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S05.E19: Triple Trouble

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Very confused by the Schwartz family. His mom seemed normal enough, so what's the deal?The  money excuse for the brothers not coming was just bizarre considering Katie spent more on towel invites than their plane ticket would cost. Hopefully this gets explained in an interview somewhere. 

I thought the bridesmaid dresses were simple and pretty. What was so hideous about them? 

The Shay marriage scenes are painful foreshadowing but Scheana seemed over that relationship for a long time now. 

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1 minute ago, racked said:

I thought the bridesmaid dresses were simple and pretty. What was so hideous about them? 

I didn't find them hideous. Just drab and depressing. 

Maybe I'll change my mind when I see how they fit with the overall "theme". 

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1 minute ago, ghoulina said:

I didn't find them hideous. Just drab and depressing. 

Maybe I'll change my mind when I see how they fit with the overall "theme". 

They are just so cheap.  Rayon and very flammable for sure.  I'm sure Kristen week catch on fire at the reception with alcohol and cigarettes...

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Idk, the way these wedding costs were escalating -- and Katie just gave another who-gives-a-fuck eye roll at each ridiculous increase?  Me thinks, despite all the denials, Bravo was absolutely contributing BIG TIME to this thing.  They had to be.  How can these 2 chucklefucks afford 75 thou?

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Were the producers thinking that viewers were itching & eager for Lala to return?  Meh & yawn.  Who cares about her?  I suspect they wanna bring her back.  If Lisa will take back loser James, then why not Lala too?  I never usually pay attention to those stupid fake polls on WWHL, but I believed the one where nobody wanted Lala to come back.  Fuck off, Lala.  You seem happy enough living your hooker/mistress life, despite your weeping to Lisa about bullshit anxieties.  Get lost, hun.  It's bad enough, producers, you're still throwing Muppet James at us.  Keep Lala off & away.

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Oh my... those lips! They may be bigger than Rinna's.

I thought Ariana looked very pretty in the alley and Stassi looked beautiful in her photo shoot.

It is disturbing to watch S&S.

Lala's segment was a dud.

And finally, Jax is the greek chorus and the voice of reason! Love it!!

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8 minutes ago, biakbiak said:

Their Vanderpump salaries plus doesn't at least Tom do club appearances?

We don't know what they make.  It's possible, but they make not make all that much from Bravo.  And they live in LA.  75 thou will take a big chunk outta whatever they have.  I'm still not getting Katie's casual attitude about these expenses.

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8 hours ago, Sun-Bun said:


Stassi's photo shoot...she looked good from the neck up, but just once I'd like to see one of these broads do an actual photo shoot that doesn't involve getting half naked and skanking it up. I would've liked seeing her actually rocking some elegant gowns or edgy professional gear, honestly. Guess it's way too easy to simply go back to the slutwear when these gals need to "get their groove back."

I don't think what one wears or doesn't wear relates directly to their sexual activities. I certainly wouldn't be bold enough to wear what she wore, but to each their own. There's no such thing as "slutwear" and if someone wants to sleep with a bazillion people that's their prerogative as long as they stay safe, use protection and/or do not cheat on anyone. 

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13 hours ago, Long Spot said:

As the mom of a special needs kid, I picked up on some small cues and hints that lead me to believe that the triplets might face some extra challenges in their every day lives, and likely why they are living with mom and dad.  Gotta admit though, I don't understand why Schwartz's dad couldn't, oh I don't know...drive to the wedding?

I haven't been a Jax fan in a long time, but I've got to admit, he's winning me back a bit with his saying exactly what we are all thinking regarding a few of the relationships on this show.  Note to Scheana, Katie, and Schwartz...When you start to make Jax Taylor look wise, it's time to examine your choices.  And he's the only one with the balls/steroid raisins to do it.

Great.  Now I feel bad about making fun of Tom's special needs brothers over a shared prepaid phone.  Thanks, Vanderpump Rules.

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As for paying for the wedding remember back when they booked the venue for a Wednesday at the beginning of the season they had to make a $5,000.00 deposit.  Bravo refuses to pay for weddings directly.  So those two paid for it, but obviously they have the regular Bravo pay checks.  Plus instagram ads and all that other stuff.  They did a big weekend long couple appearance over the the 4th of July for one of the Las Vegas hotels that probably got them cash for the wedding in time for the check Schwartz is writing.

Edited by sturf
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3 hours ago, ScoobieDoobs said:

Idk, the way these wedding costs were escalating -- and Katie just gave another who-gives-a-fuck eye roll at each ridiculous increase?  Me thinks, despite all the denials, Bravo was absolutely contributing BIG TIME to this thing.  They had to be.  How can these 2 chucklefucks afford 75 thou?

They make $15k an episode.  We are coming up on episode 20, and still have the Reunion to go.

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24 minutes ago, zoeysmom said:

They make $15k an episode.  We are coming up on episode 20, and still have the Reunion to go.

They also make between $5000 - $15000 for appearances at various clubs. Hotel and flights are paid for by the promoter of the venue. Most of the money they get is done "under the table"

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2 hours ago, MVFrostsMyPie said:

I don't think what one wears or doesn't wear relates directly to their sexual activities. I certainly wouldn't be bold enough to wear what she wore, but to each their own. There's no such thing as "slutwear" and if someone wants to sleep with a bazillion people that's their prerogative as long as they stay safe, use protection and/or do not cheat on anyone. 

"Slutwear"= known slang term for revealing clothes/accessories that resemble those of a stripper/glamour model and/or sex-worker, a'la "slutty heels" or "stripper boots". Just an FYI.

And obviously I wasn't implying that Stassi herself or a gal who wears this stuff is a slut; slut-shaming is certainly not my intention here. Just saying, after all the usual half-naked shenanigans and modeling shoots on this show, it'd be oddly refreshing to see a woman keep her clothing ON and rely on seducing the camera with more than just her naked breasts/bare ass. Hell, at this point I'd be impressed if one of these chucklefucks even attempted to ace the ATC or consider gradschool, let alone gave up the chance to randomly flash one's chonies on national television.

Edited by Sun-Bun
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Does anyone remember how many of the tacky tea towel invitations Katie ordered?  I can't recall, but I also can't imagine them having more than 50 guests at the wedding which means they are spending more than $1,000 per guest on just the wedding (without cake, gowns, etc).  Hope they don't expect to recoup the cost from the "gifts" they will receive...

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5 hours ago, racked said:

Very confused by the Schwartz family. His mom seemed normal enough, so what's the deal?The  money excuse for the brothers not coming was just bizarre considering Katie spent more on towel invites than their plane ticket would cost. Hopefully this gets explained in an interview somewhere. 

I thought the bridesmaid dresses were simple and pretty. What was so hideous about them? 

The Shay marriage scenes are painful foreshadowing but Scheana seemed over that relationship for a long time now. 

Count me as not a fan of the dresses but that's more to do with the material. From far and with hair and make-up, I'm sure I would like the look of dress but the material is stiffer and shiny and so 'bridesmaid' that you can't even reuse the dress without it being obvious that you're wearing a former bridesmaids dress, lol. I would love it if it were a softer, flowy material and a different colour, particularly because Katie's wedding dress is two-toned (though I liked the bridesmaids dresses better than her wedding dress if I'm going to be honest). 

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1 hour ago, FlyingEgret said:

Does anyone remember how many of the tacky tea towel invitations Katie ordered?  I can't recall, but I also can't imagine them having more than 50 guests at the wedding which means they are spending more than $1,000 per guest on just the wedding (without cake, gowns, etc).  Hope they don't expect to recoup the cost from the "gifts" they will receive...

I have this sneaking suspicion that the tea towels only went to people in the LA area. You'd have to be the biggest dope to pay $18 a piece for those and still have to ship them across the country.

Edited by HunterHunted
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I just realized what was bothering me about that sheer black bodysuit Stassi was wearing at her photoshoot -- LaLa wore the same suit earlier this season! OK, not the SAME suit as her... Speaking of which, LaLa kinda looks like she had some work done on her face since last time.

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3 hours ago, Sun-Bun said:

"Slutwear"= known slang term for revealing clothes/accessories that resemble those of a stripper/glamour model and/or sex-worker, a'la "slutty heels" or "stripper boots". Just an FYI.

I'm aware of that and didn't need a lesson on it. I just don't think it's necessary to throw an outdated slang term around, that's all. :)

Edited by MVFrostsMyPie
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1 hour ago, HunterHunted said:

I have this sneaking suspicion that the tea towels only went to people in the LA area. You'd have to be the biggest dope to pay $18 a piece for those and still have to ship them across the country.

And I think I spied one of the tea towels thrown over that fake dead pig's face in a previous episode. So that's what those are good for. Ha!

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Just now, Adultosaurus said:

To think that Bravo didn't foot the bill for the wedding is naive.  Of course they did, and the venue waived their fee for the 10 times their name was flashed on screen.

The producers have said that they didn't give any money for this wedding or Scheana's. The venue probably did waive some or all of their fee.

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10 hours ago, zoeysmom said:

So the $51,000.00 didn't include the cake-Tom and Katie had to bring their own cake-two days before the event? 

I had a second thought about the $51,000.00 bill, maybe it included lodging for everyone and the others decided to pay for the own lodging?  I still can't imagine they could book a place without a huge deposit or pre-paid.

The $51k didn't include the $15k dress, the cake that they provided themselves, the car full of liquor they described hauling up there themselves, the terribly tacky $2500 tea towels, plus postage for same, gifts for their attendants (I'm giving them more credit than they probably deserve in hoping they gave their attendants gifts), and dozens of other "little" expenses that "nickle and dime" you to death when you're planning a wedding. This also didn't include Tom's get-up, but often the groom's garb is "free" with the grooms' attendants' rentals. They also SHOULD have factored in whatever they paid that ridiculous singing butler (?!) who they used to invite Lisa to be their officiant, as well as given Lisa a very generous gift, and really they should have offered to pay for at least some of Lisa's accommodation.  They topped out at $75k if they spent a dime.  The fact they didn't allocate just $1500 to fly in Tom's brothers is just crazy and sad to me. And keep in mind those were "last minute" tickets -- a little pre-planning and they could have gotten those for less, I'm sure.

Lisa's attitude of "I see her vision, and although it is not my taste, my job is to shut up and let the bride have her day" is the essence of good manners and these chucklefucks would do well to learn that from her.

Last night I remarked aloud, "sweet tap dancing Christ, when Jax fucking Taylor speaks the words of wisdom and maturity about your life, you need to think long and hard about your choices in life."  

I also laughed out loud at, "Shay and I went to counseling once and never needed to go again because we learned to communicate." Oh, my sweet summer child.

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5 hours ago, zoeysmom said:

They make $15k an episode.  We are coming up on episode 20, and still have the Reunion to go.

Wait, wait, wait, so that would mean as a couple they make well over 600 thou?  Um, what the what?????  They sure don't live like they make that kinda dough.  I'm totally confused.  So that pre-nup meeting with the homeless man lawyer was complete & total bullshit?  Just what the hell do these 2 chucklefucks spend all their Bravo dough on?  Taco Bell & booze?  

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8 hours ago, zoeysmom said:

They make $15k an episode.  We are coming up on episode 20, and still have the Reunion to go.

The $15K per episode figure comes from a lawsuit brought on my Tom Sandoval's former agent. Sandoval dumped him after season 2 and renegotiated his season 3 salary without him and refused to pay him 10% even though he had signed a five year contract with the agent. The former agent sued him for 10% (his cut) of his salary, which he believed or heard was $15K per episode. This number may not be correct since the former agent who came up with the number was not part of the contract negotiations. It would seem that if you were going sue someone for a percentage of their salary and didn't know their number that you would overestimate rather than underestimate the number. Over $300k a season sounds high, which is why I find it hard to believe. Some Housewives reportedly don't make that much and Vanderpump Rules has a larger cast who started out with less money than most of the Housewives. Granted their ratings are higher than all but three of the Real Housewives shows (Atlanta, Orange County and Beverly Hills) and it sounds like the producers comp more things on the Housewives shows so it's possible that amount is correct but I question it.

Edited by glowbug
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13 hours ago, ScoobieDoobs said:

We don't know what they make.  It's possible, but they make not make all that much from Bravo.  And they live in LA.  75 thou will take a big chunk outta whatever they have.  I'm still not getting Katie's casual attitude about these expenses.

Apparently the sunglass company they always promote on their instas sponsored the entire wedding. Lol at the continuity f*ck-up from the super wierd pre-nup brokeness to casual 20k checks weeks later.  

They're a mess when it comes to faking finances. Remember when Jax kept complaining that Britney needed hooters shifts to help pay bills? Cringeworthy when he's telling interviewers about the sports car he bought his dad (and multiple for himself).  I do think Jax gets the most though.

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5 hours ago, glowbug said:

The $15K per episode figure comes from a lawsuit brought on my Tom Sandoval's former agent. Sandoval dumped him after season 2 and renegotiated his season 3 salary without him and refused to pay him 10% even though he had signed a five year contract with the agent. The former agent sued him for 10% (his cut) of his salary, which he believed or heard was $15K per episode. This number may not be correct since the former agent who came up with the number was not part of the contract negotiations. It would seem that if you were going sue someone for a percentage of their salary and didn't know their number that you would overestimate rather than underestimate the number. Over $300k a season sounds high, which is why I find it hard to believe. Some Housewives reportedly don't make that much and Vanderpump Rules has a larger cast who started out with less money than most of the Housewives. Granted their ratings are higher than all but three of the Real Housewives shows (Atlanta, Orange County and Beverly Hills) and it sounds like the producers comp more things on the Housewives shows so it's possible that amount is correct but I question it.

I believe his agent claimed that he negotiated $15K without him but said that even if he's not entitled to the 10% from that supposed number, Tom hasn't paid his 10% in full from his past contract where he claimed Tom made $38K but Tom only paid him a little over $1K so either way, Tom should be owing him money.

Another reason I don't think they would be getting paid that much is because salary varies based on how integral the people are to the show. For VPR, I can somewhat believe that number for Jax, lesser for Tom, definitely not for Katie and Schwartz. And it's most likely that these guys are paid on the lesser end of the totem pole which ranges from unpaid appearances to maybe $50K a year - you don't hit it big from a reality show unless you've built a brand around yourself (ex. Kardashians) or you're on a prime time, highly viewed show (ex. The Bachelor). For example - the Bachelor gets paid $100K-$300K a season and that show rakes in 6-8 million viewers a week. VPR brings in like 2-2.5 million viewers a week so I would find it hard to believe that they would be bringing in that kind of money. I do believe that reality stars of the VPR ilk likely make most of their money through IG posts and paid appearances.

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Whatever is going on here with finances, it's making absolutely no sense when it comes to this wedding.  A few eps ago, they were both claiming to have a few thou in the bank & now they're flipping checks for 20 thou.  And those bored, eye-rolling looks Katie gives the cam every time wedding costs go up & up & up & up for whatever ridiculous unnecessary bullshit?  WTF?

So they're supposedly spending 75 thou for the wedding, but they can't throw around another thou or 2 to get Tom's family there?  This really makes no sense.  We're missing important facts here.  Someone is paying for this wedding, but it sure as fuck ain't those 2 chucklefucks.

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16 hours ago, KungFuBunny said:

They also make between $5000 - $15000 for appearances at various clubs. Hotel and flights are paid for by the promoter of the venue. Most of the money they get is done "under the table"

So, a base salary of $315k (20 episodes plus the reunion--possibly if the reunion is split into three parts it would add another 30k, not sure how that works), plus paid club appearances, probably WWHL, promotional appearances, etc. 

Yeah, Tom worrying about $ is bullshit. And Lala can afford a Range Rover without having to blow somebody. I'm not saying she didn't. I'm saying she could afford to.

 I think I am the only person who feels bad for Katie about the tea towels. Don't get me wrong--they're not my cup of tea (rimshot). But I could tell she was going for a fun, unique keepsake that people could reuse and remember fondly. And what she got was "um what is this giant rag?" from pretty much everyone. 

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16 hours ago, RedDelicious said:

I think LaLa got new boobs during her three week hiatus. 

I dunno, I saw her on WWHL, & she didn't have much of a top on & they looked sized for her body & also jiggly like a real boob.

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3 hours ago, RHJunkie said:

I believe his agent claimed that he negotiated $15K without him but said that even if he's not entitled to the 10% from that supposed number, Tom hasn't paid his 10% in full from his past contract where he claimed Tom made $38K but Tom only paid him a little over $1K so either way, Tom should be owing him money.

Another reason I don't think they would be getting paid that much is because salary varies based on how integral the people are to the show. For VPR, I can somewhat believe that number for Jax, lesser for Tom, definitely not for Katie and Schwartz. And it's most likely that these guys are paid on the lesser end of the totem pole which ranges from unpaid appearances to maybe $50K a year - you don't hit it big from a reality show unless you've built a brand around yourself (ex. Kardashians) or you're on a prime time, highly viewed show (ex. The Bachelor). For example - the Bachelor gets paid $100K-$300K a season and that show rakes in 6-8 million viewers a week. VPR brings in like 2-2.5 million viewers a week so I would find it hard to believe that they would be bringing in that kind of money. I do believe that reality stars of the VPR ilk likely make most of their money through IG posts and paid appearances.

I think that the SURvers might be getting paid that much. When you take out federal, state, and local income taxes, they lose 40%. Then subtract what they pay agents, managers, and PR. Katie, Schwartz, Jax, and Kristen have to moved to nicer apartments and now drive nicer cars. I can believe that after all of that, they're left with about $100K for all of their other bills and other spending. The Bachelor is different. He has to be appealing for only one season. These dopes have to be compelling season after season. Their ratings are a little bit lower than RHoBH, but their viewer demographics are younger. It's an aging, but still valuable cast and program for Bravo.

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1 hour ago, HunterHunted said:

I think that the SURvers might be getting paid that much. When you take out federal, state, and local income taxes, they lose 40%. Then subtract what they pay agents, managers, and PR. Katie, Schwartz, Jax, and Kristen have to moved to nicer apartments and now drive nicer cars. I can believe that after all of that, they're left with about $100K for all of their other bills and other spending. The Bachelor is different. He has to be appealing for only one season. These dopes have to be compelling season after season. Their ratings are a little bit lower than RHoBH, but their viewer demographics are younger. It's an aging, but still valuable cast and program for Bravo.

I'm pretty sure they all rent their apartments - additional income from the show and outside opportunities would certainly afford them that luxury of moving to nicer places. And if they lose that additional income, they could just as easily downsize again. Their cars don't have to be paid for - they could be leased or financed. You don't need to own a $1M to live in a $1M dollar home, you just need to qualify for the loan.

Edit: I just read an article where Scheana and LVP supposedly denied that the cast was being paid $5000 and suggested that it was higher so perhaps you're right though I'm inclined to think that all are not paid equally but based on how integral they are to the show. I would say that Jax, Scheana and Sandoval probably get paid more than the rest and I'd say average the most camera time.

Edited by RHJunkie
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On 3/14/2017 at 5:22 AM, ghoulina said:

So Sandoval plays the trumpet? He really is a renaissance man. (*snort*) And I bet that's not the only time he's yelled, "You didn't finish your protein shake!" as a man left his apartment. 

Bwah!!  This is the funniest thing I have read in many days!  Love it!

$51k??  $10k of which is for flowers??  For a forest wedding?  Are these people fucking idiots?  (Wait, don't answer that.)   I know - - to each his own but I just can't see spending that much money on a party. Because that's really what the wedding is; a party to celebrate the marriage.  

Tequila Katie, if you're going to wear a beige-y colored dress over a t-shirt, don't wear a black thong.  Go with nude undergarments.  If you're in fashion, you should know this. 

Maybe shifty editing on the show's part but I had to snort with ironic laughter when Kristen claimed that Schwartz and Tequila Katie were heading up early and it would be good for them to be alone and it seems like Our Gang showed up within the hour.  And OF COURSE they are ALL staying in the same cabin with the bridal couple.  Maybe this is part of the problem that Schwartz and Katie have - - they can't go anywhere or do anything without the rest of the chucklefucks.  Honestly, I was waiting for one of them to show up with a kegger and someone else to suggest that playing spin the bottle would be all kinds of fun. Or maybe some skinny dipping, since these clowns can't seem to stop kissing each other and taking their clothes off. 

The bridesmaids' dresses were okay.  Brittany looks like she's going to bust (no pun intended) out of hers.  As much as I disliked Scheana's wedding dress (a crop top, seriously?) I really liked her bridesmaids' dresses.  The color was flattering (sort of champagne-ish) and the style worked well on everyone.  I've seen pics of Katie's wedding dress and it's totally not my taste at all. 

Something is clearly up with the Schwartz family.  His sister isn't coming because she has to work?  She can't take time off for her brother's wedding??  I have a family member in law enforcement, an important job, and time off was taken for my wedding.  Come on!   Lisa and Ken are busy business owners and they took time off to attend.  As far as Schwartz' dad not liking to fly, either take a Tylenol PM and sleep the whole way or check out Amtrak.  Regarding the triplets - - if you can drop $51k+ (because that price probably didn't include the photographer, invitations, attire) for your wedding, you can find less than $2k to fly your brothers out.  Sheesh.

Jax, if the brothers coming to the wedding was a secret surprise present, you either don't tell Brittany or you tell her very specifically that she isn't to say anything because it's a surprise.  Other than that, you're scaring me because your THs are witty and smart. 

Lisa may be hoity toity (and God love her for it) but she's absolutely correct that while the wedding may not be her taste or style, it's the couple's vision and you should just go with it. 

James, yawn.  Raquel's mother and sister clearly want to be on camera because there is no other excuse for being anything less than homicidal over James dating your daughter/sister. 

Lala is full of shit.  I can appreciate and sympathize with anyone who suffers from terrible anxiety.  But even in her anxiety ridden state, Lala managed to call the nail salon for those scary talons and the boob doctor (because her chest looked more ample than usual.)  Could she not have picked up the phone to call Lisa?  Even sending an email or text is better than blowing the whole thing off.  The only truthful thing I think she said was when she told The Nugget that you have to be a saint in order to be her friend. 

Scheana.  Oh, Scheana.  Nobody was buying the pregnancy yarn you were spinning.  And Shay always being "in the studio?"  Please.  He was extremely harsh with her when they were packing for the wedding.  He's clearly over it and has no fucks (or beats) left to give. 

StASSi looked very pretty in her photo shoot although I agree with the poster upthread who asked why she can't model with actual clothing.  Is she really going to put one of those pics on her dating site profile page?  Because . . .um . . . girl, you will attract a lot of attention but likely not the kind you claim you are looking for. 

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When LaLa and successful businesswoman Lisa Vanderbucks had that talk, did anyone get the feeling she was dog-whistling or talking in code when she told LaLa something to the effect that her problem with LaLa was her keeping her private life hidden?

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Will Bravo be reimbursing Katie and Tom for their wedding expenses, since it's a part of the show? Did Sheana and the beatsmaker get any money back? Anyone know?

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The most interesting thing about LaLa is that she allegedly turns tricks. If she won't indulge the audience with what's really up, then I see no reason to keep her around.

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DJ Muppet baby's supper with whoever that was (can you tell how much I care?) was awkward and boring. His comment about his new gf not being like a slut who you do you on the trunk of a Beemer wasn't nearly as clever as he thought it was. I was so disinterested that I kept alternating between wondering if this was filmed in the house of one of the RHoOC b/c the interior had that "Olive Garden on the Green" look to the décor and if the sister, I think, worked part or full time for the Jim Rose Circus. I was distracted momentarily by the family loudly gasping when DJ Muppet Baby tearfully confessed that he had been fired from Lisa Vanderbuck's restaurant. Who the hell does that?

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2 hours ago, psychoticstate said:

 Maybe this is part of the problem that Schwartz and Katie have - - they can't go anywhere or do anything without the rest of the chucklefucks.  

I think Tom and Katie got together as friends of this larger group and that the group is the only thing that they have in common, but at the same time it pulls them apart. The boys take Tom's side, the girls take Katie's side. It's beyond ridiculous. 

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Regardless of what their income is or what any of us would spend on a wedding relative to our income or assets, Tom has made it extremely clear what his opinion was and what he wanted to spend. A budget is a very basic thing you need to agree upon in a relationship (if you're sharing expenses). Katie completely disregarded his opinion and did whatever she wanted, in direct contravention of his wishes. That is a fundamental breach of the trust and covenant of the kind of relationship they've claimed they have/want. Regardless of their income or my opinion of their wedding budget, my problem with the situation is Katie's total disregard for and disrespect of Tom and their relationship. 

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First Off- It would not be MY choice to spend mucho bucks on one day. BUT if that's what they want....Different strokes.

Stassi did look great in those photos. She's kinda fun.

Schena-Give it up. You're divorced. Shay was your starter husband. 

Maybe Toms Dad CAN"T drive all the way across country. Not all of us have disposable income for gas, lodging, food for such a long trip. Heck some days I haven't had gas or $ to go the grocery! Some places don't give you off for weddings. Yes, even your brothers. I worked at one place where if you missed any time in your first 90 days you were fired. If you were sick or your Mom died you still better show up or no job. And we can't all afford to lose jobs. That being said if Tom & Katy could spend 20,000 on flowers they should have paid to get them out there.

Lastly I'm a smudge tired of hearing about "crappy" apartments. LOTS of us live in apartments and are dam thankful to have a roof over our heads! Maybe they aren't "new" or "fancy" but it's still our home and beats the hell out of the shelter. Those kids are making big bucks (yes they are big to most of us) and if they live in apartments they may WANT to. Ownership is a LOT of $$$$ when things break or go wrong. I'd rather just pick up the phone and let somebody else worry about it. I rented when I was young, owned when I had a family, and I rent now because I HATE lawn work!

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43 minutes ago, eurekagirl mOo said:

Lastly I'm a smudge tired of hearing about "crappy" apartments. 

The only apartment being referred to as "crappy" is the one FI & Ari are in.  It looks like a dump.  Everyone in the show, including Ari & FI, have pretty much said outright or implied it's a dump.  It is what it is.  A crappy dump.

Man, I was looking at the kitchen in Kristen's place.  Looked very sleek to me.  Nope, none of the chucklefucks are living in crappy places now -- except for FI & Ari.  And that seems to be their choice.  They discussed something about saving up to buy a place.

Everyone's financial status has changed dramatically.  They ALL can now afford a nice place to live in LA on their own, without financial help from their parents.  Still, I assumed they'd be living an even higher lifestyle if most of 'em really are now getting 300 thou+ from Bravo.  Maybe not?

Look, they may still be chucklefucks, but Bravo should be paying 'em well.  The ratings for almost all of Bravo's shows really stink now.  Even BH's ratings are way down from what they used to be.  Only ATL has consistently high ratings.  This season, ratings for VPR have been good.  And Bravo badly needs a show with consistently good ratings.  

Will Bravo keep throwing even more dough at the chucklefucks?  Will they all be moving to Beverly Hills & driving Rovers & Maseratis -- but still supposedly working at SUR?  That seems to be the direction it's going.  Except for poor Peter.  He seems to be the only sucker left working at SUR.  At least he still looks smokin' hot, even if he isn't making the Bravo dough the rest of 'em make & his entertainment industry aspirations are going nowhere.

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