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Lol forever at Amber thinking she’s “one of the more mature ones” in this or literally any other group of people on the planet.

I just caught up through the third episode and she’s even worse than I assumed. There’s no way her new baby daddy doesn’t have some ulterior motive. Who the fuck could watch and hear her act like this and think, I gotta get me some of THAT! No one. Even if we are literally seeing every single bad moment she ever had during the whole time there, it’s still too much. Plus, I’m sure there is more of this behavior on the cutting room floor that he was witnessed as well. “She has an intellect that is special.”

I can’t wait for someone to rip her a new one. It has to be coming. Also, her mom stole $45k to “gamble”? 

Edited by Rebecca
  • Love 10

Wow! I didn’t need to see Amber being all horny for Matt. I can see why Andrew fell in love. He must have a fetish with slapping asses that feel like jello since Amber never gets off of it but loves getting it slapped. ?

I also loved how Matt gave zero fucks that Amber wanted to fuck him. He seemed annoyed with the thought.

Brandi was over-the-top! That would be the day I allow some woman to use my husbands lap for revenge against her father - or anyone. And the decorated tits?? Come on now, I don’t even like to wear a one piece bathing suit around my father and she flashes her boobs in front of hers?? She’s weird.

I can’t believe that one chic said there was nothing wrong with her. I can name at least 750mls worth of problems.

I’m over Jim. He’s too cool of school and needs to handle is relationships instead of waiting for a paycheck.

  • Love 7
10 hours ago, renatae said:

The bug drill? Ish and V are sadists.

I can't believe anyone watching thinks this is real therapy.  They must be giving out truck loads of money to be on the show.

Had to laugh on the episode when Amber was freaking out about how controlling Matt is and said she isn't even allowed to drive...................................hysterical.

  • Love 8

Amber vomits because of creepy, crawling bugs? Why then is she not vomiting every time Matt is in her presence? Or Baby Huey (Andrew)? 

I was lmao when Amber was screaming while her hand was inside the fake logs. It was the hideous face she was making that was funny. Then, miss Boss Bitch Badass actually declared she was SCARED??? 

Brandi, although I loathe the bitch, she also had me laughing when she was making fun of Amber. When Brandi has me rooting for her to take down Amber, it goes to show what a vile person Amber is overall. Trifling trick. I cannot stand her. 

  • Love 13

Amber cannot take any criticism at all. No matter who it is, she can't take it and must always be right. So she didn't bring enough meds and they are blaming her behavior. She is like that regardless of the meds. And if this hooker is off her meds currently because her new bf calms her then I call bullshit. Bitch just doesn't know how to handle life. 

Life sucks Amber, get over, move on and deal.

  • Love 17
On 4/8/2018 at 7:53 AM, DudeLeaveMeAlone said:

I found Brandi vile on her last season of RHOBH, but I am living for her takedown of Amber!

Yeah, I don’t know what’s happening to me.

After always loathing her on RHoBH, I spent this [not-summer] finding her surprisingly innocuous and often enjoyable on Celebrity Big Brother. Now (which, I realize, is really “before” in Brandi’s life’s timeline), I’m mostly enjoying her, here, too. 

I don’t know if it’s just a matter of relativity (being around half of this cast would make even the semi-repugnant seem pretty great in comparison), or she’s actually finally starting to grow up, but for every moment of tomfoolery (the lap? fo realz?), there’s another when I rather enjoy her (note: I’m not considering any potential for all of this When Animals* Attack bootsycamp therapy to have had a positive impact or effected change and growth).


*To clarify, I meant the animals the “doctors” “therapeutically” sicced on the campers, like the dogs (gah, still getting anxious thinking about that!) and bugs-in-a-log**, not, like, Amber or any other sloths that found their way onto the couches of Bootcamp Manor.


**I know that our cell phones or chopped off fingers or eyeballs or something are going to be our means of home access in the future and we won’t need keys (whatever, I was supooosed to have a robot by now, too) but I think they’re gonna be around longer than the Mark Cuban wants me to believe. As will those idiots who hide a spare key in a plastic rock that’s so bad it practically has neon sign above that says “I’m Fake. I’m not a real rock. I’m not even a garden gnome. Check here for key if you’d like to break in and kill me (if I had anything worth stealing, I’d also have a better security system than a plastic rock, so robbery isn’t worth it, but you’re all set for assault and murder). Kthnx.”

As Dr. Shizz and Dr. Vj clearly are in need of another calling, I think they should take their bug-in-a-log keyholders on Shark Tank, because, unlike with the psych thing, they have something that could help people here.

I doubt a lot of criminals wanna stick their hand in a log-o-bugs, and, dual-use: what a great learning tool for kids for actions and consequences! Most latchkey kids probably won’t forget their keys more than once if retrieving it is even worse than admitting you’re related to people who bought a plastic rock to “hide” your spare.

Maybe, given the drs’s’.s sadistic bent, they could expand the product line to include things like a boa constrictor (it will happily sit there, keeping your key safe inside; you decide when you’re desperate enough to stick your hand in to remove it), or even a full outside couch with an Amber on it: to retrieve your key, you’d need to motivate her to move enough so you could get the key she was busy hatching. And she don’t even do that much work for her child, so you know that key is well-protected.


(I haven’t figured out yet which one is best for hiding extra mood stabilizers that are simultaneously so necessary you have to stay in your crib for everyone’s protection after being off them for 24 hours and so completely unnecessary that just getting a nuBoyfriend (who is sicker than Matt for watching this WHILE it was filmed and being all THAT. That is who I want and what’s been missing from my entire life and lips, and I shall immediately throw away any career I’d have ever hoped to have had doing this and get her pregnant ASAP because the one thing I didn’t get to watch directly while filming Bootsycamp was what it looks like when this intellectually stimulating, worldly, stunning catch is actively neglecting her child, and I need to see it live to find out if that’s an oxymoron, and if it seems any different from just watching her film for x weeks and never mention the kid) completely negates the need for them.

NuMatt has such powers! Big Pharma is either gonna have him cloned and sold as the next atypical stabilizer for 1000 times his value (or value+1: it won’t matter what kinda mark-up they try; NuNumatt’s won’t ever be worth more than the zero the original was). Or, they’ll stick with what they’ve got on the market and, to prevent all the cray Fanbers from thinking they just needed a camera-yielding Sasquatchwlips of their own rather than pillses, they’ll kill him off , so no risk to their profits or to the future of humanity.

  • Love 13

All I have to say about this episode is that the level of emotiontal maturity on display is . . . at toddler level.

Okay, I have another thing to say. I was surprised that Tonya and Matt communicated well enough to navigate the pool so well, but I'm not at all surprised that taking Amber out of that equation allowed them to do so. Good grief, I cannot imagine trying to have a conversation with Amber about anything at all.

Nope, still not done. Having seen addiction in my family up-close-and-personal, I am reluctantly on Renee's side about her request for her sisters to attend the NA meeting with her. Don't say you want to understand and want to support and then say, "Yeah, nope," the moment your addicted sister asks for a bit of support.

And now I'm done. Honest. *laughing*

  • Love 17

For me the quote of the night came from Amber when she was talking with Renee.  "Why are We the ones who have to do something?"  The rest was something about why do they have to do all the work, why can't others get up and do something so they can take it easy for a change. WTF is she talking about?!! Now I don't follow Renee, but Amber is the laziest slug on the planet. She has no job, she does not drive, cook, clean , sit upright, stand or visit her own daughter. All I see her do is yell at people and go on vacations. This past Christmas she did take a trip to Florida in an RV so she could lay down all the way.  This episode she was even too lazy to listen to the tale of Matt and Tonya's victory..and why did the bitch get ice cream, she did nothing. She should of had to swim a lap first.

Quick thought,  Renee was so childish about the ice cream saying she wanted to mash it in Matt's face...why..Matt and Tonya  did win, they wob twice..once with the race and again by having an Amber free day.

Edited by Poohbear617
  • Love 9

Methadonna: I loved your post and laughed out loud several times. I thought hmmm, I would like to have some of whatever she is smoking! (Just kidding as I have been in recovery for twenty years and not stopping now lol) However, I have used a plastic rock to hide my lawn boys money in but switched to a plastic bag under the front door mat because it was easier and I am lazy.

  • Love 3

Just catching up....Brandi and the dogs! Oh fuck no! I have a huge fear of most and have climbed out a kitchen window to get out. That being said, I would have taken it for my Dad. He would have been waiting and running to me crying to see that happen. She ALMOST made it too! The tit thing though, pretty sure he would have drug me out of the room. 

Amber is worse than ever. I guessed clonopin on what they beeped out because she has been seen using it. But they (other BCs) mentioned Xanax several times. I swear the sheets were missing off one of the cribs. And with Amber that seems normal. No one on Intervention has sheets and I never get that. Gross. I want mattress pads and clean sheets always.

I'd be outside with Jim smoking a blunt. At least we get spared the puppet sex. Dear Lord I hope! 

  • Love 2

My heart broke for 7 year old Matt.

The young people's voices creeped me out.

Damn Amber. I can't imagine why Matt didn't want to cuddle, and really just wanted to be left alone. He was probably raw with emotions and it was more than likely the memories and images were running through his head and didn't want to be touched.

Edited by Coffeewinewater
  • Love 4

For some reason I have a real soft spot for Jim. I’d never heard of him before this show so maybe there’s something I don’t know about him, but he seems like a person who had a lot of potential to be warm and engaging. His adolescence forced him to put up some serious walls. 

The kid-Matt actor was spot-on with the accent and mannerisms and glasses. Kid-Brandi and kid-Jim were pretty good, too. 

  • Love 8
On ‎4‎/‎21‎/‎2018 at 12:08 PM, JocelynCavanaugh said:


The kid-Matt actor was spot-on with the accent and mannerisms and glasses. Kid-Brandi and kid-Jim were pretty good, too. 

the kid part freaks me out!  Like, the child actors are real people...and here are these traumatized sobbing adults hugging them as though they're their own inner children!  I don't know how safe that is for the kids' psyches...

I watch these shows when there are people on that I'm interested in, but the drills creep me the fuck out!

  • Love 14
56 minutes ago, teapot said:

the kid part freaks me out!  Like, the child actors are real people...and here are these traumatized sobbing adults hugging them as though they're their own inner children!  I don't know how safe that is for the kids' psyches...

I watch these shows when there are people on that I'm interested in, but the drills creep me the fuck out!

Oh I totally agree! I meant to say that, too. It doesn’t seem like the therapeutic benefit for the Boot Campers would outweigh the effect on the kids. 

  • Love 10
58 minutes ago, teapot said:

the kid part freaks me out!  Like, the child actors are real people...and here are these traumatized sobbing adults hugging them as though they're their own inner children! I don't know how safe that is for the kids' psyches...

I watch these shows when there are people on that I'm interested in, but the drills creep me the fuck out!

Yes, I thought the same thing.  That's also why I think alot of child actors are messed up....well many reasons I'm sure. I once watched a movie  and the child's character was being kidnapped and held at knife point. I can't remember the movie. As I watched the scene unfold I couldn't think of anything else but how dramatic that would be for the 6 year old kid, who was sobbing.  

  • Love 5
On 4/20/2018 at 9:07 PM, druzy said:

Amber you blame your mother for your drug use. Where was your father?

I remember when Amber used to blame her sister's death for her behavior and drug abuse. Amber's infant sister died of SIDS when she was around 4 years old. I hate it when these bitches use ANY excuse for their abhorrent behavior, but I actually did lose an infant to SIDS. Girlfriend needs to leave that alone. 

On 4/23/2018 at 11:02 AM, Coffeewinewater said:

Yes, I thought the same thing.  That's also why I think alot of child actors are messed up....well many reasons I'm sure. I once watched a movie  and the child's character was being kidnapped and held at knife point. I can't remember the movie. As I watched the scene unfold I couldn't think of anything else but how dramatic that would be for the 6 year old kid, who was sobbing.  

I saw Drew Barrymore in an interview one time. She was talking about filming FIRESTARTER. Apparently, she had no idea what she was filming-they just told her to stare straight ahead and glare. Later, when she was older, she watched the movie and it freaked her the hell out to have been a part of it. 

  • Love 8

I only started watching Teen mom OG last year so I don’t know how bad Matt is but compared to Amber he seems like a prince. She just seems like an awful person in every way. Loved Brandy and her dad and the G sisters. I don’t know why the other family is even there.

Edited by hoosiermom
  • Love 4

Good lord Amber needs to shut up. It is like watching her go after Gary all over again. Girl really needs to work on herself and not be jumping into relationships or having kids. She is a grown ass woman and needs to quit with her blaming other people, she keeps acting out and acting like a punk ass bitch. Grow up and woman up.

The G sisters and Brandi and her dad seem to be really learning about each others and themselves. 

Momma needs to stfu. My gosh she is so dramatic and that's the whole problem, no one can say shit to her.

Edited by toodywoody
  • Love 11

I was so happy Matt and the Dr's  called Amber out on her list. Everything Amber listed was what others do to her. 

Amber is just an awful person. This show also proves what a dumb ass Amber is. People don't like Matt. He's just a slime ball . Amber could have everone on her side if she could check herself and not have to prove what a "bad ass" she is. 

Matt seemed pretty done with Amber too.

I'm glad the G sisters and the Glanville's are learning helpful lessons. 

Edited by Coffeewinewater
  • Love 8
3 hours ago, Calm81 said:

Amber likes the TM show and social media to believe that she kicked Matt out, but judging by his actions, homeboy checked out a looooong time ago and not even easy money could keep him around. Amber is just too much - even for a money hungry grifter. Good luck, Andrew. Lol!

Yes, I started thinking she wants us to believe she dumped him but he was clearly over her. Did you hear him say. The thought of spending one more day with you makes my stomach turn , or something like that lol. Now I kind see were her anger was coming from.  She knew he was done. And realized she looked like a fool . Matt is definitely a grifter, but I'm not sure we can't say he didn't earn that money. Jk.

Every week I watch and I'm in disbelief that nuMatt saw that hateful, screaming  beast and was interested. 

  • Love 16
2 hours ago, FairyDusted said:

Excellent posts @Coffeewinewater! Welcome to our crazy crew.

I actually feel sleep so I'll be pulling it up on my DVR before the snarking begins. 

Aww thank you.  

You might have flashbacks of Amber hitting Gary...wish I was joking. Amber gets really nasty. She doesn't hit Matt but I thought she was going to a couple times. 

  • Love 4

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