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Marriage Boot Camp - General Discussion

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37 minutes ago, Cowgirl said:

 So I am confused. What did Farrah say to Paula that was so racist? Was something bleeped out? All I heard her call Paula was black.

Farrah resorted to calling Paula a "black bitch."  She hurled it like it was deep in her bag of twisted tricks.  IMO, Paula is definitely an asshole with serious problems, but Farrah was completely wrong for that.  Kudos to Paula for not clocking her -- I don't know if I would have had the same restraint.

Speaking of which, I get Kendra's disdain and disgust for being in the house with Farrah after that comment, but part of me felt she was trying to get out of admitting that she was truly on the show just for exposure.  I mean, we all know that's what they ALL are there for, but sometimes I like to pretend it's real....

  • Love 6

I didn't know much about Chad before this show -- just that he was a famous athlete and had some kind of personal problems. Now I know more about him, and domestic violence is never okay, but I'm actually surprised that he doesn't have more problems now that we've met Paula. That woman is completely unhinged. I don't blame him for getting quiet and shutting down. You can't out-shout Paula and you sure as hell cant reason with her, so why try? I feel worse for him than anyone else on the show. 

  • Love 9
12 hours ago, Drogo said:

"White trash" and "black bitch" are both adorable things for grown people to call each other.  That whole scene was disgusting. 

Spitting on people is another level. I wish Chad would move on and leave her in the past where she belongs. 

I heard Paula call Farrah "trailer trash". Anyway, I don't like Paula and it's obvious that she's a classless nutcase, but just when I thought Farrah had crossed every line imaginable, she surprises me. I'll you one thing. She wouldn't have pulled that shit on Tami Roman. Not unless she wanted to get punched in that duck bill she calls a mouth.

  • Love 6

Well, Paula did what I expected and deflected everything onto Chad and ran out the door. I'm not sure that the doctors' idea that Chad knows how to handle her now is accurate. I didn't see him using any different means of dealing with her than he ever did. She has not changed a bit.I don't see much hope in this relationship although I wish there was.


I think what really irks Paula about Chad's relationship with his kids is that he puts her to shame by actually having one, instead of not following her fine example of not only not giving a flying fig, but also rubbing it in his face every chance she gets.

Edited by renatae
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On ‎6‎/‎16‎/‎2017 at 11:11 PM, Cowgirl said:

 So I am confused. What did Farrah say to Paula that was so racist? Was something bleeped out? All I heard her call Paula was black.

Yeah, Paula calls everyone "motherfucker", so why is "black bitch" or "black piece of shit" so terrible?

Paula is an alcoholic, and likely has a mental illness as well.   And this show enables people with drinking problems by providing unlimited alcohol.   Yeah, reality shows like Bachelor, Big Brother, do that to amp up the drama.  But this show pretends to be about helping people repair relationships.  You don't do that by having booze available 24/7.

  • Love 5

I felt so bad for Marko. Sorrentinos brother that was bullied. I wouldn't  want to be anywhere near either bully if I was him. Sounds like mike and the other bully are looking at prison. Hope Marko has some peace with them gone.

Now for Paula. What a horrible piece of work she is. Its Like living with Jeckle and Hyde. If she isn't going to make a change then Chad has to be the one to change. 

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On May 10, 2017 at 9:44 PM, beesknees said:


I'm going to get real petty.  I cannot stand Dr. V's weird, deep, radio voice.  It grates.  I also cringe every time someone says "Dr. Is


Since I read this comment I can't stand it either !! Who talks like that and pointing and hand gestures like she's giving a lecture in every talking head lol such over the top affect

  • Love 1
11 hours ago, tinaw said:

I felt so bad for Marko. Sorrentinos brother that was bullied. I wouldn't  want to be anywhere near either bully if I was him. Sounds like mike and the other bully are looking at prison. Hope Marko has some peace with them gone.

I think it's Marc and Mike who went to jail, and Max, whose given name was Frank, who was bullied by them for being gay.   (I hate myself for knowing this)

  • Love 2

I think Paula has so much resentment against Chad. I think she is totally enraged that he made something of himself, despite being abandoned by her. What kind of mother is jealous of their son's success? Paula! She is so envious of his relationship with his children too. What a sad, hateful woman....

Edited by LovesLinus
Wrong word
  • Love 10
14 hours ago, backformore said:

I think it's Marc and Mike who went to jail, and Max, whose given name was Frank, who was bullied by them for being gay.   (I hate myself for knowing this)

Damn, sorry for the confusion all, and thanks for the correction backformore

Marc and mike were jerks to their brother. I hope max will be happy

  • Love 1

Okay. This show has officially jumped the shark. I'm going to have to give it up. Dr. V & Dr. Ish are the worst therapists. It shouldn't have got to that level, there is so much passivity with the "therapists". Episode 7 &8 was just an absolute shit show. I kept watching it thinking, it can't get any worse...oh, it is getting worse. This is horrible. 

Then Kendra jumps in and threatens to leave, making it all about herself. She definitely loves being the center of attention, and Farrah having the limelight for a few moments made Kendra insecure that she had to make it all about herself. I'm black, and I wasn't as "shocked" clutching my pearls because Farrah called Paula a little black bitch. In fact, Paula has said far worse things dissing Dr. V at the beginning of the season. 

No wonder Jim & Elizabeth refused to be a part of this. Reality tv at its worst, they aren't really helping the patients or guiding their growth. All they are doing is giving a platform for reality drama and shenanigans. Can you imagine Jim & Liz handling that crisis? 

So glad others are here to snark...now I'm going back to read and love. 

  • Love 8
4 hours ago, Spiderella2 said:

Dr. V & Dr. Ish are the worst therapists. It shouldn't have got to that level, there is so much passivity with the "therapists".


4 hours ago, Spiderella2 said:

Reality tv at its worst, they aren't really helping the patients or guiding their growth. All they are doing is giving a platform for reality drama and shenanigans.

I agree wholeheartedly.  I kept asking this season where the actual THERAPY was.  It seems like the participants receive no actual skills or coping mechanisms.  They are just there to be provoked and filmed. It makes me yearn for Celebrity Rehab where, at least, they had actual therapy sessions.

Edited by Cowgirl
  • Love 4
On 6/24/2017 at 0:31 PM, backformore said:

Yeah, Paula calls everyone "motherfucker", so why is "black bitch" or "black piece of shit" so terrible?

This is one of those "if you don't know, I can't tell you" situations.

I wasn't "shocked" either. Because that particular combination of words says *everything* I always thought about her. Paula wasn't a "piece of shit." (Which, wow, period.)  She was "a black piece of shit." Farrah had that one on her lips in no time at all.

It's clear Paula was a menace when drunk. So instead of leaving her the fuck alone, LIKE EVERYONE ELSE DID, Farrah the perennial fucking buttinsky who never saw a situation she couldn't put her two cents in on, just had to get into it. Notice nobody else did. Just her, and her parents as tag alongs. She's such an on-camera gangster. "You wanna talk to me like that? I'm gonna escalate it even more!" 

One of these days, she's going to run across someone who doesn't give a fuck about a Debra or Michael. And who's gonna knock her the fuck out without a camera in sight to stop them.  

Kendra did kind of make it about her, but at the same time I'm glad she didn't let it slide by like everyone else did. FWIW, if I were there and she called someone a "gay piece of shit."  I'd have jumped to defense on behalf of my family - it doesn't have to be me directly, you aren't saying that shit in my presence. 

  • Love 5

I am probably one of the most un-PC people and I cringed at Farrah's comment.  Just because she did not say the N word does not change what she said.  It was the vitriol that she said it with that got to me.  Paula was an ass and probably not easy to deal with, but that is no excuse for the words that came out of Farrah's mouth.

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On 6/24/2017 at 0:59 AM, toodywoody said:

I enjoyed the drama. And actually liked the Maximo and Farrah 'friendship'. 

I liked this better than the marriages.

Agree!  While I still despise Farrah I'm rooting for Maximo.  In general I enjoyed this season as well.  Being from an Italian family myself I can feel for all the Sorrentino brothers, I hope everything works out

  • Love 1

Did anyone else catch the part where Debra, Michael and Farrah are outside (this is after Debra came back from getting engaged) and they were all three arguing and then Debra says something along the lines of "The three of us are the only ones here who are annointed by god" and they all three nod in agreement? WTF was that?

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I just didn't understand why Michael would bother trying to lie in the lie detector test.  We have had many years of watching Debra, and it really isn't much of a surprise that that marriage ended in divorce.  Who would care years later if he cheated on her 3 times or 100?   This whole family is nuts, and they need to focus on trying to raise poor Sophia as well as possible.  And I blame Michael more than Farrah or Debra here since he seems less crazy than either of them.  And for the sake of his granddaughter, he needs to grow up, accept responsibility for his mistakes and move forward (and I'm not saying it's easy since I'm sure Debra will never admit to hers - but she's completely nuts, so there's a different level of responsibility here).  

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On this all-new season, WE will meet 5 new reality-star couples who are fighting to save their relationships: Kailyn Lowry and Javi Marroquin (“Teen Mom 2”), Mehgan James and DeAndre Perry (“Bad Girls Club”), JJ Lane and Juelia Kinney (“Bachelor in Paradise”), Asifa Mirza and Bobby Panahi (“Shahs of Sunset”), and Amina Buddafly and Peter Gunz (“Love & Hip Hop: New York”). All the couples are working through dark secrets, cheating, and scandals with the help of experienced therapists, Dr. Venus Nicolino and Dr. Ish Major. This season, the Doctors are pushing the couples harder than they ever have before and new drills will shake the couples to their core.

That Becky chick. Cannot stand her. She thought she was acting "all bad".  

And yes Kail, if you kiss someone else the way you kissed Becky, it is cheating if you are married. I seriously doubt you would not have an issue if Javi kissed his "platonic" female friend, Peach, the way you kissed Becky.  You would have turned Hulk mode and come out of your already ripped jeans and beat him upside his head. 

Kail whining she wanted her own bed. lol  Sorry asshole! 

  • Love 9
34 minutes ago, eskimo said:

JJ is a real POS.  And his girlfriend (forget her name) seems like a doormat.  Why on earth would he want to hang on so tightly to something he says he doesn't even want.  What a fucking idiot.

Ugh, I don't get it either. His GF ("Julea" -- ridiculous spelling) needs to walk away. He doesn't love her! Same with Javi. It's kind of sad. I'm not even sure what's going on with the other two couples.

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I'm here for Kailyn and Javi. Never heard of the others and they've made pretty much zero impression on me so far, except JJ. Even by "reality star lame enough to go on Marriage Boot Camp" standards, he is a real bastard. Jullleeeeaaa (I want to smack her parents) needs to grow some dignity and ditch his petty ass. 

  • Love 3
4 hours ago, Mkay said:

I don’t think Javi said his name in the episode but Javi did say on twitter once Kail announced her pregnancy that the baby’s daddy is the “friend from class” Kail has been texting.  Javi spilled that little bit of tea in the beginning. 

He also mentioned in marriage boot camp that she slept with her phone under her pillow. ? Jesus God Leah Kail.   So many red flags no wonder he was flipping out. 


3 hours ago, MyPeopleAreNordic said:

I hate that Kail has me feeling bad for that famewhore Javi & has me on his "side."

I've been watching them on marriage boot camp, too. Javi said Kail slept w/3 other guys when he was away. 

You know what I like about Javi? He seems so appreciative of everything around him, like of the show and all the opportunities it has presented him. I noticed that, upon arriving at the house for MBC, he immediately looked up and marveled at how beautiful the house was. Even after 5+ years on the show, he stays grounded. He says all the time how he's just grateful for the opportunity MTV provides him. And I see him interact with fans a lot on Twitter, just shooting the shit about sports and what not, it seems like he's managed to stay humble, stay real. 

Anyway. We're only 3 episodes in on MBC, but so far, I notice that there's just a lot of bickering and arguing between Javi and Kail, but no real explosive fights, if that makes sense. The therapists keep saying they suspect there's still something there, bc the two "fight like lovers." Kail cracked up when the therapist said that. Others in the house disagree, though, and think Kail is done and Javi needs to let her go. 

Kail complains to one of the other housemates, at one point, that Javi won't let her go. She seems to feel guilty about this, in a way, like she usually tries to just gloss over it as they do not get along and she doesn't understand why Javi even wants to stay married considering they weren't a happy couple. She seems to feel guilty acknowledging the fact that Javi was actually happy in the marriage, even though they fought a lot. It's Kail who wasn't. She keeps spinning it in a, "You were unhappy, I was unhappy, we are just not meant to be, it's over," kinda thing. 

She mentions feeling constantly smothered by Javi. That judge lady, the one with the TV show about divorce court (pretty black lady, I forget her name, but she has her own show), also noted that Javi smothered Kail and suggested that Kail may love him back, if he gave her room to and Kail said that was exactly what she's been trying to tell Javi for years. 

Javi tells Kail he'd marry her again tomorrow and Kail smirks and says, "That's why you're crazy." 

Like I said, they argue and bicker a LOT but there doesn't seem to be much strong emotion behind it when they do. Like they're each well-aware of how the other feels bc they've expressed it to each other a million times, so they don't get caught up in their feelings/anger when they bicker, a lot of it seems almost playful, even, like they smile a lot when they do it, they almost seem amused by each other. 

Like even when theyre in their bedroom, Javi will say, "Let's cuddle," or something and pull Kail close to him and Kail will laugh and say, "no Javi, get off me!" 

Or he'll be like, "You wanna hold my hand?" in a kinda breezy, flippant tone, and she'll quip back, "Not a chance," and he kinda laughed it off and said, "Didn't think so." 

So I can see why the therapists would get the idea that there's still something there. But I don't think so. 

I do think Kail cares about Javi as a person, tho. They did this whole exercise where Kail was made to pretend Javi had just gotten into a tragic car accident and was now on life support, and they put him in a hospital bed and gown and put make-up on him and everything to make it look like he was seriously injured, to make the scene feel real and even though Kail obviously knew it wasn't real, the thought really upset her, she didn't wanna go behind the curtain, which is where the whole scene was staged, she kept saying, "wait, this is fucked up." When the therapist held her hand and said, "Come with me," she did and she started crying, she seemed affected by it, b/c when she was asked to read the "venting letter" she and the other spouses were asked to write to their partners, listing all the horrible things they wanted to say to their partner, Kail said, "no, it's not the time and place," even though she knew none of this was actually real and that Javi was fine. But the thought was obviously upsetting or disturbing to her, in some way. 

It's interesting to watch their dynamic from another network/POV. 

On another note, I'll bet Farrah is pissed off that Kail got to do MBC, bc remember, Farrah was set to do another show that's similar to that, something with a mother/daughter family therapy show, but then producers told her it would violate her contract b/c they said the overall "theme" of the show was too similar to Teen Mom and so it would be considered their competition. Isn't the theme of MBC also pretty similar? But producers didn't forbid Kail or Javi from doing it. If I were Farrah, I'd be pissed. Just sayin. 

10 hours ago, Pixiebomb said:

What does that even mean?  "If you don't want people in your mentions??"  What's a mention?  Is this some new vernacular that I am not aware of?  

No LOL, it's a Twitter thing, like your "mentions" are an option you click on when you wanna see what people tweet @ your username. 

Edited by SheTalksShit
  • Love 3

I finally got my stupid direct tv to download this freakin' show! I'm still on ep 1, however, because it won't let me ff! So I'm going to have to suffer through all these freaks' stories. It's painful, really, because I'm only here for Kail and Javi.

I will say, I was pretty annoyed with the homophobic reactions to Kail being attracted to women. It's 2017! Haven't these people heard of bisexuality before? I'd love to see their little brains try to work out what pansexuality is. Annoys me. I will be proud of Kail, only this once, for standing proud in who she is and not hiding or being ashamed of her bisexuality, or pansexuality if that's what she is. Enjoy this moment Kail because I'm sure it will be the only time I'm proud of you here on out.

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I think the thing that drives me nuts the most about this show (And yet I still watch it!) is that they don't really teach the couples any real coping techniques.  There is no therapy really tailored to each couple.  They don't teach them to fight productively, despite each season's L.O.V.E. episode.  The counselors never sit down with them and explore each couple's issues.  This is such a joke. For instance, let's look at the shahs.  Assifa keeps revisiting the girl at the gym, but not once has Bobby ever apologized on the show or given her an assurance it's not going to happen again.  That makes her insecure.  Instead of confronting Bobby about his lack of respect,the counselors have only gone after Assifa for her harping.  

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On 12/11/2017 at 10:03 AM, Cowgirl said:

I think the thing that drives me nuts the most about this show (And yet I still watch it!) is that they don't really teach the couples any real coping techniques.  There is no therapy really tailored to each couple.  They don't teach them to fight productively, despite each season's L.O.V.E. episode.  The counselors never sit down with them and explore each couple's issues.  This is such a joke. For instance, let's look at the shahs.  Assifa keeps revisiting the girl at the gym, but not once has Bobby ever apologized on the show or given her an assurance it's not going to happen again.  That makes her insecure.  Instead of confronting Bobby about his lack of respect,the counselors have only gone after Assifa for her harping.  

And they give them a night out to see if they'll cheat. How is that good therapy? Going clubbing is probably innappropriate for couples in distress. 

32 minutes ago, Caseysgirl said:

Since at least 2 Teen Mom's have gone on this show after their relationships were for all intents and purposes over, I can only assume that all the other participants are only in this for the money or screen time. So why even watch this? ( and I guess there aren't a lot of people watching).

And bachelors and bachelorettes have been on multiple times when they've only been dating for a couple months or not married long enough to have problems big enough for marriage boot camp. Like Jade and Tanner - zero problems. And that blonde guy I hate and his wife that had no problems and seemed to only be there to look down on everyone else and clutch their pearls. 

No part of this show is real. The therapists actually cause problems.

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So this set of episodes is over, and only two of the four couples made it out "together." I put that in quotation marks because you know they didn't stay together.

A lot of drama occurred this season. Made up? Real? I don't know. I don't really care either. I watch this show for the same reason I watch other "reality" shows: research. I'm a writer, and I have borrowed some behaviours and lines of dialogue from several shows, tweaked them a bit, and used them in stories. Also I like watching the talking head/confessional camera portions and comparing how the cast members *think* they're behaving to the way we can *see* them on screen. It's a neat little psychological exercise.

That said, if I were having problems with my own spouse, do you think I'd be looking for Dr. Ish or Dr. V to help me out? Nope to the nopety-nopeth degree of nope-iness.

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On ‎12‎/‎15‎/‎2017 at 9:55 PM, Nowhere said:

No part of this show is real. The therapists actually cause problems.

Right.  Couples therapy consists of working with a trusted professional in an atmosphere of confidentiality and openness.  NOT tricking people into emotional displays and humiliating them by making all their secrets public.  

The exercises like "use puppets to demonstrate your sex life"  and "view your partner pretending to be dead in a coffin"  are not part of marriage counseling. 

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On 1/15/2018 at 0:59 PM, FairyDusted said:

I missed the end?!!! I wonder how my DVR missed it? Who split ?

I think that JJ and Julia (whose name I'm misspelling) stayed together at the moment, but then they broke up again according to the final cards. And Assifa (also misspelled, probably) and Bobby, I think, though I don't believe they stayed together long either. Everyone else broke up, including DeAndre who threw Meghan's ring into the lake when she didn't have a ring for him.

Anyway, I think that's right. I always put these shows out of my mind pretty quickly.

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