instagram today. It's like yeah great, you got a ton of surgery to get your figure back, your man's still a worthless jerk who'd rather bang strippers than be home with you, so whole lot of good that balloon ass is doing you. These girls need psychiatrists, not plastic surgeons.

  • Love 16
On 2/15/2018 at 7:07 PM, Calm81 said:

I don’t find anything about her pretty, with or without her nasty personality. She’s got a weird face. Brittany, however, I believe is beautiful. Brittany is the underrated beauty and Briana is the overrated nonbeauty. 

If she truly laughed about the school shooting she can rot in hell with satan spitting in her ass, fucking puta!

I guess it's all about individual taste, but I find neither Briana nor Brittany beautiful.  Brittany looks like a young version of her nasty mother. 

  • Love 8
7 hours ago, StayingAfterSunday said:

I guess it's all about individual taste, but I find neither Briana nor Brittany beautiful.  Brittany looks like a young version of her nasty mother. 

After watching her on the reunion my thoughts on Brittany have changed. She’s a bit much and her ugliness shines through. The whole entire coven is full of mean and ugly bitches that will bite your pecker during oral if you dare to even mildly slight them. ?

Edited by Calm81
iPhone didn’t want me to type pecker so it put in peck - nice phone ?
  • Love 9

Briana DeJesus told her Instagram Live followers on Tuesday that she was “done” with Teen Mom 2and that she has quit the show. While it was reported that Bri and her sister Brittany DeJesus walked off stage after the fight, and Briana told producers she was quitting the show and then flew home to Florida, that’s not exactly how it went down, according to The Ashley’s sources.

“Briana and Brittany were TOLD not to come back on Sunday,” one crew source tells The Ashley. “It wasn’t their decision to not film. They got sent home.” (The Ashley wants to clarify, though, that Briana was not fired; she was just sent home from the Reunion taping.)

The Ashley has learned the reason the DeJesus girls were not allowed back on set was due to the violence they showed onstage. As The Ashley already told you, Brittany pulled Kail Lowry‘s hair during the on-stage altercation. However, a source told The Ashley that Briana was “acting like a madwoman” on stage and had to be tackled by MTV’s security.

“She was trying to get to Kail on the stage and when she couldn’t, she was screaming and throwing stuff. She threw a vase that was on-set!” one crew source stated. “The vase shattered and Briana was screaming like a crazy person.”

Multiple sources confirm that one of the largest security guards on-set came up behind Briana and put her into a bear-hug grip to keep her from throwing anything else.

“The guy is huge and he had her super tight, but Briana kept trying to wiggle out of his grip and was kicking [him] so she could be released,” the crew source said. “She ended up falling to floor and the security guard went with her.” (Bri even admitted to falling on set, telling The Hollywood Gossip, “I slipped and fell trying to get over the table to get to Kail and then my sister got into it.”)

Briana also suffered a “wardrobe malfunction” as a result of the fall.

“Her dress came up and her thong was totally exposed,” the crew source said. “Like, they’re going to have to blur out her butt if they show the footage. She didn’t seem too worried about it, though.”

“The best part of the entire thing is that the audience started chanting “Kail! Kail!” like [they do] on The Jerry Springer Show while it was all going on on-stage!”

Briana’s future on the show is still up in the air, though, as is everyone else’s.

“No one signed Season 9 contracts this [past] weekend like it was originally planned,” the source said.

If there is, indeed, a Season 9, The Ashley hears that the show’s producers are trying to think of a new way to do the Reunions.

“There is NO WAY they’re going to keep doing the reunions this way because it’s clearly an unsafe environment to have all of them together,” the crew source said. “Everyone saw her throw the vase, and were not OK with it. Now [the show’s producers] have to figure out how they’re gonna do the reunions going forward but it’s clear that it can’t stay the way it is anymore.

This is not the first on-stage fight that the DeJesus women have been involved in. Back in 2013, Brittany tried to instigate a fight with Briana’s first baby-daddy, Devoin Austin on stage, trying to get him to hit her. (Devoin had to be held back by a security guard.) Meanwhile, Briana’s mother, Roxanne got her high heels ready to chuck at Devoin.


Edited by druzy
  • Love 11

The security guard should have let Briana go. Not only would I have enjoyed seeing her try and hit Kail, seeing Kail drop her would be the cherry on the top. Bri wouldn't have done shit if she knew she wouldn't be stopped and her sister wasn't there. Why was Brittany on stage for the group anyway?

I'm hoping it's cancelled but if it is done now, Kail will be insistent that it's because of the Coven. She refuses to acknowledge her faults in everything. She admitted on her podcast that she was having financial issues and since I can't see how she makes anything on it, cancellation is going to kick her ass hard. (I didn't listen to her podcast, just read something linked her.) She's said a few things that make me think she's trying to spin things as her leaving on her own accord, when there is no way she would walk away from this shitshow. She likes the attention and money too much. 

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Oh I’m crossing all toes and fingers that the contracts don’t get renewed. I wish Kailyn would have called the police and filed charges against Brittany for pulling her hair like that and then get a restraining order against them - or told MTV she needed to be fired for physical harassment. 

Let me add, I’m not siding with Kailyn AT ALL, I just want something to be done that will lead to the show being canceled. I mean, it would be a perfect time to cancel the show...right BEFORE the coven get a chance to even see a big check (they’ve only been given small checks so far) and while Kailyn has no savings. I don’t want them to get another season because then Kailyn might be smart and save some money and you can live comfortably on 300k and social media ads for a little while. I don’t want her to have money saved as I want to see her getting a job at Starbucks and see what have three kids on low wages is really like after all of her humble bragging “such a struggle to travel to all of these exotic places with three kids” to then “hard to manage an inconsistent work shift at Starbucks when you have three kids and hard to pay my utilities.”

I know the boys will be taken care of because of jo and Javi’s large family but I  want to see Kailyn struggle a bit and go back to hair dye in a box...and bogo at Payless shoe store.

Finished my rant. I’m a jealous bitter viewer that wants to see their ego be dropped.

Theses moms are going to REGRET getting pregnant additional times when they lose the mtv money. Not smart ladies, wasn’t very smart. Easy to pop out kid after kid when you get large unearned checks thrown your way and don’t need to worry about childcare.

Okay nowwwww my rant is over lol.

Edited by Calm81
  • Love 18
14 hours ago, druzy said:

Briana also suffered a “wardrobe malfunction” as a result of the fall.

“Her dress came up and her thong was totally exposed,” the crew source said. “Like, they’re going to have to blur out her butt if they show the footage. She didn’t seem too worried about it, though.”

Welp, there it is folks.  Bitch literally showed her ass.  

  • Love 12
5 hours ago, Calm81 said:

Theses moms are going to REGRET getting pregnant additional times when they lose the mtv money. Not smart ladies, wasn’t very smart. Easy to pop out kid after kid when you get large unearned checks thrown your way and don’t need to worry about childcare.

You don't know how badly I want to see Teen Mom 2: 5, 10, 15, and 20 years later specials just to see how humbled these women will be without those sweet TM2 checks. I see Kail living in a much more modest house and working a 9 to 5, Leah in a trailer and maybe married to a dude she'll actually have to try to stay married to, Jenelle on welfare and in a trailer/section 8 housing, and Briana back to square one in an even more cramped apartment. The only one who might be doing well is Chelsea, but even she might have to curb her baby and farm animal impulses and start picking up a few hours at the spa at some point. Frankly, the show and these females lost so much appeal to me I'm only holding out for karma at this point, which will happen swiftly if they don't reup their contracts.

Edited by HeySandyStrange
  • Love 11
15 hours ago, druzy said:


Was Amber told not to return to film after she and Matt went on the attack against Farrah and Michael?

Amber still has her job.

It seems to me as I read this article from this "source" that it doesn't seem any different than what went down with Amber. The only difference is, Amber didn't throw a vase because there were no vases around. I am almost smelling an MTV stage rat. Someone was told to put vases on the set to "pretty it up" when in fact, they hoped a fight would occur and one of them would grab a vase. Remember how Roxanne threw a vase at Devoid?

  • Love 9
18 minutes ago, Kazu said:

Was Amber told not to return to film after she and Matt went on the attack against Farrah and Michael?

Amber still has her job.

It seems to me as I read this article from this "source" that it doesn't seem any different than what went down with Amber. The only difference is, Amber didn't throw a vase because there were no vases around. I am almost smelling an MTV stage rat. Someone was told to put vases on the set to "pretty it up" when in fact, they hoped a fight would occur and one of them would grab a vase. Remember how Roxanne threw a vase at Devoid?

I didn't know Roxanne threw a vase at Devoid. Now I definitely see a set up. 

I Googled and found a clip from Teen Mom 3. These people are ratchet!

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