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S21.E07: Week 7: Bimini

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20 minutes ago, JudyObscure said:

The rose ceremonies offer the only drama this show has and now we don't even have that.  Just a dumb little cry baby in a man suit and some boring dates with mediocre women (with one exception) who are still far above the lead.

I can only speculate that Nick knows the rose ceremonies are excruciating for everyone, not just the person being sent home. It's almost like a beauty pageant line-up, waiting for your name to be called after hours of standing in uncomfortable shoes. I agree that they make for better drama in the house and for the episode though.

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Nick, I'm begging you please stop channeling your inner Eeyore and give us a little Tigger, Pooh I'll even take Christopher Robin for gid's sake!

OMG seriously - this guy is so emo, it's over the top.  I am not getting the Old Nick (sex appeal) at all on this series.  Handsome guy, but jeez man pull it together.

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10 hours ago, TomGirl said:

Where the heck was Vanessa in this episode?  There were plenty of scenes with the women sitting around and talking, but she was almost never present.  Never seen that before.....

I missed the first half hour of the ep and I seriously thought Vanessa got sent home or something because she was nowhere to be seen. So weird.

1 hour ago, Ms Blue Jay said:

Nick and [Vanessa] seem completely different to me.  Can't put my finger on it.  It doesn't work in my head.  

I agree. I don't see it with them at all. If he ends up with her, it won't last. But let's be real it won't last no matter who he ends up with!

1 hour ago, laurakaye said:

His hair looked stupid after he'd been in the water.  Boy must use a ton of product.

His hair was so bad when it was wet. I half expected the women to all leave him right there! I wouldn't have blamed them.

12 hours ago, truthaboutluv said:

Btw, further proof of Corinne's seeming like an oversexed child, anyone think she looked like she didn't even really know how to walk properly in heels?

That was so embarrassing to watch. She truly could not walk in those heels. 

9 minutes ago, Porkchop said:

Now it's The Corinne Show ...blaaargh!

It's always been the Corinne show.

Edited by peachmangosteen
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That said, how in the world are they gonna stretch six more episodes out of this disaster of a season? We're only seven episodes in and there's hardly anyone left. We've got the hometown visits, the Women Tell All, and the final episode, but that only brings us up to ten total episodes.

There's only 11 episodes this season, apparently the most they could stretch this mess to once they decided to edit out the Vanessa drama. We've got Hometowns, Overnights, WTA, and Finale to look forward (?) to.

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4 hours ago, FamilyVan said:

Raven - she has totally grown on me.  I am impressed that she went to Law School.  She is not just a small town hick like her intro portrayed.  I really like her.  Also agree she seems really tempered and not into drama.

You see this is why it's so crappy the way they edited this season with making Corrine the dominant story line at the expense of the viewers seeing any other of the women's stories, personalities and relationships with Nick grow. I'm surprised they even showed this clip of Raven telling about her dad's cancer and having to leave law school. Bottom line there's more to Raven than just the small town angry hick girl that they emphasized for drama. That episode really bothered me about the violence but I will have to admit watching her throughout this season that she has mostly stayed out of all the drama, got along great with the other women and was always willing to go along with the silly group dates without a lot of undue fuss.

3 hours ago, JudyObscure said:

What makes Nick think that rather than simply not getting a rose at the RC where she can say goodbye and leave with dignity, it's better to take the woman aside,

You see I think IRL this would be a much better way of doing it and him doing it that way to me says he really wants to explain his reasons instead of a blunt cut off this far in the season. And I think they would actually have more time to say goodbye this way. We've seen past bach/b'ettes lead the eliminated one out and spend a little more time explaining the reason why in more detail this late in the game. The only difference is he does it before RC's which I agree I miss also. But I wouldn't mind the being pulled aside and told in more detail the way he has done it. I would even excuse some watery eyes and a few tears as long as it wasn't overdone and I felt it was genuine. Nick does seem to go overboard a bit though I would agree. I just don't think he's had total control of how the RC's are done either. I don't see the producers going along with canceling them this much if they didn't agree so I tend to think they've had as much or more control over that as Nick has had. Over all just a very badly edited season though.

Edited by yorklee2
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The only redeeming moments on this show were watching Corinne walk in Louboutins like a drunk truck driver, and Rachel and Kristina stacking cheese on her head. I'm starting to feel slightly evil about myself because every time Nick bursts into tears, I dissolve into unstoppable laughter.

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21 minutes ago, yorklee2 said:

him doing it that way to me says he really wants to explain his reasons instead of a blunt cut off this far in the season.

I would agree with this if he ever actually explained anything, So far, all I've heard is some version of the obvious, "I like the other women better." If he said they lived too far apart, or she doesn't want children and he does, or even you acted like such a party pooper on the group dates, but he's never done that and what he has done is allowed them to give an uninterrupted declaration of their loving feelings toward him, which makes it all the more humiliating when he answers with a, "Sorry, I'm not feeling it."


20 minutes ago, LucyHoneychrrch said:

The only redeeming moments on this show were watching Corinne walk in Louboutins like a drunk truck driver

Let's not forget Corinne wobbling past six feet of wide open sliding doors, to push open a heavy glass door on the other side of the opening. 

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Danielle's professions of love were so "fenced off" from real feelings. It just seemed to be that she was in love with the idea of being in love, and given that Nick is the only person around of the necessary gender, there you go. "My heart is open. It's open to you. I want to experience everything with you, the good, the bad, the in-between. I don't know if that's something that I've ever really felt. I care a lot about you. This is something that I've really wanted to feel."

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37 minutes ago, yorklee2 said:

Over all just a very badly edited season though.

It really is and I think it's killing all the potential this season had to be fun, interesting, and/or entertaining. I'm gonna go ahead and believe the rumors about Vanessa and the Vanessa/Rachel conflict and blame the shitty editing largely on TPTB protecting them, which is stupid and annoying. 

Edited by peachmangosteen
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Rachel's dress was "interesting" (The long panels over little shorts) but looked like a real PITA to walk in when it's windy!

But wow, when Nick goes in to dump Christina, Rachel had a very inappropriate big grin on her face. Hard to see, but no denying it.

Screen Shot 2017-02-14 at 12.00.01 PM.jpg

Edited by dleighg
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Nick is the mopiest sad sack human ever on this show. He is unable to pronounce the word "relationship"-it's like the third syllable is missing. He makes me cringe. There is NOTHING attractive about him.

WORD! I find him effeminate and wimpy. The mumbling and head tilting/sideways gazing drives me crazy, along with his other mannerisms. I can see they tried to hunk him up a bit with the beard, but it didn't work. 

Nick seems bored and depressed. I don't understand why he agreed to do the show. What does he have to gain at this point? Are they paying him that much? He's kind of become a joke considering how many times he has been on the show. (I remember Brad getting flack for doing it twice!) 

I don't believe he is that interested in any of these women, not even Vanessa, unless it's all being edited out. When he cried while letting Kristina go, I got the feeling he was crying more for himself and that he was dumb enough to come back on the show. There are just few sparks with anyone, even when he's kissing and making out with women. It looks obligatory on his part. Even the edge he had that made him such a jerk on the first few seasons is long gone. Heck, at least he was somewhat interesting then. 

Sorry! Can you tell I'm bored? 

Is Corinne eating as much as they are trying to portray? Her face looked rounder in some of the scenes but not in the THs. 

Edited by Sweet-tea
Corinne note
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On a really shallow note Kristina is the most beautiful woman there with Vanessa in second place.  Raven has amazing hair and the best body. Raven seems so secure in her relationship with Nick.  Either that or she's just not into him. 

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29 minutes ago, JudyObscure said:

what he has done is allowed them to give an uninterrupted declaration of their loving feelings toward him, which makes it all the more humiliating when he answers with a, "Sorry, I'm not feeling it."

I agree his methods are lacking but I don't think he's trying to be intentionally cruel. I think he honestly believes he's doing it the least hurtful way. He strikes me as more unaware of how his approach could be hurtful than anything and if he watched it back would see how he could have done it better as opposed to others in the past who could have cared less if they were hurtful or not. Most posters don't seem to agree but it's just my opinion.

30 minutes ago, JudyObscure said:

Let's not forget Corinne wobbling past six feet of wide open sliding doors, to push open a heavy glass door on the other side of the opening. 

I noticed that too and the funny part is for all her posing as spoiled and childish she genuinely seemed wrapped up enough in her head that she didn't even notice it. It didn't play as fake at all which she has done throughout most of the season.

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31 minutes ago, dleighg said:

But wow, when Nick goes in to dump Christina, Rachel had a very inappropriate big grin on her face. Hard to see, but no denying it.

Screen Shot 2017-02-14 at 12.00.01 PM.jpg

Rachel may have assumed that Kristina was getting a hometown. Corinne was also nervous that was happening.

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51 minutes ago, dleighg said:

Rachel's dress was "interesting" (The long panels over little shorts) but looked like a real PITA to walk in when it's windy!

But wow, when Nick goes in to dump Christina, Rachel had a very inappropriate big grin on her face. Hard to see, but no denying it.

Screen Shot 2017-02-14 at 12.00.01 PM.jpg

Or she was just happy to see Nick after their amazing date...nah...

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4 hours ago, huahaha said:

I actually wish the show would air some of her fights with "DLo" and Rachel, just to give her some interest. It would be more fun to root against a villain than to keep hearing how perfect Vanessa is, despite evidence. They picked the wrong edit, imo.

Helllllllllllll yes to this.... don't judge me

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I have to say I am PISSED about the announcement because it truly ruined the tiny sliver of intrigue this show had. I can't see what the point was to rush it.


Vanessa and Rachel had some kind of blowout fight

Why would they not include this? Boo.

Vanessa was an early fave but I've been catching some whiffs of entitlement in the last few weeks. She has to know he can't say it back right? And last week she pouted because she was on a group date and the attention wasn't on her. But considering who is left, and thanks to the announcement, the ending seems fairly spelled out...

Oh no why is it Andi coming to the door? I kind of enjoyed that they hated each other. 

Speaking of hating each other--Nick vs. Sean on Twitter last night was kind of interesting!


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It's basically their fault though for intentionally spoiling their own shows. This is like when you watch a sports re-broadcast and they still keep the scores coming through on the scroll... it's news, it's out there, they don't try to hide it, it's on them.

I saw Kimmel last night and he almost immediately said "Well... I guess that hometown date didn't go so well huh?" Absurd. I can't/won't watch another season of this show as it offers neither entertainment or even a whiff of reality it's just a big machine lumbering along in it's well-planned machinations. They obviously don't care about the product. Ridiculous.

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Oh, I wanted to add (this is the first time I've posted three times on an episode thread and I feel weird about it), I went snorkeling with sharks once in Fiji and it was a seriously cool experience. However, all of these girls seemed to be decent swimmers in the choppy ocean. I absolutely cannot go snorkeling without a life jacket... I flail and kick coral and nearly drown. It is not a pleasant experience. Would they let these girls wear a life jacket if they needed to? Or just toss them in the ocean anyway so they can get an emotional scene where the girl is crying and choking out water? I'm just picturing myself on this show in a bright orange flotation device looking like the height of sexiness while I talk about falling in love and trying to kiss the lead while the jacket bulks up around my face.

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The editing is very strange this time around. Not only are  they cutting some juicy scenes between the women, they are cutting rose ceremonies and cocktail parties and spending half of every episode on Corinne. Now that they have spoiled the next Bachlorette there is even less suspense. Do any of us really think Nick is going to end up with Corinne? 

I still don't like Nick and I usually like the bachleor's well enough. He also seems completely fake to me and I don't understand the crying since he is showing zero interest in anyone. He does not seem to be enjoying himself either. I think the women have all picked up on this big time, which is why they are confused and crying themselves. I think the show tries to throw in something different each time around, but this is the weirdest thing yet.

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Wow, this show became "Sex Box" so gradually that I never even noticed.

That said - boy did this episode drag. Like I said last week, the bizarre pacing and "why not open every episode with a rose ceremony" approach to structure has turned the season into a terrible muddle. Which could be some canny filmmaking on the part of the producers, really putting us into Nick's headspace by throwing us into date after mandatory-fun date with a score of beautiful women until we lose our sense of self and very identity under the strain, and are reduced to a weeping husk. But I'm pretty sure it's just gross incompetence. 

Many thanks to our illustrious recapper for checking that "tried to do something nice and very cute for Nick" quote from Corinne - it sounded suspiciously familiar to me but I didn't have the fortitude to go back and check. 

MVP to Rachel, I guess, for cutting right through Nick's "Will I be similar to the guys you've dated before" babble and just addressing the question he was trying not to ask. And congrats and godspeed to her as the new Bachelorette. Don't let the producers foist any Corinne-level nonsense candidates on you, girl. (Or any Nick-level nonsense candidates, for that matter!) You deserve only good things. 

Edited by alannaofdoom
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I could have watched a whole hour of Corinne walking in those PeeWee Herman heels. I was fascinated, couldn't get enough. Meanwhile, is it just me or the editing that makes me think Nick will continue being a bachelor (lower-case b) after this show?

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17 hours ago, Snickerdoodle said:

I kind of want them to go to Corinne's house so Nick can see her interact with her nanny!

I'm hoping to see her "run a multi-million dollar company." I have this image in my head of her father delegating Corinne to stuff envelopes or playing Windows Solitaire just to keep her out of his hair.

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17 minutes ago, locomoco said:

I'm hoping to see her "run a multi-million dollar company." I have this image in my head of her father delegating Corinne to stuff envelopes or playing Windows Solitaire just to keep her out of his hair.

I see her sitting behind a desk, phone to ear, saying, "Yes. I authorize that." It'll be just like Elle Woods' video application to Harvard Law.

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22 minutes ago, locomoco said:

I'm hoping to see her "run a multi-million dollar company." I have this image in my head of her father delegating Corinne to stuff envelopes or playing Windows Solitaire just to keep her out of his hair.


2 minutes ago, Captain Asshat said:

I see her sitting behind a desk, phone to ear, saying, "Yes. I authorize that." It'll be just like Elle Woods' video application to Harvard Law.

IIRC, the clip from her intro video just showed her sitting at a desk next to what looked like their kitchen and him pointing to a piece of paper telling her to return someone's phone call.  I don't remember what it was about, but I recall it seeming mundane.  The multi-million dollar company certainly wasn't going to crumble if she screwed up that phone call.  Then she was using a laptop on a patio and asking her nanny for cucumbers.  

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2 minutes ago, aqv123 said:

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Great, this is what happens when the IMdB boards close...

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3 hours ago, Madding crowd said:

He also seems completely fake to me and I don't understand the crying since he is showing zero interest in anyone

I think right now he's so blocked about why he let himself in for this whole thing, he's too "in his head" about his own past failures he can't get out of his own way and just try to enjoy himself/relax. He's trying to find someone as Bachelor while being too concerned about every woman he has to let down in the process since he knows what that feels like and he hates to do that to anyone... he's trying so. damn. hard. to not hurt anyone along the way he can't make the 'moves' he needs to 'win' any of the women. He's constantly hamstrung by his own feelings to such a degree that he's paralyzed. He's not even showing 'interest' in his own needs.

They needed a "lead" and didn't get it, so they made the whole show about Corinne instead.

Edited by Wandering Snark
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Nick really doesn't like any of the women does he?  He really does seem more focused on breaking up with them than anything.  They aren't even having rose ceremonies at this point, so where's the cliff hanger?  I can see why they kept Corinne around I suppose, but it would be nice to know more about the ladies at this point.  I feel like we know nothing about the top 3 and too much about Corinne.

I get that Nick is scarred by his past on the Bachelorette, but seriously, he's on the fun side of it this time.  He has women throwing themselves at him, they are in beautiful locations!  They might as well have stayed in Wisconsin for all the fun they are having in the warm weather.

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18 hours ago, jade.black said:

PS. If you guys haven't seen Chad hitting on Kristina via Twitter yet... it's pretty enjoyable. He's been picking out girls left and right for his BIP harem.

I hope he tries it and I hope she kills him with her icy stare. And/or locks him in a basement and makes him survive by eating lipstick for five years. 

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Oh, I forgot to mention that I think I've figured out why Nick talks weird: he often does not open his teeth when he talks. He's like gritting his teeth almost all the time. That probably also contributes to why he comes off like he is miserable as hell a lot of the time.

Edited by peachmangosteen
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Nick was a lot more fun during Paradise. He seems to excel more in group situations, as the wry commenter. I would peg him as an introvert, but I think he's just not good at carrying things on his own. Quietness/introversion/thinkers/observers play so badly on Bachelor/ette versions, whereas it usually results in fun commentary on Paradise.

I think you need a really extroverted, outgoing Bachelor/ette to avoid the boredom this show always brings.

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5 hours ago, Wandering Snark said:

It's basically their fault though for intentionally spoiling their own shows.


5 hours ago, Wandering Snark said:

They obviously don't care about the product. Ridiculous.

It was scrolled across CNN all day and also hot topics on Wendy.  They DO NOT care about their product and I guess they feel their audience can go screw also.  

I would make it a point to boycott or mention that to their sponsors.  I don't tweet but many sponsors have twitter and FB accounts to complain to.  I would let them know the way they disregard their audience who wanted to see the season through is a spit in the face.  Sponsors pay the bills--if they believe the audience will take it out on them things will change.  

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At this point it is impossible to suspend any disbelief that would explain away why Corrine is still on the show.  There is no way possible that Nick can be seriously interested in her among the other women, and the types of women we know he has been into in the past.  I think you hit the nail on the head, her family is just too much good reality TV gold to not include in Hometowns.  This is the most plausible explanation I have heard yet.


Oh no... I just had a flash of Corinne and her family getting their own show!

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4 minutes ago, zoltana said:

At this point it is impossible to suspend any disbelief that would explain away why Corrine is still on the show.  There is no way possible that Nick can be seriously interested in her among the other women, and the types of women we know he has been into in the past.  I think you hit the nail on the head, her family is just too much good reality TV gold to not include in Hometowns.  This is the most plausible explanation I have heard yet.


Oh no... I just had a flash of Corinne and her family getting their own show!

I don't think I replied correctly.  This should be crediting Family Van.

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6 hours ago, Kbilly said:

I have to say I am PISSED about the announcement because it truly ruined the tiny sliver of intrigue this show had.

Right. We can speculate about why they did it but the bottom line is, why are they spoiling the show for their own viewers?? They've been doing some crazy things the past few years and to me it seems like it started with having two bachelorettes. Then picking the 2nd choice with JoJo when they had never did that before and picking Nick instead of going with last years bachelors. They've slowly been extending the RC's to the next episode over the years and their editing is getting so sloppy. I understand that they might be trying to shake things up a bit to get out of the same routine year after year but as they say, "if it ain't broke don't fix it". But as you and others have said taking the fun and suspense out of it by announcing Rachel early was kind of like slapping the viewers in the face. Makes me wonder what other things they will come up with over the years. It's getting now like a parody of itself and is seriously in, "jump the shark" territory.

8 hours ago, Sweet-tea said:

I don't believe he is that interested in any of these women, not even Vanessa, unless it's all being edited out.

It seems that way now but I remember the first date they had it was obvious he was smitten with her. I agree with others that he's getting to inside of his head and is so afraid of making a mistake that he's coming across kind of cold and uptight.

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1 hour ago, seasick said:

I would make it a point to boycott or mention that to their sponsors.  I don't tweet but many sponsors have twitter and FB accounts to complain to.  I would let them know the way they disregard their audience who wanted to see the season through is a spit in the face.  

I  might boycott/complain, because seriously.  They ARE SPOILING THEIR OWN ENDING.  But i have no interest in being any part of even the slightest bit of a negative backlash against Rachel. A) she is awesome. B) twitter is pretty racist and im already worried about what might be said about her.  C) She is the first African American lead!!!!! Which is great.

 And ultimately,  this didnt 'spoil the season' for me.  Nick and Corinne did. 

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Raven - she has totally grown on me.  I am impressed that she went to Law School.  She is not just a small town hick like her intro portrayed.  I really like her.  Also agree she seems really tempered and not into drama.

Did she go to law school?  I thought she said she rethought it when her dad was diagnosed with lung cancer and she moved back home. 


Is Corinne eating as much as they are trying to portray? Her face looked rounder in some of the scenes but not in the THs. 

I wouldn't be surprised considering how she was putting back those cubes of cheese.  Even she admitted "I'm eating my feelings!"  

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2 hours ago, zoltana said:

At this point it is impossible to suspend any disbelief that would explain away why Corrine is still on the show.  There is no way possible that Nick can be seriously interested in her among the other women, and the types of women we know he has been into in the past.  I think you hit the nail on the head, her family is just too much good reality TV gold to not include in Hometowns.  This is the most plausible explanation I have heard yet.


Oh no... I just had a flash of Corinne and her family getting their own show!

I was perplexed by this too, until I realized that the just wants to take her to the Fantasy Suite. She's a sure thing. Sigh.

Super pissed that they spoiled the show. I mean, wtf ABC?! I literally don't get why they would announce a Bachelorette that has not been booted and is currently still a contender. 

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I am a bit stunned about the spoiler. Way to heighten the suspense, show. This season has been weird all round.

Apart from Rachel, the only thing I am enjoying is the Corrine. I hope she does get her own spin-off show from this: Corinne and the Nanny. Not saying I'd watch it, but there are far worse things being screened.

Nick did a section of apologetic, explanatory mumble midway in his booting of Danielle where it sounded as if his dentures had fallen out. Also liked the bit where cheese or an olive was thrown and caught in someone's mouth, at the very end. Can't remember who threw, Raven? Then Kristina was the catcher. It was a good moment. I still don't understand the sharks.

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2 hours ago, fib said:

I  might boycott/complain, because seriously.  They ARE SPOILING THEIR OWN ENDING.  But i have no interest in being any part of even the slightest bit of a negative backlash against Rachel. A) she is awesome. B) twitter is pretty racist and im already worried about what might be said about her.  C) She is the first African American lead!!!!! Which is great.

 And ultimately,  this didnt 'spoil the season' for me.  Nick and Corinne did. 

TBTH, I can't get all hyped up over who Nick chooses thanks to Fleiss & Co. spoiling the ending. If I can make a prediction (I DID NOT READ ANY SPOILERS), I think Platinum Vagine leaves after the hometown dates, new Bachelorette (congrats!) Rachel leaves after the fantasy dates, leaving Vanessa and Raven for the final two. It also wouldn't surprise me if Nick doesn't choose either woman. By the way, when did Danielle M become dull over the past few weeks? I thought she would be the last woman standing, but she faded like a ghost. She literally turned into Blanda McBlanderson.

I cannot get into Nick's head. As someone has said previously, Nick liked the chase for one woman (Andi & Kaitlyn), but when it comes to choosing among other women, he deflates like a balloon. There's nothing desirable or emotionally attractive about him. Plus his slurring of words is such a turnoff. Did he want to be there or did he liked cashing the checks from being The Bachelor?  It makes me believe that Fleiss & Co. are so disillusioned with Nick that they made the early Bachelorette announcement (yes, I know the ratings are high this season, but still...).

Finally, I couldn't think of a better place for the fantasy date: a chilly climate for a cold Bachelor.

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What is Bachelor Nation? I keep hearing the term that "Bachelor Nation" may not accept Rachel.  Is this a group?  From the comments you would think that Rachel's show will be the next Flava Flav dating show. (I can't remember the name!) 

I am so sorry if Rachel really had feeling for Nick, but she so dodged a bullet!  I think Vanessa also knows that this is not forever.  I know people liked Kristina, but I saw two scenes with her and she just always had this bored  or hostile look.  Outside of her tragic backstory I can't think of anything interesting they said about her.  Now that I have fast forwarded it were Corinne and Rachel talking about Vanessa? 

I just don't see chemistry between Nick and any of them.  If I had to say that he had some chemistry with anyone, oddly it would be Rachel. He is the most natural with her. I need to rewind but there was a minute tonight when he sad something and it was one of his worse high pitched mumbled messes and I thought to myself, this show must really do something to you if Rachael or any of them really thought they were attracted to him. 

Danielle was so bland I could not even stop to watch that date. I saw that they were trying to dance and she looked so awkward.  She just looked scared tome the whole time.  She kept closing her eyes and looking away.  

I wonder about the ratings. I strongly believe this show does well because I don't know what other shows oppose it.  Most people I know that watch the show either love it or they hate watch.  I think the rating stay steady because people watch out of habit.  When using the search engine this season to educate myself, it seems like most people are hate watching it.  Even the people that recap it seemingly for a JOB, don't seem to really enjoy the show. 

Somebody mentioned it on this board before, but am I the only person that did not get the memo about rompers being the must have item in your closet? 

Why do some girls get put in a vehicle and their luggage is collected, but others get to leave on their own?  Corinne's face does look rounder. Her hair just looks terrible. I purposely did not watch Corinne's little stunt.  I can only take so much.  Kudos to those of you whom have made it through 21 seasons, or who can sit through a full episode. 

I saw a clip and Corinne looked like a clown walking in those shoes, like a little girl that stole them out of her mommy's closet. 

I think these girls should travel more.  They squeal and ooh and ahh at every room....and some have been just average.  Hard to believe that multi million dollar Corinne is impressed with some of the places they have stayed. 

I hope Rachel gets a good stylist.  She is in great shape and I hope they dress her well.

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9 hours ago, saber5055 said:

I could have watched a whole hour of Corinne walking in those PeeWee Herman heels. I was fascinated, couldn't get enough. Meanwhile, is it just me or the editing that makes me think Nick will continue being a bachelor (lower-case b) after this show?

Right?  She just had to be on the hometown dates.  I want her "nanny" to piss all over Nick.  Tv gold!  I could see if her nanny and her became good friends, had a lot of trust and then nanny became her personal assistant.  To relish in the word nanny is very psychotic.

When she teetered over to his room and then told us she had a platinum vajayjay and then was turned down.  I truly think she was horrified.  To put on the "easy" move and be turned down only to have it all taped for eternity?  Awesome!

5 hours ago, seasick said:

It was scrolled across CNN all day and also hot topics on Wendy.  They DO NOT care about their product and I guess they feel their audience can go screw also.  

IMO:  They know this season is complete crap and want us to be on board RIGHT THIS MINUTE and wait out the hohum of this season.

19 minutes ago, catrice2 said:

Why do some girls get put in a vehicle and their luggage is collected, but others get to leave on their own?  

If you have a 1 on 1 or 2 on 1 there is a chance you are not coming back.  The bags are packed before you go on the date.  If the bachelor just decides you need to go outside of the RC or a date then you get the chance to pack and say goodbye.

Edited by jumper sage
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That is my opinion as well......steady ratings (for the reasons I listed above) aside, they know the feedback they have gotten and the comments they see on social media and with these recappers.  I wonder how vocal some of the discarded women have been?  I also wonder if we will ever get the true story on Rachel and Vanessa...they both just seem too perfect.    

It just seems like the season I chose to watch is the worst one. But then again, I saw pictures of other Bachelor's and I have a feeling it could be worse. 

Nick is ok when he is dressed well and posing....but the minute he opens his mouth the illusion of attractiveness is gone.  He also needs to stay away from beachwear.  Formal dress is his strong suit. 

Lovely moment when the bartender said something like make him need you not want you. 

Having been there, I can honestly tell you that nothing about Nick makes me believe he can handle what goes along with marrying or even seriously dating someone of another race.    In the fantasy world people will try to tell you it doesn't matter, but in the real world (and especially depending on where you live) you have to be strong enough in who you are apart and together to withstand some of the things that  may come your way.  I remember one of my company Christmas parties years ago when I was in corporate.  When my co worker's realized my husband was white, no one wanted to sit at our table.   People who had been very friendly toward me could not meet my eyes.  We are both educated professionals and this was an insurance company.  He also coined what he calls the "approving stare"  which is true, sometimes when we are out we will see people who will kind of nod in approval,  or look at us in total disgust.  Some people go out of their way to make sure we know that they are "o.k." with us (as if it matters) , and others become hostile.  I have been confronted by men who wanted to know why I was with my husband.    No way Nick would be able to handle situations like that.   If you are lucky you live in a diverse place where largely things like that don't happen, but they do happen sometimes and some people are just not comfortable with it.    I noted that Rachel talked about how her family would react to Nick, but I did not see a discussion about how HIS family would react to her. 

Nick just does not strike me as the strong person in the relationship.   I don't know much about the other seasons, but looking at the people they cast I truly hope they do  not  have people from other seasons return for  Rachel.  I would not be at all surprised if Nick shows up at the end of her season saying he made a mistake.....he will do anything to be on television. 

Taking nothing away from Rachel, I believe that Nick very much wanted to be known as the Bachelor that brought "diversity" to the franchise. I think it was a plan by the producers to promote a woman of color, and I'll bet they vetted her like she was getting a security clearance at the Pentagon.  I honestly think that is part of the reason he was chosen over some others that were up for the job.   As the "first black woman," they made sure to stay away from any stereotypes.......she had to be in shape, tick, she had to have a professional job...tick, speak well...tick... impressive parents, tick.etc.  They wanted to be sure that when they put a minority out there it would be someone who was "acceptable" to the others......and not too light skinned or mixed race to have the other segment hollering that they did not choose a "real black woman." 

I wonder how heartbroken Rachel was?  Just from body language and looks it is clear many of them realized long ago Nick was not their type and they were just along for the ride. I wonder if she felt a responsibility to do the show....just to represent minorities?  It is a shame to me that people feel like this is such a victory.  We have so many serious issues to overcome, but hundreds of thousands of people thought one of them was having the Bachelor franchise accept a minority?   Although I get totally why Rachel is doing this, and I know it would be hard to turn down what they are offering, I had hoped she would be too smart to continue with this show.   There will be a segment of minorities that never watched the show that will tune in out of curiosity, but I don't really expect a boon in ratings.  Most people made up their mind about the show long ago and some just see Rachel as a token for the network to save face in light of all the racism claims. 

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3 hours ago, violet and green said:

Also liked the bit where cheese or an olive was thrown and caught in someone's mouth, at the very end. Can't remember who threw, Raven? Then Kristina was the catcher. It was a good moment.

This was one of those moments during the last episode that I realized Kristina is awesome (and far too good for this dog n pony show!) I'm torn about wanting to see more of her and also wanting her to get far away from this crap.

As for 'styling' Rachel they'd already seen to it she had long flowing hair for her 'reveal' not the bad weave people are commenting on.

Random remembrance from the episode that made me kind of tilt my head questioning was when she put out there "I haven't decided, I might bring you to my cottage." It just sounded really entitled/snooty. I get the feeling we've seen about 15% of what she's actually like/has to offer while the rest is on the cutting room floor, most of it not casting her in the greatest light.

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