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S07.E05: Go Getters

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Am I the only one who thinks Simon conveys menacing better than Negan does? Negan's too over the top. Simon is over the top too but it's still based in reality.

I've never been pregnant so forgive me if I'm wrong, but isn't bed rest suggested even with a minor placental abruption? Maggie seemed to be moving around way too much for what the doctor said was wrong with her and the baby -- at least, it made ME worry. 

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16 minutes ago, BloatedGuppy said:

I don't know that I'd consider this episode to be "campy" or light-hearted in any way. It was more of a failed attempt at tension and drama.


I dont think it was lighthearted, but all the Jesus name dropping hit for me (YMMV) and the epic battle complete with hero music and a death by tractor were all very campy, IMO. 

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I don't know if I can take any more of this boring show. The writing and the acting seemed so bad on this episode. Shouldn't Maggie be showing a little  baby bump, and if she had some tear in her placenta, maybe she shouldn't be wearing skin tight clothes, much less jumping around so much? Enid and Carl saunter down the road, first thirty feet apart, then they roll on noisy roller skates which would be tough to wear if, say, some walkers appeared suddenly. The repetitious Jesus guy, telling Maggie and Sasha, "No, Stay!" after the repetitious  Gregory guy telling them, "No, you have to go NOW!...over and over...  Everything about this episode annoyed me, and it might have been the last straw for this season for me.

Edited by Kenz
added word placenta
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1 hour ago, CletusMusashi said:

And also... roller skates? Weren't they sort of replaced by rollerblades about twenty years ago? I'm starting to wonder if TWD takes place in some sort of alternate universe where roller skates, in 2006, were still a thing, records and cassettes were still more common than CDs, and big silly mustaches absolutely never went out of fashion.

Well, every town they've been in along the way looked like some version of 1960 Mayberry. Do prisons still have those manual lock-up doors?

Edited by AngelaHunter
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Far too many things in this episode that made me shout at my TV like a loonie. I hate feeling like a loonie. 

Does Hilltop distribute Nyquil to its residents and tuck each other in, leaving no one on watch ? Did no one notice/hear the (presumably locked) gate being pulled back, a car entering the compound, and four HUGE bonfires being assembled and set ablaze ?

Coorl appeared on screen and I knew, somehow, immediately, that he'd be taking off, yet again, to do the worst, most stupid thing imaginable. For the love of all that is holy - stop going on rogue missions, and stop going after people who go on rogue missions ! What is this, the 8th or 9th time he's pulled this shit ?! C'mon, Coorl, grow up. 

Roller skating during the ZA ?! All that was missing was The Turtles "Happy Together" playing in the background. Truly the most insipid moment of the season, if not the entire series. I found myself WISHING the walkers would turn up as Coorl roll/clomped around like a doofus. 

On a good note, everyone who has owned the watch is now dead. Maybe it will go to Coorl after Enid bites the dust :)

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No Negan = I watched. And I liked this one, maybe it was a good thing to sit out the previous episodes, I guess I don't have fatigue.  I just fast-forwarded Pornstache and the Saviors scenes.

Jesus makes everything better. And it's nice to have a character who's aware of who he is (not a leader). I don't remember if they mentioned before that Gregory was already in charge when he arrived, but it also explains why he put up with the moron. I loved Badass Maggie (I realized I didn't cheer watching this show in the long time when she punched Gregory) Badass Sasha, and also Sasha and Jesus getting along and planning for her to lead the Hilltop.

The brotherhood of the Travelling Pee Pants...from Gabriel to Gregory. But Gabriel was more of a pure coward than a pure asshole like Gregory, so I'm counting the episodes until the latter dies although Xander Berkeley's acting is -as always- excellent.

I don't care that it's stupid, I'm just so very glad that Carl refuses to live under Negan's thumb. He's a teenager, it's only normal to me that he's rebelling and at least it's for a worthy cause. I also liked the parallel between Jesus and Michonne, since both of them wouldn't revolt if not sure they could make it work afterwards.  

The Twilight triangle in S5 got me rolling my eyes, but not the Carl/Enid scenes here. I guess I need a little bit of cute flowers and unicorn moments. And I like Enid and Maggie, how their love for Glenn links them.

Loved the Carl/Michonne moment, love that they still talk and the Mom!Michonne moment. And the Rick/Michonne kiss was hot. They obviously disagree on the situation but they are still  a unit. I can't but hope that Rick is trying to figure another way but doesn't want to verbalize anything yet.

Looking forward to Jesus and Carl's adventures and to Daryl joining them at Camp Saviors. If I get to see it, it will depend on whether I can fast-foward he who shall not be named.

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Who is the world turns on interior lights to see what's going on outside in the dark?

Even if he had a gun, how did Carl think he was going to slaughter all the Saviors? No thought of repercussions even after what he witnessed?

Rick's gone, Michonne gone, so who's watching Judith? 

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6 minutes ago, Iguessnot said:

Even if he had a gun, how did Carl think he was going to slaughter all the Saviors?

At his age, with all the hormones and testosterone careening around his skinny body, he doesn't think. Period.

I forget already where Michonne went?

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Just now, AngelaHunter said:

At his age, with all the hormones and testosterone careening around his skinny body, he doesn't think. Period.

I forget already where Michonne went?

She said she had to figure things out, told him to change his bandages and be nice to Olivia. 

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Well, I'll be that guy. It was a more compelling hour than I'd initially expected, with the great Richonne opening bit and the wonderful stuff with Lauren Cohan and Sonequa Martin-Green who always deliver. Jesus was also very solid. Even the kids and their tiresome twee indie teen love affair in the apocalypse (the skates were too much) brought it in their big scene, which I didn't expect from the exceptionally mediocre girl playing Enid, who I only find tolerable with Maggie. I like Carl but I usually have little time for those two together; that said, Chandler Riggs was selling the intimacy of that big moment and it was pretty real.

The night sequence with the car, the music and the pack of zombies was exceptionally shot and cut, with a great showcase for Sonequa and Tom Payne - and again, TWD is utilizing a pool of underrated film and TV directors of color, including this week's director Darnell Martin. To me this stuff is what the show is best at these days, showing people working together with a common goal to defeat tough odds, whether in battle there or in building a community. That may not be cool enough for Robert Kirkman but it's what the show always seem to angle towards on its own, and it's what interests me about Maggie, Sasha and Jesus at the Hilltop. Maggie giving Gregory her full name was also great. And Carl and Jesus looks like fun.

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Echoing some points brought up by prior posters, here are my thoughts during the episode:

1. I agree that Gregory might have early stages of dementia.

2. With as much time as Enid has appeared to spend outside the walls, how is she still alive if she's so ineffective against walkers?

3. Carl and Enid love scene made me want to gag. Maybe if they were better actors and weren't doing it within sight of Hilltop.

4. Could they not get a few more extras for Hilltop residents?  Seriously it looked like there were about five people there. The zombies could have chomped on a few during the intrusion too.

5. Destroying a perfectly good car? Way to go Carl.

I keep buying the seasons on video, but I'm not sure why. I haven't been interested in any kind of rewatch for a while now, and this season isn't improving things.

Edited by lynnea6
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5 hours ago, avecsans said:

I was completely distracted by the way Maggie's serving utensil kept changing from a ladle to a wooden spoon and back again in every shot during the dinner scene.

Ha, you made me go back and look. 

You're right!  Those two utensils aren't even remotely similar--some gaffe or crucial bit of dialogue must've made them go back and reshoot the whole soup & sandwich scene.  Continuity woman, we're going to have to let you go.


I was distracted by all kinds of details through this episode.  How did Enid get down the other side of the wall?  Someone let Carl careen out of the compound in a car?  Sascha isn't sharpening that knife right.  Is Maggie wearing Pajama Jeans?  Why doesn't she trim that piece of hair poking her in the eyeball?  Won't the empty Scotch bottle be a pretty big clue they had a hitchhiker in the back of the truck?  Leaving a nice pocketwatch on the ground to indicate "grave" is stupid.  So is scrapping a car and a bike and then finding two pairs of skates in a box.

I was bored.


Edited by candall
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8 hours ago, Timetoread said:

It burns me that after all Rick has gone through to keep Carl's raggedy ass alive, he just runs out to do fucking do what?  Get caught and have MORE people die on his behalf.  Ungrateful little bastard! I love him but he needs a whooping.

In other news I hate Enid.  

It's getting tiresome to see Enid & Carl escape Alexandria without telling Rick. Will there be an episode now of Rick trying to get to Hilltop to find out where Carl is? How will he even know where Carl went?

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8 hours ago, easypeasy said:

I want Simon to be my Negan. He's an asshole, but I like him! I was on edge with Gregory during their conversation, and lol'ed when he grabbed all of the scotch to regift to Negan.

It felt cathartic to finally see Glenn and Abraham being mourned. Maggie Rhee for Hilltop leader #Imwithher

This guy is the Negan I thought Negan would be. 

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42 minutes ago, oakville said:

It's getting tiresome to see Enid & Carl escape Alexandria without telling Rick. Will there be an episode now of Rick trying to get to Hilltop to find out where Carl is? How will he even know where Carl went?

Yes to this ! Not only tiresome, but maddening as well ! Perhaps Rick will go off in search of the errant, ridiculous teens who have learned NOTHING in all their years of being a survivor of the ZA, and then someone will go after Rick, and someone else will go after them, and so on and so on until all of Alexandria is at the Hilltop. Perhaps they can all hide in Gregory's closet together when Negan and Company come a-knockin' again ?

The writing this season has been... off to me. There seem to be only four types of dialogue being employed and it's becoming repetitious and annoying: 1) I'm making a lofty speech to rouse the troops to justice  2) I'm ignoring said lofty speech because I have feelings about my feelings and even though it's the ZA I still have to listen to my heart and do the obviously wrong thing  3) I'm scared, stupid, and defenseless and will continue to be scared, stupid, and defenseless because I haven't been paying any attention to current events for the last few years  4) Ow. Ow. Owwwww ! That hurts. I'm dying. I'm dying. I'm dead. 

I long for the days when I was, quite literally, on the edge of my chair, holding my breath and not even aware of it, while watching this show. They will never, ever top the "Don't Open/Dead Inside" raw, visceral impact of the first episode, but I'd like to think there's still life in the series somewhere

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I somehow liked the girl power vibe of Sasha and Maggie. Two women in charge of a post ZA community would be interesting to watch. 

Although TWD have portrayed strong women, it has always been shown in the context of a man being in charge. I hope Maggie and Sasha take over in a big way. 

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Someone upstream mentioned "campiness" in the show, and while I wouldn't go that far, there is something a bit humorous about a guy names Jesus. This might work better in the comic, but on TV all I can think is this:

The scene is a herd of Walkers suddenly approaching.

"Jesus," Zocko says.

The man next to him, Jesus, answers, "What?"

"No. I wasn't calling you. That was an exclamation," Zocko explains.

Later, as Zocko is being carried off by Walkers, he yells out, "Jesus."

From a distance, Jesus turns to him. "Was that an exclamation?"

"Hell, no. I was calling your name. How 'bout some help here?"

So, yeah, there is something "madcap" about the name.

Edited by JackONeill
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6 hours ago, Door said:

Am I the only one who thinks Simon conveys menacing better than Negan does? Negan's too over the top. Simon is over the top too but it's still based in reality.

I've never been pregnant so forgive me if I'm wrong, but isn't bed rest suggested even with a minor placental abruption? Maggie seemed to be moving around way too much for what the doctor said was wrong with her and the baby -- at least, it made ME worry. 

Pornstache scares me. He is very menacing and over the top without being "look at how cool and clever I am." 

Yes, Maggie should be resting. She also should be showing. You can tell a bunch of men write this show :)

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4 hours ago, Iguessnot said:

Who is the world turns on interior lights to see what's going on outside in the dark?

Ugh, that was driving me bonkers! OK, turn on the light, if you must, so as not to trip over anything on the way to the window, but then?!? Plus, you wouldn't want to alert anyone that you're in there and awake. So very dumb.

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9 hours ago, HighMaintenance said:

Ditto on Hershel's watch.  So this watch was given to Glenn from Hershel and survived Terminus, not to mention a couple years in the ZA and Maggie hands it to ENID?  WTF?  Because Maggie & Enid have been through SO much together... um, no.

Also, apparently editing was asleep on this episode.   Who lit the fires?  How did the Gremlin get into Hilltop.  More importantly, who knew that a 1970's Gremlin was still around AND had a killer sound system???

BTW, thanks show for showing us Gregory is a douchecanoe.  The anvil marks on my head appreciate it.  Although, during Gregory's and Negan Jr.'s discussion, Gregory sounded like every boss, supervisor and manager I've ever had in my life.  Creepy.

Didn't Negan's flunky say that they lit the fires and aent in the car blasting the music?  He said they did it to remind the Hilltoppers how valuable the Saviora were to them.  They were going to stop the threat and save the helpless Hilltoppers, but Maggie, Sasha and Jesus stopped the walkers.

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Okay, maybe it was addressed and I just missed it. I've gotten to the point with this show that I subconsciously tune out a lot of the dialogue because it's usually so meaningless.

But I was wondering: does Maggie and Sasha know just how bad it would be if they were even spotted by Negan or any of his 100-plus henchlings? I mean all it would take would be for someone to catch sight of her strutting around the Hilltop. I suspect many of Negan's men would know the significance of Maggie.

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1 hour ago, icemiser69 said:

Yes, Gregory may be a coward, but let's be honest, the Saviors have a huge army that could wipe out the Hilltop with a blink of an eye.  He is doing what he can to survive.  It doesn't do him any good to stand up to the Saviors when they don't have the numbers to defend themselves.  He is right to want Sasha and Maggie to leave.

Hey, Mags, news flash... Rick is doing the same thing in Alexandria.  Gregory is a weasel but a pragmatic one.

So many concurrent storylines are frustrating.  In 5 episodes we've visited 4 communities with separate casts.  How can the plot progress on any of these if we only see it once every 4-5 weeks?  By the time we come back to Hilltop Baby Rhee might be walking.  (No pun intended.)  Besides, it's redundant.  Alexandria, Hilltop, the Kingdom... what have we seen other than a thriving community threatened by Negan and his henchmen?  It's the same thing everywhere.  Come on, writers, let's move on, shall we?

Man, the actors got a great deal this year, each having so little screen time week to week.  The show suffers when the main cast isn't together.

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Well, that episode was okay. It wasn't great, by any means, but it wasn't awful. 

Best part? No Negan. No never ending monologues and knee bouncing. Although....his protege, Simon, is bordering on becoming Negan 2.0 with the posturing and cheesy grin. I much prefer Steven Ogg when he's getting schooled by Mike Ehrmantraut. 

Gregory is a fucking douche and I didn't care what they did to him. I'm glad they took all of his scotch. In fact, let's start calling him George just for the hell of it. What an insensitive bastard. Why does Hilltop even follow this dude? He's not a tyrant like Negan, so why would they put up with such a selfish ass? 

And I'm STILL not getting the logic behind Negan's big "moves". So he sneaks to Hilltop under the cover of night, opens the gate, locks all the doors, starts a bunch of fires, and sets up a car that's blaring classical music. (And apparently 85% of Hilltop sleeps right through it, because Gregory passes out Ambien before bed?) For what reason? To have Hilltop overrun with walkers? So the people that are earning for you can be killed? So the stuff you want to take can be destroyed? Negan continues to make NO FUCKING sense to me. 

In fact, I even entertained the idea that Gregory pulled that stunt, to scare Maggie and Sasha away. But clearly that was wrong. 

Carl and Enid. Just stop. I love Carl. And I have no issues with Enid. But the writers have proven, time and again, that they cannot write for kids/teens. It's just awful. All the vague, angsty half-sentences that mean nothing. If Facebook were still around, these two would be posting things like - "I lit myself on fire to keep you warm". So annoying. I want Carl to be happy and I'm glad Enid is there for him, but the writers need to keep it to a minimum since they cannot seem to handle it any way that isn't cheesy and inauthentic. 

Also, Carl, you gonna go try to take Negan out yourself? Don't be stupid! Hopefully Jesus can knock some sense into him. 

So wow, sounds like I really hated the episode? Haha, nah....I liked the stuff at Glenn's grave. Hershel's watch! The balloons. I like Sasha and Maggie together. Sasha proved she wouldn't give up on Maggie back when she was trying to find Glenn after the prison fell. They're a good team. Obviously they're grooming Maggie to take over Hilltop, which I would be ALL for. 

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In the ZA, with fuel being scarce and auto parts being even scarcer (more scarce?), it would be wise to stick with reliable transportation that is both functional in cargo and passenger space and widely owned so replacement parts would be easy to come by. You know, like a 1969 AMC Gremlin. When a Ford Pinto just won't do. 

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3 hours ago, candall said:

I was bored.

So much of this. With all the continuity issues, and all the "it makes no sense that this would happen" stuff on this show and FTWD, I was just so bored with this episode. I looked at the clock every 5 minutes: it's only 9:20? it's only 9:40? Still 10 minutes left? 

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I realize that it's hard being a teenager in the zombie apocalypse and all that but Carl is starting to work my last nerve. Now we have Michonne going off on her own. I'm sure she'll find the Kingdom even though no-one else managed to find it in the last six months or whatever. Sigh.

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I enjoyed this one. First, no Negan, so it gets points. Second, it was nice to see Maggie and Sasha mourning Glenn and Abraham. The pacing was slow enough that we got some character development from everyone. It was great that Enid went to help Maggie and the balloons on the grave were a nice touch.

The showrunners could have set up the attack on the Hilltop a little better. After all, are we supposed to think there are no lookouts and that the Saviors can stroll right through the gate with a Gremlin and light a bunch of bonfires after locking everyone in their houses? That seemed choppy. Although, I did enjoy Maggie taking care of business with the tractor.

It even set up a plotline for Maggie to run Hilltop which will be good because Gregory is just so awful at it.

Oh, and at some point Simon is going to get his and I can't wait to see it. Someone up thread mentioned that it's tiresome to see Negan and his minions doing this thing where they try to be charming one moment but menacing the next. I just hope his end is painful and long.

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10 hours ago, NorthstarATL said:

Didn't Enid help Maggie cut her hair? That must count for something.

Yes, she did, and Maggie should have fed her to the walkers for that instead of gifting her with a family keepsake!

9 hours ago, ShadowSixx said:

I find it puzzling that Carl & Enid reached Hilltop that fast from Alexandria when Jesus says it takes a full day to reach Hilltop from Alexandria.

I thought it did take a full day.  They left in the morning, Enid visited the graves, then it was dark and they were eating dinner.

9 hours ago, TrininisaScorp said:

On Talking Dead, someone (Kevin Smith, maybe) wondered if there is coaching school for those Negan ppl to talk and swagger like their master. 

I wondered that exact thing.  However, I think this Simon guy is a much better Negan than Negan.  Plus he has the requisite perfect teeth to be a leader of the Saviors.

I normally don't notice much in terms of effects.  I can't tell when someone is wearing a wig, so I get shocked when someone complains about a character wearing a bad one.  I can't tell CGI, so I get shocked to hear complaints about the bad CGI tiger.  That tractor driving over the car, however....that actually made me laugh, just awful.

Edited by ByTor
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6 hours ago, Happy Harpy said:

The Twilight triangle in S5 got me rolling my eyes, but not the Carl/Enid scenes here. I guess I need a little bit of cute flowers and unicorn moments. And I like Enid and Maggie, how their love for Glenn links them.

Same here.

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29 minutes ago, festivus said:

I realize that it's hard being a teenager in the zombie apocalypse and all that but Carl is starting to work my last nerve. Now we have Michonne going off on her own. I'm sure she'll find the Kingdom even though no-one else managed to find it in the last six months or whatever. Sigh.

Rick is working my last nerve.  I like that Coral wants to fight back.  I wish he would have just shot Negan in the prior episode and let the chips fall where they may.

Rick's appeasement policy made sense when they were all being held at gunpoint, but as soon as they were free, their first goal should have been to kill Neagan, even if it meant losing some of their own people.

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Maggie and Sasha or anyone else can grouse all they want about Gregory being a cowardly weasel, and no mistaking that he is, but at the moment he doesn't really look all that much different than Rick would have from the past episode if we were just meeting him instead of having followed him and the apocalyptic wrecking crew around for the last 6 years.  We have no idea of what kind of losses he and the community have incurred or how any of it got there at all.  Even Jesus doesn't know.  All we know is that he's not a fighter and is also the head of a community we're told has no fighters save Ninja Jesus and no weapons who are just trying to keep their heads down and survive.  Sure, they're apparently not smart enough to post even a single lookout or two and they either chose to sleep or hide through late-night fun time with walkers and now a Gremlin, and we probably shouldn't even get into the stupidity of people surviving two years into the ZA without ever having learned to fight at all, but for people who aren't fighters they're getting by even with giving up one half of their stuff to Rick and another one half to Negan.   Those halves are going to be getting progressively smaller and unsustainable until the Saviors only need a wheelbarrow to cart back their stolen loot.

Yeah, it does look shitty to want to be immediately chucking a pregnant woman out, but under the circumstances you can kind of see where he's coming from on that too.  They did collude with Rick and company who then went off and killed a bunch of the same people who now hold the whip hand over both groups.  Parading around members of that group is basically sending up a red flag that hey, yes, we put them up to it and should suffer the consequences right along with them.  That said, one of the very few laughs I got out of the entire episode was Gregory opening that closet door thinking he was giving up both women only to end up giving away his Scotch stash instead.  He deserved that.

I do like it when the show pauses enough to remember that these people are supposed to have deep family style relationships and that's what they hold onto through everything.  I care about that more than I will ever care about who's the most evil to evil and talk about it for 40 minutes or whatever cool special effect the show has learned how to do now.  I'm happy to see the Maggie-Sasha friendship take center stage again.  Otherwise it was just wall to wall stupid and boring.  Roller skates that you just happened to find on the side of the road that just happened to fit you, really?  One-eyed Farrah Fawcett proving that he is indeed his mother's son and crashing a perfectly good car to kill a single walker?   And why didn't it occur to anyone in either settlement to maybe wait and pull the stowaway in the back of a truck routine to scope out Negan's lair before we all go off a murderin' and provoking the bear? 

I find Simon far more palatable and believable as a motormouth big bad than I ever will Negan.  He at least looks big enough to be menacing and isn't wearing a too precious for words too small leather jacket and ascot.

Edited by nodorothyparker
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I am no Edin fan, but I thought the ending scene of the 3 ladies together was nice.  Girl power and all that jazz. 

And I also thought the rollerskating and the first kiss scene was sweet. They are both still kids.  Well, teens/young adults.  I'm glad that the writers let them  have a few moments of fun without anybody getting killed or maimed!

10 hours ago, HighMaintenance said:

Ditto on Hershel's watch.  So this watch was given to Glenn from Hershel and survived Terminus, not to mention a couple years in the ZA and Maggie hands it to ENID?  WTF?  Because Maggie & Enid have been through SO much together... um, no.

Also, apparently editing was asleep on this episode.   Who lit the fires?  How did the Gremlin get into Hilltop.  More importantly, who knew that a 1970's Gremlin was still around AND had a killer sound system???

BTW, thanks show for showing us Gregory is a douchecanoe.  The anvil marks on my head appreciate it.  Although, during Gregory's and Negan Jr.'s discussion, Gregory sounded like every boss, supervisor and manager I've ever had in my life.  Creepy.

I don't think it was the editors who were asleep. ;)  It was pretty clearly addressed during the Pornstache/Gregory scene.  See below. 

1 hour ago, Bryce Lynch said:

Didn't Negan's flunky say that they lit the fires and aent in the car blasting the music?  He said they did it to remind the Hilltoppers how valuable the Saviora were to them.  They were going to stop the threat and save the helpless Hilltoppers, but Maggie, Sasha and Jesus stopped the walkers.

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8 hours ago, CletusMusashi said:

Perhaps instead most of humanity's progress went into developing the nanobots that allow  a hat to perpetually adapt itself to its wearer's head size.

Brotherhood Of The Travelling Hat

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35 minutes ago, Bryce Lynch said:

Rick's appeasement policy made sense when they were all being held at gunpoint, but as soon as they were free, their first goal should have been to kill Neagan, even if it meant losing some of their own people.

But which people? Who's willing to sign up for that? I'm actually with Rick. For now. Negan's group is far too big. They control everyone in the area. Negan is sadistic and ruthless. Who will he target if Rick pisses him off? Not Rick. He'll target Carl, Judith...Michonne, if he figures out they're together. This isn't a group you act rashly with, IMO. You bide your time and plan intelligently. In all honestly, I would have left right after they got back from the woods. I'm sure they didn't because of Daryl. But Daryl sucks, and I'd have left his greasy ass. Since they've opted not to run, they need to take their time with retribution. Hit Negan when he doesn't see it coming. 


33 minutes ago, nodorothyparker said:

Maggie and Sasha or anyone else can grouse all they want about Gregory being a cowardly weasel, and no mistaking that he is, but at the moment he doesn't really look all that much different than Rick would have from the past episode if we were just meeting him instead of having followed him and the apocalyptic wrecking crew around for the last 6 years

Except Rick wouldn't intentionally give people up to Negan. Not in my opinion. He also would know the names of people in his community, and fob them off as some afterthought. Rick has done questionable things from time to time, sure, but I've always had the impression that he CARES about his people and what happens to them. I don't get that vibe with Gregory, at all. 

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7 hours ago, SomePity1066 said:

Roller skating during the ZA ?! All that was missing was The Turtles "Happy Together" playing in the background. Truly the most insipid moment of the season, if not the entire series. I found myself WISHING the walkers would turn up as Coorl roll/clomped around like a doofus. 

On a good note, everyone who has owned the watch is now dead. Maybe it will go to Coorl after Enid bites the dust :)

This was the worst part of a pretty bad episode...  Binding your legs into roller skates (so if attacked you have no ability to flip them off and run) seems like a decision that would have been automatically eliminated by the end of season one.  Bringing the skates back to Alexandria for good old teen skatin'?  That would have made a little more sense...

Ruining a perfectly good vehicle to render a few really slow walkers pissed me off too.  How do walkers "sneak" up on Enid anyway?  She was in the open, alone, and could have easily dispatched them with a knife once she heard them a half mile away.  (How does she not hear the car approaching too???) The way the scene was edited, you would have thought she was on the very edge of death.

And why wouldn't Gregory just say "There are two women here from the other group, look around, you'll find them"?  Was "dramatic reveal" the only option??

I agree with all the other stupid moves (the watch, the bonefires, the complete non-reaction of the hillside folk)...

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2 minutes ago, ghoulina said:

Except Rick wouldn't intentionally give people up to Negan. Not in my opinion. He also would know the names of people in his community, and fob them off as some afterthought. Rick has done questionable things from time to time, sure, but I've always had the impression that he CARES about his people and what happens to them. I don't get that vibe with Gregory, at all. 

I don't know that we do know this about the new whipped Rick, particularly if it were two randoms he doesn't consider his people.  We've seen him turn away or refuse people before when he was in a lot less dire straits than he is now (i.e., season 3 hitchhiker, Tyreese's entire crew, Noah with the lollicops), in addition to that one time he was going to hand Michonne over to the Guv to almost certainly be tortured and killed.  We tend to give Rick the benefit of the doubt and assume he wouldn't in most cases because we've spent plenty of time with him and know that he almost always means well but even that may depend on whether you're dealing with crazy or noncrazy Rick.  

I don't find Gregory a particular warm and fuzzy leader either as much as a go along to get along kind of guy.  But he's obviously done well enough by the Hilltoppers that no one has ever thought at least in Jesus' memory to challenge his leadership.  Of course, that probably says as much as about the Hilltoppers as it does him.  

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10 minutes ago, ghoulina said:

Except Rick wouldn't intentionally give people up to Negan. 

But we know Rick isn't above giving up people. He gave up Michonne in the hopes of pacifying the Governor and he did it even after Merle told him what the Governor would do to Michonne. 

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Am I the only one that does not need a logical explanation for everything that happens in a show about the dead rising and roaming the earth? Just the premise gives me a carte blanche to excuse 85% of the other nonsense. 

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21 minutes ago, nodorothyparker said:

I don't know that we do know this about the new whipped Rick, particularly if it were two randoms he doesn't consider his people.  We've seen him turn away or refuse people before when he was in a lot less dire straits than he is now (i.e., season 3 hitchhiker, Tyreese's entire crew, Noah with the lollicops), in addition to that one time he was going to hand Michonne over to the Guv to almost certainly be tortured and killed.  We tend to give Rick the benefit of the doubt and assume he wouldn't in most cases because we've spent plenty of time with him and know that he almost always means well but even that may depend on whether you're dealing with crazy or noncrazy Rick.  

Exactly and I bet he'd turn Spencer over in a heartbeat LOL

And what is it with CDB coming into other folks houses telling them how things are going to be? Sasha and Maggie I like y'all but you are more than welcomed to get to steppin'.

Edited by GodsBeloved
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I have a nagging question. Did Enid bring green balloons with her to put on the grave? Did she know in advance that there would be graves to decorate so she put some balloons in her pocket for the trip? (!!!!) Please tell me they weren't filled with helium. There's no way I'm going to go back and review any part of this show, so could someone please let me know? 

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7 minutes ago, Kenz said:

I have a nagging question. Did Enid bring green balloons with her to put on the grave? Did she know in advance that there would be graves to decorate so she put some balloons in her pocket for the trip? (!!!!) Please tell me they weren't filled with helium. There's no way I'm going to go back and review any part of this show, so could someone please let me know? 

Enid saved the balloons because it was how her and Glenn signaled to Alexandria they were out there. She had them because she saved them and begged for them last week when the Saviors tried to take them. She had conversations with the Hilltop people before seeing Maggie so I'm pretty sure it was them who told her the graves were there. You also don't need helium to blow up balloons; it has been proven she is full of hot air.

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