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Hillary Rodham Clinton: 2016 Democratic Presidential Nominee

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57 minutes ago, madmaverick said:

Probably people have already seen this, but the emails Hillary sent that Trump doesn't want you to see. 

I mean, honestly, Trump supporters love to go on about her emails, but what exactly has been scandalous about them that speak to her being a horrible person.  Quite the opposite, in fact.  Her "crime" is to want to help a Yemeni girl?  Many have said that the Hillary that comes across in leaked emails and in leaked closed door speeches is actually (surprisingly to some) basically the person she presents herself as to the public.  Someone who cares deeply about public service and thinks deeply and soberly about what needs to be done to make people's lives better.  If that's not what we look for in a presidential candidate, what is?!  Especially when her opponent is all about himself and so lacking in empathy.

The question is will the media be covering these particular emails? This is of course a rhetorical question, because of course they won't.

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2 minutes ago, Keepitmoving said:

The question is will the media be covering these particular emails? This is of course a rhetorical question, because of course they won't.

Not a chance. 

Well HuffPo covered them. But note they only dared put them in the "Comedy" section (I presume because the article author used the opportunity to crack some jokes about how "evil" she was). 

Two other really small outlets covered it.



But major media? Of course not.

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1 hour ago, Menrva said:

I wish I felt more comfortable expressing my support for Hillary in public, but I was genuinely afraid I would find my car vandalized. During the primary season, I kept my choice to myself because I did not want to get yelled at by Bernie supporters. (I had a number of rather obnoxious Bernie Bros among my Facebook friends.) I was never a Bernie fan, though I don't dislike him. But I do like Hillary. I like that she's smart and tough. I would curl up and cry in a corner if I had to endure a fraction of what she does on a daily basis. She's the smartest person in the room. 

As I was putting my kids to bed tonight, one of them was nearly in tears. "I don't want Donald Trump to be our president," she said and her voice was shaking. "How could this happen? Why don't more people like Hillary?" Then my little one piped up. "Hillary is awesome!" I hugged them and assured them we'd be ok, but inside, I felt like my heart was being crushed. What do I tell my children if Trump wins? How do we move forward? They're so excited at the prospect of the first female American president.

On "All In" tonight (in addition to a good reassuring bit about the polls), they talked about what the candidates are putting money into successfully. Hillary's got a ground game and surrogates and ad buys all over.  Trump? "He's got swag." lol. The analyst was talking about how "It distresses Democrats to drive around everywhere and see Trump stickers and lawn signs all over. But that's what he's invested in, just like selling all those hats during the primary."

He's a salesman, right? Hillary's campaigning for president and he's trying to figure out how many buttons and stickers and banners he can either sell or outrageously over-bill the campaign donors for. Trump's America. It would be funny to imagine the many ways he would monetize the presidency--if it weren't possible that he might really have the chance.

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15 minutes ago, Padma said:

On "All In" tonight (in addition to a good reassuring bit about the polls), they talked about what the candidates are putting money into successfully. Hillary's got a ground game and surrogates and ad buys all over.  Trump? "He's got swag." lol. The analyst was talking about how "It distresses Democrats to drive around everywhere and see Trump stickers and lawn signs all over. But that's what he's invested in, just like selling all those hats during the primary."

He's a salesman, right? Hillary's campaigning for president and he's trying to figure out how many buttons and stickers and banners he can either sell or outrageously over-bill the campaign donors for. Trump's America. It would be funny to imagine the many ways he would monetize the presidency--if it weren't possible that he might really have the chance.

This is another way of conning his supporters.  They're convinced he's winning because everywhere they go they see his lawn signs and bumper stickers, so how could Hillary possibly be ahead?

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Hillary Clinton ‏@HillaryClinton 6m6 minutes ago

"About half of the people he wants to deport—they’ve paid more taxes than Donald Trump has paid.” —Hillary in Arizona


I love this!  Maybe she CAN win Arizona. 

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So apparently that asshole Hannity went nuts today.  Saying that there's a "99% chance" (that "amount" should set off bullshit detectors like crazy) that "up to five foreign intelligence agencies accessed 'this server'".  If you go and find a clip of his show from the 2nd, make sure you have some Alka-Selzer first. The pure smugness alone will make you ill.  In Hannity world, the FBI is on the very of arresting a ton of people, up to an including Hillary herself and is "putting lots of resources into this". 

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This link about HRC's favorite books was posted by @trow125 in the Full Frontal topic. It's a delightful and reassuring article from June 2014 that, to me, reinforces again how normal HRC is. She no doubt had time to prepare her answers but I'm sure she really does read those books and authors.

Re people keeping quiet about their support for HRC -- it's Nixon's silent majority* all over again, only now they're silent out of fear.


* For those who may be too young or don't remember, Nixon's references was to, as he saw it, the vast majority of conservative middle Americans who were being overshadowed in the media by the more vocal, liberal minority.

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I really don't think an argument can be made this time that the liberals have been louder than the conservatives. The Trumpettes have barely stopped their obnoxious, hate-filled ranting since he announced his nomination.

The people I'm scared of is the quietly apathetic ones. Those who think they can get away with voting for Jill Stein because their state is traditionally blue, or those who aren't invested enough to look past the headlines that decry Hillary as a criminal.

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16 hours ago, HumblePi said:


Anthony Weiner has checked himself into a rehab center for sexual addictions.

I wish he'd checked his ass into that clinic a couple of years ago. It would have saved everybody a lot of grief.

About Huma's e-mails on the laptop she and Anthony used: it's unclear whether the laptop belonged to Huma or Anthony. I've heard it both ways. I've heard that Huma claims she did or did not use that laptop; conflicting information again. She keeps saying she has no idea how her e-mails got on that laptop. But I think I found an explanation.

I've been reading comments on articles about the Huma e-mails. Three or four times now, I've seen tech people post comments explaining how the e-mails could have been automatically placed on the laptop because of the features of the Microsoft Outlook e-mail exchange program. No one has said whether Hillary's server or Huma's laptop uses the MS Outlook e-mail "client" (program). But if they did, if Huma used the laptop even one time, Outlook would have downloaded her entire archive of e-mails to that device. The idea behind this Outlook feature is that you can access your e-mail archive from every device you have. If you don' want Outlook to do this, you have to opt out of that feature.

There are a lot of "if's" here, but I think this means that any "new" e-mails that partisan asshole James Comey claims the FBI found are only duplicates of e-mails the FBI has already seen.

Here is a sample tech comment about the e-mails. I am not a tech person and I could barely follow it, but I think I understood the gist of it:

[I deleted the poster's nickname]

When someone has a private email domain on a private server, they usually have to have an email client software installed on their pc. Microsoft Office Outlook and Mozilla Thunderbird are two examples of email client programs, as is the "Mail" application built in to Windows 10.

There are several email protocols for inbound email.
POP, or Post Office Protocol, holds an email on the server, depending on your client program settings, until you download it. It can stay there indefinitely if you set your email client to not allow the server to delete them. The problem with POP mail is if you have multiple clients on the account (phone, pc, tablet, etc), the inbox does not stay in sync across the devices. Delete something from an inbox on one, and it remains on the others.
The newer protocol for consumers and small business is IMAP. The inbound server is the mother ship and communicates off and on with all the client devices. Make a change to an inbox on one device and the device reports it back to the mother ship. The mother ship then changes it on all other devices. Delete an email on one device, the server is notified, gets rid of the email there, and synchronizes the other devices on the account. IMAP can be an issue sometimes if you want to see your latest stuff and you don't have access to the internet. Things may not be in sync.

Then there is MS Exchange Server, a business software for a server that is sort of a SUPER mothership. The Exchange Server administrator controls EVERYTHING about how emails received are handled on a device. If you lose a device or replace it, it is very easy to restore email from an Exchange Server account.

I am betting the Clinton server was running Exchange Server.

Outbound emails use SMTP server, for Simple Mail Transport Protocol. This is used when using either POP or IMAP for inbound email.

When you use gmail or yahoo, normally you just use their webmail interface, although gmail CAN be set up with POP or IMAP. Yahoo Mail has some limitations.

When you use a web interface, the email files, for the most part, do not live on your pc. They may be in temp browser files, but will be deleted like any other file that is a part of a web page you view in your browser, and deleted based on your browser temp file deletion settings. If I have to rebuild a pc system from scratch and look to back up data files, if a customer tells me they use only gmail, yahoo mail, or aol.com mail, I just don't worry about it because it is all on those public servers.

There are a number of third party web interfaces that can be used instead of desktop client software.


Source for this comment:

https://politicalwire.com/2016/10/30/weiner-laptop-may-include-650k-emails/ "Weiner’s Laptop May Include 650K Emails"

October 30, 2016, By Taegan Goddard, 363 Comments

Edited by Coffeecup
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5 hours ago, lordonia said:

This link about HRC's favorite books was posted by @trow125 in the Full Frontal topic. It's a delightful and reassuring article from June 2014 that, to me, reinforces again how normal HRC is. She no doubt had time to prepare her answers but I'm sure she really does read those books and authors.

Re people keeping quiet about their support for HRC -- it's Nixon's silent majority* all over again, only now they're silent out of fear.


* For those who may be too young or don't remember, Nixon's references was to, as he saw it, the vast majority of conservative middle Americans who were being overshadowed in the media by the more vocal, liberal minority.

Definitely.  She's made some strategic mistakes, but I don't think there's any way she's dumb enough to claim to have favorite books/writers she's never read.  If she had given this interview during this campaign cycle, Assange would be trying to hack her Kindle account as we speak.  "Hey, hey, look here - she downloaded a couple Harlequin books last May!"  

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4 hours ago, Danny Franks said:

I really don't think an argument can be made this time that the liberals have been louder than the conservatives. The Trumpettes have barely stopped their obnoxious, hate-filled ranting since he announced his nomination.

The people I'm scared of is the quietly apathetic ones. Those who think they can get away with voting for Jill Stein because their state is traditionally blue, or those who aren't invested enough to look past the headlines that decry Hillary as a criminal.

Is this about Katy Tur?  If so I absolutely agree with you.  I was watching her interview with Brian Williams this morning and it's a really interesting video about what it's like to be singled out at these events.


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46 minutes ago, Coffeecup said:


About Huma's e-mails on the laptop she and Anthony used: it's unclear whether the laptop belonged to Huma or Anthony. I've heard it both ways. I've heard that Huma claims she did or did not use that laptop; conflicting information again. She keeps saying she has no idea how her e-mails got on that laptop. But I think I found an explanation.

I've been reading comments on articles about the Huma e-mails. Three or four times now, I've seen tech people post comments explaining how the e-mails could have been automatically placed on the laptop because of the features of the Microsoft Outlook e-mail exchange program. No one has said whether Hillary's server or Huma's laptop uses the MS Outlook e-mail "client" (program). But if they did, if Huma used the laptop even one time, Outlook would have downloaded her entire archive of e-mails to that device. The idea behind this Outlook feature is that you can access your e-mail archive from every device you have. If you don' want Outlook to do this, you have to opt out of that feature.


Thank you for all of that! (it all sounded to me like 'blah-ble-blu) I got the gist of it all and rather than imagining Huma actually touching (with bare hands) Anthony's laptop (ick), this is a more palatable explanation to assume.

10 minutes ago, Morrigan2575 said:

Is this about Katy Tur?  If so I absolutely agree with you.  I was watching her interview with Brian Williams this morning and it's a really interesting video about what it's like to be singled out at these events.


Thank you for the video. I really don't know Katy Tur because I don't watch MSNBC that much but it brought to mind something I had though from the moment Hillary Clinton referred to Donald's supporters as a "basket of deplorables".  Oh everyone was gasping and appalled by her description of them! Well, really? After all the hateful, threatening, disgusting, abhorrent, and just disturbing things that I've heard from his supporters at his rallies, why apologize at all?  To make them worse, some of those things aren't being shouted by some bare-chested, tattooed muscle-man-yah-hoo all sweaty and foaming at the mouth yelling 'she's a murderer, lock her up!!'.  These things were said by gray-haired, overweight, funny-hat, t shirt wearing grandmas!!

I think my own strategy would, instead of apologizing for calling them deplorables, defend the adjective 'deplorable'  and force them to acknowledge that, YES, there is a very large segment of their mob that is deplorable, that is threatening, that are emotionally disturbed. I would better define the term by explaining that the basket is a little smaller than one that could hold all of them but it certainly is a very large basket and the ones in it are indeed deplorable.

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11 hours ago, Keepitmoving said:

The question is will the media be covering these particular emails? This is of course a rhetorical question, because of course they won't.

Do what I try to do, copy them and post them on all the twitter and facebook accounts of his surrogates. :)

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26 minutes ago, Nidratime said:

This is unbelievable.

FBI launches internal investigation into its own Twitter account


I honestly fear for HRC if/when she wins. I really worry as much (more?) for her than I did for Obama and I was terrified he was going to be assassinated during his first Inauguration.

Edited by Morrigan2575
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7 minutes ago, Nidratime said:

This is unbelievable.

FBI launches internal investigation into its own Twitter account


Here's what I've heard this morning regarding the FBI investigation. It seems that a book has influenced the decision of James Comey to reopen this investigation into Hillary Clinton's emails. 'Clinton Cash', Breitbart News Senior Editor-at-Large Peter Schweizer, is the author of Clinton Cash. In this book, Peter Schweizer contends that there was criminal activity on the part of the Clinton's in the way they were handling the Clinton Foundation.

Peter Schweizer quote: “Let me just say, I have it on good authority – I can’t go into detail how – but I have it on good authority that this is the major vein of the Clinton investigation,” he said. “The emails are important. They are looking at the emails. Important issues are raised. The Clinton Foundation investigation has been longer, it’s been more intense, it’s involved more divisions of the FBI than has the email scandal. What the FBI does a lot of is white-collar crime investigation, and that’s what’s taking place right now.”

The Alt-Right is afraid that Hillary Clinton may pardon herself if she is a seated President.

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5 minutes ago, HumblePi said:

Here's what I've heard this morning regarding the FBI investigation. It seems that a book has influenced the decision of James Comey to reopen this investigation into Hillary Clinton's emails. 'Clinton Cash', Breitbart News Senior Editor-at-Large Peter Schweizer, is the author of Clinton Cash. In this book, Peter Schweizer contends that there was criminal activity on the part of the Clinton's in the way they were handling the Clinton Foundation.

Peter Schweizer quote: “Let me just say, I have it on good authority – I can’t go into detail how – but I have it on good authority that this is the major vein of the Clinton investigation,” he said. “The emails are important. They are looking at the emails. Important issues are raised. The Clinton Foundation investigation has been longer, it’s been more intense, it’s involved more divisions of the FBI than has the email scandal. What the FBI does a lot of is white-collar crime investigation, and that’s what’s taking place right now.”

The Alt-Right is afraid that Hillary Clinton may pardon herself if she is a seated President.

Is alt-right* synonymous with alternate reality?

Evidently, Secretary Clinton has some very powerful enemies.  I instinctively knew that a book deal was one of the things fouling up this mess.  It reminds me of why 60 Minutes is no longer must-see TV on Sundays in our household anymore.  You may recall a few short years ago that the show had a credibility crisis because of a Benghazi story that turned out to be false, which led to Lara Logan taking a 6-month leave of absence (as opposed to being fired).  Apparently, the man who discussed the administration's response to the attack and painted himself as a hero had a book deal with Simon and Schuster and the details he provided were totally different from those he provided to The Washington Post.  It also seems that Ms. Logan wasn't entirely unbiased in her "reporting" and had some political motivations of her own.  CBS' own internal review found a speech she gave criticizing the Obama administration's tactics toward Al Qaeda and it conflicted with CBS News' standards.  Even more alarming, her bosses helped to arrange the speech and the president of CBS News was in the audience.  Contrast that to the way Dan Rather was treated.  

*I refuse to dignify "alt-right" with the capitalization that it typically gets.  I never capitalize the word "scum" unless it's the first word of a sentence.

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I don't use alt- right, nor white nationalist and neither should responsible media without also adding aka the kkk. The other terms aren't good enough to invoke images ofcrosses  burning on lawns and bodies hanging from trees. I have no doubt with this low information electorate that many of them still haven't made the connection.The changing of the name was all part of their long effort that has paid off to become mainstream. It's unbelievable to me that the media knows that Bannon is helping to run his campaign yet no one in the media has the balls to say that Trump has the kkk running his campaign. No, they keep using that bullshit term alt-right. If he wins the television media will never get my viewership. 

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The persecution of the the Clinton's on so many levels for so many years is an indication that there are those, like Brietbart, who fear them intensely. They feel threatened that they will be silenced in some way by the Clinton's. Hillary becoming President is not the whole story here. This story goes back decades.

Republican Congressmen Jason Chaffetz promises years more of investigations for a President Hillary Clinton. Is this how we want to run our country? Especially since one phrase turns up over and over again when the examinations are exhausted: “There is no proof of wrongdoing.” They never find anything wrong, they just keep the country from moving forward.

Individuals in the Bush White House deleted 22 million emails. Where was the FBI then? As the White House began firing the independent U.S. Attorneys, Karl Rove was deleting his emails and later held in contempt of Congress. I don’t remember any nonstop press coverage at that point.

This relentless pursuit of persecution of the Clinton's will come to a final END when Hillary Clinton is elected President and they know this, that's why this has become especially contentious and appalling. It's a decades long witch-hunt of the Clinton's. That is why it is so important that we not let false claims distract us from the real issues. It is critical we not forget the real scandals of Donald Trump. It is crucial we not just vote for Hillary Clinton, casting aside the right-wing attempts to burn her campaign down, but also vote down ballot for Democratic representatives and senators so that she can get things done! Stomp Trump into the dirt with all his deplorables!

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1 hour ago, Morrigan2575 said:

I honestly fear for HRC if/when she wins. I really worry as much (more?) for her than I did for Obama and I was terrified he was going to be assassinated during his first Inauguration.

Oh, my gosh. I was, too. And there are times when things were especially volatile that I would wake up and be afraid to check the news. I get tense during live speeches and debates. I really am not a worrier, but I sure sound like one. But I also remember once in 2008 when for some reason no one ever identified, security stopped searching bags at an Obama rally. I found a reference to one rally in Dallas, and isn't that something, but I think it happened more than once.   

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President Obama gave a speech in Florida just now that was absolutely incredible. The bottom line was 'choose hope'.  I have always known that he's an incredible orator, but this speech wiped all others off the map. If even one of Trump's surrogates or deplorables watched and heard his words there's no way they can misunderstand his message. Hillary Clinton is the ONLY candidate qualified to serve.

This speech is going to re-ignite the zeal of her supporters but even more importantly, it will motivate those people who are still undecided.

Edited by HumblePi
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3 hours ago, Coffeecup said:

I wish he'd checked his ass into that clinic a couple of years ago. It would have saved everybody a lot of grief.

About Huma's e-mails on the laptop she and Anthony used: it's unclear whether the laptop belonged to Huma or Anthony. I've heard it both ways. I've heard that Huma claims she did or did not use that laptop; conflicting information again. She keeps saying she has no idea how her e-mails got on that laptop. But I think I found an explanation.

I've been reading comments on articles about the Huma e-mails. Three or four times now, I've seen tech people post comments explaining how the e-mails could have been automatically placed on the laptop because of the features of the Microsoft Outlook e-mail exchange program. No one has said whether Hillary's server or Huma's laptop uses the MS Outlook e-mail "client" (program). But if they did, if Huma used the laptop even one time, Outlook would have downloaded her entire archive of e-mails to that device. The idea behind this Outlook feature is that you can access your e-mail archive from every device you have. If you don' want Outlook to do this, you have to opt out of that feature.

There are a lot of "if's" here, but I think this means that any "new" e-mails that partisan asshole James Comey claims the FBI found are only duplicates of e-mails the FBI has already seen.

Here is a sample tech comment about the e-mails. I am not a tech person and I could barely follow it, but I think I understood the gist of it:

[I deleted the poster's nickname]

When someone has a private email domain on a private server, they usually have to have an email client software installed on their pc. Microsoft Office Outlook and Mozilla Thunderbird are two examples of email client programs, as is the "Mail" application built in to Windows 10.

There are several email protocols for inbound email.
POP, or Post Office Protocol, holds an email on the server, depending on your client program settings, until you download it. It can stay there indefinitely if you set your email client to not allow the server to delete them. The problem with POP mail is if you have multiple clients on the account (phone, pc, tablet, etc), the inbox does not stay in sync across the devices. Delete something from an inbox on one, and it remains on the others.
The newer protocol for consumers and small business is IMAP. The inbound server is the mother ship and communicates off and on with all the client devices. Make a change to an inbox on one device and the device reports it back to the mother ship. The mother ship then changes it on all other devices. Delete an email on one device, the server is notified, gets rid of the email there, and synchronizes the other devices on the account. IMAP can be an issue sometimes if you want to see your latest stuff and you don't have access to the internet. Things may not be in sync.

Then there is MS Exchange Server, a business software for a server that is sort of a SUPER mothership. The Exchange Server administrator controls EVERYTHING about how emails received are handled on a device. If you lose a device or replace it, it is very easy to restore email from an Exchange Server account.

I am betting the Clinton server was running Exchange Server.

Outbound emails use SMTP server, for Simple Mail Transport Protocol. This is used when using either POP or IMAP for inbound email.

When you use gmail or yahoo, normally you just use their webmail interface, although gmail CAN be set up with POP or IMAP. Yahoo Mail has some limitations.

When you use a web interface, the email files, for the most part, do not live on your pc. They may be in temp browser files, but will be deleted like any other file that is a part of a web page you view in your browser, and deleted based on your browser temp file deletion settings. If I have to rebuild a pc system from scratch and look to back up data files, if a customer tells me they use only gmail, yahoo mail, or aol.com mail, I just don't worry about it because it is all on those public servers.

There are a number of third party web interfaces that can be used instead of desktop client software.


Source for this comment:

https://politicalwire.com/2016/10/30/weiner-laptop-may-include-650k-emails/ "Weiner’s Laptop May Include 650K Emails"

October 30, 2016, By Taegan Goddard, 363 Comments

That is a very reasonable explanation and one that fits with what we know re: Huma etc.  However, it may not bode well for Hillary or Huma.  Oh well. Worst case scenario (the very worst) is Present Kaine and VP Elizabeth Warren (a woman and progressive to replace the top of the ticket or even a more centrist woman like Klobuchar) and although that's not what I want--not what Hillary deserves-- that's still not President Trump so I'm fine with that, too.

Edited by Padma
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1 hour ago, HumblePi said:

This relentless pursuit of persecution of the Clinton's will come to a final END when Hillary Clinton is elected President and they know this, that's why this has become especially contentious and appalling. It's a decades long witch-hunt of the Clinton's. That is why it is so important that we not let false claims distract us from the real issues. It is critical we not forget the real scandals of Donald Trump. It is crucial we not just vote for Hillary Clinton, casting aside the right-wing attempts to burn her campaign down, but also vote down ballot for Democratic representatives and senators so that she can get things done! Stomp Trump into the dirt with all his deplorables!

An end? No, why would we think that having a new administration would mean that Congress Republicans were ready to stop being obstructionist and start governing responsibly?

Chafetz is ready to open investigations and another Rep just yesterday said they will prepare for impeachment hearings.

In the senate, senators including McCain, Burr and Cruz are already planning not to let any non-Republican fulfill the Constitutional responsibility of appointing a SC justice.

Ending? With Clinton in the White House, it's just a good opportunity to start persecuting her as president.

Plus, "hating Hillary Clinton" seems to be the one "idea" that all Republicans can unite around and will help the cowards in Congress win back the support of their deplorable base.

On the bright side, Andrea Mitchell seemed shell-shocked that Hillary was drawing a crowd of 10,000 today.  And young people had lined up for 24 hours (!) to see President Obama this morning.  That all helps build excitement!

Edited by Padma
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"Come to a final end?"  LOL.  No.  No.  It won't have even begun.  If she is elected, there will never be a more investigated, blocked, hated, accused, and belittled President.  The purpose of politics, at least on the right, has now become to blame and attack.  Governing or legislating is not in the top of the list.  The electorate on the right wants to punish, to condemn, to humiliate, etc.. the other team, because this is a game to them. 
Attacks and accusations and inquiries will be discussed and announced daily, a new one with every 6 hour news cycle as Republicans attempt to win the social media and network media "game." 
No, it's not over.  The work to cast her as the supreme villainess hasn't even picked up speed yet.  The right wing will want to impeach her, and to do that they will need evidence of something.  Anything.  EVERY single thing she does will be subpoenad and investigated and called into question.  Everything.  She will be considered in-valid as a President and that will come with levels of disrespect Obama has not had to contend with.  His birth certificate was a laughable issue, her status as a "criminal" is a truth among the right, and so they will attack her relentlessly.

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15 hours ago, maraleia said:

I'm so irritated. I was all set to canvass for Hillary, Tammy Duckworth and Amanda Howland in the 6th IL Congressional district earlier today and it started raining. At least I have their phone numbers so I'll call them tomorrow after the World Series is over.

I'm assuming you're out there today, because it is wonderful outside. Good luck!

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25 minutes ago, Landsnark said:

"Come to a final end?"  LOL.  No.  No.  It won't have even begun.  If she is elected, there will never be a more investigated, blocked, hated, accused, and belittled President.  The purpose of politics, at least on the right, has now become to blame and attack.  Governing or legislating is not in the top of the list.  The electorate on the right wants to punish, to condemn, to humiliate, etc.. the other team, because this is a game to them. 
Attacks and accusations and inquiries will be discussed and announced daily, a new one with every 6 hour news cycle as Republicans attempt to win the social media and network media "game." 
No, it's not over.  The work to cast her as the supreme villainess hasn't even picked up speed yet.  The right wing will want to impeach her, and to do that they will need evidence of something.  Anything.  EVERY single thing she does will be subpoenad and investigated and called into question.  Everything.  She will be considered in-valid as a President and that will come with levels of disrespect Obama has not had to contend with.  His birth certificate was a laughable issue, her status as a "criminal" is a truth among the right, and so they will attack her relentlessly.

I have news for everyone, the Republican party is essentially destroyed and they did it to themselves from within. The posturing and threats mean nothing once she's elected. Don't forget, the majority of Republicans support Hillary over Donald and they will carry that support forward because those Republicans left want to keep their jobs and they may be the only existing morally responsible Republicans left in office. It will be a game changer for people like Chaffetz, Cruz, McCain. They're already being ridiculed by their own party.

"GOP Rep. Jason Chaffetz Reported To FBI For Using Potential Illegal Private Email Server"


Hellooooo Jason, welcome to kharma

Edited by HumblePi
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2 hours ago, Morrigan2575 said:

I honestly fear for HRC if/when she wins. I really worry as much (more?) for her than I did for Obama and I was terrified he was going to be assassinated during his first Inauguration.

Eight years ago it was said that Obama's insurance against assassination could be summed up in two words, "President Biden". You could make the same claim for Clinton with Kaine.

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3 minutes ago, HumblePi said:

I have news for everyone, the Republican party is essentially destroyed and they did it to themselves from within. The posturing and threats mean nothing once she's elected. Don't forget, the majority of Republicans support Hillary over Donald and they will carry that support forward because those Republicans left want to keep their jobs and they may be the only existing morally responsible Republicans left in office. It will be a game changer for people like Chaffetz, Cruz, McCain. They're already being ridiculed by their own party.

That would be GREAT!!! Unfortunately, they don't seem to accept that. That's why they'll attack Hillary--it's such a wonderful rallying cry to unite the party around a common enemy (and accommodates so many lies).  Also will be cathartic for Trump supporters angry over his "stolen election". Let's 'Get Crooked Hillary'!  The GOP will devote the next four years, opportunistically, cynically, cravenly, to doing exactly that.

And, I -wish- the majority had supported her. Probably in private, ALL of them will vote for her. But publicly, only a handful have said they supported her. And another, little larger handful, has said they won't support him AND won't support her. Most of them are just hedging their bets.

There are hardly any "morally responsible Republicans" in office.  Maybe Jeff Flake? And Ben Sasse.  Other than those, hardly anyone. 

Chaffetz, Cruz and McCain aren't being ridiculed by the GOP. And I think their base will applaud them being as obstructionist as possible.  

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The "evidence" that Chaffetz has a private server is that his gmail email is on his business cards.  That's not a smoking gun.
However, as a prerequisite to sit on a committee investigating another member of the US government, the committee member should at least be vetted and proved to not be committing the same malfeasance they are supposed to investigate.
But, fuck him.  That prick can endure a pointless witch hunt that likely will produce other discoveries that will take on lives of their own for the next 20 years.

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I'm not really a numbers person. Can anyone explain to me why 538 is still showing Trump slightly ahead of Clinton in Florida, when the polling of people who actually have already voted indicates that she's currently winning Florida and is projected to win by a decent margin there?

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11 minutes ago, scriggle said:

That has a lot of interesting information in it. This was one: "The currently serving FBI agent said Clinton is “the antichrist personified to a large swath of FBI personnel,” and that “the reason why they’re leaking is they’re pro-Trump.”  Though some said it's belief Hillary's corrupt and Trump is incompetent. Interesting bit at the end about Trump's "sizeable donation" to the former NY FBI field office chief's military charity (implying he may be leaking criticism of Clinton).

Trump seems to hide a lot of donated money that he'd have to declare on his personal tax return. No wonder he doesn't want us to see it (among many reasons). I wouldn't be at all surprised if he gives regularly to a variety of alt-right para-military groups.

Edited by Padma
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26 minutes ago, caracas1914 said:

Here's the thing that kills me...what evidence is there that Hillary is so much worse than any other politician in the  public eye for the last 30 years?  Seriously.  What sets her apart from the Bushes, Paul Ryan's, John Kerry's , Joseph Biden's, Ted Cruz's , etc, etc.. 

As far as being a pragmatist and making back room deals, for God's sake, I would hope the POTUS would be good at this shit.

The Pollyanna view of politics that some  have is baffling.

Being a woman who knows how to wield power and use it.

The moment she fixed her mouth to proclaim (a) somebody in her family had to bring home the bacon as well as fry it up in the pan; and (b) she wasn't some little Tammy Wynette standing by her man, these men and some of the women who love them have been on the warpath.  Oh, and she declared Bill's presidency a co-presidency which is an absolute no-no.  It was okay for her to be a first lady, just so long as she stuck to beautification projects; coming up with catchy phrases for real problems ("Just say no"); or teaching children to read.  But, she wanted power--real power.  Even when she failed at her universal healthcare initiative, she wasn't contrite enough to know her place.

After being publicly humiliated by her husband, she emerged as one of the most popular and admired women in the world.  And, that really incensed them.  It wasn't supposed to work that way, dammit.  Then she did the unthinkable.  She ran for public office and won.  They could deal with her being SOS because we've had at least two women SOS's previously.  But, now, she's trying to shatter that last glass ceiling similar to the way Barack Obama did in 2008.

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The FBI being right-wing and maybe corrupt doesn't surprise me.  They have a rather dubious history of being biased towards the right.  Didn't they go after "commies"  during the fifties? And isn't it the "glorious"  fifties the average white male who has a hard-on for Trump wants to go back to? 

I always laugh when some old white guy complains about being "persecuted" and "powerless" now. Some white men are so used to having all the power that having to share it with other than white men makes them feel "small".

As to the FBI - maybe they ought to spend more time hunting terrorists and less time going after political targets like Hillary Clinton.  

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