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Jill, Derick & the Kids: Moving On!!


Shout out to everyone participating in the conversation about Jill’s miscarriage/stillbirth. You’re navigating a difficult topic with respect and thoughtfulness and your contributions are kind, considerate, constructive and informative. 

Thank you. 💚💚

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After reading the newest People article...Why did Michelle's wedding dress need to be on display? I thought it was sweet to have Derek's father's uniform, but he's passed on so that tribute makes sense.

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Why did Michelle's wedding dress need to be on display? Have you not paid any attention to this show? EVERYTHING must somehow come back to Michelle. She delivered every one of those kiddos. And she could have died while doing it. I am surprised they don't put the bikini top that ended the marriage next door on display as well. Anything to put attention on her and NO ONE else.

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Displaying Derick's father's uniform was a beautiful gesture and a meaningful way to honor him and include him in the wedding. Displaying Mullet's wedding dress served no purpose and, if anything, was a distraction. I hope at least one of her brood echoed her famous words to Josie, "The world doesn't revolve around Michelle" as a reminder that she had her big day 30 years ago and a vow renewal since. What a self-absorbed moron.

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15 year brother said they should have played more planks at the wedding and he is stuck with Derick as a brother-in-law. Mullet had to have her wedding dress on display. Josh was the emcee at the reception. Ugh... Seriously... I would not be surprise if Mullet use her obnoxious, put down baby talk with Derick's sick mother. His mother has more class in her little finger than Mullet and JimBoob would ever have.

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Her dress is lovely and himself looks good as well.


Love the photo where he is carrying her - it shows real emotion and some sense of fun, something I gather was entirely missing from Smuggar's wedding.


I hope someone will take pity and upload the episode, once it's been aired, on YT or something so I can watch it.


I wish them the very best and hope they will have a lovely honeymoon and lots of space betweem them and that family. I bet Bitchelle is boiling with rage right now

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But lubricant would make it feel good, and they aren't allowed to have sex for pleasure! LOL


I think Jill's dress is really pretty, and I think they make a nice looking couple--they seem to have a genuine affection for each other from the little I've seen of them. Even though she is giggly and he is nervous on camera, I think it would be terribly awkward to be going through all that on camera. 

I might be wrong but I actually believe they are encouraged to take pleasure in marital sex. 

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So glad his mother was able to attend.  Guessing she did not attend the rehearsal b/c most treatment suppresses your immune system.  I battled cancer 3 years ago and specifically told to avoid large gatherings and as vigilant as I tried to be, still ended up in the hospital even though I felt great.  I had to carry a digital thermometer with me and monitor temps 4 times a day and if my temp hit 101 degrees I was to go directly to the ER.  I felt fine (no headache, not warm to the touch) and this happened once resulting in a 3 day stay in the hospital until my white blood count hit a safe enough level to go back into the public.  Visitors had to wear masks.  The oncologist said that sepsis could kill me faster than the cancer would.  

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I feel bad for how hard Derick has had it at such a young age -- with his family. If JB and Michelle were different kinds of people -- maybe more like the Bates -- I feel like they'd surround their new son in law with love and support so that their home could be his downtime/his place to re-charge so that he can support his mom. Somehow I don't see that happening with JB and Michelle.

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I thought she looked lovely.  I loved the gown...modest yet very pretty.  I also like her flowers and the grey tux on Derick.  However I am not a fan of the "I haven't shaved in three days" look.  But I wish them well.

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I might be wrong but I actually believe they are encouraged to take pleasure in marital sex. 

Yeah, Gothard actually wants his couples to enjoy intimacy but no wayward sperm. So I assume oral sex, hand jobs, etc to conclusion are out unless it leads to vaginal intercourse. 

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I thought Jill said that while she liked Derick either way, she preferred the unshaven look which is probably why Derick looks like that (I tend to agree with her).

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New photo up at Radar Online. Derick dipping Jill. He has his arms fully around her leaning in for a smooch. Her arms are awkwardly at her side. She seems to be enjoying the moment but doesn't look 100% comfortable with his playful display of affection.

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I'm surprised people wore jeans given that it was a church wedding, but I remember people in jeans at Josh's, so maybe that's just how they roll.

Derick's father's uniform= lovely tribute. Mullet's wedding dress= tacky, inappropriate, shameless narcissism.

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New photo up at Radar Online. Derick dipping Jill. He has his arms fully around her leaning in for a smooch. Her arms are awkwardly at her side. She seems to be enjoying the moment but doesn't look 100% comfortable with his playful display of affection.

Poor thing. How  many times has she really been touched by a man, including her brothers and father?. Side Hugs? She has been conditioned for 23 years to think that touch  is sinful and in the course of a few hours she is supposed to go from barely ever being touched to sex.  Some of the women being raised like this must have major issues in this area.

Edited by JennyMominFL
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First of all, Bitchelle... classic I love it!!!


My husband did not go to his youngest sister's wedding since her big day was on a Friday night, and he would have to try to re-schedule his dialysis treatment in another unit in a town near by. The wedding was in January and the roads may have been snow packed and icy. Of course, my nitwit in-laws expected my husband to come to a family reunion four hundred plus miles away, two and a half months after his kidney transplant because they thought he was cured of his Acute Renal Failure after receiving a new kidney.  *rolling eyes*


My one cousin never got to know her father since he was killed in a car accident before she was born. Her mom (my aunt) died in her sleep in her bed during the night ten and a half years later. My poor cousin was in bed next to my aunt when she died.

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I'm surprised people wore jeans given that it was a church wedding, but I remember people in jeans at Josh's, so maybe that's just how they roll.



I'm not surprised.  I live in Oklahoma, and even in the "big city" of OKC it's becoming fairly standard for younger people to wear jeans for church all the time.  Unless the wedding specifies it's black tie or something, it's not uncommon to see that at small-town southern Evangelical type activities.  We should probably give thanks that people weren't in shorts!

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Avoiding kissing to be "safe" is adding to what the Bible forbids, which is premarital sex. It reminds me of those pesky old Pharisees, who Jesus condemned in part because of "teaching as doctrines the precepts of men" (Mt. 15:9). The Pharisees added new restrictions to the law of Moses to keep people at a safe distance from forbidden ground, or as they themselves taught, "They made a fence around the Law." One example of such a teaching was they forbade the use of many things on the Sabbath on the ground that their use might lead to prohibited labor. This reminds me of the old joke - do you know why Baptists never have sex standing up? Because it might lead to dancing? :)


Beside this, it's just ludicrous that Jill and Derick wouldn't have been "safe" to kiss hello or goodbye, etc., when they were NEVER ALONE! Finally, if kissing is such a marital thing (i.e., sexual), why in the world would they kiss in public?

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Ok -- i'm just gonna say it - yes its a bit mean.  But did anyone else think the woman in the pink dress in the photo of Derrick carrying Jill out looked like the woman dancing at the wedding in Steel Magnolia's (which by the way is my favorite movie of all time).   


I think Jill looked lovely and they both seem very happy.  I wish them well.  They both seem level-headed and in love. 

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Beside this, it's just ludicrous that Jill and Derick wouldn't have been "safe" to kiss hello or goodbye, etc., when they were NEVER ALONE! Finally, if kissing is such a marital thing (i.e., sexual), why in the world would they kiss in public?


THIS. If any kind of contact, even a hug from a member of the same sex or a relative, is considered too risky then why is a public kiss between a newly married couple appropriate??? I would think they would be doubly barred from any affection in public because there are real romantic feelings there that could be stirred up to Nike levels. 

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Anyone else think it's obnoxious that Jeremiah said to a magazine that he wished they played more pranks at the wedding and that it's good that Derick is a good guy because he's stuck with him as a brother in law? Who says that?? It's not like these teens have never been around the media before, you'd think they'd have some media savvy.


I have a feeling there were no or almost no pranks at this wedding. They may have shown more "respect" for Derick and his side since they aren't fundie and may not have found the usual lost-the-ring, trash the car kinds of pranks funny because they aren't used to seeing them in their own circle. Ben OTOH won't be spared.

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That kiss looks really odd to me for some reason.

I do like her dress a lot. It looks, for lack of a better word, normal, as opposed to Anna's dress which just looked like a modest fundie dress.

I thought so too but I figured the way they were bent it looked like he was trying to reach her lips.

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It's a relatively new thing (I think) which basically exists so that women get to wear (and buy) not just one, but two overpriced dresses on their wedding day. Sometimes they wear a more modest, formal gown for the ceremony (especially if they are in a church that requires sleeves) and then a short and/or strapless dress for the reception. Other brides just buy two completely different traditional bridal gowns and change before the reception. I would be curious to know where this phenomenon originated - my suspicion is "Say Yes to the Dress."

Reception dresses existed long before Say Yes. Maybe it's a regional thing. I got married a few years back and didn't wear one (one dress was expensive enough), but I can recall attending three weddings as a child where the bride changed from the wedding gown (big and poofy, typical early 90s fare with puffy sleeves) into plain white dresses in time to leave for the honeymoon.


Jill's dress is pretty. Not a fan of the satin detail at the waist, but it's lovely otherwise. She looks so happy, too.

Edited by trimthatfat
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That kiss looks really odd to me for some reason.


I think it looks odd because her arms are dangling down like she's falling *away* from him, when I think most (practiced?) people would reach their arms up around and pull in *towards* the kiss.


Well, what can you expect on her first day, right?


Overall though the pictures are gorgeous!

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There are a few different versions of that kiss shot floating around. Based on the umbrella in the corner and the photog on the ground in this particular crop, I'm thinking they were posed this way on purpose, possibly to show off the bouquet in the shot or just make it look interesting.

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Changing to a street dress after or late in the reception isn't the kind of reception dress people talk about now.  The current "reception dress" is a separate wedding dress.  As in some people spend thousands on two dresses where one will do and then also have a going away outfit. 


I think Jill looks so awkward because it's a photographer's posed photo.  Who knows how long it took to get the position right for the photographer plus she isn't used to held by Derick much less in such a position.  Also how many people were standing around gawking at them? 


ETA:  That photo was probably at the church entrance and yes megachurches have information booths.  They need them to give out maps, lost and found, find classrooms, service times, directions, etc.

Edited by Absolom
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Regarding the pranks, I absolutely loathe practical jokes of any kind. If my mother's cancer nearly prohibited her from attending my wedding and I came out of the church to find my car trashed, heads would have rolled. Literally.

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I think it looks odd because her arms are dangling down like she's falling *away* from him

I agree. Lots and lots of brides do this pose, and no one ever seems to know what to do with their arms unless they are trained dancers who are used to moving that way.



I'm confused by the huge "Information" sign.  I'm not familiar with megachurches, is this typical?

Yes.  I went to a very small church for awhile, and it had a big information booth at the entrance (and you got a free mug the first time you came!) to greet new people, explain how the services worked, and serve as a place for members to sign up for things.

Edited by Skittl1321
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I love that dress!  Tasteful, modest, and yet very modern.  Wonder how Bitchelle allowed it...You think Jill or Jim Boob put their foot down to a frou frou Fundie Modest dress? 


And not kissing beforehand so "you have no regrets"?  Oh honey...were you watching your brother at the altar?  Or Priscilla's wedding?  If my sex life had to be based off a first kiss....yeesh, Anna should have gotten an annulment that day!


They both look genuinely happy...good for them.  He's not super Fundie, so I think that's why we're all happy for them.  I think we're hoping Derrick brings her into the 21st century. 


The bridal package, hmmm....I'm gonna say a copy of the Quality Traits the Gothard camp loves so much, a big reminder that sex is for procreation, an ovulation kit, a pregnancy test, and a calendar. 


For the baby poll, I say July 2015.  Since Jill knows so much, having been a midwife (WTF was that comment about??), I think she might figure out when to avoid certain days for a while.  Can you imagine the sheer bliss of quiet for her? Living with 17 siblings the day before, then her own place, even her own hotel room?  No meals to get anyone else, sleeping in, no snot nosed younger siblings to look out for,  no watching her parents make out, or watching her mother's chart for possible "blessings"?   That has to be wonderful 

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I hope they take a honeymoon to a beachy destination. Perfect time of year for it. I would so like to see him open her eyes to the world of people -good Christians among them - who wear shorts and swimsuits without guilt or feeling like they are being defrauded or are defrauding anybody. She's lived in the Duggar bubble far too long. Time to see the world the rest of us live in.

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Each time I see a new picture of them, I can't snark on the happy couple. (I reserve the right to change my mind once the cameras roll on any nonsense they put out there). They  (he especially) look so happy. I'm a sucker for a happy couple.

@Ivy26 can you imagine how wonderful it will be for her to be on her own?! The quiet, the privacy...she's not going to know what to make of it all.

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Regarding the Michelle wedding dress on display, it does seem like showboating in this case, as well as taking away from a touching memorial to Derick's dad (I heartily hope that it was D & J's idea, or maybe TLC's), but I think it would be neat thing at a wedding to display the wedding dresses of the bride's mother, MIL, grandmothers on either side, etc, if they were in good enough condition. I don't know that I'd suggest it to my daughters just so they don't feel pressured, but I think it would be cool if one of them did that.

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As much as I think JB and Michelle are all about attention, I can kind of see why they used M's dress along with Derick's dad's uniform. These kinds of things are typically side by side presentations of both sides of the family -- I've seen a childhood pic of both the bride and groom; pics of the bride's and groom's parents; etc. It would've looked odd to have something from his family and nothing from hers. I'm glad it was just 1 dress, not something that represents their 19 kids.

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All the pix we've seen so far are right off Jill's Pinterest site. She's had all the poses planned to the Nth degree, right down to the dip with the arm that way.


I think she's a hopeless romantic.....I like Derrick, and I think they look genuinely happy. Jill looked beautiful. Gown, flowers, and veil were lovely. Nothing to snark on so far. Just the display of Mullet's wedding dress, like she's Princess Diana.


Anybody seen the bridesmaid's dresses? Did Jessa and Jinger roll their eyes all day? Did the Smuggs suck face? Did Cousin Amy "sing"? Did JB and Mull smooch and dip? Did the older brothers act dopey? Did Josie stuff rose petals into her mouth?

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So now that Jill's escaped the compound who's stuck sharing a bed with un-potty trained Josie? My guess is Jinger or Joy.

I hope Jill's wedding doesn't make poor Jana even more depressed. Jill's now married to a man she's madly in love with and Jana's back to the never ending toil of unpaid childcare. Good times.

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I think it looks odd because her arms are dangling down like she's falling *away* from him, when I think most (practiced?) people would reach their arms up around and pull in *towards* the kiss.


Well, what can you expect on her first day, right?


Overall though the pictures are gorgeous!

The bouquet arm dangle is big in wedding photos now.


eta: As for sleeping arrangements now that Jilly Dilly's bed is available, Blessa's next in line for the queen bed; I guess she gets to sleep with Buddy Jordyn until/if she marries Bin. I imagine Buddy Jana is already with Josie and that would remain unchanged.

Edited by Sew Sumi
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