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Jill, Derick & the Kids: Moving On!!


Shout out to everyone participating in the conversation about Jill’s miscarriage/stillbirth. You’re navigating a difficult topic with respect and thoughtfulness and your contributions are kind, considerate, constructive and informative. 

Thank you. 💚💚

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Kiki620 you've got Derick's number. I cannot imagine anyone buying into the Duggar's way of life including going along with the ridiculous courting rules unless that person was of a like mind or was looking for a way to get onboard the gravy train or some combination of the two. Derick originally sought out JimBoob as a "prayer partner." He was no doubt familiar with the show and readily signed on. He has demonstrated no inclination to move away with Jill and has, in fact, moved into a JimBoob owned home. On paper he looks pretty normal. In reality, not so much.

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The fact that Derick mentioned paying for the engine repair out of his emergency fund shows he's no dumb bunny when it comes to finances. He clearly understands the importance of saving for a rainy day. Boob was really taking it too far. 

And then Boob's comment about "Well, what if your emergency fund was depleted?" As if he was really throwing Derickdillard a curve ball. You know Derickdillard really wanted to say "well, I am so careful with my money, I would always have something in my emergency fund, Boob."

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Michelle actually said to Jill that SHE found herself a man like her father? In what world did Jill do that? It was Jim Bob who went through the potential husband supermarket with the shopping cart and picked Derick up off the shelf and presented HIM TO JILL. It was Daddy who found Jill a husband just like himself, IMO and to all of us in the real world! Just what alternate universe does Michelle live in?


I would like to hear from these two "stellar parents" as to just what pre marital counseling/talks/advice they received from each of THEIR PARENTS? I'm tired of these two carrying on like their family began with Jim Bob and Michelle. It also is arrogant and controlling of them to completely take over the pre marital talks that clergy is entitled to have with the couple. After all, it is in the pastor's church and it is the pastor, himself who will preside over the ceremony, isn't it? They are presenting themselves as being total strangers to the pastor who has to "meet them for the first time" at the altar. Those two are controlling freaks who won't let go of the choke hold they have over their kids and now their spouses too, Anna, included.

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If Derrick was my son, I would advise him just to sit through these counciling sessions and pretend that he doesn't think what they are saying is a bunch of nonsense. I would make sure he knew not to take a word of it seriously though. This way he keeps the peace with his in-laws, but those crazy people wouldn't really have a say in Derrick's life.

I think he heard you auntl and is playing a good game!  

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Let's be honest - something about the Duggars Drew Derrick to them, and it isn't just that he liked a pretty girl. It could be that he wants to drink the coolaid. For what it's worth, most cult-joiners are college educated young couples in their early 20's who really want to make a difference in the world and are drawn to a charismatic person because they feel a certain loneliness in their lives that they don't know how to fill on their own.

Sound familiar?

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Let's be honest - something about the Duggars Drew Derrick to them, and it isn't just that he liked a pretty girl.


Funny you should say that because my sister is convinced that Derick approached Jim Bob about Jana and that he steered him to Jill, instead.

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I don't think Derek went for Jana. I realize it's completely possible, but Jana doesn't strike me as the type of girl Derek would want.

I do, however, think Derek wanted in on the Duggar fame wagon. I still like him, because, unlike Bin, Derek didn't glom onto Jim Bob and put his life on hold and suckle the Duggar test. DEREK finished school. Went to Nepal for a significant time period. And, Derek days a career separate from the crazy train.

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I could totally imagine Derrick saying to JB, "I am ready to find a wife." as a general statement and JB offering to consider if one of his daughters coukld be the one. JB then draws names from a hat and BINGO - Jill gets to marry him.

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I am hoping that if Jana wants someone special in her life that she gets the opportunity (with someone good enough for her and not controlled by JB) and is not overly pressured by JimBoob and Clown Car to have everything documented on TLC. I personally think JimBob is more motivated in matching up the daughters who are interested and willing to pimp out their courtships/engagements/weddings/marriages/pregnanices on TLC. I don't think Jana is interested (or even able) to be front-and-center like that, so she is put on the backburner while JimBob focuses on ways his family can make money for him.

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I'm not even sure that Derek was attracted to the fame whore side -- lots of people really are attracted to the family itself.  Especially people who feel they have very little family.  Let's keep in mind that Derek is someone who lost his father fairly recently, and has a mother who was adopted.  He has one brother who obviously isn't as religious as he personally is.  His mother has recently remarried.  He may have just felt like there was no one in his close, personal circle that really understood who he was, and was reaching out to people around him in religious circles for mentors and actual (gasp!) prayer partners - men he saw who had families that he admired and hoped to be part of someday, not necessarily literally, but recreate in some manner.  It's just his luck that Jim Bob was someone who genuinely responded.

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Maybe Derek, having watched the show for years, had the same response many of have had: those kids need to be rescued!, and the whole thing has been a sneaky plot toward sweet, sweet freedom. (I occasionally enjoy crackpot conspiracy theories.)

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That would explain why Derick has taken to James so well and doesn't seem to mind having him hanging around.  If I were a newlywed, I'd be annoyed with my thirteen year old brother in law spending so much time with me and my new bride. 

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I do think Derick was attracted to this family in part because of the sheer size and way of life. Many guys would be scared off getting into any kind of relationship with a girl (esp when they knew that relationship = instant marriage, which I bet he knew having watched the show) who has 18 siblings and who seemingly believes "I want as many kids as God gives me -- not just like 5 or 8 but even 18 or 20 would be fine." Many would also wonder how the dad of that family sits home and provides just on rental and TLC income and what would be expected of him to provide if he ended up with that kind of family. This combo would make many guys run for the hills.


Derick comes from a small family -- just has his mom and brother. He seems very Christian -- not sure about his mom and brother; they may be "normal" Christian but it may not be the 24-7 focus on their lives. Not sure how social he really is; maybe with a small family and not being too outgoing, he feels a bit "left out." He may like the "cult like" thing that fundies have -- you are with your large family all the time, you spend your time with other mega families that become your "friends" in the sense that you see them at the same conferences etc. Maybe he wanted in on that. Though I don't know -- there are lots of ways to get that feeling esp in the small town south. There are lots of families that move to a small town with a Friday Night Lights feel, raise their kids in the community, and become a permanent fixture in the community; and there are lots of churches in the south that are quite conservative and VERY active -- to where a young couple can pretty much center their social life around church not just on Sunday but throughout the week. I think he liked the arranged marriage aspect of this -- bc he knew fundie parents would consider him a catch and pretty much find a daughter that had to marry him -- and then likes being a part of a family/community that has a life of its own.

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Funny you should mention that. We know that Anna was raised with Gothardism, but Derrick and Ben were not. It's interesting that Jim Bob did not seek men who were strict Gothard followers to be husbands for his daughters. Maybe in the 6 years since Josh and Anna were married, the Duggars have moved away a bit from Bill Gothard and his teachings even though it looks like they still embrace the lifestyle. They don't appear to be nearly as strict as some of the families associated with it such as the Pearls, however..I assume all of their kids had to marry somebody who was raised the exact same way they were. 

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Strictly speaking, the Pearls and Gothard are separate ministries that sort of run along a parallel track, not unlike Gothard and Doug Philips' old Vision Forum, which is where Ben Seewald comes out of.

For all the Duggars (and the Bates, etc) claim not to follow a Quiverfull ideology, in the end it seems that this, more than anything, seems to be the dominant quality that they all are looking for in their children's' spouses. Will you agree to have at least what most Americans would consider to be a large number of children?

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Kiki620: I wonder where Derick's mother and brother were in all this when it began? I know Mrs. Byrum was quite ill around wedding planning time, but before that, she flew back with him from Nepal, didn't she and she seemed ok enough to take the trip and I'm sure would have had the focus and mental energy to speak to Derick about what the heck he was doing! She seems like a normal woman who has a normal religion, etc..why was this endeavor of Derick's "okd" by him mom? For sure, she had to see major warning flags....

P.S., I knew a Kiki in Fort Lauderdale when I was in 6th grade.

I agree about Cathy seeing warning signs & I always reference when she & Derick were at the airport coming back from Nepal. She made some comment to him - I hope you two have time to talk. I think Derick replied We will. I'm hoping he remembered from the time Jill agreed to court him on, they would be chaperoned conversations. I think Cathy meant by having time to talk (in person) he would realize he made a mistake & call everything off. I really think Cathy wasn't happy he got involved with this family. I realize she was sick but the airport scene happened before she was diagnosed & she looked to be "forced" happy at the engagement announcement. I loved the dig she got at MEchelle about using the same instruction book. I just get a bad vibe from her regarding the whole thing. Just my opinion......
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Funny you should say that because my sister is convinced that Derick approached Jim Bob about Jana and that he steered him to Jill, instead.

Wow! Now I feel even worse for Jana! Why would he do that?

It was James I believe that said he'd tell his parents if something "serious" went on between Jill and DerickDillard. He said "If it wasn't serious..." and then just rolled his eyes. LOL!

Lol! I know it! My daughter rewound that to rewatch it 3 times! Funny!

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Jim Boob doesn't know that in the real world  a credit card is essential.  He's a celebrity with TLC making the arrangements and paying all the bills for their traveling.  You and I need a credit card to reserve a hotel room or a flight.  BTW, if he was paying, how much cash would he have to carry around all the time.  Just gas for the bus and other assorted vehicles they bring would be a fortune, and then figure buying food at McDonald's for the whole group.  Perhaps we should follow him around and steal his wallet.  It should be easy to find, being stuffed with cash.    Look for the giant lump on his butt.

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I think it was cruel and thoughtless to not reschedule the wedding if Derrick's mom was too sick to go. Screw TLC and the Duggars. It's not like they'd lose deposits on the caterers or band or venue. Gah.

Edited by PityFree
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I assume Boob does use credit cards now, because he's so damn full of himself.  He's above the rules now, he just gets to dictate them to others.


That or TLC has given the crew or one of the Duggars a card to charge all their expenses to that Boob doesn't have to pay.


Or he insists on always being within five feet of an ATM, but if he does that, he must drive people in hotels fucking crazy.  "Can I give you this much for these rooms?  Okay, hang on half an hour while I go get the money.  Don't go anywhere!"

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I'm going to cut Jill and Derick some slack on continuing with the wedding. For all we know, they may have consulted with Cathy about postponing and she insisted they go with the original date. Maybe the wedding was the one bright spot during a really bad time in her life.

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Having a credit card doesn't make you a bad person. Use it responsibly and you'll be fine. All things I'm sure Derick knows, what with being an accountant and all. Jim Bob and MEchelle seem to think because they have self-control issues, their kids (and their spouses) will too.


Of course, if the parents didn't hoard all the TLC money (you know when the kids turned 18 they said "Daddy can handle all my money!") maybe the older ones would learn about proper fiscal responsibility before they were married and on their own. Those iPhone bills don't pay themselves.

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It would be silly of JB not to use a credit card and get cash back or points for all the purchases their family makes.  He might actually do that, and not consider himself to be carrying debt if he pays off the balance before the statement comes.  I charge all my purchases and all the bills I can for the cash back points (and the extra benefits and protections that come with purchasing items with a credit card) but pay it off within a few days and I don't really consider myself to have credit card debt, although I guess I technically do for a day or two.

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Having a credit card doesn't make you a bad person.


No, but according to JimBob it's a definite dealbreaker no-no.  So if he's using one, he's a hypocrite in yet another way.

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It is my understanding that Jim Bob uses a debit card.  He probably has wads of cash in the bank, so it isn't an issue for him.


Nothing wrong with credit cards- I use mine for everything and get points and cash rewards.  I do pay the balances in full each month.  It is all about self-control.  I know how much I have to spend and I don't go over the limit, but it is nice to know I have credit if an emergency were to come up.  I think maybe Jim Bob does not have enough self-control to do that- didn't he and Michelle get themselves in trouble with credit card debt early in their marriage?  Once bitten , I guess.

Edited by 3 is enough
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Jim Boob doesn't know that in the real world a credit card is essential. He's a celebrity with TLC making the arrangements and paying all the bills for their traveling. You and I need a credit card to reserve a hotel room or a flight. BTW, if he was paying, how much cash would he have to carry around all the time. Just gas for the bus and other assorted vehicles they bring would be a fortune, and then figure buying food at McDonald's for the whole group. Perhaps we should follow him around and steal his wallet. It should be easy to find, being stuffed with cash. Look for the giant lump on his butt.

He probably keeps it in Michelle's vagina... Plenty of room and no one is going near that to steal it.

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I agree about Cathy seeing warning signs & I always reference when she & Derick were at the airport coming back from Nepal. She made some comment to him - I hope you two have time to talk. I think Derick replied We will. I'm hoping he remembered from the time Jill agreed to court him on, they would be chaperoned conversations. I think Cathy meant by having time to talk (in person) he would realize he made a mistake & call everything off. I really think Cathy wasn't happy he got involved with this family. I realize she was sick but the airport scene happened before she was diagnosed & she looked to be "forced" happy at the engagement announcement. I loved the dig she got at MEchelle about using the same instruction book. I just get a bad vibe from her regarding the whole thing. Just my opinion......

That’s not exactly how that scene played out. What actually happened was that Derick and his mom was trying to text Jill, I’m guessing to tell her that they landed, but she wasn’t responding. Derick said something like oh well I’m sure she’s already there waiting and that’s when his mom made the comment about being glad when they’ll finally get to talk. My impression was that they were merely just having problems getting in touch with Jill at the airport. Pretty sure that wasn’t any “warning sign” moment from Cathy.


I’m not sure how the speculations started that Cathy disapproves or disapproved of her son’s relationship with a Duggar. From all the interviews I’ve read, she just raves over Jill and her family. Yeah she could be lying through her teeth but somehow I doubt it. I didn’t see any forced happiness from Cathy when Derick and Jill announced their engagement. She looked positively emotional, in an excited mama sort of way. Remember her gleeful proclamation about how she was going to spoil her daughter in law? And we know from Jill that Cathy has indeed been showering her and Derick with gifts for the house and their baby.


Don’t know if this was mentioned already but Cathy announced a few weeks ago that she was currently in remission from her cancer but she’ll be undergoing further intense chemotherapy soon to decrease her chances of a relapse. So there’s a good chance that just like how she was MIA during much of Dill’s wedding planning due to her illness, she might not be super involved with Jill’s pregnancy this time around either. It's unfortunate that she has to miss out on so much but I'm sure Derick and Jill will agree that they’d much rather his mom focus on getting better first and foremost. I don't buy for a second that they'll deliberately exclude his mom from all their baby plans or that Cathy wouldn't want to be involved if it weren't for her health.

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It is my understanding that Jim Bob uses a debit card.  He probably has wads of cash in the bank, so it isn't an issue for him.


Nothing wrong with credit cards- I use mine for everything and get points and cash rewards.  I do pay the balances in full each month.  It is all about self-control.  I know how much I have to spend and I don't go over the limit, but it is nice to know I have credit if an emergency were to come up.  I think maybe Jim Bob does not have enough self-control to do that- didn't he and Michelle get themselves in trouble with credit card debt early in their marriage?  Once bitten , I guess.

My credit is trashed....long story, but it's my fault mostly, some was caused because of an ugly separation. I use debit cards, I don't have any credit cards anymore. I was going to say that he's probably using debit cards. I have 3 bank accounts. (Yeah, I need to put them together, I'm lazy) and I have 3 debit cards...haha. I don't have a crapload of money like they are sure to have, though. The juggling that occurs every week to pay my bills is comical. I have one job that deposits my pay into one account, and my other job deposits into another account....and I'm always trying to remember what account I can use for spare funds....so I don't overdraw my account

I bet I and many of my coworkers could out do this Jimbob on 'buy used, save the difference' 3 times over...

One thing that really disturbs me...these poor kids are tossed in the public eye...some from birth. You would think that child labor laws would apply, not to mention the money, don't they have to put aside a share of earning for all of those kids? As soon as they become of age (which legally would be 18, yes?) they SHOULD be given their share of the money, and whatever they decide to do with their lives, go to college, pop out a billion kids, it's on them.

Of course, that's wishful thinking right there.

What really needs to be done is federal laws need to be passed to stop exploitation of these poor minor kids....from ALL these shows. However, I've only know of perhaps 3 shows that really exploit these kids...the 2 other shows I've noticed (the little people shows....there are 2, right?) treat the children very well, and I would gather to say those kids will be well taken care of once they become of age.

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Jim Boob doesn't know that in the real world  a credit card is essential.  He's a celebrity with TLC making the arrangements and paying all the bills for their traveling.  You and I need a credit card to reserve a hotel room or a flight.  BTW, if he was paying, how much cash would he have to carry around all the time.  Just gas for the bus and other assorted vehicles they bring would be a fortune, and then figure buying food at McDonald's for the whole group.  Perhaps we should follow him around and steal his wallet.  It should be easy to find, being stuffed with cash.    Look for the giant lump on his butt.

That can all be done with a debit card now.

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i'm not even sure that Derek was attracted to the fame whore side -- lots of people really are attracted to the family itself.  Especially people who feel they have very little family.  Let's keep in mind that Derek is someone who lost his father fairly recently, and has a mother who was adopted.  He has one brother who obviously isn't as religious as he personally is.  His mother has recently remarried.  He may have just felt like there was no one in his close, personal circle that really understood who he was, and was reaching out to people around him in religious circles for mentors and actual (gasp!) prayer partners


I think there's something to this. I grew up as an only child. My mother was an only child, and her father was an only child. This cut the family size down considerably. I always fantasized what it would be like to have siblings and be one of many so that I could "blend in."  It was a lonely childhood, especially when my step-father moved the three of us 800 miles from our relatives to a place where we had none, when I was 8 years old. I was drawn to friends who had multiple siblings. I rolled my eyes at their comments about wishing that they could change places with me and be only children themselves. I wanted to be in the Brady Bunch growing up. Maybe this is why I always watch the TLC shows about supersized families with fascination. 


It may not have been intentional, but something like this might have drawn DerickDillard to the Duggars. Granted, once he stepped off that plane and saw the entire Hee Haw gang at the airport, he may have thought, "What the fuck have I gotten myself into," but by then, he was smitten with Jill and it was too late to turn back, or he simply thought, "I love Jill. I can deal with this dog and pony show."

Edited by ChicksDigScars
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In what interview has Cathy raved about the Duggars?

I would really like to read this article too. I'm still sticking to my opinion about Cathy not being gung ho about him marrying into this circus. (To each his own & that's what makes this forum interesting.) Even when they arrived home from Nepal, they were greeted at the airport, over the top, by the Hee Haw gang (love that!) with the Dillard/Bynum family getting pushed to the back. Wasn't Miracle hanging off Derickdillard the whole time?, IIRC one of the little girls was screaming Are you going to get married & MEchelle giggling/screeching -She's thinking ahead! If I was Cathy, I would have grabbed Derick & gotten back on the plane.

Still wondering what she thinks of the registries, Jill not continuing her midwifery training (since Cathy seems to be a believer in higher education), being under the Duggars thumb with the Mcmansion, the People magazine articles, etc. I'm sure, like the rest of us, she has looked back & can't believe how Derick's life has changed immensely in a year.

I can relate to the idea that maybe Derickdillard searched them out since he doesn't have much family. My dad was an only child as is my son. But the Hee Haw Gang is going to the extreme. Wasn't there a family in his church he could have been a prayer partner with?

My opinion of Derickdillard is going down. I was hoping by his normalcy he could pull Jill out of the cult, but instead it seems like he's taken a gulp of the Duggar Kool-Aid (using a Styrofoam cup.)

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Aside from monopolizing on the fame thing, I have been feeling different lately about Jill and Derick. I think they're playing along with the parents or the show and I sense they have the Vulcan mind meld going on. Unlike Ben and Jessa, they seem in tune with one another and aren't sharing what they are really thinking with their parents and the camera. They pass on these knowing glances to one another. When they were at the auction, I thought it was interesting how she clung to Dad and had her head on his shoulder. As soon as Derick arrived, it was like Dad wasn't even there. I see them being a good team.

I know people are down on her for acting immature, but I like how she carries herself when she is working as a midwife or working with kids when they are on mission trips. She's all business. I was probably the same age when I got married, and yikes, when I look back and even see young adults marrying at the same age now, it seems so young! I'll give her a pass.

Edited by TobyBelle
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As annoying as Jill can be, I have to give her a pass for being the First Person to Every Be Courted/Date, Get Married, Have the Sex, and Get Pregnant, like, totally, because this is the only time in her whole life it's been able to be about HER, instead of purposing and sharing with a sibling, or putting her fame whore mother on a pedestal. Jill married wisely, and will most likely never have to struggle emotionally or financially, so her life should be fairly easy, so good for her. The babymoon will 'get real' soon enough, and especially after she's had four or five consecutive pregnancies, but for now, she's the irritating Belle of the Ball.

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I think you're right Razzleberry Pie. Jill's reached the pinnacle of Gothard women's achievement. She found a man young, courted with out undermining her "purity" (UGH!!!), got married and proved her fertility on her honeymoon. She's come from obeying her father without questioning and taking care of far more children than one person could handle. In a few years she will be obeying her husband without questioning while caring for more children than one person can handle. I hope she and Derickdillard will make some different choices, but if not she might as well enjoy this "season" (double ugh). 


Sigh, so depressing. I think I need a stiff drink of... grape juice...

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I think there's something to this. I grew up as an only child. My mother was an only child, and her father was an only child. This cut the family size down considerably. I always fantasized what it would be like to have siblings and be one of many so that I could "blend in."  It was a lonely childhood, especially when my step-father moved the three of us 800 miles from our relatives to a place where we had none, when I was 8 years old. I was drawn to friends who had multiple siblings. I rolled my eyes at their comments about wishing that they could change places with me and be only children themselves. I wanted to be in the Brady Bunch growing up. Maybe this is why I always watch the TLC shows about supersized families with fascination.



I can relate to this as well. Even though my parents were both the youngest of three siblings, and I have 10 first cousins, we moved about a 4 hour drive away from the rest of the family when I was three, and then from England to America when I was 9. Added to the fact that I was an only child, I was the only survivor of three premature babies my mother had, so I grew up very overprotected. I remember having a friend, when I was about 12 or 13, who came from a family of seven, and when I would call her house to talk to her, whoever answered the phone (often even her parents) would have no idea whether she was actually home and would have to go and check. I thought this was the pinnacle of freedom, and a completely exotic and incomprehensible notion. Of course, this has nothing whatsoever to do with the way the Duggars are raised. I suppose, in all reality, even I had quite a bit more freedom than they do.

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I bet Dill will announce Baby Dill Pickles' jender on GMA before the announcement that night. That's usually how it goes.

Nope. It's confirmed that gender will be the "Special Announcement" during next week's TLC episode.

Edited by Sew Sumi
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Nope. It's confirmed that gender will be the "Special Announcement" during next week's TLC episode.


Before they're even married?  (in show time)  That seems really odd. Or is it going to be a rush from dress shopping to married, pregnant, and we're having a _____?

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I think Cathy probably is happy with Jill but may not like the circus of her family. She did excitedly say that she couldn't wait to have a daughter in law to spoil. That seemed genuine, but let's face it -- even if it wasn't -- she isn't the first mother of a son to realize that if she doesn't make nice with his wife, she's not getting much/any time with her son or his kids. She may not love Jill's "values," as she was a mid/higher exec at Walmart who clearly believes in college, women in the workforce etc. and Jill does not -- barely any education and what career she did cobble together in midwifery, she seems to have put on a shelf because now she has a man and is making babies (no matter what they say, I don't see her going back in any meaningful capacity; right now pregnancy is tough -- then motherhood will be tough then there will be babies nos. 2, 3, 4, etc.). But regardless of Jill's values, she individually is a fairly likeable -- or at least tolerable -- person.


Now I do think Cathy and her other son have a problem with the Duggars. Cathy made a dig right to Michelle's face about how she also used the same instruction book to raise her son (i.e. you guys aren't the only Christians in the world), and his bro couldn't even feign enthusiasm about the Duggars and actually said on camera that they've "grown on him." I think Cathy probably doesn't like their overbearing involvement in her son's life. Again she's been around the block, she probably gets that in most cases girls will always be closer to their own family than their inlaws, but in this case that family is freaking nuts and overinvolved -- not letting her son even text, call or have dinner with their daughter privately, asking him blunt questions re his family's finances as part of the "vetting" process etc. My recollection of why she was annoyed at the airport was that they were texting back on forth on a "family" text that included her -- I guess so she could hold her son accountable -- and she was receiving all kinds of idiotic messages re the airport that boyfriend and girlfriend were probably capable of sharing with each other.


I think unlike her son she is mature enough to realize that that involvement is NEVER going to end and her family will lose Derick a bit. JB has Derick under his thumb -- even has him living in his home, probably expects him to spend most/many weekends with the Duggars etc. I'm surprised that she didn't strongly counsel her son to NOT accept a home from JB; a man should be able to provide and not take from his inlaws particularly inlaws who will lord it over him for life. We know he can provide so they could have started in a 2 bedroom apartment or townhome like everyone else. She probably also worries about what his future looks like. Sure lots of people SAY they'll take as many as God gives them, and somehow they hit kid 3-4 and that's the end of that. Here he's married a girl that TRULY seems to believe that. While the Duggars may think that Derick does REALLY well -- Cathy has been in corporate America long enough to know how salaries work. Sure if he's making 50-70k now, that's great for 2 people and a baby. But when they're on baby no. 7, even if he's making a 150k things will be "tight" if he wants to ever buy his own home, save for all the kids' college, plan for retirement etc. If I were her, I'd be spending time talking to my son alone about these things to get them through his head -- without Jill there going "oh it's fine, God will provide."

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Nope. It's confirmed that gender will be the "Special Announcement" during next week's TLC episode.

A poster on another blog thought the announcement may also include Jill & Derickdillard are getting their own spin-off series.

I agree it is weird learning the baby's gender when they haven't gotten married yet on TV. Why couldn't they have waited another week & do the announcement after the finale WEDDING OF THE CENTURY episode? These people just can't wait for anything.

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Ugh!!! The thought of Jill and Derrick makes me want to run outside screaming, throw something at my tv, and ask what the heck is TLC thinking. Please, for the love of God, I hope this is not the big announcement. Of course, I would love to see the reaction of Josh/Anna and Jessa/Ben if this comes to light. Talk about having a hard time keeping it sweet.

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