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Jessa, Ben and Their Brood: Making a (Diaper) Mountain out of a Mold House

Message added by Scarlett45

The Duggars post about politics on social media frequently, but these social media posts are not an invitation to discuss politics here in this forum. This rule extends to Duggar adjacent families, friends, associates etc. Such discussions are a violation of the Politics Policy. 

I understand with recent current events there may be a desire to discuss certain social media postings of those in the Duggar realm as they relate to politics- this is not the place for those discussions. If you believe someone has violated forum rules, report them, do not respond or engage.

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I would love a 3-week honeymoon too, but it's also a matter of thinking of the future for me. In this case, the TLC money won't last forever, and Binjerman would likely be better off taking a shorter trip and using the money for his education and soon-to-be kids.


If that was even an option. If Boob gave them a set amount for wedding and honeymoon he may have also balked at the idea of saving it for something as worthless as an education so they might as well spend it.


On the other hand, the TLC money won't last forever and it will likely be nothing but babies from here on out. At least they will always have Paris!


I have to agree. If the choice was spend the money on the wedding or on the honeymoon... Paris it is :-)

Edited by 3girlsforus
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Jessa posted on FB about a friend sharing a recipe for Pumpkin Pecan Maple Scones and that Jana came over and made them for her.  Considering the Nepalese meal that she made with Jill, I could see an entire episode of Jana and Jessa making scones at Jessa's house.  

I like how Jana is apparently the designated sous chef. I never thought she did much of the cooking?


Anyway, maybe I'm giving Jessa way too much credit but it's interesting how she's re-branding herself into this domestic goddess with the endless food pictures, coupled with the workout photos. It may just be because she's a millennial who has to document every meal, but I think it also works well as a possible marketing tool for future endeavors. If she and Ben are serious about this public speaking venture, it's smart to make a strong identity on Instagram as a homemaker, which appeals to much of their target audience.

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Jessa posted on FB about a friend sharing a recipe for Pumpkin Pecan Maple Scones and that Jana came over and made them for her. 

A little advice for the "sexiest Duggar".


Dear Jessa:

You are a grown and married woman. Do not call your older sister to come over and make things for you, especially when you have nothing but time on your hands. LEARN TO COOK. It's not that hard. While you're at it, learn to read a recipe. I realize your older sister Jilly Muffin does not know how to do fractions; I encourage you to ask your teenage husband to help if you are confused.


Another idea: Maybe you should use some of the TLC money that's obviously rolling in to buy yourself a good, basic cookbook. I'm thinking Betty Crocker or Better Homes & Gardens. Simple, easy recipes and advice will help you learn to make foods that aren't assembled with a can of soup and a bag of tater tots.


Imagine how accomplished you will feel when you manage to take care of your husband and your household without family help.




  • Love 18

I can totally see Jessa as the Gothard version of Ree Drummond, gleefully passing off decades old church potluck recipes as her own.

As for Jana, homegirl needs to grow a pair and tell Jilly Muffin and Princess Jessa to eff off the next time they command her to appear and cook a meal. What is she, their personal chef? Neither one of them cares about Jana unless they need something, it's so sad.

  • Love 6

Holding my breath for next week's episodes. I hope Jessa and Ben will be respectful of other cultures....they looked a bit startled at the open affection and unusual food. No more of this "Hola" nonsense like with JB. Will be interesting to see how Jessa acts without the circus along for the ride.


I wonder how much time was actually spent sightseeing, if you know what I mean. Someone told me once that it's sometimes a good idea to go somewhere relaxing on your honeymoon that doesn't require much sightseeing, because that takes a toll on you after a while when all you want to do is stay in bed with your new spouse.


Although if I had TLC money I'd go to Paris too so I can't blame Ben and Jessa for that.

Didn't Jessa and Ben go off to a cabin someplace right after the wedding -- I'm thinking Tennessee or NC or something? They were there for a few days, and that's when she posted that kissing pic that her gross parents replicated. Then they returned back to the TTC and then went to Europe. My guess is that they did not get out of bed for days at the cabin; somehow I picture them going again and again as soon as Ben was ready. So by the time they got to Europe, they may not have minded being outside, sightseeing etc. -- knowing that they had just spent days doing nothing but consummating.

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I think it's pretty much a definite that Jessa is pregnant, and now I'm just working on my predictions. While I haven't gotten it all figured out yet, I'm going out on a limb and saying I think she's most likely (out of the current married ones, anyway) to forego naming themes. I can see her and the dashing Binjermin Seewald just picking whatever names they like, regardless of letter or the name's religious connotations.

Edited by truelovekiss
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I'm not an expert on education, homeschooling or SOTDRT, but I know that in my state (NJ) at least 2 years of the same foreign language is a requirement to graduate HS. Is it the same for the GED?

Not in NJ.  My son got his GED and it was almost entirely math and language art skills...maybe some history.  If there had been a language requirement I doubt he would have passed.

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Eager to see when Jessa's pregnancy will be announced. I wonder, in their circles, how long is "long enough" to wait so as not to upstage a sibling.

Assuming the goal is not to upstage your sibling, not certain that's the case. 

I wonder if Ben thinks the show & any assorted media flotsam will be his income? Personally I really wonder just how much longer this show will last. When I first saw it I didn't think it would go longer than a year or two, so to be here 10 years out is amazing to me. Does anyone - besides the Duggars of course - think it will still be around 10 years from now? Five?

I believe we are in the denouement of the Duggar story. They will count no more children. We have grandchildren by a boy-child and a grandchild by a girl-child. We've had 3 weddings and a funeral. 

  • Love 3

Not in NJ.  My son got his GED and it was almost entirely math and language art skills...maybe some history.  If there had been a language requirement I doubt he would have passed.


I'd be willing to bet there are very few states that currently require a foreign language to graduate high school, or for a GED. In most states, foreign language requirements are recommended for high school students in the college track - many colleges want to see at least two years of a foreign language on a high school transcript. Any state requiring foreign language for a high school diploma is exceptional and I think, as a teacher, should be commended. After decades of steady deterioration, it's about time American educational requirements became more rigorous in all areas - IMO.

Edited by Wellfleet
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I think it's pretty much a definite that Jessa is pregnant, and now I'm just working on my predictions. While I haven't gotten it all figured out yet, I'm going out on a limb and saying I think she's most likely (out of the current married ones, anyway) to forego naming themes. I can see her and the dashing Binjermin Seewald just picking whatever names they like, regardless of letter or the name's religious connotations.

Agree with all this.

I still maintain she got knocked up on her honeymoon and she's due in August. I'm surprised she was OK with the People magazine photos, which showed her definitely thicker in the waist.

I'll bet she wants to strangle Jill, as I'm sure Jessa was on lockdown till after Izzy made his appearance.

Edited by Literata
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Agree - I'm guessing Jessa was handed X number of $$ from Boob to cover wedding and honeymoon. The more-expensive honeymoon is a direct result of Jessa's "budget" wedding. Right from the Duggar textbook - thinking of themselves rather than others [the wedding guests].

And I really can't fault them for that - Jessa would have been content to elope, so the wedding really wasn't for them. She went along and did it, but why not prioritize her wedding budget on what mattered to her? JB and M were the hosts and could afford to do more for their guests if they so chose, but as GEML and others have said, the guests from their world probably didn't expect much more anyway. (But seriously. November. Heaters. And invest in some chairs to use for all the weddings and rent out in between.)

  • Love 4

The Big Announcement? Well, I don't think Jessa is pregnant. If she is, she wasn't "expecting" during the snow storms, for if she was, she wouldn't have been sledding. She looked great in those pants she was wearing too...Maybe poor ol' ignored knocked up again Anna will announce their baby girl's name. Heavens, please don't let it be Michelle with "her announcement" of #21, or 21,22? maybe, depending on how they're counting.

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I'm in NJ too, and my son did require a year of a foreign language..he's graduating hs in June and took Spanish, struggled quite a bit with it but managed to get through it. Maybe it's just our district. 

I'm willing to bet the special announcement is Jessa and Ben expecting their first child, due probably shortly after their first anniversary.

It COULD be a Tori/Joe courstship. But it's not. Jessa's having twins!

Another courtship didn't even cross my mind, but I would prefer that by a lot! I know a lot of people are sick of the courtship/engagement/wedding song and dance (or hymn of praise and jumping for joy, whatever you prefer) but I would like to see a different take on it, like holding hands before engagement. (A girl can dream, right?) Also, I would take it as a huge victory if Blessa could wait for a year before getting knocked up.

The Big Announcement? Well, I don't think Jessa is pregnant. If she is, she wasn't "expecting" during the snow storms, for if she was, she wouldn't have been sledding. She looked great in those pants she was wearing too...Maybe poor ol' ignored knocked up again Anna will announce their baby girl's name. Heavens, please don't let it be Michelle with "her announcement" of #21, or 21,22? maybe, depending on how they're counting.

I love that Mullet being pregnant wasn't even really on my radar. Sher uterus is old news.

  • Love 4

I think if Mechelle was pregnant, they would have a fucking Today Show announcement, given its sheer unlikelihood. 


I don't think Jessa was actually seen sledding, just standing with the sledders in one picture and filming Catgate with Joy in the video.Remember that stupid photoshoot done on 2/6? She could have just found out, so knocked up in early January, which would put her around 12 weeks now. I don't think her waist was thicker in those pictures; it was an unflattering dress shape that apparently made even gaunt Jessa look like she had a bit of a pooch. 

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I would love to see a Duggar boy courting. I know Josh courted, but frankly their courting "system" wasn't so elaborate and drawn out then and there was nothing to show. All we know is that he met her at a homeschool conference, apparently he tele-conferenced with her and his siblings a bunch of times but we weren't privy to it, we saw the call where he asked her dad for permission, and then the engagement with balloons. Duggar courting has evolved quite a bit since then with trips to Nepal, Thorncrown chapel, songs written for proposals, boyfriends moving in, boyfriends cleaning toilets . . . .


If Joseph is/hopes to court a Bates girl, he will have to step up the Duggar game. The Bates girls have Chad around and seem to love him --they know that he went out of the way to treat Erin like a princess during courting and then actually do a princess themed kind of proposal with a horse drawn carriage etc. And they have seen how Brandon gives Michaela romantic poetry etc. So a Duggar saying -- let's go eat at an alligator themed restaurant with my millions of siblings won't cut it.

  • Love 7

I felt bad for Benessa during their courtship.  It was pretty clear that they wanted to hold hands at least and maybe even (gasp!) have full-frontal hugs.  Unlike Jill and Derrick who essentially had personal-space-bubbles around them so that they didn't touch, Ben and Jessa looked like they were being held apart.  

Benessa really showed me that the courtship rules aren't at all made by the couple.  If they made their own rules, I don't think that Ben and Jessa would have been banging in the warehouse but they would have been more comfortable about physical contact. And maybe they wouldn't have been so keen to get married (read: wedding night).  

Edited by ChocolateAddict
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I would love to see a Duggar boy courting. I know Josh courted, but frankly their courting "system" wasn't so elaborate and drawn out then and there was nothing to show. All we know is that he met her at a homeschool conference, apparently he tele-conferenced with her and his siblings a bunch of times but we weren't privy to it, we saw the call where he asked her dad for permission, and then the engagement with balloons. Duggar courting has evolved quite a bit since then with trips to Nepal, Thorncrown chapel, songs written for proposals, boyfriends moving in, boyfriends cleaning toilets . . . .

If Joseph is/hopes to court a Bates girl, he will have to step up the Duggar game. The Bates girls have Chad around and seem to love him --they know that he went out of the way to treat Erin like a princess during courting and then actually do a princess themed kind of proposal with a horse drawn carriage etc. And they have seen how Brandon gives Michaela romantic poetry etc. So a Duggar saying -- let's go eat at an alligator themed restaurant with my millions of siblings won't cut it.

I think Tori, especially, is going to have some high expectations and she doesn't seem like the type to "keep sweet." I know a lot of people find her grating (I don't watch the Bates show all that much, so I'm not an expert) but I like her spunk, and I think it's very non-Duggar.

  • Love 3

I haven't heard the Jinger courting rumors I've heard the Joseph-Tori rumors I can see why Duggar boys would be interested in Bates girls their pretty, their fun and have a personality. I honestly, can't see why Bates girls would be interested in the Duggar boys or would put up with being controlled by JimBob. But I'll honestly be surprised if isn't Jessa announce a pregnancy or Anna announcing the name of her baby.

  • Love 2

Did they do a gender reveal for the M4 baby on the show yet?  Could be that. 


Still hoping Jessa is not pregnant, but if she is, I have to give her credit.  I would be willing to bet there has been no announcement yet because she didn't want it publicized.  This is the bride who had her first kiss in private, after all.  I think she is a little more protective of her privacy than Jill.  Of course she will never drop off he radar, but she does seem to be less forthcoming about all the details of her life.  

  • Love 1

Did they do a gender reveal for the M4 baby on the show yet? Could be that.

Still hoping Jessa is not pregnant, but if she is, I have to give her credit. I would be willing to bet there has been no announcement yet because she didn't want it publicized. This is the bride who had her first kiss in private, after all. I think she is a little more protective of her privacy than Jill. Of course she will never drop off he radar, but she does seem to be less forthcoming about all the details of her life.

Didn't they announce it was a girl, or did I imagine that? Haha I don't even know what's going on with team Smuggar.

J&A announced in People a month back or so that its a girl, but it wasn't done on the show. I could see the announcement being that to focus viewers on the next baby.

Or a courtship with the Bates. I could see that getting a special slot to upstage the UP network announcing it first. I can't imagine a Jinger courtship or Jana courtship pulling the same theatrics unless JB really got Tim Tebow.

Unless it was staged, there is a picture of Jessa on her Instagram on a sled during the snow. It's possible she didn't know yet. I don't think she announce this early, preferring to wait closer to the Izzy Birth Special to announce it to upstage Jill a little bit more even if it meant staying off social media a few more weeks.

Edited by Saylii
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Jessa's referred to him that way, repeatedly. Or she said it once and it was shown repeatedly; I frankly can't keep track anymore. But it cracked me up. Oh, he's a dashing fellow, that Binjermin.



I think he's a bit of a doofus who needs to invest in some allergy meds (seriously, Ben, I have horrible allergies too but a nice prescription med cleared them right up) but I can see how she sees him as dashing. He actually listens to her, and right at this moment he's probably making her lunch in the peace and quiet of their home, with no kids screaming and no one else to take care of. In lieu of moving out and getting her own job, or going to college, which let's face it, would never happen, he was her best chance. To quote my favorite Dixie Chicks song, he's her version of wide open spaces.

Edited by EarlGreyTea
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Message added by Scarlett45

The Duggars post about politics on social media frequently, but these social media posts are not an invitation to discuss politics here in this forum. This rule extends to Duggar adjacent families, friends, associates etc. Such discussions are a violation of the Politics Policy. 

I understand with recent current events there may be a desire to discuss certain social media postings of those in the Duggar realm as they relate to politics- this is not the place for those discussions. If you believe someone has violated forum rules, report them, do not respond or engage.

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