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S11.E11: The Moral Minority

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On 9/13/2016 at 3:21 PM, psychoticstate said:

I didn't agree with Heather most of the episode but was relieved to see that she accepted Meghan's apology and moved on.  Must say that Meghan really looked pretty during their (non) lunch. 

At that moment, Heather looked like Meghan pulled the fart right out of her ass. Heather sooooo wanted to bitch more and Meghan's apology stopped her in her tracks.

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21 hours ago, JennyMominFL said:

It's not that Meghan didn't go, its about the way she reacted. That is what my issue is with. She didn't know Vicki would be fine that same day. All she knew was that Vicki had her clothes but off and had been airlifted. I don't know if I would have gone,  but I sure the hell hope I wouldn't have reacted like that.

Having finally seen the whole episode, I feel the exact same way. I would never judge someone for not going to a hospital if it truly didn't feel right to them. But something was so off about Meghan's reaction - including the fact that she didn't mention it right away to Shannon. I found that so bizarre. Like, almost sociopathic. All your other cast members get into a roll-over car accident and one of them had to be airlifted to an ER and you don't mention that within minutes of meeting up? And here's the difference to me between Shannon and Meghan: I think Shannon has legitimate beef with Vicki, they were actual friends, and Vicki actually did her wrong. Meghan, meanwhile, keeps talking about what Vicki "did" to her, and I just want to yell, "Vicki didn't do anything to you!" All those clips of Vicki telling Meghan to shut up and calling her crazy were because Meghan took it upon herself to investigate Brooks cancer claims in the name of "justice." I don't care if she was right about Brooks, Meghan's behavior was invasive, spiteful and disingenuous (she just wanted to go after Vicki) - even at that luncheon, she pretended she was "concerned" about Brooks' treatment, which was utter bullshit. Meghan is not a victim of Vicki Gunvalson, she went looking for a fight and she found one. Add to that - Meghan has agreed to move on and even showed up to Vicki's birthday party. So, which is it? I ultimately found this episode satisfying because I thought Meghan showed her true colors. The way she backtracked with Vicki, threw Heather and Tamra under the bus and even pimped out one of her new candles in the process told me everything I need to know about this woman. And for someone who loves to claim that Vicki is dramatic, a liar and milks situations for attention, girl sure knows how to turn on the crocodile tears. I generally don't like Heather, but I love her when she is laying into Meghan. There is something wrong with that woman.

Edited by PhilMarlowe2
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1 minute ago, KungFuBunny said:

Kelly had a lot of COMPASSION.

Hey you West Coast Boardies, I didn’t know there was a beer in Cali called Compassion

I'll check it out for you, maybe it is between the Hop Stoopid, and Arrogant Bastard in the beer cooler at the local market.  :)

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During Vicki’s stay in the ER, she was texting the other ladies and Facetimed with them. For a person on Morphine, she was pretty lucid.

She could have ordered a pair of sweatpants from the Gift Shop. The Hospital Gown – she could have just tied it in the front. Since Vicki loves putting her baguettes on display, this was right up her alley in terms of style.

What kind of Health Insurance does Vicki have?

I’m finding it hard to believe that if she had a concussion that she was released on her own and into an UBER. Isn’t the hospital supposed to give instructions to the person picking her up, what to look for, how often to check on them, etc? You can’t give those instructions to the patient with the concussion!!!! LOL. Don’t they have ambulette services which are covered by insurance? Even if it wasn’t covered, she could have covered the cost and the people accompanying her would have gotten her settled into her home safely.

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22 hours ago, beesknees said:

Even though Vicki's situation turned out to not as bad as initially thought the minute I would have heard the following - "Air-lifted due to neck injury, clothing being cut off and having no clothes (only paper gown), BEING ALL ALONE, our other friends not being able to go BECAUSE THEY WERE ALSO IN SAID ACCIDENT and were a several hour drive away" I mean, god damn, I think I could stop my golf game and head over to the hospital for an hour or so.  Just me?

No, not just you. Thank God. What you're saying mirrors what many feel. This had more to do with common human decency and the smallest bits of compassion than it does with Vicki. I don't care how bad Vicks was - your supposedly good friends asked for help after a terrifying incident.

So the task wasn't your favorite - that is when real friends show their true colors and worth. They show up, they come through. I wouldn't want to depend on people like Shannon and Meghan in a crisis. Therefore they aren't people I'd want as friends. And for cripes sakes, have the backbone to state clearly why you don't want to help your shaken friends, don't turn the responsibility back on them. Shameful.

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Forgive me if this has been talked about, haven't been able to read the whole thing, but Meghan picked the wrong flag to fly on her stance to not go see Vicki. She was newly pregnant. She should've been preaching that it was not good for a brand new pregnant woman to go to the hospital unless it was absolutely necessary. Why would a pregnant woman go hang out around a bunch of germs unless she had to? 

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I have to chime in on this "don't go to the hospital pregnant"  because of all the time I spent in a hospital working.

I worked with quite a few clerical folks and nurses who got pregnant and never had any problems - aside from the 'regular' problems of carrying a child.

These were the Legionnaire's/HIV/AIDs days, then the Hanta Virus showed up and what about the Malathion spraying for mosquitoes in the El Lay/Valley areas?

Universal precautions like don't lick doorhandles and don't go into areas where you shouldn't be?


Mudhen is the kind of person who will buy and read EVERY FUCKING book on the planet about parenting and pregnancy, so she will know more than all you all put together. I can only imagine her pulling out a legal pad at the doc's office with 428 questions like,

If I sleep on my right side will it be a boy?

How many months is 9 months?

Do I leave the damper open in the chimney so the stork can drop the baby down to the hearth?

The doc probably told her to stay out of a hospital to keep her from getting more ideas into her head.

6 minutes ago, KungFuBunny said:

Apparently I can't read either...I thought you wrote METH fucks me up

Great, another hurdle in my life........

Edited by ElDosEquis
Did you know that 'tide' is 'edit' spelled backwards?
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6 minutes ago, ElDosEquis said:

I have to chime in on this "don't go to the hospital pregnant"  because of all the time I spent in a hospital working.

I worked with quite a few clerical folks and nurses who got pregnant and never had any problems - aside from the 'regular' problems of carrying a child.

These were the Legionnaire's/HIV/AIDs days, then the Hanta Virus showed up and what about the Malathion spraying for mosquitoes in the El Lay/Valley areas?

Universal precautions like don't lick doorhandles and don't go into areas where you shouldn't be?


Mudhen is the kind of person who will buy and read EVERY FUCKING book on the planet about parenting and pregnancy, so she will know more than all you all put together. I can only imagine her pulling out a legal pad at the doc's office with 428 questions like,

If I sleep on my right side will it be a boy?

How many months is 9 months?

Do I leave the damper open in the chimney so the stork can drop the baby down to the hearth?

The doc probably told her to stay out of a hospital to keep her from getting more ideas into her head.

Great, another hurdle in my life........

When you work in health care, be it a hospital/ER, Dr.s office, rehab, nursing home, you build up a very healthy/good immune system but....when you first start working there, you get any and every air born germ that passes your way. And most hospitals/health care providers require their nursing staff to get flu shots each season because these things run rampant throughout them. So, Meghan, who doesn't work outside of the show, would have been vulnerable to many air born illnesses.

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54 minutes ago, thesupremediva1 said:

I don't care how bad Vicks was - your supposedly good friends asked for help after a terrifying incident.

So the task wasn't your favorite - that is when real friends show their true colors and worth.

Isn't this the gist of many of our conversations here?  Vicki was not a "good friend" to Shannon or Meghan, nor did they consider themselves "real friends" to her...especially Shannon who has been very direct with Vicki about friendship.

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Bravo production could have asked an old HW or extra to visit Vicki.

My first pick would have been Sara Winchester

I picture her wandering onto other floors stealing Jello and applesauce from the food trays. Playing with the ice machine and filling all the pink containers with fresh water.

When she finally is allowed back into Vicki’s spot (after claiming she is Brianna) I picture her stealing Vicki’s Nasal Cannula and pressing her hand on the bed remote accidentally and numerous times…up, down, leg up, leg down.

She then holds Vicki’s hands and asked who has come to visit…when Vicki says no one…I’m all alone

Sara says “What is this world coming to?????!!!!????”

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1 hour ago, KungFuBunny said:

or productionDuring Vicki’s stay in the ER, she was texting the other ladies and Facetimed with them. For a person on Morphine, she was pretty lucid.

She could have ordered a pair of sweatpants from the Gift Shop. The Hospital Gown – she could have just tied it in the front. Since Vicki loves putting her baguettes on display, this was right up her alley in terms of style.

What kind of Health Insurance does Vicki have?

I’m finding it hard to believe that if she had a concussion that she was released on her own and into an UBER. Isn’t the hospital supposed to give instructions to the person picking her up, what to look for, how often to check on them, etc? You can’t give those instructions to the patient with the concussion!!!! LOL. Don’t they have ambulette services which are covered by insurance? Even if it wasn’t covered, she could have covered the cost and the people accompanying her would have gotten her settled into her home safely.

While the gift shop would be closed at that late hour I agree with the rest of what you said. Going on to say...

Sorry, I'm not buying any of this bullshit story.  I have a feeling that another film crew unit was alerted and went to the hospital to meet up with Vicki and was told due to HIPAA no filming was allowed and they left possibly going on to Meghan's to film or went back to Meghan's to film. We're just not being told this nor shown this. The 4th wall stayed intact for the sake of the story.  I have to wonder if Vicki told Michael not to come and that everything was taken care of, also keeping the ladies out of the loop as she, maybe even with production, put her redemption plan into motion. She didn't let ANYONE know she was gonna be released alone in a paper gown till after the fact. NO ONE was given the opportunity to assist her with getting home because she didn't let anybody know. Eddie, Ryan, Ryan's wife, or Kelly's husband, or production could have driven her back and brought some clothes. Vicki chose not to let them know.

It's interesting that all of the women aren't thoroughly pissed at production for allowing and injured employee to be alone at the hospital and then later to go home alone in a paper gown in an uber.  Meghan nor Shannon also haven't said anything but are taking the heat for the sake of the story. Gotta keep that orange!

Edited by Giselle
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A couple of things from Vicki's own mouth/blog:

She talked to son Michael and he was out of town but said he would come if she needed him but Vicki said no.

She said production called Donn and he said told them to keep him informed. I'll bet he would have gone if asked. He wasn't.

She knew Briana was sick and had her two boys to consider so I'm sure she told her not to come too.

Things others have mentioned:

Megan said she was in contact with Vicki and I'll bet if Vicki would asked for help Megan would have figured something out. I hope Vicki clears that up. Shannon was told late in the game and didn't get all the facts and never spoke with Vicki.

Heather acknowledged that all the wives in the accident were hurt. So none of them IMO should have been driving or travelling for that matter 2, 3 or 4 1/2 MapQuest hours to Palm Springs.

Things I'm pretty sure of:

Someone from production was with Vicki so she wasn't alone so none of the secondary players in this dusty drama felt the need to MapQuest to Palm Springs either.

Production stayed to film the birthday party but later decided Vicki as the "hot potato" (love that to whoever said it) was a better story so they are editing it to make Megan and Shannon look badly. Andy Cohen was surprised when Megan/Shannon won the WWHL pole so we were suppose to side with team Heather. 

All that said I just can't get to riled up about any of the cast going or not but I do think its weird the hospital released someone in the middle of the night with a possible head injury to an unknown Uber driver for a 2+ hour trip to her OC home were she would have also been alone. I've had to be the driver or had to be driven many times because the hospital wouldn't let the patient/me just leave.

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I now fully understand why Jeff Lewis does not like Heather... Just saying... And upon rewatch of this episode the self righteous squad is full on overdramatic (admittedly I tuned out at times the first time around)... Every time the whiney witches went off on Megan or Shannon, had I been M or S, I would have walked out. Jim had it right. It was asinine. 

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This may have already been stated - Heather called Brianna who couldn't go to Vicki's side and stated that she didn't have Vicki's son's phone number...but Brianna should have been able to get in touch with her brother.  I don't blame either Shannon or Meghan for not going to the hospital - they don't like Vicki and they didn't suddenly develop amnesia regarding her shenanigans from last season.

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It kind of seems like if Heather was really mad (and this wasn't just producer shenanigans), it was because she was defensive. Meghan called her out on not going to visit Vicki herself and she admits that was what pushed her over the edge. I bet she feels guilty for partying it up in Glamis while Vicki was all alone without shoes so is trying to turn it on Meghan who is both an easy target and saw right through her. 

9 minutes ago, WireWrap said:

Vicki would never lie! Vicki would never embellish her injuries! Doesn't matter if Briana said it on the show, How Dare Tamra say it on WWHL because Tamra was "negligent"! LOL http://www.bravotv.com/the-daily-dish/vicki-gunvalson-calls-tamra-judge-negligent-after-sand-dune-accident

This after shit talking Meghan for calling Tamra reckless. Just like always, it's only okay when Vicki does it. 

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I feel like I'm about to play devil's advocate and I'm only on page four of reading everything. While reading these have been my thoughts:

  1. I'm pretty sure Heather said she thought she might have PTSD. She didn't say she did have it;
  2. I thought in someone's TH, possibly Vicki's, it was said Michael was out of state; 
  3. besides Heather saying she didn't have Michael's phone number, it was never said no one called him. Brianna most likely called him but it didn't make the storyline as so much else was going on; 
  4. Vicki said scrubs but Tamra and Heather said paper gown. Perhaps Tamra or Heather changed it, potentially without truly realizing it, when relaying the info to others. Sort of like the old Girl Scout game telephone; 
  5. The picture Meghan had of Vicki was not a selfie. You see both of her arms. Someone took the picture and gave it to Vicki. I'm cynical enough to wonder if production sent the picture to Meghan and she hadn't been texting with Vicki but rather production; 
  6. People handle stressful/traumatic situations different. My friend loses her shit. My car got stolen by a 14-year old and I cracked jokes and flirted with the sergeant (he was super attractive!) so I can see Kelly laughing after the fact. Heather seemed kind of appalled by the beer; 
  7. Perhaps (most likely) Vicki exaggerated things but I doubt her reaction within the first hour was an exaggeration especially before she got to the hospital; 
  8. If I'm told someone has been airlifted somewhere, I know it is potentially really bad and is a serious situation. I wouldn't just stand there and go "oh, ok." When I learn people I can't stand are in not good situations, I reach out to them or someone close to them and ask what I can do to help and share I'm thinking about them. I truly believe if Meghan had just called, or even texted, saying she heard what happened and if there was anything to do, things wouldn't have been so traumatic; and 
  9. I thought I read or heard somewhere Tamra and Vicki are on the outs at the end of the season. If this is true, I'm not surprised Tamra said she felt Vicki exaggerated. 

Altight, those are my thoughts. Sorry for playing devil's advocate. I just like exploring all sides of a situation. 

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The picture Meghan had of Vicki was not a selfie. You see both of her arms. Someone took the picture and gave it to Vicki. I'm cynical enough to wonder if production sent the picture to Meghan and she hadn't been texting with Vicki but rather production; 

As pointed out above Vicki mentioned in her blog that she was texting with Meghan and that the picture was taken on her phone by Kelly. 

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I agree with those who said Meghan's reaction was off-putting and odd. I was turned off at the beginning, she was rather cold (I'm still on her side for not visiting though). But, I have a lot of respect for her with how she handled self-righteous Heather at that lunch. She held her own, spoke well, kept eating lunch (ha!), & masterfully took the wind out of her sails with that apology. Nice.

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Wait.  I'm confused.  Why wouldn't Meghan's reaction seem odd.  I mean it is there to see right.  On camera.  Being filmed.  For you to watch on television.  Why wouldn't it be odd for Meghan, a couple of hours after the accident have a hard time coming through in whatever way you think is proper?  She is being filmed.  By a crew of the same production company that filmed the accident.  A couple of hours prior. 

Is quite likely when Meghan got the call from Heather, the two crews had been in contact and they already knew the Liar about Cancer was fine but going to have extra tests to make sure.  And Meghan might have had a clue and found Heather's histrionics and demands weird.  Or Meghan who seems as bad an actress as Heather is might have been told by production to act as if she new nothing and was having a hard time figuring out where to go.  The production fingerprints are all over this simply by the timeline even if we don't know what they said or did in regards to the cast.  But thinking this is some kind of sign that Meghan is evil or a sociopath seems to ignore what that makes production.  Oh yeah.  The people who insisted the Liar about Cancer be brought back.

But I also think if you find that Liar as heinous as I do and as morally repugnant and yet still have to work and socialize on camera and heard the news, I think having an odd affect is a far cry from breaking out into a jig and singing Happy Day o Happy Day.  I've heard news about people I actually loved and cared about that simply left me so numb I probably looked and acted even colder and more unfeeling than Meghan is being accused.  I think Meghan is a cold and unfeeling person in general as it turns out.  But that is me thinking what she seems from my perception.  Not what she actually is.

But again, what Meghan is seen reaction wise paints it as if we are seeing the true and organic happenings of the events.  The clock says that isn't so.  For all we know Meghan is flat and unaffected because they had to do it a couple of times to get production happy with the right tone.  Or one that seems as authentic as possible.  But she also could just be trying to figure out where she fits in the call from Heather.   Because I would find it really odd to be in that situation, have Miss Fancy Pants call me and make those types of demands.  I know lots of people I would deem as decent and have done some really good Samaritan deeds in their lives.  So the idea that there is a sweeping blanket of mores on the matter is a bit insulting since it labels all and any who have problems with Heather Dubrow's mandates a bad person.  I know I can be a bad person but it would not be for that. 

Edited by tenativelyyours
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11 minutes ago, tenativelyyours said:

Wait.  I'm confused.  Why wouldn't Meghan's reaction seem odd.  I mean it is there to see right.  On camera.  Being filmed.  For you to watch on television.  Why wouldn't it be odd for Meghan, a couple of hours after the accident have a hard time coming through in whatever way you think is proper?  She is being filmed.  By a crew of the same production company that filmed the accident.  A couple of hours prior. 

Is quite likely when Meghan got the call from Heather, the two crews had been in contact and they already knew the Liar about Cancer was fine but going to have extra tests to make sure.  And Meghan might have had a clue and found Heather's histrionics and demands weird.  Or Meghan who seems as bad an actress as Heather is might have been told by production to act as if she new nothing and was having a hard time figuring out where to go.  The production fingerprints are all over this simply by the timeline even if we don't know what they said or did in regards to the cast.  But thinking this is some kind of sign that Meghan is evil or a sociopath seems to ignore what that makes production.  Oh yeah.  The people who insisted the Liar about Cancer be brought back.

But I also think if you find that Liar as heinous as I do and as morally repugnant and yet still have to work and socialize on camera and heard the news, I think having an odd affect is a far cry from breaking out into a jig and singing Happy Day o Happy Day.  I've heard news about people I actually loved and cared about that simply left me so numb I probably looked and acted even colder and more unfeeling than Meghan is being accused.  I think Meghan is a cold and unfeeling person in general as it turns out.  But that is me thinking what she seems from my perception.  Not what she actually is.

But again, what Meghan is seen reaction wise paints it as if we are seeing the true and organic happenings of the events.  The clock says that isn't so.  For all we know Meghan is flat and unaffected because they had to do it a couple of times to get production happy with the right tone.  Or one that seems as authentic as possible.  But she also could just be trying to figure out where she fits in the call from Heather.   Because I would find it really odd to be in that situation, have Miss Fancy Pants call me and make those types of demands.  I know lots of people I would deem as decent and have done some really good Samaritan deeds in their lives.  So the idea that there is a sweeping blanket of mores on the matter is a bit insulting since it labels all and any who have problems with Heather Dubrow's mandates a bad person.  I know I can be a bad person but it would not be for that. 


Or maybe shes just a stone cold bitch

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11 hours ago, Former Nun said:

Isn't this the gist of many of our conversations here?  Vicki was not a "good friend" to Shannon or Meghan, nor did they consider themselves "real friends" to her...especially Shannon who has been very direct with Vicki about friendship.

The friendship  I'm referencing is Meghan's with Heather and Tamra. So, no. I'm not talking about Meghan and Vicki. Heather and Tam asked her for a favor - for help - after a harrowing experience - and she bailed and failed. Period.

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8 hours ago, Mischievious said:
  1. People handle stressful/traumatic situations different. My friend loses her shit. My car got stolen by a 14-year old and I cracked jokes and flirted with the sergeant (he was super attractive!) so I can see Kelly laughing after the fact. Heather seemed kind of appalled by the beer; 

I didn't get the impression was appalled that Kelly was drinking; it was more that Heather was wondering who in their right mind would drink beer when champs is flowing - so clearly Kelly must be really injured...

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1 hour ago, FlyingEgret said:

I didn't get the impression was appalled that Kelly was drinking; it was more that Heather was wondering who in their right mind would drink beer when champs is flowing - so clearly Kelly must be really injured...

I should have said baffled, not appalled. ?

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4 hours ago, thesupremediva1 said:

The friendship  I'm referencing is Meghan's with Heather and Tamra. So, no. I'm not talking about Meghan and Vicki. Heather and Tam asked her for a favor - for help - after a harrowing experience - and she bailed and failed. Period.

I guess if I were making the phone call I'd say something like, "Meghan, I know you're not that friendly with Vicki, but this is what happened (followed by a clear explanation).  Because I can't get there, as a favor to me, could you...."    I didn't watch that scene as anyone's requesting a personal favor.   ETA:  Luckily, I was not making the call--because I wouldn't have.

Edited by Former Nun
A second thought...
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15 hours ago, Giselle said:

It's interesting that all of the women aren't thoroughly pissed at production for allowing and injured employee to be alone at the hospital and then later to go home alone in a paper gown in an uber. 

This is good!  I'd like to know how much Uber charged and how Vicki paid.  More, though, I think people should start writing to Bravo complaining about how "heartless and irresponsible" they were to FORCE Vicki to be at the hospital "alone" and then to ride home in the same lonely condition--in paper with a stranger.  Trying to not make it sarcastic, right?

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So now they were four hours away according to Kelly's blog.  Out of curiosity I 'mapquested' it and it's a little over two hours.  Meg and Shannon were around forty minutes away.

In her blog, Heather says:

If you are asking why I didn't go to the hospital, several reasons: I had my son with me, I had no car, Tamra's kids were at camp, I had just been in an accident, and was in shock. I went back to camp and waited for information from Tamra and then Vicki to figure out what to do. By the way, of course we had a drink, my nerves were shot. 

I had already had a car set up for the next day to take me and Nicky home, but called them and asked them to come that day. By the time the driver actually got on the road and got to camp it was several hours later.

Um, what does Tamra's kids have to do with it?  Their grandmother, uncle and aunt were there.  The driver actually got there several hours later.  Um, Vicks was in the ER until one in the morning.  You couldn't have stopped by on your way home to give Vicks her purse and clothes, given the fact that you've made such a big deal out of this.  And the photos on Bravo's website show you were able to celebrate Eddie's birthday. 

My biggest problem with all of this is Heather and Kelly are all over Meg for not rushing to Vicks side but either one of them could have if they really wanted to.  Lots of hypocrisy going on here and lame excuses given their outrage at Meg. 

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22 hours ago, zoeysmom said:

Meghan and Shannon have both said had Vicki been admitted they would have gone to the hospital the next day.  To me, that seemed like the more reasonable and polite approach.  I really didn't think it incumbent on Shannon or Meghan to make arrangements for Vicki's wardrobe and transportation post discharge. 

If Vicki was on the phone chatting with everyone in camp, why couldn't she call someone to get her clothes when she was being discharged?


20 hours ago, ghoulina said:

YES! If I was somewhere away from home and ended up in the ER, the first thing I would do is call my husband, sisters, my kids (too young now, but if they were older). Vicki was texting, so she had access to her phone. IMO, SHE could have summoned someone if she needed someone to be there that badly. The fact that she didn't, or there was no one willing to come, says a lot about her as a person. 

Who wants to wager that Vicki called Brooks at some point from the hospital?

10 hours ago, biakbiak said:

As pointed out above Vicki mentioned in her blog that she was texting with Meghan and that the picture was taken on her phone by Kelly. 

Tres tacky!

This isn't the first time Vicki has photographed herself in the hospital. I remember the time she skipped Alexis's fashion show b/c she was in the hospital and texted everyone there pics of her "bleeding out her arse".

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Heather does a better job acting with a script than she dies trying to improvise In real life.

If she really wanted some one there with Vicki she would have yelled at production to intervene just like she did  when she didn't want a Mexican strippers junk rubbed on her face at Tamra's bachelorette debacle.

It was all for the cameras.

Didn't see it but I bet the WWHL poll with 70% siding with Shannon and Meghan was as much as a shock to Heather as was the poll two or three seasons ago  when she and Terry realized we found them to be mean, petty and insufferable.

Bet it was a shock to production also. The OG's "brush with death and all alone" story line was DOA on arrival. 

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On September 13, 2016 at 8:21 PM, beesknees said:

I say shame on Shannon and Meghan.  I was also in a situation like this (I was on the Meghan & Shannon end).  The person that wound up in critical condition (he hated my guts - he got fired from his job and I was his replacement - I met him and spent a whopping total of 30 mins. with this man in my entire life, plus the guy made thinly veiled threats toward me and I was all like "What? Huh?").  I wasn't a friend of this man, not even an acquaintance.  Basically a stranger to me.

Anyhoo, we all lived in a foreign country at the time.  Our employers didn't visit the guy, nor co-workers, no friends for the entire time this man was in critical condition in the ICU.  The guy was in intensive care for more than 2 weeks and the doctors performed a serious surgery on him to boot until until the guy was flown half way across the world back to the States.  He was petrified and frightened.

His parents were of modest means and could not afford the air fare to the country where we resided.  I visited this person every single day, phoned his parents to let them know what happened (because no one spoke English) and paid for the long-distance phone charges (which were astronomical back in the day).  Brought (and bought) the man items that the hospital requested (different hospital customs /system than in the U.S.)

Now did I like this guy?  No, not really.  In fact the dude was somewhat creepy and freaked me out but I still showed up, suited up.   I was there for a fellow human being because, you know, compassion.  Trying not to toot my own horn but what if the tables were turned and I was sitting in a hospital with no one?  I just could not abandon a person who was alone like that.

Even though Vicki's situation turned out to not as bad as initially thought the minute I would have heard the following - "Air-lifted due to neck injury, clothing being cut off and having no clothes (only paper gown), BEING ALL ALONE, our other friends not being able to go BECAUSE THEY WERE ALSO IN SAID ACCIDENT and were a several hour drive away" I mean, god damn, I think I could stop my golf game and head over to the hospital for an hour or so.  Just me?

I really liked your story and it's nice to hear of some selfless compassion in the world now and then, it's rare nowadays. I totally get despising someone, I've often fantasized about driving past a much hated boss as he sat by a flat tire in the rain, and honestly, I would drive right by...however, I'm not proud of that. I want to be a better person, a person I would want my kids to respect and be proud of. Some situations are bigger than the asshole involved, yes, now knowing all the facts about Brianna and Michael, they SHOULD have gone to their mom, and Vickie IS a lowlife scum, but in MY OPINION-TM reunion tamra (never gets old lol) it's not about asshole Vickie or her asshole kids. It's about me doing something I consider the right thing (had it been me in Meg's place). OMG, ESPECIALLY if I'm being filmed! Lol 

People stop to help strangers every day not knowing their past histories of lying about cancer. I guess that they're operating on the belief that u help a human being regardless of what kind of human being it is. 

i have to add that I'm enjoying the philosophical discussion of whether or not we should visit Vickie in the hospital. Lol lol I'm actually learning about myself! Lol and for the record, I really can't stand ANY of them! Lol

Edited by VedaPierce
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4 minutes ago, VedaPierce said:

I really liked your story and it's nice to hear of some selfless compassion in the world now and then, it's rare nowadays. I totally get despising someone, I've often fantasized about driving past a much hated boss as he sat by a flat tire in the rain, and honestly, I would drive right by...however, I'm not proud of that. I want to be a better person, a person I would want my kids to respect and be proud of. Some situations are bigger than the asshole involved, yes, now knowing all the facts about Brianna and Michael, they SHOULD have gone to their mom, and Vickie IS a lowlife scum, but in MY OPINION-TM reunion tamra (never gets old lol) it's not about asshole Vickie or her asshole kids. It's about me doing something I consider the right thing (had I been me in Meg's place). 

People stop to help strangers every day not knowing their past histories of lying about cancer. I guess that they're operating on the belief that u help a human being regardless of what kind of human being it is. 

i have to add that I'm enjoying the philosophical discussion of whether or not we should visit Vickie in the hospital. Lol lol I'm actually learning about myself! Lol and for the record, I really can't stand ANY of them! Lol

This is why I said it is much easier to help a stranger than some one you have a poor history with.

Vicki treated Shannon and Meghan horribly then wanted them to just forgive and forget with out Vicki taking any responsibility or being taken to task for her flip flopping lies and even then still making mean digs. They know how she operates. I can't and won't blame them for not going. I'm sure if this were their first season and they hadn't been burned by Vicki they would have been there in an instant.

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18 hours ago, thesupremediva1 said:

No, not just you. Thank God. What you're saying mirrors what many feel. This had more to do with common human decency and the smallest bits of compassion than it does with Vicki. I don't care how bad Vicks was - your supposedly good friends asked for help after a terrifying incident.

So the task wasn't your favorite - that is when real friends show their true colors and worth. They show up, they come through. I wouldn't want to depend on people like Shannon and Meghan in a crisis. Therefore they aren't people I'd want as friends. And for cripes sakes, have the backbone to state clearly why you don't want to help your shaken friends, don't turn the responsibility back on them. Shameful.

I started to say they weren't friends either but FormerNun beat me to it and then you clarified that you meant this was the favor being asked of Meghan due to her friendship with Heather.   Which makes sense in hindsight as a possibility but that I don't think was clear at the time.  Not even to us, as you're the 2nd or 3rd poster to have even observed it.   Nonetheless, I agree with stating things clearly, which is why if this was Heather's expectation, she should've communicated it in a concise non-mindreader way:

1 hour ago, Former Nun said:

I guess if I were making the phone call I'd say something like, "Meghan, I know you're not that friendly with Vicki, but this is what happened (followed by a clear explanation).  Because I can't get there, as a favor to me, could you...."    I didn't watch that scene as anyone's requesting a personal favor.

If anything Heather gets more deliberate and articulate when she's annoyed so, say it with your chest.   Which isn't to say the result wouldn'tve been the same, but doing my friend a favor is a very different request than doing one for someone I don't consider a friend at all.   Overall if this were a litmus for human decency.....exhibited to a person like Vicki Gunvalson, I wouldn't be worried. 

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18 hours ago, Snarky McSnarky said:

Vicki didn't pay Donn a penny more than he was entitled to.  Their community property was split 50/50, and because she wanted the house (the biggest asset), she had to equalize things by paying him an amount in cash.  If he had gotten the house, he would have done the same.

If I was Donn, I wouldn't have crossed the street to see Vicki.  She's trashed him on national television, so why would he do anything for her?

Add to the fact that Donn paid the freight for Vicki and her kids for years.  I think the man deserved hazard pay.    I hope he got as much pleasure in saying no as I got in hearing he said no.    

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5 hours ago, NewGranny said:

I would like to know why Vickie is saying that she has doctor bills.  Shouldn't the accident be covered under Workers Comp?  It was a work function.

Lie number 3,133,333 and counting.  

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Sooooo I'm going to say something garunteed to get some shit thrown my way. Before that happens let me say I hear you and respect your thoughts and feelings on this subject and you have a very valid point. So here goes....I'm not actually all that scandalized by Cancer-Gate.  Don't get me wrong, by real world standards that is some horrible shit and I don't ever want to have to be in a room with Vicki. But the thing is I honestly think all these women are morally bankrupt bitches that would sell their own kids for 1 more season in Andy's satanic cult.  Am I more creeped out by Brooks and his not cancer than Naked Wasted,or Meghan using her GOOD FRIEND LEANN'S cancer to get on TV, or Slade purposely hiding money to avoid paying for his kids medical bills, or anything having to do with the Curtin family? Eh, maybe? I don't know? I guess? It's bad, real bad, but at a certain point I have to roll my eyes at this group drawing their lines in the sand about degrees of horrible. You hate Vicki? So do I, that's why I'm not on a TV show with her. But if you keep doing that I'm not actually going to feel that bad that you have to spend time with her. Just quit already.

Edited by FozzyBear
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Just to add regarding Heather's blog.  Something bothered me when she stated she went home a day earlier (the night of the accident) than planned.  I went back and looked at that part of the episode.  Yep.  There it is.  Video of Heather packing in her trailer and then saying goodby supposedly the next day to Tamra as Tamra was packing.  So either Heather is lying or those scenes were shot the afternoon of the accident.  Oops.  I actually think production was at work here knowing that Heather was leaving early so we got some 'fake' scenes. 

I also wonder if the first scene of Shannon and Meg golfing were actually later scenes put in to make it look like Meg waited longer to tell Shannon.  Of course they didn't want them to talk about it while driving the golf cart and then we have 'convenient' phone call from Heather while they were talking.  Hmmm

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On 9/14/2016 at 9:02 AM, beaker73 said:

Some thoughts as I'm finally watching...

Hold up - it was expected that Shannon and Meghan drop everything to see a woman in the ER that neither are friends with, but the woman's real friends were sitting around in an RV drinking Veuve Clicquot and judging? Whatever, bitches.  

Oh, and they hate that she's there all by herself?  Welp, get up off your asses and have someone in production drive you to the ER. Or Kelly's husband could drive you. Or Rapey Ryan. Or Eddie.  Oh, but you can't because you don't wouldn't want miss any filming. Right.  

And Vicki is all by herself and "life sucks"? Really, Vicks? Well, if you weren't such a narcissistic, cancer lying pig, maybe you'd have friends that would drop everything to be with you in the hospital. Maybe your kids would've showed up.  Speaking of friends - where was Jeana?  Couldn't she have gone?  

I appreciate how production keeps giving us shots of Heather, Tams and Kelly all drinking while they act concerned for poor, lonely Vicki. "Oh, Vicki...so sorry that you're alone. We love you.  Hey! Can we get some more champs over here??" 

Team Jimmy and his assessment of the whole situation as being asinine.  

Tams looked really old in the scene at the gym. 

Heather needs to get the fuck outta here with all her faux outrage. Puh-leeze.  If you wanted someone to go be with Vicki then you should've asked. Period. 

Megs - if you're depressed now wait until you're raising that kid and running your candle shop all by your lonesome. 

Jeezus - I've heard "MapQuest" more in the last 50 minutes than I have in the last 5 years. 

Good grief - how did Meghan not reach across the table and punch Heather at lunch?  I am firmly Team Shannon/Meghan on this one (even if Meghan doesn't know what patronizing means.)  Heather--you called to say you got into an accident. At no point did you ask either Meghan or Shannon to go see Vicki.  You hinted at it even knowing that neither are friends with her. You and Kelly were drinking during that call.  You did not convey the seriousness of the accident at all.  I think Heather is somehow trying to cover her ass by acting all outraged because she knows there's film of all of them drinking and celebrating Eddie's birthday all while Victim Vicki was all by her lonesome.  All Heather cares about about how Heather looks. 

Thank you!

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14 minutes ago, Snarky McSnarky said:

Where's the fun in that?

Hehe. I agree! But for whatever reason deep in my soul, the "I can't be around someone like that!" strategy from the Housewives annoyed me to my bones. Your whole job is to be around someone like that! So snap to it, those tables aren't gonna flip themselves!

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6 hours ago, eurekagirl mOo said:

Gee I didn't realize pregnant woman were such delicate flowers they can't go near sand or dune buggies or a hospital. Good to know.  

She had JUST found out she was pregnant with a child they worked hard to get.  Yes pregnant women can and do normal every day things but geez, she just found out and should be allowed to spend the day however she wanted (be selfish, it was her happy day).  

So lets say she DID go see V.  Its 45 minutes from La Quinta.  Was she expected to wait the 9 hours for her to be released (I am sure the docs didn't SAY it was going to be 9 hours)?  Or should she have driven back 45 minutes until V was released, then driven 45 more minutes to pick her up and 45 more back to La Quinta or 2 hours to Coto?  Why should she and Shannon have to alter their weekend for someone (who obviously isn't critical) who they are not close  to when the campers did not give one fuck and THEY are actually friends with her ?  There were plenty of non players at that camp.  They could have taken V's luggage to the hospital so she didn't have to go home naked/in paper/in scrubs (they had plenty of time since she was there 9 hours), waited for her and then taken her home.  I am thinking all the non injured people are being incredibly selfish to put this all on the non campers.  

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1 hour ago, breezy424 said:

Just to add regarding Heather's blog.  Something bothered me when she stated she went home a day earlier (the night of the accident) than planned.  I went back and looked at that part of the episode.  Yep.  There it is.  Video of Heather packing in her trailer and then saying goodby supposedly the next day to Tamra as Tamra was packing.  So either Heather is lying or those scenes were shot the afternoon of the accident.  Oops.  I actually think production was at work here knowing that Heather was leaving early so we got some 'fake' scenes. 

I also wonder if the first scene of Shannon and Meg golfing were actually later scenes put in to make it look like Meg waited longer to tell Shannon.  Of course they didn't want them to talk about it while driving the golf cart and then we have 'convenient' phone call from Heather while they were talking.  Hmmm

So if Heather was going home why not swing by the hospital?  She was leaving anyway.  She didn't want to so its easier to blame those not in attendance.  

What I DO find hilarious in a mean spirited kinda way is the people/person who WERE with her (producers/producer) are the ones that she has been a bitch to according to the monkey fucker incident.  So the fact she has been a horrible person to everyone from cast to crew left her alone and nearly naked in a hospital 2 hours from home and people are having to draw straws to see who HAS to visit her.  Karma just paid her a visit. 

Edited by Natalie68
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