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S08.E02: "Kody Takes Responsibility"

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3 hours ago, riverblue22 said:

Mykelti is determined to hang on to this wedding as proof of her value.  She is desperate for approval from Kody and to be loved by the family as much as Maddie.

I agree and it's depressing as hell. I can't help but wonder if Mykelti is rushing this wedding because deep down she knows the relationship isn't viable long term but she craves the validation and attention it brings. She doesn't want the magic to wear off, so to speak.

Unfortunately, I also think she'll likely follow Madison's example and immediately start popping out kids.

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On December 5, 2016 at 0:50 AM, RedheadZombie said:

Well, unless you're prophetic, you don't know for sure what Meri would have done.  In the meantime, since this isn't Minority Report, and you can't be accountable for pre-crime, Meri didn't flagrantly break her vows. 

I dont get how Mariah and occasional posters think Meri consummated her catfish relationship.  The man was a woman!  They were never alone!  Can't you virtually consummate these days.  Does Mariah know about the birds and the bees?

And I don't have a problem with what Meri has chosen to say about her catfish experience.   It seems pretty apparent that they decided as a group what would be admitted to.  

I know without a doubt that if Meri was sure that catfish was real and if he was an actual person, she would have run off with him. I don't need to be prophetic, I rely on my common sense. I saw all the pictures, and especially heard some voice mails and she was a woman in absolute love. 

You don't need to "consummate" a relationship for it to be a betrayal to a spouse. If my husband did and said the things Meri did, with another woman, I would feel as bad as if he did have sex with her. I would feel as betrayed. This has nothing to do with pre-crime. This has to do with Meri breaking her spiritual vows. They can't tell us that spiritual vows are equally important in plyg community if not more so than legal vows, then turn around and say, oh well , Meri was legally divorced anyway, so it doesn't matter if she was involved in a weird romance with what she thought was a man. You can't have it both ways. And I'm not going to bend myself into a pretzel trying to excuse her sneaky deceptive behavior.

And I DO have a problem with what they have decided as a group to say about the catfish scandal. They are collectively lying and omitting and they are on a reality show! They want to feed you cake tastings and endless rock climbings, and I respect Mariah for finally being the one person to FINALLY be honest about this scandal. Even though I'm an occasional poster. 

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On December 5, 2016 at 1:06 AM, Spiderella2 said:

I think we just have a different definition of cheating. If my husband was talking inappropriately to women online,  sending d!ck pix, and sexting, I would consider that cheating. You don't have to physically consummate to cheat emotionally. Once you share an intimate part of yourself with another person besides your significant other, then to me that cheating and a break of your relationship. I would have huge problems with that. Some people think only physical stuff is cheating. But you can emotionally cheat as well, and what Meri did constitutes it to me. Of course, Kody is in multiple intimate relationships with other women, but that is what Meri agreed to. If she wants to change the terms of their relationship, and have her own boyfriend or be polyamorous, then be honest about it.  Hiding and skulking is what cheaters do. She knew what she was doing wasn't right. She was doing it behind everyone's back, she knew it wasn't right. She was sneaking around, talking on the phone, emotionally pushing Kody away so she could have more time to spend with her online relationship. 

I wish I could like this more!

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12 hours ago, Nowhere said:

Christine will never be number one. She may think she is but she isn't. He didn't even like her when he married her. He was just trying to add to his harem. There's no way there's a sudden spark after all these years. Just sayin. Robyn is new pussy and there's no way in the world he's doing Christine. 

But Robyn is no longer new, Meri is pissed at him, Janelle is huge (sorry dear, no judgement) and has never seemed all that interested in "interacting."  I think it is quite possible that Christine has moved up in the rotation.  

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I agree--she should be upfront and honest about it, admit she was wrong and that she hurt people. Everyone knows it wasn't just "friends". The other important thing is the underlying reason that led her down that path (she'll have to admit how unhappy she is). Skirting the deeper issues is making it worse--it's like putting a band aid on a festering wound. For Kody's part, he appears (to me) to have been pushing her away for years, long before she asked him to stop staying at her house. How he spoke to her, looked at her, interacted with her compared to the other wives. If he wants to help mend this, he'll also have to address his true feelings. That could be a lot of "ouch", but it needs to be addressed (not to mention the other wives' positions on the whole thing). So. Many. Variables.

I know we only get to see what the producers want us to and it's just a tiny fraction of their lives, so my observations and perceptions might be completely wrong. Who knows, maybe they're waiting for their contract to end so they can call it quits, but watching these two for the last few years has been depressing and watching them put band aids on their relationship is getting old.

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31 minutes ago, Granny58 said:

But Robyn is no longer new, Meri is pissed at him, Janelle is huge (sorry dear, no judgement) and has never seemed all that interested in "interacting."  I think it is quite possible that Christine has moved up in the rotation.  

Re: Janelle  Has this ever been stated on the show? She has how many kids with him? From what I've seen she's been varying degrees of heavy their whole marriage. 

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11 hours ago, Nowhere said:

They may not be in the honeymoon phase anymore but Robyn is definItely the wife. The others are friendzoned. If these assholes lived in the real world Meri, Janelle, and Christine would be his ex-wives. I maintain that if Kody is horny it's Robyn that he hits up. If he wants a friend that he's known for years, he chills with Christine (no sex). If he needs his checkbook balanced, Janelle is his girl. And if he wants to hear somebody whine and act like a victim, he knows where to find Meri but I have a feeling he doesn't go searching for that. 

So four wives & only one, maybe, for some nookie?  Big polyg fail there for the Kodster.

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2 hours ago, Granny58 said:

But Robyn is no longer new, Meri is pissed at him, Janelle is huge (sorry dear, no judgement) and has never seemed all that interested in "interacting."  I think it is quite possible that Christine has moved up in the rotation.  

Last season, Kody admitted things were a little rocky with Robyn.  I chalked that up to her being pregnant.  A lot of women (including myself) go through hormonal changes when they are pregnant.  And, given the new bounce in Christine's step, I believe she is getting most of the action.  Robyn is probably too tired, Janelle is most likely not interested and Meri is out of the rotation.

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12 hours ago, riverblue22 said:

Mykelti is determined to hang on to this wedding as proof of her value.

Mykelti comes from a culture that places value on where in line her marriage falls and how much a wife is given/treasured by her husband. Even though she isn't living polygamy, the teachings are still embedded in her brain. She grew up watching the intense competition between the sister wives, scraping for attention from the husband and wanting the best for their own family. She saw her own mom get the hind teat repeatedly as the third wife. I am just chalking up her bad behavior to trickle-down affect of polygamy plus immaturity. We all want the kids to come out of this situation unscathed but it ain't happening. I expect each on, including Logan, to act out in some way on the way to figuring out who they are in the real, monogamous world, and away from the twisted thought process that is polygamy and Kody Brown.

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19 hours ago, Nowhere said:

Anyway, I actually think he was being sincere about feeling like he's somewhat to blame for the Meri situation. I don't think he is trying to reassert control any more than a regular Christian man would. Kody isn't the only man in the world who believes the husband is in a place of authority over the wives. There are a lot of them and they're called Christians. So the fact that he follows what is written in his holy book and expects the wives to do the same is not surprising. I sort of understand why he's so defensive of Meri. I don't really think there's any other motive except that he's trying to be a good Christian.

Bolding mine.   I wouldn't be so quick to generalize like that. I realize there are patriarchal sects of Christianity.  And some even may argue that Kody's faith isn't necessarily Christian.   My husband and I are both baptized Christians, but I can assure you he has no "place of authority" over me.  And if you asked him, he'd say the same.  We are partners in our relationship and in our faith, but no one is "responsible" for me but me.

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On December 5, 2016 at 9:29 AM, RealityCowgirl said:

I'll set aside Mariah on this one, because I've dealt with a mother who repeatedly behaved like a public jackass even as I warned her about the consequences (which, of course, added more fuel to her self-imposed martyrdom). I get the brat reads and won't argue. She's given us plenty of evidence of that over the years. But hers isn't the side that chafes for me.

Speaking as someone whose husband was caught sexting a woman who "fell in love" with him, I can confirm that some of us experience that as a very distinct betrayal - physical contact or not. Returning to some semblance of trust hasn't happened overnight. Still a work in progress. Had my spouse pulled the "suck it up, get over it, move on" that Meri was spouting, we would no longer be married. 

Mariah can be a brat, and also be right in this instance. Both things are possible. 

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7 minutes ago, VedaPierce said:

Mariah can be a brat, and also be right in this instance. Both things are possible. 

This is true, but in this instance Mariah gets a pass on her behaviour  because Meri's is so much worse. Dr. Phil has said something like that to some of his guests. I just can't remember the exact saying. But until Meri's part in all of this is addressed, there isn't really a way to address Mariah's short-comings.

4 hours ago, VedaPierce said:

I know without a doubt that if Meri was sure that catfish was real and if he was an actual person, she would have run off with him. I don't need to be prophetic, I rely on my common sense. I saw all the pictures, and especially heard some voice mails and she was a woman in absolute love. 

You don't need to "consummate" a relationship for it to be a betrayal to a spouse. If my husband did and said the things Meri did, with another woman, I would feel as bad as if he did have sex with her. I would feel as betrayed. This has nothing to do with pre-crime. This has to do with Meri breaking her spiritual vows. They can't tell us that spiritual vows are equally important in plyg community if not more so than legal vows, then turn around and say, oh well , Meri was legally divorced anyway, so it doesn't matter if she was involved in a weird romance with what she thought was a man. You can't have it both ways. And I'm not going to bend myself into a pretzel trying to excuse her sneaky deceptive behavior.

And I DO have a problem with what they have decided as a group to say about the catfish scandal. They are collectively lying and omitting and they are on a reality show! They want to feed you cake tastings and endless rock climbings, and I respect Mariah for finally being the one person to FINALLY be honest about this scandal. Even though I'm an occasional poster. 

Completely agree. You don't need to be psychic to know that Meri would have taken off if the catfish had turned out to be a real person, instead. There's mountains of evidence that provide this proof. And an emotional affair is still an affair. You don't have to bone to have an affair. Even counselors will tell you this.

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Mykelti is determined to hang on to this wedding as proof of her value.

I think Mykelti is just bored. And immature. And looking for some way to be an adult and make her life exciting. I think college and fashion was harder than she was ready to deal with, so she ran away and now she's going to play house. I have serious doubts that Tony can financially support them, and I don't think Christine will let them both move in. Hopefully they divorced before Mykelti gets pregnant.

I'm curious how Logan and Aspyn and even Mariah ended up being able to handle college and independent life, and yet Maddie and Mykelti can only handle getting their MRS degree. Hunter and Garrison went into the military, so the Browns can't be totally horrible parents. They have 5 kids moving towards independent productivity. And only 2 who dropped out.

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4 hours ago, MischaMouse said:

Re: Janelle  Has this ever been stated on the show? She has how many kids with him? From what I've seen she's been varying degrees of heavy their whole marriage. 

No, I don't recall it ever being stated.  Just the impression I get from her.

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1 hour ago, VedaPierce said:

Mariah can be a brat, and also be right in this instance. Both things are possible. 

Agreed.  I think because everyone on this show is so awful, when any of them are at odds with each other there can be the dilemma of having to agree with someone who is awful.  But, of course, blind squirrel and all, even an awful person can be in the right about another awful person.

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Hunter and Garrison went into the military, so the Browns can't be totally horrible parents.

Janelle has 6 kids four of whom are sons.  Two of her sons are in the military. Not sure you can chalk that up to good parenting.  More likely they know that's the only way they will be able to get a college education.  The kids in that toxic waste pond of a family have always seemed to have the most common sense.

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2 minutes ago, Kohola3 said:

The kids in that toxic waste pond of a family have always seemed to have the most common sense.

Getting out of Utah, away from the plyg school and moving to a place like Vegas helped. I hold out the most hope for the younger kids who had the least amount of time living plyg.

But I am still completely against the way Kody did it and the reasons why.

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3 hours ago, beeziebee said:

Bolding mine.   I wouldn't be so quick to generalize like that. I realize there are patriarchal sects of Christianity.  And some even may argue that Kody's faith isn't necessarily Christian.   My husband and I are both baptized Christians, but I can assure you he has no "place of authority" over me.  And if you asked him, he'd say the same.  We are partners in our relationship and in our faith, but no one is "responsible" for me but me.

Same here, and christians aren't the only ones with the whole male absolute authority thing. Most of the non-Northern European world lives that way. 

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5 minutes ago, Kohola3 said:

Janelle has 6 kids four of whom are sons.  Two of her sons are in the military. Not sure you can chalk that up to good parenting.  More likely they know that's the only way they will be able to get a college education.  The kids in that toxic waste pond of a family have always seemed to have the most common sense.

They definitely won't need to worry much about paying for college which is a burden lifted from the parents.

I've often wondered what TLC pays them.  Even with that income plus the incomes outside the show, I don't see how they can afford to sustain that many children and 4 newly built homes.  It doesn't seem like any of their business ventures have been especially promising, especially for such a huge family. 

Also, has anyone here read any of the books they have published and if so, are they worth a read? 

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3 hours ago, beeziebee said:

Bolding mine.   I wouldn't be so quick to generalize like that. I realize there are patriarchal sects of Christianity.  And some even may argue that Kody's faith isn't necessarily Christian.   My husband and I are both baptized Christians, but I can assure you he has no "place of authority" over me.  And if you asked him, he'd say the same.  We are partners in our relationship and in our faith, but no one is "responsible" for me but me.

Same here, and christians aren't the only ones with the whole male absolute authority thing. Most of the non-Northern European world lives that way. 

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3 hours ago, Adeejay said:

Last season, Kody admitted things were a little rocky with Robyn.  I chalked that up to her being pregnant.  A lot of women (including myself) go through hormonal changes when they are pregnant.  And, given the new bounce in Christine's step, I believe she is getting most of the action.  Robyn is probably too tired, Janelle is most likely not interested and Meri is out of the rotation.

Didn't that Kendra frenemy say in an interview that Robyn and Kody were fighting, that he told her he couldn't bank on her being the hot wife anymore, etc.? He's looking for #5 for the show?

i wonder if he fully grasps how much of an underhand Stealth Bitch Robyn had in knowing about the catfish and possibly helping it drag on. That could rock the boat.

4 hours ago, Adeejay said:

Last season, Kody admitted things were a little rocky with Robyn.  I chalked that up to her being pregnant.  A lot of women (including myself) go through hormonal changes when they are pregnant.  And, given the new bounce in Christine's step, I believe she is getting most of the action.  Robyn is probably too tired, Janelle is most likely not interested and Meri is out of the rotation.

Didn't that Kendra frenemy say in an interview that Robyn and Kody were fighting, that he told her he couldn't bank on her being the hot wife anymore, etc.? He's looking for #5 for the show?

i wonder if he fully grasps how much of an underhand Stealth Bitch Robyn had in knowing about the catfish and possibly helping it drag on. That could rock the boat.

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7 hours ago, VedaPierce said:

And I DO have a problem with what they have decided as a group to say about the catfish scandal. They are collectively lying and omitting and they are on a reality show! They want to feed you cake tastings and endless rock climbings, and I respect Mariah for finally being the one person to FINALLY be honest about this scandal. Even though I'm an occasional poster. 

The thing is, I don't care if some reality "stars" choose to keep certain things private. If they can effectively do it, go for it. But I feel like the Browns WANTED to use the "Catfish" story intentionally. It was already out there anyway, so they thought they could bank on it. But then they give us this very inaccurate, sanitized version of events and it's just insulting. So fuck off. I get Mariah completely. 

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1 hour ago, ghoulina said:

The thing is, I don't care if some reality "stars" choose to keep certain things private. If they can effectively do it, go for it. But I feel like the Browns WANTED to use the "Catfish" story intentionally. It was already out there anyway, so they thought they could bank on it. But then they give us this very inaccurate, sanitized version of events and it's just insulting. So fuck off. I get Mariah completely. 

Not only that, but they seemed to have this arrogance about them in regards to polyg. Like we'll never get the awesomeness, like the govt is so evil for splitting up families and sending plygs to jail-yet they'll happily take govt assistance to pay for their hordes of kids they can't afford, like their lifestyle is so spiritually superior, that it transcends laws-You know, those silly marriage licenses that are done just for show, the only marriages that matter are their spiritual ones. Give my a break, hypocrites. 

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8 hours ago, VedaPierce said:

I know without a doubt that if Meri was sure that catfish was real and if he was an actual person, she would have run off with him. I don't need to be prophetic, I rely on my common sense. I saw all the pictures, and especially heard some voice mails and she was a woman in absolute love. 

You don't need to "consummate" a relationship for it to be a betrayal to a spouse. If my husband did and said the things Meri did, with another woman, I would feel as bad as if he did have sex with her. I would feel as betrayed. This has nothing to do with pre-crime. This has to do with Meri breaking her spiritual vows. They can't tell us that spiritual vows are equally important in plyg community if not more so than legal vows, then turn around and say, oh well , Meri was legally divorced anyway, so it doesn't matter if she was involved in a weird romance with what she thought was a man. You can't have it both ways. And I'm not going to bend myself into a pretzel trying to excuse her sneaky deceptive behavior.

And I DO have a problem with what they have decided as a group to say about the catfish scandal. They are collectively lying and omitting and they are on a reality show! They want to feed you cake tastings and endless rock climbings, and I respect Mariah for finally being the one person to FINALLY be honest about this scandal. Even though I'm an occasional poster. 

I too would be upset if this were my husband.  I was being a little flippant, but this was nowhere near a typical marriage.  Kody was failing horribly at doing the bear minimum expected from even a polygamist husband (low bar).   He made her divorce him, then had her lie about the reason.   He divorced her for the new toy.  He neglected her emotionally and physically, and was completely insensitive when Robyn started popping out babies.  And when Robyn was elevated to queen bee, Meri was kicked to the curb. 

Kody neglected her, BFF stabbed her in the back with naked ambition (not seen since Nikki's mom on Big Love), and she is no longer legally married.   I'm not sure how many women would just retire their vagina, and go in a hole until they dried up and died.   And it's possible that Meri would have done that, if not for "Sam".   

Unfaithfullness is destructive.  I have never cheated in my entire life.  But I honestly don't have a big problem with Meri's actions.  How many of even contented spouses would remain faithful after being love bombed, praised, treated like a sexual being, and doted on?  I've seen a lot of cheaters in my lifetime.  One openly banging another guy, and bemoaning, "it sucks to be young and married".  Now that sickened me.  And this girl hadn't been taught from birth that heaven depends on your man getting you there.  

The villain in the piece is the catfisher.  I sometimes wonder if the vitriol would be as strong if it was Janelle.  Although let's be real, Janelle couldn't get up enough energy.   I just have a problem with posts that claim to know absolutely what Meri's thoughts and intentions were. We don't even know these people.   I can't honestly say I know 100%, absolutely, will vehemently insist on it - any of my friends' or families' thoughts and intentions.  Certainly not someone from a "reality show".    I know absolutely that no one knows my every thought and intent - even those who've known me since birth.

And I continue to NOT have a problem with how they're handling the catfish story.  I actually assumed they would ignore it all.  I'm not sure reality shows can ever be expected to be completely open and honest.  It's for TLC, and the production company to negotiate.   And if viewers of the show are outraged, it's their choice to stop watching.  I personally have no desire to know the dirty details.  Didn't hang on every detail of Meri's humiliation - which was totally feeding into the catfisher's entire plan, BTW.   I know enough to know that man/woman is cruel, mentally imbalanced, and out to damage Meri.   I just refuse to play along with this nut job.  I feared this "woman's" goal was to try to drive Meri to suicide.   And that's not a game I want any part of.

But to each their own.

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Putting aside the maturity issues of the soonto be married duo, the sister wives need to start shitting their mouths in interviews if they want to be part of M and T lives.  It was shitty to say the Caleb was their favorite.  Does everyone know that's?  Most likely yes.  But there is stuff you don't say out loud. 

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@beeziebee I quoted you but somehow it erased and I can't get it back on my phone. I was talking about this scripture in Ephesians. I'm feeling super weird about quoting scripture but here goes ?

"Wives, submit yourselves to your own husbands as you do to the Lord. For the husband is the head of the wife as Christ is the head of the church...Now as the church submits to Christ, so also wives should submit to their husbands in everything."

I am not not a Christian just to be clear so I'm not trying to proselytize. I used to be a Christian but I studied my way out. I'm glad that you guys don't take this as seriously as I'm assuming the Browns do. The Book of Mormon is one I've never read so I don't know how many scriptures there are to back up the one in Ephesians. It's a Christian teaching but I do know there are many different denominations. Whether we like it or not, it's in the book. 

2 hours ago, RazzleberryPie said:

Same here, and christians aren't the only ones with the whole male absolute authority thing. Most of the non-Northern European world lives that way. 

Yeah it's a common problem in most religions. The Browns are Christians though. Although I know most Christians don't want to claim them, as Beeziebee said.

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5 minutes ago, MollyBrown said:

Putting aside the maturity issues of the soonto be married duo, the sister wives need to start shitting their mouths in interviews if they want to be part of M and T lives.  It was shitty to say the Caleb was their favorite.  Does everyone know that's?  Most likely yes.  But there is stuff you don't say out loud. 

Seems accurate.

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The villain in the piece is the catfisher.

The villain in this clusterfuck is organized religion, specifically AUB.  The atrocities committed in the name of any number of religions are horrifying.  This whole brainwashing crap about planets in the afterlife is the issue with these morons and drives their narcissistic, misogynistic Baby Daddy to declare himself Lord on Earth and they go for it.  I think it's sick.

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3 hours ago, shksabelle said:

Maybe Mykelti and Tony do have a chaste courtship.  I was really looking at Tony, and he REALLY looks like a female to male trans

This is what my wife and I think, too. In fact, when he said he wanted a big wedding and Mykelti looked at him with side eyes, I immediately piped up with "It's what he's dreamed of ever since he was a little girl".

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47 minutes ago, Kohola3 said:

The villain in this clusterfuck is organized religion, specifically AUB.  The atrocities committed in the name of any number of religions are horrifying.  This whole brainwashing crap about planets in the afterlife is the issue with these morons and drives their narcissistic, misogynistic Baby Daddy to declare himself Lord on Earth and they go for it.  I think it's sick.

Speaking of planets in the afterlife, here's something that occurred to me some time ago, but I only brought it up to my wife tonight:
1. If the husband gets his own planet when he dies
2. The husband's wives go to his planet when they die
3. How do children ever end up on their father's planet?

I mean that question actually seriously. If all males get their own planet, then no male children can go to their father's planet. And if wives go to their husband's planet, then only unmarried female children would ever end up on their father's planet because all married females go to their husband's planet. For me, this is irrefutable proof (even by the strained logic of the Browns and AUB) that none of them has thought seriously, rationally, and objectively about their beliefs.

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18 minutes ago, MrSmith said:

Speaking of planets in the afterlife, here's something that occurred to me some time ago, but I only brought it up to my wife tonight:
1. If the husband gets his own planet when he dies
2. The husband's wives go to his planet when they die
3. How do children ever end up on their father's planet?

I mean that question actually seriously. If all males get their own planet, then no male children can go to their father's planet. And if wives go to their husband's planet, then only unmarried female children would ever end up on their father's planet because all married females go to their husband's planet. For me, this is irrefutable proof (even by the strained logic of the Browns and AUB) that none of them has thought seriously, rationally, and objectively about their beliefs.

That's why their "religion" falls the fuck apart once the tiniest bit of logic is applied.

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11 hours ago, MischaMouse said:

Re: Janelle  Has this ever been stated on the show? She has how many kids with him? From what I've seen she's been varying degrees of heavy their whole marriage. 

In one of the Q&A's the wives were asked whether they felt threatened/jealous because Robyn is skinny and Janelle answered that no, Kody's preference has always been for "curvier" women and so they feel fine and Robyn is the one who is against type for him.  

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56 minutes ago, iii said:

Is there any chance that this is someone pretending to be Mariah?  I didn't see anything that would show it was Mariah's, other than the name.  I mean, I could care less if Mariah is a lesbian, and have no problem if she likes looking at women play with their own pierced nipples.  But I have a hard time believing she puts that out there for all her family to see, and any young fan to find.   Not questioning you, just wondering. 

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11 minutes ago, Bitsy said:

In one of the Q&A's the wives were asked whether they felt threatened/jealous because Robyn is skinny and Janelle answered that no, Kody's preference has always been for "curvier" women and so they feel fine and Robyn is the one who is against type for him.  

I've always wondered about this.. Meri looked super skinny in their wedding photo. Were Janelle & Christine overweight when they married?

Edited by gonecrackers
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8 hours ago, Kohola3 said:

Janelle has 6 kids four of whom are sons.  Two of her sons are in the military. Not sure you can chalk that up to good parenting.  More likely they know that's the only way they will be able to get a college education.  The kids in that toxic waste pond of a family have always seemed to have the most common sense.

Exactly. One of my friend grew up with parents who weren't that different from the Browns. Normal marriage but always full of chaos, quitting jobs,  parents flaking out a lot, blowing their money on get rich quick schemes etc. Both  of her brothers joined the military because it offered food, room and board, paid for their education and they ended up really flourishing under Army and Navy life. It gave them a sense of security and stability they never had growing up.

Edited by andromeda331
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1 hour ago, Bitsy said:

In one of the Q&A's the wives were asked whether they felt threatened/jealous because Robyn is skinny and Janelle answered that no, Kody's preference has always been for "curvier" women and so they feel fine and Robyn is the one who is against type for him.  

I have wondered if Kody doesn't have a bit of a pregnant woman fetish. 

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On 12/5/2016 at 7:25 AM, Kellyee said:

How messed up is your relationship that you can't sit in a car and listen to an audio book together? If its really that bad, they've been deceiving us for years going on and on about the "sisterhood" and how great polygamy is. I do find it interesting that Christine and Robyn seem to be bonding.

I do not get the vibe that Kody and Mykelti have any kind of relationship. At all. There is no warmth or connection there, and I'm not sure I have ever heard him even refer to Mykelti in any way except a negative outside observer about how she's loud or immature. I get that same vibe with several of the kids, including Christine's only son. I also get that feeling with Janelle's second youngest daughter Savannah. I think Kody completely ignores and overlooks several of his biological children, which is even more horrible when you consider how much time he has spent on his stepchildren with Robyn. It makes a lot of sense when you look at how little time Logan spends with Kody and the comments Maddie made when she was leaving for college. Kody totally chooses favorites, and the others barely exist.

Of course they've been lying to us all these years! Honestly, I don't think Meri & Janelle have ever liked each other. I think Meri has resented her from day one. Meri was guilted into accepting Janelle as a second wife due to her fertility troubles and Kodouche wanting to populate his planet. Kodouche chose Janelle because she was a means to an end (populating his celestial kingdom), which would explain why there's never been a love connection between the two of them. Janelle's self esteem was probably so low after her first marriage that she accepting Kodouche as an option was better than having no options at all. 

The whole thing is really sad. 

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7 hours ago, RedheadZombie said:

Is there any chance that this is someone pretending to be Mariah? 

After about three/four pages, I wondered the same thing so I went back to the beginning. It's like page 1750-somthing. Anyway, there are actual posts, some with pictures of Mariah/friends/siblings, that seem legit. It was actually quite humanizing. She loved Taylor Swift, Miley Cyrus, & Harry Potter. She posted about her faith and the book of Mormon. How she resented her parents over the move but then came to accept it. She posted about her crush on a boy who didn't reciprocate. There was kind of a sweet one about her getting her varsity letter and how proud she was and how she had always wanted one since she saw her dad's. All of this must have been around when the first Hunger Games came out because it suddenly became a torrent of Peta re-blogs and that's when I got bored and tapped out. Five years ago, she came across as an average teen-ager on Tumblr. At least I'm assuming. I'm old and don't understand Tumblr so I mostly stay away, heh.

Of course that doesn't mean I don't remember how freaking annoying she has been during a majority of the show, but I do find I respect Mariah a little bit for not swallowing Meri's bullshit about the catfish. It's galling that she would continue to lie to Mariah (and the rest of them? I'm still not 100% on who believes what) when there's enough evidence (pics, voicemail) that points to the obvious conclusion. That lady was preparing to run. In Alaska, didn't Meri say something along the lines that the family shouldn't be surprised if they woke up one day and she wasn't there?

The show's a mess and I sure as shit don't watch for the stupid parties and weddings and scripted storylines. It's the little nuggets of truth that slip through, like that convo between Moriah and Kody that felt mostly real. I mean, I don't want to say it's entertaining...but it sort of is.

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On December 5, 2016 at 1:40 PM, Roslyn said:

The conversation between Kody and Mariah was (in my opinion) and more real than usual conversation that we have seen on this show.

First…Meri is a bully.  She has used the words “I am used to speaking my mind” as a cover for pushing people around and refusing to be diplomatic in a family where the NEED is diplomacy because there are so many different needs and personalities to be dealt with.  As a bully she refuses to see herself from others’ point of view.  SHE wants everyone to just gloss it over, to buy her line of BS and go back to the way things were.  Well, S H E hurt people with her behavior (and then hurts them even more with her lies), so they aren’t going to be able to move forward until they are more satisfied with the closure.  Yet she is unwilling in any way to come clean…fully clean…about what she did.  Yes, she ended up a victim of a professional scammer, but that isn’t the role that she played.  She was in love, full on…giddy, girly, do stupid things in Love.  Until she admits to herself, to everyone else NONE of them are going to be able to fully move forward.  It will hang over the Meri/Mariah relationship and taint them for a long long time.

I always thought that Kody HAD to have looked online at what was put out there by the Catfish.  I mean come ON…your wife is publicly outed as having an online affair with the proof painfully posted for all to see.  But after this conversation I no longer think he looked into all of it.  He really just wants to stick his fingers in his ears and “La la la la” believe that Meri was a poor victim of the “evil” that is out there in the outer world where evil is waiting to prey on the righteous. For him to sit there and actually be afraid that Mariah was going to taint his beliefs in Meri’s Victimhood…wth!?

In Mariah…Meri is getting a taste of her own medicine.  She gets to full on learn what everyone else has to go through to deal with her, and she really doesn’t like it.  Mariah and all of her seemingly snide and snotty, bratty behavior….I suspect that she is just like Meri.  A N D Mariah is really the only person who is really really speaking the closest to the truth of the pain that Meri put the family through last year.  Mariah doesn’t buy the public “I was just looking to make a friend” crap that Meri is hiding behind.  Mariah was there…she was present as an adult child when Meri was texting and talking on the phone OPENLY in front of Mariah with her “friend” from online.  Mariah was upfront with Meri that she was being lied to and Meri did everything anyway.  Mariah knows that Meri had more “fillins” to this person, real or fake.  Mariah knows that Meri is trying to snow everyone, to gloss over her role in the whole thing and she isn’t going to just accept it and go back to the land of rainbows and unicorns.

While it wasn’t said…something I picked up between the lines from Mariah was more along the lines of… “…Mum, you can snow and lie to the people in TV land, but you need to stop lying and come clean to M E!”  Until Meri comes clean to Mariah (and in essence to herself), I don’t think their relationship has a chance to be anything but a surface talk about the weather kind of relationship.

As for Kody taking “responsibility” for his part in the whole picture…I’m still deciding.  Either he has gotten advice to say that he was part of the problem and part of the reason Meri was in such a bad place…or he really feels that way.  Hey, it’s TV, we will never really know.  He does admit openly that he and Meri have had problems for a very long time.  And I agree with many others who have said that the core of Meri’s issues with Kody is pretty simple…she isn’t cut out for polygamy.  She may have agreed to it so that she got the guy she wanted, and she had him to herself for a couple of years before things got real.  They had a long honeymoon in the beginning and she settled in just fine, I think that is why Janelle took such abuse from Meri, because Meri wasn’t okay with the reality of polygamy and Kody is way too emotionally stunted to step in where he needed to and take charge of the beginning of his family growth.

Kody was plain and simple an idiot to bring Robyn into the family when he was having obvious issues with Meri.  They were in therapy way back then before Robyn, and we all got to see how things went downhill from there.  That marriage certificate was EVERYTHING to Meri…she hung the thing on her wall in her bedroom for gripes sake!!  The problem was…come divorce time…we saw that it was truly meaningless to Kody.  He couldn’t/wouldn’t see what it meant to Meri…he only sees it as a piece of paper that is required, like a W-2 from your employer to fill out your tax forms.  But to Meri it meant something very deep.  He dropped a huge ball when he expected Meri and Robyn to see it as meaningless.

He was already not supportive of Meri back then, he certainly didn’t kick it in and be sure to give her some extra comfort afterwards…then Meri turns online and bingo…she’s caught up in a whole different world.

Just like Meri has dictated how SHE needs things to be from the very beginning (from the division of finances to PDA rules etc) she is trying to dictate how everyone else deals with the situation and even feels about the situation.  SHE wants everyone to just “get over it” and “move forward” but it really isn’t that simple. 

What a thoughtful, well-written post! Sums it up perfectly for me, nothing left to say.  I really enjoyed reading this. THANKS! 

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On December 5, 2016 at 3:18 PM, Adiba said:

On a different note--does anybody else think it silly that one does a "surprise" proposal after they've essentially proposed? Maybe it's because it wasn't that way for me-- mine was a complete surprise-- that I find it a liitle odd that Mykelti expected a surprise proposal after they had agreed to marry and Mykelti and Tony talked to the parents about their intention to marry, even stating the month they wanted to marry-- as well as picking out the ring. It's not really a surprise, is it? The question has already been " popped" for all intents and purposes.

No offense to anyone who had their proposal in this way.

Omg! I totally missed that! YES! So stupid! Done for cameras FOR SURE! I almost thought it could be seen as something bumblingly romantic years from now, (if they last), like they can reminisce about the hike being too long, he forgetting the picnic, etc, like when the old married couples reminisce on 'when Harry met sally', but this observation just shattered even that illusion for me! What bullshit.

Edited by VedaPierce
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Especially when there's a cameraman, a sound tech, and maybe a director struggling alongside with their equipment.  Yeah, sure.  Big surprise.  "Act surprised, Mykelti; this will guarantee you screen time and stupid 'fans' will buy you more stuff from your gift registry.  You REALLY want that Big Bang Theory Clue Game, don't you?"

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2 hours ago, VedaPierce said:

Kody was plain and simple an idiot to bring Robyn into the family when he was having obvious issues with Meri.  They were in therapy way back then before Robyn, and we all got to see how things went downhill from there.  That marriage certificate was EVERYTHING to Meri…she hung the thing on her wall in her bedroom for gripes sake!!  The problem was…come divorce time…we saw that it was truly meaningless to Kody.  He couldn’t/wouldn’t see what it meant to Meri…he only sees it as a piece of paper that is required, like a W-2 from your employer to fill out your tax forms.  But to Meri it meant something very deep.  He dropped a huge ball when he expected Meri and Robyn to see it as meaningless.

I agree.  Things were bad enough before their divorce, now they are irreparable.  Not sure if there has ever been hope for any of them in regard to being happy/content/at peace.   And Robin has another baby.  <smack my head>  Is she done yet?  

TLC, stop with the fluff (weddings and trips), give us relationship footage.  I would love to see them dispense with working at the illusion that normal things actually happen. LOL!

 Where is Logan?  I took some time off.  Aspyn, too.  These kids along with Mariah are probably the only ones who may have a shot at a life that works for them.  This family is such a mess.  

Someone said they thought Mariah might be gay given her SM.   That could be her ticket to sanity.  I have no clue what this religion's position is on homosexuality.  Anyone know?  I have a hard time believing it is favorable!   

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I understand those that are vilifying the catfish, however, we are all responsible for our own actions. Yes, Meri was in a very unhappy marriage. Seeking companionship and intimacy elsewhere is not the answer. Mend it or end it. 

Mykelti does seem to be using this wedding as a measuring stick of her value to the family. 

Why are there no photos or evidence of Tony's family? Did he cut all ties with his Catholic, Mexican family when he converted to the Mormon faith? That, combined with Mykelti acting different around Tony are huge red flags for potential problems. 

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