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Jill, Derick & the Kids: Moving On!!


Shout out to everyone participating in the conversation about Jill’s miscarriage/stillbirth. You’re navigating a difficult topic with respect and thoughtfulness and your contributions are kind, considerate, constructive and informative. 

Thank you. 💚💚

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11 minutes ago, Jeeves said:

BOOM. I almost got chills reading that when I got to the part I bolded, knowing who issued it. That statement is not vague, and I don't think it pulls any punches. I wish them well in their new house, with the baby, and with Derick's new career.

ETA: The statement is on their blog here: https://www.dillardfamily.com/2022/05/our-response-to-joshs-sentencing/

BOOM is right ... in the bullseye.   Shines a big ole light on the crux of the problem -- this guy is a danger to children and therefore society.   It's clear they will never forget that, nor should anyone.

Anybody think there's a possibility that by the time he's released the Duggar hairline will have receded to the point where there's enough real estate to tattoo the pertinent statements about his potential to reoffend on his forehead for public convenience?

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1 hour ago, Notabug said:

Jill and Derick have handled this whole ordeal with a lot of class, IMO.

I agree. 

Jill isn't required to say anything publicly, and I could understand either way if she spoke publicly or did not. As one of Josh's victims, and his close in age sister (meaning she was his peer and watched his personality form, his behavior effect the family) this has to be emotionally draining for her. I wouldn't wish this on anyone.

It also takes vulnerability to make your feelings public. I wish Jill only the best in her healing. Nor am I surprised that she continues to love Josh and his family. The M kids certainly didn't do anything wrong, and she can love Josh as her brother and hate the things that he did. Loving someone doesn't mean you approve of their behavior. Also if she never wanted to see or speak to him again that would be well within her rights too.

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6 hours ago, floridamom said:

Derick is licensed to practice in Arkansas...not other states. Any other state they move to would have to allow Derick to "motion-in" and become licensed in that state without having to take another Bar exam. Also, Derick has absolutely no experience as a lawyer yet. He really has to stay in Arkansas at this point.

I thought it was posted that he passed some special exam for multi-state licensure.

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6 minutes ago, CalicoKitty said:

I thought it was posted that he passed some special exam for multi-state licensure.

Do you mean the MBE?  Its the multiple choice portion of the bar exam, it doesn't mean we are licensed in several states. It is just the standard multiple choice portion that most states use.

Last I checked you have to be admitted to the bar for 5yrs to not have to take it again move states. So I am not surprised Derick only sought jobs in AR. Also that's his home. Of course there is nothing wrong with moving to a different state (or country) if you want those experiences for your career, but the vast majority of people (especially with a spouse/young children) stay in the state they currently reside when beginning a career.

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If I may tip toe in ...

I think the Dillard's statement is a great statement, but to me, Derick saying FF's punishment years ago wasn't harsh enough doesn't make it true. It Derick's opinion. One he no doubt adopted from public opinion and one more way he can publicly jab JB. I'm not saying Derick isn't entitled to his own opinion - he certainly is, as is everyone.

But like I said, the Dillard's put out a good statement. 

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 Based on the business address in his licensed Arkansas lawyer information (public database), it's believed he has a job in Stilwell, OK, which is a 30 minute commute from their new house.

Oklahoma and Arkansas have a reciprocity agreement as to licensed lawyers; I don't know if he meets all the requirements to be admitted to practice in OK. But I assume all that's been dealt with between Derick and his (presumed) employer.

The address in Stilwell is the county courthouse. The District Attorney has an office there ,and there's also the court(s). He could work for the DA or clerk for a judge. AFAIK he hasn't been specific about the job. I think he could clerk for a judge without being admitted to the OK bar, but he'd need admission if he's to be an Assistant District Attorney.

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Not a fan of Derick and his often bigoted, condescending and self righteous attitudes but...it was a good statement and it hit the required notes. I think the sentence which essentially makes JB complicit in Josh's crimes is interesting. Derrick is saying that if JB had acted all those years ago, then Josh would not have sought out CSAM. That is a wide sweeping assumption and perhaps not even remotely true (given what we know about patterns of behavior) - but Derrick needed that statement in order to tie this judicial decision (vengeance from god) in with what happened years ago. And it was appropriate to do so. So I'll give this statement a thumbs up. But until I hear Derrick admit his own judgmental and hypocritical ideology - he still gets my thumbs down overall.

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5 hours ago, Scarlett45 said:

I agree. 

Jill isn't required to say anything publicly, and I could understand either way if she spoke publicly or did not. As one of Josh's victims, and his close in age sister (meaning she was his peer and watched his personality form, his behavior effect the family) this has to be emotionally draining for her. I wouldn't wish this on anyone.

It also takes vulnerability to make your feelings public. I wish Jill only the best in her healing. Nor am I surprised that she continues to love Josh and his family. The M kids certainly didn't do anything wrong, and she can love Josh as her brother and hate the things that he did. Loving someone doesn't mean you approve of their behavior. Also if she never wanted to see or speak to him again that would be well within her rights too.

Re the bolded: Wasn’t it also Jill who got the ball rolling in that she was the first to  “tattle” on him?

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8 hours ago, tarheel220 said:

My SIL would beg to differ.  I couldn't tell you how many times in the last couple of years she has repainted her house. *eyeroll*

Too funny!  And that is why one size does not fit all!!!!

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18 minutes ago, YupItsMe said:

Re the bolded: Wasn’t it also Jill who got the ball rolling in that she was the first to  “tattle” on him?

I don't think it has ever been clarified.  The police reports indicated that one of the other siblings witnessed Josh touching Joy inappropriately; but I don't think it was possible to know who it was.  Jill has been referred to as a 'snitch' by more than one of her siblings, however.

JB claimed that the incidents that occurred while the girls were in bed were reported to him by Josh himself and that none of the girls had awakened or was even aware he had been in their room.  I don't believe that for a minute, but it's all we've got.

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1 hour ago, Notabug said:

B claimed that the incidents that occurred while the girls were in bed were reported to him by Josh himself and that none of the girls had awakened or was even aware he had been in their room.  I don't believe that for a minute, but it's all we've got.

There also was an account of one of the girls waking up and punching Josh, but not knowing for sure who it was.

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1 hour ago, YupItsMe said:

Re the bolded: Wasn’t it also Jill who got the ball rolling in that she was the first to  “tattle” on him?

Boob's story is that Smuggar self-reported the molestations of Jill and Jessa while they apparently slept. But there's the story of one of the girls waking up and hitting him (supposedly Jill). I imagine Jill would have gone to her parents after that incident. I believe it was also Jill who went to Boobchelle after the moelestaion of Joy, which was during a story time. I have no clue how they found out about Jinger in the laundry room. 

Edited by Salacious Kitty
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IIRC the Reddit post by a woman who went to the same church and posted years before the molestation was revealed said it was Jill who blew the whistle. In hindsight it’s chilling that this info was out there from pretty much at the beginning of the show.

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Jill posted a comment to Carlin about moving. She told her not to feel guilty about giving the kids pizza, pb & j and unhealthy snacks. Too funny because Carlin and Jill likely eat the worst out of the kidults in each family. Well, and Jessa.

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2 hours ago, jschoolgirl said:

That might be why they chose a company! Less drama, more professionalism, and probably faster.

And running on real time not Duggar time.

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2 hours ago, GeeGolly said:

Jill posted a comment to Carlin about moving. She told her not to feel guilty about giving the kids pizza, pb & j and unhealthy snacks. Too funny because Carlin and Jill likely eat the worst out of the kidults in each family. Well, and Jessa.

Jill's gotten better through the years. If she's still making cream of slop casseroles, she's not showing them. Carlin and Jessa? Rarely, if ever (looking at you, Carlin), cook. 

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I agree with you, Scarlett, about Jill being naturally nurturing. We could see how the siblings she was in charge of felt about her.

Her lack of housekeeping prowess when she first got married was due to never learning practical skills at home. Please, though she was supposed to tend to the basic needs of “her” siblings she never had any input n decision making.

Imo she was overwhelmed when Isaac was born because suddenly she had to be a real grown up who wasn’t used to actually having a say on how things were run.

i certainly have disagreements with the two of them but both have at least shown the capacity to grow.

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14 hours ago, Scarlett45 said:

Totally. I always hire a moving company. Such a PITA under the best of circumstances. 

If a professional mover drops your glass-topped table, you're protected. If your friend or relative drops your glass-topped table, you're out a glass-topped table. 

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1 hour ago, Portia said:

If a professional mover drops your glass-topped table, you're protected. If your friend or relative drops your glass-topped table, you're out a glass-topped table. 

And, possibly, you're out a friend.

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We  moved twice by ourselves with help from friends. Our last moved, we moved everything but the big furniture, by ourselves. I told my husband that that was the last time we move ourselves or with friends. Moving companines for the win.

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One list I read (internet list, so not an official source) says one of the ways you know you’re an adult is when you hire a moving company instead of buying your friends pizza to help you move. I think it’s a better option for them.

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Just now, emmawoodhouse said:

Well, Jill already has the drill out, so things are moving along at the new place.

Quick, someone needs to send her some colorful happy mail.

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1 hour ago, GeeGolly said:

I swear if someone did a study they would find moving as a top 10 reason for divorce, lol.

I agree.  Moving is incredibly stressful, and I say that as someone that hasn't moved in 30+ years!

Mr. X worked for a moving company many years ago.  Jill and Dillweed are smart to hire it done.  They're getting a bigger house, which is a plus with another baby on the way.  When is she due again?  

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6 hours ago, Ms Norman Maine said:

I agree with you, Scarlett, about Jill being naturally nurturing. We could see how the siblings she was in charge of felt about her.

Her lack of housekeeping prowess when she first got married was due to never learning practical skills at home. Please, though she was supposed to tend to the basic needs of “her” siblings she never had any input n decision making.

Imo she was overwhelmed when Isaac was born because suddenly she had to be a real grown up who wasn’t used to actually having a say on how things were run.

i certainly have disagreements with the two of them but both have at least shown the capacity to grow.


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4 minutes ago, lilwhitelion said:

Also, didn't Josh say that Jill was the tattle-tell of the family at her wedding?

Did he say that at her wedding? If so, he's an even bigger jackass than previously thought. And he's already a much bigger jackass than his sperm donor, the original braying ass.

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13 minutes ago, emmawoodhouse said:

Did he say that at her wedding? If so, he's an even bigger jackass than previously thought. And he's already a much bigger jackass than his sperm donor, the original braying ass.

I think he said it during a TH on her wedding episode.  Jana tried to smooth it over by saying Jill helped keep the siblings accountable. Once the molestations came out it made Jana’s statement sinister and the FF’s criminal.

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It was criminal of TLC to air that TH during her wedding episode, unless he had something to say about her wedding. They should have left that on the cutting room floor if they were trying to portray the wholesome family image. Shit like this was just a prelude to all the Joshgates that followed. 

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Maybe I'm mixing things up, but I thought Jill being labeled a tattletale was in one of those THs when a handful of kids were asked a bunch of different who is most likely to______________ questions.

And go Jana if she said Jill was trying to hold her siblings accountable - I see that as a jab at Josh, if Jill did tell on him.

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2 hours ago, GeeGolly said:

Maybe I'm mixing things up, but I thought Jill being labeled a tattletale was in one of those THs when a handful of kids were asked a bunch of different who is most likely to______________ questions.

And go Jana if she said Jill was trying to hold her siblings accountable - I see that as a jab at Josh, if Jill did tell on him.

Yep, that was about as clear as Jana could be that some of them needed to be made accountable for their actions.  A major burn on Josh.

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On 5/28/2022 at 7:00 AM, GeeGolly said:

Maybe I'm mixing things up, but I thought Jill being labeled a tattletale was in one of those THs when a handful of kids were asked a bunch of different who is most likely to______________ questions.

And go Jana if she said Jill was trying to hold her siblings accountable - I see that as a jab at Josh, if Jill did tell on him.

The Jill being a tattletale stuff was describing her from very early childhood on. I don't doubt that her being the one to catch Josh during one of his crimes was part of the subtext, but it wasn't the sole reason. Jill herself described feeling very anxious as a young (think around 5-6 years old) child when her siblings would break rules and would run to her parents to tell them. 

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25 minutes ago, YupItsMe said:

I wish she would realize that color really washes her out. You’d think she could look at photos and see it.

Yes, Jill compare how great your hair looked when you attended FF's trial, and how bad it's looked with the past two color treatments.  I hope it's just hormones playing tricks with her mind.

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This is what happens with celebrities - they start believing all their followers/fans compliments. Everyone needs a close friend or two who will tell them the truth, even when its a harsh truth.

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