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Jessa, Ben and Their Brood: Making a (Diaper) Mountain out of a Mold House

Message added by Scarlett45

The Duggars post about politics on social media frequently, but these social media posts are not an invitation to discuss politics here in this forum. This rule extends to Duggar adjacent families, friends, associates etc. Such discussions are a violation of the Politics Policy. 

I understand with recent current events there may be a desire to discuss certain social media postings of those in the Duggar realm as they relate to politics- this is not the place for those discussions. If you believe someone has violated forum rules, report them, do not respond or engage.

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3 hours ago, Churchhoney said:

Well, I hear there was that one time when somebody fed a toddler peas out of a can. When the kid was lying down? .... 

Does chickenetti have any vegetables in it?.... Like half an onion and one can of peas for 42 servings or something? 

Canned peas are so mushy.  It figures these folks would eat them.  Nothing fresh, too much bother.  

I would have liked to snark the hell out of that scene with the lying down kid eating canned peas.  Too bad I missed it.

Chickenetti?  I don't even know what that is, and it's probably a good thing I don't, if it's anything like their Tater Tot abomination!


ETA:  I just read the comments I hadn't read through, and saw the recipe.  I don't think I'll add it to my repertoire. :)

Edited by xwordfanatik
didn't read all comments before commenting
  • Love 6
21 hours ago, SMama said:

What are they eating? Toast for Bin and gummies for Spurgie? I can’t tell.

I think Spurge is eating canned fruit cocktail.

19 hours ago, Rabbittron said:

That is a red disposable plate. I use them for my younger boys don't trust them with real plates yet

 That looks like Fiestaware to me, not plastic. 

  • Love 2
2 hours ago, BitterApple said:
3 hours ago, PinkyCupcake said:

Of course Jana has to be sitting next to Spurgeon... Smh.

Can't let Jana have a night off from nanny duties to enjoy her meal! You wouldn't want her getting rusty!

Plus, you wouldn't want her to think she's  as important as her married sisters!

  • Love 10

I like the lady sitting in the back at the separate table. Her expression is all of us. Though, I don't know if she is connected to them in any way. Jackson is such a ham, I like his spark. Warm mayonnaise has more vibrance and color than these people. I see Josie hasn't developed a palate for Mexican food yet. Shudder. Could you imagine sitting down at the end of the table, and all the little stepfords turn and stare at you like that? 

  • Love 9
5 hours ago, xwordfanatik said:

Canned peas are so mushy.  It figures these folks would eat them.  Nothing fresh, too much bother.  

I would have liked to snark the hell out of that scene with the lying down kid eating canned peas.  Too bad I missed it.

Chickenetti?  I don't even know what that is, and it's probably a good thing I don't, if it's anything like their Tater Tot abomination!


ETA:  I just read the comments I hadn't read through, and saw the recipe.  I don't think I'll add it to my repertoire. :)

Flipping through channels the other night and happened to see Alyssa Bates Weber take the lid off a can of peas and pour them straight from the can onto her toddlers plate.  My first thought was "Damn, couldn't she have at least warmed them up a little?"

  • Love 8

Agreed. He's basically insinuating that Trump is a "wicked man."

Furthermore, the one that is replying (can't tell the screen name, but the one that starts with "And when a man..." is stating that Trump brought God back into the White House, and Ben is disagreeing with that respondent.

  • Love 15
1 hour ago, Zuleikha said:

Never thought I would say this, but go Ben! You grow that backbone and capacity for independent thought! 

Wow, if he does he's going to be skating close to disaster in Duggartown, given how dependent he could be on JB if the show ever finally tanks. He'd better get himself a real job outside the Duggar empire right quick. 

If he keeps this up, he's going to be the SIL who doesn't get invited to the free dinners. 

Edited by Churchhoney
  • Love 9
10 minutes ago, GeeGolly said:

Holy wow! 

(Ben does understand what he Tweeted, right?)

I fear that, Bin being Bin, that probably remains an open question, doncha think? 

EALLTA: It really seems as if he does know what he's saying, doesn't it? ITA with holy wow. 

Edited by Churchhoney
  • Love 6

I wonder how Jessa feels about her “headship’s” views. Some perceive her as spunky, more likely to break the mold; but Duggar speak is all she’s ever known. And she knows her parents, siblings, and Derelict all voted for dotard. Because Jesus.

I'm always afraid to hope for the Duggars because I know the road out of fundamentalism is long and difficult, but I wonder if dissension among the in-laws will be a good thing long term. Jinger and Jeremy are already making their own choices. If Ben starts making his own choices about what faith means, the sisters will have to face the fact that the virtuous can all interpret Jesus differently. 

  • Love 13
On 9/24/2017 at 5:56 AM, DkNNy79 said:

Why not just use the plastic dishes/bowls and utensils they make for kids?   They are at home right?  They're just a family of four, I don't understand the need to use disposable plates.  Oh well.  I guess I shouldn't be surprised the Duggars probably think global warming is fake news.

Even if they don't care about generating garbage, the $$$ would add up fast. I always shake my head at how they would yak about thrift stores and buying used to save the difference and making their girls wear cheap flip-flops and (was this ever verified?) share communal underwear, then that whole giant family would blow through stockpiles of paper plates, etc. 

and yeah, if they were worried about the howlers breaking dishes, invest in some Corelle or plastic ware designed for kids. Surely they could find some that didn't have satanic imagery of Spongebob or Mickey Mouse. 

  • Love 14

Very interesting to read Ben's tweets. Trying not to get political here, but I will just say that I think most any dissension is probably not a bad thing, as it could encourage people to actually THINK about their beliefs and how to defend them - or perhaps even break with the pack at times. 

As far as the current issues in the news go - Ben apparently really does have black friends so he may have a different and wider perspective about ... things. 

  • Love 18
15 hours ago, Churchhoney said:

Wow, if he does he's going to be skating close to disaster in Duggartown, given how dependent he could be on JB if the show ever finally tanks. He'd better get himself a real job outside the Duggar empire right quick. 

If he keeps this up, he's going to be the SIL who doesn't get invited to the free dinners. 

Well, given that Derek's tweets seem to have brought some distance between JB and the Dullards of late, I'd say that at least so far the right SIL is feeling the wrath of Boob. Then again this dissension of Ben's is more recent, so we'll have to see how it plays out. I'm not sure that JB would go so far as to overtly, or even subtly (for him) put a distance between two sons in law at once. And he may not be too happy with Jer either, given Jinger's pants-wearing newfangled ways and all...

  • Love 2
1 hour ago, floridamom said:

The Seewalds didn't actually purchase ANY home....Grandma Duggar deeded that house to them for a whopping sale price of $1.00. Just an in-family transfer of title.

The purchase price is on page 4, it was $100,000. 


In this instance, the other good and valuable consideration in “$1 and other good and valuable consideration”, that we see in the contract on page 1, was $99,999. 

Edited by Kokapetl
  • Love 3
21 minutes ago, Jynnan tonnix said:

Well, given that Derek's tweets seem to have brought some distance between JB and the Dullards of late, I'd say that at least so far the right SIL is feeling the wrath of Boob. Then again this dissension of Ben's is more recent, so we'll have to see how it plays out. I'm not sure that JB would go so far as to overtly, or even subtly (for him) put a distance between two sons in law at once. And he may not be too happy with Jer either, given Jinger's pants-wearing newfangled ways and all...

My problem with Boob's supposedly shunning Derick because of Derick's tweets is that, if he is, he's being a complete hypocrite.

There's no way in hell that Boob doesn't agree completely with the very rigid judgmental views Der's been putting out there. Those views are what Boob is. They're far more him than they are Der, even, I expect, given a few of the other , dare I say, faintly more enlightened things that Der's tweeted from time to time. 

So if Boob's shunned Der, then he's done it only for preserving the family's Big Lie about who and what they truly are -- the Big Lie that's allowed them to be on TeeVee all these years.

So Mr. Superchristian Daddy of 19 and Granddaddy of Millions is shunning Derick for failing to lie about their supposedly deep and unshakable religious beliefs. What they hell kind of behavior is that?

Everybody here loves it, of course, because ugly awkward Der would be getting punished for things we disapprove of. However, what it would really amount to -- if it's happening (I'm not completely convinced it is, though) -- is Der getting punished for being honest about things that both he and Boob believe when, for the sake of money, Boob wants Der to continue to lie through his teeth about those things and cover them up, just like Boob does. 

If Der is feeling the wrath of Boob, then it's just more of these everlasting decades of Boob's complete utter evil shitty mean-spirited greedy hypocrisy. So I can't be pleased with that situation.

I suppose that may mean, though, that Bin can go pretty far with his liberal outbursts, since Boob may not dare to squelch those, because that would actually reveal his true views and his hypocrisy, if people got wind of it. .... So maybe Boob's hypocrisy is a little lucky for Bin. In some ways, anyway. I don't know how lucky it would be to be a poverty-stricken part of the tightly woven Duggar kingdom if you actually did develop a fair number of dissenting views, though. Seems as if that would be pretty hellish. Although, if Bin could get Jessa to go along, maybe it could be their ticket out.  If he could get employed, that is. 

Edited by Churchhoney
because I always type "too" when I mean "to"
  • Love 16

Bin and Jessa need to spend more time with Jeremy and realize that they can have different rules and values than King Boob.  I have no idea what Bin is really studying but I hope it provides a path to a career, hopefully one not in Duggartown.  I would love to see them move.

I also hope Bin feels the burden of having two babies at one time.  Maybe he will give Jeremy a call and find out how to stop that from happening again so soon.  Two babies needing bottles and diapers at the same time looks like too much trouble to me!

  • Love 3
3 hours ago, floridamom said:

The Seewalds didn't actually purchase ANY home....Grandma Duggar deeded that house to them for a whopping sale price of $1.00. Just an in-family transfer of title.

My husband is a farmer and landowner and this is a pet peeve of mine. When listed publicly, like the newspaper the seller can say what price they want listed. We always choose $1 and most people I know do as well. It has no real information besides an amount usually has to be listed. 

  • Love 2
Message added by Scarlett45

The Duggars post about politics on social media frequently, but these social media posts are not an invitation to discuss politics here in this forum. This rule extends to Duggar adjacent families, friends, associates etc. Such discussions are a violation of the Politics Policy. 

I understand with recent current events there may be a desire to discuss certain social media postings of those in the Duggar realm as they relate to politics- this is not the place for those discussions. If you believe someone has violated forum rules, report them, do not respond or engage.

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