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1 minute ago, hoosiermom said:

It was definitely withdrawal from pain meds. I work on a detox unit so it is pretty obvious to me. And why is Amber drinking if she is in recovery?

Amber claims she is in recovery. She has said in the past that she can drink because she doesn't have a problem with alcohol. 

This tweets are from 2015




  • Love 2
51 minutes ago, Brooklynista said:

Amber's mom has the flu...that's code for withdrawal right? She's missing her alcohol? 

I'm only confused because every one else is drinking so there's plenty of booze around.

My first thought when she said she was sick was that she was in [opiate] withdrawal.

Then, soon after, when Dr. Shit was talking to her, she mentioned that her “medication for her back” was supposed to have been there by Friday and still wasn’t (I don’t recall if she used the words “pain medication” or just “medication for my back,” but, while she was saying she was trying to find a position that was more comfortable (as if it was just back pain),

1) she even more clearly looked like someone in the start of withdrawal* (and, if you’re “just”* in really bad pain, wouldn’t you say, “My back is really hurting me today” or even, “I’m not functioning well today; my pain is so high that it set off a migraine and I’m really sick” or ... something, not just that you’re sick?* and

2) the camera panned in on one of the quotation signs, which was from Amber, saying something about how she has a lot of anger from growing up with parents who were (or are... Amber uses ‘em interchangeably anyway) alcoholics. 


Meanwhile, I’m only partway through the episode, but I don’t know if I can keep watching.

Things that scare or freak out most people (spiders, snakes, Matt. Pick the lie...) generally don’t faze me (I don’t necessarily WANT to go chill with snakes, but I couldn’t have cared less about the snake pit in last week’s episode. Especially caged, they’d have served as no deterrent to my not sharing (what I’d never have said in the “private” peace booth because I’d never be so stupid as to believe it wouldn’t be used later. But ... anything).

I do have one severe fear—like paralyzing phobia level fear—though, and that is dogs.

Yes, I understand (most times) it’s completely irrational, and seems silly to most people, just as I think freaking out over snakes on a plane in a cage or a bug flying around is irrational but don’t make fun of people (to their faces) over it, but it doesn’t matter: I am scared enough that someone can walk by me with a dog that, from afar, I can intellecualize is unlikely to harm me and I even might recognize as being cute (if it were in a picture. In a frame. In a box. In a lockbox. Lockbox....), but it’s irrelevant: I will freeze, be completely terrified and unable to think rationally, and be convinced it will bite my Achilles’ tendon, make me drop to the ground so I have no control, and then completely attack me. Even purse-sized dogs that entitled people think should get to go shopping with them freak me the hell out (they’re perfect Achilles height, natch). (I actually have a whole set of fears re: being rendered powerless by having my Achilles’ tendon bitten or sliced, but dogs are really the only things that truly send me into a frozen panic).

So, the second I saw those dogs onscreen, I started hyperventilating. Not like a reality show drama queen in need of screen time; I truly get a type of anxiety response that is nothing I have ever experienced.

And this was before Dr V (beteedubs, did you notice that even their office door has the punctuation jacked up? “Dr.’s Office.” Unless they’re admitting that, together, they only equal one doctor?) shared what the task was.

They could have been doing obedience classes with the retired Sandys from the original Broadway run and first four national tours of Annie—which means they’d probably be nearly comatose, at best, if not embalmed (I assume dogs don’t live to be 40 or 50?)—don’t matter: I would still be terrified. 

But actual attack dogs? Forget the horror of dealing with Matt and Amber; I’da quit on the spot.

I froze too long to be able to get my remote and stop it until I saw one almost murder Brandi. And, while I could almost get behind the dogs ripping most of these people to shreds, I canNOT watch it. I still haven’t unpawsed (groan) my DVR, because I would rather face another double-header killer-clown night like LO:SVU and Criminal Minds conspired to cross networks through which to torture me on Wednesday (I always say coulrophobia is my secondary irrational fear, after cynophobia. But, while clowns creep me out, they don’t really have much effect in my day-to-day life, so that’s more a joke; dogs are fucking ubiquitous, and my terror of being near dogs, especially unknown ones, is significant enough to make it, literally, a daily problem).

But I’m seriously not amused that apparently this whole week on TV is devoted to Scare The Shit Out of Methadonna. It’s like Shark Week for people afraid of sharks.

I swear, if RuPaul’s Drag Race has them making a video that involves being in a car that flies off a cliff, gets stuck hanging precariously from a tree, and the driver has to figure out a way to free the car out of the tree themselves and carry it back down to level ground (ok, not a real phobia, but a recurring nightmare I’ve had for at least 25 years. Trying to get a car out of a tree sucks), I’m gonna develop a fear of my TV itself).

Or maybe it’s my just deserts for mocking that psychic on (well, all psychics, on anything, but this week, RHOBH), and they ARE real, and they DO KNOW. They knew Id be mocking them (because they just pretend to suck but actually CAN read future thoughts), and then they affect television programming, months in advance, to torment me every day after.

(Probably not, but I might have the beginnings of a good cult here. I mean, it’s already more plausible than anything L. Ron Hubbard or Kody Brown ever came up with. If you’d like to join, send me a hundred dollars and I’ll guess your phobia and get it on TV in the next three months. I’m already sensing someone has a fear related to the letter S?) 

But, fo realz, does it get worse than Brandi’s?

Because I probably could have been convinced and calmed after one or two runs that it was ok because they were in those suits, but that fucker knocked her down and could have bit her face off (actually, I haven’t seen yet... but, based on her facial changes between this show and Big Brother, maybe it did). WHY ARENT THEY WEARING MASKS AND HELMETS?!

Please tell me if I will miss anything good if I skip this, and, in the meantime, I’ll stick to watching little girl “ladies” skaters about to be murdered by their coaches at World’s. Eteri is scary but not as much as the thought of what 30-year-old fermenting illegal fillers oozing out of the face of, I was gonna say one of the Graz. Gals, but, actually, most of this cast, after a cheek or lip gets punctured by one of those canines.


*Not a spoiler ... just a rambling disclaimer/explanation  wrt my own medical and medication situation, as (I think) it relates to Mother Amber.



*I have severe chronic pain related to having several rare medical conditions (so, I guess it’s accurate to say, “I’m really sick,” well, any day, but esp if I’m having a worse day, while I might say I’m not feeling well or I feel too lousy today to [do whatever], but I generally would only say “I’m sick” if I had an additional, normal-person (acute) illness, like the flu or a sinus infection, or something like that. Maybe I’m projecting and not everyone would, but “being sick” is my default; it’s a fairly useless phrase if I don’t limit it to differentiate between my having something else going on and just the worse days of “my” normal, ya know? I certainly wouldn’t use it to describe a higher pain day, and I think it would be an odd choice of phrase for Amber’s mother to use to refer to even a debilitating level of back pain flaring).

Anyway, as result, I have been on opiate pain meds for much of the past 15 years (some of that with an intrathecal pump, until it decided to start pushing itself out of my body, more of it on pills, patches, etc). 

I’m very fortunate that I seem to have no addictive issues with them (I’ve never experienced pleasure from pain meds—if I’m lucky, after a surgery or something, they might let me sleep, but I’ve never had the experience of them as something enjoyable or fun—and when I’ve decided to stop taking them at various points, as long as I’ve tapered down first, I’ve had zero problems with being off of them (except to remind me that they DO help take the edge off of my pain, which I tend not to realize unless I stop them to notice the difference) but not where I’m thinking about wanting them  like, never craved them or missed them or anything ... nor have I ever wanted to take more than what’s prescribed.

But, physical dependence and tolerance is a separate issue and is unavoidable with long-term use, and the two times I’ve had to stop cold turkey due to prescribing screw-ups, I’ve absolutely had severe physical symptoms. (The first time it happened—way back before I really undrstood everything—it didn’t even occur to me that I was in a state of withdrawal, because, psychologically, I didn’t even make the connection; I just thought I had a really bad flu/stomach bug (long after I probably should have gone to the hospital for dehydration, I caught a glimpse of myself in the mirror, thought, damn, bitch, you look like a freaking heroin addict, and suddenly realized, ohhhhhhhh. I hadn’t even thought about my medication, much less had a desire or craving for it that people who are addicted (I assume) feel. 

And, so when I say “just” pain, I don’t mean it in a way to minimize it but rather to distinguish (chronic) pain (and even feeling sick from high levels of pain) from being (temporarily) sick, whether due to the flu or withdrawal.

I’m also not assuming she’s an addict just because she’s (I assume) in withdrawal (I already DID assume she was an addict, for a variety of other reasons, but, had she not already made me think that, I wouldn’t be equating the two. Hope that makes sense...). And I’m not trying to be judgmental in any way about someone who does something become addicted; I thoroughly believe it’s just the luck of biology that I haven’t become a severe addict (and, since that’s about the only luck I have when it comes to biology/medical situations beyond my control—given that I should have better odds at winning the lottery than having the combination of supposedly genetically unrelated rare conditions I do—I’ll gratefully take it (and wonder if it’s actually related to my jacked up genes or something; one of my conditions makes local anesthetics far less effective than they are for the typical person, so, who knows, maybe the upside is that my body/mind doesn’t respond to the properties of pain meds that make them so addictive (or apparently even psychologically desirable) to so many people.

(All this to say....)

What I do know, though, is whether she’s using, overusing, or abusing her pain meds, (she’s totes abusing them), if she’s been on enough for a long enough period of time (and she’s clearly been on more than enough), Mother Amber is, at least, in physical withdrawal if she hasn’t been able to get her medication (legit script or not) on time.


  • Love 10
On ‎3‎/‎19‎/‎2018 at 5:59 PM, Bridget said:

During episode #1 of the new season, Amber called herself an "ex-addict" when she freaked out about her room. Maybe 15 seconds later, she said "you don't trigger an addict." I bet she thinks of herself as an ex-addict (as far as I know that's a made up word) and Matt as the addict. Then she went back and forth between calling herself an addict and a former addict. She is so stupid!! (at least she said "gel" and I laughed so freakin hard!)

I've heard many people, who are in recovery and have been sober for years, still refer to themselves as "addicts"; it's just a matter of how long they've been able to stay sober.

For example, when Rob Lowe talks about being sober for so many years now, he always says he's an alcoholic, and that each day is a fight to maintain his sobriety. My understanding is that once a person admits that they're an addict/alcoholic, it's up to THEM about how to handle it and stay sober, but they never take any shame in referring to themselves as addicts/alcoholics. Zero shame. Then again, the addicts who maintain their sobriety that I speak of know it's not OK to be around alcohol, let alone drink any.

@GreatKazu, I'd like to order that phrase on the other side of my "Roxanne TM2" tote bag please. Thank you!!!!!!!



tote bag bitches.jpg


I am back and forth on the allegations Matt made about Amber's mom. I want to believe what he says, but this is Matt, the lying liar of all liars. But there is the fact that Amber is a violent person. She is an abuser. It almost makes sense that Amber likely watched her mother abuse her father and that is how she learned to deal with guys. Amber's mom seems somewhat meek on this show, but in the early seasons of TM, I swear she wasn't. She might get riled up when she is fueled by alcohol which then causes her to erupt. I remember Amber's dad when he was on the show. He was sickly. He also didn't do anything when Amber was assaulting Gary in his presence. 

Edited by GreatKazu
  • Love 8
15 minutes ago, GreatKazu said:


tote bag bitches.jpg


I am back and forth on the allegations Matt made about Amber's mom. I want to believe what he says, but this is Matt, the lying liar of all liars. But there is the fact that Amber is a violent person. She is an abuser. It almost makes sense that Amber likely watched her mother abuse her father and that is how she learned to deal with guys. Amber's mom seems somewhat meek on this show, but in the early seasons of TM, I swear she wasn't. She might get riled up when she is fueled by alcohol which then causes her to erupt. I remember Amber's dad when he was on the show. He was sickly. He also didn't do anything when Amber was assaulting Gary in his presence. 

I love you so much. 

That is all.


  • Love 4
28 minutes ago, EmeraldGirl said:

What was Matt saying that Amber was taking that got bleeped? 

I'd like to know, too. They not only bleeped it out, his lower face was blurred out as well. I guess in the event of lip reading.

There was mention of opiates so, it couldn't be that. I was thinking something like coke. Unless the network is covering their ass and did not want to get hit with some kind of slander suit by Amber.

@Bridget ?❤

Edited by GreatKazu
  • Love 7
14 hours ago, druzy said:

It's code for something. She also mentioned that her pain meds didn't arrive yet.

I also thought "There are two actual doctors in that house. Why can't they prescribe three of whatever it is she's taking until her meds arrive?"

I thought it was either due to liability (she looks pretty messed up and slurs and I wouldn't be comfortable prescribing her shit until I saw her medical records), or they thought she was trying to con them into prescribing her meds because none were ever going to arrive.

  • Love 12
13 minutes ago, guilfoyleatpp said:

I also thought "There are two actual doctors in that house. Why can't they prescribe three of whatever it is she's taking until her meds arrive?"

I thought it was either due to liability (she looks pretty messed up and slurs and I wouldn't be comfortable prescribing her shit until I saw her medical records), or they thought she was trying to con them into prescribing her meds because none were ever going to arrive.

Are they MDs or PhDs? If the latter, that would be why they can’t prescribe, but it could also just be typical reality show shenanigans. 

  • Love 8
59 minutes ago, ginger90 said:

If she has a chronic condition, why didn’t she have the meds when she arrived?

I wish I could watch, but I will just be good with reading along!

You don't get the channel? 

I know luggage gets lost and such. I had that happen when coming back into the country once. I received my luggage five days after we arrived home. If that was the issue with Amber's mom, I wonder why that wasn't mentioned? Then again, it is a reality show and a lot of stuff gets edited out for more dramatic effect. Or maybe she just forgot to pack them? 

I know, I should not give her the benefit of the doubt. Just trying to come up with why she doesn't have her meds. 

  • Love 3
On 3/24/2018 at 1:25 AM, methadonna said:

So, the second I saw those dogs onscreen, I started hyperventilating. Not like a reality show drama queen in need of screen time;

And this was before Dr V (beteedubs, did you notice that even their office door has the punctuation jacked up? “Dr.’s Office.” 


Dr.'s office  - ha ha ha.  Nothing shows your an idiot doctor like that.

I could not believe they even did that crap with the dogs.  No helmets or neck to head protection?  Um ..  no.  Way to create other anxieties.

Edited by jumper sage
  • Love 6

Wowwwwwww.  There was a YouTube video up thread of Amber’s worst moments on Teen Mom. She has some nerve ranting to anyone about “you hit me” etc...I didn’t really watch the Gary/Amber TM episodes- the abuse towards Gary, the neglect and disdain towards Leah for acting the way babies act. Leah will see that one day and I hope she keeps her distance from Amber.  She hasn’t changed one bit. She’s a mentally ill ,  physically  violent & verbally vicious abuser of the highest order.  Seeing Amber on MBC - with that greasy grifter Matt , I love that she’s revealing even more of what a train wreck she is. She’s got herself another hanger-on with NuMatt.  I truly feel sorry for the new victim ...Er, baby.

  • Love 9
On 3/11/2018 at 2:07 PM, GreatKazu said:


Matt trying to claim most of his kids were adopted therefore, he could not claim them as his kids. What a prick. See your daddy deny you!

He’s so used to Amber falling for his lies , he thinks they’ll work on anyone . Sorry greaseball - the docs have a few IQ points and active brain cells on Amber. And then the way he says “I like her. I like you guys” to them after they call him out ...he makes my skin crawl. 

*The optic of greasy Matt lying in the crib in their quarters is hilarious to me. 

  • Love 8
On 3/10/2018 at 11:42 AM, Jennifersdc said:

Now that I’ve “met” the Gravanos and Joneses she should sit her ass down.

Unfortunately for us “reality therapy” TV won’t allow a beat down. Unfortunately for us, Amber also knows this. 

Brandi actually looks scared.  I’m waiting for her to get a bottle of wine into her (btw - does therapy generally include alcohol - sign me up).

MTV should be embarrassed by her behavior - which they’ve allowed. Which also applies to many of her cast members too. Shame...shame...shame...(insert bell emoji).

I didn't watch the last season because of the entitled girl who basically said, "Worship me, pigs!" So sick of that type of character, and there are way too many on this show. This crew was slightly more promising. Slightly.

Regarding alcohol therapy, allowing alcohol to flow so freely on this show proves that no one, including the "professionals" has the best interest of the "patients" in mind. So Dr. V can lose her umbrage over being accused of providing drugs for an addict.

Brandi's dad showed himself a complete jerk by allowing her to be attacked by the dogs. Brandi, you need to learn your parents don't have to approve of your gross behavior, especially since you are using it as a tactic against them. But wow, girl, you really did draw a loser father.

  • Love 2
11 hours ago, renatae said:

Brandi's dad showed himself a complete jerk by allowing her to be attacked by the dogs.

I disagree.  Brandi is 45 so her father must be around 65 - 70.  He seems less than robust and a fall like that could really hurt him.  It was her idea to go on this crazy show for the $$ and fame so why should he be taken down?

I am of the mind that the whole dog thing was insanity.

11 hours ago, renatae said:

Regarding alcohol therapy

Hilarious way to put it.  If Amber is an addict why is she drinking?

  • Love 10
12 hours ago, renatae said:

Brandi's dad showed himself a complete jerk by allowing her to be attacked by the dogs. Brandi, you need to learn your parents don't have to approve of your gross behavior, especially since you are using it as a tactic against them. But wow, girl, you really did draw a loser father.

All I could think was if Brandi’s father fell while being attacked by the dogs was that he’d fracture both hips when he hit the ground,even with the puffy suit .  Brandi is an idiot for not wearing the safety helmet ( unless she was unaware they were available , then shame on the handlers and the show) 

i laugh every time Amber makes that twisted shocked face when the housemates dare to come back at her . Being a rich TM superstar has really messed with her already messed up head . Thank God Leah has Gary & his wife ( who seems loving & sweet towards Leah) 

  • Love 8

Okay, did the judge actually tell Amber “you need someone to take care of you!”? Hellloooooo, that’s all that everybody in her life does - takes care of Amber! The bitch can’t even drive to CVS for her tampons!

I don’t like how she had to start shit with Brandy about her drinking. Amber has only been around Brandy for maybe a few days at this point - no place to be talking about alcoholism or dependency issues to a practical stranger! 

If I were brandy and some bitch came at me at a social gathering ( I know bootcamp isn’t a social gathering) hinting at me having a drinking problem because they saw me have a glass or two (even if it was in the morning) I will not kindly remind her of who went to jail for substance abuse and who also neglects her daughter and abuses “loved ones” - Amber has NO RIGHT to judge.

I’m over the mob people. Annoying. The joneses Group I have sympathy for. I like the girlfriend/daughter-in law (I’m bad with names). I can see that joneses Mother does care about his girlfriend and vice versa so it’s the boyfriend that needs to put in the effort.

I can’t believe Brandy’s dad stood and watched Brandy get dragged by two killer dogs without batting an eyelash. If that were me and my dad were on the sidelines he would at least APPEAR shaken up lol. Poor Brandy...I can see why she got all of the plastic surgery...deep rooted insecurities from not getting the love she wanted from her father - I could be wrong.

Edited by Calm81
  • Love 6
On 3/24/2018 at 12:25 AM, methadonna said:

But, fo realz, does it get worse than Brandi’s?

  Reveal hidden contents


*I have severe chronic pain related to having several rare medical conditions (so, I guess it’s accurate to say, “I’m really sick,” well, any day, but esp if I’m having a worse day, while I might say I’m not feeling well or I feel too lousy today to [do whatever], but I generally would only say “I’m sick” if I had an additional, normal-person (acute) illness, like the flu or a sinus infection, or something like that. Maybe I’m projecting and not everyone would, but “being sick” is my default; it’s a fairly useless phrase if I don’t limit it to differentiate between my having something else going on and just the worse days of “my” normal, ya know? I certainly wouldn’t use it to describe a higher pain day, and I think it would be an odd choice of phrase for Amber’s mother to use to refer to even a debilitating level of back pain flaring).

Anyway, as result, I have been on opiate pain meds for much of the past 15 years (some of that with an intrathecal pump, until it decided to start pushing itself out of my body, more of it on pills, patches, etc). 

I’m very fortunate that I seem to have no addictive issues with them (I’ve never experienced pleasure from pain meds—if I’m lucky, after a surgery or something, they might let me sleep, but I’ve never had the experience of them as something enjoyable or fun—and when I’ve decided to stop taking them at various points, as long as I’ve tapered down first, I’ve had zero problems with being off of them (except to remind me that they DO help take the edge off of my pain, which I tend not to realize unless I stop them to notice the difference) but not where I’m thinking about wanting them  like, never craved them or missed them or anything ... nor have I ever wanted to take more than what’s prescribed.

But, physical dependence and tolerance is a separate issue and is unavoidable with long-term use, and the two times I’ve had to stop cold turkey due to prescribing screw-ups, I’ve absolutely had severe physical symptoms. (The first time it happened—way back before I really undrstood everything—it didn’t even occur to me that I was in a state of withdrawal, because, psychologically, I didn’t even make the connection; I just thought I had a really bad flu/stomach bug (long after I probably should have gone to the hospital for dehydration, I caught a glimpse of myself in the mirror, thought, damn, bitch, you look like a freaking heroin addict, and suddenly realized, ohhhhhhhh. I hadn’t even thought about my medication, much less had a desire or craving for it that people who are addicted (I assume) feel. 

And, so when I say “just” pain, I don’t mean it in a way to minimize it but rather to distinguish (chronic) pain (and even feeling sick from high levels of pain) from being (temporarily) sick, whether due to the flu or withdrawal.

I’m also not assuming she’s an addict just because she’s (I assume) in withdrawal (I already DID assume she was an addict, for a variety of other reasons, but, had she not already made me think that, I wouldn’t be equating the two. Hope that makes sense...). And I’m not trying to be judgmental in any way about someone who does something become addicted; I thoroughly believe it’s just the luck of biology that I haven’t become a severe addict (and, since that’s about the only luck I have when it comes to biology/medical situations beyond my control—given that I should have better odds at winning the lottery than having the combination of supposedly genetically unrelated rare conditions I do—I’ll gratefully take it (and wonder if it’s actually related to my jacked up genes or something; one of my conditions makes local anesthetics far less effective than they are for the typical person, so, who knows, maybe the upside is that my body/mind doesn’t respond to the properties of pain meds that make them so addictive (or apparently even psychologically desirable) to so many people.

(All this to say....)

What I do know, though, is whether she’s using, overusing, or abusing her pain meds, (she’s totes abusing them), if she’s been on enough for a long enough period of time (and she’s clearly been on more than enough), Mother Amber is, at least, in physical withdrawal if she hasn’t been able to get her medication (legit script or not) on time.


Yes, Christy's was worse.

  • Love 1

Amber said Matt was controlling and there was some back and forth yelling. Matt yelled at Amber You have no credit you couldn't even buy a table.

Matt said to Amber that she is violent and she said, with a straight face, that she wishes all of her ex's were there because she never hit any of them. 


Edited by druzy
  • Love 14
On 3/24/2018 at 11:29 AM, druzy said:

Did he say Suboxone, maybe that one wasn't bleeped out.

My bet is that Matt said Amber is taking Citalopram.

I watched the segment way too many times, heard the soft "C" and the syllables match, but I don't know why it was bleeped. 

Edited by Bridget
grammar is important
  • Love 4
On 3/24/2018 at 12:00 PM, GreatKazu said:

You don't get the channel? 

I know luggage gets lost and such. I had that happen when coming back into the country once. I received my luggage five days after we arrived home. If that was the issue with Amber's mom, I wonder why that wasn't mentioned? Then again, it is a reality show and a lot of stuff gets edited out for more dramatic effect. Or maybe she just forgot to pack them? 

I know, I should not give her the benefit of the doubt. Just trying to come up with why she doesn't have her meds. 

You're so much nicer than I am. Tonya is such a druggie - oh my God. She makes it so much worse for people like me who do have chronic intractable pain, who aren't candidates for surgery (not that i'd want to have surgery) and take medication on a daily basis.

I have several herniated discs in my lower back and take three different medications for the pain (long acting pain relief, muscle relaxer and one for breakthrough pain relief). When I get on a train, plane or into an automobile, I have my medication with me because losing luggage happens when one travels.  I have to take my medicine every day, even if I'm at a pain level of zero. My doc told me it helps to keep the body in sync and prevents any possible unintentional withdrawal symptoms from popping up. Anyone who is taking prescribed medication for chronic pain from a pain management doctor knows how important it is to stay consistent with the doc's treatment plan...we also rely on the medicine to stay comfortable (for lack of a better word). Also, why would I want to have sciatic nerve pain ON PURPOSE (not shouting at you, my friend) when all I have to do is keep my meds with me when I go somewhere?

Therefore, Tonya is a lying liar who lies about back pain.

I also have to hand carry my RXs to the pharmacy each month due to the nature of the medication. No way would my insurance send me a three month supply of X, Y or Z through the freakin' mail!

  • Love 13
On 3/26/2018 at 7:07 PM, Calm81 said:

Okay, did the judge actually tell Amber “you need someone to take care of you!”? Hellloooooo, that’s all that everybody in her life does - takes care of Amber! The bitch can’t even drive to CVS for her tampons!

I don’t like how she had to start shit with Brandy about her drinking. Amber has only been around Brandy for maybe a few days at this point - no place to be talking about alcoholism or dependency issues to a practical stranger! 

If I were brandy and some bitch came at me at a social gathering ( I know bootcamp isn’t a social gathering) hinting at me having a drinking problem because they saw me have a glass or two (even if it was in the morning) I will not kindly remind her of who went to jail for substance abuse and who also neglects her daughter and abuses “loved ones” - Amber has NO RIGHT to judge.

I’m over the mob people. Annoying. The joneses Group I have sympathy for. I like the girlfriend/daughter-in law (I’m bad with names). I can see that joneses Mother does care about his girlfriend and vice versa so it’s the boyfriend that needs to put in the effort.

I can’t believe Brandy’s dad stood and watched Brandy get dragged by two killer dogs without batting an eyelash. If that were me and my dad were on the sidelines he would at least APPEAR shaken up lol. Poor Brandy...I can see why she got all of the plastic surgery...deep rooted insecurities from not getting the love she wanted from her father - I could be wrong.

I would probably go for the jugular and tell her at least I had custody of my kids!

  • Love 9
6 minutes ago, TGinKY said:

I would probably go for the jugular and tell her at least I had custody of my kids!

That would have been awesome. I would have turned around and said oh really,  you want to throw stones, then get ready.

Amber needs to stop thinking she is better than everyone else.  She walks around like she is some queen of substance abuse and thinks she has the right to insert her own dumbdom about what other people are going through when she needs to look in the mirror.

  • Love 8

NuMatt fell in love with Amber after watching her & Matt in their bedroom while she professed how badly she wanted to have sex? ? I'm pissed that the editors thought we needed to see or hear that part! ? 

I'm kind of having second hand embarrassment from watching the Portwood Peeps.

Did anyone else laugh during the scene when Amber was explaining to her mom what the word Zen meant? Has her mom's speech always been slurred? I have no doubt that if Tonya had suffered a stroke or had a TBI, Amber would be using that as a reason to not get out of bed.

It was so very apparent to me (more than ever) during last night's episode that Amber doesn't interact with anyone else except her soulmate of the moment. Except for her cousin Krystal and the one other friend she had this season who looked totally strung out, she doesn't socialize with other adults. Ever. That alone has seriously screwed her up. The way she behaves around other adults at boot camp, and her social skills (or lack thereof),  speak volumes about her day to day life back in Indiana. The MTV crew probably kisses her arse, so they don't count.

When she had the nerve to ask Brandi about her drinking, my first thought was "Little girl, shut your face. For all of her flaws, Brandi is nearly 20 years older than you, gets out of bed each day to drink her wine (not dressed in a onesie and turban), has joint custody of her kids and participates in any reality TV show that asks her so she can earn money. Also, your mother clearly never taught you that it's not OK to "correct an adult" in most situations. Brandi wasn't getting into a car, she didn't have her sons in her immediate care, she probably has a much higher tolerance than your average wine drinker and she most likely needed to stay buzzed to avoid getting irritated or insulted by her own father."

Amber blurted out the gist of the 1:1 conversation she and Guy had about Brandi to all of the boot campers, with the intent to be a shit stirrer, but then is outraged when Matt tells Brandi & Renee what medication she takes?!

I can't decide if she's really that stupid or never did play well with others.

Assuming she was in touch with her beloved Bubby when he deployed, or that he even shared a tiny fraction with her about serving a tour, didn't he teach her anything about loyalty and honor? As crazy as Renee Graziano is, she was spot on when she put Amber on blast about keeping certain things to herself. I wish one of the doctors asked Amber what her intent was in announcing that tidbit about BG in front of everyone.

Every single other adult on the show, all of whom have their flaws, has said the same thing about Amber: she's a child and acts like one. She is clueless about everything and anything.

As entertaining as this train wreck of a show is, it does her no favors as it shows her true character in a continually unflattering yet very accurate light.

She also hasn't been sending love to anyone at boot camp yet. Hmm....

Edited by Bridget
grammar is important
  • Love 13
5 hours ago, Bridget said:

conversation she and Guy had about Brandi to all of the boot campers, with the intent to be a shit stirrer, but then is outraged when Matt tells Brandi & Renee what medication she takes?!

I can't decide if she's really that stupid or never did play well with others.


She has serious impulse control issues! And a hair trigger temper. 

I'm baffled that NuMatt "fell" for her during this show. Even the other wacky reality stars are like "somethings wrong with that chick." It certainly puts a more sinister light on his involvement with her. 

  • Love 12

Hope those so called "Dr's" were quaking in their boots when Brandy complained about hearing loss after that ridiculous stunt they made them perform last week. She could very easily have a concussion or TBI ( no one made her wear a helmet). They could be sued for malpractice if they are using this as " therapy".  Meanwhile, for her father to have to be told to go to the hospital with her shows so much. He seems quite slow mentally and she is so sharp witted, she must be embarrassed by him more than he is by her.  Nothing to say about Amber except I hope Matt made off with plenty of her money; for all the shit he put up with it wasn't enough!   I love Chrissy and hate her boyfriend and his mother. What's her deal? Is she a performer of some sort? Is he? He is so lazy and low energy, he can't possibly be a rapper.  The Italian ladies have lots of opinions.

  • Love 10
16 minutes ago, Caseysgirl said:

Hope those so called "Dr's" were quaking in their boots when Brandy complained about hearing loss after that ridiculous stunt they made them perform last week. She could very easily have a concussion or TBI ( no one made her wear a helmet). They could be sued for malpractice if they are using this as " therapy".  Meanwhile, for her father to have to be told to go to the hospital with her shows so much. He seems quite slow mentally and she is so sharp witted, she must be embarrassed by him more than he is by her.  Nothing to say about Amber except I hope Matt made off with plenty of her money; for all the shit he put up with it wasn't enough!   I love Chrissy and hate her boyfriend and his mother. What's her deal? Is she a performer of some sort? Is he? He is so lazy and low energy, he can't possibly be a rapper.  The Italian ladies have lots of opinions.

You make several excellent points, especially about Brandi & the hearing loss. Everyone else wore a helmet during that drill (maybe she was being vain & didn’t want helmet hair? Just guessing).  I’m truly surprised wearing a helmet was optional. I also thought that exercise made no sense at all. I understand the sacrifice aspect of it, but when two of the Graziano sisters refused to participate, I swear I heard Dr. Ish say something afterwards (during the debrief in the house) that I interpreted as “You only had to say you would do it. I wouldn’t really make you do it.” 

The hospital visit was telling as well. What’s her dad’s deal? He seems so checked out 1/2 the time, like he wants nothing to do with being a father. I have my own issues with my father, but I learned a long time ago that you can’t force a parent to give two shits about you. Unless this is all an act so she can appear on the show and earn money, I don’t know why the hell she’s hanging on so hard to the idea of her dad being a dad. Let it go! Take that energy and put it to use in a different way, like maybe rehab?! I wonder what he’s like with her two sons. Is he a shitty grandfather? She needs to be in real therapy to work on her issues about her dad. 

I love Chrissy too! No clue what she does, but I do wish she’d dump that guy AND his mama. That whole situation is just weird. What is keeping her there? Is Jimmy an amazing person when the cameras are on? I don’t like the way he talks to her. It’s very degrading and beyond disgusting. 

Too lazy to be a rapper indeed! He can’t be bothered to do anything at camp so far!

  • Love 11

Now we have confirmation that at least Dr. Ish is a medical doctor. I loved Jim muttering “oh he’s a medical doctor” all impressed, like other doctorates are so easy to come by. (Side-eyeing online for-profit degrees...)

In the flashback scenes Matt was wearing a helmet for the recreational dog attacks. I wonder if Brandi refused to wear one out of vanity, or if production saw her noggin bounce off the turf and realized they needed to pull out the safety gear. 

It was interesting to me that (Big Ange? I can’t tell these puffy Italians apart) said she saw nothing wrong with Brandi. Really? Not a thing? Because I see a woman who drinks herself sloppy pretty much daily, who comes to “Thanksgiving” dinner with her tits decorated for the express purpose of upsetting her father, and whose face is so tight from fillers that it looks like a water balloon about to pop. She may not be the biggest head case on the show but that competition is STIFF. 

Jim strikes me as the poster child for “still waters run deep.” Something lurks beneath his surface and he seems like he’s spent his life cultivating that tough, undemonstrative exterior to mask God only knows what kind of trauma or damage. 

Despite all the reasons not to, I’ve been low-key rooting for Amber ever since she got out of jell. I really thought she had potential, and I know I’m in the minority but I love her lazy-glam caftan and turban collection. Very 20th century old money vague wasting disease chic. But after seeing her fly off the handle about damn near everything and pick fights with everyone from her mom to the cantaloupe on the kitchen island, I have to admit that she’s probably hopeless. 

  • Love 12
On 3/24/2018 at 12:26 AM, CaliforniaLove said:

While I'm all for "even if you're just there for a paycheck, at least participate", I wouldn't have done the dog thing. Those were some hard take downs! They all looked like Randy from A Christmas Story in those outfits. "I can't get up!"

The dog thing was horrendous. They didn't sign up for "Survivor!" The fact that there was nothing to protect their heads and faces was ridiculous. It looked like they finally wised up and added helmets after Brandi was taken down, but that was too late. I wouldn't put my life in the hands of these fools for million bucks.

  • Love 10
On 3/26/2018 at 9:45 AM, jumper sage said:

I disagree.  Brandi is 45 so her father must be around 65 - 70.  He seems less than robust and a fall like that could really hurt him.  It was her idea to go on this crazy show for the $$ and fame so why should he be taken down?

I am of the mind that the whole dog thing was insanity.

Hilarious way to put it.  If Amber is an addict why is she drinking?

What did it for me was that, as I recall, when she went down, he didn't even go over to check out how she was! Then, the following week when she went to the hospital, he had to be forced to go with her.

You are right about the fall factor, though. Don't know why it didn't occur to me at the time.

  • Love 2
1 hour ago, renatae said:

What did it for me was that, as I recall, when she went down, he didn't even go over to check out how she was! Then, the following week when she went to the hospital, he had to be forced to go with her.

You are right about the fall factor, though. Don't know why it didn't occur to me at the time.

I get your point but I still like my point that he has nothing to gain by going on this show and just by showing up with Brandi he is supporting her insane, idiotic, path for life.

  • Love 3

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