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S07.E01: Stronger Than Ever

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After every season that goes by I become more and more convinced that LVP is going to be one of those essentially harmless but creepy as fuck grandmas.

Edited by bosawks
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This new addition, Dorit? I nearly fell off my chair, hearing her describe herself as a New Yorker.

Oh no, Chica. I am a New Yorker. I was born in Brooklyn, lived in Manhattan as an adult and I sound like it every time I open my mouth. You, OTOH, sound like a hot mess. You sound like a fake, actually, is what you sound like.

Good luck with that.

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Kyle continues to give me hives. There is not one shred of originality in her head, she is one of those people who cues their lives and every movement they make from what the 'cool' people are doing. She's a follower. This was made absolutely apparent when she basically allowed that LVP lied to her, but she didn't care last season. She just wants to be in. She wants to eat at LVP's restaurants etc. And she has puppies now, though no idea of how to train a dog (Kim, Kingsley). 

Lisa Rinna aka "Rinna' continues to be dumb as a sock. Her lips are testament to the birdbrain behind them. I wonder if Paul Nassif and Terry Dubrow will be scraping granulomas out of her face in the near future, and by the LOOKS of things, out of Delilah's also. I've seen Delilah on the show and I don't remember her having massively inflated facial labia, like she does now. It's obscene. I'm so over her gabbling 'HarryHamlin' every episode also. I think her daily motivation is fear of him cheating on her and taking off. It'll probably happen too. 

Erika didn't have food because she has zero fcks to give. That's the message I took from that, especially when LVP, the great restaurateur continued to gripe about it. Did anyone actually eat any cake that we saw? Or was it one of those howives foam carving pretend cakes, so no one accidentally inhales a calorie. Lisa Rinna was in her element, she wasn't even drinking cocktails and was ostentatiously screaming for screen time bumping and grinding with one of the weho guests on top of that...structure. More calories burnt. A good night for 'Rinna'.

I hate Dorit already. She looks like Gamble from RHOM, her accents are phony and she designs swimsuits and has a kid she's originally named Jagger. Dud cardboard cutout of a housewife. I predict she'll drive everyone bats very quickly unless she comes up with a better skill than having washed out George O'Dowd as a permanent houseguest because no doubt he's broke and no one in England cares who he was anymore. I grew up in the 80s and I hated him them. Nostalgia doesn't change that.


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5 hours ago, RedheadZombie said:

I hardly noticed Kyle's four incidences of using a faux accent, because Dorit was so busy affecting airs and multiple accents to notice.  Do not care for her.  She has five nannies, three fulltime housekeepers, yet uses her husband's personal assistant.  I think that's pretty shitty.  So the woman gets one salary for two jobs.  Isn't a PA's job hard enough while catering to one person?

Ten minutes in:  too many fake accents and too much screeching.   I get it - you're all excited to see each other and get presents but damn, nails on a chalkboard. 

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Bravo must've heard our plea for more Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous.  However, even though we got Chagall, Cartier, Tesla, G4 and more nannies than I can count, I was still left cold by this episode. 

I did like Dorit's house.  It's been a long time since we've had a west coast HoWife with a baby, hasn't it?

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- Houseporn flashes by too fast

- I'm loving Boy George on this franchise! 

- No Kim....Thankyou baby Jesus

- Rinna has had more work on her lips....noooooooo..... plus it's too obvious, and unnecessary 

- Liking PK so far. Straight talking London boy told Pumpie to get out on the dance floor, and she listened to him and went and danced with everyone.

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LVP showed up to the party with a pissy attitude and she is too old to be acting like that. So telling that she stood on the side waiting to be be begged or egged on to join the others on the dance floor. So far, her edit has been very unfavorable.

Erika and Tom are so awkward. I loved the painting, and laughed when she didn't love it. Erika obviously does very little real entertaining- food was an afterthought. 

Does Kyle know everyone? Seems like it. Of course Mauricio is buying a fancy private plane. Must have some real bank! 

Rinna's face looks grotesque. Her daughter is lovely, and I would bed Harry Hamlin in a heartbeat !! 

Dorito has really young kids who are being raised by staff. She is pretty, but in that way that will age very quickly at some point. 

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10 hours ago, Straycat80 said:


Looks like more of the same with Eileen and Rinna feuding with LisaV. Guess they have no new interesting storyline this season. LisaV was the one starting shit at Erika's birthday party. 


I can't take much more of this feud. I like when there's a new feud every season and the party lines are constantly changing. Keep it fresh! I agree that LVP was the instigator. She took several shots at Rinna right off the bat. She annoys me, how she always thinks she has to be snarky and quippy. Can't you just say "Hello" and leave it at that? 


10 hours ago, Straycat80 said:

I don't know what to think about the new HW, Dorito. I lost count of how many nanny's she has plus other staff. And I didn't catch what she did for a living.

I think she has 14 nannies. One for every day of the week and one for every night. She is apparently a "business woman", but what "business"....I've no idea. 


9 hours ago, parrotlover said:

Would like to see Camille return though.

I've been dying for Camille to come back full time for years. Grrrrr

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2 minutes ago, escapetoreality said:

Erica's mother looked like a far more suitable mate for old geezer Tom.  I find nothing adorable in that marriage. 

Agreed! There is noting between them. They always seem so awkward. I wouldn't care about her decades older husband if she was like, "I wanted the security and he wanted a hot thing on his arm" - but for them to pretend like it's this great love affair just seems really disingenuous to me. 

Also, not saying that Dorit and PK are in the same situation. But...for Dorit to say she doesn't even LOOK at other men? Bullshit. She was all, "Bring the most spectacular man before me and I'll be all...meh". And that's a crock, if you ask me. I love my husband to pieces and I still find him sexy, even after 10 years and more pounds added. But that doesn't stop me from drooling over Ken on Survivor. 

Just a lot of phoniness going on. 

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36 minutes ago, Juliegirlj said:

LVP showed up to the party with a pissy attitude and she is too old to be acting like that. So telling that she stood on the side waiting to be be begged or egged on to join the others on the dance floor. So far, her edit has been very unfavorable.

Erika and Tom are so awkward. I loved the painting, and laughed when she didn't love it. Erika obviously does very little real entertaining- food was an afterthought. 

Does Kyle know everyone? Seems like it. Of course Mauricio is buying a fancy private plane. Must have some real bank! 

Rinna's face looks grotesque. Her daughter is lovely, and I would bed Harry Hamlin in a heartbeat !! 

Dorito has really young kids who are being raised by staff. She is pretty, but in that way that will age very quickly at some point. 

The short answer is yes-she knows a lot of people both in New York and LA.  The plane Mauricio is talking about leases for around $75,000.00 a month. a newer one runs about $40 million.  The plane holds upto 16 passengers. 

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Im hoping LVP vs LR/eileen is resolved.  All three are in the wrong...imho


It makes sense erika was named after Erica Kane lol  i cant wait to see scenes of Erika behind the scenes at Young.  I do like Erika/Eileen actually get along...odd couple but so fun...i hope.


I think yolanda not being on will be good...Erika will now be able to navigate on her own...and not be a 'protector'.


I liked Rinna's long hair wig.  


I hope it isnt too toxic this season..nor will there be any fights.  Im kind of sick of teams, shade throwing, and fights without truly making up.  I think our toxic election this year has made me long for the early years of the franchise more then ever now.

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2 hours ago, mwell345 said:

So it's a no-no for Kyle to wear Birkenstoks to Pump, but fine for LVP to not only bring her dogs (plural) and even pass one of them over the table to Kyle.



I'm OK with LVP bringing the dogs to Pump as long as it's a dog friendly restaurant and the patrons are allowed to bring their pets as well.  Some how I doubt that is the case though. What's good for the goose is not always good for the gander; or however that saying goes...

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4 minutes ago, bosawks said:

And, statistically speaking, the odds of Gigi being more hygienic than a server in a Lisa run establishment is pretty darn good.

Ha. Fair point. I'd rather have Giggy within spitting distance of my food than Jax Taylor. 


20 minutes ago, JAYJAY1979 said:

Im hoping LVP vs LR/eileen is resolved.  All three are in the wrong...imho

I agree. They all have taken this thing way too far. Put it to bed, already. I know they're all going to talk about each other in private. That's par for the course. But seeing LVP taking potshots right out of the gate made me really apprehensive that this crap is going to drag on for another season. 

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4 hours ago, mwell345 said:

Have no clue who Dorit was prior to the show,

To me, she's a dead ringer for Jessalyn Gilsig, who played Terri on Glee, wife of Will.  I had to google to make sure she wasn't Dorit.

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I don't mind LVP being cool towards Rinna or Eileen but uninstigated potshot are not her best look and losses her high ground. Hell, LVP won last season while it rained "Ls" on Rinna and Eileen. Rinna tried to come for the queen without receipts and lost big. That being said I admit that I thought Rinna's accusations were likely correct, especially given the things Kyle's mentioned. I've always thought LVP was a messy queen who instigated in the shadows, but Rinna and Eileen did too much with too little. Like I said in all last year threads, they should have made a notation of her character and made sure not to be 'manipulated' by her. End story!  

I think LVP was put off that Rinna and Eileen showed up to the party didn't beg forgiveness, got along with everyone but her, actually had fun, and made nice with the new girl, who is her friend. 

I still like Eileen. 

 I guess PK got the friends in his divorce. Not cool that LVP mentioned that Dorito was an upgrade from the prior wife at all. Just not necessary since we have not and will likely will not met the ex-wife.

Dorito's fake ass accent will grate on my nerves all season. I just know it. Married just one year and decides to go on a reality show? Good luck with that. Hope PK is not Kelsey Grammar-ing her ass. 

Great that LVP adopted a rescue or maybe the dog was from a puppy mill. I don't know. She mentioned that the new dog used to spend 14 hrs in a cage. Wonderful that he has a new home, will want for nothing (except maybe walking on his own) and such doting owners, however, my 1st thought was that he went from 14 hrs in a cage to 14 in a lap in ugly, likely uncomfortable frou frou outfits, but he is loved and catered to in a forever home, which is what matters most. 

Ericka looks fantastic for 45. Yes, she has had work done and lawd does she wear a lot of makeup and her hair is too blond and extensions sometimes too obvious (it looked like had silken fringe strings in her hair at the party), but somehow she manages to look fresh and could pass for late 30's. That is plastic surgery done right! Also, I am always surprised by how toned and fit she is. Her legs looked amazing in that high slit dress at her b-day party. 

What about Ericka's party dress was 70's? Maybe her hair, which was a bit Jerry Hall meets Cher. She looked good and I did like the dress but it didn't scream 70s to me, especially her makeup, which is on current trend. Nope. I expected her too go all out especially given her glam squad so I was disappointed that she didn't embody the theme more.  I have a thing about hostesses telling all guest to dress a certain way and than not following the rules.

Mauricio looking into getting a plane? Get money bitch! Damn he must be doing very well. Take that Hiltons! 

I like the shorter hair on Kyle, but yeah it is looking a lot less thick and lustrous. 

Delilah is very pretty. She reminds me of Lorenzo Lamas former wife Shauna Sands before she lost her mind and ruined her face with tons of unnecessary plastic surgery. 

Edited by islandgal140
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4 hours ago, swankie said:

Lisa Vanderpump is one to talk about anyone else's fat ass.  She's got quite a caboose riding on her back too.  It was awkward as hell in every scene with Lisa Vanderpump, Lisa Rinna and Eileen.  Lisa V. couldn't even be bothered to fake being ok around them.


I think Erika and Tom are the hardest couple to watch to me.  The way she kept kissing him on the forehead after they brought in the cake made him look even more like her old dad instead of her husband.  I see no passion between them at all

But if who they are together works for them I'm happy for them. Alot of people would love to be in a relationship that lasts. I count my blessings for having my guy.

From what we see of the clip where she says "You don't know what I go through at night." It could be a misdirect or one might wonder if Erika isn't happy with the roles they each have taken in the relationship. 

I remember hearing once that  what attracts you to a person in the beginning can be the thing that you resent later. "He's a great provider works so hard" becomes "He's never home he works too much."

Maybe Tom took the "authority in everything role" or "my way or the highway, I know best." and Erika has grown out of the role she chose.

I hope they are happy.

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5 minutes ago, zoeysmom said:

Erika better not be throwing stones at Dorit for her choices when it comes to hired help as Erika didn't even bother to raise her son and employs a ridiculous number of glam squad people. 

I completely forgot that Erika has a child.

And I do give Dorit side-eye for going on a reality show, on top of everything else she is doing that requires a wet nurse, 5 nannies, and 3 housekeepers, when she has a 4 month old baby.  Not gonna lie - MAJOR side-eye. 

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6 minutes ago, izabella said:

To me, she's a dead ringer for Jessalyn Gilsig, who played Terri on Glee, wife of Will.  I had to google to make sure she wasn't Dorit.

Thank you! I kept thinking I must have seen her before because she looked so familiar, but it's totally because she looks exactly like Jessalyn Gilsig.

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4 minutes ago, izabella said:

I completely forgot that Erika has a child.

And I do give Dorit side-eye for going on a reality show, on top of everything else she is doing that requires a wet nurse, 5 nannies, and 3 housekeepers, when she has a 4 month old baby.  Not gonna lie - MAJOR side-eye. 

I get the nanny thing two for each child, and the other two are there for days off.  I don't get the need for a baby nurse past six months or the need for a nanny and a baby nurse.  Infants sleep a good portion of the day.  What had me befuddled was three full time housekeepers.  I don't think the house is all that huge. 

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Dorito and her accents. God how annoying.

I'm sensitive to it because my young 10 y.o. niece is at that stage and is affecting an accent. I introduced her to the Harry Potter books and movies last year and now she loves all things English and talks all the time like a Brit. Gets on my nerves a bit but she's having fun with it and will grow out of it. Makes it easy for Christmas... She's getting (we're getting) an annual pass to Universal Studios for next year. 

Edited by Giselle
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52 minutes ago, izabella said:

To me, she's a dead ringer for Jessalyn Gilsig, who played Terri on Glee, wife of Will.  I had to google to make sure she wasn't Dorit.


11 minutes ago, laffytaffy997 said:

Thank you! I kept thinking I must have seen her before because she looked so familiar, but it's totally because she looks exactly like Jessalyn Gilsig.

I kept trying to think who Dorit reminded me of, and all I got was Gamble from Real Housewives of Melbourne.  Not sure how I feel about her, but all the affected accents is very distracting.  

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Dorit and her accents, oy.  There is no way she gave birth to those kids, I think vanity would not allow it.

Erika and her Chagall and panther ring gifts, the Chagall was not even wrapped, (it was a gift for him) and the ring, $80,000 for something she already has two of?  She looked bored with those gifts in comparison to a role on Y&R, she was absolutely giddy!

The birthday party looked dull.

Is Boy George really concert worthy outside of a small venue like a 6 Flags or a smaller ballroom in Vegas? Dorit's husband acts like he is still a super star. Does he gets 10-15% from the door?

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Omg, Eileen Davidson is 57!!!!!! And she doesn't even have a glam squad! I used to think Ramona was the best preserved older HW from the RH crypt. She would look positively elderly next to her!

Typical of Erika's husband to buy her a painting from HIS favorite artist, but I think he's setting her up with a nice little collection for the future.

Can't stand Kyle, her name dropping or her glorifying her pimp mother. But her hair looks good.

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16 minutes ago, zoeysmom said:

I get the nanny thing two for each child, and the other two are there for days off.  I don't get the need for a baby nurse past six months or the need for a nanny and a baby nurse.  Infants sleep a good portion of the day.  What had me befuddled was three full time housekeepers.  I don't think the house is all that huge. 

I think Dorit is trying to one-up Heather Dubrow - if I recall correctly, she had a ton of household staff, as well.

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5 minutes ago, Baltimore Betty said:

Is Boy George really concert worthy outside of a small venue like a 6 Flags or a smaller ballroom in Vegas? Dorit's husband acts like he is still a super star. Does he gets 10-15% from the door?

I thought he was saying that he is doing what Kim Richards is doing - getting $500 for a meet-and-greet with old fans.

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3 minutes ago, njbchlover said:

I think Dorit is trying to one-up Heather Dubrow - if I recall correctly, she had a ton of household staff, as well.

For all their money and help one thing Heather, Erika nor Dorito won't hire is a personal ball washer for their husbands. They don't want to be the ex-Mrs. Moneybags.

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I have a lot of American friends who now live in the UK. Almost all of them , after a certain number of years have started to gain a slight accent. I think it sometime just happens that way. I also have a friend from Norway and his girlfriend was from Scotland. He went to Scotland a lot for 20 years or so, and so his English accent is somewhat Scottish, which throws me

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4 minutes ago, JennyMominFL said:

I have a lot of American friends who now live in the UK. Almost all of them , after a certain number of years have started to gain a slight accent. I think it sometime just happens that way. I also have a friend from Norway and his girlfriend was from Scotland. He went to Scotland a lot for 20 years or so, and so his English accent is somewhat Scottish, which throws me

I had to go to speech therapy when my family moved to Florida because my Alabama accent was so strong no one understood what I was saying. Now, I have people telling me they never detect an accent, but the second I am around someone with a Southern accent mine comes right back. I assume its the same for a lot of people. You unconciously pick up accents of those around you.

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54 minutes ago, zoeysmom said:

Islandgal LVP's dog Harrison was adopted out of a Sacramento shelter.  The shelter personnel called her when they realized Harrison had alopecia like Giggy.  She drove to Fresno, met a McDonalds' to pick up the little guy.  He and Giggy are apparently pals. 

Thanks for the Harrison story. I knew he had alopecia but didn't know how Lisa was introduced to him. I actually think this is part of Giggy's retirement plan too. Some of the work Giggy does is going to charitable organizations like those working with alopecia, kids, dogs etc. as sort of a celebrity mascot. Having Harrison will take some of those events off of Giggy's poor hairless shoulders and I think that's a really good thing.

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3 hours ago, zoeysmom said:

I feel like the cheese stands alone. . . I love that LVP is giving it back to Rinna-especially after Rinna said, "I am better not bitter."  That whole debacle last year started because Rinna wanted to talk about Yolanda and her feigning being sick and wanting absolution from Yolanda for engaging in conversation about Munchausen's Disease.  Rinna dropped many turds in the punch bowl and expects those she hurt to drink the punch because she ran a skimmer through the bowl and removed the turds. When it came to LVP and it is suppose to be some sort of character flaw, that LVP doesn't like being called a manipulative, lying bitch-by her long time friend?  If you have the moxie like Eileen, Erika and Rinna did to point out someone's flaws or what you dislike about them, it isn't realistic to just assume that person has some higher duty to be nice.  Only Kyle has been the one to get hammered year after year be it by Brandi, LVP for two seasons, to forgive and move on and for her attitude she was told she had her head up LVP's ass, and she had a leveraged friendship.  So forgiving doesn't work either.  I am liking the jabs because at last year's Reunion it was just Rinna talking and talking and even misquoting the great Harry Hamlin.

Speaking of those who don't disclose-Eileen could not tell the others her mother died just prior to the Reunion because she didn't want it to shade how they would treat her?  Have any of these women ever gotten a break because they lost someone?  Eileen is becoming soap opera phony.  Wonder where her affair husband was hiding out?

Not everyone can be a Kyle and forgive and accept Rinna for the stupid things that come out of her mouth.

Well said, @zoeysmom.  I'm team Vanderpump to the end!

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6 hours ago, Barb23 said:

Too bad I'm not rich enough to be at a party discussing my  possible plane purchase like Kyle & Mauricio with Tom.   It just cracked me up.  

Who butted in the  bar line to get Dorito (i think it was her) a drink  & why couldn't she or her husband stand in line like the rest?  They were all treating her like she was the Queen of England.  I feel sorry for her kids being raised by nannies & housekeepers. 

Caroline Stanbury (Ladies of London) was raised by nannies until she was sent to boarding school and look how great she turned out :)

4 hours ago, queenjen said:

Kyle continues to give me hives. There is not one shred of originality in her head, she is one of those people who cues their lives and every movement they make from what the 'cool' people are doing. She's a follower. This was made absolutely apparent when she basically allowed that LVP lied to her, but she didn't care last season. She just wants to be in. She wants to eat at LVP's restaurants etc. And she has puppies now, though no idea of how to train a dog (Kim, Kingsley). 

What does Kim and Kingsley have to do with Kyle's ability to train a dog?  Kyle's dogs seem pretty well behaved overall.  We've seen some doggie hijinks from them, but nothing like Kingsley.  And her dogs are not new, she's had them.

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