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S33.E02: Love Goggles

Tara Ariano
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13 hours ago, Superpole2000 said:

The 33 first-boots have been:

  • 26 non-Hispanic white = 78.8%
  • 6 non-Hispanic black = 18.1%
  • 0 Hispanic = 0.0%
  • 1 non-Hispanic Asian (this season) = 3.0%


But I said the early boots, not the first only.  Maybe first 4 say.  And if 18.1% of just the first boots were Afro-American and there are so few cast the ratio of cast Afro-Americans to early booted Aftro-Americans is what you should be looking at.  Of course there would be more early Caucasians booted early because there are tons more of them on the show.  And I'd guess a large number of them ratio-wise are older women who also get booted way too early.

11 hours ago, Ms Blue Jay said:

I also really loved that.  That felt very novel for this show.

I'm sick of people bringing up "Demographics of the U.S.A." as justification for a low amount of minorities on a show that's been on for THIRTY THREE SEASONS.   I wish people would give it up.

If you watch Project Runway, half the cast (at least) is gay and there are always people FROM OTHER COUNTRIES and there are people who don't speak English as a first language and hardly as a second, and there are racial minorities EVERYWHERE.  It can be done.  There's no reason why it can't.  There's no reason why any American show has to be majority white.  Stop thinking like that.

Totally agree. They do a token formula quota of "allowed" minorities on both Survivor and The Amazing Race and except for that one "race theme" season of Survivor they never go beyond it.

9 hours ago, fishcakes said:


Mari: As a millennial and a gamer and a human, I am learning that other humans have human feelings when not gaming or something.


Ah, I recognize that as a shout-out to Season 3 of The Amazing Race which was the first time a contestant posted online just how much they are forced to say in these confessionals if the show has a theme going with them.  To wit one of the "NFL Wives" who said the production assistant made them start every on camera "confessional" with something along the lines of "As wives of professional football players ..." even if it made no sense whatsoever.  Like "As wives of professional football players we think the tulips are pretty here in the Netherlands."

This and dressing contestants to fit themes (the football wives were forced against what they wanted to do to wear their husband's replica Atlanta Falcons jerseys at the start line) has been going on all the time on TAR and here on Survivor. We have a theme this season.  You must start your confessional with "As a millennial ..." no matter how inane it sounds.  And this stuff does sound inane.

8 hours ago, Silver Raven said:

That's Jay.  Zeke is the slightly overweight guy who is the oldest on the Millenials tribe, wears a Hawaiian shirt, and thinks he's more like an 80-year-old.

I think that Ken doesn't really associate with the leaders of the Gen-X team because he's the youngest on the tribe and feels more comfortable with the Millenials.

Thanks for that.  I thought Adam was Zeke and unlike some other posters I like him a lot.  He is so over the top excited by all this that I find it kind of endearing.  He even looks like a Zeke.  Meanwhile the real Zeke got imprinted on my brain as Hawaiian Shirt Guy thanks to how Survivor "dressed" him.

5 hours ago, JudyObscure said:

So if they aim for diversity they're accused of token this and token that and a cast of characters, but if they left out the tokens and dorks and dweebs wouldn't they be left with that hated  sea of pretty white faces?  ...

The point is to not make non-whites "tokens" under some quota system that limits how many are "allowed" to appear on any one season.  BTW I'm white and I hate and detest having vanilla fudge casts every year on Survivor and The Amazing Race.

Edited by green
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11 hours ago, blackwing said:

I'm curious about why Ken was so ostracised from the "Paul's Posse" alliance. 

I agree with @peachmangosteen on this one. Paul likes to be in control. He's said that multiple times. Ken sort of countered Paul's chest beating speech in Ep 1 by saying not to underestimate anyone, and he mentioned he could be an asset because he'd lived off the grid. I would guess that to Paul, Type A control freak, that came across like a younger wolf challenging the alpha even if it was not what was intended.

10 hours ago, ghoulina said:

I don't know that he's necessarily ostracized. I think the ones outside of the group were Rachel, Lucy, CeeCee, and David. 

In the first ep, Bret listed the voting bloc as himself, Chris, Paul, Jessica, Sunday, and Lucy. He dismissed the others (including Ken, by name) with "we don't need them." Since they were talking about splitting the vote and I can do basic math (4 outliers voting together beats 3 of your split votes) that struck me as a particularly dumb comment.

6 hours ago, blackwing said:

Mari's boot was ostensibly because she is a strategic player, but all of that came only from Michelle.  None of the others seemed to particularly think she was a threat. 

I would disagree with this. One of the reasons she was able to flip Will was that he agreed that Mari was the most dangerous player on the tribe. That was what they talked about. While I think that was shortsighted of him, I think the sentiment was there even if we weren't shown it in others. I think that's one of the reasons she chose Mari as the target.

11 hours ago, KimberStormer said:

I myself don't like the harping on Hannah as victim, a naive innocent nerd taken for a ride by her desperate desire to be one of the cool kids.  This is pure projection, it's imaginary.

Amen. Hannah got blindsided with a choice between two alliances and loyalties. She wasn't desperately seeking acceptance. She asked for a reason. She thought about it. And while viewers may be upset Figgy is still there, macking with Taylor, and Mari went home, Hannah wisely sussed out who was probably really going home and put herself in a better position than if she'd rejected Michelle's request.

11 hours ago, iMonrey said:

There's something about this season that's making me uncomfortable, and it has to do with Paul and his pals calling David their "puppy," 

The puppy comment really ticked off SimplyMom, who has never watched Survivor before this season. (Boy, is she in for a treat. So far she's summed it up with, "Well, I feel like a genius after watching these idiots.")

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3 hours ago, RedheadZombie said:

But the info was twisted to manipulate. What they actually said was - we will vote out Figgy, which will hopefully bring Mikaela closer to us. If not, and if she continues to cause trouble, she will go next.  

That isn't verbatim, but the essence of what he said.  It was deliberately changed to manipulate and scare Mikaela into voting with them. And sadly it worked. 

Hmm, I didn't get that impression, BUT if true, then that just means Jay played it all the better.  I'm not 100% sure how much credit to give Jay; he's so goofy, and was certainly ready to just go along to get along till Michelle took the reins, but I feel he did pretty darn well once he got that kick in the pants.  I really think getting both Figgy and Michaela together to tell them this news was brilliant.  It would be really easy to talk to Figgy first and then go to Michaela, but that would surely not carry the weight that it did when they were told together.

4 hours ago, Eolivet said:

It's funny how different the interpretations of Michelle's tribal council conversation with Hannah. I got a very "Oh my god, I love your vote/That is the most awful vote I've ever seen" vibe from Michelle. She did all but tell Hannah "On Wednesdays, we vote for Mari." And I definitely think there could be be many players and/or jury members who will be able to affirmatively answer the question "Raise your hand if you've ever been personally victimized by Michelle."

It is funny!  I can't even imagine this!  Sleepy-faced mellow hippie Michelle?  Whose close ally nicknames her Namaste?

1 hour ago, millennium said:

I hoped Figgy (I feel like an idiot just typing it) would go home.   She is so insufferably full of herself.   But having seen this dynamic play out season after season I knew the plot wouldn't take

What season after season is that?  I feel like "jocks and bimbos can't count, make small alliance, bimbos get voted out because something something challenge strength" is the classic, indeed by now rather tedious, scenario.  The funny thing for me this episode was I thought I got spoiled--I saw a picture of Jay at tribal on tumblr before I watched the episode, and it looked like he was crying.  "Oh boy," I thought.  "There goes Michelle or Figgy."  And the whole episode I was sure I was right...but then bam!  KimberStormer blindsided too!

56 minutes ago, green said:

Ah, I recognize that as a shout-out to Season 3 of The Amazing Race which was the first time a contestant posted online just how much they are forced to say in these confessionals if the show has a theme going with them.  To wit one of the "NFL Wives" who said the production assistant made them start every on camera "confessional" with something along the lines of "As wives of professional football players ..." even if it made no sense whatsoever.  Like "As wives of professional football players we think the tulips are pretty here in the Netherlands."

I fear that our favorite No Collar creep Vince Sly may have been the victim of this, indeed a frankenquote of it, though "As a coconut vendor, I seek truth" is so beautiful a sentence that I don't really mind.

As for how Hannah might have guessed Mari was the vote: Hard to say because of course we never see the whole situation.  But I got the impression she thought Michelle was voting Figgy too, and we definitely saw her trying to count people.  Maybe the people she was completely sure of, and realizing it wasn't many.  Maybe she was given more information than we saw.  Maybe she had heard someone (Will, maybe) was not voting for Figgy but thought it didn't matter because Michelle would.  Perhaps we'll find out the whole story in Hannah's exit interview (hopefully post-finale!)

I also wanted to note that, even if Michelle was 100% on Michaela and Will, and she might have been, it was still smart of her to tell Hannah.  Again, why throw away a number for no reason.  If she didn't tell Hannah, Hannah would not trust her in the future.  Telling her this late ensured Hannah couldn't really disrupt the plan, but still Michelle included her in the vote, so they can still work together going forward.

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36 minutes ago, KimberStormer said:

What season after season is that?  I feel like "jocks and bimbos can't count, make small alliance, bimbos get voted out because something something challenge strength" is the classic, indeed by now rather tedious, scenario. 


The scenario in which the tribe correctly identifies a potential threat early on but invariably fails to dismantle it while it is still vulnerable, and instead settles for voting out some other poor sap.

Edited by millennium
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I liked Mari but was ok with her going home because I really think she was the right threat.  And Jay and Michaela were annoying me with their pronouncements of how awful a week one romance is.  I feel like someone fed them that line or they didn't watch many seasons because couples DO make it to the end.  In fact, it's rare that anyone makes it to the end without a strong ally and that ally is usually no huge secret.  

And this is week one.  What makes them a POWER couple?  They have no more power than anyone else.  Colleen and Greg bonked half of season one.  Were they a power couple?  Every season the condom supply dwindles.  It's cold at night and dull out there all day.  Parv voted out James.  Amber and Rob won.  There are no absolutes.  

What is a pretty shitty week one move is being the angry, confrontational shit-stirrer with no social game and no poker face.  Michaela.  I thought her 'keep the bunny in the hat' comment might've been a way of slut shaming, too.  Like, use your body as a carrot to manipulate men in the game, period.  Why she couldn't just tell Figgy what her problem with her was bugged me, too.  Ignoring that question while lobbing insult after insult is pretty immature.   I think she's vying for Head Villain role.  

I also don't really get the 'cool, pretty kids' vibe from Taylor/Figgy/Jay.  They're all pretty on that tribe.  Michelle is the prettiest, I think, with Jay being among the least attractive.  

I think Figgy was saddled with the nickname due to there being another Jessica so I don't fault her.  

Edited by Guest
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12 hours ago, blackwing said:

 One token black male, one token black female, one token Asian female, a vaguely Hispanic person or two, occasionally an Asian male, and a sea of white faces.  


9 hours ago, Ms Blue Jay said:

  Who accused the show of using non-whites as tokens?  

The male players are just as bossy as the female.  I never notice the women players being 'more bossy'.  I think people see that trait differently in different genders.  


I agree the males are just as bossy but "bossy," is the stated reason we get for those early boots time after time.  I can clearly remember Bobby Jon saying, "She's not the boss of me!   I'm a full grow man!"    The worst in my eyes was the woman (Asian BTW) from San Francisco who used her expertise as an architect to build the best shelter ever and then was kicked out first.  For being "bossy."  Therefore I think any woman who comes in on the first day giving orders is making an obvious mistake.  Another obvious mistake to anyone who as watched the shows (as they all should) is to volunteer that you are great at puzzles and then fail at it.  There is a long history in Survivor of evictions following such incidents.  Making those two mistakes the first day, shows either a lack of preparation or a serious inability to control ones mouth.

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17 hours ago, TaraS1 said:

I really, really can't stand Figgy.  She's way too, "I'm too pretty to get voted out, so I'm not even stressin' about it, man..." for me.  I just get waves of entitlement coming off of her and I hate people like that.

Totally agree with you. That smug smile left her face for a few seconds when her name kept coming up during the reading of the votes.

I think Mari got the boot because she herself said she has a hard time relating to people face-to-face. She's used to interacting on her computer. Having no social game will kill you on Survivor, and apparently that was her #1 problem.

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While there are informal rules on what players should do on Survivor, there are exceptions to each rule. This episode, it was a good idea for David to show his HII to Ken right off the bat. By doing that, he shows that he considers Ken a strong and trusted ally, lets Ken know that the alliance is not just with him, David, but with him + an additional power that can be used to shift the balance of power (if the 3 other guys were to approach Ken with the offer of "us 4 to the end", David has now offered him an alternative which goes beyond just him), and he also placed his trust in him to not reveal his secret, which I think I read for some people, notably introverts, makes them bond more solidly with the person confiding to them.

This pairing is the kind I love on Survivor and what I hoped for last week after David's edit. I hope they are savvy enough to play it as if they are not close, in order to get useful information. Seems like CiCi will join the new alliance, as she would, after being chosen as the rebound vote last week.

Now to the other tribe, well, a lot has been said already. While I would have preferred Mari to stay over Figgy, because Mari has had the edit of a real person and Figgy the edit of a stereotype, and because therefore Mari interested me more, it was a thing of beauty to see Michelle rally the troops and force another outcome. Her success blindsided me! When she initially said "But then we lose the numbers", I thought, er? what numbers? 4 against 6 is not having the numbers! But she managed to gain numbers, which I can't remember being done often from a minority position at the first TC - more often that not, it's more of a "shrug, that sucks, but at least it's not me, and anything can happen tomorrow". The fact that she's already thinking long game, *and* NOT primarily in order to get rid of someone who would be a threat at FTC (as is often done too early in the game) but in order to protect (and even increase?) a voting block that as a bonus included a shield is what makes it particularly impressive at this stage.

And as another exception to the informal rules of Survivoe, I think she may have made the right call in working on Hannah AT tribal, even though it was not without risks.

Otherwise, random little things:

I laughed out loud when David, having managed to light a fire, almost let it go when he choked on the smoke.

Impressed by Paul's swimming skills, especially after his collapse.

Impressed by Jay's persuasion skills. Even if the idea was not his, he made it work. (Which is all many a winner needed, for example Chris from Vanuatu).

So far, I see a few interesting strategies/moves being put in place, with still a lot of fluidity and potential for shifts. This season is shaping up well!

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4 hours ago, JudyObscure said:

Another obvious mistake to anyone who as watched the shows (as they all should) is to volunteer that you are great at puzzles and then fail at it.  

I can see both sides of this one.  If you're really not a strong physical competitor and you're more likely to be helpful by being one of the puzzle people on your tribe, I think it's ok to mention it but I'd make it clear that I wasn't claiming to be a wizard at all puzzle types.  The tribes really are best served by specialization of labor so hiding your aptitude or claiming to be good at nothing isn't going to serve you well, either.

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Ken, oh, Ken... finally someone who can wear boxer briefs without making me cringe in repulsion! And finally the editors don't blur out the junk region. Not that I'm a perv (well maybe a little), but the blurring over fabric always has the opposite intent of drawing attention to the area and making me wonder wtf could be so bad that they feel compelled to shield it from my virgin, unstained 21st-century eyes. Gag.

The natural way David tossed out those SAT-level words "nadir" and "zenith" had me giddy. Okay, I'm behind a pairing of those two. And am glad we're not seeing too much of Ken, as that's a sure kiss of death early boot edit.

I didn't mind ginger Gen X lawyer at first, but his puppy analogy was, well, odd. "It's like petting a puppy to keep him calm before you get rid of him." Uh, "get rid" of a puppy? Eep.

Anyone else find it unfair that moppy-haired Millennial guy had to swim the II out to Jeff before beginning a swimming challenge? He should have tossed it. And I dream of Probst going to catch it, right off the platform and into the water.

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52 minutes ago, Dewey Decimate said:

Anyone else find it unfair that moppy-haired Millennial guy had to swim the II out to Jeff before beginning a swimming challenge? He should have tossed it. And I dream of Probst going to catch it, right off the platform and into the water.

Even better would have been if he went all Jan Brady on the catch... that'd be glorious. If he just let it fall into the water some peon would have recovered it and we just would have had the exchange edited out of that show.

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7 minutes ago, Wandering Snark said:

Even better would have been if he went all Jan Brady on the catch... that'd be glorious. If he just let it fall into the water some peon would have recovered it and we just would have had the exchange edited out of that show.

I think that's exactly what happened - the FIRST filming of that scene was cut because Jeff muffed the catch of the idol.  Reshoot:  require a member of the Millennial team to swim it over to Jeff.

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13 hours ago, millennium said:

And while I'm asking questions, is it axiomatic that whoever goes looking for an idol will find one?   Did anyone ever doubt the little worm who found the magic coconut would turn up an idol?    


No, but it is axiomatic that whomever is shown looking for an idol will find one. Not enough time in the episode to show all the times people didn't find it, so the editors only choose the one that means anything.

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1 hour ago, Charlesman said:


No, but it is axiomatic that whomever is shown looking for an idol will find one. Not enough time in the episode to show all the times people didn't find it, so the editors only choose the one that means anything.

Very true, though there are rare cases where someone is shown looking for an idol and nearly finding it and then not.  I thought for a minute that might be what this one was.  

But yeah, any scene has got to have entertainment value or game impact to make the edit.  Unfruitful idol searches have neither.  

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1 hour ago, Winston9-DT3 said:


But yeah, any scene has got to have entertainment value or game impact to make the edit.  Unfruitful idol searches have neither.  

But they might discredit the perception that it takes 2-3 minutes to find them, or that the camera guys point them out to players, or that nobody searches for them anywhere except in the roots of trees or gaping crevices that may as well have neon arrows pointing at the hiding place.   The way things are currently portrayed, it seems that if you merely go looking for one you are virtually guaranteed to find it.   The only level of difficulty is concocting a pretense to slip away and search. 

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I say this pretty much every season at this point but I can't believe they found so many unpleasant people. I actually forgot this was on Wednesday and didn't watch until tonight.   This episode isn't making me anxious for next week. 

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Ken, oh, Ken... finally someone who can wear boxer briefs without making me cringe in repulsion! And finally the editors don't blur out the junk region. Not that I'm a perv (well maybe a little), but the blurring over fabric always has the opposite intent of drawing attention to the area and making me wonder wtf could be so bad that they feel compelled to shield it from my virgin, unstained 21st-century eyes. Gag.

The natural way David tossed out those SAT-level words "nadir" and "zenith" had me giddy. Okay, I'm behind a pairing of those two. And am glad we're not seeing too much of Ken, as that's a sure kiss of death early boot edit.

I didn't mind ginger Gen X lawyer at first, but his puppy analogy was, well, odd. "It's like petting a puppy to keep him calm before you get rid of him." Uh, "get rid" of a puppy? Eep.

Anyone else find it unfair that moppy-haired Millennial guy had to swim the II out to Jeff before beginning a swimming challenge? He should have tossed it. And I dream of Probst going to catch it, right off the platform and into the water.

Ken and David are this year's Fishbach and J.T. -- if J.T. had been a nerd with a stutter before he became Adonis. Ken went way up in my estimation by allying with the neurotic skinny guy and I'm looking forward to this alliance.

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On 9/29/2016 at 3:42 PM, blackwing said:

Mari's boot was ostensibly because she is a strategic player, but all of that came only from Michelle.  None of the others seemed to particularly think she was a threat.  In fact, many of the others seemed threatened by the so-called Power Couple.  Meanwhile, the pretty people alliance or whatever they are calling themselves (Figgy, Taylor, Jay) basically threaten Michaela into voting out Mari by flat out saying the Michaela is next to go if she doesn't vote with them.  I guess Michelle is calling the shots though.  She felt more threatened by Mari and her supposed strategic acumen, even though Mari wasn't particularly good in challenges (she did very poorly on her swim), than she did by a Power Couple who thinks they are calling the shots.

It only came from Michelle because Michelle is the only other one strategic enough to notice it and be threatened by it.  Even if she didn't have all the angles worked out yet, Mari was definitely one of the more strategic players on the tribe, and Michelle didn't have her in her pocket.  Further, the longer Mari stuck around, the more Michelle ran the risk of losing Hannah too.   It's not surprising at all that she'd keep the Power Couple over Mari--they're so busy making out and being oblivious to anything going on around them that Michelle essentially (for the moment anyway) owns their two votes as well.

I liked Mari and wish she's lasted longer.  I also get the impression that only she, Michelle, Hannah, and Michaela are really there to play, at least for the moment. I'd like to see them team up and take out the rest of the idiots who are there taking up space for no reason.  (Zeke can stay too.  I loved how giddy he was about making fire.)

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1 hour ago, Kerri Okie said:

I also get the impression that only she, Michelle, Hannah, and Michaela are really there to play, at least for the moment. I'd like to see them team up and take out the rest of the idiots who are there taking up space for no reason.

"Floaters better get a lifejacket!"™ It's an odd combo of people playing and people easily swayed. Hopefully they won't become a true Power Couple, because right now everyone else associated with them are the ones making moves to keep them safe, so it's hard to say they have "power" more like they have good minions.

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On Thursday, September 29, 2016 at 11:04 PM, KimberStormer said:

Hmm, I didn't get that impression, BUT if true, then that just means Jay played it all the better.  I'm not 100% sure how much credit to give Jay; he's so goofy, and was certainly ready to just go along to get along till Michelle took the reins, but I feel he did pretty darn well once he got that kick in the pants.  I really think getting both Figgy and Michaela together to tell them this news was brilliant.  

I fear that our favorite No Collar creep Vince Sly may have been the victim of this, indeed a frankenquote of it, though "As a coconut vendor, I seek truth" is so beautiful a sentence that I don't really mind.



I was also of the impression that the conversation was not so much "Michaela's next" but that she could be if voting Figgy out didn't calm her down, so major props to Jay for twisting that and arranging that sit down with him, Figgy and Michaela. I don't think I've ever seen that on a competitive reality show and I thought it was brilliant. 

As for Michaela. I floved her post-kiss confessional, but I fear she's playing into the angry black woman stereotype and if she continues down that road, I'd rather see her go.

I think I'm going to put "As a coconut vendor, I seek truth" in my work email signature.

Does anybody else think Zeke may be trans? Not that there's anything wrong with that, just a hunch. I'm usually a late poster so I'm not sure if anyone's mentioned this already.

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On ‎9‎/‎29‎/‎2016 at 7:55 AM, innocuouspuff said:

My favourite moment: the millenials basically claiming they invented casual sexual contact. They're okay with hooking up! which no generation before them has ever thought of doing, of course.

All that sexual revolution stuff is just unread history in their books.  They are the firsties!

Four pages and no one else remarked on all the belly flops?  I've never seen so many people unable to dive!

The main thing they eat is coconut, so that fits in a roots, berries, and vegetation diet.  But most of them aren't vegan and bodies crave protein.  Are the people who object to seeing fishing scenes all vegans? 

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I think it may have all started when we were pretending they were shipwrecked in just what they happened to have on.  Maybe when it was pirate time with Rupert  in a flowered skirt?  I know I'm over it.  Even though they know they're going to end up in their underwear we always have some  women in such skimpily cut bras they fall out of them during challenges and girls like Figgy who choose pink or beige so they will be sure to look as naked as possible. We see what you're doing there and it only looks good till it's all covered in mud streaks.  I can't even talk about the men in their no-support underwear.  I've trained myself not to look.

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Because for the first week their undies still have some elastic, some color, some fit and are not streaked in stains?  

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38 minutes ago, azshadowwalker said:

I have never seen a woman in a light colored bra and thought she was trying to look naked

How many women have you seen out in public in their bras?  The cast members all know they will be wearing their underwear  on national TV and they probably spend some time deciding what bra to buy to wear  for weeks on "Survivor."  There are lots of sporty bras that give good support and coverage and come in dark colors and designs -- all of which would look more like a halter top than a bra.  So why chose a very lingerie looking, flesh colored bra?

36 minutes ago, azshadowwalker said:

I guess I am just strange that way.

Maybe I'm the strange one then, but when the camera is back a little bit from Figgy, I always think she's topless for a split second.

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3 hours ago, azshadowwalker said:

I have never seen a woman in a light colored bra and thought she was trying to look naked. 

Well, they do call that color 'nude'.

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4 hours ago, JudyObscure said:

there are lots of sporty bras that give good support and coverage and come in dark colors and designs -- all of which would look more like a halter top than a bra.  So why chose a very lingerie looking, flesh colored bra?

I agree but I have a feeling it's part of what they are "encouraged" to do, like guys are encouraged to wear suits for some reason as nobody would choose to do so. That we see so many non-functional supports year after year is telling I think.

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4 hours ago, JudyObscure said:

How many women have you seen out in public in their bras?  The cast members all know they will be wearing their underwear  on national TV and they probably spend some time deciding what bra to buy to wear  for weeks on "Survivor."  There are lots of sporty bras that give good support and coverage and come in dark colors and designs -- all of which would look more like a halter top than a bra.  So why chose a very lingerie looking, flesh colored bra?

Maybe I'm the strange one then, but when the camera is back a little bit from Figgy, I always think she's topless for a split second.

From what I've read they have no choice on what they wear on the show.  The producers pretty much tell them what to wear period.

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4 hours ago, Wandering Snark said:

I agree but I have a feeling it's part of what they are "encouraged" to do, like guys are encouraged to wear suits for some reason as nobody would choose to do so. That we see so many non-functional supports year after year is telling I think.

If I ever were on Survivor, I would definitely go in with a pantsuit (I'm a woman), even if I had to convince TPTB beforehand that being a lawyer/banker/what have you to justify it was my whole persona. You have sleeves, and pants, and another layer under the jacket (shirt, blouse, ideally a shirt with sleeves you can roll up). I've always thought the "suit guys" had an unfair advantage here.

Edited by NutMeg
bad spelling
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Well darn, I hope the producers don't force them to wear dumb things, because I've always thought their clothing choices told a little bit about them.  My favorite was Ami, who wore an elastic waisted, long, green skirt of some soft fabric.  At night she pulled it up over her head  and could get her whole body in there.

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1 hour ago, JudyObscure said:

Well darn, I hope the producers don't force them to wear dumb things, because I've always thought their clothing choices told a little bit about them. 

I'm fairly sure it's pretty much common knowledge that Production basically tells them what to wear.

Edited by peachmangosteen
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34 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:

I' fairly sure  it's pretty much common knowledge that Production basically tells them what to wear.

Agree.  I don't recall whether it was here or back in the TWoP boards, but there was some (third-hand, I'm sure, so grain of salt) information that Production vetted the clothes that each contestant showed up for filming with.  Presumably if the result of that vetting left only things that would've driven the pixelation budget through the roof, they decided it was cheaper to give them some fabric that at least minimally kept everything in.  

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From the very little bit that past contestants have said about it, my sense of it is that they bring in a lot of clothing and then a PA goes through it with them and tells them what they can wear and what they can't. If Production disallows a necessary item, like a swimsuit, then they'll provide one. For example, Special Agent Phil was told to bring in clothes that had a lot of red/pink in them, which he did, but a lot of it was disapproved and Production gave him the hot pink briefs to wear. So choosing clothing requires some strategy too. The players have to bring in things that are going to be useful, but I'm guessing that if they bring in very useful items, like those pants where the legs zip off so they can be shorts that someone wore in an early season, then a PA is likely to take that away and replace it with a thong just to be evil.

Edited by fishcakes
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5 hours ago, fishcakes said:

From the very little bit that past contestants have said about it, my sense of it is that they bring in a lot of clothing and then a PA goes through it with them and tells them what they can wear and what they can't. If Production disallows a necessary item, like a swimsuit, then they'll provide one. For example, Special Agent Phil was told to bring in clothes that had a lot of red/pink in them, which he did, but a lot of it was disapproved and Production gave him the hot pink briefs to wear. So choosing clothing requires some strategy too. The players have to bring in things that are going to be useful, but I'm guessing that if they bring in very useful items, like those pants where the legs zip off so they can be shorts that someone wore in an early season, then a PA is likely to take that away and replace it with a thong just to be evil.

Reason no. 542 that I could never be on Survivor.  I'd bring  all this excellent technical, camping clothing, and end up wearing a thong on national TV.  :-X

Of course, I'm a middle aged female, so I'd go home first anyone...

Edited by Special K
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I'll probably be back next week, but Gen-X are so supremely unlikeable, and now the Cool Kids run the Millennials against all reason. If things don't get switched up soon, I may peace out early.


I think that´s a very millennial way to think, that the cool kids are actually cool, not the slackers, cynics, etc. I was over 20 when Survivor first aired and I barely make it into Generation X. There was a generation Y once too, but I guess that is just called Millennials now...  However, I quite like the younger group and I´m glad the better looking ones get to stay. This is tv after all.

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I hate working Wednesday nights, I can't talk with you guys!
first of all - I don't like Team TriForce (though I think Figgy looks a little like Natalie Portman). Michelle is totally sneaky (love it). Michalea's "why would you do that." preach it girlfriend. 

to the comment of "would love to have production not see a survivor get the idol." I think they have to show it on television. 1 - to get it ratified and that it is in their possession. this way if anything happens they can pull back tape and go."no so and so found it." (case in point people who hide it in the woods after the find it - if someone comes behind them and finds it, I think Person A is the one who claims England on it - though i'd  love to see that scenario play out one day)  just as all idol transactions needs to be done on camera, to show ownership, and transference of the idol, or you'll have so many. "well I had the idol, you know, BUT...

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