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S18.E40: Live Eviction 14

Tara Ariano
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Nicole to Corey re Victor/Paul being nominated:

"Look, we're down to Final 5, what do you want?"

Uhhhhh, maybe it was your honoring a Final 4 deal, you simpering piece of shit. 

ETA Oops, sorry, that should have been posted on last night's thread. But she's still a simpering piece of shit.

Edited by TimWil
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My only regret is that Corey and Nicole weren't nominated together during a normal week so that we could enjoy Nicole's whining and crying and claims that Corey's a nice person who doesn't deserve it. I wanted butthurt. 

Paul, please learn how to open a bottle of champagne and pour it. 

As to that jury footage? Yeah. Don't bring someone's kids into it, Paulie. That's just really fucking low. 

Edited by Callaphera
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So it seems that Day does not care for Paulie. She handled that really poorly, and I'm glad she acknowledged that fact. But I have to say, there's something about Paulie which makes me want to smack him. In the face. Repeatedly. And it's only 20% his stupid hair. Oh, Zak. You really could do SO much better. Hopefully she wakes up once she's out of a controlled environment with him.

The jury was the only interesting thing about tonight. An extremely "meh" final three for me. At least the vacant waste of space that is Corey is gone! I've got that to be thankful for. 

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From Corey's lips, "My strategy was if there are any vets, hook up with them."  Having those vets has ruined the season.  I have absolutely no desire to watch lazy James or whiney Nicole win a half million dollars for doing nothing.

Every time Paulie says, "be a certain way,"  I want to strangle him.   It means nothing,  Paulie.  If you can't think of an adjective just shut up.

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The first part of the argument sounded and looked kind of rehearsed. Like maybe it was setup. But then it took an ugly turn because of Paulie. Paulie is to blame for what happened. Honestly, I want to punch him in his smug, bloated face. I hope that someone, like maybe Zak's brother, punches him really hard after this.

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Off the fight subject.....I'm always impressed by how these HG can remember the days of.........EVERYTHING! I mean two or three days but 30, 40, 50, 60, 70 & 88. LOL!!! Seriously, I couldn't do it and I would be sitting right next to James.

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I couldn't do it for every day either, but I think I heard James mutter to himself that he should have studied.  I expect they give the hamsters a list of all the questions and answers for the comp so they can memorize them if they take a little time.

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Well, ya know I have to feel a little bad for Corey ya know? Cause ya know he should have won since he has ya know really long legs but ya know he didn't know his last number ya know? And that ya know was a tough way to go out ya know?

I do believe Paul said "Love you, my dude" to Corey.

One of my H.S. teachers refused to grade on a curve because he "Didn't want to sniff a bunch of piles of shit to determine which smelled best." That's how I feel about this Final 3. But then I always find the end game rarely 'rewards' the best player of the season and in no way is it usually the most likeable either. No exception this year.

Paulie is a douche of epic proportion and Z is right behind him and didn't care how he was talking to her former best friend until she brought Z into it then she got upset. I'm mainly upset nobody told him to stop, just took sides in escalating the argument. Nobody won that one, everyone looked bad, even Nat who didn't say a word and stayed out of it.

Oh and I forgot to say that, what's the name used for someone who is the opposite of a comp beast? Because whatever it is James should have it tattoo'd on his forehead coming in next time.

Edited by Wandering Snark
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Just now, JudyObscure said:

I couldn't do it for every day either, but I think I heard James mutter to himself that he should have studied.  I expect they give the hamsters a list of all the questions and answers for the comp so they can memorize them if they take a little time.

Nope. It's just understood that final 4 HoH is the days comp and some people start studying from the first week in the house. I mean, we joke about production "helping" people out and maybe sometimes they do, but this is pretty standard BB. 

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I have never been in a physical fight with anyone ever (not counting my brother when we were kids). I too really want to smack Paulie really hard.  What inspires this?  I've known mysoginist assholes whom I've not wanted to hit, so what it is with him? Also, Natalie orchestrated Paulie's own downfall  yet he dismisses her as "someone who isn't a threat." Again---SMACK!

I think James will be taken to finals no matter who wins final HOH.

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4 minutes ago, JudyObscure said:

I couldn't do it for every day either, but I think I heard James mutter to himself that he should have studied.  I expect they give the hamsters a list of all the questions and answers for the comp so they can memorize them if they take a little time.

Nah, that's always a comp. And they really don't have anything else to do -- I'd be spending time every day going over what's happened so far and when. 

2 minutes ago, Wandering Snark said:

I do believe Paul said "Love you, my dude" to Corey.


OK, that makes more sense.


Obviously, fuck Paulie. 

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17 minutes ago, ByaNose said:

Off the fight subject.....I'm always impressed by how these HG can remember the days of.........EVERYTHING! I mean two or three days but 30, 40, 50, 60, 70 & 88. LOL!!! Seriously, I couldn't do it and I would be sitting right next to James.

LOL.  So true.  I can't remember yesterday.

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12 minutes ago, Tiggertoo said:

I could barely understand a word of that explosive confrontation.  Paulie's hairdo is really unattractive.  Anyone know what he said about Day's daughter?  I don't think Z will ever come to her senses about Paulie.  

Something about what a "great" example she's setting for her daughter. Basically it sounded like, to me, that he was calling her a bad mother without uttering the words bad mother out loud. He should have never brought Day's daughter into it. I know the fight was heavily edited and that there could have been some prompting behind the scenes, but I honestly have no doubt the daughter comment was not prompted and that was all Paulie. And I have no doubt Day was not happy to hear Paulie speak about her daughter or about her parenting skills. I'd flip shit too; I'm surprised Natalie or Michelle didn't speak up. I wonder if they did, but they cut it for time. 

I have some hope that Zak will either see the light a couple of weeks after the finale, or Paulie will dump her and never see her again. I hope for the former, because I want her to have some shred of self dignity. 

Edited by Lady Calypso
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Paulie said to Day "what kind of example to you set for your daughter." 

Brigette mugging and hamming in the background what was that about? Can we please quit with fucking house guests in their to be stars or look cool or get Instagram followers? Damn. 

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I actually find Paulie accurate, with the rabid behavior of Davonne it was a bad example. Is that what she wants her kid to see on tv? Her comic being "daystruction" didn't make her have any reality thoughts at all? Her language was ridiculous and what business is it of hers who Zakiah spends time with in jury house? They're in jury, let it freaking go.  Instead Davonne is still acting like she's fighting for something. There was no way for her to flip like that.

Bridgette is another one, she acts like she's so offended but she's laughing at the same time. 

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Best possible outcome! All season I have never rooted for Paul but I was tonight....just so it could set the stage for a potential James/Nicole finale 2...with James hopefully as the winner! In my gut though I know if he winds up in the position of having to choose who to take with him...out of misguided loyalty he will pick Paul and wind up being the runner up.

Ironic isn't it that Paul's manta in the first couple weeks of episodes was GET THE VETS OUT....even though a vet was on his team...and now when the dust settles two out of the three are vets!

I have no words for the complete and utter THRALL that Paulie has over Zakiya...its going to be absolutly devestating for her when he hops on a plane on finale night and she never hears a word from him again.

Day admitting she has been playing a "character" all along was an interesting revelation....as well as production finally making an on camera appearance during the fight.

Big Meech really hates Nicole doesn't she?

Not voting for America's player...its fairly obvious based on his looks and ability to come back from the dead over and over again Victor will sweep the vote.

Corey can be such a dolt....he brags about being ultra athletic but moments earlier can't understand why James voted him out....of course she would vote out a physical threat!

Lastly seeing Bronte and Tiffany in a flash back makes me realize how very long this had gone on...seems like an eternity.

Edited by North of Eden
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Yikes, that fight was something out of Jerry Springer, right down to the nice men in dark shirts who come in to break it up.

This final 3 is almost surreal, given that I keep forgetting Nicole and James are both vets since they seem to barely hang out, and the one thing I remember about Paul from the very first episode of the season was him screaming in the diary room "I HATE VETS, EVICT ALL THE VETS!!!" How the tables have turned. (ETA: Great minds, NorthofEden. It was certainly a memorable mantra!)

But it's true: the season was run by a cadre of showmances. It's just some of them happened to be bromances. But enough about Nicole and Corey...

Edited by Eolivet
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12 minutes ago, North of Eden said:

Nah....Victoria would disapear for complete episodes at a time....James has been prominent all summer.

True, so much so that you'd say to yourself 'OMG Victoria is still in the house??' Heh.

14 minutes ago, Eolivet said:

But it's true: the season was run by a cadre of showmances. It's just some of them happened to be bromances. But enough about Nicole and Corey...

He was the very definition of non-committal "answering" about the possibility of him and his bragh Nicole outside the house. He went with the Nat/James route saying that they were 'best friends', which is a bit like saying someone has a really great personality.

15 minutes ago, North of Eden said:

Lastly seeing Bronte and Tiffany in a flash back makes me realize how very long this had gone on...seems like an eternity.

So much word. It seems like they played on another season all together.

Edited by Wandering Snark
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Bronte is a contestant from another era.  She can't have been someone who played in 2016.

I actually hated both Da and Paulie in the fight, especially because Da does that thing where she thinks she has hit on a clever phrase and then repeats it 9,467 times in a row to try to make a point.

I really wanted James to bounce Nicole.  It makes me feel some sort of way, it does.

Come on Paul, your victory is the only thing that can redeem this season for me.

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BTW I take it back; Paul is not literally 'always on' he's only 'on' when that little red light comes on signifying that the cameras are rolling. He showed that painfully tonight as he stood there with everyone staring at him and wouldn't open the champagne until he knew the cameras were on him to capture the moment...

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59 minutes ago, Artsda said:

I actually find Paulie accurate, with the rabid behavior of Davonne it was a bad example. Is that what she wants her kid to see on tv?

Yeah, she was so intent on her child not seeing her butt being slapped earlier in the season and now she lets loose with a tirade that makes a butt slap look like nothing.  How is that good for a child to see?

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Bridgette is another one, she acts like she's so offended but she's laughing at the same time. 

Oh I hated her so much at the beginning of that fight, laughing at it. She reminds me of those twerps that would stand at a schoolyard fight and just laugh and encourage it. THEY never get in trouble, but they sure enjoy watching the other kids either getting in trouble or getting hurt.

I find Michelle oddly interesting because she so clearly marches to her own drum. Shine on, you crazy diamond. And, she always sounds slightly drunk.

Edited by Mumbles
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Paulie's hair.  W T F ?   Ugly!   He started out the season fairly attractive.  What happened? I still love momma Day.  But I agree with an above poster about how she repeats one thing a million times in a fight.  It's annoying.  That was interesting footage though!

James, can he win anything? 

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1 hour ago, Wandering Snark said:

One of my H.S. teachers refused to grade on a curve because he "Didn't want to sniff a bunch of piles of shit to determine which smelled best." 

That teacher sounds awesome lol. So Day for America's favorite or nah? 

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2 hours ago, Callaphera said:

As to that jury footage? Yeah. Don't bring someone's kids into it, Paulie. That's just really fucking low.

Paulie would have to climb a ladder to achieve "low" - and no, that's not a reference to his physical height....


4 minutes ago, mojoween said:

Nicole said something like her life was "literally" hinging on the veto and I don't think that's the kind of show CBS would air.

Swear to god I despise "literal" abuse.  When Nicole threw out that gem I just looked at my old lady and said, "What - if she doesn't win veto she's going to have a coronary and drop dead on the spot?"

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2 hours ago, Callaphera said:

Paul, please learn how to open a bottle of champagne and pour it. 

I hate, hate when someone ruins a good bottle of champagne doing that.  The cork is not supposed to fly off and the contents are not supposed to overflow.

23 minutes ago, Frootloop Dingus said:

Paulie's hair.  W T F ?   Ugly!   He started out the season fairly attractive.  What happened? I still love momma Day.  But I agree with an above poster about how she repeats one thing a million times in a fight.  It's annoying.  That was interesting footage though!

James, can he win anything? 

Paulie looks like shit.  No, James can't win anything.

2 hours ago, Callaphera said:

Nope. It's just understood that final 4 HoH is the days comp and some people start studying from the first week in the house. I mean, we joke about production "helping" people out and maybe sometimes they do, but this is pretty standard BB. 

Hey James, what happened to that notepad you brought into the house to keep notes?  Hmmmmmmmmmm.

Here is my prediction so write it down:  The f2 will be James/Nicole and I do think they had that locked up before going into the house.

Edited by jumper sage
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35 minutes ago, Gemma Violet said:

Yeah, she was so intent on her child not seeing her butt being slapped earlier in the season and now she lets loose with a tirade that makes a butt slap look like nothing.  How is that good for a child to see?

And how is that horrible grammar of hers good for a child to hear?   Like a previous poster said she also repeats the same thing a hundred  times.  She and Paulie arguing with their "ain't got nobody" "nobody got my back" shit made my ears hurt.  

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16 minutes ago, jumper sage said:

I hate, hate when someone ruins a good bottle of champagne doing that.  The cork is not supposed to fly off and the contents are not supposed to overflow.

And what's with drinking out of the bottle.  Nobody wants your fug-ugly backwash in their champagne. 

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2 minutes ago, Skycatcher said:

And what's with drinking out of the bottle.  Nobody wants your fug-ugly backwash in their champagne. 

"Kneecole, you get a quarter inch of champagne, and James, because you're a guy, you get a half inch. Bro-ship! And your boy? Your boy is going to take the rest of the bottle. You know why? Friendship! OOOOHHHH what? You're mad that I took the rest? I'm mad that you're mad, only I'm louder. PISSED. Your boy is OVER it."

I think I've got Paul's "voice" down pat by now. Too bad it took the whole crappy season to nail it.

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Julie is a much nicer person than me.  If I were host of this show and married to the head honcho at CBS, the house guests would get coached - don't touch the host.  Corey was polite enough and didn't swing her around like some of the morons, but I'm just not into hugging strangers.  I'd carry some mace to keep them off me.

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2 hours ago, zibnchy said:

The first part of the argument sounded and looked kind of rehearsed. Like maybe it was setup. But then it took an ugly turn because of Paulie. Paulie is to blame for what happened. Honestly, I want to punch him in his smug, bloated face. I hope that someone, like maybe Zak's brother, punches him really hard after this.

Z doesn't need to be saved, she should save her own damned self.  Get a spine, girl.  

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Ha! The champagne thing was funny. I assumed that Paul drank from the bottle because at that point most of the champagne was on the damn table and he gave Nic and James such huge portions, could there really be any more left in there? Or am I underestimating how much liquid is contained in a champagne bottle? (Non-drinker, but from various family occasions I remember champagne bottles holding very little actual champagne.-Or maybe my family drinks an absurd amount?) How many glasses does the average champagne bottle hold? Goes off to TGoogle... According to Google, a champagne toast should fill exactly five glasses. I guess Paul poured one on the floor for his homies. Paul doesn't do math. Perhaps that was Paul's first time dealing with champagne (sure looked like it.) Interesting episode, eh?

Cute that Corey got two comps- Christmas and baseball. Too bad BB was too cheap to spring for Taylor Swift as a host. Suddenly, Corey's showmance with Nicole all makes sense.

Oh wow, the jury fight. Perhaps this is just too much personal experience talking, but the thought of Paulie and Zakiyah's relationship isolating her from the rest of the bunch is classic controlling asshole move number one. I don't get good vibes off of that "relationship" to put it very mildly. It really made me question Paulie's previous relationships. If he acts this way with a woman he isn't that into, how did he treat his previous partners? Would not be surprised if there were any...issues in the past. He certainly has the emotional manipulation down pat. Now its just him and Z against the world (jury house)- gross.

I'm probably the only one, but happy Paul won. Frankly, I think he deserves to win. I think he's played the hardest, had his head more in the game than most, and hes in the final 3 with two vets. Yes laying low and floating are strategies, but they're boring and I don't want to watch a house full of floaters (with or without life vests) next summer.

Edited by Granimal
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Pauline is obviously mentally and verbally abusive to women. Look at how he treated Nat and talked about all the women. There is something very wrong with a woman who is attracted to someone like that. I am sure Da is frustrated and sad that Z won't listen to her when she tries to convince her that he is a despicable person.

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I can't stand Paul, to the point that I'd rather Nicole win. Nope, did not buy any of those fake-ass tears he was delivering to the camera at the beginning. Hopefully James takes it all and Natalie wins AFP (although I think it's more likely Victor).

Paulie is worried about what example Day is setting for her daughter? Why doesn't he worry about the disgrace he is to his own mother. I honestly can't help wondering if he's been physically abusive to girlfriends in his past... He's verbally abusive, if nothing else. I remember how he made Zakiyah feel like she was crazy and psycho when she got jealous that he was sitting there with another girl rubbing his hair right in front of her like he was daring her to say something.

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I never liked Jerry Springer, but I guess I have a little white trash in me, 'cause I thought that JH fight was horrible and hilarious at the same time. My favorite part was the old dude in the background taking off his specs, thinking, "they don't pay me enough to put up with this shit."

Huge CBS fail in not putting up a #YouKnow during Corey's Chenterview.

And a big trademark #fuckyou to Paul for wasting so much champagne, then hogging the majority of the bottle after "serving" the others 90% suds. With how miserly BB is about doling out alcohol, I would have been #pissed if #yourboy hogged all the #friendship.

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I'm pretty sure part of the reason why Bridgette was "showing off for the camera" during the fight was because it escalated super quick. She also got her foot stuck under Day when they switched places.

I will spend the rest of my days not being on Day's side. I don't even like Paulie. He sucks but Day annoys the hell out of me. Also, I would not be proud of my mom being as petty as Day often is. She really isn't the best example. Most of these people aren't but still.

Nicole is hella thirsty for Corey. Damn. The man is a male airhead. Don't know why anyone wants that.

I hope Paul wins. Above all else, I always respect people who rise up when they need to. Unlike James who is skating to final 2 like a chump.

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35 minutes ago, Dewey Decimate said:


I never liked Jerry Springer, but I guess I have a little white trash in me, 'cause I thought that JH fight was horrible and hilarious at the same time.


Right there with you on that one.  But...  While Day didn't handle herself as well as she should have or could have, I take the unpopular opinion as a mother of three daughters that I wouldn't be embarrassed or ashamed if they saw me lose it like that on a guy that treats and speaks to women the way that he does.  I applaud her also for admitting just as publicly that she didn't handle it well or right.  And if it were me, I'd then sit down with my girls and say the same thing.    Props to Day.  I'm fairly certain she'll ensure her daughter grows up with esteem and confidence who would never give a man like him the time of day, let alone put up with even a fraction of what Zak did.   I sincerely hope she comes to her senses after the show, she deserves much better than that.  

ETA:  I don't approve of acting that way; I simply know that sometimes, we are all human, and in the heat or emotion of a moment it can happen.  Paulie is a piece of crap, and I wouldn't want him anywhere near a friend or one of my daughters.   

Edited by LuvizBlind
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I just appreciate the fact that the women in the jury house haven't let up on Paulie. One of the few times where all the blatant sexism in a season hasn't been easily forgiven and swept up under the rug. It always annoys me when bad behavior is justified as "gameplay," when no, it's because you're a fucking dick. 

I also like the fact that Paulie is so deeply connected to S16 through Cody and Derrick and in turn, his attitude reflects on them and that horrible, shitty season. I thought there was a deep undercurrent of sexism in that season but it never came to the forefront because most of the women with a backbone were taken out early. We were left with Nicole, Christine, and Victoria. 

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