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Jill, Derick & the Kids: Moving On!!


Shout out to everyone participating in the conversation about Jill’s miscarriage/stillbirth. You’re navigating a difficult topic with respect and thoughtfulness and your contributions are kind, considerate, constructive and informative. 

Thank you. 💚💚

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Is that window in the background boarded up? (I'm assuming it's a window anyway because of the curtains). Whatever the white cover is, it looks too stiff and solid to be blinds to me, but maybe it's an American thing?

Have the Dulls ever posted a picture of their new place where you can see actual daylight? All their home photos looks rather dark and dour to me. Maybe they're going for cosy.

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I'm impressed by Michelle's hair in the group photo; it actually looks quite normal. It would look even better if she'd cut off that four-inch rat tail curl at the end but it sure doesn't look like her usual squirrel's nest.

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20 minutes ago, DawgMom said:

ginger90 - - these were on a website "whatthefundie?"  my bad if I did something wrong sharing them

Not that I know of!! I was just curious because Jill and Derick didn't have them on Twitter or Instagram.

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A dirty diaper on the sofa, of course!

Jinge and Baaaabe are totally checked out.

Josie is still feral.  

Meredith is adorable, looks like a Princilla's kids.

The other M's look dead, poor things.

Nice to show all the Hefty bags of junk upstairs!

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1 hour ago, dargosmydaddy said:

Um, WTF? Not only does that look strange and uncomfortable, but the hat and "swaddle" look awfully warm for indoors. And the second picture is just...???? 

Maybe she's showing him the photo of swaddled Iz on the phone. "Look, buddy, yours is less uncomfortable!"

Maybe Derrick's gofundme is really for Sammy.  It looks like he is being held hostage by some crazy woman with really bad hair.

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Lots of folks at FJ enlarged and thought nose ring or a stick on. Babe didn’t even bother with a pretend smile. Derelict is the ultimate twat, happily sitting next to the man who molested his wife. 

Edited by SMama
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Where were Joy & Austin?

It looks like just a plain roll-down shade on that apartment window. 

Is that their front door? Because it doesn't have a deadbolt or chain lock on the front door, or even a peep hole. SO safe with 2 kids.  

Edited by leighdear
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17 minutes ago, SMama said:

Lots of folks at FJ enlarged and thought nose ring or a stick on. Babe didn’t even bother with a pretend smile. Derelict is the ultimate twat, happily sitting next to the man who molested his wife. 

Yeah, but Josh gave $$ to the gofundme to all is forgiven!!

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We're missing Josiah, Joy/Austin, Jeremiah (although Jedidiah is there), James, and Justin. Joystin may be with the Forsyths for Thanksgiving.

And I agree that Jeremy looks so done.

Edited by madpsych78
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55 minutes ago, madpsych78 said:

We're missing Josiah, Joy/Austin, Jeremiah (although Jedidiah is there), James, and Justin.

I find that odd because James was in one of the other Thanksgiving pictures on the blog. You'd think if you were doing a big family photo like that you'd make sure ALL the family who was in the house got in it, but I guess in a family as big as the Duggars, they really might not notice. Good for James, if he managed to escape for some alone time. 

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Maybe James was taking the picture. 

That note was probably to keep all the littles off that staircase.  Isn't that a gate at the bottom of it?  Lots of rugrats there, so the note actually makes sense.  Because even with all those adults around, there probably wasn't anybody really watching them. 

Edited by leighdear
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22 minutes ago, awaken said:

Wow, totally looks like Jill has a nose ring!  

I’m curious about the history of banana curls. When and how did they become a symbol of gothard approved female purity?  

When Bill GotHard developed a fetish for them. Ew. 

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1 hour ago, dargosmydaddy said:

I find that odd because James was in one of the other Thanksgiving pictures on the blog. You'd think if you were doing a big family photo like that you'd make sure ALL the family who was in the house got in it, but I guess in a family as big as the Duggars, they really might not notice. Good for James, if he managed to escape for some alone time. 

I don't know which one James is, but if he's post-puberty, I hope he got some alone time, and does it make me a dirty old lady if I also hope he wasn't caught doing what, in most young men, comes naturally?

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Ma and Pa Kettle never gave a shit about their children. They featured them on those damn staircase pictures just to let the world know they had 19 kids... and counting. Their focus now is on the grandchildren and it looks like they are all there. They also focus on parading the married couples to show how godly they are. Because the in laws chose to be with THEM on Thanksgiving. Joy blew that one out of the water for them. Not sure when the picture was taken because Benessa spent Thanksgiving with the Seewalds. 

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5 hours ago, DawgMom said:

this isn't "swaddling" is it? I thought only newborns got that. this looks like a baby strait jacket. WTF???  i'm claustrophobic so this really bothers me... just sayin'



The more I look at these pictures, the more it disturbs me. Also, why does he have a hat on indoors?

Edited by ChiCricket
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He has on a hat, thick-looking pants, and that "swaddle" and Jill is dressed in seemingly-lightweight short sleeve tee and skirt....someone in that pic is either too hot or too cold.

And yeah, that's not normal "swaddling." I only swaddled my babies when they were trying to sleep....and I didn't swaddle them like THAT. WTF. 

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1 hour ago, SMama said:

Ma and Pa Kettle never gave a shit about their children. They featured them on those damn staircase pictures just to let the world know they had 19 kids... and counting. Their focus now is on the grandchildren and it looks like they are all there. They also focus on parading the married couples to show how godly they are. Because the in laws chose to be with THEM on Thanksgiving. Joy blew that one out of the water for them. Not sure when the picture was taken because Benessa spent Thanksgiving with the Seewalds. 

Nope all they care about is whatever would get them on TV and now its whatever will get them back on TV. It was through their kids. Now its through their grandkids.

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The Duggar Family Thanksgiving pictures are taken over a couple of days - Jill & Sammy are wearing different outfits. The photo on the stairs is so drab, it could be a reunion pic of Annie and her orphan mates.

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2 hours ago, Arwen Evenstar said:

Voilà, the photo I christened “The Screaming Grub”.  This is the one where The Dillydumdums swaddled poor little Izzy, at the age of 9 months in Central America in the summer, no less

And then took a picture of him and posted it online. 


Wasn't it just a year or 2 ago when Jessa was preparing for what was obviously going to be Thanksgiving dinner but called it a "Harvest Festival" or some such instead?  At the time posters speculated that the Duggars didn't even celebrate Thanksgiving.

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Purely speculation but Sammy's head in the hat pictures looks a lot bigger than the no hat picture...maybe his noggin needs some reshaping and the hat is hiding a medical helmet? Then the arm swaddling might be to keep him from pulling at the straps. (Not even thinking zika, that horse is long dead)

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5 hours ago, GeeGolly said:

Sammy is a cutie, but WTF with immobilizing his hands and arms. I wish someone would burrito wrap Jill and Derick to show them how that feels.

I agree, he looks tasty in the nutty swaddle, but I don't think his arms need to be tied down.

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I'm glad someone else commented about the dark, dankness in DerJill's apartment. I thought the same thing. Don't they put lights on at night? Why not post a photo with some daylight in it? What the heck is Samuel all bundled up inside the house for? Jill is wearing a short sleeved t-shirt and a very light weight skirt. Poor kid. She really needs to know that her skirts need a hem...you don't TAKE THE EXISTING HEM OUT and wear it. She and DDD are some of the most sloppiest people I've seen lately. I bet the TTH stinks with all of those dirty diapers 'just left' where they are...in the living room???That's why Jessa had a pile of them on her bedroom furniture..she doesn't know any better. Filthy TTH.

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7 hours ago, momma2seven said:

Purely speculation but Sammy's head in the hat pictures looks a lot bigger than the no hat picture...maybe his noggin needs some reshaping and the hat is hiding a medical helmet? Then the arm swaddling might be to keep him from pulling at the straps. (Not even thinking zika, that horse is long dead)

The noggin helmets are too big to hide under that hat, based on the little ones I've seen with the melon shapers.  I thought she was using a baby wrap perhaps, then looked closer. Those poor babies.

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37 minutes ago, Marigold said:

It is so obvious that Derick and Jill have mental health problems.  No snark. I would say it no matter who they are.  Neither one of them is doing well emotionally. 

It’s been obvious for a long time, but nobody in their circle of influence would allow it to even be mentioned, let alone letting them know it’s okay (as in no shame) to get any other help besides telling them they “need to pray more” or “work on their contentment”.

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5 hours ago, floridamom said:

I'm glad someone else commented about the dark, dankness in DerJill's apartment. I thought the same thing. Don't they put lights on at night? Why not post a photo with some daylight in it? What the heck is Samuel all bundled up inside the house for? Jill is wearing a short sleeved t-shirt and a very light weight skirt. Poor kid. She really needs to know that her skirts need a hem...you don't TAKE THE EXISTING HEM OUT and wear it. She and DDD are some of the most sloppiest people I've seen lately. I bet the TTH stinks with all of those dirty diapers 'just left' where they are...in the living room???That's why Jessa had a pile of them on her bedroom furniture..she doesn't know any better. Filthy TTH.

I noticed that right away about Jill's skirt!  She just took a pair of sissors and chopped the hem off!  Looks like she wanted to shorten it.

When my daughter was in highschool, during her goth years, she was forever hacking away at her clothes and resewing them back together, creating "unique" pieces!

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I suppose it is possible they put the hat on his had on a whim and decided it was picture worthy. I know that I have taken goofy photos of my daughters. The little one was Princess Leia at 8 months complete with a Leia bun wig. The wig lasted about he length of time it took for a photo then I took it off. Let s hope Samuel's hat was the same. I also think Samuel looks comfortable in his swaddling which tells me it's something they regularly do. However, that doesn't make it appropriate or acceptable to swaddle in that manner. It seems much like blanket training swaddling style. It seems less about the comfort of the child and more about the control of a parent. It is lazy parenting. Want your kid to go to sleep? Swaddle him until he gets bored enough to sleep. Want to teach your toddler not to do something? Swaddle him as punishment until he is fearful enough to not do it anymore. lazy, mean and self serving. And Jilly muffin? Wash your hair. 

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18 hours ago, DawgMom said:

this isn't "swaddling" is it? I thought only newborns got that. this looks like a baby strait jacket. WTF???  i'm claustrophobic so this really bothers me... just sayin'



Jill can dress however she wants in her own home. They are entitled (I guess) to their own bad parenting, too. Why, though, just why do they keep posting this shit on-line? This is their brand, and their livelihood, and it's just a disaster. What are they going for -- certainly not clean-cut, young Christian family. How about hip young Christian missionary family? No, not really.

The pictures from the U of A were nice, and they're now completely undercut by this mess. The Dillards insist on portraying themselves as slovenly and lazy adults with a bizarre "alternative" parenting style. they really need to start curating their posts better.

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54 minutes ago, louannems said:

I noticed that right away about Jill's skirt!  She just took a pair of sissors and chopped the hem off!  Looks like she wanted to shorten it.

I think she just dropped the hem to lengthen it. Guess Jana wasn't available to fix it for her.

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21 hours ago, DawgMom said:

this isn't "swaddling" is it? I thought only newborns got that. this looks like a baby strait jacket. WTF???  i'm claustrophobic so this really bothers me... just sayin'




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2 hours ago, Punkadoo said:

I suppose it is possible they put the hat on his had on a whim and decided it was picture worthy.

That explains the first picture, which could have a "Look at my goofy baby" vibe to it if it were not for the second picture, in which Jill seems to be going about her day while Samuel is wrapped up like I don't know what, and would seemingly quickly become overheated...

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