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S02.E05: Revenge Of The Queens

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19 minutes ago, OhSayNow said:

I found this article explaining that Logo wants to keep this episode for themselves.  Blergh, I wish they would at least allow VH1 to air it at a later date. My cable company moved Logo to a higher package, so I am super bummed.  

I read that site religiously, which is why I knew about this.

I LOVE THIS SEASON. The right ones stayed and the right one went home.

I know Roxxy has been given a lot of chances, being in the bottom. But, saying this as someone who's done both improv and standup, as the emcee she had the hardest job of anyone, and I thought she did pretty well. PhiPhi and Coco did a scene study that wasn't the least bit funny in any way. Bye, girls.

  • Love 6

Dear GOD Phi Phi is exhausting. Best possible outcome, for sure. And now they should be back on schedule from Adore leaving, but I can't shake the feeling that there was something wonky about that. Did they move challenges around? Otherwise, if Adore hadn't left, there wouldn't have been pairs for the shequels.

PhiPhi knew she was toast the entire episode. Her face said it all. All the way through. She's still too thin-skinned for this business. Loved Alyssa choosing Alaska, even though Alaska was the one who sent her packing. Classy queen.

  • Love 17

So, I'm actually crying over the results. Granted my monthly Red Wedding is imminent, but that lip sync, goddamn! This is why I get weepy at women's gymnastics during the Olympics, too; I just love seeing when talent and putting in the work culminates into something big. 

As I was watching the lip sync (and thank God we got at least one lip sync for your life, that urgency is so critical and makes the other lip syncs this season lackluster imho), I kept thinking Tatianna was actually outshining Alyssa, which is nearly impossible to do, and prayed for a double shantay because they both turned it. And Ru delivered! And even knowing they kind of needed to make up for Adore's exit, number-wise, I was completely shocked and delighted. 

Roxxxy did do the worst, and she almost has to be next in the boot order (Tati better stick around!), but I'm not at all sad to see Phi Phi go. Drag Race is not the venue for her. I'm sure she's intelligent, but she's not witty, and she doesn't have a sense of humor. She can't roll with the bullshit production pulls, and she can't read a queen back, she just gets defensive and petulant. After spoiling her elimination on Twitter earlier today, and supposedly refusing to film the reunion, it's pretty clear the franchise will be done with her. She needs to go the Willam route at this point, since I doubt she'll be getting much shine on Drag Race tours or related bookings. Keep plugging away at Instagram, start doing cosplay makeup tutorials and challenges on YouTube. Performing isn't her gig, but that doesn't mean it's over.

Also, I'm glad I won't have to see any more of Phi Phi's characters. I get that she herself is Latina, but she did that chola shit in S4 too, and on top of that dreadful "the Help" Sarah Palin shit, it's uncomfortable and offensive. You can cleverly play off of stereotypes, but she ain't clever. 

  • Love 9

This episode was amazing!  I was living for Tati, from her standup routine with Detox to her lipsync and THAT OUTFIT!  She totally won her redemption, and Alyssa too, but Tati's triumph is meteoric from where she was before AS2.  I still want Tati for top 3, so badly!   That was definitely one of the best lipsyncs ever, and the best All stars episode to date!  I'm so glad they both stayed.

Coco and PP's routine was borderline offensive (pp's horrible accent and stereotypes) and deeply unfunny; they didn't even go the step further and have Coco actually smear the crushed cheetos onto Pp's face.    Roxxy was sad, she tried way too hard.  Ginger did mess up, even though Katya was always funny.  I definitely think that Detox and Tati edged out Alaska and Alyssa.

No editor on this planet could create someone as vile, self-absorbed, petty, immature and toxic as PP.  But honestly...as she says, her behavior in S4 was actually all Sharon's (and Willam's and Jiggly's, and Chads...and did I forget someone? oh yeah, the editors as well) fault, and now everyone else is also to blame for her stank attitude and shitty performances.  It's so ironic that she would claim someone else is 'playing the victim' given the way she's behaved since the airing of the show.  I really hope that circus clown who subbed for Bianca last year is available to take her seat at the reunion.  Ru needs to mark her absence with a funny, fabulous celebration!

Edited by Glade
  • Love 7
2 minutes ago, Cosmic Muffin said:

Good episode. I believe P2 is Filipino, which makes the choice of accent a little worse.

I was rooting for P2 to have grown outside the show, and to have figured out how to play the game. I'm sorry she's worse off for having been on this show. Adore might be a bit relieved though...takes some heat off of her.

Sad about P2. Saw her in May with Bots. She seemed happy, relaxed, PROFESSIONAL, and like she was having a good time during the ensemble comedy routines like Snatch Game. Maybe it's competition that brings out her bad side, I don't know.

Yay, Tati is back!!! It was fun to see her and Alyssa lipsyncing together, they both *brought it*. 

Alyssa's playing that media game like a pro, picking Alaska to pair up with again. And Alaska was smart to make sure everything came back to her for the punch line. 

I swear they spend like a day of shooting dedicated to Michelle making various stank faces so they can splice it in as needed. Drag knows she goes in on herself plenty when they're touring. 

Phi Phi did not get how to do this at all, she came out looking worse than before, which I didn't think was possible.

  • Love 3
2 hours ago, kieyra said:

I thought I was onto all of the show's little tricks at this point, but this one was a heart-stopper. I was SURE Ru was going to give the win to Alyssa because Ru is convinced Alyssa is a star--even though Tati destroyed that lip sync. I'll accept the double win, though.

God this season is tense. 

IKR? Alyssa did her usual thing at the stand up routine and was solid(the way editors infused soo many laughs at it didnt match the actual performance for me tho), but Tatiana once again surprised us being one of the most funny (for me, Tatiana and Detox killed it, Katya, Alaska and Alyssa did their thing and the other ones suffered) and I was expecting her to not stand a chance at all on a lip-sync against Alyssa, but damm, she not only matched Alyssa high standards for lip-sync but also out shined her in moments. But like you said, I´m good with the double win.

Edited by CaioF
  • Love 2

Phi Phi - BYE BITCH! Can I get an AMEN?  Muahahahahaha.  Sorry Phi Phi, your redemption arc did not go as planned.  I only wish Tati had chosen Roxxy but I feel sure she is on the way out... anyway.

Ginger and Katya are both funny but I did not think their comedy act would go well.  And I was right.  Tati and Detox were by far the best act, they both destroyed.  Roxxy is so beautiful but yet again, so unfunny. 

Thank God both Alyssa and Tati are back, they were both so good I kept thinking oh Ru - how can you possibly decide...???!!!  I feel sure that Roxxy will go home next week.  These changing rules really do inject a lot of fun into the show - I love these twists!!

  • Love 3

I wasn't sure what to expect when Ru kept promising the eliminated queens that they would have a chance for revenge, but this was awesome. All of the eliminated queens had a chance to win back their spots, we saw an awesome LSFYL, Ru let both Alyssa and Tatianna return, AND we got rid of Phi Phi. That was more awesomeness than I expected in a single episode.

Phi Phi is such a delusional hypocrite. I couldn't believe that she was accusing Alyssa of playing the victim when that's all Phi Phi has done. I thought it was possible that she truly regretted her actions from her original season and had come back to show us that she had changed, but she is the same stank bitch she ever was. I'm glad that so many of the other queens saw through her shit stirring whisper campaigns. It's exhausting for me just to watch Phi Phi on my screen for an hour so I can only imagine what an ordeal it must have been for the queens to have to deal with her bitching for hours on end day after day. As relieved as I am not to have to see her shady shit anymore, some of them must have been cackling with glee over that elimination.

I totally cracked up when Roxxxy compared the mirror reveal after Phi Phi's rant about Alyssa to when high school bitches call someone and get them to talk shit about someone else and then reveal dun dun DUUUUUUUN, the third girl has been listening on three way calling the whole time!

I loved that after Ru said, "It's time to lip sync FOR YOUR LIFE!" she added that she's missed saying that. Alyssa and Tatianna were so fun to watch. I thought they were pretty even and then Tati started pulling ahead. I was really glad when Ru said they were both staying.

  • Love 9

I'm over the moon this morning.  that was as perfect a 45 minutes of television as I've ever seen.  holy carp. 

Alaska looked SO beautiful on stage.  Just breathtaking.  As did Tati during the lip synch.  Stunning.  And that LSFYL/L was incredible. I was chanting SAVE BOTH SAVE BOTH SAVE BOTH PLEASE RU and she DID! Oh wow. Then the perfect capper of Phi2's elimination. 

I'm not mad at Roxxxxxxxxxy's performance. She's not a comedienne. She looked great and did a decent job of hosting. Bringing Tasha Salad back was a smart move. I expect she'll be next to go.

Really felt bad for Coco being paired with Phi2. But her line about Clinton hugging Trump was hilarious. I like Coco but she was a prop in this season.

Ginger.  She's funny, a terrific performer, glamour toad realness all the livelong day but just not on the same level.  Katya was the funnier of the two by far. 

Could not make out a word Detox was saying so I missed most of her jokes. 

Phi2.  Wow. The routine was unfortunate. I really think some therapy would help her a lot but she isn't self-aware enough to seek help. I mostly feel bad for her at this point but that outfit was tragic in so many ways.

Finally, loved seeing all the past queens in the audience. can't wait to rewatch!

  • Love 2

ITA, Electric Boogaloo, with your whole post. Besides Roxxxy's glorious OG remove her wig to reveal another wig moment during her season, her description of Phi Phi, high school and the 3-way phone line was her best moment on this show. So, so glad both Tati and Alyssa won the LSFYL and the right to return to the competition, I had trouble focusing on just one of them since for me, they both owned that main stage. Also LOVED how Alyssa refused to sink to Phi's level. I would say I hope Phi Phi will learn from this, grow as a person, etc etc but she won't. Buh-bye, you bitter pill, you.

  • Love 7

I am SO glad to have PhiPhi gone. I watch RPDR for the entertainment, because it's always fun and fabulous and often very sweet (yes, sweet.) But anytime PhiPhi is on screen, I remember what RuPaul said to one contestant (might have been LaGanja, whom I couldn't stand, either):

"If you're going to be a drag queen, you've got to make people like you!"

Phi2's endless complaining and endless petty drama and endlessly making it all about herself instead of about the art of drag and the art of entertainment was just boring and exhausting. I am SO glad she's gone (did I say that already?)

Now I can concentrate on Katya, always my favorite, and on Alaska, whom I did not care for at first but who's totally won me over now. I'll be pretty stunned if she doesn't win.

"Now, bring back my girlzzzzzzzzzzz!"

  • Love 4
2 hours ago, Kaboom 2.0 said:

ITA, Electric Boogaloo, with your whole post. Besides Roxxxy's glorious OG remove her wig to reveal another wig moment during her season, her description of Phi Phi, high school and the 3-way phone line was her best moment on this show. So, so glad both Tati and Alyssa won the LSFYL and the right to return to the competition, I had trouble focusing on just one of them since for me, they both owned that main stage. Also LOVED how Alyssa refused to sink to Phi's level. I would say I hope Phi Phi will learn from this, grow as a person, etc etc but she won't. Buh-bye, you bitter pill, you.

She's in interviews now claiming Rupaul ignores the girls and now is dead to her after posting a shady(but hilarious) meme.


She also seems convinced all the producers just love her and promised her a redemption edit, even though she also claims they were setting her up and giving her leading questions and blah blah blah.  She ALSO says she knew the people who hated her were always going to hate her (to which, I ask, what then is the point of "redemption"? you can't redeem yourself to fans. They're ALREADY FANS. )


Long story not so long...Phi Phi has grown exactly 0 millimeters.

  • Love 3

Phi Phi is a mess. Good riddance to bad rubbish!

Tatianna killed that lip sync! I'm so happy to see her back in the competition and thrilled she is getting this second (now third) opportunity. I love Alyssa too and commend her for keeping it professional and not even entertaining Phi Phi's foolishness.

Alaska continues to be my everything.

  • Love 3

God help me, I actually liked Roxxxy in this ep. She wasn't funny, but bless her heart, she gave it a shot. I did appreciate the sheer quantity of salad jokes she managed to make, on an ironic level.

PhiPhi was so godawful stank that I never want to see her again. 

Alaska is a genius, and I greatly enjoyed her deadpan "BAM." then the camera cut to Alexis Mateo. I miss that queen. "I'm a fucking drag queen! BAM!" Yes, you are, madam. 

Porkchop looking pissed cracked me up so hard I almost peed mah pants.

  • Love 6

Although the show might as well have had a banner at the bottom that said "COCO AND PHIPHI ARE NOT FUNNY!" for as obvious as the editing was, it was still painful how unfunny they were. And both of them, on the show, have a history of making bad decisions and sticking to them. I'm glad they're both gone for good. Also, PhiPhi's lie about this being her first time in the bottom! No, she was in the bottom the first episode!

Roxxy had had the toughest role and she didn't do well but it wasn't for lack of effort. Still, I think she's deserved her place at the bottom. She has redeemed herself this season though. 

My hands and fingers were tired from so much clapping and snapping at the lip sync! That was amazing, and they actually made a stupid song into something worth watching.

Honey Mahogany hosts the watch party I attend, and she said that for as crazy as she is, Alyssa is very genuine--her telling PhiPhi that she's incredibly talented isn't bullshit. In both good and bad ways, I don't think there's more to Alyssa than meets the eye. We get 100% of her and that's pretty compelling. 

  • Love 6
2 hours ago, Watermelon said:

She's in interviews now claiming Rupaul ignores the girls and now is dead to her after posting a shady(but hilarious) meme.


She also seems convinced all the producers just love her and promised her a redemption edit, even though she also claims they were setting her up and giving her leading questions and blah blah blah.  She ALSO says she knew the people who hated her were always going to hate her (to which, I ask, what then is the point of "redemption"? you can't redeem yourself to fans. They're ALREADY FANS. )


Long story not so long...Phi Phi has grown exactly 0 millimeters.

P2, despite being on this very same reality show a few years earlier, apparently doesn't know how reality TV works.


Yeah, her proof to Vulture that the producers screwed with her is saying they made her stand near the mirror, then asked her how she felt about Alyssa/encouraged her to keep talking about Alyssa. Dude, that's how reality TV works. Unless they handed her a script and told her to trash talk Alyssa, all they did was give her enough rope with which to hang herself.

I'm sure when she was approached to come on the show, she was all, "I wanna redeem myself!" and the producers were all, "Sure. Great!" Then filming started and P2 went back to her usual shady talk/actions, and the producers ran with it. They are free to do that. They were under no obligation to tailor the editing so P2 looked good and redeemed. They are only required to make the show as entertaining as possible, and they can only work with what you give them. She could be benefiting from a kind edit, but Roxxy seems to have figured out what to do and I don't see any of the angry/shady Roxxy from season five. Again, maybe she's getting a kind edit, but I think it is more the case that she honestly wanted to be better this time around and is smart enough to not sit around and talk trash about people if that is her goal.

P2 is not cut out for this sort of thing, and he should really stay away (though I can't imagine that the offers are pouring in). She feels threatened in this competitive environment, goes into survival mode, and starts lashing out and lying. As soon as she saw the eliminated queens were coming back she was practically shaking, because she knew she had a target on her back (though probably didn't realize that she was the one who put it there). I died when Alyssa told her that she received reports that P2 threw people under the bus in season four, and P2 came back with "I didn't throw people under the bus! Sharon did! Even Alaska would say so!" Okay, even if they edited out all the times Sharon allegedly threw people under the bus, the producers didn't fabricate P2 leading Jiggly in the wrong direction and then going up to other queens and sniggering about it. And even if Sharon were guilty, I sincerely doubt Alaska would say so publicly, because even though they are no longer in a relationship she and Sharon have (at least publicly) been very supportive and respectful of each other (and the Instagram video Sharon posted last night throwing shade at P2 while lightly poking at Alaska for allegedly tattling on her also suggests that is the case).

As far as her claiming to be hurt that Ru unfollowed her on Twitter, all I can think is "What did you expect?" Ru was the hand feeding her, and P2 bit her. Ru is under no obligation to stick by someone who trashes her. The timing of her freakout is also interesting. She is claiming that at the time of filming she was so upset that she wanted to pull an Adore and leave. Yet, not a peep about any of this until now, despite it being filmed a year ago. So this feels like she was fine with how things played out until the show started to air and she got upset at her edit and/or she's just timing everything for the most exposure, which makes her outrage seem less than genuine.


Oof. On to non-P2 news. So, so glad that both Tati and Alyssa got to stay. I really think they are both great. Coco just wasn't going to stay no matter who her partner was, and Ginger just doesn't seem to be firing on all cylinders right now. Roxxy didn't do well, but she had a hard part and she did try hard. Detox and Tati were great. And Alaska was incredibly smart to just let Alyssa be Alyssa and punctuate Alyssa's insanity with her own punchlines. 

Edited by Kostgard
  • Love 8
4 hours ago, buttercupia said:

Phi2.  Wow. The routine was unfortunate. I really think some therapy would help her a lot but she isn't self-aware enough to seek help. I mostly feel bad for her at this point but that outfit was tragic in so many ways.

It honestly wouldn't surprise me at all to find out that she's been in therapy for years and years.

The thing is, she's probably the type who just wants therapy to be an extended discussion of how victimized she's been (while enjoying having a captive audience of one to listen to her talk about herself). And she'd probably go through a whole slew of therapists until she found one that would coddle her and feed her ego, instead of asking difficult questions, or challenging her treatment of others.

Speaking of which, has she ever shown any concern for how her behavior toward other season 4 contestants made them miserable? Or has it all been about how she came across, and how tough that's been for her? Roxxxy, to her credit, acknowledges that she was awful to Jinkx. But I've only heard Phi Phi talk about her it affected her.

Her comment about Sharon being the one to throw her under the bus spoke volumes.

  • Love 6

She's in interviews now claiming Rupaul ignores the girls and now is dead to her after posting a shady(but hilarious) meme.

I thought that was tacky. Ru is in a position of much greater power. Yes, Phi Phi is not behaving in a savvy way. But all the queens trash talk and that's about all Phi Phi's actually done this season. Her main crime seems to be that she's not funny whereas other people are. But the result of her non-funniness is that Phi Phi's career is in jeopardy, and she's receiving a serious online hate. IMHO, it's crappy for Ru to pile onto that instead of trying to dampen the flames. 

Although I do think it's perfectly justified for Ru to never hire Phi Phi again for anything WOW related. That's reasonable and kind of obvious.

Anyway, I feel bad for Phi Phi because she is a talented performer, and it sounds like in real life non-competition settings, she's a perfectly professional drag queen. That's the real Phi Phi every bit as much as the angry, competition-stressed Phi Phi. 

In happier news, I am thrilled that Tatianna is getting another chance to show how awesome she is and to raise her profile. 

  • Love 2

I live in the DC area, where Tatianna regularly performs, and it's been really remarkable to watch her progress over the years. For a while, I've been telling people that Tatianna's performance skills had increased considerably, and sometimes they seemed very reluctant to believe me!

Edited by Blakeston
  • Love 4

Now I understand why LOGO wanted this episode for itself.  It. Was. Everything!!  Only Roxxxy exiting could have made it better.

Alyssa…BEAST.  Alaska…her's to lose.  And Tatiana & Detox…Killed. It.  I could not stop laughing during either set.

Ding dong, the least talented is gone!  Bye, Pheef…I won't miss you.  The victim act was annoying and the blaming all others was old back in season 4.

  • Love 2
1 hour ago, Blakeston said:

I live in the DC area, where Tatianna regularly performs, and it's been really remarkable to watch her progress over the years. For a while, I've been telling people that Tatianna's performance skills had increased considerably, and sometimes they seemed very reluctant to believe me!

Saw her in 2014 there. Was not surprised to see her own that lip-sync last night. :)

1 hour ago, Zuleikha said:

I thought that was tacky. Ru is in a position of much greater power. Yes, Phi Phi is not behaving in a savvy way. But all the queens trash talk and that's about all Phi Phi's actually done this season. Her main crime seems to be that she's not funny whereas other people are. But the result of her non-funniness is that Phi Phi's career is in jeopardy, and she's receiving a serious online hate. IMHO, it's crappy for Ru to pile onto that instead of trying to dampen the flames. 

Although I do think it's perfectly justified for Ru to never hire Phi Phi again for anything WOW related. That's reasonable and kind of obvious.

Anyway, I feel bad for Phi Phi because she is a talented performer, and it sounds like in real life non-competition settings, she's a perfectly professional drag queen. That's the real Phi Phi every bit as much as the angry, competition-stressed Phi Phi. 

In happier news, I am thrilled that Tatianna is getting another chance to show how awesome she is and to raise her profile. 

Amen.  I spend a lot of time watching and posting on Real Housewives topics and even those fans can't hold a candle to the horribleness dished out by fans of RPDR, on YouTube, Facebook and Twitter, and I guess it's coming from the top.   The bullying of queens given the villain edit on Drag Race, no matter how well deserved that portrayal is, has got to stop.  Virtually all the queens that were supposedly "victimized" by Phi Phi and Roxxy have come out in support of them.  Sharon has said multiple times she's friends with Phi Phi and has no hard feelings, and Jinxxx to this day tweets support and love for Roxxy.  This from Jiggly, one of the many tweets and facebook posts from her in support of Phi Phi and against cyber bullying.



Jiggly Caliente ‏@JigglyCaliente Sep 9 Columbus, OH

People need to chill the fck out with the hate they spew on social media. 1 its ONLY a tv show . 2 these are ACTUAL people not actors. Chill

18 retweets 110 likes



4 hours ago, butterbody said:

just popped in to phi's IG page to ask her if she knows what play the victim means, and it appears she has taken down all her pics. Maybe she's getting more "death threats".

Phi Phi does get "death threats".  Death threats over a reality tv show about and by gay people with a large gay audience.  How ironic.

Edited by zulualpha
  • Love 2

Bye Phi-phi-Lecia.  Not mad you gone. Glad you remained true to the end with your salty exit.  Whatever damage control you intended by coming back to the show to “redeem” your image is done.  The sad thing is that she can’t blame anyone but herself. She is a mediocre queen that her shadiness and conniving could have been tolerated if she was fierce and backed it up on the runway but alas it wasn’t.  Bye Gurl bye! Poor Roxxxy I think she know she's next.  I wonder what her spiral and acting out moment will be…


As long as Tati is back (YAY!) I guess I can be OK with Alyssa too.  Don’t get me wrong I would never take anything away from her talent but she drains me.  Everything is one step too extra and that wears me down.  Like in the LSFYL.  I don’t know how many death falls she did (I don’t think they are actually called that LOL) but for me it was about 3 too many.  Tati was wiping the floor with her in her performance and Alyssa’s reeked of desperation. And yes it was battle to stay in the competition so she probably was desperate but that desperation shouldn’t come through.   Tati oozed a sexiness and subtlety that I couldn’t take my eyes off of and was pissed when the camera left her.  Alyssa’s performance was too forced.  In some ways I was left feeling that Tati was performing for the audience where Alyssa performance screamed "Hey Hey I'm over here! look at me I'm using all the stage. I can crawl on the stage if you like that! Do you like that? How about these death drops! Wow I am doing so much my ill fitting wig is getting in my face"     

  • Love 1
6 hours ago, Zuleikha said:

I thought that was tacky. Ru is in a position of much greater power. Yes, Phi Phi is not behaving in a savvy way. But all the queens trash talk and that's about all Phi Phi's actually done this season. Her main crime seems to be that she's not funny whereas other people are. But the result of her non-funniness is that Phi Phi's career is in jeopardy, and she's receiving a serious online hate. IMHO, it's crappy for Ru to pile onto that instead of trying to dampen the flames. 

Ru has said it from day 1: Her show, her rules. From what has been written over the years, I gather that the only interaction that Ru has had with any of the contestants is what we see on TV. They are not friends, and she is not their mentor outside of what happens when the cameras are rolling. She is rightly unapologetic about this, and apparently only comments when she means to state her business.

Now, will somebody please post a link to where RU said what she said that seems to have made some of her fans join Team Phi2, because finding it is beyond the ability of my social media searching skills.

  • Love 2

I was so excited when they announced a stand-up challenge because I work as a comic, but this was more of a sketch comedy challenge. Which was fine! Alaska and Alyssa were the only ones who being themselves onstage, but Detox and Tati had me laughing more.

Roxxy faltered but, as has been said before, MCing is the most thankless job of the show.

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