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Jessa, Ben and Their Brood: Making a (Diaper) Mountain out of a Mold House

Message added by Scarlett45

The Duggars post about politics on social media frequently, but these social media posts are not an invitation to discuss politics here in this forum. This rule extends to Duggar adjacent families, friends, associates etc. Such discussions are a violation of the Politics Policy. 

I understand with recent current events there may be a desire to discuss certain social media postings of those in the Duggar realm as they relate to politics- this is not the place for those discussions. If you believe someone has violated forum rules, report them, do not respond or engage.

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On 7/17/2018 at 5:43 PM, GeeGolly said:

Cute pic, but her post. How many brothers does Jessa have? She's never known another little boy who loves tractors and such? Just about every kid I've known, boy or girl, gets exciting over these things. My kids loved the garbage truck on garbage day, loved seeing cement mixes driving down randoms roads, loved getting rides on my dad's mini bucket loader, etc.

She is so fake and disingenuous. You have kids, so what?

  • Love 5
6 hours ago, Sew Sumi said:

Oh, but she is so REAL!!!!!! She doesn't have to work, her husband earns decent food/toy money mowing lawns, and they have TV income. Who among us can claim the same? 


She is so much like JB & Josh. I give Jessa credit for recognizing which negative feedback matters to her image, but I agree she only posts what she believes will garner more positive interest. She would show glimpses of the real Jessa here and there and snap back at the negativity. Then she went full on real and we all know what she revealed with those pictures (still ew). Even her responses to negative comments have calmed down now.

I'm remember watching the last show they did before scandal #1 broke - the Q & A filmed at the TTH. That episode was the first time Jessa revealed, IMO, how she was manipulating viewers by trying to create 'suspense' to keep the viewers coming back. Her answers to questions were very coy and she glared at Anna for revealing the next M's name. Then she kept Spur's gender quiet while continuing to post fake hints about her pregnancy, including, "Maybe it's twins". And I think you were the one Sew Sumi, that noticed her posting pictures of airports and good byes purposely misleading fans.

Like I said, I give credit to Jessa for understanding how negative feedback can be used in her favor, but she's about as real as Kim Kardashian's smooth and dimple free ass.

  • Love 21

I agree, Jessa's fake as hell, but so are most people on social media. I said way up thread that the kids are the only card she has left to play. They're cute, photogenic and fun to watch. Jessa made small attempts to do the whole "lifestyle guru" thing, but quickly realized she sucks at it and dropped it like a hot potato. She herself is getting frumpier by the minute, so Spurge and Henry are all that's left to keep people interested.

  • Love 10
23 minutes ago, BitterApple said:

Jessa made small attempts to do the whole "lifestyle guru" thing, but quickly realized she sucks at it and dropped it like a hot potato. 

Jill hasn't been as quick to figure out how badly she sucks at the mommy-blogging cooking/homeschooling thing. Or maybe she's just switched from her "how to make toast" recipes to "how to homeschool." 

  • Love 9
3 hours ago, Jeeves said:

Jill hasn't been as quick to figure out how badly she sucks at the mommy-blogging cooking/homeschooling thing. Or maybe she's just switched from her "how to make toast" recipes to "how to homeschool." 

Jill is the least introspective person out there. Also, maybe she's run out of recipes already :-P Give her a week or two, and she'll be out of homeschooling lessons too.

Deanna looks really pretty in that pic. JB's expression makes him look as dim as a burned-out bulb. He has an identical look on his face in other photos, so it's not a one-off. It reminds me of how Israel appeared in his early snaps.

Edited by graefin
  • Love 5
5 hours ago, zenme said:

Actually the male pattern baldness comes from the mother's genes

Not exclusively. https://health.usnews.com/health-news/family-health/mens-health/articles/2011/02/22/what-causes-hair-loss-9-myths-about-baldness

From the article: "Not entirely true. While the primary baldness gene is on the X chromosome, which men get only from their mothers, other factors are also in play. The hereditary factor is slightly more dominant on the woman's side, but research suggests that men who have a bald father are more likely to develop male pattern baldness than those who don't."

Edited by Heathen
  • Love 7
16 hours ago, ginger90 said:

Now that I am looking at a younger Grandma Mary, I see a strong resemblance between her and Jedidiah. And if you take a young Jeremiah and put next to this picture of Boob, they are spitting image in the face - the only difference is the hair (Boob straight, Jeremiah curly). Joy (and Amy, of course) resembles Deanna. Not sure who resembles JL/Grandpa - maybe Joe? 

  • Love 4
1 hour ago, madpsych78 said:

Now that I am looking at a younger Grandma Mary, I see a strong resemblance between her and Jedidiah. And if you take a young Jeremiah and put next to this picture of Boob, they are spitting image in the face - the only difference is the hair (Boob straight, Jeremiah curly). Joy (and Amy, of course) resembles Deanna. Not sure who resembles JL/Grandpa - maybe Joe? 

Actually, I think this is who James resembles, in my opinion.  I always thought his looks stood out to me, as I didn't think he resembled either Me-chelle or Jim Blob.  Not ugly, just different from his siblings.  

  • Love 1

Jessa: Cut. Your. Hair. NOW. 

She has such pretty features, but they're buried under that heavy, scraggly mane. Even if she took off six inches it would make a huge difference.

Also, she's looking suspiciously full in the face. I hope another blessing isn't on the way.

Edited by BitterApple
  • Love 16
5 hours ago, BitterApple said:

Jessa: Cut. Your. Hair. NOW. 

She has such pretty features, but they're buried under that heavy, scraggly mane. Even if she took off six inches it would make a huge difference.

I know that I've harped on this MANY times before, but why do they all ALWAYS look so awful. 

There's nothing wrong with a group of friends getting together for lunch without dressing up, but if Jessa wants to commemorate it with a photo and post it to SM, then she should invest in photo editing software and learn how to use it. If this photo was cropped, we would all be spared Jessa's deeply unflattering skirt, Sierra's sack-dress, and all of the revolting footwear. We would also be spared about 5 feet of unnecessary TFL kitchen and high chairs.

And, if Jessa doesn't want to cut her hair, she might spend some of the endless hours she has on her hands learning to braid her hair, or tying it up nicely. Even Jill is ahead of her on that.

  • Love 14
12 minutes ago, Temperance said:

I wondered if it was an older picture, maybe even from last year or the year before. Especially since Sierra is saying she misses Jessa. Seems kind of odd to say about someone you saw today or yesterday. 

I think Sierra is saying that there was a decent time that they didn't see each other up until this point when Jessa surprised her sometime this weekend. 

Edited by Sew Sumi
Autocorrect still doesn't like Jessa
  • Love 6
37 minutes ago, Totally said:

I just went back and had another look at the pic... I don’t think that Jessa looks badly put together or frumpy , she looks good except for the horrible hair 

YMMV of course, but I think she looks awful. There's nothing wrong with going out with friends in schlubby clothes, but don't take photos and post them on social media.

She's wearing what appears to be a pencil skirt -- full around the hips and tighter at the knees. That's a very attractive silhouette if it the waist is accentuated, but its not -- she's wearing a boxy t-shirt on top. She's also wearing Birkenstocks which are kind of a boho-ey aesthetic to wear with the sharp lines of a pencil skirt. Then, she has miles of raggedy un-kept hair draped over her shoulders.

I just don't think that any of the Duggar daughter knows how to put themselves together. I've ranted about this many times before, but there are women all over the world who dress modestly and look nice at the same time -- and it's not THEIR JOB. Jessa doesn't work, and has nothing to do all day, and she can't comb her hair or put together a nice outfit for any occasion.

  • Love 15

Take a look at the Bates' girls, who dressed in prairie dresses for a longer period of time than the Duggars while also wearing inexpensive frump wear. They still dress modestly now and look well put together. Most of them have hair falling mid-back or shorter and Kelly's is the shortest. Josie, Alyssa and Whitney take it up to the next notch even.

And Jinger always looks good now.

Jessa is the modern day equivalent of June Cleaver and she wore pumps, pearls and a well fitted dress to clean house, make dinner and look after Wally and Beaver. 

It's not like Jessa can't find the time to dress decent because she's at home cooking and cleaning.

  • Love 11
7 hours ago, QuinnInND said:

Jessa won't cut her hair because she's been conditioned to have it that way because daddy JimBlob likes it and it's Jesus-y. Or something.  

Abstract-I hope your daughter didn't donate her hair to Locks of Love. They charge cancer patients for wigs. 

Nope, we’re sending it to Pantene’s Beautiful Lengths.

  • Love 13
10 hours ago, cmr2014 said:

YMMV of course, but I think she looks awful. There's nothing wrong with going out with friends in schlubby clothes, but don't take photos and post them on social media.

She's wearing what appears to be a pencil skirt -- full around the hips and tighter at the knees. That's a very attractive silhouette if it the waist is accentuated, but its not -- she's wearing a boxy t-shirt on top. She's also wearing Birkenstocks which are kind of a boho-ey aesthetic to wear with the sharp lines of a pencil skirt. Then, she has miles of raggedy un-kept hair draped over her shoulders.

I just don't think that any of the Duggar daughter knows how to put themselves together. I've ranted about this many times before, but there are women all over the world who dress modestly and look nice at the same time -- and it's not THEIR JOB. Jessa doesn't work, and has nothing to do all day, and she can't comb her hair or put together a nice outfit for any occasion.

I agree, the boxy tee is not good with the pencil denim skirt.

It was Sierra who posted this photo so perhaps Jessa didn't dress for the camera that day.

As for her uncombed hair, I've seen enough episodes (well, all of them) to know that she spends hours on her hair.  Those Gothard-Approved Banana Curls don't form themselves!

  • Love 2

Eh, I think Jessa looks ok (except I really hate birkenstocks). Not great, but no worse than any of her companions, and not much worse that any random young woman out for a casual day time meal with her friends in my decidedly non-fundie part of the country. I wouldn't think anything of her outfit one way or another if I were to see her out and about. 

She does need a haircut though, but again, that ultralong hair is super common among a lot of young women. I hate it because there's not a damn thing one can do with with other than pretty updoes, which the Duggars don't do. 

Edited by lascuba
  • Love 17
12 hours ago, cmr2014 said:

YMMV of course, but I think she looks awful. There's nothing wrong with going out with friends in schlubby clothes, but don't take photos and post them on social media.

She's wearing what appears to be a pencil skirt -- full around the hips and tighter at the knees. That's a very attractive silhouette if it the waist is accentuated, but its not -- she's wearing a boxy t-shirt on top. She's also wearing Birkenstocks which are kind of a boho-ey aesthetic to wear with the sharp lines of a pencil skirt. Then, she has miles of raggedy un-kept hair draped over her shoulders.

I just don't think that any of the Duggar daughter knows how to put themselves together. I've ranted about this many times before, but there are women all over the world who dress modestly and look nice at the same time -- and it's not THEIR JOB. Jessa doesn't work, and has nothing to do all day, and she can't comb her hair or put together a nice outfit for any occasion.

I think Jinger looks great. 

  • Love 3

The vast majority of Duggar women are "what you get when you wake up and go get dressed 'modestly', out of a communal 100% thrifted closet".  (Remember when a daughter complained aloud that Jill had "taken all the cute clothes" when she got married and moved out?  Yikes.  If those are the "cute" outfits...)  You get lots of "people buying 'good enough' clothing, in order to get out of the store."  "Eh, this is all right, isn't it?  Stretches from neck to ankle? You can see it lasting from Hannie to Josie, right?"  Etc.  How could you possibly prognosticate that the same outfit would fit both Jill and Joy, and fit them both well, with no un-ideal lumps, bumps, sags or stretches?  Jinger has a family reputation as the thrift store queen for a good reason, I bet - probably because she'll take time patiently sifting through things, and not just jump at "good enough".

  • Love 7

I think it's pathetic that Bin's 3 younger sisters have jobs or working on careers while he's still Boob's bitch. Jessa is used to that crap and will never do anything with her life but Bin wasn't raised a Duggar. He probably thinks he's too good for a regular job because he's been on teevee, like Derick. 

  • Love 17
2 minutes ago, Lunera said:

I think it's pathetic that Bin's 3 younger sisters have jobs or working on careers while he's still Boob's bitch. Jessa is used to that crap and will never do anything with her life but Bin wasn't raised a Duggar. He probably thinks he's too good for a regular job because he's been on teevee, like Derick. 

I'm hoping since the Seewalds were in town recently - the IG photo of the table of them, the Vuolos and Jeremy's mom, that perhaps Mom and Dad Seewald took Ben aside and gave him a what do you plan on doing with your life and how do you plan to support your kids, because Boob will not be able to support all of his kids and grandkids in a decade or less.  Basically, do you want to be like one of your sisters? or do you want to be like Derelick?

  • Love 4
2 hours ago, DragonFaerie said:

Someone mentioned on another board that Jessa has pretty much been quiet on the SiRen wedding - no photos, no congrats on IG, and I'm wondering if she's really either fed up with the whole weddings, courtships, babies that seem to be their life now, or is beginning to realize that her time of being in the spotlight and being special is pretty much gone or at least on the way out the door.  The spinoff show was first Jill and Jessa, now it's just Counting On.  Jessa was the first girl to enter into a courtship and the second girl to wed.  Spurgeon came soon after.  I'm sure being on social media has been quite a wake up call to Jessa on how many other people view their family and not in a good way.  

She was pretty much snarky and almost rolling her eyes when Kendra's sister gave her the update phone call while Kendra was in labor.  There was no real congrats for Garrett's birth, SiRen's wedding, John and Abbie's courtship announcement, Felicity's birth and I don't even think anything for Giddyup's birth.  It's like she's just so over it and only posts pictures of her kids.  But she's gonna need to figure out how to rebrand herself and her family pretty quickly.  Everyone in the family is having kids.  Kendra and Joe are adorable.  Jeremy is going to get a real degree.  Austin is building a house or something.  Ben is cleaning toilets and she occasionally pulls out the sheep shearers for Ben's hair.  They haven't grown or done something new or even trying a new hobby. Ben needs to get a real job - a 9-5 full time, comes with benefits job to support his kids.  Jessa needs to do something.  Take some cooking classes, take some online classes for a real, accredited degree.  Go to cosmotology school, put in a garden, learn to knit or crochet.  SOMETHING.  Otherwise, no one is gonna care that she bought a dress from old Navy in like a couple of years/months/weeks.

And in their spare time from all of that busy-ness they meet friends at Tacos 4 Life!  

  • Love 4
Message added by Scarlett45

The Duggars post about politics on social media frequently, but these social media posts are not an invitation to discuss politics here in this forum. This rule extends to Duggar adjacent families, friends, associates etc. Such discussions are a violation of the Politics Policy. 

I understand with recent current events there may be a desire to discuss certain social media postings of those in the Duggar realm as they relate to politics- this is not the place for those discussions. If you believe someone has violated forum rules, report them, do not respond or engage.

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