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S07.E11: Backed Into A Corner

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6 hours ago, BlackMamba said:

Lisa R doing the painkiller dance had me screeching.   It reminded me of Danielle Staub on Jersey ?


You are my hero for posting this! 

I think Lisar was in the throes of 'being caught in a lie PTSD' when she 'performed'. Obviously, she's been studying Ericka, now that her initial and natural instinct to tear her down didn't go over too well with anyone. Always the first to follow the cool girl, I can imagine her slavishly studying all of EJ's oevre and practicing all her moves and facial expressions. Unfortunately, she looks like a toilet brush and has zero of E's natural sexuality and comfort with her own skin. Lisar can never be accused of being comfortable in her skin, that's for sure. 

I even feel a tiny bit sorry for sock puppet Lisar. She's got all the insight of household lint and she's been caught dead to rights in a nasty lie concerning nasty gossip. She can't get out of her own way in her insatiable and life long quest to be a leader instead of a follower. Her pathetically bleating that she doesn't remember one minute, then attempting to drum up some righteous indignation the next...she's such a loser. And I cannot listen to her mangle 'Tommy Hflningerfingerilger' one more time either. Her daughter had no chance of 'walking' (let's retire that word unless we are fashion designers or model bookers) in a major show on her own merits, but nepotism is the new normal in the new administration!

and god bless danielle staub! I can't wait to see her back on NJ.

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As soon as Rinna said "I don't remember..." I knew she was screwed. Her fight or flight instinct took her the wrong way! Rinna would have been much better off admitting to what she said and arguing her point instead of pretending she can't remember what she said (with the side wobble of "If I did say it, it was with good intentions" [paraphrasing here]). Even I could make a decent argument re Kim being close to death and not being entirely sober and some examples of Kyle enabling if I had to. Enough to hold my ground for a bit and perhaps capitulate when others corrected me.... I would then walk away as someone who was wrong (but had the right intentions) but was now corrected. We could then have a "let's move on" moment. But to try and maintain "I don't remember saying that"??? What a fool.

However, when she then turned it into herself being the victim.... please. What a piece of work.

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12 minutes ago, Sai said:

Oh, I forgot to add, LisaR must have studied Erika's video for hours because she knew every single move of that dance, if you can call it that. She couldn't wait for the opportunity to show how cool she is.  She's such a friggin attention whore.  She can't let anyone else have anything.  

IKR? She's been practicing that damn dance in her bedroom for weeks! She's rolling it out at the first opportunity, no matter what, no matter that she's been caught in a lie spreading vile gossip about her 'friend' Kyle to a flaky newb that no one knows. She's a hustler, goddamit, she's going to OWN that dance if it's the last thing she does!

It was horrible, I couldn't stop thinking what was going on in skeevy PK's head and whether he was trying to line up a good view. He actually wasn't, probably because he's got his nose lodged right up 'Mo's' arse and in this scene, on the yacht, it was easy to elbow old Ken out of the way so he could lather Mo with compliments about his yacht, his company, the tuna he caught for dinner etc.

If Maurizio wasn't around, he reverted back to trying to insinuate himself into the women's business. He's more invested in their intrigues and relationships than DodoDorit. Crikey she's vacant. Again, someone told her that the Hermes Birkin is the gold standard of accessories, so she's after the Birkin like all the other wannabes with no original style sense of their own. If it's advertised and it's expensive, these people must have it. Hermes is again laughing all the way to the bank, though they do like to ban the occasional ho who they decide they don't want their brand associated with (Marlo and Nene may be amongst these!)

The other scary thing about Lisar is she's grooming 2 human beings after her own image. I don't want to see those 2 in THs ever again, so glad they were absent from this episode. I really have issues with privileged and overentitled teens like these two nuff nuffs being rewarded with tv appearances for modeling anorexic eating and participating in dodgy SM apps that may or may not hook up attractive young women with predatory rich old men. Not amusing, not cool, not entertaining. And Lisar endorses this behavior. Ugh. 

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10 hours ago, swankie said:

Lisa Rinna is a lying liar who lies!!!  How many conversations has she had with Eden that she can't remember saying those things about Kim and Kyle?  This bitch knows exactly what she told Eden.  The whole, "I don't remember" thing is so much bullshit!  What a lying See You Next Tuesday!  I'm just livid right now!!!  Grrrrrr!!!

She certainly remembered enough to take Eden aside and tell her to stop talking about Kim and Kyle. So somewhere between Kyle's Gatsby party and the Mexico trip, she's lost her memory. Convenient. 

LVP's drooling was too much. She was literally dancing with glee and in Kyle's ear about the demise of Lisar. Lisar is hardly a worthy adversary for LVP. Try taking on Ericka, that'd be more impressive. 

10 hours ago, swankie said:

Rinna, the tears of guilt say it all!

Those weren't tears of guilt. They were tears of frustration for being caught. 

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9 hours ago, njbchlover said:

"I’ve known Lisa R. well for many years. We all know she’s off the cuff and sometimes says things without thinking. That’s why we love her. But she’s not a malicious person. And I stand by that assessment even now."

I have to disagree with Eileen's statement above - Rinna is/can be malicious - she was malicious last year with the whole Munchausens' thing last year with LVP and Kyle, and she was malicious when she brought up Kim's arrest during Game Night.

I totally agree, this is exactly what I thought when I read Eileen's blog. There ARE nasty, malicious people out there, why are people so quick to excuse this behaviour with 'it wasn't her intention' as if that makes it ok? The end result is still the same. How does the person on the other end feel? They are the one suffering because of something said or done, intention be damned. Similar is Lisar always bleating that she wants to 'move on'. 'Move on' just means taking no accountability or responsibility and continuing as if everything is ok. I'm sure she'd LOVE to 'move on' right now. I'm sick of that being used as some kind of template for healthy relationships. Sometimes stewing and litigation is healthy, especially when someone continues to be an ignorant gossip spreading hag. IMO, Lisar loves an opportunity to let her inner malicious rage beast come out. Like with Kim winding her up in Amsterdam and the glass smash. She is very attached to righteous indignation.

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8 hours ago, breezy424 said:

Beverly Sassoon is as gorgeous as ever.  And...even she pushed away Eden's uncomfortably long hug.   She also gave her daughter good advice.  Shut up Eden.  You don't make judgements based on one other person.  The fact that Eden keeps saying that Kyle is cold or Kim is angry, maybe you have to look at yourself rather than these people

And finally, Beverly gave actual real AA advice to her daughter instead of all the corrupted twat waffling EdenSassoonSoberWoman bs. I can't remember exactly what it was, but the line was directly from the AA playbook and served to both shut Eden down and up! That's a mercy. One of the women should get it printed on tshirts for whenever they have to film with Eden. And what is with that? IS she or ISN'T she a housewife? She's not holding a diamond, she's not got 'friend of x' under her scene and they are cutting to what she's doing back in LA when the rest of the cast is in Mexico.

And the whole 'Sober Woman' thing? Can't we just be Sober, or Sober People? Everyone has started using it like it's a proper noun, like Eden is a Martian. Even Eileen refers to Eden as a 'sober woman' in her blog this week, albeit without the caps I give it for emphasis.

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Sigh. I am so exhausted by this show lately. I only half-watched while playing on my phone and still had to go to bed early, because I just felt drained. I'm so over this Kim-Rinna storyline. It's been going on for way too many seasons and Kim isn't even a regular member of the show!!! Why should I have to continue to hear about this?

Rinna has really put her foot in it this time, and there's no way out. I loved how she was told that Kyle was aware of her gossip and was upset about, so SHE (Rinna) decided to address it right then and there, and then complains "it shouldn't have gone down like this!!!" What the hell, woman? Then you should have waited until you could talk to Kyle alone. Not at a party, where all the girls were there, where people were drinking. Or even wait for Kyle to approach you. I'm sure she didn't want to start any drama at Mauricio's party. But no, Lipsa HAD to plunge right in, then wanted to cry and play victim when it didn't go her way. 

I'm also over people pretending they don't remember shit they said. That just doesn't fly. You know you said it - OWN it. She's just so ridiculous. I have enjoyed Lisar on this show, but it's getting to the point where she just needs to go. She's not good at meddling. She's sloppy and won't take responsibility for anything and it's just not fun to watch. 

And I do have to say, LVP is a little too gleeful about watching Lisar squirm. I don't really care, because Lisar deserves it, but the way LVP is gloating and dancing around makes her look very petty. It's not a happy situation for Kyle, that someone is saying these things about her sister, no matter who is saying them. 

The table dancing at the end was just.....traumatizing. 

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Harry Hamlin's telephone voice had me swooning, he could talk me down from anything!  And please, LisaR, you were BEING FILMED while saying what you did about Kim!  NO WAY you forgot!  "Enabler" is this season's "Munchhausen".  Munchhausen was such a fake story line last season I stopped watching and just caught up at the reunion.  This season I'm still in only because of all the lavish real estate and party porn.

Nagging little thing that bothers me is the layout of Eden's house.  Her kitchen/dining area is right there immediately inside the front door?  The layout reminds me more of an apartment.  It's decorated nicely enough, but just has a sad, rented Brandi Glanville vibe.  Eden's mom looks like she could be her sister. 

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Oh, Rinna, come now [< said like Lucy or Ethel]. I acknowledge that, of course, people might forget their own exact words from time to time, and, OK, maybe this is what happened here. Still, I just can't believe that is the case.  And then she was reminding me of that crazy O.J. book, "If I Did It."

Edited by TattleTeeny
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Where was Eden???  Yes, it was wrong of Rinna to make those assumptions about Kim.  Just as it was wrong of Kim to assume things about Harry Hamlin and never own up to it.

But it was Eden who came on guns blazing, inserted herself into a situation that was none of her business  - and just kept rehashing and rehashing this - as she went from person to person - even after she was told to shut it down. 

Edited by twilightzone
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36 minutes ago, twilightzone said:

Where was Eden???  Yes, it was wrong of Rinna to make those assumptions about Kim.  Just as it was wrong of Kim to assume things about Harry Hamlin and never own up to it.

But it was Eden who came on guns blazing, inserted herself into a situation that was none of her business  - and just kept rehashing and rehashing this - as she went from person to person - even after she was told to shut it down. 

Rinna asked Eden to "help" her with Kim then proceeded to tell her that Kim was close to death, not completely sober and that Kyle enabled her. Rinna went far beyond making/stating "assumptions", she said these things as facts, current facts at that. Yes, Eden ran with it but Rinna set her up to hurt/humiliate Kim as pay back for Amsterdam. Rinna bought the dynamite, lit the fuse, threw it and is now boo hoo'ing that it blew up all over her!

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43 minutes ago, twilightzone said:

Where was Eden???  Yes, it was wrong of Rinna to make those assumptions about Kim.  Just as it was wrong of Kim to assume things about Harry Hamlin and never own up to it.

But it was Eden who came on guns blazing, inserted herself into a situation that was none of her business  - and just kept rehashing and rehashing this - as she went from person to person - even after she was told to shut it down. 

Eden wasn't invited to Mexico. It was Kyle and Mauricio's trip, and Eden barely knows Kyle. Not to mention they're not on the best of terms, considering Eden's penchant for inserting herself where she doesn't belong. 

I do agree with you, though, that this isn't Rinna's cross to bear alone. Sure, she shouldn't have opened her big trap. But whether she did or not, Eden has still behaved incredibly inappropriately with the Richards sisters and needs to be taken to task for her OWN behavior. Also, she's said crap about both Kyle and Kim that has nothing to do with the addiction, recovery, enabling, etc. She's basically called them both rude, cold, unwelcoming, etc. So she shouldn't be getting any passes, and I hope she won't, once they're all back stateside. 

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I have a hard time with Rinna and her blogs.  First off it is unfair to the game of Telephone to trivialize what Rinna said happened regarding the information.  Nothing was twisted or sensationalized. Close and near are synonyms.  As @WIRE WRAP said, Rinna's entire conversation was in present tense and in response to Kim's behavior the night before.  Second, no one was lying in wait for Rinna, she brought it up to Kyle.  An ambush is when you walk in and are unaware of a situation and preyed upon, not when you screw up and lose the battle. 

Rinna claims the conversation with Eden took place two months earlier-in reality in took place 29 days earlier.  (Thanks Kyle for your Instagram photos).   

Mostly I think Rinna is trying to stretch this entire storyline because she and Eileen are boring and she loves being the center of the drama.  Rinna's last great stand at playing victim was when Kim was kicking her in the car on the way to Poker Night.  Since then Rinna has brought on the others' wrath with her big mouth.

Kudos to LVP for reminding a blithering, lying Rinna, she "hasn't been so careful about what she has been saying," and reminding her of Game Night and bringing up Kim's arrest.

My biggest issue with Rinna, is Amsterdam, she sat there at the table and told Kim, "she loved her" which in most people's minds, even a Sangria/Vicodin soaked mind is someone apologizing and moving on.   Then at Game Night, Rinna gave this very dramatic apology to Kim, and added her acts had been done with the intent to hurt Kim.  Rinna loses to what she considers an inferior opponent and makes claims of moving on when in fact she is just strategizing and trying to build a team.

As to Eden, with Rinna's blessing unleashed Eden on the Richards sisters. 

I have a hard time believing that Rinna tells Kyle to her face all the time she is an enabler.  I don't have a hard time believing that Rinna is incorrect in her definition of enabler.  In Rinna's world, an enabler is anyone who doesn't put down an addict who calls Rinna on her crap.

Edited by zoeysmom
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 I dont think the problem is Eden inserting herself, yes it was an annoyance. However Kyle doesnt know this person and doesnt care to know her at this point. The real issue is Lisar saying vile things about Kyles sister ON CAMERA again.  If someone I dont know gets all nosey it would be one thing, but if my friends calls me an enabler to my sister addiction, those would be fighting words.


Kyle has said they dont know what she has gone through, they dont know the times Kyle has tried to help or helped raise Kims kids, or the financial support. With addiction I dont think there is a 1 way answer to everyone, every case is different. Lisar said those things with viciousness in her heart. She says alot of ugly things runs her mouth then backtracks. Like she did on the beach with Eileen last year, like she did at the bbq this year.

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2 hours ago, queenjen said:

I totally agree, this is exactly what I thought when I read Eileen's blog. There ARE nasty, malicious people out there, why are people so quick to excuse this behaviour with 'it wasn't her intention' as if that makes it ok? The end result is still the same. How does the person on the other end feel? They are the one suffering because of something said or done, intention be damned. Similar is Lisar always bleating that she wants to 'move on'. 'Move on' just means taking no accountability or responsibility and continuing as if everything is ok. I'm sure she'd LOVE to 'move on' right now. I'm sick of that being used as some kind of template for healthy relationships. Sometimes stewing and litigation is healthy, especially when someone continues to be an ignorant gossip spreading hag. IMO, Lisar loves an opportunity to let her inner malicious rage beast come out. Like with Kim winding her up in Amsterdam and the glass smash. She is very attached to righteous indignation.

Rinna was obviously malicious going to the "what about your arrest" card against Kim at GAME NIGHT! That was the worst and most disgusting thing to come out of her filthy rubber mouth at the home of her host who sat there listening to what was said about her sister! ;-(

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1 hour ago, BusyOctober said:

 LisaR's daughter "walked" in Tommy Herfurlgur's show.  She has told the audience twice how special it is to be selected for a Herfurlgur gig, and I believe it.  I heard Delilah was so amazing on the runway, she has been booked by Mark Jacons, Mike L. Coors, Dion Fustinbargh and Cuckoo Shanell.  All the knock-off designers are clamoring for for D-list celebrities' children to show their "exclusive collections" for Marshalls, Burlington Coat Factory and K-mart.

Love it. Spot on. This reminds me of one of my favorite Simpsons episodes -- the family goes to an outlet mall and, while in an electronics store, remark "ooooooh! Sorny! Magnabox!"

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Harry Hamlin's telephone voice had me swooning, he could talk me down from anything!  And please, LisaR, you were BEING FILMED while saying what you did about Kim!  NO WAY you forgot!  "Enabler" is this season's "Munchhausen".  Munchhausen was such a fake story line last season I stopped watching and just caught up at the reunion.  This season I'm still in only because of all the lavish real estate and party porn.

Nagging little thing that bothers me is the layout of Eden's house.  Her kitchen/dining area is right there immediately inside the front door?  The layout reminds me more of an apartment.  It's decorated nicely enough, but just has a sad, rented Brandi Glanville vibe.  Eden's mom looks like she could be her sister. 

I agree Eden's mother is lovely.. these women look great for recovering alcoholics.

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36 minutes ago, WireWrap said:

Rinna asked Eden to "help" her with Kim then proceeded to tell her that Kim was close to death, not completely sober and that Kyle enabled her. Rinna went far beyond making/stating "assumptions", she said these things as facts, current facts at that. Yes, Eden ran with it but Rinna set her up to hurt/humiliate Kim as pay back for Amsterdam. Rinna bought the dynamite, lit the fuse, threw it and is now boo hoo'ing that it blew up all over her!

No one is claiming that Rinna wasn't wrong.  But Kim and Eden are hardly innocent victims.  Kim should have own up to making accusations re Harry Hamlin - vs making excuses and back pedaling.  That's what set Rinna off.  Eden is a grown up.  She kept going on and on and went from person to person - even after they all told her to shut it down.

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4 hours ago, Sai said:

LisaR saying in her TH that LVP can't mind her own business.  WHAT!??!  Meanwhile LisaR couldn't keep her nose out of Kyle and Kim's business if her life depended on it.  She's such an ass!!  I loved it when she was outside bawling her eyes out and no one comforted her.  Dorit looked confused and didn't know what to do and Eileen was too busy squeezing her cheeks so she wouldn't stain her white dress.  

Dorit had me giggling when she said "I just came to check on you to see if you didn't take a dive" 


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  3 hours ago, Sai said:

Oh, I forgot to add, LisaR must have studied Erika's video for hours because she knew every single move of that dance, if you can call it that. She couldn't wait for the opportunity to show how cool she is.  She's such a friggin attention whore.  She can't let anyone else have anything.  

IKR? She's been practicing that damn dance in her bedroom for weeks! She's rolling it out at the first opportunity, no matter what, no matter that she's been caught in a lie spreading vile gossip about her 'friend' Kyle to a flaky newb that no one knows. She's a hustler, goddamit, she's going to OWN that dance if it's the last thing she does!

It was horrible, I couldn't stop thinking what was going on in skeevy PK's head and whether he was trying to line up a good view. He actually wasn't, probably because he's got his nose lodged right up 'Mo's' arse and in this scene, on the yacht, it was easy to elbow old Ken out of the way so he could lather Mo with compliments about his yacht, his company, the tuna he caught for dinner etc.

If Maurizio wasn't around, he reverted back to trying to insinuate himself into the women's business. He's more invested in their intrigues and relationships than DodoDorit. Crikey she's vacant. Again, someone told her that the Hermes Birkin is the gold standard of accessories, so she's after the Birkin like all the other wannabes with no original style sense of their own. If it's advertised and it's expensive, these people must have it. Hermes is again laughing all the way to the bank, though they do like to ban the occasional ho who they decide they don't want their brand associated with (Marlo and Nene may be amongst these!)

The other scary thing about Lisar is she's grooming 2 human beings after her own image. I don't want to see those 2 in THs ever again, so glad they were absent from this episode. I really have issues with privileged and overentitled teens like these two nuff nuffs being rewarded with tv appearances for modeling anorexic eating and participating in dodgy SM apps that may or may not hook up attractive young women with predatory rich old men. Not amusing, not cool, not entertaining. And Lisar endorses this behavior. Ugh. 

I was gifted a Hermes Birkin bag for my Christmas present, if I could return it I would. It's not that great of a bag to me and it's too large for me to carry daily. I wasn't impressed at all but my fiancé was so proud to gift it to me I could not hurt his feelings , he's a label whore. Maybe I'll sell it online one day .

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3 hours ago, imjagain said:

Lol,  Kyle asking Mauricio where Rinna went?  Mauricio dancing by saying  "I don't know" Heehee, Mauricio was having a blast! 

LOL Mo had no effs to give.  Loved it!

58 minutes ago, Jamie Satyr said:

Rinna was obviously malicious going to the "what about your arrest" card against Kim at GAME NIGHT! That was the worst and most disgusting thing to come out of her filthy rubber mouth at the home of her host who sat there listening to what was said about her sister! ;-(

Yeah I shed no tears for Kim Richards, emoticon or otherwise; she's every bit as much of an asshole as Lisa R - if not more so.  She was the one who started the shit talking on game night.   

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Not sure if Rinna has memory problems because she's a user, or because she has a personality disorder that makes her blind to her own bad behavior (like so many on these shows), or because she's just a liar. Perhaps time will tell.

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The 1st few times LVP said she owned the color pink it was kinda cute I thought she kidding but at this point I think she is dead serious. She really does make a comment damn near every single time one of the HW wears pink. It is not so much that she think she owns it worldwide but that I sincerely think she doesn't want any other cast member wearing the color while filming.

Eden? Even her own mother is exhausted by her boa constrictor hugs. Beverly offered some of the most sound, succinct advise I think I have every heard on the BH show. 

I loved Dorit's white jumpsuit at the Agency party. Pity she paired it with beige shows and bag. 

Birkin bags are still a thing?@?!? Will that basic overpriced sack of leather ever go out of style?

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50 minutes ago, bichonblitz said:

Everybody needs a Harry to talk them down from the ledge! He is awesome. Problem with Rinna is that she should consult with him  before she opens her big mouth, not after the damage is done (and on tape).

Wonder what Harry thinks now after seeing his wife saying all those things about Kyle and Kim to Eden, and knowing that Rinna lied to him on the phone about not saying those things.

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Does anyone know who/what the hell was Rinna referring to when she was blathering on about "I've been down this road, I just can't go there anymore?" I wasn't sure if it was Kim, her sister, LVP or some other oddball entity.  What does that even mean? Initially I thought she was referring to her own sister's drug overdose which felt odd because I feel like she was super young when it happened and probably wasn't exposed to the same sort of situations as Kyle and Eden.  But maybe she's talking about the Munchies situation? Like she was called out on something she said and when she tried to pawn it off on someone else, nobody believed it.  I don't know wtf she is talking about but I could watch her breakdown ALL DAY.  I was giddier than LVP watching it.  Rinna is totally caught and specifically said EDEN lied and not her. Of course Rinna is going to shoulder the blame though I do think Eden is a total crackpot.  Eden is responsible for being a total nutbar and Rinna is responsible for gaslighting her. 

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3 minutes ago, esco1822 said:

Does anyone know who/what the hell was Rinna referring to when she was blathering on about "I've been down this road, I just can't go there anymore?" I wasn't sure if it was Kim, her sister, LVP or some other oddball entity.  What does that even mean? Initially I thought she was referring to her own sister's drug overdose which felt odd because I feel like she was super young when it happened and probably wasn't exposed to the same sort of situations as Kyle and Eden.  But maybe she's talking about the Munchies situation? Like she was called out on something she said and when she tried to pawn it off on someone else, nobody believed it.  I don't know wtf she is talking about but I could watch her breakdown ALL DAY.  I was giddier than LVP watching it.  Rinna is totally caught and specifically said EDEN lied and not her. Of course Rinna is going to shoulder the blame though I do think Eden is a total crackpot.  Eden is responsible for being a total nutbar and Rinna is responsible for gaslighting her. 

I'd say ask Rinna, but she probably would claim she doesn't remember. ;-)

Trash Talk TV recap  Rinnaheimer's  :  https://www.trashtalktv.com/02/14/rhobh-recap-rinnaheimers-disease/407163/

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By far my favorite part of this episode was Rinna's "that's so raven" face when Kyle calmly explained what transpired. Superior acting right there. I'm also really liking Erika this season. Not sure what she was trying to achieve, but I thought it was very diplomatic of her to gently prod Rinna into coming clean now, rather than letting the cameras expose her later. I don't buy that she doesn't remember. But more importantly, I'm pissed that Rinna keeps dragging Kim back into the fold. She can't come up with a new storyline so she harps on what happened last season. No thank you!

1 hour ago, ghoulina said:

Eden wasn't invited to Mexico. It was Kyle and Mauricio's trip, and Eden barely knows Kyle. Not to mention they're not on the best of terms, considering Eden's penchant for inserting herself where she doesn't belong. 

I do agree with you, though, that this isn't Rinna's cross to bear alone. Sure, she shouldn't have opened her big trap. But whether she did or not, Eden has still behaved incredibly inappropriately with the Richards sisters and needs to be taken to task for her OWN behavior. Also, she's said crap about both Kyle and Kim that has nothing to do with the addiction, recovery, enabling, etc. She's basically called them both rude, cold, unwelcoming, etc. So she shouldn't be getting any passes, and I hope she won't, once they're all back stateside. 

Agree 100% 

There's no excuse for her behavior especially when she's a stranger to these women, as Erika let slip during the meltdown this episode. I don't think Kyle cares about Eden though. I loved her face when Eden's name was mentioned, she eye rolled so hard. It's like Eden is a little gnat they can't seem to swat. And if she's also going to make her storyline all about Kim, despite having no relationship prior to this season, let's not have her back either.

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1 hour ago, byrd said:

I was gifted a Hermes Birkin bag for my Christmas present, if I could return it I would. It's not that great of a bag to me and it's too large for me to carry daily. I wasn't impressed at all but my fiancé was so proud to gift it to me I could not hurt his feelings , he's a label whore. Maybe I'll sell it online one day .

that's a sweet gift!

personally, I'm very picky when it comes to handbags.  I have a teensy pre-owned Chanel, and a Balenciaga that I found on sale once, but most of the time I carry this ginormous Coach bucket bag in which I could probably carry a toddler. (haven't tried, I swear!)  I don't really like the Louis Vuitton or Gucci style of "initial" bags, and the Birkin is a bit too structured for me, it reminds me a lot of my Nana Lillian and her beehive hairdo.

I'm more partial to styles that I prefer;  I wouldn't buy something that I didn't particular care for, especially at that price, strictly for a label.

Edited by teapot
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First, I do love Harry Hamlin.  He seems so calm and easy going.  And he bakes pies and barbeques! 

Boy, Lisa and Dorit didn't waste any time hauling their cookies over to where LisaR and Kyle were chatting, once they realized the convo was happening.  I get it's a reality show but seriously . . . can you not let them talk alone?  Or even for 5 minutes before claiming your court side seats and then interjecting?  LisaR may have been wrong for the comments to begin with but whenever a conversation between two people becomes a group event, I get stabby.

I like LisaR so maybe my opinion is tainted but I think she's spoken about Kim so much maybe she doesn't recall exactly what she told Eden and when.  She would have been much better served to say that she didn't recall saying that but she did feel that way at one time and she should have kept that opinion to herself and she's sorry.   Everyone in this group should realize that Kim is off limits. No matter what she does, Kyle doesn't want to discuss it.

Erika really was the voice of reason in this episode.  She seems like she's a good friend and good on her for not playing the game of telephone.

Eden's mom is gorgeous.  I was also fascinated and drawn by the long table Eden has in her house with the fresh flowers.  Like.  Want.

I'm not getting why people say Eileen is dour.  Her mother just died, along with her father in law.  Give her a break.  She also has a full time job outside of the RH. 

Dorit - talk about a drama queen.  You're jumping off a catamaran into the ocean; you're not jumping from the Empire State Building. I don't think you need to provide a final message to your kids.   And you get a Birkin for doing that?  Where do I sign up? 

PK is totally vile.  The snake in the grass comment was barf inducing and made him sound like he was 13.  Dorit must have married him for his money.

I agree that LisaVP is so pretty when she's not made up to the 9s.  I've always thought her best look was in button down shirts and jeans.  She does casual like nobody's business.

The locale was absolutely gorgeous.  Good on Mauricio for The Agency's success.  

27 minutes ago, teapot said:

that's a sweet gift!

personally, I'm very picky when it comes to handbags.  I have a teensy pre-owned Chanel, and a Balenciaga that I found on sale once, but most of the time I carry this ginormous Coach bucket bag in which I could probably carry a toddler. (haven't tried, I swear!)  I don't really like the Louis Vuitton or Gucci style of "initial" bags, and the Birkin is a bit too structured for me, it reminds me a lot of my Nana Lillian and her beehive hairdo.

I'm more partial to styles that I prefer;  I wouldn't buy something that I didn't particular care for, especially at that price, strictly for a label.

I love Coach.  I adore Coach.  I am a Coach whore.   I like that they have different styles, different colors and yet all the bags are well made and durable.  I carry a Coach daily.  The Coach outlet is a gift. 

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I'm really mystified by this premise that, because Kim offered a critique of the Eileen/Rinna dynamic during Game Night, morbid fantasies about her imminent death are somehow understandable. Kim interjected her perspective on behavior that was happening right in front of her - specifically, Eileen and Lisa inserting THEMSELVES in a disagreement between Dorit and Erika that had nothing to do with them. By the, uh, logic that this type of buttinskyish propensity warrants allusions to completely unrelated character faults, shouldn't Dorit be morally defensible in conjecturing that Eileen might be a nymphomaniac since she had at least one extramarital affair and joked about sleeping with yet a different woman's husband on air. Out of concern, you understand, because Eileen is thisclose to expiring from an STD. 

Likewise, I'm baffled by the persistent idea that Rinna's intent "wasn't malicious" - she had literally just attempted to humiliate the subject of her commentary on national television by explicitly invoking said adversary's legal troubles. Whether or not Rinna's retaliation in Amsterdam and on Game Night was justified is a totally disparate matter from whether or not she acted out of some benevolent impulse. 'Cause texts of the "I will fuck you up" ilk show nothing but good intentions. 

Eileen is a much less intelligent than I initially thought. After her demented obsession last year about AffairGate, I knew she was probably personality disordered herself but her indignation about Lisa "opportunistically" thrusting herself into a dispute that didn't involve her? Bitch, you practically soiled the sofa you were sitting on in Dubai last season when Rinna came to you with her yarn about "bring Kyle into it," and then proceeded to berate Kyle herself for not attacking Lisa. 

I actually kind of hope Rinna bails on the reunion because I'd love to see Eileen in the hot seat and Dorit (who proved herself more than capable of fighting back on Game Night) dragging the fuck out of her all over the set with Lisa. 

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9 minutes ago, psychoticstate said:

First, I do love Harry Hamlin.  He seems so calm and easy going.  And he bakes pies and barbeques! 

Boy, Lisa and Dorit didn't waste any time hauling their cookies over to where LisaR and Kyle were chatting, once they realized the convo was happening.  I get it's a reality show but seriously . . . can you not let them talk alone?  Or even for 5 minutes before claiming your court side seats and then interjecting?  LisaR may have been wrong for the comments to begin with but whenever a conversation between two people becomes a group event, I get stabby.

I like LisaR so maybe my opinion is tainted but I think she's spoken about Kim so much maybe she doesn't recall exactly what she told Eden and when.  She would have been much better served to say that she didn't recall saying that but she did feel that way at one time and she should have kept that opinion to herself and she's sorry.   Everyone in this group should realize that Kim is off limits. No matter what she does, Kyle doesn't want to discuss it.

Erika really was the voice of reason in this episode.  She seems like she's a good friend and good on her for not playing the game of telephone.

Eden's mom is gorgeous.  I was also fascinated and drawn by the long table Eden has in her house with the fresh flowers.  Like.  Want.

I'm not getting why people say Eileen is dour.  Her mother just died, along with her father in law.  Give her a break.  She also has a full time job outside of the RH. 

Dorit - talk about a drama queen.  You're jumping off a catamaran into the ocean; you're not jumping from the Empire State Building. I don't think you need to provide a final message to your kids.   And you get a Birkin for doing that?  Where do I sign up? 

PK is totally vile.  The snake in the grass comment was barf inducing and made him sound like he was 13.  Dorit must have married him for his money.

I agree that LisaVP is so pretty when she's not made up to the 9s.  I've always thought her best look was in button down shirts and jeans.  She does casual like nobody's business.

The locale was absolutely gorgeous.  Good on Mauricio for The Agency's success.  

I love Coach.  I adore Coach.  I am a Coach whore.   I like that they have different styles, different colors and yet all the bags are well made and durable.  I carry a Coach daily.  The Coach outlet is a gift. 

Pretty much agree with everything you said, especially the bolded. Get out of my head @psychoticstate! I'm really enjoying Erika this season and I loved her face when she went to comfort Rinna. You could tell she did not believe her at all.

I also noticed the flowers on the table behind Eden's mom, they we very pretty and I was way more interested in them than in Eden's conversation lol. Her mom does seem cool though.

Right, Dorit acted like she was walking the plank! You're jumping into the ocean, your husband is in the water waiting for you, calm the fuck down.


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On another subject, did anyone else see 2 random people sitting at the table next to PK when Dorit was giving her bows after coming topside from jumping into the water?  It was a man and a woman but no explanation of who they were.  They didn't appear to be crew members so I was just confused as to who they were.  

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1 hour ago, nexxie said:

Not sure if Rinna has memory problems because she's a user, or because she has a personality disorder that makes her blind to her own bad behavior (like so many on these shows), or because she's just a liar. Perhaps time will tell.

All of the above !

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1 hour ago, izabella said:

Wonder what Harry thinks now after seeing his wife saying all those things about Kyle and Kim to Eden, and knowing that Rinna lied to him on the phone about not saying those things.


IMO, Harry's spirit animal is Bobby Zarin in that he knows what his wife is like (to me, Rinna embodies the term frantic ), loves her anyway and participates in this cluster just enough to keep her happy without getting himself dragged into the muck. Plus, no matter how successful the career, many working and former actors (for whom the offers and money train can vanish in a heartbeat) would welcome a 6-figure payday into the household coffers for a few months of work.

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49 minutes ago, teapot said:

that's a sweet gift!

personally, I'm very picky when it comes to handbags.  I have a teensy pre-owned Chanel, and a Balenciaga that I found on sale once, but most of the time I carry this ginormous Coach bucket bag in which I could probably carry a toddler. (haven't tried, I swear!)  I don't really like the Louis Vuitton or Gucci style of "initial" bags, and the Birkin is a bit too structured for me, it reminds me a lot of my Nana Lillian and her beehive hairdo.

I'm more partial to styles that I prefer;  I wouldn't buy something that I didn't particular care for, especially at that price, strictly for a label.

I agree, that's why I didn't buy it. I never would..

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4 hours ago, BusyOctober said:

 LisaR's daughter "walked" in Tommy Herfurlgur's show.  She has told the audience twice how special it is to be selected for a Herfurlgur gig, and I believe it.  I heard Delilah was so amazing on the runway, she has been booked by Mark Jacons, Mike L. Coors, Dion Fustinbargh and Cuckoo Shanell.  All the knock-off designers are clamoring for for D-list celebrities' children to show their "exclusive collections" for Marshalls, Burlington Coat Factory and K-mart.

And Lisar and Harry Hamlin had tears streaming down their faces. Because their daughter was able to walk in a straight line? I do not get this craze at all. 

Lisa VDP was a delight last night. I adored her breakfast Spanish commercial moment, and she looked gorgeous.  As for her enjoying Lisar's downfall, that was also wonderful. She's a real life Alexis Carrington and I love it. 

Eden is definitely in the right when it comes to Lisar planting shit in her brain, but Eden is seriously seriously mental. She is such a chore to be around, even her mama runs away from her hugs.

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1 hour ago, islandgal140 said:

The 1st few times LVP said she owned the color pink it was kinda cute I thought she kidding but at this point I think she is dead serious. She really does make a comment damn near every single time one of the HW wears pink. It is not so much that she think she owns it worldwide but that I sincerely think she doesn't want any other cast member wearing the color while filming.

Eden? Even her own mother is exhausted by her boa constrictor hugs. Beverly offered some of the most sound, succinct advise I think I have every heard on the BH show. 

I  loved Dorit's white jumpsuit at the Agency party. Pity she paired it with beige shows and bag.  

Birkin bags are still a thing?@?!? Will that basic overpriced sack of leather ever go out of style?

I thought you were going to say it's a pity she paired it with her beige potato husband  lol,  no lie!  That is actually what I thought  was coming at the end of the sentence lol. 

I do agree,  loved the white jumpsuit,  yes,  a pop of color  in the shoes and or bag would have been nice. 

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1 hour ago, bichonblitz said:

Everybody needs a Harry to talk them down from the ledge! He is awesome. Problem with Rinna is that she should consult with him  before she opens her big mouth, not after the damage is done (and on tape).

Harry has a very soothing voice and calming demeanor but entire time I was thinking "WTF!" He says to her "I've never heard you say that" and she taking it as validation. Just because your husband doesn't hear the bullshit spewing from your mouth around town doesn't mean you didn't say it. With her not taking responsibility for her comments even now when confronted with video evidence nullifys anything she has said about "owning it", "being honest"or taking responsibility for your actions.

Lisa is experiencing schadenfreude. She is enjoying Rinna getting a bitchslap from Karma. Won't begrudge her that.

Eileen can go fuck herself. She is Rinna's enabler. Never corrects her, always supports her, always forgiving or being her apologist. She may be a ride or die friend but she isn't a good friend. 

Eden can even creep her mother out with her hugs.

Dorit who? Good for her she got a handbag.

The table dance was pathetic.

While her timing could have been better I admire Erica for not inserting herself into the situation and only telling Rinna that she needs to talk to Kyle directly. She didn't do an Eileen and tell her what to say and feel. She was also was strong enough to keep telling Rinna to take responsibility not letting her slide like Eileen does.

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For some reason my favorite moment was when Eileen, having heard that LR said Kim was near death etc. said "that doesn't sound like you."

Err...it sounds EXACTLY like her. Lisar always catches whichever way the drama is heading and tries to run out in front of it (and usually trips over her own feet instead). Last year it was Munchhausen's. Of course when faced with Eden, someone who's dying to sink her teeth into some juicy addiction drama, she's going to adjust herself and start talking about how Kim's going to die and Kyle's an enabler, just like Eden. Then when she's with Kyle herself the drama runs in the other direction and she wants to talk about Eden's craziness and how much she supports Kim.

I just thought it was funny that Eileen would even try to suggest that that kind of breathless hyperbole behind the subject's back wasn't the way Lisar talks all the time. It's not like Eileen hasn't been on the receiving end of it plenty of times. It's just another version of her climbing up on the table to dance.  

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