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Bachelor in Paradise in the Media

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I wonder if any of our attorneys can answer this. Now that Marty Singer is her attorney, can he get a copy of the tape? And once the tape is requested in a court case does it become public record unless it's sealed, or is that just criminal cases. Since Corrine signed away a lot of her rights to sue with her contract, I wonder if she can only break that contract if she can show that the company's behavior was illegal and damaging. Would there need to be a criminal charge?

So far there's been very little released from Corrine's side and I'm not sure if that's intentional, a bad sign, or they just can't get their hands on the tape. Once we get a narrative from them of what happened, we might be able to surmise the truth is somewhere in the middle of both accounts.

Anyway, Corrine was out walking her dog in Page Six looking distraught which I'm sure is a way her team hopes to gain sympathy.



  • Love 1
2 hours ago, jade.black said:

INTERESTING: http://www.wetpaint.com/bachelor-in-paradise-scandal-corinne-jasmine-1598270/ 

(It's sad how closely I am following this story in the media, someone find me a life.)

Basically Jasmine says that Corinne is no victim, went on to make out with FOUR guys following the incident (Derek, Nick/Santa, Alex, and a guy from Rachel's season- don't worry about being too spoiled because I'm sure no one expected him to make it far), said hi to Jasmine from the pool as she walked by, and was laughing with everyone (including Demario) the following day. She also says Demario is a sweet guy.

She goes on to say (apparently Corinne was being offered her own show following BIP), “Her best friend came up to her and basically told her … letting DeMario go down on her in public was going to make her look bad and that fooling around with so many other guys was going to hurt her image for the new show."

I was surprised when I read this because they named their source and since all the other reports have used anonymity, I figured there might have been some sort of clause or 'better not' approach for the contestants to avoid openly speaking on the matter while investigations are still ongoing. It holds more credibility (for me) that a source with a name has been identified - a source who was not only present at the time of the incident, but had some level of interaction with both involved parties after the incident happened. Jasmine and Corinne are not friends and it seems apparent in the way that Jasmine isn't willing to take any of Corinne's comments seriously (which I think is going a bit too far given the sensitivity of the issue) but despite their history, I don't believe Jasmine would make up the things she has now publicly said about that night.

  • Love 1

I'm kind of trying to avoid having feelings for or about either of these two unless or until we find out the real story, but I will say that it's really only been a matter of time before something like this happened on this show. When you keep the booze flowing freely (probably freer than the food), throw people together in skimpy clothes with very little to do, and hope/encourage them to hook up, it'd basically inevitable that, eventually, something is going to happen that is morally/legally ambiguous at best. Someone's going to feel uncomfortable with something, and it's pretty much all downhill from there.

  • Love 1
15 hours ago, violet and green said:

Isn't that the very definition of blackout drunk?

I am stunned that Corinne is being blamed for sexual activity that apparently occurred when she was in fact unconscious. That's rape. That's sexual intercourse without consent - regardless of how  much breast flashing and mutual involvement went on before.

I can't think of any other reason they would shut down production, given two people got drunk and sloppy is the basic premise of the show.

She's a silly girl who probably shouldn't drink - much like Lace last season. But I am surprised she is copping the blame. It's like we're back in the seventies, when women were told they'd invited it by wearing a short dress or walking in the wrong part of town.

She's a silly girl who allegedly shoved her cooter in some guy's face.   In my opinion, if you shove your cooter in some guys Face , you are the aggressor.  

This dimarco guy is probably getting hosed.  Women are not always innocent.  Sorry kids, equality means taking responsibility.  

  • Love 22
19 hours ago, Mu Shu said:

Good point.  If whatever happened is her worst nightmare, why drink so much so that she had no way to defend herself?  Come on lady, you are an adult .  Take responsibility for putting yourself in a bad position.    And thanks for ruining Carly's big day.  She probably had a special wedding sharpie to draw her eyebrows on with.

ill see myself out. 

Seriously!  If a guy took a girl's hand and put it on his man parts or put whip cream on it in a seductive manner like she did with Nick putting his hands on her naked breasts and putting whip cream on them or if a guy straddled a woman in the bouncy house and humped her.......he would be in BIG BIG TROUBLE!!!  Corrine did all that to Nick and now she seems to be playing the "worst nightmare" card and TPTB at The Bachelor franchise are running in shame cause  two of their so called adults -- although compromised by alcohol did a sex act.  Sheeeeshhhhhhhhh

  • Love 4
5 hours ago, Alapaki said:

I read an article by a former reality show crew member yesterday (can't remember if it was Bachelor or not).

They said that most crew members fear repercussions for stopping filming and failing to catch the "drama" than they do being accused of allowing something bad to occur. 

Obviously for rational, decent folks there's a line. But without being in the situation, with the particular pressures at play, and in a foreign country, I'm not sure the decisions are always rational and/or decent.

Youre right.  Though stopping it is not the only option.  They could have filmed it, then once DeMario left the area and Corinne was passed out and left behind, "realized" there was an issue and called for emergency help. These shows (All the Bachelor spinoffs)  LOVE  an opportunity to have lights and sirens and people hauled away on stretchers.  

But no one did that because probably, no one was limp or unconscious.  

Thats my take anyway.  I agree its hard to stop filming, but there are a lot of ways to create drama.  And stopping a contestant from molesting another contestant is a surefire way to cause drama, so I think that the producers would have prodded a lightning rod contestant to step in on Corinnes behalf and then filmed Demario's angry reaction to the cockblocking.  

  • Love 5
7 hours ago, ByTor said:

LOL!!! As long as you are delivering snark like this you better not be seeing yourself out!

I was going to vlog this season!  Put on a wig and show my human form.

seriously, I have a soft spot for Carly and would like to see her get her HEA.  Even if it is with Evan. 

Chris Harrison will find a way to make it right.   

  • Love 3
16 hours ago, violet and green said:

It's like we're back in the seventies, when women were told they'd invited it by wearing a short dress or walking in the wrong part of town.


Oh, this entire thread makes it abundantly clear that wasn't just a 'back in the seventies' thing. This thread is like walking poster for how bad rape culture is in our society currently.

  • Love 7
2 hours ago, lids said:

I wonder if any of our attorneys can answer this. Now that Marty Singer is her attorney, can he get a copy of the tape? And once the tape is requested in a court case does it become public record unless it's sealed, or is that just criminal cases. Since Corrine signed away a lot of her rights to sue with her contract, I wonder if she can only break that contract if she can show that the company's behavior was illegal and damaging. Would there need to be a criminal charge?

So far there's been very little released from Corrine's side and I'm not sure if that's intentional, a bad sign, or they just can't get their hands on the tape. Once we get a narrative from them of what happened, we might be able to surmise the truth is somewhere in the middle of both accounts.

Anyway, Corrine was out walking her dog in Page Six looking distraught which I'm sure is a way her team hopes to gain sympathy.



Corrine's attorney has no right to the video until a lawsuit is filed.  At that point it would have to be produced in Discovery.  Prior to litigation, there's nothing preventing TPTB from giving Corrine's attorney private access to the footage if they truly believe it exonerates them. 

Once litigation begins nothing produced in Discovery is automatically confidential and sealed unless one or both of the parties either request a Court Order or mutually agree to Confidentiality.  In this instance (assuming suit was only filed against the Production entities and not DiMario), I'm sure whichever side wanted the tape kept confidential could argue that the inclusion of a person not party to the lawsuit would weigh in favor of keeping the tape private.  

I think Corrine is quiet because she's lawyered-up.  She's actually smarter than our President in that regard.  And in that article, when Jasmine said the "statement" didn't sound like it was written by Corrine?  No shit, Sherlock!  

Finally, there will certainly be a fight over whether Corrine has waived her right to sue based on the Contract.  However, while Courts generally enforce the terms of Contracts as written, they are reluctant to enforce Contractual language involving unlawful conduct and such.  Those terms are considered "contrary to public policy" and thus tossed out.  It will be interesting to see if TPTB assert that argument.  Given the attention this situation has gotten, if they make that argument it will certainly be played up, and I think it makes them look awful.  If they have a strong defense they might not want to take the PR hit for trying to avoid litigation on the basis of that waiver.  On the other hand, if they don't try to enforce that provision this time, it could make it harder for them to use it in the future if necessary.

  • Love 8
25 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:

Oh, this entire thread makes it abundantly clear that wasn't just a 'back in the seventies' thing. This thread is like walking poster for how bad rape culture is in our society currently.

I disagree.

There may be some who hated Corrine from her Bachelor days and that hatred was brought over to here. But for me, and from what I've seen from most posters, the issue here isn't black and white. A shows like this, and the Real World, and the Challenge, and anywhere were contestants are told to keep drinking for ratings was a lawsuit waiting to happen. Production companies need to limit alcohol and take better care of their talent. Do we all like to see sloppy behaviour, sure. But not all the time. (I use to watch the Challenge, but stopped because drunk rants and stupid behavior took up most of the episodes when all I wanted to see were people competing for money)

As for the case, I think it's clear that Corrine's issue stems from production and nothing was said about DeMario, who was also too drunk to consent. My issue is that Corrine is seen as a victim and DeMario is labeled a rape victim, when he didn't give consent and was drunk as well. That's a problem, because consent isn't only for the woman but for the man as well. Rape culture is an issue, but rape culture forgets that men are victims as well but no one says anything. DeMario is getting screwed over here when he did nothing wrong, even Corrine acknowledges this. That isn't right.

I'm not faulting Corrine here. Nor do I think her behaviour from before warrants anyone attacking her.

Edited by CheezyXpressed
  • Love 12
45 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:

Oh, this entire thread makes it abundantly clear that wasn't just a 'back in the seventies' thing. This thread is like walking poster for how bad rape culture is in our society currently.

I don't think that's fair. I think most here are looking at the fact that there are conflicting reports and a lot of ambiguity. Just because Corinne is a woman doesn't mean she's automatically the victim, nor is the man automatically the aggressor. (If the DM report does turn out to be true, then that changes a lot. But for now, I'm reserving judgement.)

ETA: one thing that's been brought up is her being agressive with other men, such as Nick. I do find that irrelevant to this situation. What's relevant is were they both too drunk to consent at the time, and if/when (morally, legally) should those watching have intervened.

Edited by CrazyDog
  • Love 9

There have been several gross statements made here including that because Corinne was drunk she gave up her right to consent and something about if you're seen in a whore house then don't be surprised when you're seen as a whore. I'm hoping that the Corinne hate is just making people say things without thinking about what they really mean because I have seen some really alarming stuff being said here.

Based on what we know (which is pretty much nothing really) my impression is that Corinne and DeMario seem to have gotten drunk and had sexy times, just like people on these shows always do, but someone thought it was wrong to let it continue and feels that Production shouldn't have let it happen. I happen to agree, but I figure this kinda shit happens every season so I don't understand why it's such a problem now. But with the person who reported it apparently being Corrine' s friend then I can see why maybe they were more upset by it than usual. 

  • Love 7

I still can't get past the fact that she was pissed at production for not allowing her to drink as much the next day. They were trying to parent her and she was acting like the spoiled brat she is. Then, after talking to her producer pal, she is suddenly traumatized. IDK, still sounds fishy to me. Does she only not remember that incident? Because it sounds like it happened pretty early on and that she continued to party afterwards. If she were that drunk at the time of the incident, IDK how much longer she could have remained functional.

When I say she took away her ability consent I don't mean that someone should be able to do whatever they want to her. I'm saying that she put herself in a dangerous situation by getting herself drunk enough that she couldn't consent. As a woman I am very careful about how drunk I get and in what setting because I know what can happen. If I were put in a situation with a bunch of hot people and I had a boyfriend at home I didn't want to cheat on, I'd be careful about how much I drink because I get frisky when I drink. Clearly she does as well. She should have been more careful but she wants her own show so she is willing to act the drunken fool to get it.

I can't say if production should have stopped it until I see what she looked like at the time. They might not have thought she was as drunk as she was. Some people can hold their liquor and she has been drinking like a fish for as long as they've known her. They probably thought she could handle it. Now, if she was stumbling down drunk, that's different. If she was just acting silly, giggly, flirty with a little tumble now and then, I could understand them not thinking it was as bad as it was.

It just bothers me that she is implying it is everyone else's fault but hers. She is as much at fault here for getting that wasted as those watching were for not stopping her. she is a grown up despite the nanny, the way she acts, the way she talks...oh, maybe she is just an overdeveloped toddler who needs protection from herself and others.

  • Love 13
2 hours ago, peachmangosteen said:

I'm hoping that the Corinne hate is just making people say things without thinking about what they really mean because I have seen some really alarming stuff being said here.

The only thing I find alarming is that there are people who won't even consider that the man may actually be the victim.  For the record, I found Corinne's antics on The Bachelor irritating, but I certainly don't hate her.  That would be sick, I don't even know her.

1 hour ago, Mabinogia said:

It just bothers me that she is implying it is everyone else's fault but hers.


Edited by ByTor
  • Love 22

I just read an interview on Vulture by AshLee Frazier about what happens on set. She said producers and handlers are allowed to drink on set in order to get the contestants to drink. She also said that it sounds like the only people who were up when this incident happened were camera people because cameramen aren't allowed to intervene unless it's life threatening. This implies that Corinne's version where she was completely unconscious and not ambulatory was probably not what happened. However, she might have been seriously intoxicated and blacked out and the cameras would have kept on rolling. This might explain why her producer flipped out the next day.

  • Love 1
3 hours ago, peachmangosteen said:

Oh, this entire thread makes it abundantly clear that wasn't just a 'back in the seventies' thing. This thread is like walking poster for how bad rape culture is in our society currently.

I'll admit I'm shocked by it.  There are plenty of people explaining why they don't believe Corrine, despite the fact that none of us posting here have any way of knowing the truth.  There are a few of us cautioning that it's wildly inappropriate for us to speculate because... none of us posting here have any way of knowing the truth.  And if you allow for that possibility. that Corrine honestly feels victimized and that she is living her worst nightmare, than repeating things like the "she put herself in his face" bit is just so gross.  Why not just wait to see what develops?

  • Love 5
2 minutes ago, Al Herkimer said:

I'll admit I'm shocked by it.  There are plenty of people explaining why they don't believe Corrine, despite the fact that none of us posting here have any way of knowing the truth.  There are a few of us cautioning that it's wildly inappropriate for us to speculate because... none of us posting here have any way of knowing the truth.  And if you allow for that possibility. that Corrine honestly feels victimized and that she is living her worst nightmare, than repeating things like the "she put herself in his face" bit is just so gross.  Why not just wait to see what develops?

This is the media thread - we are discussing what's currently being written about the show in the media.

  • Love 11
13 hours ago, fib said:

Hi @violet and green, i cant speak for others on this board, but I know i have read a LOT of the reports on this event, and generally find the one above less than completely credible.  If it is true, it is HORRIFIC. If Corinne was so drunk she was limp, she could not provide true consent even if she initiated the encounter and the show should have stopped filming.  

But that story, to put it gently, isnt very credible.  Ie, why wouldnt producers help a limp contestant? Why would someone who helps a limp contestant out of the pool then perform a sex act desinged for the "limp" persons pleasure alone? 

On top of that, other stories that have come out about the event make this even less credible: the producerwasnt there.  Hasnt seen the video.  Corinne and demario saw the video, but didnt immediately lawyer up, etc.  

We dont know what happened, but it sure seems like there is something fishy going on.  You may have a very different take and thats fine.  I just wanted to explain the tone here.   

The reason that I have an issue with the account that she was unconscious is that they see her limp and unconscious on the pool deck, but only get concerned 2 hours later when she is up and ambulatory, but incoherent. It's just super weird decision-making. And that's when they take her to her room. 

I think it's much more likely that she was blacked out in the pool, observed not having any additional alcohol in the 2 hours after the pool, and observed completely out of it, which is when the crew takes her to her room. It's only in hindsight that they realize that she might have not had the capacity to consent in the pool.

  • Love 1

I think Corrine IS living her worst nightmare: She's not allowed to be the sex kitten, indulge herself in whatever she likes, drink and party and have FUN, FUN, FUN!  She has to stay out of the spotlight, keep her mouth shut and let the grownup tell her what to do. 

Women aren't jealous of her, men don't want her and her platinum whatever and her future reality show is in the toilet. 

Damn right it's a nightmare for her.  

Edited by leighdear
  • Love 21
13 hours ago, JudyObscure said:

  James Callenberger, a reality TV producer has written a good article on Vulture, telling about how they encourage hook-ups during filming based on questions asked before the show starts like "Who do you find most attractive?"  He brought out a good point when he said the biggest mistake BIP made was stopping production, because the general rule is, "When disaster strikes, shoot the disaster."  He says the aftermath would have been reality gold if they had just kept filming.

Come to think of it,  it probably would have been.  We've seen many times just  how holier-than-thou this gang can be when it comes to passing judgment on others.  I thought it was hilarious how Jade seemed to turn Amish with her long dresses, no make-up and hair in a bun, just as if those porn videos on the internet never existed. While she and Tanner gossiped over the behavior of others. Hee.

The morning-after talk and interviews would have been priceless.  Carly and Ashley would definitely had something to say, that I would have liked to hear.  Corinne and Ashley could have cried buckets together and then dissolved in laughter.  I'm not completely insensitive to Corinne's feelings, but I honestly think Corinne is going to suffer more from being told she's A Victim than she would if she had been encouraged to see the event as just another day in the life of a wild and crazy sex-goddess.

Actually I bet heads are rolling concerning the stopping production.  This could have been a stellar season.  BIP finest hour.  We haven't stopped talking about it since it happened and we still don't know exactly what happened.  Sounds like one of the Bachelor Nation parties...party on!

  • Love 3

Regarding Jasmine's statements, say what you want about her but girl put her name to it.  And she actually was defending Corinne on social media both during and after Nick's season and has many photos with Corinne.  She said that they talked out whatever issues they had during the show while it was filming and that they've been friendly ever since, if not besties.  So I believe her account.

  • Love 10
6 hours ago, leighdear said:

I think Corrine IS living her worst nightmare: She's not allowed to be the sex kitten, indulge herself in whatever she likes, drink and party and have FUN, FUN, FUN!  She has to stay out of the spotlight, keep her mouth shut and let the grownup tell her what to do. 

 I was thinking that this lawsuit will hurt her brand, she can't go back to being the "sex kitten" party girl after this because it will discredit her case. If she does sue then she is finished getting hired in the Bachelor world because people involved in that franchise don't like somebody who ruins their gravy train and also I would think the other contestants (present and past) would distance themselves from her. In fact she may have trouble getting hired period because she will have the reputation of being litigious.

Disclaimer:  I am not condoning rape or trying to slut shame anybody or say you shouldn't come forward if somebody like this happens.

Edited by Armchair Critic
  • Love 6
6 hours ago, Canada said:

Is rape culture the latest buzzword that being thrown around these days?  I think the trouble in our society is people don't have enough to do, so they spend their time inventing issues & buzzwords.

I don't think the issue is the existence of a "buzzword." I think rape culture IS a very real and serious issue. I think the bigger issue is that not EVERYTHING falls under the umbrella term of rape culture. I just don't think THIS circumstance was rape or heightened by any skewed societal norms or what have you. So, yeah, I guess that was your original point. Has "Rape Culture" culture gotten overblown in SOME instances? I do think in this case...

6 hours ago, Vicky8675309 said:


I still have a bunch more pages to read but I wanted to post this video before I forgot.

...because not only did Corrine want the tea, but she was the one pouring the tea down his throat. All accounts except for that one said that she got naked and literally put her platinum vagine directly in DeMario's face. Should he be faulted for "drinking" it? How would anyone NOT take that as "consent"? And, per the video, she should be the one at fault for pouring tea into his throat. Then the reports say she kissed between two and four (I think the four is accurate because they're all named) other guys in the hours after the DeMario encounter. So not only was she not passed out with DeMario but then she also went up and aggressively forced tea (or at least tap water) on all of these OTHER guys, too.

The thing about calling rape culture or lack of consent is that you cannot simply always call the woman the victim and assume the man is the perpetrator. Corrine was throwing around more tea than the Boston Tea Party!

  • Love 18
35 minutes ago, JenE4 said:

And, per the video, she should be the one at fault for pouring tea into his throat

Not only that but I don't think anyone has yet approached the idea that DeMario may not be a total tea drinker at all.  Some studies show that only about 50% of men really like that brand of tea and many of them  only drink it as a special favor to their partner.  DeMario had just experienced a failure in one performance area and may have been completely turned off and ready to call it a night by then.  It's extra sad that he might be getting his reputation slandered over drinking tea he didn't really want out of politeness.

  • Love 12
10 hours ago, HunterHunted said:

The reason that I have an issue with the account that she was unconscious is that they see her limp and unconscious on the pool deck, but only get concerned 2 hours later when she is up and ambulatory, but incoherent. It's just super weird decision-making.

Exactly.  I'd think someone would be more worried about her being in that state at a pool!  Makes no sense.

7 hours ago, JenMcSnark said:

Regarding Jasmine's statements, say what you want about her but girl put her name to it.  And she actually was defending Corinne on social media both during and after Nick's season and has many photos with Corinne.  She said that they talked out whatever issues they had during the show while it was filming and that they've been friendly ever since, if not besties.  So I believe her account.

Jasmine does seem like a "tell it like it is" type (at least from what I've seen ever since her Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders days), so yeah, I don't see her as the type to shut up to stay on the Bachelor Nation gravy train.  I also believe her account.

Edited by ByTor
  • Love 6
11 hours ago, Al Herkimer said:

I'll admit I'm shocked by it.  There are plenty of people explaining why they don't believe Corrine, despite the fact that none of us posting here have any way of knowing the truth.  There are a few of us cautioning that it's wildly inappropriate for us to speculate because... none of us posting here have any way of knowing the truth.  And if you allow for that possibility. that Corrine honestly feels victimized and that she is living her worst nightmare, than repeating things like the "she put herself in his face" bit is just so gross.  Why not just wait to see what develops?


1 hour ago, Al Herkimer said:

Maybe "I was just being polite" can be his defense in court, if and when it goes that far.  I'll reserve judgment until more facts are known.  It's all on tape.

I feel no need to reserve judgement, as I'm not on the jury and therefore not charged to believe anyone is "innocent until proven guilty."  I am free to speculate based on the things I've read. This is something that happened on a reality TV show where every cast member present agreed to being seen (and therefore talked about) by the public. Corinne's statement to the public states that she was "a victim" of something and so has led to many people believing bad things about DeMario.  I don't think it's "wildly inappropriate," to suggest that he might have been innocent of anything particularly terrible.  We're all free to change our minds if the tape shows something different.

Likewise, you're free to defend Corinne if you find her story more plausible.  No one has accused you of being wildly inappropriate to do that.

To continue with the tea drinking theme. If we keep giving our opinion of this while, at the same time saying we're going to reserve judgment we start to sound like Kermit.


  • Love 18
46 minutes ago, JudyObscure said:

I don't think it's "wildly inappropriate," to suggest that he might have been innocent of anything particularly terrible. 

Nor is it "alarming" to suggest a woman isn't automatically the special snowflake victim every time.

47 minutes ago, fib said:

She really should stop talking.  I think she's banking on the video not being made public:


But our sources who have seen the video say Corinne's version is "absolutely not true" ... no face-plant, no being laid out on the ground ... nothing like that. The sources who have seen the tape say she was clearly with it the entire time in the pool, and there's no ambiguity after seeing the video.


  • Love 12
21 minutes ago, ByTor said:


She really should stop talking.  I think she's banking on the video not being made public:

Eeps. I agree.  I cant figure out her teams strategy. I feel like she would be better off either saying nothing or having one big US WEEKLY type friendly pr piece.  This leaky tmz dribble drabble approach seems misguided. 

Is she aiming for a big settlement? Because if she is using Chris Soules's lawyer, Im not sure she is in great hands after that ridiculous victim move yesterday.  

  • Love 3
10 hours ago, Canada said:

Is rape culture the latest buzzword that being thrown around these days?  I think the trouble in our society is people don't have enough to do, so they spend their time inventing issues & buzzwords.

Apparently.  And apparently "rape culture " means you always take the woman's side no matter what , or you are an ugly rape apologist .    

  • Love 15

I imagine Corrine's parents are just SO proud of their little pumpkin.  She has certainly increased the visibility of Daddy's company.  All that love & support they showed last season, condoning her behavior, should be a veritable avalanche of pride in their little girl after this display of independence!  

Do they have any other children to unleash on Reality TV, so the Duggars & the Kardashians don't have to be the only families obsessed with sex?

  • Love 4
2 hours ago, fib said:

Is it from her though? It says it's from "sources involved in Corinne's representation" whoever that means. I really hate how the media tries to mislead people with the headlines. If it didn't come from her mouth then don't put her name in front of it like it did. In any case it says she didn't object to the sexual contact, so why is she getting blamed for DeMario getting dragged? She's not actually accusing him of anything so far from what I've seen, so I don't see the point in vilifying her in order to de-vilify him. Maybe they're both just victims of their own drinking and the shows exploitative nature? If she really doesn't remember and is trying to piece together the events based on all the various stories while in the middle of a media sh*tstorm, she has every right to feel like it's a nightmare. I think she's a spoiled brat too, but I also don't think she's a heartless liar who's trying to falsely accuse someone of assault for the sake of her boyfriend. She may act like a wild child who doesn't give AF what people think, but I think it's just a front. I think she's pretty sensitive and insecure when you remove the alcohol. I mean we saw her crying in the bathroom during Nick's season when she thought she'd ruined things with the whipped cream or by going to his room. She may lead with her sexuality, but she clearly has feelings like any other human. I don't think it's that unbelievable that she really might be struggling with all this even if she doesn't think she was assaulted.

  • Love 2
11 hours ago, Vicky8675309 said:

I see so many comments about how it couldn't have happened because the cameramen/women would have stepped in (wtte) but don't you all remember The Challenge" when they filmed an unconscious Tonya being sexually assaulted with a toothbrush?

What happened was disgusting, but they also lost a lawsuit and two of their franchise players because of it. Since then, if anyone, male or female, did something out of line then they'd be kicked out. That being said, it's a bit different from this incident, since Corrine and DeMario were both drunk and doing stuff together. While Tonya was unconscious when Kenny and Evan decided to sexually assault her.

  • Love 1
2 hours ago, Artsda said:

I guess she's trying to combat this.

BiP's Jasmine Goode: Filming Continued for 2 Days After Alleged Incident & Corinne Olympios Never Appeared 'Unsafe'


I thought this part is interesting (bolding mine) because I totally believe Jasmine would have stepped in. And, per the other article by Jasmine that was quoted, Corrine said "hi" to Jasmine as she walked by when Corrine and Demario were in the pool 'rubbing and fingering' (which can and often does, go both ways so Demario's statement that this occurred does not automatically mean he "raped" Corrine).  

Her account corroborates about 3 other accounts that I've read that say Corrine was not passed out and that she was the aggressor.  Those accounts also referred to her 'saying hi to a friend as she walked past the pool'.


Goode also tells PEOPLE she believes at one point another contestant asked producers if they should intervene with Olympios’ drinking, and were told she “was fine,” but Goode admits she didn’t view Olympios’ behavior as out of the ordinary.

“I personally didn’t [ask if she had too much to drink] because I thought she was just being the normal girl she usually is. And Corinne’s one of my friends too, and that’s what bothers me because I’m getting a lot of heat now, a bunch of us are, for not taking her side but the thing is, there really wasn’t a side,” Goode explains. “If someone’s getting hurt and you’re my friend, I’m going to step in but what I saw, I didn’t see any different than what I normally deal with.”

“I just thought she was showing up for TV, honestly,” says Goode, who adds, “That’s what I got from the moment.”

1 hour ago, LittleCabbage said:

I'm a female myself, and unfortunately I've been blackout drunk before. I am by no means suggesting that someone who drinks too much deserves to be a victim of sexual assault. But if intoxicated people are not held accountable for their choices, we will make no inroads in ever curbing substance abuse. Would you absolve a drunken driver of vehicular manslaughter because he/she "was too drunk to know what she was doing"? Accountability has to come into play somewhere.

If the tables were turned and a drunken Mario had shoved his junk in Corinne's face, then felt 'victimized' by it later, we wouldn't even be having this conversation because everyone would be too busy rolling their eyes and/or laughing. 

I simply love and admire this post SO much!  This IS truth and there is no argument against this, except probably by the drunk drivers and intoxicated people who won't accept responsibility for their own decisions and actions.

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2 hours ago, fib said:

Eeps. I agree.  I cant figure out her teams strategy. I feel like she would be better off either saying nothing or having one big US WEEKLY type friendly pr piece.  This leaky tmz dribble drabble approach seems misguided. 

Is she aiming for a big settlement? Because if she is using Chris Soules's lawyer, Im not sure she is in great hands after that ridiculous victim move yesterday.  

So far the statements made from her side are so vastly different from every other account of the situation that has come out thus far. They are certainly not doing themselves any favors if they are lying about the situation and vastly overstating what happened. At some point the truth will come out.

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