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S33.E03: Your Job Is Recon

Tara Ariano
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1 hour ago, Haleth said:


Zeke wouldn't have seemed so overly dramatic if Hannah had just shut.up.  What an annoying gnat she was!

Hannah wants to be able to screw you over, but still be your friend.  I dislike her more than Figgy now.  

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If the Kool Kids were at TC instead of the Old Farts, does anyone think Sociology Professor Probst would have busted out his lame text comparison?  No way...he would have been bro'-ing it up and acting like Jeff Spicoli (who is actually part of the Baby Boomer generation...LIKE YOU, PROBST!!) to fit in with the surfer dudes and dudettes. 

So glad the GenX women got wise to Paul and his alpha males' game plan.  And how stupid is Paul to tell Jessica to her face if talk of an all men alliance comes up, he'd be all "good luck with that ladies...you're on your own!"?  Mister In Control should have said something like, "If I hear that I'll squash it!  I'm with you til the end!"  even though he would never follow through.  As soon as he said it, I could hear the penny drop in Jessica's brain.  I'm not saying I'm upset by Paul's ouster; he was as annoying as Ken & Dave pointed out.  I loved it when Dave said Paul thought of himself as a rock star on stage and giving the people what HE wanted to (his braggy BS stories) rather than finding out more about the others.

Poor Jessica's eyes!  They looked <slightly> better, but still puffy & heavy lidded. All of I could think of when they showed her close up was this guy:

Star wars.jpg

Edited by BusyOctober
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13 hours ago, Lamima said:

I think [Ken]'s kind of an odd duck and moody...

That's what I like about him. But I agree with @KimberStormer that he's pretty self-absorbed and I have a feeling for that reason alone I will tire of him eventually.

12 hours ago, North of Eden said:

Random comments on Gen X-Every time Brett is on the screen I keep thinking he looks like Greg Grunberg's slightly thinner brother.

He reminds me so much of WA Mike. Which I think is maybe part of why I just don't care for him.

7 hours ago, Artsda said:

Jeff really advocated shorthanded testing of "u". Jeff, people growing up not knowing how to spell the simplest words isn't a good thing.

I'm pretty sure texting 'u' instead of 'you' has nothing to do with not knowing how to spell 'you.'

7 hours ago, candall said:

There's just something wrong with the Ken picture and I don't know what it is.   They're showing him to have all kinds of Nice Guy/Football Hero/Homecoming King vibes.  Since when has that guy, who's also handsome, catches fish and throws bean bags like a boss EVER been one of the "underdogs"?

I think they're showing exactly why Ken isn't part of the majority. Socially he just doesn't mesh with a lot of the tribe. And it doesn't matter how hot/smart/capable you are if you aren't able to cut it socially.

I'm still enjoying this season. I had a few lol moments in this ep. I actually thought it was quite a good ep. The 'randomly have bread with 4 members of the other tribe' twist was really dumb though. But could prove interesting down the road maybe.

One thing I was disappointed about though was not hearing anything from Michelle.

Edited by peachmangosteen
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From his preseason interviews, I was expecting the worst of Paul, like Dan Foley + Tarzan + prison tattoos, but he actually ended up being not so bad. He was a blowhard and a terrible strategist, but he wasn't malicious and he took his ouster graciously. I'm not sorry he's gone, but I'm not celebrating it either. I just don't feel strongly about anyone yet this season. I'm kind of negative on Figgy and Hannah and kind of positive on Michaela and Ken, but I could see that changing quickly. Mostly I find everyone kind of bland, but considering some of the monsters they've had on in recent seasons, it's a nice change.

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what irritates me is Jeff still being all WHY ARE YOU GOING SLOW, YOU GOTTA HUSSLE. yes. it hurt GenX but remember when you were ragging on Cyndi, Jeff? And She won? so shut up. 

Love Ken. glad Paul is gone. And Hannah is the reason why i couldn't go on the show. because i would have been shut the everloving helll up (and i would have been booted). 

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I was yelling at Probst to shut the fuck up, all night. He really gets on my nerves.

Paul played his hand, stupidly, by telling he'd stick with the guys. Dumbass move. I want Figgy gone, stat. And her boytoy right behind her. Can we have a double elimination, please?

Ken has nice underwear. Paul's reminded me of an old grandpa's, so glad he's gone.

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What is up with the raft things the millennials were laying on down at the beach?  This the 2nd time they have shown them.  The first time was episode 1 I think.  They are bugging me.  

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15 hours ago, Haleth said:

I kind of like Ken but don't understand why he isn't part of the alpha male alliance. It's strange to see a good looking guy outside of the alphas. Had he done something to annoy the top 6?  


I think that despite being a good looking, athletic guy he's fairly shy and doesn't have an alpha personality.

Glad Paul is gone.  I never like the all talk, no results types.  And, as lame as CeCe was going across the balance beam not one person on her tribe stepped up and said "you go across, I'll take your bag."  Even though Probst basically told them to do that.  Idiots.

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Is it just me or was that episode particularly boring?

We saw people from one tribe going to the other tribe (David, etc., who gave more intel than he got). Did we see people from the other tribe meeting Gen X? maybe I blinked, maybe I fell asleep, maybe my carrier decided to cut it, but I don't  remember seeing ineraction with te over tribe (or even reading of instructions). Seriously, if I fell asleep, let me know!!!! That never, ever, happened when watching Survivor, but I WAS very tired and this episode was not the most captivating to me... 

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5 minutes ago, NutMeg said:

Is it just me or was that episode particularly boring?

We saw people from one tribe going to the other tribe (David, etc., who gave more intel than he got). Did we see people from the other tribe meeting Gen X? maybe I blinked, maybe I fell asleep, maybe my carrier decided to cut it, but I don't  remember seeing ineraction with te over tribe (or even reading of instructions). Seriously, if I fell asleep, let me know!!!! That never, ever, happened when watching Survivor, but I WAS very tired and this episode was not the most captivating to me... 

I liked the episode because Paul got booted, which I really wanted to happen and really didn't think was going to.

The 'summit' wasn't a tribe visit.  It was 4 players from each tribe met somewhere neutral and spent some time together.  So David and whoever else from Gen X got to spend time with the Millennial Tri-Force & Will.  We got to see Taylor celebrating that his allies picked all the right rocks to go.  That's the part I remember about the Millennial's rock picking/instructions.  

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7 minutes ago, NutMeg said:

Is it just me or was that episode particularly boring?

We saw people from one tribe going to the other tribe (David, etc., who gave more intel than he got). Did we see people from the other tribe meeting Gen X? maybe I blinked, maybe I fell asleep, maybe my carrier decided to cut it, but I don't  remember seeing ineraction with te over tribe (or even reading of instructions). Seriously, if I fell asleep, let me know!!!! That never, ever, happened when watching Survivor, but I WAS very tired and this episode was not the most captivating to me... 

The "summit" was a big nothing.  People from both tribes went to a third beach and ate PB&J.  That was about it.  The most drama they could wring out of it was David acting a fool privately telling Tayls he would vote out the entire GenX tribe and join up with the millennials, while everyone else basically just acted friendly but cagey.

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5 minutes ago, Winston9-DT3 said:

I liked the episode because Paul got booted, which I really wanted to happen and really didn't think was going to.

The 'summit' wasn't a tribe visit.  It was 4 players from each tribe met somewhere neutral and spent some time together.  So David and whoever else from Gen X got to spend time with the Millennial Tri-Force & Will.  We got to see Taylor celebrating that his allies picked all the right rocks to go.  That's the part I remember about the Millennial's rock picking/instructions.  


4 minutes ago, Special K said:

The "summit" was a big nothing.  People from both tribes went to a third beach and ate PB&J.  That was about it.  The most drama they could wring out of it was David acting a fool privately telling Tayls he would vote out the entire GenX tribe and join up with the millennials, while everyone else basically just acted friendly but cagey.

Thank you both, yeah I really must have felt asleep because I missed the "summit" part and thought they were just visiting the other tribe. Glad to be kept posted thanks to you two :} Grazie mille!!

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The more I see of GenX-Jessica, the more I like her.  She's observant, calm under pressure, articulate and has a great poker face.  Wouldn't mind seeing her go head to head with Michelle in a strategic battle of wits after the merge (giving the slight edge to Michelle because people seem to naturally gravitate towards her and that's a gift).  

Also really like Michaela. She's no fool and isn't letting her personal feelings get in the way of which way to go.  She hit the reset button after the last vote and is just hanging back, letting the others scramble. Her anyone-but-me approach is reminiscent of Sandra D.   I hope she goes far.

Poor Ken.  He's way too earnest for this game. Don't know how long he's going to last, but will enjoy him in action until they vote him off.  We need more scenes of him in the water and less scenes of Adam screaming at us in his talking heads (why does he need to punctuate every word with an exclamation point? So! Annoying!!!).

Edited by GenL
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Who is this Lucy everyone is posting about? Does she have her own tribe (The Elderly? The Invisible?) off in a forest somewhere? If so, is she the certain winner, as she'll never have to vote herself off? So many questions.

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8 hours ago, green said:

But I do also think he is an underdog on this tribe at this time.  He said he had trouble with social interactions and in his youth had a speech impediment that probably caused same.  Now we see he is far smarter and thinks more deeply then the "bros" who seem more interested in dumbing themselves down for national TV so they seem like real manly man "bros".  At least I can't believe all three of those men are that stupid in real life but I could be wrong.

Chris and Bret don't strike me as meathead bros. Yes, they've said some non-complimentary things about people not in their alliance, but most people do. TPTB sort of encourage that. They aren't mean to David, and Chris had a brief TH in the first episode where he said he thought David could be really nice and funny, but his paranoia was an issue.

In fact, they don't appear to be that mean to anyone. They just aren't including them in their alliance. (Apparently Bret is an openly gay cop. I imagine he might understand quite well what it's like to be bullied and hopefully would avoid it. I hope.)

I have to agree with @candall that I'm curious about Ken's editing. Before this episode, I thought his status was primarily due to challenging Paul and his social anxiety. Now... I'm getting some egotistical vibes and bitterness. We also have no idea how often he interrupts people to talk about the beauty of language (or something else), possibly in a slightly condescending tone. The glances that people interpreted as mocking what Ken was saying could very much have been "Oh, shit. Here he goes again."

I don't know the truth. But I suspect that these people, and the tribe dynamic, is more complex than we have been shown, and the meatheads versus sensitive, independent model characters are overly simplistic projections.

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I actually don't think it was too soon for Jessica, Sunday, and Lucy to vote out one of the guys from their six person alliance. First of all, anyone who isn't killing it in challenges (so, anyone other than Chris, Ken, and maybe Bret) should be wary of the "keep the tribe strong/vote out the worst challenge performer" voting plan. It was particularly baffling that Paul, who also really sucked at the immunity challenge, seemed to be so adamant that that should be the criteria.

Plus, this way they restore the gender balance on the tribe to 50/50, decreasing the chances of the men forming an alliance that excludes them, which was clearly something Jessica thought might be a possibility, and was something the Paul told them to their faces that he would go along with if it happened. Getting rid of him gets rid of someone who is willing to turn against them and also gives them options. They can continue to work with CeCe/Ken/David or go back to Chris/Bret, who are not in a position to punish them for voting Paul out. It's true that Chris and Bret might flip on them down the line, but they would have had to worry about Ken and David doing the same thing if CeCe were voted out, and Ken and David strike me as far more likely to be able to forge alliances with the Millennials than Chris and Bret do. In fact, Ken could have easily been cast as a Millennial and I doubt anyone would have questioned it.

15 hours ago, mojoween said:

Ha ha ha.  You brought this on with your big stupid mouth Paul.

He was a gracious loser, I'll give him that.

1 hour ago, fishcakes said:

From his preseason interviews, I was expecting the worst of Paul, like Dan Foley + Tarzan + prison tattoos, but he actually ended up being not so bad. He was a blowhard and a terrible strategist, but he wasn't malicious and he took his ouster graciously. I'm not sorry he's gone, but I'm not celebrating it either. I just don't feel strongly about anyone yet this season. I'm kind of negative on Figgy and Hannah and kind of positive on Michaela and Ken, but I could see that changing quickly. Mostly I find everyone kind of bland, but considering some of the monsters they've had on in recent seasons, it's a nice change.

I give a lot of credit to people who can admit they were out-played in their exit interviews.I think the level of general assholery is much lower in this cast than it was for Worlds Apart or Kaôh Rōng. Even though both tribes have (or, in the case of the Gen X tribe, had) clear people who were on the outs, it doesn't seem like anyone is getting antagonized or bullied. I also appreciated Paul admitting in one of the previous episodes that he's a bossy guy—he's not comfortable unless he's in charge. It turned out that he couldn't down-play it or make it work to his advantage, but he gets points for self-awareness and in general, I think people do better on Survivor when they don't try to go too far against their normal personalities (assuming they aren't complete assholes—clearly someone like Kyle Jason would be more likeable if he did the opposite of whatever he was naturally inclined to do).

15 hours ago, jsm1125 said:

Taylor called Will one of the top people in his alliance, over Michelle?

I thought that was strange, too. Mind you, it seemed like Michelle was less tight Taylor, Figgy, and Jay than those three were with each other. That still doesn't explain where Will came from.

15 hours ago, Haleth said:

I kind of like Ken but don't understand why he isn't part of the alpha male alliance. It's strange to see a good looking guy outside of the alphas. Had he done something to annoy the top 6? 

It seems like Paul, Chris, and Bret formed a bond the minute they hit the beach, and if Ken needed more time to get comfortable with people before bonding with them (which, as the youngest member of his tribe and someone who strikes me as fairly introverted, he probably did), then he was bound to be left out of that group.

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5 hours ago, ghoulina said:

Because she really should have let someone else take those bags. But, at the same time, was anyone ASKING to take her bags. It seemed pretty silent during all that.

It seemed pretty silent except for freakin' Probst yelling non-stop about how slow she was going taking breaks only to commend the wonderful, spirited, kumbaya experience going on for the Millenials. SHUT. UP. PROBST. Ugh.

But yeah someone should have ran over and said ' throw me your bag!' but they'd still have been crippled timewise because she still had to make it accross herself before they started.

Probst sounded like a Seinfeld episode at TC, "They actually spell out "you" instead of just using the letter 'u'... who are these people??"

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3 minutes ago, BlueJayFan said:

Who is this Lucy everyone is posting about?

Actually, I kind of wonder if a lot of Paul going wasn't actually what he said, but the fact that he'd worn out his welcome with the ladies and that was a perfect thing for Jessica to use to justify flipping.

I mention this because of previously-invisible Lucy! I'm pretty sure it was Paul she snapped at in the challenge when he was hectoring her to get across the beam, and she didn't really seem to hesitate after Jessica brought up what Paul said. Hey, Lucy's down with getting rid of Paul if you two want to!

It made me suspect that the women have good poker faces but didn't like Paul's need for control, barking orders, and discussing with Bret and Chris and then just telling the women what the plan was.

Or maybe they voted out Paul for being a Baby Boomer spy. (His inclusion on the Gen X tribe confused my mother for a while. "Wait. Are there three tribes? Why is there an older guy?")

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17 minutes ago, simplyme said:

Chris and Bret don't strike me as meathead bros. Yes, they've said some non-complimentary things about people not in their alliance, but most people do. TPTB sort of encourage that. They aren't mean to David, and Chris had a brief TH in the first episode where he said he thought David could be really nice and funny, but his paranoia was an issue.

In fact, they don't appear to be that mean to anyone. They just aren't including them in their alliance. (Apparently Bret is an openly gay cop. I imagine he might understand quite well what it's like to be bullied and hopefully would avoid it. I hope.)

I have to agree with @candall that I'm curious about Ken's editing. Before this episode, I thought his status was primarily due to challenging Paul and his social anxiety. Now... I'm getting some egotistical vibes and bitterness. We also have no idea how often he interrupts people to talk about the beauty of language (or something else), possibly in a slightly condescending tone. The glances that people interpreted as mocking what Ken was saying could very much have been "Oh, shit. Here he goes again."

I don't know the truth. But I suspect that these people, and the tribe dynamic, is more complex than we have been shown, and the meatheads versus sensitive, independent model characters are overly simplistic projections.

This. I agree with all this.

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3 hours ago, Wouldofshouldof said:

This.  It's only 2 more letters.

 Jeff was so impressed with the time saving  efficiency of "u" over "you,"  I wondered what he thought most texts were about.  Did he think texting was usually done under combat conditions with only  a few seconds left to find out which wire to cut on the bomb?  Maybe it's different in the exciting world of reality TV production, but around here it's more, "where are u" "done shopping  Walmart now in line."  I know this because I'm usually in line behind them waiting for them to realize the cashier is done and waiting for money.

As a true curmudgeon, these forced and phony nit picks get on my last cranky nerve. Cellphone battles?  My only phone hangs on the wall in the kitchen and I never, ever answer it.  If it's important they'll leave a message.

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They might have voted out the wrong alpha male: Paul seemed more amused than anything by the blindside, but Chris and Bret looked really pissed off. They were shooting daggers after the vote reveal. I'd be scared to go back to camp with them.

I think Ken is just kind of a sore loser. He probably came into this game assuming his mad fishing and survival skills would make him the most popular and indispensable and can't seem to fathom why everyone isn't looking to him for leadership instead of inferior Paul, who has caught no fish. I really doubt Ken would have aligned himself with losers like CeCe and Dave if he had any other choice. He doesn't seem to have any sense of humor either.


I really like Michaela.  She's athletic and seems much smarter than most of that tribe.

Really? She doesn't strike me as being very bright. Mind you, none of the millennials do except maybe Zeke and Michelle, but her talking heads make her sound like she's sort of uneducated, and going off on Figgy on Day 1 wasn't too smart either.

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4 hours ago, millennium said:

Hannah wants to be able to screw you over, but still be your friend.  I dislike her more than Figgy now.  

Zeke wants this to be a game, unless it doesn't go his way. Hannah needs to realize that she doesn't need this whiny poor sport to like her. She sure doesn't need to be forgiven for playing the game. His bullshit about being "really mad" at her shows what a melodramatic weenie he is. You lost the vote, dude, buck up and play the game or go home. Preferably the latter. 

4 hours ago, millennium said:


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Other things that occurred to me last night when I couldn't sleep:

I wonder what the Millennials thought after CeCe touted Ken as "the most humble guy ever" and then he came out with "as much as I really like catching all those fish and squid and octopus, as a tribe we decided not to give you the fishing gear."

I'll be curious to see if we're shown any discussion amongst the Millennials about Paul being pointed out as a leader at the summit and then being voted out.

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13 hours ago, huahaha said:

The women were so upset because they agreed to one kind of alliance and found out they were in a different kind. Paul revealed that instead of a group of six who would protect each other to the end even if the teams got shuffled, only the three men had that deal. (I don't think it helps that many women over 40 have had similar experiences in the workplace - 1. finding out they're at the bottom of the pyramid and 2. being expected to fall in line anyway.)

Jessica made the right move, I think. This week, Paul was blindsided. By the following council, he could've found out her plans and turned one of the weaker players. (Gen X could easily win the next challenge(s), making that even more likely.)

The point is, she thought she was invulnerable for quite a while, which kept her from allying with the much more useful Ken. Paul let her know, not so much.

I get that they were upset at Paul indicating that the three bros were his core alliance, but my point is that the 3 women themselves were very close to each other, just as the 3 men were close to each other.  It was an alliance of 6, and she had 3 of the 6, so I'm really not sure how being 50% of an alliance translates to being "the bottom".  Has she never seen Survivor before?  Every large alliance always has suballiances, whether that be two or three people.  But it's always natural to have someone within your alliance that you truly trust.  The others are just there for the numbers and you use them just as much as they use you.  

It'd be way different if she and Lucy were two out of the 6 and she found out that the other four were sticking it out to the end.  That's how I would define "the bottom".   As it was, her group was 3 out of 6, and if anything, she had more power than him because her 3 could go and work with the 3 that were truly on the bottom.  The true bottom of Ken, David and CC would never join with Paul and Co, so that's why Jessica was able to work with them.

There was never any indication that Jessica was part of a core group of 4 with the three men and thus was offended that they considered her at the bottom of the 4.  She just seemed offended that the three women were at the bottom of the 6, when there really wasn't a bottom at that point in their 6.  

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I also think the discussion of vinyl is ridiculous in the way Provost was trying to make it since vinyl records have made a major comeback. My millennial daughter has vinyl records by The Beatles, Rolling Stones, Creedance Clearwater Revival, Nirvana and many more. I'd like to think this is all my influence. ;)

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16 minutes ago, blackwing said:

 She just seemed offended that the three women were at the bottom of the 6, when there really wasn't a bottom at that point in their 6.  

I don't really know either way but if Paul was the de facto leader and he and the bros were so far calling the shots, I think it's normal to upset that apple cart while there's plenty of time and people around.  

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2 hours ago, azshadowwalker said:

Zeke wants this to be a game, unless it doesn't go his way. Hannah needs to realize that she doesn't need this whiny poor sport to like her. She sure doesn't need to be forgiven for playing the game. His bullshit about being "really mad" at her shows what a melodramatic weenie he is. You lost the vote, dude, buck up and play the game or go home. Preferably the latter. 

Well, I think I remarked last week that the Millennials come off like "Survivor Jr."

In any event, Hannah threw her alliance out the window solely on the basis of Michelle's "I'll tell you later."   Hannah's "numbers" explanation appears to be something she cooked up afterwards to convince her former allies that she didn't cave to Michelle, even though that's how it looked. 

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7 hours ago, BusyOctober said:

If the Kool Kids were at TC instead of the Old Farts, does anyone think Sociology Professor Probst would have busted out his lame text comparison?  No way...he would have been bro'-ing it up and acting like Jeff Spicoli (who is actually part of the Baby Boomer generation...LIKE YOU, PROBST!!) to fit in with the surfer dudes and dudettes. 


I'm a baby boomer too, but I'll be damned if I'll ever sit among a group of younger people and label myself "old" as Paul did.   I just wrapped up my 44th summer of skateboarding and I still got a lot of miles to go.    I'll never understand why people undermine themselves like that.   

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16 hours ago, millennium said:

I'm a baby boomer too, but I'll be damned if I'll ever sit among a group of younger people and label myself "old" as Paul did.   I just wrapped up my 44th summer of skateboarding and I still got a lot of miles to go.    I'll never understand why people undermine themselves like that.   

No kidding.  I'm 55 (Baby Boomer and proud of it!), but "old" is definitely NOT a word in my vocabulary.  

That said, Jeff Probst can suck it -- he and I are almost the same age (HE turns 55 in November), but he's only fooling himself if he thinks that he can pass himself off as part of a generation that is literally young enough to be his kids.  There's being young at heart, and there's being completely delusional.

Edited by legaleagle53
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4 hours ago, BlueJayFan said:

Who is this Lucy everyone is posting about? Does she have her own tribe (The Elderly? The Invisible?) off in a forest somewhere? If so, is she the certain winner, as she'll never have to vote herself off? So many questions.

I think she's been standing behind Bret the whole time.

Those mean old Xers not giving the Os what they wanted!  Why didn't the Xers negotiate with Probst to keep some of the reward if they let the Os get fishing gear?

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Probst sounded like they weren't even close to coming to a deal of comfort for fishing gear so I wonder what they'd have to give up in addition. I doubt he'd have gone as far as immunity but one of the kids said "let's give them our beans"! And was instantly shushed *grin*

Also given that we haven't seen any around camp it would seem they just chowed down on the fowl they attained instead huh? So much for the "they'll give us eggs!" notion.

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22 hours ago, MostlyContent said:

Way to go Paul, you dumb bunny.   Just tell the girls in your little group that you'd write them off in a heartbeat if it was a 'boy's thing'.   ha!!!   

That really was dumb.  The funny thing is he thought it would be reassuring.  "Don't worry, I won't blindside you.  If the guys want an all guy alliance I will dump you, but you'll be the first to know".

I was so glad to see Paul get blindsided, but damn him for his classy exit that robbed me of some of my schadenfreude.

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Love him or hate him I think former Survivor Randy Bailey tweeted what I think a lot of here are feeling in regards to Probst's ridiculous questions about texting, etc.

Yo @JeffProbst when someone texts U to STFU, do you know what this means?

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Zeke wants this to be a game, unless it doesn't go his way. 

I don't think that's a fair assessment of his behavior. He was obviously gob-smacked to learn he was at the bottom 2 of a nine person tribe - imagine finding out you're only one of two left that wasn't in on the plan when you went to Tribal Council thinking you were in a majority of at least six. He didn't bitch about it, he just quietly extracted himself from the rest of the group to decompress and didn't care to hear Hannah yammering on in his ear. I thought he handled it as maturely as anyone could have. Lord knows we've seen older players behave worse.

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22 hours ago, susannot said:

The other Bro is Bret. He is a police sergeant.  I have the greatest respect for the police but a police sergeant and a 33 year old male model hippie tree hugger type may not bond.

Hmmmm...... I'm curious,.....why do you think that?    

I'm thinking the opposite myself.  I'm guessing Bret probably thinks Ken is pretty hot.

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22 hours ago, susannot said:

I hate to be critical of a female contestant on Survivor (snort!  what a liar I am) but Sundae's voice is like chalk on a blackboard.

My mom doesn't usually criticize people for appearances, etc.  But last night she sat up straight, and exclaimed "Oh my God, that voice!".

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2 hours ago, Bryce Lynch said:

That really was dumb.  The funny thing is he thought it would be reassuring.  "Don't worry, I won't blindside you.  If the guys want an all guy alliance I will dump you, but you'll be the first to know".

I was so glad to see Paul get blindsided, but damn him for his classy exit that robbed me of some of my schadenfreude.


So silly, but I had an actual, physical little trill of amusement as Paul's TC demeanor morphed: 

Confidence in his absolute security as his tribe's leader --> sage acceptance that a vote from the designated target was to have been expected --> quizzical reflective pause about where that second vote came from --> stunned realization that there is undeniably something afoot of which he is unaware --> KABLAM!

And I guess this is why I'm still watching this creaky o-l-d show.  Your show is old, Jeff!  It's old!  It's the "O"-word!  (But I love it and it still has its moments.)


[Re Paul's good-natured farewell:  I lived in The Keys for years--the Conchs are a mellow people.]

Edited by candall
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On 10/5/2016 at 8:55 PM, ElleryAnne said:

Ken likes music on vinyl and appreciates the poetry of words.  I think I may have found my Survivor boyfriend.

He looks like Jon Hamm, he's loyal to the pale skinny geek, and he loves language?  What's the catch?  This guy is just too good to be true.

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Kinda odd we didn't get a single confessional from Michelle after the big move at the previous tribal. She's either very boring or not long for the game.

Outside of David and Ken the Gen X tribe just bores me to tears. 

Also wish people would stop referring to Taylor and Figgy as a "power couple". Just because two idiots are making out doesn't make them a power couple. 

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We didn't hear anything from Michelle but we heard a lot about Michelle. Namely we heard Probst give her ALL the credit for flipping the vote last episode (ignoring Jay's part) and this was reinforced later in the episode when Adam reiterated that the only reason Figgy was in the game was due to Michelle (though he did mention Jay too). The point being the editors want the viewers to know who Michelle is and that she is a smart player. Now whether this translates to Michelle being around for a long time or if she is the strategic player that inevitably gets booted right before the merge remains to be seen.

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22 hours ago, blackwing said:

I do think that Eye Infection made her move too soon.  To ensure her own endgame, I think she should have stuck with Paul and voted out Ceci.

I don't agree.  The moment Paul made his slip-up, Jessica was right to try and change things up.  Several people kept failing to make moves in BB15 because they kept being convinced that it was "too soon" to do so.  But it is never too soon to make a move when and if you start to feel that you might be on the bottom, or even get confirmation that you are.

Edited by Michel
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