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Jessa, Ben and Their Brood: Making a (Diaper) Mountain out of a Mold House

Message added by Scarlett45

The Duggars post about politics on social media frequently, but these social media posts are not an invitation to discuss politics here in this forum. This rule extends to Duggar adjacent families, friends, associates etc. Such discussions are a violation of the Politics Policy. 

I understand with recent current events there may be a desire to discuss certain social media postings of those in the Duggar realm as they relate to politics- this is not the place for those discussions. If you believe someone has violated forum rules, report them, do not respond or engage.

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I think Ben inadvertently revealed the powerful appeal of Fundamentalism for people like Gothard, the Duggars, the Seewalds and the Rodriguii. We all create God in our own image, shaping our vision of what God is, based on our characters and life experiences. People who are mean and resentful of others will be drawn to a God who hates all the same people they hate and will rain deserved punishment down upon them. People who are chronically jealous and insecure will come up with a jealous, insecure God. The Duggars and their ilk go through life with a chip on their shoulder, constantly needing to be placated and reassured that they are better then everyone else. Why would the God they believe in be any different?

Edited by Albanyguy
Because punctuation is our friend.
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5 hours ago, Ljohnson1987 said:

Jessa and Bin are definitely turning into Smug and SmugAnna 2.0

If Jessa gives birth to the next one on the shitter...then totally!  Just kidding...As much as I dislike Jessa Blessa, I wouldn't wish another bad birth experience on her.

i think BinBlessa are worse than SmugAnna by a long shot.  As sanctimonious as Smuggar is, IIRC, I don't believe he nor Anna went after Catholics in particular with the gusto that Bin did nor did they name one of their children after a rabid anti-Catholic.  

Bin is an asshat who has no real life experience or education to be taken seriously as a preacher...he's a judgmental, arrogant, uneducated, prideful, smug, little bastard who should take his own sermons about pridefulness to heart. He's still  an unemployed man child who wanted to get laid so he had to drink the Duggar Kool Aid, and he's still an unemployed man child but has added being saddled with a bitchy, vapid, and self centered wife and baby with a terrible awful no good very bad name to his resume.

Edited by Arwen Evenstar
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My fb newsfeed shows another Pickles posting with the Blessas.  It shows them in a photo booth with the baby.  It looked like they are prideful of their family and are having fun.  Jealous God will smite them, I'm sure.  No joy or fun in Bin's jealous god world.  As everyone knows, joy and pride frequently go hand and hand.

Pickles also has a post (I haven't read it yet) that appears to be a pro-choice statement from Blessa.  The Seewalds are busy little posters. 


I hope the link works.

Edited by toodles
adding link
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I wonder how joyless and dull Jessa and Ben's life would be 15 or 20 years ago - no internet to mug for, no reality tv to profit from. Probably the wretched life God wants for his followers.

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21 hours ago, toodles said:

If you have a chance, take a look at pickles' fb page.  She lands on bin with both feet over his latest rant.  It's awesome


"Benji writes; "God hates pride. God is a jealous God; He is jealous for His own glory. He will be praised, honored, and glorified as God. He alone is worthy of this; we are not. Pride steals what rightfully belongs to God and attempts to give it to someone or something that is utterly unworthy of it.”

I guess it's all hellfire and brimstone chez Spurge.

Sorry to duplicate. Didn't see page jump. 

Edited by NewDigs
Need to pay better attention.
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Here's the party pic. It's from a fete for Duggar friend Krista, who just graduated college and is headed to LAW SCHOOL! From other pics I saw, it looks like all of the Duggars down to GrossieJosie attended. 

Back OT: Ben is still a sanctimonious, holier-than-thou asshat. Reading the Fundie-ese between the lines (literally), it appears his shirt reads "Saved by His Grace." Why does he feel the need to parrot this 24/7/366 (it's a leap year)? Shouldn't his acts and deeds be enough for God? 

As for Jessa's "pro-choice" statement, she'll just say that you have to be a fully formed being to be saved. They believe that you are inherently born sinful, so she'll never understand the gray area here. Never. 




Edited by Sew Sumi
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3 hours ago, NewDigs said:


"Benji writes; "God hates pride. God is a jealous God; He is jealous for His own glory. He will be praised, honored, and glorified as God. He alone is worthy of this; we are not. Pride steals what rightfully belongs to God and attempts to give it to someone or something that is utterly unworthy of it.”

I guess it's all hellfire and brimstone chez Spurge.

Sorry to duplicate. Didn't see page jump. 

I've never understood why God's so insecure. 

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11 minutes ago, MischaMouse said:

I've never understood why God's so insecure. 

God isn't insecure...it's people like Bin full of Fundy righteous anger who can't even control the behavior of his shrew wife who are insecure. 

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5 minutes ago, Arwen Evenstar said:

God isn't insecure...it's people like Bin full of Fundy righteous anger who can't even control the behavior of his shrew wife who are insecure. 

I couldn't find the sarcasm font. 

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1 hour ago, Aja said:

...selfies with film cameras...

Actually, film cameras produce negatives of far higher resolution than any digital camera could. Back in the day, to use a film camera one had to understand exposure, depth of field, composition, correction for lighting, focal length, film speed...now everyone with an iPhone thinks he or she is a fine art photographer and likely has no clue about what it used to take to achieve these shots.

Even though the number of places to get film  and get it processed is a very short list nowadays unless you do it yourself...scanning the negatives will give you digital images.

I guess that would be too much work for the selfie queen.  Having to wait to have film developed was like waiting for Christmas morning because you never knew what you were going to get.  That was part of the fun. 

Edited by Arwen Evenstar
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1 hour ago, WhineandCheez said:

...no Starbucks in Arkansas

Is it bad that I winced when I read "no Starbucks"? Seriously, do they put some kind of crack cocaine in those drinks? I get twitchy every time I see their logo.

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7 minutes ago, BitterApple said:

Is it bad that I winced when I read "no Starbucks"? Seriously, do they put some kind of crack cocaine in those drinks? I get twitchy every time I see their logo.

And as I read that I was planning my day and when I could hit the Starbucks store!

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7 hours ago, Lemur said:

That Bin is such a card, putting that fake hipster beard over his real hipster beard.  

But I hope he wasn't prideful about making a funny...

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Oh Ben...when you are 20 and have all the answers to life...DO NOT post it on social media.  maybe just keep a journal or something? 

Why doesn't Ben write something uplifting and supportive about God? Why does a 20 year old attempt to tackle such complex theological subjects? If anyone has an inflated ego, it's Ben Seewald.  

If Ben is interested in theology, that's great. I don't see that as a bad thing exactly.  At least he is showing some (attempted) critical thinking skills...better than the Duggars who just repeat whatever Jim Bob says. The Duggars are no intellectual giants. 

But can't Ben discuss various topics in real life with all the friends they claim to have.  WHY post this mangled mess of doctrine on social media? Seems Benny doesn't read his own posts!  Prideful Benny Boy.  

Edited by Marigold
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"jealous God", AFAIK, has usually been interpreted in the light of the first commandment (and is also its own phrase in scripture somewhere), "You shall have no other gods before me".

Not to drag us majorly off topic as I'm no theologian, just saying Bin's not totally off.  He doesn't explain it well, but he didn't make it up either.  Usually used in sermons to say things like "you should not love making money, i.e. your job, more than God", etc.  (That one lady would say she realized she shouldn't love Diet Pepsi more than God.)

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Isn't it Ben's 21st birthday around this time? His parents and I have the exact same wedding anniversary (8/6/94), and Ben was a honeymoon baby. If they stay quiet about it in the next few days (I KNOW it's before the 20th), TLC is filming his "party." 

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8 minutes ago, Sew Sumi said:

Isn't it Ben's 21st birthday around this time? His parents and I have the exact same wedding anniversary (8/6/94), and Ben was a honeymoon baby. If they stay quiet about it in the next few days (I KNOW it's before the 20th), TLC is filming his "party." 

Yep his birthday is the 19th... oh I do hope Sierra isn't planning it. What does a fundie 21st look like? I can't remember any of the Duggars doing anything exciting for their 21st.

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3 minutes ago, larfs said:

Yep his birthday is the 19th... oh I do hope Sierra isn't planning it. What does a fundie 21st look like? I can't remember any of the Duggars doing anything exciting for their 21st.

Pin the beard on Jesus?

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Bin needs a heapin' helpin' of humility.  Posting all this vitriolic yammering on the internets is just...just beyond stupid.  Does he think people who read his "writings" are turning to each other and saying he is SO RIGHT.  Thank you bin, for telling how to live my life!!  I've done it all wrong!!

Bin needs a real job and he needs to be around regular people.  Or at least a hobby that keeps him too busy to think all his deep thoughts.  He needs to build birdhouses or something.

In the meantime, BIn, shut up and sit down.

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I remember Boob and Mechelle took Jilly Muffin out for lunch (filmed for TLC), in which she told her parents she'd gotten a speeding ticket and received a pretty gaudy cross necklace from her parents. I don't think she was ever filmed wearing it after that day. 

So yeah, I guess 21st birthdays might not be the big deal that they are to us in the secular world. But for those who can, keep an eye out on Jessa's IG for some stupid message about what a GODLY MAN he is. She banned me eons ago for snark I posted on either FJ's or Famy Friday's IG account...I was careful to post NOTHING on her page for just this reason).

Edited by Sew Sumi
Because I crack myself up typing "GODLY MAN" in reference to that man-child Ben
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Ben needs a big ole honkin' cross. Give him that Orthodox one; he won't know the difference (I didn't). He is all about being the HOLIEST ONE OF THEM ALL!!!!!

A perfect birthday gift for his coming-of-age. 

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8 hours ago, Marigold said:

Oh Ben...when you are 20 and have all the answers to life...DO NOT post it on social media.  maybe just keep a journal or something? 

Why doesn't Ben write something uplifting and supportive about God? Why does a 20 year old attempt to tackle such complex theological subjects? If anyone has an inflated ego, it's Ben Seewald.  

If Ben is interested in theology, that's great. I don't see that as a bad thing exactly.  At least he is showing some (attempted) critical thinking skills...better than the Duggars who just repeat whatever Jim Bob says. The Duggars are no intellectual giants. 

But can't Ben discuss various topics in real life with all the friends they claim to have.  WHY post this mangled mess of doctrine on social media? Seems Benny doesn't read his own posts!  Prideful Benny Boy.  

My guess is that Ben is posting his homework assignments for his online Bible school courses.  

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7 hours ago, Mollie said:

My guess is that Ben is posting his homework assignments for his online Bible school courses.  

He needs to keep it to himself.  Nobody cares, other than the leghumpers.

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4 hours ago, louannems said:


Spurgeon at the beach.  Are they on the birthday trip, also?  Or is this the last time they went with their infant to a Very Dangerous Country?

They posted pictures on the Duggar FB page they went on a beach trip and there are more pictures on the family blog (not the fan one, the official family one).  Looks like it was the who family (minus Dillards). 

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17 hours ago, KatWay said:

Jessa is interpreting this "cover your shoulders" thing pretty loosely, here! Good for her. 

Probably one of the benefits of being under Bin's nominal "headship".  She can pretty much wear whatever the hell she wants now, and is just keeping sorta kinda close to Jim Bob's (seemingly loosening) standards for the sake of her public imagine. 

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