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S01.E17: What Now?

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2 hours ago, doodlebug said:

I agree, her snippy attitude on the phone seemed uncalled-for; no matter how her personal problems were affecting her.  Part of being a grown up is not making other people suffer when you're in a bad mood.

I would argue that Kate isn't actually a grown-up. Yes, she's 36....but she also seems, emotionally, to be stalled at some earlier point in her life (presumably when Jack died.  Until Toby came along, her life was 100% tied up with her family of origin, specifically Kevin.  While there is nothing wrong with being close to your family, part of growing up is differentiating yourself from your family of origin--which it seems Kate only started to do when Toby came on the scene (like him or hate him, Toby is good for Kate in at least that regard).  So, for Kate to behave in a way that harkens back to whatever age she is stuck at, emotionally, makes sense.  It's not an excuse, but it is at least an explanation.

Another explanation (not an excuse), is that in Kate's "professional" life, her job was to be the bulldog for whomever she was working.  While the teenaged girl on the other end of the phone at the party store most likely didn't behave in any way to warrant Kate's reaction, Kate's behavior might not be so out of place when dealing with some LA exec or whatnot who comes into the conversation with their own chip on their shoulder.

I'm not going to lie, I winced when Kate was on the phone.  It wasn't okay.  But, it was understandable.  She was under stress--something that she herself couldn't articulate at that moment.  And, when that happens, people tend to retreat to more defensive behavior patterns.

  • Love 3

I don't think the show depends upon being an ongoing mystery about how Jack died but it is a show dependent on flashbacks--and a show that will probably be around for quite a few seasons. The lessons of shows like Lost and Once Upon a Time teach that flashbacks wear thin pretty fast. Those two shows kept bringing in new characters and giving them flashbacks; even then they ran out of material. TIU has less scope for that, unless we are supposed to develop an interest in Toby's adolescence or the particulars of Miguel's divorce.

Also, upcoming *rimshot* Sophie's Choice.

  • Love 4
1 hour ago, WhosThatGirl said:

I agree with the recap that somehow this will be all "well if Rebecca never did music, Jack would have stayed alive". But also now I'm unsure of what's happening. I've read many articles from the stars and they keep saying that we won't even be able to
Guess jacks death.. so car accident due to drunk driving seen some too simple.

Death by falling anvil?:)

Edited by pennben
  • Love 3
2 hours ago, MsChicklet said:

Entertainment Weekly has an interview with Sterling K. Brown about the episode. It explains that Jesse wasn't there because Denis O'Hair had another project going and wasn't available to do a whole episode shoot.

Also, some interesting stuff ended up on the cutting room floor:

Okay, that interview made me hate it even more.  Yes, sometimes silly things like "having a job" and "being a responsible adult providing for our family" causes us to miss the little things in life. But it's part of life. 

2 hours ago, ChromaKelly said:

I'm just not feeling Kevin's storyline. I don't know why him holding an egg bugged me at the end of the play. If Sophie is going to get bent out of shape about him going to LA then that 's just stupid. Kevin is an established actor, he's going to get parts and have to relocate for shoots. Eh. 

The play is called "Back of an Egg" so I assume it tied in to the theoretical script. 

28 minutes ago, deaja said:

Okay, that interview made me hate it even more.  Yes, sometimes silly things like "having a job" and "being a responsible adult providing for our family" causes us to miss the little things in life. But it's part of life. 


Yeah. I get that it's a big moment and that it is crappy of his work to send a fruit that they know he's allergic to and that the note wasn't even personal but Randell needs to have a job of some kind. Eventually, I would think. I would appreciate it more if this job wasn't his real passion and he didn't even enjoy it(granted I'm aware a lot of people don't love their jobs but not my point), but wasn't there a scene in an earlier episode where Randall said to William that his job may not be cool but he liked it? 

  • Love 1
3 hours ago, mspaul said:

If you have no children of your own, and your nieces give you the sacred task of bringing something to their grandfather's memorial, and you know all the baggage that comes along with the memorial for your brother, not to mention all the baggage you're carrying yourself, trust me, dollar store balloons are NOT cutting it. 

If Kate was going for something more special than dollar store balloons, it was a fail because they weren't rainbow balloons, nor shaped in a rainbow, just balloons of different colors.  Dollar store would have done it.  Fitting them all in a car was a trick, though.  I've had trouble with much less than that.

  • Love 4

Randall forgiving Rebecca for not telling him about William: Some of us figure that holding a grudge hurts ourselves more than it hurts the other person. Randall might have felt differently if he had not had a chance to know William and had found out what Rebecca did.

In a long-ago job I told management more than a year in advance that I planned to take 2-3 weeks off for a once-in-a-lifetime event. Shortly before the trip they told me I couldn't go because of heavy workload (caused by management's poor planning) but I was sure my team could handle our project. I was upset until I realized that they couldn't stop me from going on the trip, they could only stop me from returning to the job. I went on the trip, my project was fine, and I left that job a little while later.

  • Love 11
3 hours ago, MsChicklet said:

And Kevin has this wonderful scene where he’s talking about, “Well, William would help me with my lines,” and talked about how much he enjoyed Brando from The Godfather, and I said, “When did William help you with your lines?” He said, “You know, sometimes we would both be up at night, and he couldn’t sleep and I’d just go and run lines with him, or I’d just wake him up because I couldn’t sleep, just to get his advice on something.”

It's unfortunate that this was cut, because a moment from Kevin was really missing for me. We saw moments between Kevin and William earlier in the season and the two lived together. I know that Kevin was distracted with his own plot and they probably didn't want to overuse the actor at the expense of other cast members, but I would have liked to see this scene.

I am another one who feels that Randall was justified for feeling hurt about the pears. His allergy wasn't a throw away conversation, it was a big moment from his interview. The pears themselves weren't an insult. They were probably sent by a well meaning employee who thought pear was a clever play on Pearson. The insult was that someone who has known Randall for years didn't take initiative. Based on how pivotal Randall was to the company, the person who interviewed him should have sent something personally. 

Initially, I was upset that Randall didn't give any kind of notice, but then it occurred to me that he's still on leave. What's the point of giving notice if he wasn't planning on coming back for another week or two anyhow? 

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Finally saw the episode (this show wipes me out emotionally so have to wait for my day off), and I felt as if this was a cathartic episode for all the characters. 

Randall got to mourn his father, forgive his mother, and lash out (rightfully so) at his job that he poured his life into for 10 years. Giving someone fruit that will cause him anaphylaxis without a handwritten card from the employees? Disgraceful. I hope he gets to do some consulting on the side, or open a business with Kate.

I loved that we finally got a great adult Randall and Kate scene. Her being able to grieve for her father again while be there for Randall, and finally telling Toby why her father's death is hard to talk about.

I also liked Rebecca and Randall's scene and how she got to tell him about her fear and guilt, but also that it was selfish of her to keep William away. Kevin gets to shine in the theater and may get a movie deal, and Beth realizing that William was as big of a part of her life as he was in hers. Her "when is he going to leave?" comment came at the beginning, and I'm sure after months of bonding with him she cared about him.

Next week's episode looks brutal. Knowing the writers, Jacks's cause of death will probably be a cliffhanger. Now I have to worry every time Jack is driving if this will be it for him. Speaking of Jack, I did like that we got a William and Jack scene. 

Edited by twoods
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@Tiger, good call on Bailee Madison being the other major contender in this category.

 I think the Ron Howard call was in fact an offer of the part. I think if they just wanted him to try out for it they would've set up a meeting with his agent to have him come read for it or whatever. The way I see it, if Ron Howard calls you late  at night, raves about your play, and tells you you'd be great for the part and would you please at least look at the script, you have the part if you want it.

  • Love 7
8 hours ago, ChromaKelly said:


I am now in the first class deluxe seat of the Toby Hate Train. It's getting to where I can't even stand for him to be in a the background of a scene.


Could you make a little room for me? How could anyone like him? I don't get it. I know Kate said she would tell him about her father's death, but she had such a hard time at the fun-eral. When she was so happy and up after the play, couldn't he just let her have that joy? Was it absolutely necessary that she talk about her dad right that night? There was no reason he couldn't wait a day (or a week or a month or a year).

  • Love 4
12 minutes ago, Nordly Beaumont said:

There was no reason he couldn't wait a day (or a week or a month or a year)

Yes, she should open up at her own pace bit he also has the right to set expectations of their relationship. She said she would tell him before they moved in together in LA which is what was happening the next day and she has kept putting him off which is her right but she has to also know that means that Toby doesn't want to get all in on someone who won't open up to him, that is his deal breaker because it could easily turn into a year or two or ten and that's not the kind of relationship he wants and that is okay, it just means that he and Kate should nit be together.

  • Love 4
21 hours ago, SlackerInc said:

I mentioned this in another thread, but my father took his own life when I was fifteen.  The last time I saw him, less than a week before he did it, I said a really surly, punk-ass teenage-boy thing to him.  I have always felt deeply awful about this, but the only three people I've ever told about it were (1) my first wife, after we were married and a decade after he died; (2) my second and current wife, after we were married and about 20 years after he died; and (3) a suicide survivor counselor about five years ago--someone who doesn't know anyone in my family.  I broke down sobbing uncontrollably each time.  And then I guess I've told all of you, which is sort of like the counselor since you don't know me or my friends/family in real life.  But I have not shared this even anonymously on any other online forum.  And I still have never told my mom or sister or my closest friends, and I doubt I ever will.

@Big Mother Maybe Ron Howard had an assistant call Kevin's agent and get the number first?

((big hugs)) to you SlackerInc

  • Love 4
13 hours ago, Jaclyn88 said:

This is one of those shows that I think really works as a one season thing, but after we find out how Jack dies, what are the future seasons going to be about?

I'm curious about how Jack dies, but this show is much more than that to me.  I hope we get to see much more interaction between Kate, Randall, and Kevin, and I'd love to see more of Randall's family, find out how Miguel and Rebecca ended up together, etc.  There's lots left to explore as their lives move forward (and as we see glimpses of the past), and in a way I'm kind of anxious to get the big Jack death reveal over with so we can move on to other things.

12 hours ago, Phoebe70 said:

The episode was pretty good, but some parts weren't great, such as:

1. Why does Toby constantly have to make sexual references?  What is he, 12?

2.  The mailman scene was pretty cheesy.

3.  Kate was a witch to the lady on the phone about the 50 balloons.  I mean, she's requesting 50 helium balloons in a day or two's notice.  It's not so simple.

4.  I'm still not a Kevin fan.  Of course they would make him have a wonderful performance in the play.  Of course.  He's the golden boy.  I actually loved that the critic refused to show up.

5.  And speaking of Kevin, I'm not convinced of the relationship with Sophie.  It seems forced, especially them dating throughout grade school and high school.

6  Ron Howard calling Kevin up because he was so blown-away by his performance?  Cheesy and unrealistic.

I'm not convinced that Jack dies driving drunk on the way to see Rebecca.  That's what it appears to be during the last few moments of the episode, and that's what the writers WANT us to think, but I'm not 100% convinced that is how he died.

I agree with all of this, other than the mailman scene.  I thought it was great, very touching, and - as others have said - the "mailman"'s performance was impressive.  I think it did a good job of contrasting William's relationship with a casual stranger he had only known a few months with Randall's relationship with his co-workers of many years who really didn't seem to know him or care about him at all.

I was developing a tolerance for Toby, probably because he hasn't been too front & center lately.  But then he had to be crude in a way that wasn't necessary or funny.  He's embarrassing, and Kate deserves better.  I feel as though she's with him because she thinks she has to settle.

I'm not a fan of Kevin either.  He's very blah to me, nothing special.  And he & Sophie are completely unbelievable as a couple, IMO.   She's pretty blah too.  They seem as though they're friends, not two people in a rekindled hot romance.

I also don't think that Jack will die on his way to see Rebecca.  It's way too obvious, and I'm sure there will be a curveball thrown here.

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On 3/7/2017 at 9:04 PM, breezy424 said:

I don't think Jack died that night.  We see a bunch of beer cans in the car and I don't think that night was it.  It's going to happen later...it may be still while Rebecca  is away but there's more to this.  Jack called Kate but there's nothing in that conversation that would make Kate feel she caused her father's death.  There's more to the story.

It's not the conversation in the call that would make feel she caused it. It's that in the car when he dropped her off she told him not to sit at home being sad. So, if it's not a misdirect, the implication as I see it is currently:

Kate says that yields Jack goes to bar and drinks

Which then yields Jack drinking and driving to go see Rebecca 2 hours away

The guilt is not that she suggested he do the two hour drive, it's the "don't sit around sad' which presumably put the idea in his head to go out boozin'. (or so she feels)


I don't know if that's where the show is actually going with it. The whole thing could be a giant misdirect, but if it is a misdirect, the above is how I read this episode's misdirect.

I actually liked the mailman moment. Yes, the Saint William stuff is OTT, but something about the way Sterling K. Brown played--actually, underplayed, I think--the scene sold it for me. He had *no idea* who the mailman was. Like, as nice of a guy as he is, he probably couldn't have picked the mailman out of a lineup, yet in a few short months William had made a connection to another human being who is actually quite vital to their lives. That really resonated with me.

This surprised me, because I am usually very turned off by schlock and cheese, and I've really resisted the wise old owl quality in the William character, but for some reason this one worked for me. It made me want to know that mailman.

However, while I liked Randall's resignation, I didn't love his line about talking to his mailman. That much of it was too on the nose for me—I could have made the connection without it, and I thought it undermined the seriousness what Randall was doing.

Also, what a dumb stupid question the boss asked. Again, too on the nose. "What are you gonna do?" Answer: "Well, since I've made a shit ton of money, I'll be fine for a while, and since I built this firm, I'm sure I've got plenty of employment options when the time is right."

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1 hour ago, DebbieM4 said:

I'm curious about how Jack dies, but this show is much more than that to me.  I hope we get to see much more interaction between Kate, Randall, and Kevin, and I'd love to see more of Randall's family, find out how Miguel and Rebecca ended up together, etc.  There's lots left to explore as their lives move forward (and as we see glimpses of the past), and in a way I'm kind of anxious to get the big Jack death reveal over with so we can move on to other things.

Yeah, I didn't even cotton on to the fact that some people see the premise of the show as "The Mystery of Jack's Death" until just now.  I noticed that a lot of people were speculating on when or how he died, but I thought it was with the understanding that we go on TV boards and chat about a lot of minor points to shows (like whether mail would be delivered to Randall's house) just for the heck of it.

This is not fundamentally a mystery show, it's a family drama with flashbacks that sometimes verges on being a nighttime soap opera.  That Jack was even dead at all in the present day was not established until the fifth episode!

  • Love 8
8 minutes ago, SlackerInc said:

I didn't even cotton on to the fact that some people see the premise of the show as "The Mystery of Jack's Death" until just now.

To me, the main reason it matters is how and why it affects Randall, Kevin, Kate, Rebecca and even Miguel to this day. But it's not the all-consuming premise. To harken back to Kevin talking about his painting with Randall's daughters, how Jack died is just one brushstroke in the painting. It's not the only, or most important, part of Jack or his story, or the show as a whole.

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11 hours ago, Tiger said:

I didnt think Hollywood could ever top the perfection of Bailee Madison as Ginny Goodwin's younger, but damn the mid 90's Kate actress is like they used a time machine to go get Chrissy's younger self. Their voices, tone, facial expressions, posture, general attitude is 100% on.  And it just makes the other younger-castings look terrible because none of them are even remotely believble as having grown into the adult actors.

They're not even trying to hide Teen Kevin having very obviously blue eyes, as opposed to Adult Kevin's very obviously brown eyes. It's bugging the ever-loving shit out of me. If they were able to cast a brown-eyed blond for the 8-year version I can't see why they were able to do it for the 16-year old version.

Teen Kate is really believable.

They did a great job with the period styling for this episode.

  • Love 1

I wanted to chime in about driver's licenses in PA in the 90s. I'm about a year younger than the "kids" here and there were little to no restrictions on permits and licenses for minors in PA until about the late 90s (I don't know the exact year, but I think it was around 1998/1999). I'm pretty sure you were able to get your learner's permit before age 16 (either 3-6 months), but you had to wait until 16 to get the actual license. Theoretically you could get your permit and license in the same day if you were 16. It became much more difficult (waiting period, number of hours practicing driving, restricted hours), but it was not difficult at the time of the trio's at age 16. I'm also pretty sure that restrictions on driving (curfew, minors in the car while driving) came after that time period too.

12 minutes ago, methodwriter85 said:

They're not even trying to hide Teen Kevin having very obviously blue eyes, as opposed to Adult Kevin's very obviously brown eyes. It's bugging the ever-loving shit out of me. If they were able to cast a brown-eyed blond for the 8-year version I can't see why they were able to do it for the 16-year old version.

I didn't notice this, but aren't colored contacts pretty easily obtainable too?


Just now, Unraveled said:

I wanted to chime in about driver's licenses in PA in the 90s. I'm about a year younger than the "kids" here and there were little to no restrictions on permits and licenses for minors in PA until about the late 90s (I don't know the exact year, but I think it was around 1998/1999). I'm pretty sure you were able to get your learner's permit before age 16 (either 3-6 months), but you had to wait until 16 to get the actual license. Theoretically you could get your permit and license in the same day if you were 16. It became much more difficult (waiting period, number of hours practicing driving, restricted hours), but it was not difficult at the time of the trio's at age 16. I'm also pretty sure that restrictions on driving (curfew, minors in the car while driving) came after that time period too.

I didn't notice this, but aren't colored contacts pretty easily obtainable too?


well remember it is kevin after all, so who really cares :P

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On 3/8/2017 at 5:05 AM, Katy M said:

I don't think the fruit itself was the main problem.  After all, you usually send flowers for a funeral, and fruit is right next door.  I think the bigger problem was that Randall is allergic, and he expected them to remember as he went into anaphalactic shock, he didn't just mention it in passing, and nobody actually signed the card.


Yes, you are right of course. It was the complete lack of thought. No personal touch whatsoever.

7 hours ago, lovinbob said:

Also, what a dumb stupid question the boss asked. Again, too on the nose. "What are you gonna do?" Answer: "Well, since I've made a shit ton of money, I'll be fine for a while, and since I built this firm, I'm sure I've got plenty of employment options when the time is right."

I was really wanting Randall to answer, "Everything." 

  • Love 8
8 hours ago, methodwriter85 said:

They're not even trying to hide Teen Kevin having very obviously blue eyes, as opposed to Adult Kevin's very obviously brown eyes. It's bugging the ever-loving shit out of me. If they were able to cast a brown-eyed blond for the 8-year version I can't see why they were able to do it for the 16-year old version.

Teen Kate is really believable.

They did a great job with the period styling for this episode.

Or give the blue-eyed kid contacts.  Or even digitally change the eye colour.

  • Love 2
On 3/9/2017 at 0:44 PM, Kohola3 said:


And I don't know why the angst over the balloons.   My local dollar store has them and you can get 50 within about 10 minutes.  No biggie.

I agree, if Kate is that stressed out about such a mundane task, I do not see how she can handle life.  Go to any party or dollar store and the task is completed fairly quickly. 



Now see, as someone who has been, at least in part, basically in customer service my whole life, my first reaction was 'what a fucking bitch'. She hadn't spoken to 'tammy' yet, so to be so nasty and combative right outa the gate seemed really hateful and entitled and out of line. 




You are being quite kind.  Kate was a bitch and I felt so sorry for poor Sharon.  Randall's daughters were much more mature about the party planning then she was.  I am beginning to think that Kate is not a nice person (I remember her outburst that the over eater's meeting).

On 3/8/2017 at 0:32 AM, memememe76 said:

I love Teen Kate. She is so expressive. And I love Weezer too.

Teenage Kate is awesome and a cutie.  She is also not really overweight.  I would actually love to see more teenage girls on t.v. that are not the Arianna Grande, Disney princess mold.


Randall was a founder of the company.  Crap.  He deserved a hand written note  and more than a box of pears.  They were all happy to see him when he stopped by because they thought he was there to help.  Thanks....

On 3/8/2017 at 2:33 PM, Sdh1545 said:

Well,  you guys have already covered most of the things I loved, and found heart-breaking, in that episode. However, one thing I will mention, because it's still bugging me: much as Randall's work sucked, I can't feel too happy that he quit. I mean, clearly his family has a financially lovely life, and we're meant to believe that much of it is due to Randall's job. I can't remember what Beth does, I imagine she has a good job too, but it's Randall's that we hear about, and whose penthouse office we see.

Anyway, if this life is largely funded by Randall's job, his quitting seems to be an act that could have pretty huge consequences. Yeah, I'm guessing he has savings, and that he's so amazing he can get another job immediately, but I still get annoyed when TV shows toss off things like that. I'm sure they'll be just fine, but in real life?



On 3/8/2017 at 3:03 PM, OtterMommy said:


Honestly, Randall's "quitting scene" was a highlight for me.  It was overly dramatic, but in a way I would expect from any show.  He WAS overworked and we had seen nothing to indicate that Randall was considered anything more than a cog in the wheel to his boss.  And, yeah, the pears were tactless.  The boss should have known that, of all things, the pears were a no-go.  Although, let's face it, his secretary probably ordered them--which makes it even worse.  It's not so much that he got  fruit box, but that he didn't get a personal call.  Also, that he was expected to be in the office the night of his father's funeral (fun-eral).  I think, in that scene, Randall played out the fantasy of many, many people.

My husband had a supervisor that actually told him the birth of his first child was not a good reason to miss a day in the lab...not surprisingly, that person is someone is also been divorced three times.

Anyway, I have a question for the board.  If Randall is a partner, would the other partners have to buy out his share for him to leave?  I watched a show where a guy was forced out of his position, but still collected a share of the profits, because he was a partner.  The guy did not have to go to a regular nine to five in order to make money.  Is Randall in this situation?  I am very confused about his position in the company.  Also, if the other partners buy him out, will that give him a nice chunk of change to go do something else?  Could he take his clients with him to a new business?

I wonder if the lady that Jack told off did something horrible, like cut his brakes?  Could one of the reasons the big three have not moved on, is that the death is unsolved, because who would do such a thing to Jack (whom everybody loved)? 

This is just wild speculation on my part.  I am sure the scene of him telling that lady to fuck off was just there to show how much he loves his wife and his kids.

Edited by qtpye
  • Love 3
19 hours ago, Driad said:

Randall forgiving Rebecca for not telling him about William: Some of us figure that holding a grudge hurts ourselves more than it hurts the other person. Randall might have felt differently if he had not had a chance to know William and had found out what Rebecca did.


Agreed.  However, the timing of this apology was strange.  How could they go that long without Rebecca explaining herself?  I know Randall cut her off a few times but that was a very long time for Rebecca to not be able to explain why she did what she did.  Did Randall also hold William responsible?  I mean, he obviously knew who Rebecca was.  Did they have a conversation on his part in this as well and I missed it?

2 minutes ago, qtpye said:

Anyway, I have a question for the board.  If Randall is a partner, would the other partners have to buy out his share for him to leave?  I watched a show where a guy was forced out of his position, but still collected a share of the profits, because he was a partner.  The guy did not have to go to a regular nine to five in order to make money.  Is Randall in this situation?  I am very confused about his position in the company.  Also, if the other partners buy him out, will that give him a nice chunk of change to go do something else?  Could he take his clients with him to a new business?

He seems to be a partner, Beth has referred to him as such.  The partnership would be all contractually spelled out.  If he has ownership shares, yes, he would have a buyout coming.  Probably a pretty substantial amount of money would be coming his way.  But he would have to observe whatever the contract spelled out as far as things like notice, etc.  It's doubtful that he could take clients with him, that would be unallowable per the partnership agreement, I'm guessing.  I think he will be sitting pretty between the buyout and investments he's made over the years if he is as good as he's been portrayed. 

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They seem to present Randall as an owner or an employee based on the needs of each scene.  I don't think a partner would really be dictated to about his clients the way Randall's boss did, not without his own input or other partners' involvement being sought.  I don't think a partner would really up and quit that way, either, like a pure employee with no equity to unravel.  Or that a company Randall is part owner of would have a cheesy, check-tossing party on the evening of Christmas eve.  

Since a lump payout would probably help the future story, I'm guessing that will appear.  

17 minutes ago, qtpye said:

sorry for poor Tammy

Only because I keep seeing Tammy here and thought I was losing my mind, I rewatched to make sure and the retail workers were named Bryce and Sharon.  ; )

23 minutes ago, qtpye said:

My husband had a supervisor that actually told him the birth of his first child was not a good reason to miss a day in the lab...not surprisingly, that person is someone is also been divorced three times.

At my husband's company, they have a paternal leave policy and all that, but if a father doesn't miss work for the birth of his child, he gets kudos from his manager and usually a bump up in his annual review.   I thought my husband was joking about this when he told me, but I've seen this actually happen since then (and I'm really glad that my daughter was born on the Friday night before a 3 day weekend and my son was born during a low point for my husband in a project cycle).  This is also the company where, the day before my husband was schedule to go on his 8 week sabbatical--which he had already put off for 2 years and was now at the "use it or lose it" stage--and asked him not to go and stay and work instead.  And, oh yeah, my husband's plans during this sabbatical were to 1) visit his mother who had just been diagnosed with late stage cancer 2) get married and 3) go on his honeymoon.  He turned his manager down (obviously), but was very worried that he wouldn't have a job when he got back.

So, yeah, I don't have any problem accepting the work pressures that Randall had been dealing with.

  • Love 7
42 minutes ago, Winston9-DT3 said:

Only because I keep seeing Tammy here and thought I was losing my mind, I rewatched to make sure and the retail workers were named Bryce and Sharon.  ; )

Whoops...went back and fixed it.

42 minutes ago, Winston9-DT3 said:

They seem to present Randall as an owner or an employee based on the needs of each scene.  I don't think a partner would really be dictated to about his clients the way Randall's boss did, not without his own input or other partners' involvement being sought.  I don't think a partner would really up and quit that way, either, like a pure employee with no equity to unravel.  Or that a company Randall is part owner of would have a cheesy, check-tossing party on the evening of Christmas eve.  

Since a lump payout would probably help the future story, I'm guessing that will appear.  



55 minutes ago, ShadowFacts said:

He seems to be a partner, Beth has referred to him as such.  The partnership would be all contractually spelled out.  If he has ownership shares, yes, he would have a buyout coming.  Probably a pretty substantial amount of money would be coming his way. 

If Randall is a partner, does that mean he will still be getting paid, as long as the partnership is profitable, even though he has quit from his day to day position?

Thanks for the responses to the questions.

1 hour ago, SueB said:

Once they let Daniel Radcliffe keep his own eye-color for Harry Potter, I stopped noticing.  It's like a precedent was set and now I don't even SEE the disconnect.  Weird. But true. 

The eye color is the least of it . . . there is no conceivable way the 90's Randall and Kevin actors would grow up to look/sound anything like Sterling and Justin, respectively.

  • Love 3
2 minutes ago, qtpye said:

If Randall is a partner, does that mean he will still be getting paid, as long as the partnership is profitable, even though he has quit from his day to day position?

They could have arranged any kind of partnership they wanted but I think for what they're trying to present here, that would be unlikely.  

I think 90s Randall is a terrific actor and looks almost nothing like Brown.  Which I think I'd prefer to a dead ringer who can't act.  

3 minutes ago, Tiger said:

The eye color is the least of it . . . there is no conceivable way the 90's Randall and Kevin actors would grow up to look/sound anything like Sterling and Justin, respectively.

Fair.  But the younger self version looking a lot like the main actor is pretty rare IMO.  The attitude and mannerisms are pretty good for all three. 

  • Love 5
1 hour ago, qtpye said:

If Randall is a partner, does that mean he will still be getting paid, as long as the partnership is profitable, even though he has quit from his day to day position?

The terms of the partnership agreement would govern what period of time a buyout would be paid out in -- could be years if it is a substantial amount, in installments.  But once that's done, no more payments.

1 hour ago, Winston9-DT3 said:

They seem to present Randall as an owner or an employee based on the needs of each scene.  I don't think a partner would really be dictated to about his clients the way Randall's boss did, not without his own input or other partners' involvement being sought.  I don't think a partner would really up and quit that way, either, like a pure employee with no equity to unravel.  Or that a company Randall is part owner of would have a cheesy, check-tossing party on the evening of Christmas eve.  

I agree they haven't presented this consistently.  But I can buy that he would get pressure about workloads even if he was a full partner (speaking from experience).  The bylaws could have structured an executive committee, with officers, who can carry out various responsibilities including measuring performance of other partners.  The tossing of Christmas bonuses at the party was a trashy move, or it may have been for ancillary personnel.  Partners can be voted out, or can mutually agree to terminate.  They often waive any notice requirement because they don't want someone with their foot out the door having access to confidential info any longer than they have to. 

  • Love 2

I'm so waiting for Randall to perform a miracle in Williams name. The Catholic church does not yet recognize Saint William of Memphis.

I'm kidding, more or less. I didn't cry as much as last time, but I did feel some tears starting to form a few times. Especially during the FUNeral, which looked great. I hope when I die, people watch old episodes of MST3K and drink red wine. Honor my memory damn it! Yeah, they really did lay on the "William is just the best person ever" stuff, but I buy it. When my grandma died, people kept coming up to my parents (grocers, delivery people, waiters) to tell them how great she was and what an impact she had on them. It does happen. In fact, she was so awesome, if she was a TV character, no one would buy she was so awesome :)

I don't think Jack died in a drunk driving accident. Its been hinted at too much, it would be too obvious. Poor Jack will probably drop dead of a heart attack  building something for Kate or something. Poor Kate.

Read the script Kevin! When Ron Howard calls, you answer! Also, I think Kevin meant he subcountiously came for his ex, but I still don't totally buy it. If he came for anyone, I would say he came for Randall and his family. I hope he manages to make it work. After being possibly blacklisted, he would be damn lucky to get a second chance.

Normally I call bullshit on people quitting their high power job to run off and Seize the Day or whatever, but I totally don't blame Randall for quitting. I mean, a generic card? Really? And they clearly thought he was coming in to work that night, the day after his dads funeral! What assholes! I do hope Randall finds another job doing the same thing. I love how much he loves such a nerdy job.

Randall seeing William and Jack talking in his dream hit me right in the feels.

  • Love 5
On 3/8/2017 at 9:33 AM, Good Queen Jane said:

I agree. I think they are going for the ultimate fake out, with Kate telling Toby that she was responsible for Jack's death just before they show Jack in the flashback tell teen-aged Kate he was taking her advice and going to make things right with Rebecca. I base this on the fact that Randall talked about Jack teaching all of the kids how to drive. If the kids had driver's licenses, they would have driven themselves to the party. I don't think they've turned sixteen at this time yet.

Maybe he's already taught them but they only had permits? I'm sure we'll be faked out somehow. We thought sure when we saw Jack eating alone and drinking it would be right then; I was going to be soooo mad at him for being stupid! Well, it was still stupid to drink when he knows he has a problem with it. But somehow he always ends up doing the right thing after all. Does Kate blame herself because she suggested that he drive the 2 hours to see Rebecca? If it's even remotely connected to that trip I can see her hanging onto it and blaming herself all this time. I suspect it won't be on the way, though; that's too obvious. Maybe he does connect with Rebecca, then something happens on the way home? Or as someone said, a totally different time? I think the drinking might be a red herring. We know that Rebecca doesn't end up with old boyfriend; do they get in a fight? No one has ever said that Jack was murdered but it could be "accidental"? I just don't see it being totally Jack's fault, like driving extremely drunk/angry, because like I said he always does end up doing the right thing. Whatever it is I'll bet it's a cliffhanger until next year. We'll go crazy wondering!!

46 minutes ago, bluelady said:

But somehow he always ends up doing the right thing after all.

Getting behind the wheel drunk is NOT the right thing. Just because he hasn't gotten into an accident until now, and even if it's not how he dies, drunk driving is never "right". My blood was boiling when he staggered out of the bar, dropped his keys, and right then and there decided to drive two hours to see Rebecca.

  • Love 13
2 minutes ago, chocolatine said:

Getting behind the wheel drunk is NOT the right thing. Just because he hasn't gotten into an accident until now, and even if it's not how he dies, drunk driving is never "right". My blood was boiling when he staggered out of the bar, dropped his keys, and right then and there decided to drive two hours to see Rebecca.

I agree; the drinking alone was stupid much less driving drunk. I meant that in the end he seems to learn his lesson; in the earlier episodes where drinking was a problem he seemed to just cut it off for her sake. Now he leaves the party & stops the woman from coming on to him; unfortunately in his impulsivity he doesn't wait until he sobers up. I doubt that's what will kill him though; I think it will be less obvious and more complicated that that. I just see him as a man who, although he's tempted and has a weakness, has pattern of rising above himself for the sake of his family.

  • Love 4
3 hours ago, qtpye said:

This could be a good reason for the disconnect in looks. 

It shouldnt be an either/or situation.  IMHO, the only thing they got right about the 90's Randall and Kevin was race, and also I dont think either one is a particularly good actor.   

Look, I'm not expecting all younger-self casting to be 100% on like with Kate and Ginny Goodwin on Once, but at least cast kids who could plausibly grow up to look and sound like the older actors.

2 hours ago, bluelady said:

If it's even remotely connected to that trip I can see her hanging onto it and blaming herself all this time. I suspect it won't be on the way, though; that's too obvious. Maybe he does connect with Rebecca, then something happens on the way home? Or as someone said, a totally different time?

I think they could do something like this:  Jack causes a fatal accident on that trip, serves time for it, it further worsens his drinking and his marriage, he gets out and finds her with Miguel, and he goes fully off the rails and kills himself or otherwise winds up tragically dead.  Kate blames herself, thinking if she hadn't encouraged him to go he wouldn't have had the accident, etc.  It could take years for them to reveal all that.  And it would help explain the animosity toward Miguel.

I had a similar thought, Winston, but didn't go all the way to divorce since Rebecca still wears the necklace.  I thought Jack could get a DUI and possibly injure or kill someone.  Miguel has to fire him, but is still around trying to help his friend.  Miguel gets him a new job, but it's not very good.  Kids are watching him spiral downward.  Rebecca is doing everything she can.  Miguel is taking over more and more of family stuff, which the kids resent.  Jack ends up dying of cirrhosis of the liver.  Miguel is still there to help the family and ends up falling in love with and marrying Rebecca.

On 3/8/2017 at 6:15 PM, doodlebug said:

Heck, my former mailman knocked on my door to ask if my dog was ok because he hadn't seen her in a while, got tears in his eyes when I told him she had died and then went on and on about what a great dog she was (she was) and how he enjoyed seeing her every day.  My sister went to the wake when her mail carrier's mother died.  I think there are quite a few mail carriers out there who do get to know the people and pets on their routes, especially a guy like William who was outside every day and seemed pretty outgoing.

When my aunt passed away, two of the waitresses from the Waffle House she and my uncle visited regularly came to the service, still in uniform, so they had taken time away from work to be there. It was really kind of them. 

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