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Jessa, Ben and Their Brood: Making a (Diaper) Mountain out of a Mold House

Message added by Scarlett45

The Duggars post about politics on social media frequently, but these social media posts are not an invitation to discuss politics here in this forum. This rule extends to Duggar adjacent families, friends, associates etc. Such discussions are a violation of the Politics Policy. 

I understand with recent current events there may be a desire to discuss certain social media postings of those in the Duggar realm as they relate to politics- this is not the place for those discussions. If you believe someone has violated forum rules, report them, do not respond or engage.

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In Boob's mind "Godly" is apparently the sole criteria for selecting a mate for his daughters. It was a bonus that Derick had an education and was employable, of course, but in the end all that mattered was that he was a Bible verse spouting conservative Christian. Ben sets the bar pretty low for the remainder of the girls. Jessa has announced that she will be speaking and signing autographs at some sort of Southern women's roadshow, so it looks like she recognizes that someone has to be out there bringing home the bacon, and it isn't going to be dimbulb. Once the cameras and magazine covers go away, the future for those two does not look bright. A while back I predicted the first Duggar divorce and I'm sticking to it. No way is an attractive snob like Jessa spending her whole life with a hayseed who doesn't have what it takes to give her financial security and a lot of goodies.

Edited by Hpmec
  • Love 5

The crazy thing is, Bin could have given Jessa a decent life if he'd stayed the course, remained in college and didn't waste his time doing scut work for JimBoob. I don't care what the Duggars say, I'm calling shenanigans on Bin being enrolled at U of A doing online classes. 

  • Love 8

In Boob's mind "Godly" is apparently the sole criteria for selecting a mate for his daughters. It was a bonus that Derick had an education and was employable, of course, but in the end all that mattered was that he was a Bible verse spouting conservative Christian. Ben sets the bar pretty low for the remainder of the girls. Jessa has announced that she will be speaking and signing autographs at some sort of Southern women's roadshow, so it looks like she recognizes that someone has to be out there bringing home the bacon, and it isn't going to be dimbulb. Once the cameras and magazine covers go away, the future for those two does not look bright. A while back I predicted the first Duggar divorce and I'm sticking to it. No way is an attractive snob like Jessa spending her whole life with a hayseed who doesn't have what it takes to give her financial security and a lot of goodies.

I am also throwing in my vote for first Duggar Divorce.

Both are under 25, no college degree, no job...ding ding ding most criteria for getting a divorce already met

  • Love 2

I don't think it's time yet to judge Ben as a man and a provider just yet...He is only 19 years old, still a teenager and hasn't had the years yet to establish himself as those things...although marrying Jessa at this point in time, I do believe has and will hinder his ability to grow and complete his education...that was just a step too early for HIM, not Jessa. She is ready to assume her role in life. Not much on her agenda as those things go. Ben, for all his catholic insults, and I am a catholic, so I am personally insulted by him is still a kid. I'd take another look at him when he's 25 and see what he has accomplished. (Maybe I'm being too charitable?)

  • Love 4

He provided photos of his family staying in the house - true they could've been stolen from someone else, but that seems like a lot of trouble to go to to accuse someone of renting out a moldy house.

Okay, thanks! Did you notice how last night when Jim Bob was rattling off who else had lived there, he certainly didn't mention him? But, JB did state mold could be a health hazard. I wonder if there was a legal lease contract.

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floridamom, I agree. Bin still has plenty of years to get his act together, however the longer he stays under Boob's thumb the harder it's going to be for him. The workplace is so competitive now you can't even get an admin job without a Bachelor's Degree. My fear for him is he'll get sucked into the lazy Duggar way of doing things and abandon his educational goals. It may not affect him now because he has TLC and People money rolling in, but it will hurt him ten or fifteen years down the line. Hopefully the Seewalds are giving him some practical advice.

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Thanks BitterApple. I see Ben as still being so young. Time will tell, but I have something different to say about HIS parents, the Seewalds. Wouldn't good parents want to protect their son from being belittled and manipulated by his future in-laws like Jim Bob was/is doing? No joke there in my mind. I don't understand why they haven't stepped up to the plate...the only stance that I know of was Mr. Seewald supporting a quick marriage so his son can finally have some kind of affectionate exchange...one doesn't rush in to a marriage for that reason and that reason alone...which all of these folks do. Do they realize that Ben will soon enough have to change his name to Duggar as well...get in line with derickillard.

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I've said it before and I will say it again - I don't believe Ben is the mental midget he is being made out to be.  After all, he did bag the "hottest" Duggar girl.  Just saying.  Let me see if I understand this.  Jill gets a mini mansion, complete with new and updated appliances, and Jessa gets Grandma's old cottage complete with mold, mildew and a stained mattress.  Really?  If I didn't know better, I'd say Jill is Jim Bob's favorite and that Jessa is just one of his 19 children /snerk/. 

  • Love 4

I understand Jill got married first and the mansion was there, but for some reason I think Jessa is close to Grandma Duggar. I was just thinking about the engagement episode when it was mentioned that she was told Jessa about that gorgeous church (that Jessa should have got married in). Maybe she doesn't really mind living at the house and see the potential, but that aside the mold issue is ridiculous. My fiance and I moved from an old place over the summer and the AC unit really messed up his sinuses that he's still recovering from. So I totally understand where Ben is coming from.

I find it strange that the "children are a blessing" mural was still on the wall in that bedroom..if a new tenant had taken possession of it, I think someone would have re painted the house; even the tenant....because NOT EVERYONE feels that sentiment or enough to have a mural on the wall stating that belief...I think this whole season is going to be a train wreck...one can see it from the beginning.

Depends on the renter and how long they plan to stay there.  Maybe they didnt want to deal with taking it off (Was it a decal?) or painting over it. 

Or perhaps other people who lived there also had kids so they just decided to leave it up there.  

Giving (oops, "Renting") the smaller, mold-filled house to the newlyweds is yet another FU from Jim Boob to Jessa. Unfortunately for him, she doesn't expect better and as a result, she doesn't react. He'll keep ratcheting things up until it becomes clear to the leghumpers that he really, really dislikes Jessa.


I'm guessing there are NO tenant protections in Arkansas, which is yet another reason to live elsewhere.


One more thing: Does Jessa think the viewing audience is stupid enough to believe that she and her family actually paid for her wedding and honeymoon?

  • Love 2

Jill gets a mini mansion, complete with new and updated appliances, and Jessa gets Grandma's old cottage complete with mold, mildew and a stained mattress.  Really?  If I didn't know better, I'd say Jill is Jim Bob's favorite and that Jessa is just one of his 19 children /snerk/. 

This. I know Jessa essentially received a free home and should be grateful, but I'll be honest, I would be quietly seething if my sister got a house like Jill's and I got a small moldy house. I think if JB is going to make it a habit to give his child property, he should make sure the homes are in the same condition. No one wants to live in a home with serious mold issues. I'd take Jill's home pre-makeover over Jessa's.

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With daddy Seewald's old pre-fab connections they could have easily purchased a new home and put it on Grandma's property. Knock that old shack down. Or completely gut the thing. The house across the street just got purchased and this whole week a demo crew has been in there gutting it all out. By next week they will be in there rehabbing the place and reselling it.


Knowing how lazy Boob is he probably was waiting til those contractor boys they are all in love with (the guys that got kicked off of tv for their bashing of gays) to come over and gut the place for him.

  • Love 1

This. I know Jessa essentially received a free home and should be grateful, but I'll be honest, I would be quietly seething if my sister got a house like Jill's and I got a small moldy house. I think if JB is going to make it a habit to give his child property, he should make sure the homes are in the same condition. No one wants to live in a home with serious mold issues. I'd take Jill's home pre-makeover over Jessa's.

And that's why Jim Bob remodeled Ben and Jessa's house. It's all in the previews for this season. Plus if you look at Jessa's IG it's pretty clear that they got a nice upgrade to their kitchen, living room, etc. from when Josh and Anna used to live there. Seriously, what's there for them to complain about?  


Maybe it's because I don't like Ben but all I can think is beggars can't be choosers and Ben by all accounts is a beggar. He's an unemployable teenage hack who's getting a free ride because he married into Duggar royalty. Not only did he and Jessa get a free house but Jim Bob is essentially paying for all their living expenses as well . In a way, it kind of evens out because Derick and Jill got the bigger house but Derick has his own job and is paying his own bills.  Ben should be lucky that Jim Bob found/made up a "job" for him (which is WHAT exactly?) because who else would hire him? The best he can find is a entry level job elsewhere which would mean a big pay cut  from his current cushy lifestyle that comes from being a "reality tv star". 

Edited by Mariva
  • Love 7

If that house was leased to non family members in between the Smuggers and Jessa/Ben, I wonder was it rented furnished, meaning  that scungy mattress was used by people who weren't even related to Anna, and her bodily fluids, or did they put it in storage, and haul it out for Jessa to use, rather than buy her a new one. Either way it's pretty gross.

I'm sure Boob was pressured into rehabbing the old shack for Jessa, which is more than he did for Josh and Anna. I'm confident she threw one hell of an off camera fit in order to get him to agree to it. And I woudn't be suprised if he didn't cut deals with contractors and vendors for prominent product placement in exchange for freebies during the filming of the makeover.

I think back when Josh and Anna got married the Duggars still cared about their appearance with regard to money and at least making their children think they were going to have to start off working. But the truth is the kids work, and have worked, harder than Jim Bob and Michelle for years now, and the idea that they don't have a lot of money simply can't be maintained.

  • Love 1

I agree that beggars can't be choosers. Bin should have waited to be married until he could afford to fully support his wife. (Given that wives aren't supposed to work in this backward world).

But they could have kissed because they just couldn't wait to and that would be a SIN in the camp. So being married was the only way. *my eyes just rolled out of my head typing that*

I kind of love how Jessa's attitude about the wedding planning is completely passive aggressive. You don't want to spend a lot on my wedding? Fine. We will be serving ice cream and hot dogs. No cake. Too expensive. Remember, not ALL of us have a McMansion to move into. I must save my money for future ER visits due to the toxic mold growing in my shack.

  • Love 10

Jessa touting adoption instead of breeding like jackrabbits is another act of rebellion. Gothard says orphans can have the 'sins of their fathers' so you don't want to bring them into your godly home. Jessa is saying 'screw that, it's stupid,' while still (at least saying) she's plans on a very large family with lots of children. Bonus = she doesn't wreck her body with pregnancy. She's shrewd, but I have to give her props for rebelling as much as she can against really nonsense and hateful rules.

  • Love 4

Jessa touting adoption instead of breeding like jackrabbits is another act of rebellion. Gothard says orphans can have the 'sins of their fathers' so you don't want to bring them into your godly home. Jessa is saying 'screw that, it's stupid,' while still (at least saying) she's plans on a very large family with lots of children. Bonus = she doesn't wreck her body with pregnancy. She's shrewd, but I have to give her props for rebelling as much as she can against really nonsense and hateful rules.

I think it's genius. I really hope she has an IUD and she and Ben fake having problems conceiving and talking adoption for the next decade before they have their "miracle" two children then close up shop.

  • Love 3

Jessa's not going to risk the point of her chinny-chin-chin to pregnancy bloating.


I don't get how they can't afford a house, but would consider adoption. Even a 'cheap' private Christian agency would charge 35-40k. They don't have a house, jobs, or much esle to their names other than a TLC contract. That's how it's oing to be the next few years until the show dies down. Adoption is just lip service.

  • Love 3

With regards to Jessa and Ben adopting, I will believe that when I see it.  I have a feeling they promised People magazine the scoop on their first pregnancy.  Given that after three months there is nothing to announce, the next best thing is to come up with the "we are adopting" story.  Puhleeze. 

It would have to be private adoption- no agency in their right minds would give a teenager and his unemployed bride a baby. They haven't even been married for 6 months. SMDH. At least it wasn't a pregnancy announcement. These people are out of their damn minds.


Who wants to bet if someone does give them a baby that it is a white, perfectly healthy and typical infant. 


"Adds Ben, 19, "Kids are so important."- I loled at this. BEN YOU ARE A KID


I think it's cute that Jessa is all "I will happily adopt!" as opposed to getting knocked up as quickly as possible. "Sure, let someone else do the hard lifting so I can have kids." Heh.

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I'm sure in their world the strict rule is that the bride's family pays for the wedding and reception..That's why Anna's wedding and Priscilla's wedding were better. They, at least were INDOORS, had some real food and a decent wedding cake; tables and chairs for their guests to sit down and eat in some comfort..The Kellers were responsible for that. We are now seeing what the Duggars provide....children's carnival food in the parking lot, and now cold ice cream out in the parking lot, yet again, in November...cheap, classless, and gift grubbing of them, IMO. My hat is off to the Kellers in doing their best for their daughters.....

Even though the Kellers are not in the financial ballpark of the Duggars, their receptions had much more class.

  • Love 15

The Kellers also belong to an actual church community who had been part of the Kellers lives for years and to whom the Kellers had certainly given. Unlike the Duggars who worship at the invitation only Church of Jim Bob. While both had small armies of volunteers, you could, really, see the genuine love and personalization in the Keller weddings because those participating knew the girls as individuals, not just people on the Fundy/homeschool circuit.

  • Love 5

I subscribe to People magazine.  One of the perks is the daily “People News” by e-mail.  Anyway, I just saw the subject of one of today’s news:  “Jessa and Ben Seawalds’ Relationship Dos and Don’ts.”   So after three months of marriage, they are such seasoned veterans that they are now giving relationship advice.  This is as laughable as the book the girls “wrote” on dating.  I am tempted to send People an e-mail, asking if this is a joke.

  • Love 10

I don't understand why the Duggar girls would want a circus event for a wedding by inviting a thousand people. To each their own, I guess.

Two words: Bridal Registry. The items on Jessa's registries totaled over $30K. Jill's registries were at least $20,000, and both Jill and Jessa asked for multiples of items that led me to believe they were actually restocking the TTH as well. For instance: Jill asked for over 40 sets of towels, multiple knife sets and three sets of cookware, among other high-dollar multiples of the same items. Jessa asked for (IIRC) six different comforter sets. If the registries are still up online, they're interesting reading. It's not possible to get the sheer number of gifts they requested when one invites a normal number of people to one's wedding.

  • Love 7

I'll bet more than half the people that attended Jessa's wedding didn't bring a gift. Most of the fundy people in their circle haven't got a lot of extra money. What gifts they did bring were probably along the lines of a set of wooden spoons and homemade recipe books and strawberry preserves. Nothing wrong with that, but I don't think a majority of her guests could spring for a comforter set unless they came from a higher income bracket. I believe for the most part that those ridiculous registries were created in the hope that fans of the show would furnish those grubbing Duggar Girls with their materialistic heart's desire.

And yes, I agree with you about stockpiling all those "extras" for the TTH.

  • Love 9

I'll bet more than half the people that attended Jessa's wedding didn't bring a gift. Most of the fundy people in their circle haven't got a lot of extra money. What gifts they did bring were probably along the lines of a set of wooden spoons and homemade recipe books and strawberry preserves. Nothing wrong with that, but I don't think a majority of her guests could spring for a comforter set unless they came from a higher income bracket. I believe for the most part that those ridiculous registries were created in the hope that fans of the show would furnish those grubbing Duggar Girls with their materialistic heart's desire.

And yes, I agree with you about stockpiling all those "extras" for the TTH.

They could also be making a hope chest for the other girls. By the time Joy Anna gets married, it won't make the cover of People and the gifts from strangers won't be puting in. Maybe Jana has a set of cookware and sheets ready to go.

If it was me, I'd register for everything under the sun, then donate most of it. They are volunteer firefighters, so I'm sure they know plenty of families that have lost everything they own and have to start over.

  • Love 1

People who are buying the wedding gifts on Jessa's registry are buying them for J & B, not so they can dole them out to family members and not to give away to charity (though I'm not opposed to giving the gifts to charity).

If Jessa and Ben wanted to do something for charity they could simply request that fans of the show make a donation to XYZ Charity in lieu of a gift.

The Duggars, as well as being cheapskates and grubbers, are all bait and switch, and I don't trust 'em.

Edited by msblossom
  • Love 8

I too think that their circle of friends/fans don't bring expensive gifts.  Mr. and Mrs. will show up with their 12 kids in tow and give a mixing bowl set, or a photo album, or home a set of homemade dish towels or tablecloth.  That will be the gift from 14 people.


IF, and that is a big IF, Bessa really does adopt kids, it would be great if they were foster parents.  Jess is going to stay home and is doing so now, so why not do homework, run kids to doctor's appointments, and maybe (gasp) let them join a soccer league or take a ballet class.  She has the time to do that for kids.

I would hope that JB & M have created a savings account for each child to set aside money for things like weddings, "financial hope chests" and "nest eggs". We know they don't have college funds set up for the kids, but it would be nice if they had something set up so if a kid wants to go to college they could use the money from such this type of fund.

This seems more practical than if they had silly hope chests for each girl that would likely get mice infested in their smelly warehouse where they store mostly old crap.

JB has enough money that he wouldn't need to go through Jessa's wedding gift extras to pool together items for the younger Brides-to-be for a hope chest. Though I can see him and Michelle doing this, cheapskates that they are.

Edited by msblossom
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Did Jessa say in the past few years that she was interested in becoming either a hairdresser or makeup artist? I can't remember where I heard that or if I just imagined it. Reading over Kelly Bate's blog, I remember that before she was married, their daughter Alyssa worked for a florist. I do wonder what Jessa plans to do if she doesn't have kids

right away..maybe write another book? I think if anyone in the Duggar family ever writes a tell-all, Jessa is one of the top candidates to do it. 

I subscribe to People magazine.  One of the perks is the daily “People News” by e-mail.  Anyway, I just saw the subject of one of today’s news:  “Jessa and Ben Seawalds’ Relationship Dos and Don’ts.”   So after three months of marriage, they are such seasoned veterans that they are now giving relationship advice.  This is as laughable as the book the girls “wrote” on dating.  I am tempted to send People an e-mail, asking if this is a joke.


Great idea - send the e-mail. Someone at People has GOT to be made to understand how unutterably GOOFY this is. They didn't publish "relationship advice" from Wills & Kate at three months out - even "phony advice."  And they'd known each other for about 10 years IIRC.  But they consider it OK to do it with a hillbilly couple married 12 weeks... who weren't even allowed to be alone together until officially-hitched. ???

Edited by Wellfleet
  • Love 7

In March and April Jessa will be appearing at something called the Southern Women's Show in 3 different locations. At least she will be bringing in some money from personal appearances -which is great for now. How she and Ben plan to earn a living once the public loses interest in the Duggars is something they both need to be seriously thinking about.

I think this whole adoption talk is a convenient way to deflect interest in a pregnancy. No adoption agency or lawyer who arranges private adoptions would take them seriously at this point anyway. It would be refreshing to hear Jessa say, "I'm not interested in starting a family yet." Too bad honesty is not an option.

Edited by Hpmec
  • Love 3

I think Jessa is thinking about the orphans in El Salvador that they saw on their mission trips. Remember Jill wanted to take a child home?

I cannot stand Jessa but she might actually be coming from a good place.

But adoptions are expensive and they don't just hand you a child without a thorough evaluation etc.

Does Jessa think you take a poor child home in your suitcase?

I'm really lost on where these two think they can adopt a baby from???

Edited by Marigold

First of all, who would pay good money to hear Jessa speak about her marriage expertise. She has nothing to bring to the table.


Second, I call bs on we are thinking of adoption. Jill is getting all the attention right now, so I bet Jessa and Ben are trying to catch some it by bringing up wanting to adopt one day spiel.

One thing: I'm not very computer literate, and I would like to submit (if I may) an alternate baby dilly possible name in the pool: Richard Michael Dillard. I don't know how to add it to my already posted guess...so, here it is.

I did it for ya! Good luck beating me, though. ;)

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Message added by Scarlett45

The Duggars post about politics on social media frequently, but these social media posts are not an invitation to discuss politics here in this forum. This rule extends to Duggar adjacent families, friends, associates etc. Such discussions are a violation of the Politics Policy. 

I understand with recent current events there may be a desire to discuss certain social media postings of those in the Duggar realm as they relate to politics- this is not the place for those discussions. If you believe someone has violated forum rules, report them, do not respond or engage.

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