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Jessa, Ben and Their Brood: Making a (Diaper) Mountain out of a Mold House

Message added by Scarlett45

The Duggars post about politics on social media frequently, but these social media posts are not an invitation to discuss politics here in this forum. This rule extends to Duggar adjacent families, friends, associates etc. Such discussions are a violation of the Politics Policy. 

I understand with recent current events there may be a desire to discuss certain social media postings of those in the Duggar realm as they relate to politics- this is not the place for those discussions. If you believe someone has violated forum rules, report them, do not respond or engage.

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You know, I figured out a long time ago that an invitation doesn't mean I have to go.  So I don't.


I got married once, with not many people present, and have invitations galore, to people I hardly know.  That includes people at work who may be getting married for the 3rd time to somebody they've made a home with for several years.  No deal.


I trick or treated for a few years as a child and I guess I now owe 50 years of giving out treats, to teenagers and parents, yet.  Leave me alone, greedy grubbers.  I'm over it.

  • Love 5

You know, I figured out a long time ago that an invitation doesn't mean I have to go.  So I don't.


I got married once, with not many people present, and have invitations galore, to people I hardly know.  That includes people at work who may be getting married for the 3rd time to somebody they've made a home with for several years.  No deal.


I trick or treated for a few years as a child and I guess I now owe 50 years of giving out treats, to teenagers and parents, yet.  Leave me alone, greedy grubbers.  I'm over it.

Hey You, Mick, get off my grass. ;^)
  • Love 3

We printed my daughter's envelopes because everyone in our family has terrible handwriting and paying somebody to handwrite them was going to be $275.

But at least you had ENVELOPES to address...these greedy asshats are sending out bulk fliers like it's a fundraiser and not a wedding.

The Duggar fam just gets lower and lower. It's only a matter of time before one of them starts a crowd fund or kick starter account to just get straight up cash.

  • Love 4

Where is the registry with all the weaponry?  The only ones I've seen are the ones on theknot.com - Amazon and Bed Bath and Beyond. 

A little late in catching up with this thread but to answer your question,  the registry I'm talking about is their Walmart one. Look them up there.  It's a real doozy!


Also they didn't actually register for a dozen guns (I don't think). At least some of them were gun cases. I didn't really keep track of which was which because I was too shell-shocked by the fact that they'd have all this rifles and ammo on their registry in the first place.

  • Love 1

So guys are taking "I woke up like this" seriously? I guess I need to stop saying that. ;) I definitely did not wake up like this, I woke up with my hair sticking out at odd angles, drool on my cheek, and hereditary dark circles under my eyes (they're there all the time no matter how much sleep I get, I just cover them with concealer and pretend they don't exist).

Going back a bit, but I have the under-eye bruising, too. Generally, it's from allergies (more specifically, food intolerances). It sucks majorly, but when I cut dairy and gluten, mine lighten drastically.

...I honestly always felt safe growing up around guns, especially as kid if some crazy person broke into our house, it was very nice knowing my dad could handle that and protect us.

My mother has a very nice gun with an ivory handle that used to belong to her grandmother back when she was raising her two girls alone and worried criminals might think they were an easy target. They would be very, very wrong.

I'm Australian and I will never, ever understand this attitude towards gun ownership. No disrespect intended andromeda331 (or others who feel the same) but we just don't have the same gun culture you guys do in the US (nor the same amount of gun related deaths). I see the more people who have guns and the more guns in a household the higher the chance of accidental gun death. I just don't think that anybody is out to get me particularly- I don't need to defend myself from anyone or any threat with anything other than doors that close and lock and a phone to call the police.


Invitations are disgusting. Unsurprising, though.

  • Love 10

The invitations they sent are like the "save-the-date" reminders I get in the mail from engaged couples. Couples send a postcard/magnet reminding people they are getting married six months before the wedding and then send the formal invite when it's six weeks away. Of course, on neither of these invites do they plaster their registry information. It's just a cute way to remind people. 


To me, an event as special as a wedding deserves an equally special invitation. I'm not saying you have to send invites trimmed in gold and written in cursive using feather quill pens, but they should at least reflect some time and care. I have seen this done in a variety of ways including a really cool invite that the bride and her mother made by hand that they tailored to every individual/family they invited. You don't have to spend a fortune to send a nice invite. 

  • Love 3

Going back a bit, but I have the under-eye bruising, too. Generally, it's from allergies (more specifically, food intolerances). It sucks majorly, but when I cut dairy and gluten, mine lighten drastically.

Interesting! I've heard it can have something to do with allergies but I hadn't thought of food intolerances. I did cut out gluten for a year for other reasons a while back, and I didn't notice my dark circles getting any lighter. Good to know though!

  • Love 1

I'm Australian and I will never, ever understand this attitude towards gun ownership. No disrespect intended andromeda331 (or others who feel the same) but we just don't have the same gun culture you guys do in the US (nor the same amount of gun related deaths). I see the more people who have guns and the more guns in a household the higher the chance of accidental gun death. I just don't think that anybody is out to get me particularly- I don't need to defend myself from anyone or any threat with anything other than doors that close and lock and a phone to call the police.


Invitations are disgusting. Unsurprising, though.

I feel the same, as do many Americans. It is -- as you probably know -- somewhat regional. 

  • Love 7

I think as a culture, Americans always have in the back of our heads, revolution and the fear of tyranny. It is ingrained in many people's hearts The purpose of the second amendment is to protect against that. However it is unlikely that an armed populace could defeat what has become a very powerful central government. We cherish our Bill of Rights and take it pretty seriously.

Edited by Higgins

I just created an account to say, am I the only one that thinks Ben looks like he's stoned the majority of the time? It's the eyes, they always look pink to me. That would never happen, but it could also explain why he has such a hard time getting full sentences out.

YES! He looks like he is stoned, he sounds like he is stoned, and he acts like he is stoned!

  • Love 2
I don't need to defend myself from anyone or any threat with anything other than doors that close and lock and a phone to call the police.



I hope no one ever does. But I also know that the police can't always get there in time. I also know that people don't always get the chance to lock the doors and call the police. My uncle was a cop, I know about the calls he was able to get to in time and the ones he wasn't. I also know three separate family friends who never got the chance to call the police, only one had the fortunate that his wife and child wasn't home at that time like they normally would have because made a spur of the moment stop on the way home.

 I'm not a fanatic, I am a realist. I'd like to think I would be able to call the police and wait for them. But I know too many real cases where they either had no chance to call the police or they did but police were unable to get there in time. 

  • Love 5

Back to the wedding planning. Wondering how many of Bin's brothers and sisters will be in the wedding party? If Bin's sisters get asked I see Jessa's wedding party being a lot bigger then Jill's. Does Bin have enough friends to include or will they pick some fundie boys as fillers?

There's always the Bates'......

I don't know if anyone's checked out Jessablessa's Instagram lately but she's doing a really good job of outing the Duggars as the judgmental, cult-followers we know they are. She's posted pictures of the creationism museum and another one that straight-up insults Atheists.

She's gotten a lot of comments from people who are very disappointed (and seemingly surprised) by her bigotry. People who identify as Christians are asking Jessa why she's so comfortable insulting others' beliefs. Lots of chastising from fans who are saddened to see how close-minded and uneducated she is.

Giving Jessa a public Instagram account may be the best thing that ever happened to those of us who wish others could see the truth about the Duggars and their beliefs. We don't have to expose them; they're slowly exposing themselves.

  • Love 12

I hope no one ever does. But I also know that the police can't always get there in time. I also know that people don't always get the chance to lock the doors and call the police. My uncle was a cop, I know about the calls he was able to get to in time and the ones he wasn't. I also know three separate family friends who never got the chance to call the police, only one had the fortunate that his wife and child wasn't home at that time like they normally would have because made a spur of the moment stop on the way home.

 I'm not a fanatic, I am a realist. I'd like to think I would be able to call the police and wait for them. But I know too many real cases where they either had no chance to call the police or they did but police were unable to get there in time. 

I completely agree with you.  I'm happy to live in the United States and legally own and carry a gun.  It's not a bad word for responsible citizens.  I really like that Jessa likes going to the gun range to practice.  That's what you are supposed to do if you want to learn to use a gun properly.  I have a conceal and carry permit and don't take it lightly.  I practice as often as I can and with more than one type of gun.  Even without guns, criminals still break into houses- with knives and other weapons- and rape and kill.  I hope I never come face to face with that- but also feel more prepared.  


However, I would like to make it very clear that I think it is insane for Jessa to put a gun on her registry!  

  • Love 2

The difference in postage for 1000 invites between postcard and letter is about $150 plus less labor so postcards would definitely be a Duggar thing.

I agree it's a Duggar thing.  What gets me is, it's a Duggar thing only if it saves money for the Duggars.  Then they encourage everyone else to buy their necessities at full price on their registries.

  • Love 1

I just had a rather irritating thought. I wonder if they did their invites like this in trade.  I have noticed more and more product placements on TV shows lately - either I'm noticing more or it's happening more. Would Walmart, BB&B, etc. either pay the Duggars or offer deep discounts in order to get their company names slapped onto an advertisement (oops I mean invitation)?

I don't know if anyone's checked out Jessablessa's Instagram lately but she's doing a really good job of outing the Duggars as the judgmental, cult-followers we know they are. She's posted pictures of the creationism museum and another one that straight-up insults Atheists.

She's gotten a lot of comments from people who are very disappointed (and seemingly surprised) by her bigotry. People who identify as Christians are asking Jessa why she's so comfortable insulting others' beliefs. Lots of chastising from fans who are saddened to see how close-minded and uneducated she is.

Giving Jessa a public Instagram account may be the best thing that ever happened to those of us who wish others could see the truth about the Duggars and their beliefs. We don't have to expose them; they're slowly exposing themselves.

This and there was also the holocaust picture where she managed to turn it into an abortion message.  Bin and Jessa are cut from the same cloth.  Same stoopid beliefs and deserving of each other.

Edited by abseedee
  • Love 1

I completely agree with you.  I'm happy to live in the United States and legally own and carry a gun.  It's not a bad word for responsible citizens.  I really like that Jessa likes going to the gun range to practice.  That's what you are supposed to do if you want to learn to use a gun properly.  I have a conceal and carry permit and don't take it lightly.  I practice as often as I can and with more than one type of gun.  Even without guns, criminals still break into houses- with knives and other weapons- and rape and kill.  I hope I never come face to face with that- but also feel more prepared.  


However, I would like to make it very clear that I think it is insane for Jessa to put a gun on her registry!  

I agree with you.  I don't own a gun.  Never have never will.  I respect the rights of RESPONSIBLE gun owners to do so.  Many use them to hunt and actually eat what they bag.  I have no problem there.  Where I run into a problem is with people who feel that just because THEY think they are responsible then there should be no background checks, waiting times, training etc.  All of that is part of being a responsible gun owner and if you object to ANY of these, what are you hiding?

  • Love 11

Wow, Jessa's Instagram posts are downright offensive. Even her Christian fans are calling her out on her ignorance. Miss Jessa Blessa better be careful what she says lest her leg humpers put a stop order on those wedding gifts!


And oh yes, classy touch on using a picture of Holocaust victims to pimp your anti-abortion message. 

  • Love 4

Wow, Jessa's Instagram posts are downright offensive. Even her Christian fans are calling her out on her ignorance. Miss Jessa Blessa better be careful what she says lest her leg humpers put a stop order on those wedding gifts!

And oh yes, classy touch on using a picture of Holocaust victims to pimp your anti-abortion message.

I couldn't help myself and had to leave some nastygrams on her account. What a self-absorbed bitch.

  • Love 6

Ben was funny on the car ride to the camping trip when he said something about as the husband, he will have the final say, and that will be, "Yes, ma'am!". I didn't expect that to come out of his mouth! JB sounded like he tried to play along by agreeing with him that that is how it is sometimes, but I didn't believe it for a moment he believed that is how it should be.

  • Love 2

I'm Australian and I will never, ever understand this attitude towards gun ownership. No disrespect intended andromeda331 (or others who feel the same) but we just don't have the same gun culture you guys do in the US (nor the same amount of gun related deaths). I see the more people who have guns and the more guns in a household the higher the chance of accidental gun death. I just don't think that anybody is out to get me particularly- I don't need to defend myself from anyone or any threat with anything other than doors that close and lock and a phone to call the police.


Invitations are disgusting. Unsurprising, though.

I'm with you. Don't think that all Americans are like that, please. All I would want to do is hide and call 911 as well. 


I don't know where Bin and Jessa will keep all of their artillery, and with (most likely) several kids coming along, it seems extremely unsafe to me.

  • Love 5

Holy guacamole, I just checked out the Walmart registry. Unbefrickinlievable. How many guns, machetes, knives, hatchets, etc., do they need? And a slingshot? Weirdness. 


I am not sure if I would trust these jokers with a steak knife, let alone real weaponry.  Someone is going to get hurt.

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These two are clearly not aware of the backlash they are going to get because of their social media posts, wedding registries and behavior on the show. Since neither of them are educated enough they are doomed. J'Chelle and Boob have really done a number on their kids and Jessa is a prime example of their lack of actual parenting i.e. affection and love.

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I didn't even know you could buy a gun and give it as a gift due to required background checks. How does someone do a background check on behalf of someone else?


I don't even claim to know the details but I know my husband just recently bought a gun that could easily kill someone and it's "just a pellet gun" so it's totally legal. I'm not happy it's in the house but it is, and required no background checks, waiting periods, etc.  Funny enough he picked it up at Walmart. Registering for one seems over the top to me, but maybe it's technically legal as long as it's a "pellet gun."


ETA: meant to mention this is in California, where we have some pretty strict gun rules.

Edited by NikSac

I wonder what Jim Bob would do if the suitors refused to "take the challenges"? He has already approved them to spend time with his daughters, so what's the point of continuing to put these guys through such nonsense. It was hilarious for me to watch Jim Bob wimp out when it was his turn to 'jump'. He is really a true coward. I bet when he was in school, he was the wimpy guy that the other boys taunted in PE and in the locker room. It happens even in Christian school. "Boys will be boys". Didn't Michelle say that over and over again? Well, she didn't think that one up herself. Jim Bob wimps out time and time again by making Michelle go first in daring feats of bravery, and like a dutiful wife, she obeys. Just once, I wish one of the guys would stand up to him and tell him that by doing so, they are proving that they are MEN and are ready to marry and protect their families...what could he do? Call off the courtship? They state that once they pass muster from Daddy, it's up to the girls...

  • Love 3

It was pretty amusing that Derick and Ben were dragged along on the camping trip to prove to JimBob and JD that they are worthy and tough enough to be "Duggars", and during the jump, JB was more scared than both Derick and Ben, and JD was too lame to even jump! Very telling...and very funny.

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I saw pictures on the Pickles and Hairspray FB page of the stink bus crew going around playing politics. They are all smiles while taking a picture with Sarah Palin. (don't get me started on her can't stand that dumb bitch).


No wonder Boob wanted Bin to work for him they need someone to unload the bus as it gets to their destination. These people are never home. Bin is a complete Duggar now no turning back. 

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I don't think any of the physical challenge mean much to JB as proof, although not meeting them would give him extra ammunition to poke fun at them. This was a made for television "adventure" of Michelle with the. "Girls" and JB with the "boys." I'm betting Josh was very thankful to have a real job! ;)

Wow, Jessa's Instagram posts are downright offensive. Even her Christian fans are calling her out on her ignorance. Miss Jessa Blessa better be careful what she says lest her leg humpers put a stop order on those wedding gifts!


And oh yes, classy touch on using a picture of Holocaust victims to pimp your anti-abortion message. 

On Rosh Hashanah, no less. Her true colors are emerging with all those hate-filled Instagram posts. As noted above, social media is exposing a side to the Duggars that we knew existed, but was able to be kept hidden from the leghumpers...until now.

  • Love 6

While Jessa did do the usual Holocaust/abortion comparison, if you actually read what she posted, it's also pretty disgusting.


She claims that belief in evolution is what leads to genocide/what led to the Holocaust. 


She mentions people discriminated against for "too much or too little" skin pigment - so we know they believe in reverse racism.


And while she lists every other form of discrimination, you'll notice that sexual orientation and gender identity don't make an appearance - wonder why?!

  • Love 3

Jessa is an absolute dumb a$$. For the love of Fig Newtons, can someone from this family actually pick up an f-ing book and do the goddam' research for themselves instead of blindly regurgitating creationist rhetoric? My problem isn't with what Jessa and the Duggars personally BELIEVE.... they can believe in purple unicorns with herpes, for all I care- my problem with the Duggars and their ilk is that they can't logically support any of their beliefs with actual, scientific fact. It's worse than true ignorance. Ignorance suggests non-exposure or the inability to learn the truth. What the Duggars and Ken Hamm are doing is taking an ancient book and tossing out the avalanche of evidence supporting fact and supplementing it with admitted hoaxes and idiotic anecdotes. They spend so much time and energy arguing against an explanation that they don't have the intelligence to understand! I don't understand calculus- it's beyond my ability and my desire to know-how but, I don't create an entire museum against calculus to make myself feel better about my lack of knowledge. I damn sure wouldn't make posts on social media celebrating my ignorance and calling mathematicians stupid or immoral.

Gah! It's insane how giddy they are about the shit they can't be bothered to try learning. I guess it's easier to teach 19 kids fairy tales than to sit them down and give them an in depth understanding of biology and physics. You won't find an atheist worth their salt that would argue the universe came from nothing to something.

Edited by wanderwoman
  • Love 7

On Rosh Hashanah, no less. Her true colors are emerging with all those hate-filled Instagram posts. As noted above, social media is exposing a side to the Duggars that we knew existed, but was able to be kept hidden from the leghumpers...until now.

Aww, I guess my nastygrams really hurt Princess Jessa's feelings. Pointing out that she's completely brainwashed by her parents and Gothard must have touched a nerve with her because she blocked me.

  • Love 3
And oh yes, classy touch on using a picture of Holocaust victims to pimp your anti-abortion message.

Invoking Holocaust imagery in this way is like putting a huge neon sign above your head saying that your opinion means shit. 


I think the last time abortion and the Holocaust was brought up in this thread - with Ben being the offender this time - some people were willing to cut him some slack because he was young. But IMO that does a disservice to all the people his age who aren't such raging assholes about their beliefs. When I was younger (and a lot more sheltered and naive and conservative), I was anti-choice too. But I never ever ever compared it to the Holocaust, because I wasn't that much of a dick. Well, I was, but not about that, lol. 


Of course, it's possible that Ben and Jessa will grow up and see how horrible they've been. Even Megan Phelps eventually saw the error of her ways. And if that happens, I'll be more than happy to accept their change of heart. I loved that Megan turned her back on the Phelps, it showed me that even the nastiest bigots can change. But until then, I'm not inclined to cut them any slack at all. 

Edited by galax-arena
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I wonder if their creation books show them hunting dinosaurs.  


The one time I tried to read the Old Testament I was horrified at the way they lived.  Multiple wives, kids with slavegirls, killing your own kids, the ones who are old enough to have personalities.  They did all kinds of voodoo with animals and were cruel, downright cruel to livestock.  Not dinos tho, I never saw them mentioned.  They'd be better off focusing on the New Testament, after Jesus came.

  • Love 3

Did anyone see the Instagram Jessa put up of Ben at the Creation Museum. It seems TLC is not editing him to look bad, he is just not a bright fellow. Lights on but nobodies home. I think Jessa just likes the attention. They are lucky to have families that can help them out financially bc otherwise this Ben might be in trouble if he didn't have a family business to join.

Did anyone see the Instagram Jessa put up of Ben at the Creation Museum. It seems TLC is not editing him to look bad, he is just not a bright fellow. Lights on but nobodies home. I think Jessa just likes the attention. They are lucky to have families that can help them out financially bc otherwise this Ben might be in trouble if he didn't have a family business to join.

In that case, I wonder if that's why JB chose him for her. If she is more strong-willed and blunt or however he described her personality, then he won't butt heads with her all the time. She probably does need to be with a "yes ma'am" type of guy.

I wonder if their creation books show them hunting dinosaurs.  


The one time I tried to read the Old Testament I was horrified at the way they lived.  Multiple wives, kids with slavegirls, killing your own kids, the ones who are old enough to have personalities.  They did all kinds of voodoo with animals and were cruel, downright cruel to livestock.  Not dinos tho, I never saw them mentioned.  They'd be better off focusing on the New Testament, after Jesus came.

Next time you hear a "Biblical marriage is only one man and one woman" ask about the OT patriarchs w/multiple wives, concubines, forced slavegirl/handmaid babymammas, etc. BTW - fundies interpret Leviathans and Behemoths as Dinosaurs.

  • Love 4
Message added by Scarlett45

The Duggars post about politics on social media frequently, but these social media posts are not an invitation to discuss politics here in this forum. This rule extends to Duggar adjacent families, friends, associates etc. Such discussions are a violation of the Politics Policy. 

I understand with recent current events there may be a desire to discuss certain social media postings of those in the Duggar realm as they relate to politics- this is not the place for those discussions. If you believe someone has violated forum rules, report them, do not respond or engage.

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