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Jill, Derick & the Kids: Moving On!!


Shout out to everyone participating in the conversation about Jill’s miscarriage/stillbirth. You’re navigating a difficult topic with respect and thoughtfulness and your contributions are kind, considerate, constructive and informative. 

Thank you. 💚💚

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My son and his fiancee are expecting their first child. They're due 5 weeks ahead of Baby Dill. They are in their early 20's and don't have tons of extra cash, so I have been picking up practical things for them here and there to help out. So has her mom. It's my joy as a grandmother to do that. But I have a feeling Michelle won't think to do the same. But I bet Cathy does...and I hope she has an absolute ball with it!

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Soda on a baby registry?! Now I've heard it all. That's just selfish and greedy.

It seem like an affordable gift from someone who would like to give but doesn't have much. It gives their friends and family alternatives and a range of expense in gift giving. I don't see the problem.

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It seem like an affordable gift from someone who would like to give but doesn't have much. It gives their friends and family alternatives and a range of expense in gift giving. I don't see the problem.

I think it just shows how childish their thinking is!!!  

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It seem like an affordable gift from someone who would like to give but doesn't have much. It gives their friends and family alternatives and a range of expense in gift giving. I don't see the problem.

But it's a BABY registry!  What are they going to do, but orange soda and Dr. Pepper in the baby bottle?  I am disgusted by this.  

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It seem like an affordable gift from someone who would like to give but doesn't have much. It gives their friends and family alternatives and a range of expense in gift giving. I don't see the problem.

I don't agree with this at all. You can easily find a pacifier or burping cloth for around the same price to gift the couple. There are many affordable options for friends of the couple who don't have much that doesn't include sugary beverages - one could easily go to a thrift store and find brand new baby clothes with tags for dirt cheap. This is a baby registry intended to provide for a child. Soda will not be consumed by an infant. It's greedy and ridiculous, imo.

Edited by trimthatfat
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I'm in horrified awe by the expansiveness of the baby registry. The soda & Gatorade is truly bizarre IMO & I find the idea of baby food ridiculous also. If they are part of the save the difference crusade (yeah right!) then they should know using regular food to make baby food is not only cheaper but generally healthier. And while I'm complaining about cheaper if they're going for the monster family then cloth diapers & wipes are definitely cheaper in the long run, even the more expensive snap diapers & covers would be. You can use cloth nursing pads too. It's all washable even if Grandma isn't doing the laundry. I'm irrationally disgusted by this. Every stage of car seat & home baby proofing gear? It's all so excessive. A phone card? Really? Put down the dang scanner & stop it.

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THe baby snacks are also disgusting.  The baby won't even be eating those things until it's maybe a year old.  So what?  THey are just going to have that stuff sitting on a shelf getting old and stale?  I wouldn't be surprised if they have another registry at another store for the crib and bedroom furniture and maybe a bike for when it's old enough to ride.  Why stop?  They are nuts!


And the Subway gift card!  OMG- self entitled assholes is what they are.  They should be SO embarrassed!

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I guess I'm not against the registry since it seems like it's fairly common (I wouldn't do one personally, however), but asking for gift cards for the baby is very presumptuous. I mean, who knows if the kid will even like Subway. And, I mean, are they going to be setting him/her up with a cell phone as soon as they're born? If they are, I'm sure the kid won't want a tracphone- I mean, have you seen the new iPhone 6? 

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I, too, am appalled at the Baby registry. As another poster stated, don't they already get a Walmart discount to buy things ON THEIR OWN! We were lucky enough to have family & close friends buy the larger items when my son was born but I remembered having so much fun buying the things I still needed. Why does the registry need to be done so early? I was reading on another Duggar blog that they didn't think Anna had a baby registry. There was episode where she &Michelle & older girls went to a baby flea market/tag sale to get baby things cheaply. I remember episode & was amazed at money they saved. (Some things I would only buy new cuz of safety but she got a lot of nice things) Remember all the hoopla over the fancy stroller Anna & Smuggs got when they moved to DC? Think it was a two seater with a place for Kinzie to stand. Boy times have changed in that family. I think Bin better get his hammer & nails ready to build J&D a storage shed!

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I doubt J&D or anyone shopping off this registry thinks the pop & gift cards are *for* the baby, they are clearly for the parents, and I can't quite decide how I feel about it - on the one hand, a breast pump is not really *for* the baby, it's for the mom, but it is a baby-related item. The gift cards - part of raising a healthy baby is maintaining a healthy marriage and (I know this is a bit of a stretch) and so a gift card to a restaurant might allow mom & dad a date night. The pop... I'm not coming up with anything to excuse that since aren't nursing moms not really supposed to be consuming caffeine anyway? (I don't like coffee or pop so never paid attention to the rules governing them)


BUT... I have long since concluded that registries bring out any previously undiscovered selfish grabbiness among otherwise normal people, so will give them the same eye roll and subsequent pass that I give everyone else I've seen like this. And I will say, it was hard to control myself when making my wedding & baby registries, like I said before somewhere in the forums, Mr. DVD and I had nearly nothing relevant at both of those stages and it's hard to not want one of everything, but I knew my parents would murder me if we went overboard :) and I didn't want to be one of those people discussed like we're doing here.. so I controlled myself.

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Oy.  First of all, I don't know of anyone that registers this early.  I understand being excited and wanting to dive into the cute baby stuff, but most seem to settle for browsing and maybe buying a onesie or stuffed toy when it's this early on.  I have a feeling that all the Duggar gift registries are fueled by the fact that rabid fans are determined to send these folks gifts one way or another, so I guess why not at least get what they want.  But SODA?! And baby snacks that will likely expire before the kid can eat them?  Ridiculous.


I agree 100% that if people are contacting them wanting to send gifts, they really should set up a way for them to donate to a mission or charity that helps children in some way.  It would be interesting to see how many people would donate and how many would go against their wishes and send gifts anyway just do they could feel pleased knowing something they bought was being used by a "celebrity baby".  In addition to the Wal-Mart gifts, can you imagine how many homemade booties and blankets they'll probably get? 


Speaking of donations... I suppose it would be the epitome of foolishness for me to suggest that J'Chelle clean the cobwebs out of the baby crib that we know must be still sitting in that alcove in their room waiting for a new occupant since Josie. 

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Add me to the list of those disgusted at the registry. I agree that if they were really as godly and selfless as they like to pretend they are they would ask all their fans to donate to charity in lieu of a gift. I have no problem with a small, reasonable registry for family members that is sent out with the shower invitations. They should be coming out and saying that while they appreciate the thoughtfulness of their fans, those gifts would be donated to people who actually need them.

But to accept gifts from perfect strangers when you are a decidedly wealthy family is just gauche. How many families are struggling to put food on the table because of this stupid cult? They have the audacity to register for baby gifts in their first trimester just so you can be sure all the sheeple have enough time to throw their hard-earned money at millionaires who look down on them. And for soda and gift cards?! Sickening.

I, like many of you, have lost any respect I may have had for the Dillards. They are just as bad as the rest of them. The fact that their "fans" can't see through them and what they rally stand for (making themselves rich) makes me sick. There is little to nothing left of the original family we saw on 14 Kids. This is a family consumed by the riches brought by being famous on reality TV; exactly like every other reality family they consider so beneath them.

Maybe some people will start to see the truth about this greedy, materialistic, fake-pious family. They get worse and worse every year and are so disingenuous about everything. I hope Jana runs away with Frank Sun and finally blows the lid off this farce for good.

I used to love the Duggars, in a zoo exhibit kind of way. Now their constant hypocrisy and over-bearing self-righteousness makes me sick.

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By the time that baby gets to the baby food and the medicines, the expiration dates will be long done. 


It's not that the Duggars have these endless registries, but that they make sure to publicize them so well that looks greedy to me. Perhaps they expect their fans, not God, to provide for them. 

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I don't have an issue with a baby registry per se. However I DO have an issue with a couple creating a massive public registry while only three months pregnant for the sole purpose of grifting as many gifts as possible and that's exactly what Jill and Derick are doing. Cases of soda and gift cards to restaurants? Sorry, that's not okay. If money is so tight you can't afford your own 2 litre of Dr. Pepper, you probably shouldn't have gotten pregnant in the first place.


I'm going to sound mean again but I never understood the Jill love. She is one of the more self righteous children. She's the one who toes the party line the most. She talks over her siblings the most, especially the girls. I just don't get why people think she's so great.

I think people were excited when she was doing midwifery training and courting a non-Fundie because it seemed like a Duggar kid was finally breaking the mold a little bit. But Jill's proven herself to be as greedy, spoiled and entitled as her famewhoring parents. I'm done with her.

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Has anyone tried posting anything like our disgust with this registry on any of the Duggar forums, facebook or whatnot?  I would assume it would get deleted pretty quickly because from what I've read they are all on there singing their sick praises. 

I posted a negative comment on Jessa's fan page regarding her registry and her leg humpers attacked me like a pack of rabid wolves. I guarantee any less than flattering comments posted on the Duggars' official sites will be deleted asap.

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I think I figured out the use for soda and toddler snacks. They're for the "sip n see" like Phaedra had. Other than that its just either dumb, greedy or both.

So guests are essentially paying for their own refreshment when they visit the Dillards to meet the baby? I really hope this wasn't their logic, particularly when adults wouldn't be interested in toddler cereals and the like.

Edited by trimthatfat
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Maybe the Dillard's have no clue how wealthy JimBoob and Michelle are. I wouldn't put it past Jim Boob to keep his family in the dark about finances and earnings. On the other hand still don't understand the soda on the registry. Unless paired with the Subway cards they will be part of meals the first few weeks after Jill's delivery. But still not very healthy. Or they are sticking up to serve her family when they come to visit the baby. Cause you know they won't be bringing anything!

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I’ve heard of a baby registry, but it’s only for guests that are invited to a baby shower.  Jill and Derick know that they are going to receive tons of gifts, so they probably figure they might as well ask for what they really want.  Otherwise, they will get lots and lots of homemade quilts and booties. I was blown away when I saw the amount of stuff Prince George received.  I am amazed at the amount of people that send gifts to people they only see on television and in magazines, even if they don’t really need it.

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What did you say? (if I may ask) 

I called them out on registering for thousand dollar laptops, four hundred dollar mixers and restaurant gift cards. Their sycophants told me I was rude and horrible for daring to question the motives of such a wonderful couple. The creator of the page ended up deleting me.


ETA: Ok guys! I just did it! I left a not so nice message about the registry on the Jill and Derick fan page! Let's see how many replies I get!!!!

Edited by BitterApple
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I called them out on registering for thousand dollar laptops, four hundred dollar mixers and restaurant gift cards. Their sycophants told me I was rude and horrible for daring to question the motives of such a wonderful couple. The creator of the page ended up deleting me.



Wow this sounds familiar.....

Edited by jodo
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I would have a lot of respect for Jill and Derick if they requested on a practical and useful baby registry that any gifts purchased by fans or viewers be donated to area churches in their name across the country that are needed for needy families in the area who are expecting a child and can't provide these items themselves.

THAT, IMO, dear fellow posters is a Godly, charitable, selfless gesture that Derick and Jill should have requested. They are more than able to purchase the items that they will need for a new baby, compound that by Derick's family, friends and relatives, and Jill's family, friends and relatives. People who KNOW YOU are the ones who attend your baby shower and give you baby gifts. The closer you are in family, (I believe is customary), the "bigger" the gift, ie, the grandmothers give cribs, strollers, baby swings, etc.. and down from there. I am disappointed in this family all the way around. It just shows you how greedy Michelle and Jim Bob actually are and what example they showed Jill and the rest of them.

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Did she (or anyone close) confirm this is definitely her registry? These people are crazy, but this is a little much. 


I remember shortly after getting married my period was late. I started thinking about if I was pregnant, thinking of how many people bought us wedding gifts and I was grateful for that. But, I was kind of worried now the same people would be buying us baby gifts (my extended family never lets a baby go uncelebrated) and really felt bad that anyone would have to get us so much in one year. I don't think she thinks twice about stuff like that.


I had just been thinking of her as a married adult now and how she didn't have that newlywed time.  She's growing up just fine with parents who are overinvolved in her life, but has no real job, no education to fall back on.  Life is roses for her. But these kids aren't prepared for any financial hardships. What about when the show dries up and Derek loses his job? Is she going to keep popping babies out? All she knows is what her parents have taught her (no real world experience) and what she has seen of her family, who has really had it easy the last few years with the success of the show. I just think she's living in this fantasy world.


BitterApple, I can't wait to see what they say. What is the link?

Edited by ShaNaeNae
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Everyone that I know registers for baby stuff (for the first baby, at least) and the registry info is usually on baby shower invitations. Many people I know use it as a to-do list of everything they need for the baby, and most places give you a discount for you to buy things that aren't gifted, which is why they include expensive things like cribs and strollers. Lots of people I know register for things they don't expect to be gifted, but want to get the discount so they can buy it themselves.

If they have Dr. Pepper and sodas, though, I have no excuse for that. That's ridiculous.

Meh, they only asked for ONE 20oz bottle of Dr. Pepper and ONE 20oz bottle of Fanta. Those cost like what, 1-2 bucks total max? Seems more like silly "gag gifts" to me and not meant to be taken seriously. But overall, I'd say 95% of their registry seem like pretty basic baby items. I suspect I'm in the teeny tiny minority on this,  but I didn't find their baby registry to be an overwhelmingly horrible money-grab. They registered at Walmart for goodness sakes, not some high end baby boutique.  I don't know, I just find it incredibly presumptuous to say that Derick and Jill  (or anyone) should ask for donations to be made to charities instead of registering for gifts that they may actually need. Charitable donations are nice but unless you're Derick and Jill you have no idea what their finances are like and whether they could use some help getting started as young parents-to-be. 

Edited by Mariva
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Meh, they only asked for ONE 20oz bottle of Dr. Pepper and ONE 20oz bottle of Fanta. Those cost like what, 1-2 bucks total max? Seems more like silly "gag gifts" to me and not meant to be taken seriously.



Then why even put them on there? If they are only a few dollars and indeed gag gifts, just pick them up on the way to the shower or whatever event they need this so bad for.

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Then why even put them on there? If they are only a few dollars and indeed gag gifts, just pick them up on the way to the shower or whatever event they need this so bad for.

I assume the point is to see if anyone will actually go through and buy them the soda. Maybe it's an inside joke with their friends/family or something. Again, those soda bottles only cost a few dollars so they're not asking anyone to break the bank for them. It's clearly not a money-grabbing issue. 

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I remember shortly after getting married my period was late. I started thinking about if I was pregnant, thinking of how many people bought us wedding gifts and I was grateful for that. But, I was kind of worried now the same people would be buying us baby gifts (my extended family never lets a baby go uncelebrated) and really felt bad that anyone would have to get us so much in one year. I don't think she thinks twice about stuff like that.


This is how I would feel as well and is kind of why I'm not really outraged about it, but cringing a bit. It just seems like a lot to ask people to buy you gifts so soon. My college graduation came right before my wedding (literally one week before) and I didn't send out any invitations to it (except to close, close family & friends so maybe 10 people) because I didn't want anyone to feel like they had to gift me twice. 

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Jill and Derrick are media savvy enough to get on the cover of People magazine. Derrick, at least, should realize that they might get criticized for putting out a gift list to people who aren't invited to the event. Maybe they don't care.


I have to wonder about the strangers who send these gifts. I remember reading that Audrey Meadows was amazed that viewers would send kitchen curtains to Ralph and Alice Kramden to decorate their "apartment." 

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I believe they made a registry. But, so much of the registry linked here makes me hope that that isn't THEIR REAL registry. No crib? No bassinet? No onesies, no receiving blankets, no diaper bag, no breast pump? No nursery decor? Also, they registered for Winnie the Pooh and Lion King merchandise? While I hope against hope that Derick may have watched those movies as a kid, what are the odds that this baby would be permitted to watch them? The coke and restaurant cards are so stupid! It's got to be a joke. Jill has plenty of baby experience and the fact that there are good items for a toddler and the lack of newborn essentials makes me want to call bull.

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I'll chime right in on the registry thing. I'm totally cool with registries. Within reason. Baby supplies are one thing, but medicine, food, snacks, SODA, etc....is total overkill. Buy that crap yourselves, you cheap-asses.


I also wondered why on earth baby stuff costs so much. Is it cos they know you HAVE to get it? Like, a friend of mine has a registry for a ton of stuff for her incoming baby, and I saw it and some stuff was reasonable (like onesies and such) and other stuff (a Hello Kitty bath towel set) was insanely expensive. I mean, I get buying good furniture and a car seat....but for the rest why not look for used stuff? I dunno. I just don't get having to buy all this super expensive stuff that a child might not even get to use before they outgrow it.


And I know all about being deleted from places for having an unpopular opinion. I'm very good at that, haha. I can't help it, I'm brutally honest. Either you deal or you can't.

Oh yeah. One last thing. We know Derrick has a job, but does he ever actually WORK at it? Just on Pintrest alone I saw hundreds of couples pics of them. Do they do anything besides go out and pose for pictures to post online???

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Oh yeah. One last thing. We know Derrick has a job, but does he ever actually WORK at it? Just on Pintrest alone I saw hundreds of couples pics of them. Do they do anything besides go out and pose for pictures to post online???


What I would LOVE for someone to ask her. Face to face. It's a little too much self-love than I like.  She's bordering on annoying these days.

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I called them out on registering for thousand dollar laptops, four hundred dollar mixers and restaurant gift cards. Their sycophants told me I was rude and horrible for daring to question the motives of such a wonderful couple. The creator of the page ended up deleting me.


ETA: Ok guys! I just did it! I left a not so nice message about the registry on the Jill and Derick fan page! Let's see how many replies I get!!!!

Can you post the link- I really want to see it and the responses before it gets deleted.  lol

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ETA: Ok guys! I just did it! I left a not so nice message about the registry on the Jill and Derick fan page! Let's see how many replies I get!!!!

Okay- wait! I think I found it- are you Kristen Leu?  If so- thank you for making me laugh my ass off- if it's not you- then thank you Kristen for calling them out in the midst of all their sick lovers.  

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The sodas and other non-baby items requests are the height of tackiness.  I've never heard of anything like that.  Why am I surprised? Those two should be ashamed of themselves.  I feel second-hand embarrassment for them.


For example, at a recent baby shower I saw that the mom-to-be had registered for more than 600 items. I wasn't about to go through that list. Instead, I made her a gift basket of baby items that are standard practice



I would de-friend them, and if they're relatives I would lose their number and avoid them at family reunions. I don't know them, but I don't like them.

Edited by zenme
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I was surprised to find there were a lot of very modestly-priced items on the baby registry.  You know, the kind of things you buy for yourselves.  They registered for a pink nail clipper set, and further down the page was a white one.  I didn't see much in the way of useful stuff--onesies, bibs, crib sheets, little stretch suits, etc.  What's up with all the baby snacks?  Kids don't eat that for months. 


The stroller, swing, and pack & play make sense to me.  My daughter registered for some of the big items, knowing that some relatives always go together to purchase gifts.  Her inlaws got her a stroller, close friends went together and got a high chair, aunts went together and got the swing.  Families can do that.  Not that Jill's will, of course.  But WTH is up w/the gift cards to go out to eat?!?!?  How very rude!!!  Friends from church and of couse family brought meals to my daughter, but she also did freezer meals ahead of time.   I try to take a meal to new parents, just a little extra TLC because I know they will be tired!


The only things my daughter got at her shower that weren't expressly for the baby were from me.  I got her 3 nursing nightgown/robe sets for in the hospital.  And I got clothing for the baby.  Not soda.


On the whole, it looks to me like kids were set loose in Walmart and had fun w/scanners.  They have no idea what they need.  Any feelings of like I had for these tacky, self-entitled idiots is now gone.


Oh, Derrick, I had such hope for you! :(

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If I go off registry I will usually purchase a couple of bedtime books, maybe a cute outfit (like I got my nephew a fun fuzzy monster onesie), and a stuffed toy. But I wouldn't go buying gifts for the parents themselves, such as restaurant gift cards. Tacky! Although gift cards to stores like Target or Walmart would be acceptable considering both stores sell tons of baby stuff.

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Yes, Fliptopbox, that's another thing I noticed in recent years.  People get books for the baby.  My daughter got dozens of them, and what a nice gift! 


They started reading to my granddaughter the day they brought her home.  At 2, she knows all her letters and just loves to be read to, or just sit and look at books by herself!


Sadly, most children's books would not be Gothard-approved, I am sure.  Chicka, Chicka, Boom, Boom is probably quite unsuitable, as is anything Dr. Seuss.  Wouldn't want these kids to develop a love of reading or anything like that.  Next thing you know, they will be doing their own thinking.

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It seem like an affordable gift from someone who would like to give but doesn't have much. It gives their friends and family alternatives and a range of expense in gift giving. I don't see the problem.

I don't think it's appropriate to give an infant sugary soda. It just makes no sense to me.


ETA: I see others have already commented on this!



The only things my daughter got at her shower that weren't expressly for the baby were from me.  I got her 3 nursing nightgown/robe sets for in the hospital.

Jill says she will be having a home birth, so no special nightgowns needed for the hospital.

Edited by DangerousMinds
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I don't think it's appropriate to give an infant sugary soda. It just makes no sense to me.

Unless you're Leah from Teen Mom 2:)


It's definitely sad to see all our aspirations for Derick go right down the drain once we saw that picture of him gleefully holding the Wal-Mart scanner. I hope he and Jill get a mouthful of cavities from all that soda...

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Since it's only a couple of bottled of pop, maybe one of her siblings was playing w/the scanner.

And I see nothing wrong w/gift cards so Mom & Dad could get away and have a date night.

My in-laws got me gift cards for new clothes, pj's, and two gift cards for dinner.

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You know Derrick posted that IG picture just so fans would know to go look for it. Posting it ridiculously early (earlier than any expectant couples I know!) gives them plenty of time to put MORE stuff on before the baby comes once eager fans purchase everything off it. I am so over them. SO GROSS, DILLARDS.

Edited by The Ascension
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Jill should know better with her extensive knowledge of taking care of babies- that they don't need toddler snack food, etc.

I agree with the previous poster that it's time for Michelle to pass down the crib, strollers, infant clothes, etc. Her time is done.

I don't have a problem with restaurant gift cards. Derrick could pick up a dinner to go so she wouldn't have to cook. I had twins out of state & only 1 neighbor family made us a meal. It was very appreciated!

I do think it is rather silly & fame-whorish to register this early, unless they were getting a lot of requests to send gifts from the rabid fans.

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