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S01.E15: Jack Pearson's Son

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You are not entitled to act like the father to your wife's adult children! And you can lament the loss of Jack all you want, but it doesn't change the fact that you didn't waste time moving in on his wife after he died! Dick!

I sure am glad that Kate told off Duke, even though it got her kicked out of camp. Worth it! Also liked her admitting that Aladdin was her first celeb crush. A lady after my own heart...

Yay for Toby for deciding to slow things down with the engagement. Wise move.

My heart sank at the last scene. But I can't blame Jack for being upset. Rebecca's past may have been "nothing" but by not telling Jack about it, she turned "nothing" into "something". Plus, what she implied about Jack being "in her way" was really shitty.

Aww Kevin skipping his big night to help Randall through his panic attack.

God, Jack's death is going to be awful. I know it.

  • Love 21

Wow!! Lots going on tonight!! Just some random thoughts:

*Loved the Miguel/Kevin scene! We don't know how fast or under what circumstances Miguel got with Rebecca, so I'm holding off on what I think of Miguel, but great scene.

*Kate getting kicked out of camp is weird.  Makes me wonder if she was really kicked out or it was an excuse to leave? Even if his parents own the place, they must know their son is a loser if they are the only ones who will hire him.

*Love, love, love that Kevin ran to help Randall!  There is hope for d-bag Kevin after all!! Really feel bad for the Sloane, that he left her on stage by herself while he was running to meet Randall, though.  She must have wanted to die!

Edited by SuzieQ
  • Love 17

Dammit Miguel don't try and make me like you.

Kate getting kicked out of the camp bothered more than fiction should...kept thinking sexual harassment, blast them on social media/review sites and demand refund...she's to passive and nice when she's treated badly

Toby:. Tell my about your fathers death.   And even knowing the writers said we won't find out for awhile several million people sat straight up from their couches screaming this is it!

Surprised Randell didn't call Kate to help with the house and the girls even if he is still a little mad at her.  That  last scene with Kevin though.....wow, just wow.

  • Love 8

I didn't cry this week.

Glad Kate told Horse Jackass to stick it. So because his family owns the place he feels he's entitled to act any way he wants and to have anything he wants? The way he said took you long enough when he opened the door made me SO angry. He's even more of a POS than I was thinking last week. Gross. He's a loser.

Randall was hanging by a literal thread the whole episode, it was sitting there so heavily and in every scene, I was holding my breathe thinking is this the breaking point. Kevin running through the streets to Randall...ok, I didn't cry but I loved the power of the sibling-hood. He knew and he knew he needed to be there for his brother more than he needed his brother to be at his play. Way to change who I thought you were from the beginning! 

The drinking is what is going to knock the halo off Perfect Jack. It did suck for him the way Ben smugly slipped in the part about him and Rebecca dating, I feel like that was an intentional dick move, whether or not he was aware of what Jack knew. He wanted to plant that seed in Jack's head. Then add in Rebecca's comment about him being in her way. Lord woman. My shallow comment is the way Mandy Moore moves her mouth when she talks irritates the crap outta me! I can't look at her when she speaks. Anyway, that was a shitty thing to say. Doesn't excuse Jack picking up a drink though.

  • Love 12

This was a great episode. The Kevin and Randall stuff at the end was so great and my heart breaks for William and Randall.

I'm glad what they did with Jack this episode.  Most of the time I wasn't as bothered as many were by "Perfect Jack", because I figured that his flaws would be shown eventually and I have still enjoyed most of  his scenes anyways,  but I'm glad that more of his flaws were on display tonight.

I thought Miguel was mostly great this episode, in flashbacks and present day. I loved seeing his friendship with Jack and hearing what he meant to him. I also was endeared when him wanted to be called "Big M" when he sent that drink over to the woman at the bar. One thing that kind of bothered me about the Kevin and Miguel scene, which was otherwise great, is that I didn't like Miguel bringing up the fact that Kevin doesn't like him. It felt sort of guilt trippy imo, which is especially bad to do when Kevin is already freaking out about his play.

  • Love 16

I don't get the hate for Miggy (I call him that on Twitter.  LOL) either. I think it's possible that maybe Jack died of a disease and maybe told Miguel to be there for Becky. And, while he was helping her cope with Jack's death. They fell for each other.


Either that or Jack died in an accident and Miguel and Becky coped together and fell that way...who knows. I just like Miggy.

  • Love 10

That last scene was the bonding stuff that I've been wanting from the Big 3 all season.  Kevin sacrificing his big night to finally help his brother was so touching.  The detached tone in Randall's voice must have given it away.  But poor Sloane, up on stage by herself!

Warming up to Miguel.  You could tell it meant the world to Kevin to hear that he resembles his father, since he was such a hero to his kids.  But jeez, the aging makeup on these actors is terrible.  

Poor Randall is cracking.  I damn near cried myself when he started crying at his meeting.  I was just glad he didn't have a total breakdown in front of his coworkers.  Some spot on acting by SKB, as usual.  

The Sophie stuff doesn't work for me, though.  I don't dislike her, it just feels like all tell and no show.  Given their history, not surprising that Sophie knows a lot about the Pearsons, but that doesn't mean she and Kevin have any chemistry, and the whole relationship feels forced.  He still works better with Sloane, although that ship has sailed.

While it seems like Jack was alcoholic, they've barely shown him drinking at all, so his relapse is a bit hard to swallow, no pun intended.  

Does this mean the end of the Horse's ass?  Cheers to Kate for standing up for herself, even it means getting kicked out.

  • Love 11

Good job, show. You showed Horse Dick the back door and didn't go through with any romance. It's good to know that Horse Dick was meant to be just that and nothing more. 

I thought that the title of this episode could apply to Kevin, but the way that it was handled was very well done. I have to applaud the show for Miguel coming through. I was ok with it, because Miguel was Jack's friend and the speech he gave Kevin was well done. Plus, you know, I didn't notice that Kevin and Jack have a lot of similarities, with their big gestures and whatnot. I think that us finally getting Jack being talked about in the present has helped each character in their own way. Good for Kevin, though, for doing the right thing. He saw and heard Randall breaking down and recognizing the signs, and then knowing what Jack would have done, he ran to his brother. It does suck for Sloane and I wish he said that he had to go before she went up onstage, though. It would have been considerate, but it's perfectly in character for Kevin. Hopefully, the play is still salvageable, although I predict a hit in Kevin's career because of it. Nobody wants a guy who's going to run out on performances. 

As for Randall, it does break my heart to see him going through all of this. He's clearly not adjusting and at least he has Kevin by his side now to get him through it. 

Good job, Toby. I've been thinking about how quick their engagement has been since they only met on August 31st and now it's around February and they are already planning a summer wedding. I'm glad Toby recognized that they need to take their time with the wedding planning and just get to know each other. And he is right; how can they be married if they can't talk to each other about the deep stuff? I think after Toby opened up about his depression, something that has clearly affected him, he just wanted her to do the same. Once he realized that she couldn't open up, he respected it but saw that if they got married without being able to really talk and know each other, then that could end up worse for them. Going back to his insecurities about his other marriage and about his parents' divorce, I could see this playing a factor in Toby wanting to take some time. 

Especially since we know Jack's been dead since their teenage/very young adult years, so it's been well over a decade and she still can't talk about it without crying. But I guess it's almost confirmation that Jack's death was most likely sudden, since Kate hasn't moved on very well and seems very affected by it. 

So, we are starting to see cracks in Jack's personality. Sure, Kate might have been wrong in not telling Jack about Ben being her ex, and she was wrong to tell him that he's in her way, but she heavily implied that he has some serious jealous issues, and we know that his drinking is a problem still. I knew he was going to end up drinking by the end when his drinking was brought up earlier in the episode. I just worry that this is going to be Jack's Last Night, and we're getting a taste of him possibly getting himself in a car crash. I could see them doing this for the finale, revisiting this scene. We could even see his Last Conversations with his kids. 

Either way, I do know couples can get into fights and say some pretty bad things in the heat of the moment. I put fault in Rebecca for saying it, just like I put Jack at fault for slipping. Both are human and both still love each other, but it's the fight that really riled things up and if they get the chance to make up, then they'll be just fine. They may be handling this like a TV show, but the context of the situation is pretty realistic. 

  • Love 11
3 minutes ago, Crs97 said:

Loved Miguel.  Jack, when you tell your wife you won't allow her to do her job, you are now classified as "in her way."  Did Jack tell Rebecca about the secretary flirting with him?  The halo has fallen.

It will probably turn into the story of how Rebecca is to blame for his death or something. Now she will have to feel guilty.

  • Love 8
10 minutes ago, Neurochick said:

I don't fault Rebecca.  Women are not allowed to put themselves first, even if they aren't married with children.  All she wanted was to do something for herself independent of Jack and the kids.

I don't understand why it's always wrong for a woman to want this, when it's usually, or probably mostly always the other way around.

  • Love 11

My head is a little spinny.  Poor Randall.  Caring and selfless but self-sabotaging Kevin.  Nice Miguel.  Nice Toby.  Loved the unceremonious end to Duke (I wasted way too many keystrokes on him previously).  But the biggest kicker is jealous, possessive Jack.  Did not see that coming.  Drinking has been telegraphed, but not that unhinged stuff before he even went off the wagon. 

  • Love 5

decent episode


nice to see jack as less of an annoying gary stu, we see the cracks appear, one thing though from what we have seen it's jack who has made sacrifice after sacrifice not rebecca 

great to see kate call out duke, i hope though someone does something about duke like sue the place because this behavior is not acceptable and i want to see him punished for it, hope the show doesn't forget about this

i remember people speculated duke might practice bestiality on the side with the horses, well if nothing else if he does maybe something will go wrong and the horse will kill him and that will be the end of him

i don't get why randall can't use his vacation days to take care of his father or take a leave of absence or something, also why couldn't kevin help out?

felt bad for toby, having had depression and been suicidal since i was young i can relate, was suicidal when i was in grade 3 and wanted to jump out a window

  • Love 14
25 minutes ago, Crs97 said:

I actually thought Kevin was a jerk for leaving Sloane in the lurch.  You say something before the show starts.  It really undercut the "Kevin is such a great guy-just like his dad" moment with Randall.

I agree. The run to comfort Randall (what, no Uber?) was dramatically and emotionally satisfying but Kevin didn't have to screw Sloane and everyone else who is working on the play. He could have had one of the crew find out where his family was sitting and tell them the situation, so that Kate or Rebecca could rush to Randall.

Gosh, if everyone who tells off Duke gets booted from the camp by his parental enablers, the place would be empty. Kudos to everyone who guessed he must be the son of the owners but the whole camp storyline was sort of dumb. I did for once like Toby and Kate together as Toby finally turns it down a notch.

Either there will be a heart-breaking number of months or years when Jack dives into a bottle and everything falls apart or he will die suddenly a few days after this rupture. I suspect the latter or the kids would not still idolize him as they do.

  • Love 22
12 minutes ago, hovegeta said:

i remember people speculated duke might practice bestiality on the side with the horses, well if nothing else if he does maybe something will go wrong and the horse will kill him and that will be the end of him


I had not read that particular theory but now that I think about it......it does seem like something Duke would do. Now I need to go into the kitchen, get a paper towel and wipe off the A&W Root Beer from my computer screen.  I should know better than to drink while hanging out with my fellow snarkers. :)

  • Love 4
5 minutes ago, luna1122 said:

Ugh, this show. It's so good, but it SO FUCKING HEAVY HANDED. of course, randall would have a breakdown just before Kevin is making his stage debut. Of course he'd call Kevin. Of course Kevin, instead of texting Rebecca or Kate, sitting out in the audience, to please go to Randall, NOW...no, of course, he had to ditch his play and leave Sloane and everyone else involved in the production in a really awkward, costly, career-destroying lurch, to go be with Randall, because that's what Jack-the-Perfect would have done. And of course it was touching, seeing him comfort Randall. But jeezus, show. A little subtlety is a good thing.


I agree. It was great to see him be there for his brother but so contrived that he would have to give up everything he's been working for to do so. That he would let Sloane down AGAIN in such a huge way!

I like Toby, but he really sucks at picking up on Kate's non-verbal clues. I liked their plot tonight though. If Horse Dick acts like that on the regular, I have to think the camp would have so many negative reviews it would not be in business.

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