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Jessa, Ben and Their Brood: Making a (Diaper) Mountain out of a Mold House

Message added by Scarlett45

The Duggars post about politics on social media frequently, but these social media posts are not an invitation to discuss politics here in this forum. This rule extends to Duggar adjacent families, friends, associates etc. Such discussions are a violation of the Politics Policy. 

I understand with recent current events there may be a desire to discuss certain social media postings of those in the Duggar realm as they relate to politics- this is not the place for those discussions. If you believe someone has violated forum rules, report them, do not respond or engage.

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Looking at the pic with just the married couples, it does look like Jill is competing with Jessa for Center of Attention. Everyone on either side of the bride and groom is angled in the same direction except for Jill who is standing opposite. If she had been properly aligned with everyone on Bin's side her pregnancy wouldn't have photographed as prominently as it did. 

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I don't think Jessa harps on modesty all that much, does she? I think she wears a skirt, but she's clearly pushed the line in terms of cut and style for at least the past few years. And her wedding gown may have been from the modest line, but on a bustier bride, it would have needed alterations.

I should know! ;)

I was going to say, I don't particularly remember Jessa saying much about modesty rules and them deciding on their rules. To me it seemed like it was more JB and Michelle who wanted them to have the rules. Whereas with Jill she definitely talked about wanting to save stuff for marriage. I could be wrong, but I just don't remember Jessa talking about it the same way.

IIRC, Jessa was the one snarking and rolling her eyes in the dress shop when she and Jinger had to wear drapery on their shoulders while trying on bridesmaids' dresses. If I'm not mistaken she made some sort of comment about not being able to tell how the dresses really looked because they were so covered up with that ridiculous gauze curtain thing.


I don't think Jessa is the type who will have her T&A hanging out now that she's married and has some freedom, but I don't think she's as uptight about modesty as Michelle. 

I don't think Jessa harps on modesty all that much, does she? I think she wears a skirt, but she's clearly pushed the line in terms of cut and style for at least the past few years. And her wedding gown may have been from the modest line, but on a bustier bride, it would have needed alterations.

I should know! ;)

I think they all harp on modesty.

Can someone link to the pic of Josh and Anna at the wedding? I didn't see it in the People spread.

Thank you so much for that link! At the bottom was a recipe called, "Better Than Robert Redford" which I was just thinking about today and wanted to make. Old family favorite and I couldn't find it so what a coincidence. Its a church lady recipe so very appropriate to find here.


Looking at the pic with just the married couples, it does look like Jill is competing with Jessa for Center of Attention.


I thought this, too when I first saw the picture, but changed my mind after some thought.


These pictures are posed -- I don't think Jill chose that position, I think she was told to stand that way. Given their belief system, I think that her pregnancy is a BIG DEAL, and she's supposed to show it off as much as possible.


Free Ginger has a bunch of pics posted I hadn't seen yet. http://www.freejinger.org/forums/viewtopic.php?f=87&t=23952&start=40%C2'> Don't know if this link will work.  There is one where Jessa is getting her hair messed with. She has her veil on, but a t-shirt, not her dress.  How did she get the shirt over the veil without messing it up?  Another kissing pic where it looks like they missed.  Or Jessa might just be a bottom lip sucker.  It looks like her dress needed to be pulled in just a bit at the waist.


 I can't see a Bates sister wearing flats.

Flats???? The Bates sisters (at least the blonde ones) wear Kardashian-level stilettos....and they totally rock them.


The bridesmaids dresses, while still 1000 x better than the dresses for Jill's wedding, were still not the greatest....but at least they weren't modesty-altered into fug-dom. All the shoes look awful. Jessa's gown was gorgeous, however.....maybe she planned it that way.


Anna's shoes were cute, but for the love of god, does she always have to stand pigeon-toed? And speaking of her bad self, did she get Invisaline braces in the past few years?


Mullet's dress looks on the low side of average, which is also 1000x better than her silver cocoon, but the shoes.......really???


These girls slap these weddings together in a few months ...but what else are they doing???? So in real person time , it's years. And this is the result?

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Anna really does look great in that pic. I've loved her look this whole season though. I think she's gorgeous.

Also, in the couples pic, that's the first time I've ever noticed any sort of resemblance between Jessa and Michelle. I never really thought Jessa looked like anyone except for Jinger, but in that pic, I can definitely see the similarities around the eyes and nose.

I have always thought Jessa looked like Jim Bob. If you take his features and pinch them together very tightly, you get Jessa's features. She's a prettier version of Jim Bob. She lucked out with her DNA. Now Josh is another story...

For the love of Gothard, why don't the fundies ever wear their hair in a simple, elegant up do? Even a ballerina bun would be a nice change from the scraggly looking hair they sport on the show.

Edited by Joe Jitsu913
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Anna's hair is very pretty straight, but she went with the curl and crunch for the wedding. Still, I like her dress, and Josh looks very good in his suit. It fits and doesn't look cheap. Jim Bob and Derrick need to find a tailor pronto.


I'm going to give Jim Bob the worst dressed award for this wedding. He seems to be wearing the suit version of Michelle's eye-burning silver monstrosity.

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I think the picture of the four couples is just awkwardly posed.  There are eight people in the picture, and Ben and Derick are facing the same direction as each other, while the other six are all facing the opposite of Ben and Derick.  I think it would have been better had all the couples been posed as Ben and Jessa are, with each husband/wife pair facing each other.

With the Instagram picture (which I love, for the record) keep in mind we just saw the best picture of what were probably dozens of attempts. They look practiced and like they totally know what they were doing because they probably took about a million pictures before they took one they liked - it's not like that was the first snapshot attempt.

I have always thought Jessa looked like Jim Bob. If you take his features and pinch them together very tightly, you get Jessa's features. She's a prettier version of Jim Bob. She lucked out with her DNA. Now Josh is another story...

On FJ there is a  picture of Jessa's face superimposed on Jim Boob's.  Creepy.

Edited by abseedee

With the Instagram picture (which I love, for the record) keep in mind we just saw the best picture of what were probably dozens of attempts. They look practiced and like they totally know what they were doing because they probably took about a million pictures before they took one they liked - it's not like that was the first snapshot attempt.

I've also not seen it mentioned that there's a big strand of Jessa's hair in the center of the picture. Does anyone else think that Ben has his hand grabbing the top of her hair that's parted over like she is the back of his head?

Judging solely from the pics I think it's safe to say Jessa's wedding is blowing Jill's out of the water in terms of style. In the group photo the bridesmaid's dresses come through as really orange-y, but in the close-up pics they're more of a pinky-coral. They complemented Jessa's champagne colored dress nicely. Although bow ties aren't my thing, the guys looked good. I liked the navy with the brown shoes.


I must be alone in thinking then, I'm not fond of Jessa's bridesmaid dresses. The color is nice for her wedding, but I would rather go with Jill's dresses (minus the white slip) then go with Jessa's. The material is jersey so it does stretch and some of those bodices were stretched to the max. Not a good look for the style or for modesty. I think they were really ugly and not really bridesmaid dresses, but just coral dresses.  Jessa's gown, however, was gorgeous.


Nothing much to say about Jim Bob's suit that hasn't been said, but, couldn't he have emptied his pockets before the picture? There's a big bulge in his pockets (Clearly keys or something of that sort, so out of the gutter!). It's there shining in the pic. He could have at least polished his shoes!


Jessa had a true down-home country themed wedding.

Edited by Catlyn
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The bridemaid dresses I'm thinking came from China. If you look on Ebay any day of the week you'll find thousands of cheap dresses in all different colors for under $30. She could have just ordered a bunch and went with them.


Mullet does look better but they all need a shoe stylist. I volunteer to shape them up with appropriate shoes.


Guinn wins the race for the ugliest dress. What the heck is that? I'm going with a newer style of the tincanducktape dress. U.G.L.Y.

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I agree with Catlyn, Jill's dresses were simple and even with the white slip they could be worn again on a spring/summer day and would look like a regular modest dress. Jessa' dresses however were that horrible jersey stretch fabric with weird gathering on the front and sides. I'd wonder if someone had no style if they wore it out in public, lol.

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I still think they only got married so they can have sex without their parents disapproval. My secret wish is that the next time Boob is on live TV discussing his daughters' sex lives/virginity (ewww) that Jessa interrupts and says "Actually dad, Ben and I snuck in a few practice fucks when he moved into the shed"

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Oh, my. Another silver disaster. What do these people have against that color? Also, Guinn's hairdo looks too young for her and for the occasion . She is, however, wearing somewhat dressy shoes. 


Jim Bob is certainly looking portly these days, and the shiny suit doesn't help. 


OK. Guinn for the win this round.

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I noticed they put pictures on the family blog and there is actually a picture of the full frontal hug on the blog. I guess they weren't too upset or they wouldn't have put it on there. I'm sure they couldn't get TLC to edit it out but they didn't have to put the picture up themselves.

Guinn gets the Mr. Blackwell award, but also a fail for Anna.  Black dress and hooker heels are appropriate for an evening DC cocktail party, but not an afternoon wedding in which the predominant color is a pastel.  Never could stand Anna and couldn't understand what Josh saw in her! I won't fault Jill for facing the wrong way (no doubt the photog posed them) nor the flats (she's got a thing about being marginally shorter than Derrick), but why is she holding her hand up -- to emphasize the baby bump or show off her FIRST wedding band?

Ha!  Look at the "Duggars in Love (After the Vows)" photo; looks like Jill's wearing a big princess tiara...

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In the photos that include Jill and Derrick, they look as if they were photo shopped in. The only one NOT facing the bride and groom is JilI . I  think it throws the picture off.

The dresses weren't bad. Jessa's gown was really beautiful.

Jim Bob has seen better days

Edited by ginger90
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I wonder how open the girls are with one another. For instance, after Jessa's wedding night, I wonder if Jinger asked her what it was like, or if she volunteered any info -- e.g., whether she was embarrassed, whether it hurt, if it felt good, etc. I would think peer-to-peer information would be much more useful to the girls than the ridiculousness MEchelle and Boob spew about intimacy in relationships.

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I noticed they put pictures on the family blog and there is actually a picture of the full frontal hug on the blog. I guess they weren't too upset or they wouldn't have put it on there. I'm sure they couldn't get TLC to edit it out but they didn't have to put the picture up themselves.

That site is a little misleading.  It isn't run by the Duggars.  It's a fan page.  That could explain the appearance of the full frontal hug.  

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Too bad the photog couldn't position the "crown" over Michelle's head in the second picture; princess AND queen!  I have to say, I like Michelle's dress; hits right where it should at the knee.  Of course, we can't see the shoes.  And I was wondering if Jill has trouble finding shoes that are big enough other than sandals and flip-flops.  Have you ever seen longer feet (when Derrick carries her out of church)?

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Is is just me or does Jessa's dress look whiter on the fan site than it did in initial pictures? I didn't like either bridesmaid dress much. 

I can't blame Jill for her shoes. They look comfy and I'm glad she didn't go barefoot and pregnant. Since she's pregnant, I don't care that she didn't don heels. 

Michelle looks much better than she did at Jill's wedding. However I think Guin was trying to go with the wedding color scheme. I think Guinn is attractive, but there she looks harried and sleep-deprived. Second thoughts?

Edited by Temperance

omg.  These men need to get to a men's shoe store asap.  I detest that particular style of shoe that Ben is wearing, and it seems too casual for his suit.  As for Jimbo and Michael's shoes, why would they wear shoes that look as though they could need to be tossed into the "To Donate" bin--quite possibly even into the trash can. Jim Bob is a man who makes  quite a few appearances, etc., and I would imagine he finds himself needing to wear a nice dress shoe from time to time.  I would like to recommend he make a trip to a finer men's shoe store, purchase a quality shoe and shoe trees, and keep these shoes polished and ready to go.  He could also use a custom made suit, or at least a better quality suit, but let's just take baby steps...

  • Love 3

That site is a little misleading.  It isn't run by the Duggars.  It's a fan page.  That could explain the appearance of the full frontal hug.  

Ahh... thanks for letting me know. In a kind of warped way that makes me happy. I am hoping they were just fuming at the full frontal hug but couldn't say anything because they knew how stupid that would sound. 

And Guinn's dress doesn't bother me as much as it seems to bother others. It's not that I love it but she did seem to try to fit into the color scheme of the wedding with the lavender/grey/pastel color where Michelle just sticks out with the blue. I like Michelle's dress... I just don't think it went well with the wedding and usually MOB's try to at least be in the color palate. 

I wonder why the photographer didn't opt to reposition Jill and Derick. I think their positioning makes the picture look a little unbalanced.

It was probably some friend they go to do it for free so they may not be professional enough to properly stage the pictures.

I need to see better pictures of Guinn before I can make any judgments on the outfit. It looks like the lighting in that picture is really harsh, so that could be what's making her look washed out. I'm reminded of that Seinfeld episode where Jerry was dating a girl who would look either gorgeous or ugly depending on how the light hit her face, lol.

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Message added by Scarlett45

The Duggars post about politics on social media frequently, but these social media posts are not an invitation to discuss politics here in this forum. This rule extends to Duggar adjacent families, friends, associates etc. Such discussions are a violation of the Politics Policy. 

I understand with recent current events there may be a desire to discuss certain social media postings of those in the Duggar realm as they relate to politics- this is not the place for those discussions. If you believe someone has violated forum rules, report them, do not respond or engage.

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