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Jill, Derick & the Kids: Moving On!!


Shout out to everyone participating in the conversation about Jill’s miscarriage/stillbirth. You’re navigating a difficult topic with respect and thoughtfulness and your contributions are kind, considerate, constructive and informative. 

Thank you. 💚💚

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11 hours ago, Zella said:

I feel less ashamed admitting this on this forum than I do in real life: I read true crime books and articles to myself in Keith Morrison's voice. And I read a lot of true crime!

Sometimes I'll watch "Forensic Files" with the sound off, the captions on and every guy speaking on the screen gets Keith's voice....*LOL*

I think the fire pit was lit up just for the S'mores.  Because the most light and refreshing desert for a June BBQ is always going to be molten chocolate and marshmallows!

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8 minutes ago, leighdear said:

Sometimes I'll watch "Forensic Files" with the sound off, the captions on and every guy speaking on the screen gets Keith's voice....*LOL*

I think the fire pit was lit up just for the S'mores.  Because the most light and refreshing desert for a June BBQ is always going to be molten chocolate and marshmallows!

In the video, it doesn't look like there was a BBQ or that they served any real food at all.  Just S'mores and ice water.  Yaaaaaaaaaaaay!

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3 minutes ago, Mollie said:

In the video, it doesn't look like there was a BBQ or that they served any real food at all.  Just S'mores and ice water.  Yaaaaaaaaaaaay!

The second video showed Jill putting together some root beer floats. At least those are a bit cooler.

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16 minutes ago, Jynnan tonnix said:

The second video showed Jill putting together some root beer floats. At least those are a bit cooler.

Wow, so the kids were overdosing on ice cream, soda, marshmallows and chocolate, and still managed to look lethargic and bored?! Some party you threw there, Jilly Muff. 

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12 hours ago, Zella said:

I feel less ashamed admitting this on this forum than I do in real life: I read true crime books and articles to myself in Keith Morrison's voice. And I read a lot of true crime!

There's no shame in your game. I'm going to try it myself!

The only thing I got out of Derick's latest screed is that they tried bacon. What's next, shellfish?

Edited by MargeGunderson
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Jeeves, I agree. Derick screwed the pooch big time. I don't know if he lashed out at Jazz because he was pissed at TLC/Boob over money or what, but he should've known better. Theoretically, they could still film Jill and the boys, but why bother? With Jingle due soon and JD courting, they've got enough material to keep fans interested. 

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2 hours ago, Ohiopirate02 said:

Also, WTF does he even mean about loving the unwed mother and being pro-life?

Well, somebody loved her!  Oh, and Derrick, some people really love their homosexual friends, just sayin'.  

I'll show myself out!

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15 hours ago, Loves2Dance said:

Unofficially, of course, she likely has Sensory Processing Disorder and this is a sensory quirk that the Duggars have ignored and not gotten her the help to overcome. Without intervention, she's not outgrowing it anytime soon. 

My 8 year old has SPD, along with ASD and OCD, and her think was smelling people's arm pits. We have thankfully broken that habit, but sensory kids can do some 'weird' things by neurotypical standards. 

Maybe we should just start calling her Brick.  Burning question, will there be vid of her licking cars next?  Now I have gotten the snark out of my system, will anyone get her any help if needed?

*by the way, y'all were on fire!  The comments here had be chuckling!

14 hours ago, Zella said:

I feel less ashamed admitting this on this forum than I do in real life: I read true crime books and articles to myself in Keith Morrison's voice. And I read a lot of true crime!

HA!  I am a huge fan of his as well!

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2 hours ago, Ohiopirate02 said:

I fail to see how Derick's actions in regards to Jazz on Twitter showed any gentleness or respect. 

Also, WTF does he even mean about loving the unwed mother and being pro-life?  Does he think that only unmarried women have abortions? 

The whole thing actually just reads as an exercise in how to justify your cherry-picking...

Derick says:


For example, some of us recently indulged in some tasty bacon that Lifeway offered at their annual breakfast for the Southern Baptist Convention.  However, God never contradicts himself, and there are certain principles that remain true, though they are manifested differently.  The point of the Levitical law was the separation of God’s people to himself.  By allowing Scripture to interpret Scripture, we always get a fuller understanding of God’s word.  Peter’s reference to the law tells us that there is a distinction between God’s people and the world.  If we are living according to our calling, and because God’s ways are inherently different from the world, it should always be obvious who is a child of God and who is not.  

What is "allowing Scripture to interpret Scripture" supposed to mean?

And when it comes to it being "obvious" who is a child of God, if salvation is supposed not to be by works, pretty much all that's left is being blatantly and smugly holier-than-thou. Good people come in every faith or lack thereof, and you can't tell one from another without a program.

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12 hours ago, Mollie said:

That's the most boring party I've ever seen. 

Boring people = boring party. It's what happens with people who are extremely restricted in terms of what they allow themselves to think, talk about, and engage in. To quote Jill, "so, yeah."



Why would anyone want to sit around a campfire in the hot sun when it is 100 degrees outside in humid Arkansas? 

To "fellowship"? I assume there was grilling involved also.



Jill should have been too embarrassed to post that.

I think based on the evidence we've seen we can establish that Jill has no self-awareness or shame.


4 hours ago, McManda said:

I cringed so hard when they threw the chicken carcass into the lake. Why?! The lake is not your trash pit and you're not "feeding the fish".

Because they are that horrible combination of ignorant and too arrogant to ever educate themselves. I wish someone would forward the YouTube video to the local environmental protection authorities so they can receive a citation for polluting the lake.

Edited by graefin
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8 hours ago, ginger90 said:

This video I posted has made its way to their blog as a recipe........


Cut Ice Cream!

Jun 28, 2018 | Recipes | 0 

So, I guess this is more of a tip than a recipe, but I thought it fit under this category best. My mom (Michelle Duggar) would always buy a whole flat of those little blocks of ice cream from Aldi (anyone else know what Aldi is?) and she would cut them using a butcher knife. Yes, you heard me right! lol I guess it was easier than scooping out a ton of ice cream from the little cardboard containers that could easily be folded flat and cut, plus it made it easier to evenly divide for all the kiddos and made for a pretty quick process! I remember one other large family in particular that we always seemed to have the same dinner with when they’d come over: Eureka pizza (anyone local know that name?) and root beer floats! #memories #somuchfun When we had my siblings over recently, I was reminded of the ice cream cutting and had to post!




Another video from Jill:




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6 minutes ago, ginger90 said:


I admit to being an ice cream snob.  In my Western Washington area, ice cream still being sold in cardboard rectangular boxes is the absolute cheapest available.  Gag. For many years, better ice cream has been packed in cardboard 12-16 serve tubs.  And, of course, the best stuff comes in pints!

The cheapest ice cream is just pumped full of air and chemicals.

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So, I guess this is more of a tip than a recipe, but I thought it fit under this category best. My mom (Michelle Duggar) would always buy a whole flat of those little blocks of ice cream from Aldi (anyone else know what Aldi is?) and she would cut them using a butcher knife. Yes, you heard me right! lol I guess it was easier than scooping out a ton of ice cream from the little cardboard containers that could easily be folded flat and cut, plus it made it easier to evenly divide for all the kiddos and made for a pretty quick process! I remember one other large family in particular that we always seemed to have the same dinner with when they’d come over: Eureka pizza (anyone local know that name?) and root beer floats! #memories #somuchfun When we had my siblings over recently, I was reminded of the ice cream cutting and had to post! Click here for more pics and videos of when my family came over.

So, Jill just posted a recipe for sliced ice cream, pictures included. Honestly, it really isn't that difficult to scoop out ice cream and most people don't have huge families where they'll finish the whole carton at once. 

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8 hours ago, Lunera said:

So, Jill just posted a recipe for sliced ice cream, pictures included. Honestly, it really isn't that difficult to scoop out ice cream and most people don't have huge families where they'll finish the whole carton at once. 

It's kind of funny that twice, Jill referred to the "whole carton" to "those little blocks".  I'm surprised Mama didn't just buy those huge pails of really cheap ice cream.

But then she couldn't slice it up!

Edited by louannems
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55 minutes ago, Lunera said:

So, Jill just posted a recipe for sliced ice cream, pictures included. Honestly, it really isn't that difficult to scoop out ice cream and most people don't have huge families where they'll finish the whole carton at once. 

Not to mention her comment about anyone else knowing about Aldi is pretty condescending. 

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 "I remember one other large family in particular that we always seemed to have the same dinner with when they’d come over: Eureka pizza (anyone local know that name?) and root beer floats!"

So, the Duggars would invite a family over for dinner and order out for pizza.  That figures.  Knock yourself out, Michelle. You wouldn't want to actually, you know, cook something would you?

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6 hours ago, madpsych78 said:

It is becoming more common in our generation to see people compartmentalizing Scripture, as Thomas Jefferson did, to suit their own minds and interests, rather than seeking to know the whole of what God really says to us in His word, the Bible.

Canadian here.  What exactly did Thomas Jefferson do?  Because I don't get the reference.  I'm assuming the bacon reference has to do with the Duggars/Dillards not eating pork because of Leviticus.  But Jefferson went over my head.

And Derick, a writing tip, throwing in references like this without expanding on them is poor form.  Also, it comes across as obnoxious.

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3 minutes ago, Pingaponga said:

Canadian here.  What exactly did Thomas Jefferson do?  Because I don't get the reference.  I'm assuming the bacon reference has to do with the Duggars/Dillards not eating pork because of Leviticus.  But Jefferson went over my head.

And Derick, a writing tip, throwing in references like this without expanding on them is poor form.  Also, it comes across as obnoxious.

I think what he's referring to was that Jefferson was a slave owner who even fathered multiple children with one of his slaves, Sally Hemmings.   As I recall, Jefferson used scripture to justify his ownership of other human beings.

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I haven't delved into the details to know if or how Thomas Jefferson "used scripture to justify his ownership of other human beings." (ETA: his position(s) and statements about slavery are sufficiently complex to have been the subject of much study and debate over the years. For example he wanted an end to the importation of slaves into the territory that was known as the colonies and became the United States. But he was a slaveowner himself.)

He did literally create his own version of the Bible by carving up a copy of the New Testament and binding the passages he selected into his personal version of the book. Story here: https://www.smithsonianmag.com/arts-culture/how-thomas-jefferson-created-his-own-bible-5659505/

I don't know if that's what Derick referred to as Jefferson's "compartmentalizing scripture." According to the Smithsonian article I cited, Jefferson was heavily influenced by deism, and his personal beliefs were out of the mainstream, although he believed in freedom of religion. 

Edited by Jeeves
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7 hours ago, Ohiopirate02 said:

I fail to see how Derick's actions in regards to Jazz on Twitter showed any gentleness or respect. 

Also, WTF does he even mean about loving the unwed mother and being pro-life?  Does he think that only unmarried women have abortions? 

I would also add if she's a mother she was "pro-life" at least once.

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Thanks. I think our "wonkiest" Prime Minister was William Lyon Mackenzie King, who reportedly used a crystal ball to try to talk to his dead mother.  And whose grandfather led a rebellion and had to flee to the US. Our leaders have been pretty damn boring.

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31 minutes ago, Mollie said:

 "I remember one other large family in particular that we always seemed to have the same dinner with when they’d come over: Eureka pizza (anyone local know that name?) and root beer floats!"

So, the Duggars would invite a family over for dinner and order out for pizza.  That figures.  Knock yourself out, Michelle. You wouldn't want to actually, you know, cook something would you?

Wouldn't ordering out actually be more expensive? Or maybe those visits were filmed so they didn't actually care :P

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When did Aldi's come to Arkansas? Jill makes Michelle's ice cream tip sound like something she has done for years, since Jill was little. I'm fairly certain Aldi's has been in my area a little over 5 years.

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6 minutes ago, GeeGolly said:

When did Aldi's come to Arkansas? Jill makes Michelle's ice cream tip sound like something she has done for years, since Jill was little. I'm fairly certain Aldi's has been in my area a little over 5 years.

Good point.  Aldi came to Fayetteville in 2012. 

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4 hours ago, Jynnan tonnix said:

The whole thing actually just reads as an exercise in how to justify your cherry-picking...

Derick says:

What is "allowing Scripture to interpret Scripture" supposed to mean?

And when it comes to it being "obvious" who is a child of God, if salvation is supposed not to be by works, pretty much all that's left is being blatantly and smugly holier-than-thou. Good people come in every faith or lack thereof, and you can't tell one from another without a program.

I think ‘using Scripture to interpret Scripture ‘ is cross referencing more than one verse against another verse on the same thematic topic.

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For anyone interested, Jill posted another haphazardly filmed live video to her Insta stories that will disappear in a few hours. It goes on forever and I wasn't able to watch or hear very well, but they are home with the kids, who are playing on the floor with Derick. Sam is starting to walk ("yay!") and Jill addresses the camera a bunch and plugs their website. Yawn.

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30 minutes ago, GeeGolly said:

Jill was married in 2014. Michelle did this for two whole years while Jill lived at home.

It was longer than that. I distinctly remember them shopping at Aldi in one of the early specials. Maybe it was in Springdale, where they lived at the time?

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I'm a little confused as to how you would serve a block of ice cream without cutting it with a knife. But this is way of the Duggars I guess, expecting praise for reinventing the wheel.

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3 minutes ago, Vaysh said:

I'm a little confused as to how you would serve a block of ice cream without cutting it with a knife.

You leave the box closed except for one end and scoop it just like any other carton.  I grew up decades ago in a place where most ice cream came in rectangular cartons.  My family served it both ways.  The cutting method was more often done for parties or large gatherings while scoops were done for one or two servings at a time.

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2 minutes ago, Absolom said:

You leave the box closed except for one end and scoop it just like any other carton. 

I think perhaps our paper ice cream cartons must be of different sizes and design; ours are designed to open from the side and are pretty small. I'm trying to picture scooping ice cream out of a block paper carton and even if I was using a teeny tiny scoop, it would end up a mess. :D

If I want a single serving I just cut off a piece of the carton and remove the cardboard from that. And yes Jill, I use a "butcher" knife.

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23 minutes ago, DragonFaerie said:

 I'm always amazed at the fundies like them that don't take care of the Earth that their God created.  Nice way to show your appreciation. 

It is my understanding that some people believe that the rapture will happen once Earth has become uninhabitable.

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