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68 Excellent
  1. Having recently watched the mind fuck that was Legion season 1, this episode was no big deal for me. Still don't understand the purpose of the robot, but I wasn't bored.
  2. Overall I found this episode on the boring side until the end. I liked that they showed Lucifer showing a (somewhat) scary side with Dagon, but then I started wondering how he could do that with Crowley's lockdown. At least that kept me occupied from harping on the other aggravations of this episode (Joshua and the Colt, really?).
  3. This was bugging me too. At least put on a hat, man! Also, with the 20 cameras they seem to install in everyone's homes, they can't spare one for Will's SUV? They would have been onto him weeks ago if they had done that, especially with Will and Katie chatting it up in there after being so careful in their home.
  4. Damn, I was really starting to like Agent Conlin, especially when he called Carrie out on her shit, and then they kill him off. On a more shallow note, yay for Seth Numrich being on the show! Hope he hangs around for a bit.
  5. I forgot about the perjury charge (not a criminal defense lawyer, but I think it's fairly rare for someone to be convicted of perjury). I was calling BS on Alex not covering his tracks enough to avoid criminal charges for anything he did in connection with the drug trade. However, for purposes of the story it is necessary for him to be in jail so Norman can have free reign of the motel. Stay in jail, Alex!
  6. This group reminded me of the dancers in the Simply Irresistible video with all that slicked back hair.
  7. lynnea6

    S07.E05: Go Getters

    Echoing some points brought up by prior posters, here are my thoughts during the episode: 1. I agree that Gregory might have early stages of dementia. 2. With as much time as Enid has appeared to spend outside the walls, how is she still alive if she's so ineffective against walkers? 3. Carl and Enid love scene made me want to gag. Maybe if they were better actors and weren't doing it within sight of Hilltop. 4. Could they not get a few more extras for Hilltop residents? Seriously it looked like there were about five people there. The zombies could have chomped on a few during the intrusion too. 5. Destroying a perfectly good car? Way to go Carl. I keep buying the seasons on video, but I'm not sure why. I haven't been interested in any kind of rewatch for a while now, and this season isn't improving things.
  8. lynnea6

    S07.E04: Service

    And Father Gabriel showed the most foresight of anyone in Alexandria in this episode. What's the world coming to?
  9. The car chases gave me the vibe of one of those car action shows from an amusement park. That said, I did enjoy the show and will stick with it for a while. I totally tuned in because of Clayne Crawford, who does a wonderful job in Rectify making me care about a character that could easily be a complete douchebag with a lesser actor.
  10. Actually, I think they were looking for them because they recognized Chris as someone they could use on their team for this zombie killing ability. It seemed like the Lochte dudes had mainly dealt with defenseless live people. I realized there was no redeeming Chris when he told his dad that the Lochte dudes were good guys when they had clearly executed the people at the store where he met them.
  11. I've never read the comic books, and it appears that I'm off base from the comments here, but I just figured from Quincannon's actions that Jesse's commandments wore off after a while. I was expecting Eugene to be shot out of hell in the next episode or so.
  12. Wow, I hated this episode. Hated it. It's always annoyed me that the show referred to the relationship between God and the angels with human familial terms - father, brother, sister. This episode went way beyond where it's gone before and treated them just like humans - the devil as a fucking teenager for pete's sake - with Dean and Sam mediating. It just felt like they cheapened everything with these beings from prior seasons. I did appreciate that the attempt to corral Amara didn't work.
  13. The finale used one of my favorite songs ever, Cuts You Up, so it gained a lot of points with me right there. And I loved Sally finding a purpose and adoration with social media. Overall I enjoyed the season way more than Coven or Freak Show.
  14. I know, right? I got the impression that this show was about traveling in the Badlands, not preparing to go into the Badlands. At this pace they might start their journey next season. Still, I am enjoying the show so far.
  15. No, but she seemed so familiar, and thanks to IMDB I realized it's Delores Herbig (Dead Like Me). Loved that show.
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